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Realistic or Modern Hidden Creatures: Reboot CS

Umbra Regalia

There's no place like

  • Human CS Name:





    **Human CS**

    Werewolf CS Name:

    Wolf Form:

    (How they ended up where they are. How they joined the new pack?)



    **Werewolf CS**

    Witch CS Name:





    **Witch CS**

    Vampire CS





    **Vampire CS**

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Height: 5'8
Weight: 159
Garris Pensive

Garris wound up in Moonlight Springs while taking part in a long hunt. His prey broke past the bounds of the reserves there and headed inward with him giving close chase. The warning signs and mention of park forces caused him to be weary but a part of him refused to give up at this late juncture. Gathering his nerve he went after the deer and got to finally reached the heart of the reserve when a familiar scent assaulted his nostrils.



Wolf Form:

Petty. Vengeful. Careful in giving his trust. Doesn't care about monetary wealth or social power. More invested in training his known strengths. Once rooted in a spot or territory does not like to move unless there is no other way.
Eats nuts when nervous.

Little is known or disclosed.

Military fatigues and simply clothing. A few hunting knives of varying sizes. Leather sheaths and items to use for pockets made from the hide of his game.
This pant pockets are stuffed with small dry rations that he tends to munch on. A worn out pair of shoes with slits present due to cases of partial transformation.

(WHEN HUMAN) Enhanced smell, hearing, and healing; knife proficiency; quick reflexes.
(WHEN WOLF) Can run 40 miles per hour, bite is 1000 pounds of pressure (about ten times that of a human), night vision, communication with animal, animal instinct, toughened hide, camouflaged in the night.

Likes: Coffee, cold mornings, quiet evenings, reading, hunting.
Dislikes: Groups, half-truths, guns, silver jewelry.
Strengths: Competent when solely focused on a task, dark fur makes it harder to discern.
Weaknesses: Rash, unable to think rationally when heated up, Silver.
Other: -

Age: 16 (Vampire Age is 5)
Height: 6'2/1.88 meters
Weight: 168 lbs/76 kilos
Michael Hastings
Personality: Michael, being a very young vampire, retains most of his qualities from when he was a normal 16 year-old; he's very outgoing and happy-go-lucky, he's a little too curious for his own good, and he thoroughly enjoys spending time with friends and the people who have shown friendliness towards him. There is, however, an issue with loyalty and caring. Since he had to leave his parents as soon as he was turned, Michael has become very callous to the world and no longer truly cares about anyone, meaning that he's less likely to risk his life for people and would almost always choose to abandon people if he doesn't want to invest much into helping them in their time of need.

Bio: Michael was born in a small town in Florida, where he lived with his parents Anna and Frank Hastings. As a child he was always very chipper and everyone in town knew him, be it because he annoyed them or because they loved him. At the age of two he started preschool, where he met his best friends: Gaby, Johnathan, Alissa, and Oscar. For years they were the closest group of friends imaginable, they went to parties, got drunk, explored the Everglades, went on roadtrips, etc. They grew to love each other as siblings, so much so that their parents often mused that they practically lived with each other. They were completely inseparable, and even decided to join a martial arts academy when they were seven to train together thanks to Gaby's father suggesting the idea. When Michael turned 13, rumors and stories began circulating around the town of creatures that stalked in the night and took people away, only to be found as monsters several miles away. Noises started plaguing the nearby swamp at night, figures could be seen running through the darkness and everyone always felt like there were dozens of eyes planted on the town and its residents at all times.

The paranoia got so bad that no child or teenager was allowed out after 7:00 PM and they could no longer travel far away from the town without adult supervision. This meant that Michael and his friends could no longer do many things they did and couldn't hang out as much anymore thanks to school and other such obligations. One day, Oscar's uncle was found in the outskirts of town completely drained of his blood with two curious marks on his neck. After that, Oscar never left his house, he dropped out of school and refused to ever leave his home, eventually becoming alienated from Michael and the rest of the gang. On Michael's 15th birthday, Oscar arrived very late at night and only to deliver his present and wish Michael a happy birthday before scurrying off to his home. Ever since that day, Oscar was never seen, up until Michael's parents had to go to Arizona for a business conference along with Gaby's, Alissa's, and Johnathan's parents.

The four friends ended up living together at Alissa's house for about three months, even celebrating Michael's 16th birthday and Gaby's 17th birthday without their parents. This time, however, Oscar never showed up. This was odd, especially considering that nobody had seen him leave his home and his parent's car was still sitting in the driveway perfectly intact. The next day Michael and his friends decided that they needed to go check on Oscar. They waited until nightfall before heading out for Oscar's house. Once there, they knocked and yelled and pounded on the door but there was no answer from anyone. Johnathan decided to bust open the door with Michael. The boys backed up and, after a couple of failed attempts, crashed through the door, only to see Oscar sitting on his couch while curled up in he fetal position. Michael approached him, but Oscar stopped him, simply pointing towards the door to his parents' room, signaling for Michael to approach. He walked up to the door and tugged on it, but found it locked.

He called to Oscar's parents but, before he could react, a hand bust through the door and pulled him into the room, at which point he was met with Oscar's mom, pale and with nothing but pure bloodthirst in her eyes. Before Michael could pull away, Oscar's mom quickly bit down on his neck, after which point he passed out. Michael woke up in the hospital and looked up to see his parents and his friends crying, and a police officer in the corner. Once fully awake, the officer explained to Michael that Oscar's mom was sick with something and that Oscar confessed to sending Michael on purpose to feed his mom's sudden and terrifying bloodlust. He was also told that Oscar was perfectly normal but that his mother displayed no signs of life, he was also told that Oscar's father was found completely drained of blood under his bed along with many other unidentified corpses in the closet and pantry, and that Oscar was currently at the police station while his mom was held in a prison and under constant surveillance.

Over the next 24 hours, Michael noticed that he was much stronger and faster than usual and his reflexes and senses were much sharper. He also noticed that in his martial arts class, opponents he used to consider too fast or too strong were now pushovers and he could defeat them with ease, even accidentally injuring one of the teachers whilst sparring. It all finally culminated when, the next day he found himself seeing people and animals through walls and seeing colored shapes moving around in the swamp throughout the day. Then came the rage, the incredible rage that pushed him to want nothing more than to pin down the nearest person and just drain them of their blood. Everything came to a crashing halt when, while serving detention after school, the dean of Michael's high school cut himself and bled a little on the carpet. The scent hit Michael almost like a drug and he went into a frenzy, attacking the dean and feeding until there was no more blood in his body.

After about a minute of reflecting, Michael realized what he'd done and the weight of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks. He realized that Oscar's mom had infected him with whatever she had, and not only that, but he had just taken someone's life. He cried and cried until footsteps rang through the hallway outside the door. Michael quickly hid the body, locked the door, and jumped out of the window while making a B-line for his friend's home. As soon as he walked up to Gaby's door, he looked down and saw all the blood running down his mouth and onto his shirt. Michael was devastated; he understood the consequences of killing someone and he understood that he could never see his friends, or his parents, for that matter, again. He darted back home and climbed in through his bedroom window, taking his phone, a switchblade, a ziplock bag, headphones, and wrote a letter saying goodbye to everyone he'd ever loved. Before leaving, though, he realized that this would mean a search party would be sent out to find him, and, being only 16, he had little chance of outrunning law enforcement and rangers. Michael kept the note to himself and ran off as fast as his feet could carry him.

Later that day, once he was a good 50 miles away from the town, the clouds parted and the sun began to peer through. Michael, at first, smiled at this, thinking it to be a good sign. All his happiness faded away as he began to feel weak and drained of energy. He darted to a nearby mall, where he spent a good few hours crying to himself in the bathroom, processing everything that had just happened. Once it was night time he set out again, moving North, now seeing all that was both alive and dead near him as just colors that danced around in the night. If it weren't for his awful circumstances he would've thought it to be beautiful. For two years this went on, he moved from town to town and had many run-ins and feedings with humans along the way (sadly, killing some either by accident or because he was forced to). He then happened upon a small town in Kentucky called Moonlight Springs. Here he saw more moving dead things than there probably should be running around on Earth. He approached one of them and finally learned everything he needed to know; Michael was now a vampire, and he wasn't the only supernatural being in the world. The world was full of werewolves, vampires, and witches, it almost seemed like something out of a fairytale. It's now been three years since then, in that time Michael has continued to live in Moonlight Springs, training his martial arts, feeding off of some travelers that pass by the town as well as residents, and just enjoying life. Having seen the W.O.L.F program, he regained his chipper attitude and friendliness that he had lost years before and now feels comfortable enough to try to send the letter he wrote back then.

Inventory: An iPhone, a charger, a switchblade, headphones, an empty bag he occasionally fills with blood, and a small lettter that he hopes to deliver one day to his parents (since sending a text message would allow them to track him).
Skills: Michael is a relatively proficient fighter and is very adept at handling technology and knives (due to practice with his switchblade over the course of his little "adventure"), and all of the vampire abilities as well as his vampiric perception power.
Abilities: Aside from the regular enhanced physical attributes and sensory boosts that come with vampirism, Michael gained the ability to see living and dead/undead creatures around him, even through walls. It has a relatively short range but has proved useful thus far in Michael's short life as a vampire.

Music: Michael has a lot on his mind constantly, and therefore loves to just put on his headphones and blast music as loud as possible to help him either forget about life or concentrate more on his thoughts.
Walking: Walking alone or with a friend allows Michael to think about life more deeply and brings him lots of internal peace.
Feeding: To many people it's beyond obvious that a vampire would love to feed, but the thing about Michael is that, being a relatively young vampire, the taste of blood is still akin to a drug for him, causing extreme bloodlust when hungry.
Fighting: As crazy as it might sound, Michael loves fighting (non-lethal) and has always enjoyed the adrenaline of it (hence why he decided to take up Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu classes early on in his life).
Killing humans: While Michael has killed people before, it should be worth pointing out that he hates killing people, as is natural in such a young vampire who hasn't yet grown accustomed to this life of his. He does, however, understand that in the grand scheme of things the ends justify the means.
Insects: Insects have always annoyed Michael and some have even scared him, especially (even though they're technically not insects) arachnids.
Fighting Abilities: Michael has extensive training in combat sports and can handle himself very well in a fight, especially now that he has all these vampiric abilities.
Bloodlust: Being a young vampire, Michael's bloodlust is stronger than that of most vampires, making him more aggressive.
Aggressive Mentality: Michael has the mentality of a fighter and will usually press forward when most would expect him to back off.
Vampiric Perception: Michael's unique ability allows him to see living (red) and dead (blue) creatures even through walls, which allows him to see if there's enemies nearby or a dead body that may still have blood to feast on.
Bloodlust: While Michael's bloodlust as a new vampire gives him increased aggressiveness, it makes him reckless and allows him to become exposed to unfavorable situations.
Pacifist: Michael's unwillingess to kill people (most of the time) has put him in bad situations that could've been avoided had he just killed his opponent/victim.
Curiosity: Michael's curiosity has a tendency to pull him into bad places, often getting him in trouble.
Inexperience: Being a young vampire, Michael isn't adept at using his vampiric abilities and can sometimes forget how to control himself.
Too laid-back: Michael's lack of proper parenting towards the end of his teen years and some of the difficult decisions he's made have led him to not care too much about things he should care about, making him a little too laid-back.

Other: Michael is very curious around some of the vampires that have lived for centuries due to him not being able to imagine living in times so far back in the past.
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Name: Alexis (Formerly Alala Cotting)

Human Age: Around 12

Real Age: 18

Vampire Age: 6

Height: 4'7

Weight: 67 lbs


Alexis can be rather confusing in her way of doing things. She tends to ramble on about nothing just to talk. Her favorite things to discuss are the merits of mangoes, pickles, and of course deer. She never talks about humans though, deciding they don't make good topics for her or anyone around her. Other than her odd talking habits, Alexis is usually very very hyper. She might take a long pause between phrases, but during those phrases she's very quick and rapid fire. It makes it hard to understand what she's saying most of the time but the emotion is certainly there.

While she really seems skittish and quite unreasonable (Which she it), but Alexis also tends to be pretty caring. If running away clearly makes someone upset, she'll come back about half the time. That running is precaution no matter what, so unless she has suspicion she'll come back. She also refuses to hurt animals. Especially the reptiles.

Aside from these other things, Alexis has a severe aggressive problem when she smells certain things. It's not that she can't control herself, just that she does it. She wants to change sometimes, but doesn't care too at the same moment.

Alexis was born as Alala. She was born to someone who basically hated everything, including her. Sort of. While Alala wasn't harmed physically, her mother had some very strange habits about her. Think mood flips constantly with shifting opinions on her only child. Sometimes Carla loved Alala, praising her for what Carla saw as a bloodthirsty beast. Other times she'd scream at the girl for not living up to any of Carla's dreams. See, her mother wanted her to be supernatural. She wanted her to be a werewolf or vampire or even a witch. She wanted her daughter to be special and to make her special.

So that was a bit freaky for Alala, who was named after a battle cry. She was placed in areas where her mother tried to bribe anyone to make her daughter different. Carla despised her daughter being human, mostly because she herself wanted Alala to make her not human. It got bad when Carla spent the whole family fortune to make them vampires. Alala was turned at age 12, but her mother was instead sucked dry. Again, very dark as the man took Alala hostage. She tries to block out his memory.

For the first several months she had intense cravings for typical vampire things. Blood. She even attacked two people and nearly killed them for food. It isn't good memories. Beatings, being starved, mental torture. The man was tight locked about her life. He did terrible things to her, but he also broke her mind mostly beyond repair. He told her she was a murderer. He made her believe that she had killed her own mother. She was lead to believe that she was supposed to be this way. She went with her new 'father' on human huntings. Nothing seemed wrong during the time, she assumed it was okay since he told her it was.

After five years of being held, originally against her will and then with her will, there was a visitor. It was a werewolf that her father had brought in for negotiation. It got ugly quickly, and Alala jumped into the fight to try and pry the man off her dad. The man looked shocked to see a small girl trying to attack her.

He didn't hurt the child, but he did kill the girl's 'father'. Alala was a sobbing mess as the man dragged her from the house. He still didn't hurt her, instead trying to calm her down. His name was Cody, and he was a little over twenty. Cody said he had to do it, and that her father was a terrible person. That her 'father' had done terrible things to her. Cody kept her in a safe house for several months, coming in to try and talk to her every day. Alala couldn't understand what he was doing, or why he had brought her here if not to kill her. She met lots of other creatures, and they cooed over her even if she tried to bite them. It was confusing to her, and she began to see that there had been something very wrong with the way that man/ her 'father had treated her before he was killed.

Alala calmed down greatly and let go of most aggression she had. Instead she became very twitchy and nervous as she feared what might come back. Her new name was suggested by Cody, and she took it. She didn't want to let go of her new self or any of her new caretakers. However, they had to move to a new place.

Moonlight Springs was a good place for Alexis and Cody, but Cody decided he was too young to raise a child. Yes, he'd still be a friend, but the search for someone to take Alexis in began. No one seemed to want to watch her, and Cody got a bit restless, so Alexis volunteered to look for herself. Cody assumed she'd found a new place to live, and said goodbye to the girl before moving out of the city. He needed to go and take care of his original pack and keep them out of trouble. He does send her letters, but still doesn't know what was going on.

Alexis lived in a tree, stealing curtains from local homes and hand stitching them into her new clothes. She is very proud of her multi colored nest in the giant oak tree residing in a park. It has been confirmed. Alexis is a bird.












-Her Pickle Jar
-A string friendship bracelet from Cody

-Occasional good note in singing
-Very fast at running the heck away
-Good at sewing

-None other than the regular vampire

Alexis asks:
"Why did Echo put these weird pictures up..."
Echo says:
"Because it looks cool, go back to sleep"


-Watching Deer
-Warm places

-People taller than her
-Male Vampires

-She's very fast on her feet
-Good at hiding
-Able to act as human

-Not very strong
-Severe PTSD
-Terrible with conversations
-Afraid of lots of things

Other: She pays with acorns and lint balls


code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
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Anime Male .jpg

Adam King

19/- Vampire age= 32



Adam stands at six foot exact with a muscular build. He has shaggy brown hair and matching brown eyes that turn a blood red when angered or feeling the bloodlust.

Adam has a very douchebag persona. He is cocky, arrogant and sarcastic with extremely annoying habits. He has not in all of his years of living used an "inside voice", always being deafeningly loud. Adam can also be very nasty and rude at times without actually meaning to. Although deeper below the surface Adam can be kind and loving although it would take someone very close to him to find that.

Adam was born in Los Angeles, California forty-nine years ago. His father was a scientist for a local Bio-tech firm while his mother was a stay at home housewife. Adam loved his parents greatly and had an amazing childhood. Growing up in the big city with his mom by his side and his father in tow. They'd go to the movies, buy treats at local shops, play hide and go seek in their two bedroom house. Life was great, he had just graduated high school and was in line for a good college until he was bitten.

Becoming a Vampire changed everything for Adam. His first wave of bloodlust sent him into a rabid frenzy. The closest blood source to him was his parents. He tore them apart. Blood splattered the walls. Pure animal hunger had taken over. The next thing he remembered was waking up in a motel half way across the country. He had tried to call his mom. No answer. His dad. No answer.

Adam raced back to California, on the way realising what he was. Worries started worming their way into his mind. Rational though wasn't a thing. He sped to his house. What he found next had shattered his heart and picked up the pieces only to break them into smaller ones. All those great, amazing memories, washed away. Everything he had ever known was gone. Everything he loved was dead. Adam was dead.

Everyone came to know the Elm murders as the most violent and gory killings the world had ever seen. Adam changed his name to King as a desperate attempt to hide from his past. Not until very recently did he suffer from a wave of amnesia. This was brought on by his own special ability, making him forget everything but his first name and what he was.

Elm Family Ring

Fighting capability- Before Adam lost his memories he used to push himself to breaking points. Fighting brought pain and he used the pain as punishment.
Cunning- Adam can talk himself out of any situation granted he isn't insulting the other people involved

Along with the increased strength, speed and senses that come along with being a Vampire, Adam can "seduce"/"manipulate" any non-vampires into doing anything he wants. Although he needs to look into their eyes. (Just like compulsion from TVD)

Insulting people he doesn't like


Hand-to-hand Combat
The ability to annoy anyone and everyone


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Name: Jasmine Delacroix

Age: 17

Height: 5 foot nothing

Weight: 100 pounds even

Specialization: Necromancy


Jasmine can speak to departed souls, and reanimate plants and animals. She is trying to learn how to make human zombies, if only for the challenge of it.

Personality: Well, it depends. If she's out in public, she's quiet, gloomy- a typical goth girl. Obviously, not many like associating with her in this state, and she returns the favor in kind. If she's just hanging out with the coven, then she's more outgoing and friendly. This is the closest to the "true" Jasmine. And if she's performing a ritual, then she has a tendency to go overboard on the theater.

Bio: The Delacroix family is a very old coven, based out of a tiny town in Louisiana. Jasmine was doing magic at a young age, and found she had a talent for necromancy. While her classmates were worried about English tests, she was reanimating the zombies of local wildlife. Several months ago, the family got word that witch hunters were sniffing around, and sent Jasmine away to Leslie's protection for her own safety. She liked it so much she's decided to stay.

Magic: Jasmine can speak to departed souls, as well as reanimate dead plants and animals. She wants to learn how create human zombies, or at least the theory behind it- she has serious misgivings about doing so, except in situations where she needs to do so to protect herself.

Inventory: Jasmine has a wand made of white oak and tipped with crystal to amplify her spells, as well as a ritual knife for blood offerings.

Skills: Jasmine has an excellent memory, though it's not quite photographic. She also has a knack for gardening, and grows some of the vegetables for tavern in a small plot out back.

Likes: Warm summer sun, hanging out with the coven, learning magic

Dislikes: Inquisitive humans, loud music.

Strengths: Very artistic, persuasive, good at precision magic

Weaknesses: Not very strong in terms of raw magic, not comfortable in public.


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Carlos Bear


Name: Carlos Bear (Bee-Air)

Age: 19

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120

Race: WereWolf


Personality: Carlos is probably the easiest going person in town. He's a mellow boy who's easy to talk to and not so hyper that it's overwhelming. He's fairly protective about his town, but has a sort of defenseless way of doing it as he doesn't like conflict. Carlos is not good at standing up for himself in any way. He tends to give into whatever anyone says, unless they try to tell him he's wrong. (That's the only thing he might say "Hey, I-I am not wrong! I, um, did what I thought was best!) Overall, he's very sincere with everything he does and may need some confidence coaching

Bio: Carlos was born and raised in Moonlight Springs, born to a purebred wolf family. His parents weren't married because of that blood, they just truly loved each other. So Carlos had one of the friendliest up bringing. His parents are still alive, and he keeps in contact with them as they moved to Florida... (Carlos doesn't like Florida...) Despite being a bit weird in school, he liked to talk with everyone. It was cool, and he got a bit more confident about smiling and possible standing up for himself.












-Carlos has a lucky pen that is made of copper.
-Other than that he has his phone

-Picking up on changes in mood



-Cold weather

-Hot weather
-Night time

Strengths: Carlos is very good at being friendly to everyone, he's a bit too innocent to everyone, and he's physically strong

Weaknesses: He gets startled easily, terrible at standing up for himself, against violence


code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo

Age: 18
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160 lbs
Rhode Ollila
Allegiance: Normal
Appearance: They keep their hair short and bleached, though care for it well enough to be soft to the touch. Most days the have a full face of makeup on, covering the heavy freckling of their face. More often than not they're dripping in bracelets and necklaces, a smile shining on their face, jingling as they move. Skirts are a usual part of their attire, as well as button-up shirts and black nail polish. Their clothes tend to be either bright and cheerful or black with the occasional exception.
Personality: Rhode's outgoing and laid back, if not the most mature person around. At the moment they're aimless, with no idea what they're going to do now, let alone in twenty years, and indecisive on what they even want. However, they're also hardworking and reliable, willing to take responsibility for their own mistakes, neat and punctual. They're good at following the rules and cooperating, and they like making new friends. With those they care about, they're extremely touchy, and willing to follow them to their certain doom. They want to learn, and they're good at it, too. On top of a great memory, they're efficient, and good at analyzing. All in all, they're great with data and work, but on the human side of things... it gets tricky. They're an honest, trustworthy person, and they tend to expect everyone else is, too. They also tend to be fairly blunt, oblivious to the way people dance around certain things.They don't have much opinion on the world around them in general, at least partially because they don't have the details necessary to form one.
Bio: Rhode is the youngest of four siblings, and by far the family favorite. Even as a child, Rhode excelled at learning, and only got better at it as they got older. They were one of those kids the school system just works for, and they actually ended up skipping a couple grades and taking mostly AP classes in highschool. From their point of view, their home life was pretty nice, and so were their parents. They were so busy studying they didn't really take in the way their oldest sibling was treated, and the way their sister frantically pulled them away from work for entire nights just seemed in character to them.
They never realized how much they did to please their parents when they were younger, learning piano piano so they'd know some kind of art, taking as many debate-related classes as they could get their hands on, acing classes and taking on an ungodly amount of extracurriculars so their college application would be just so. It only really hit them that many of the things they were allowed to do were simply tolerated because of their grades at the end of their junior year, when they got into an argument over Rhode's future, and they realized their child was not interested in children in the slightest.
It seems like a small enough thing, and at first their parents simply tried to say they'd grow out of it, but the strain it put on their relationship was immense, and they ended up staying away from home more that year. Their grades almost slipped, but they got ahold of themself. Afterall, they didn't have many friends, especially not any close ones, and their grades were the most important thing to them- they didn't even bother to question why. They managed to keep it together when they hit college, making friends and finding easy ways out of going home for break. It still drained them, but they were able to stay away from it.
They started working through their issues with someone, and came to the realization that the only reason they cared so much about the things they did was because their parents had. The idea messed them up. They considered changing majors, but that only left them asking themself what they'd even change them to. Instead, they finished college, got their degrees, and moved somewhere far away from their parents and siblings to stop and think about their life and their choices.

Inventory: Wallet, phone
Skills: Excellent multitasker, learns quickly

Likes: Sunlight, open spaces, the color yellow, gold, fancy makeup, jewelry
Dislikes: Insects, oranges, small spaces, shouting, compliments
Strengths: Musically gifted, flexible, book smart
Weaknesses: Oblivious, too trusting, gullible

Other: I'll probably change the picture for this at a later date.
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"Just another day in the office, a seriously messed up office"


Name - Jackson Harper
Age - 24
Height - 6'0"
Weight - 190 lbs

Appearance - Standing at 6 foot flat and weighing in at just about 190 pounds, Jackson's build is best described as somewhere between athletic and muscular. He has blonde shaggy hair that is decently long. He was vibrant amber eyes that are often covered by his hair. His skin tone is relatively light, but a good ways from pale. Commonly seen wearing business casual style clothing under a light brown trench coat as well as black gloves on his hand almost all of the time.

Wolf Form - He is slightly, but not noticably larger than most other wolves. With darker brown fur covering most of his topside while lighter shades of brown and white cover his under side, it serves as decent camouflage.


Personality - Jackson is a wild card. Some days he can be a bit more talkative and energetic while others he'd rather be alone with his music. The more common way you can see him acting is somewhere in the middle of both ends. He'll probably have his phone and earbuds on him, but he might just talk to some people. He can be somewhat slow to trust someone as well. It's part of the whole "try to be hidden" kind of thing. Of course, as all werewolves do, he can definitely have a short temper and can turn to a way more aggressive person. He's been getting better at controlling it and its way better than what it was back in the city. He has a bit morbid sense of humor and enjoys it a little when he sees something painful. He's a good guy to be around when you might get in some trouble though. He is a crafty and ingenuitive person when it comes down to weapons and how to defend yourself. It's just something that he's been since he was young. Anyway, he's an agreeable person to be with.

Bio - Born in the slums of Detroit, December 11, it was hard from the beginning. His mother, of course, was a werewolf and his father wasn't. He didn't know that Jackson was the same as his mother until his first full moon. Once he had found out he was somewhat disappointed, but it was his son with the woman he loved, so he would love and care for Jackson as if nothing was wrong. Unfortunately their neighborhood wasn't the best place to raise a child, let alone more than one, so Jackson was an only child.

Once he started going to school his teachers were already seeing that he was a little different from the other kids. He showed more aggressive behavior than what a child his age should be expressing and that he'd tell some of his classmates that he was a wolf. They laughed it off like he was just a typical young child who got a little wolf onesie, but Jackson's parents knew this is serious. If the wrong child's parents found out it could end bad for the family. They told Jackson that he has to keep it a secret and not tell anyone.

Skip a few years into the future and he's in middle school. His house has been broken into many times, but it usually ended up with Jackson and his mom tag teaming the guy while his father was calling the police. His aggression was getting worse. He's already been in three fights his first year in middle school. He did go through a little bit of counseling to help. Luckily he didn't give away his "big secret"

It took till the middle of highschool for him to get involved in gang related activities. Not so much drugs, but the more violent acts. He ended up joining a gang run by werewolves. He waited till he moved out before he got seriously involved. After he graduated and found a decent job and an apartment, he got a little more into it.

Now, most gang members chose knives and guns as their go to weapons, but Jackson was different. He chose combat axes. Why? Because he felt like being different. Now, being in a gang meant there was going to be rivals, rivals meant things were gonna get bloody, and it sure did. Those axes proved useful as he was seen as one of the deadlier guys in the gang. Unfortunately, with their rep came some unwanted attention. Hunters were soon onto them and the gang, including Jackson, had to become scarce. After a few years of close calls and keeping to the dark, Jackson was done. He packed up and left the city with no specific location in mind. In
his travels, Moonlight Springs had the highest concentration of werewolves, so that's where he'd stay.

Circumstance - As said above, he was escaping pursuers from the city and ended up in Moonlight Springs.

Inventory - Other than his clothes he has two combat axes in special holsters inside his coat. His phone and a pair of earbuds are always on him. His wallet is always in is pocket. Occasionally he might have a fedora on his head as well.

Abilities - I mean, he can shift into a werewolf. I'm guessing that's what this means.

Human - Jackson is a skilled fighter and is more than capable of defending himself, not just with his weapons but with his fists as well. Also, anything seems to be a weapon in his hands. Another thing, he has heightened senses. Finally , he is strong physically and mentally.

Wolf - All the usual stuff a wolf would have

Likes - Rock and Metal, exercise, motorcycles
Dislikes - Hunters, Pop and Hip Hop, being bored
Strengths - He's a fighter, physically and mentally strong, can use anything as an effective weapon.
Weaknesses - His appearance makes him stand out a bit, tends to be a bit more violent than other werewolves, doesn't think when angered


Hyane "Hyena" Agil

  • Larger Picture for cs.jpg

  • Circumstance:
    After years of disappointment- and then days of sheer terror- Hyane had finally snapped. His anger and envy drove him to fleeing his family. Never in his life had he felt so small, useless, or simply harmful to the others around him. He felt envy of his Sisters' success, and only knew himself as the parasite of his family, the least successful of his siblings.

    After the school's camping trip disaster, His once untroubled and often hyper demeanor turned into this demon that swung out of control constantly. He couldn't control his anger and grief- let alone hide it anymore. The mischievous side of him wrecked his life, seemingly shutting off his common sense each time that he felt "Expressing himself" Via the humiliation of others around him. He was more akin to a giggling maniac than himself.

    He couldn't catch any rest, for his own body prevented him from sleeping. It was like being injected with constant energy-or an addiction within his own blood and nerves. The electrifying and satisfying feeling of humor and movement added with this sick cycle of self destruction. One day, he had received a sudden feeling of hunger- not much for food, but something else... During lunch period, the teenager had lashed out against another student, driving his teeth into their arm. He was later suspended. He was trapped in a constant loop of sadness, humor, hunger, and anger.

Humor, along side anything that may give him thrills, chills, and laughter.
Essentially anything to bring joy to those around him.

Companionship: He was lonely for most of his life, so true friendships are both new to him and exciting to be apart of.


Subject A is 15 years old. The age of
Subject B is unknown, but is estimated to be at least a few weeks old. While Subject B may be only weeks old, The body structure and height indicate a late stage pup/ or an early stage of an adult..

Subject A is measured to be 5ft 5in in height, Subject B's height is estimated to be 5.0ft from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Subject B stands 2.2 ft tall

Subject A is underweight, weighing 96 pounds.
Subject B is also slighty underweight for the average wolf, being around 60 pounds.
The silence allows him to reflect upon his actions...

Dark rooms, corners, or even the night sky can give him the creeps.

Of course, he hates reflecting on his own actions, in any way. He finds it cringe worthy and downright awful. It soon becomes apparent how much he is at war with himself.
His main strength stems from the agility and intelligence of both his mind and body, along with a seemingly endless amount of energy stored within.

His quick and "quiet" behavior makes it easy to sneak around. He often can sneak past unsuspecting people without really putting in effort. It seems to be a talent for him.

Hyane lacks physical strength along with basic common sense and general stability between his personality. Consistency is simply unheard of in his mind and body.

His paranoia and cowardice can make him an easy target to frighten or intimidate.

During combat: If you happen to catch him or if he actually tries to fight, one may find it quite easy to knock him down. Despite his rather "light on his feet" movement in dodging, he cannot keep up the pace for long. A few punches or kicks should get him rolling on the floor, or writhing in pain. He is fragile, so fights shouldn't last long.

Hyane's feminine appearance can make one think that He is actually a girl.
His voice does not help...

Hyane's imagination loves to "Express" itself through the dark of night.
He will commonly see shapes and figures slither around his sight.
Hyane still fears the dark...

Due to Hyane's lackluster strength, He had to find other ways to accomplish his more physical tasks. One of these answers came from using his teeth to open packaging. After his sudden surges of hunger, Hyane might also use his fang-like teeth to bite the opponent. How-ever, after his incident in the school cafeteria, he rarely ever uses this tactic and would rather never remember it.​

Last edited:
Maryana "Mary" Starling
oh wut? don't touch this.
N a m e : Maryana Averal Starling
A g e : 20
V a m p i r e A g e : 97
G e n d e r : Female
S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n : Heterosexual
R o m a n t i c O r i e n t a t i o n : Heteroromantic
D O B : Nov. 15

H a i r C o l o r : Mantis
E y e C o l o r : Hazel
H e i g h t : 5'4
W e i g h t : 132
B o d y T y p e : Petite
D i s t i n g u i s h i n g
M a r k s : Light bite mark
scar on her neck


Mary was both a passionate and assertive person. She was extremely determined and decisive, and would research until she found out the truth. Maryana was a great leader, always aware of the situation and also featured prominently in resourcefulness. Mary used to live to experience and express emotions. In any case, you can be sure that she would keep your secrets, whatever they may be. Before, she was known by her calm and cool behavior, and by her mysterious appearance. Maryana was very decided in what she did which did give her great leadership qualities. There was nothing that Mary hated more than dishonesty and she could be very jealous and suspicious.

Did you notice how everything was in past tense? Well maybe 'dying' might just change somebody a bit.

Let's go forward in time to how she is today...

Sadistic. /səˈdistik/ Adjective. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others. Synonyms: Cruel, Vicious, Brutal, Callous, Cold-blooded, Ruthless, Heartless, Maryana Starling.

Manipulative and domineering as she is, Maryana has a knack of getting things done her way. She can become extremely ruthless especially when she is exposed to something she wants. Blood, money, or even another person.

Want to know more? Make an effort to find out.



Maryana Averal Sterling was born in the bustling city of New York exactly one hundred and seventeen years ago. She will tell you herself, times were a lot different back then. Not much technology, not much to do but learn how to be a housewife. Her mother, Catherine, always looked after and was always so caring towards her. Even to this day, she has fond memories of her mother. How every night before bed, her mother would be brushing out her,original, long brown hair that was always tangled into a thousand knots. As she did this, she would be as gentle as possible but it would always feel like her hair was getting ripped out of her head, yet, her mother would tell her stories, mainly about her father, and what they were like when they first met. It was odd, since every time when her father came home, he would be stiff and dinner would have to be on the table and my mother would have to be happy. Even if her day was not that great. Looking back on it now, she knew it was the times. That's how women acted. When she turned 19, she was engaged to someone, she actually loved dearly. They were to be married soon and she thought her life was going to be easy, even happy.

One year later....she was bit.

Like most young vampires, when she was changed, her hunger took over her. Killing. That's all she knew, blood, and hunger. This phase was all she did for months after she got bit. Tearing people, limb from limb, just savoring the blood that would spill out.It took her a while to feel like she was conscious again and when she went back to where her parents were, they were nowhere to be found. After she realized exactly what she was, she stopped looking and stayed as far away as she could. Always on the run.

The killing after a while gave her some sense of joy instead of it feeling like a chore that had to be done. After a while, she knew it was only a matter of time before every on she loved had died, that's when Mary was gone. Maybe part of her was still in there but it hasn't been seen. She dyed her hair and was always moving, trying to not to be known.

After many decades, Mary found Moonlight Springs, that's where she has been ever since.

E X T R A ?

~ Phone
~ Earbuds
~ Her old engagement ring

Maryana has a very advanced skill in fighting due to how long she had been a vampire along with heightened senses and her ability.

Biokinesis~ Mary can slow the blood flow of her victims and close minor wounds after she is done feeding on them which keeps them alive.

~ Blood (Kinda obvious)
~ Darkness
~ Music
~ Rain
~ The truth
~ Killing (Though she is a lot more careful about it now)
~ Make-up
~ Flirting

~ Sunlight
~ Being caught
~ Dishonesty
~ Regret
~ Memories
~ Criticism
~ Being told what to do
~ Appearing vulnerable

~ Mysteriously Charming
~ Fighting
~ Bloodlust- she has been a vampire for so long she has almost full control over her instincts but when she's starving, little can stop her.

~ Silver
~ Sunlight
~ Very moody

oh wut? don't touch this.

oh wut? don't touch this.

oh wut? don't touch this.

oh wut? don't touch this.

Code by Cecilia


Name: Avigayil Amma

Age: 19

Race: Human

Height: 5 feet, 2 inches

Weight: 97 lbs


Personality and Bio: Avigayil is a very quiet, soft spoken girl. She lives on the outside of town, and isn't the best at social interaction. She has a love for animals though, and that's who she really opens up to. She cares for the animals of the forest, helping those who are hurt or sick. She never has felt like anything special, and whenever she's in town, she's usually passed by. She doesn't mind that. It's better to be in the shadows. The less people you know, the less of a chance you have of being hurt.

Avigayil was born to poor parents who left one day and never returned. She lived in the forest and the animals protected her, helped raise her. That's why she cares for them now. She's had a strong connection to animals. Her favorite animal friend is a Peregrine Falcon named Evnie.

Likes: Animals, Helping Others, Nature, Solitude, Peace, Trustworthy People

Dislikes: Hunters, Crowds, Danger, Being Hurt, Mistrust

Height: 5 ft 9 in
Weight: 138 lbs
Cedar Darte
Allegiance: Doves
Appearance: Cedar has a straight body type, and is 175.25 cm tall, giving him around two inches of height to most of his peers. He has overgrown, unruly blond hair that sticks in random directions and he has bright anti-freeze green eyes that turn to a duller shade of green when Cedar is feeling sad. On a normal day, Cedar would wear casual and comfortable clothes, but ones that don't show logos of any type. It is virtually unseen for Cedar to not wear a scarf or choker or similar neck covering accessory/clothing to cover up the puncture scars on his neck.
Personality: Cedar is quiet and tends to blend into the background as a Gray Man. Unless actively talking with someone, Cedar avoids eye contact and doesn't talk. However, when stuck/forced into a social situation, whether it is a complete stranger or friend, Cedar drops all pretense of being introverted or antisocial and talks with energy and makes eye contact.
Cedar is both biromantic (preferring guys over girls) and bisexual (preferring girls over guys), but will likely not talk about it, and usually would end up surprising a guy by saying that he liked him.
Cedar is cautious and wary around non-humans. He has nothing against vampires and werewolves, and wouldn't mind a civilized conversation with them. He has a slight discrimination toward witches that he is actively trying to remove.
Cedar is not a stickler to rules. He doesn't mind a bit of mischief and breaks laws without any qualms (unless he thinks that he can be tracked).
Bio: Things were always a ticking bomb for Cedar. He lived in a family where his parents were witches, and he had a younger brother. Neither Cedar or his younger brother knew that their parents were witches. So things were pretty normal, up until Cedar was in his freshman year of high school. Cedar was careful to make sure that he had a good impression on teachers, but he also had connections with the school's black market, where he obtained some questionable things without the knowledge of his parents or the school.
Back at home, Cedar's parents decided it was a good idea to test his little brother out with magic they learned recently. Unsurprisingly, Cedar came home to blood on the walls, his parents holding bloodied knives, and a dead little brother. Because of this Cedar decided to flee his parent's house with only his school backpack and the things inside of it.
He ran with the image of his dead brother in his mind, fleeing without any thought but to get as far as possible from his parents as possible. Eventually, Cedar ended up in a dark alleyway, where he was kidnapped by a mysterious figure.
Instead of brutally murdering Cedar, the mysterious figure brought him back to his home, where Cedar explained how he came home to his mother and father stabbing his younger brother. The figure, who appeared to be around Cedar's age but with a lot more wisdom, predicted that Cedar's parents were likely witches, and explained the supernatural world to Cedar. He then revealed that he was a vampire, vaccinated Cedar, and to prove him that he wasn't lying, bit Cedar on the neck.
Cedar didn't mind Lincoln, the vampire, and actually felt entertained from being feed off of, so without anywhere to stay, Cedar lived with the vampire for two years, where he continued school, learned some self-defense tactics ("In case you get attacked by those god forsaken werewolves," Lincoln said), joined the Dove organization, and rarely thought of his parents. After the two years, a group of Hawks came knocking on the vampire's door, bursting in with gun's blazing. Cedar and Lincoln managed to fend for themselves for a while until eventually Lincoln was overwhelmed by the silver bullets. Miraculously Cedar managed to escape.
Now homeless, Cedar spent his days on the streets taking odd-jobs to survive. The Dove organization gave Cedar a bit of help, but Cedar was still without a home. He vowed revenge on the Hawks for killing Lincoln.
  • Backpack
    • Chemistry book
  • Plastic gum container: Instead of containing gum, it has around $30 in five and one dollar bills
  • Vape pen
  • Silver dagger
  • First aid kit
    • Gauze tape
    • Syringes
    • Plastic cups
  • Survival sword
  • Soccer goalie: Cedar plays soccer as a goalie, giving him extremely quick reflexes. He also has uncanny accuracy with his kicks
  • Vaccinated: Cedar has taken the vaccine to prevent him from becoming a vampire when bitten
  • Donating blood for vampires
  • Being bit by vampires
  • Priest Stranglers
  • Sitting down and eating lunch with werewolves
  • Apple juice
  • Classical music
  • Magic. Nothing he can do about it though.
  • Sushi, especially tuna rolls
  • Witches
  • The Hawk group
  • Sparring
  • His eyes adjust quickly to darkness
  • Cedar relies a lot on weapons for defense. He does not know any hand combat tactics.
  • His eyes are sensitive to light
  • He's just a bit addicted to nicotine



Age: 16
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120 lbs
Juniper (Jun) Belladon

Specialization: Alchemic Elements
Jun has light black hair that used to be more of a brown when he was younger. His eyes are a misty blue, lighter in comparison of his sister's eyes. Jun's skin is mostly on the white scale but has more hints of color than his sister due to his love for outdoor sports and bathing in the sunlight. A fun thing to note is that he has a small scar on his back that he writes off as a firework incident but in reality his sister accidentally lashed out at him with his flames when they still lived together and were figuring things out.

Jun has an easygoing feel about him, being more passive than his sister as he is more willing to compromise than she is. Gentle by nature, Jun is fairly easy to get along with and has a strong moral compress. He can be a bit of a goof at times, and even seem idiotic to most but he is actually a fairly intelligent guy who is more than willing to help you on your Chemistry homework. Jun strives on excitement, and loves doing activities with friends that really get the blood running . . . Not for vampires though. Despite being a witch, Jun gets freaked out by the creatures of the night rather easily.

Juniper Belladon is from a family of esteemed witches who specialize in the art of magic and science, which is why their core magic tends to be Alchemy. Juniper was born as Eden's twin (hard to tell who came first), and the two had started out as an inseparable duo.

Things changed when after their magic element had started to manifest and the two siblings had gone through a series of trials and tests to see who was the most eligible to be a holder of the Belladonna. It came to everyone's surprise that Jun was more a more suitable candidate than Eve, and for almost all his life up until now, Jun had also believed Eve would be the more suitable of the two since she seemed to have more of a natural talent than he did.

Jun's father disagreed with the trials and came to the conclusion that Jun had somehow cheated the tests. This led to many arguments between his mother and father which ultimately led the two into getting a divorce. Jun with his mother, and Eve with her mother.
Jun and his mother ended up moving away from their home to live in this town to get away from all of the fuss.

Jun has the magic of Alchemy that takes form in elements. The symbols Jun uses allows him to manifest Water and Air with his magic. Currently Jun is unable to transmute water out of something so he tends to just carry a water bottle just in case he needs it. He is able to transmute the properties of water, and air is much easier for him as long as he has the symbol on hand when doing some magic chants.

Jun's magic also works well with the scientific part of Alchemy, although that requires more work and a lab which at most might make a tiny vial of a potion or in Jun's case a poptart (although going through all that effort to make a poptart isn't really worth it).

-Prewrap (everyone on the team ends up asking him for some anyways, might as well carry it around)
-A pencil that seems to never run out or shorten (Jun uses the lab for impractical things such as this)
-A handheld gaming console that seems to also double as a cellphone
-Poptart Gummybears (he orders them in bulk online)
-A wand because why not? Sure he doesn't need it but it makes him feel more "witchy" when he uses it
  • Chemistry and formulas - Due to his earlier studies in Alchemy to prep him for when his Alchemic Element manifested, he studied the basics of Alchemy which has given him an uncanny talent for the subject or anything related to it.
  • Soccer Midfielder - Jun plays midfield in soccer meaning he has to run back and forth on the field for long periods of time. Maybe occasionally he can be in place for a shot, but he is mostly skilled at getting the ball then passing it to a striker.
  • Social Butterfly - Being a fairly social person, Jun finds it easy to make friends with people and doesn't have any communication issues.
Jun tends to like many things, but some of his most liked things are coffee, poptarts, pickles, soccer, spellcrafting (its like verbal hotkeys but with magic), and relaxing in some fresh grass while being bathe in the sun's warmth.
There isn't too many things Jun finds himself disliking, but even he ends up finding things he dislikes. Jun dislikes raspberries, vampires (or at least the stereotype), conflicts, and tea.
Jun is very proficient with his magic, as well with memorizing his magical chants and properties of his magic.
He may seem like a clueless goof half of the time, but Jun is actually smart. This could be from his studies on the basics of Alchemy before his magical element manifested itself.
From his soccer experience, Jun is more nimble on his feet being used to getting by players on the field has translated into being elusive off the field.
Air magic is counteracted by Earth magic, and since Air comes very easy to him this causes some trouble.

Jun is as proficient with his Water magic, and takes a little longer to change the properties of water.

Jun is nice, and that is great but sometimes a line needs to be drawn and Jun doesn't seem to draw that line. He doesn't always see people's true intentions and gets the false idea that everything is okay even when they're plotting his demise.


- Juniper and Eden are fraternal twins
- Although no final decision has been made in regards who will hold The Belladonna, Jun is already the prime choice and even has it in his custody already to get used to it.
-The Belladonna is much like the Philosopher Stone, just on a smaller scale. The Belladonna enhances magic, and causes the holder to live longer than normal (only after it has been infused). The Belladons have passed on and guarded this magic relic for generations now, and when the chosen holder (Jun) becomes of age they will have the Belladonna infused into them until the next holer is selected.
-Juniper is surprisingly screamish when it comes to blood, or anything of relation to it. Getting shots from the doctor are already terrifying for him, a vampire is basically 100 times worse for him

Age: 16
Height: 5'5
Weight: 122 lbs
Eden (Eve) Belladon

Specialization: Alchemic Elements
Appearance: Eve has long dark brown hair and striking blue eyes that pop out on her fair skin. Her lips have a natural pink tint to them. As graceful as she sounds, she isn't just a pretty flower. Under her expensive clothes are a toned figure of a lady who works out. She hasn't developed too much muscle mass, but its at a point where it has become a bit more noticeable.
Eve has a dark commanding aura about her, being decisive and bold with every word she speaks. She is fierce in nature and can be both very controlling without much of a thought of how her 'underlings' feel. There was a time long ago when she was a very gentle and loving girl, but after the introduction of The Belladonna, she has become ruthless in her unsatisfying hunger for power. Of course generally she plays nice, but even her sweet words are coated with a snake's venom.
There is also her temper that is something to keep note of. She gets enraged easily and sometimes her innocent facade starts to crack.
Eden Belladon is from a family of esteemed witches who specialize in the art of magic and science, which is why their core magic tends to be Alchemy. Eden was born as Juniper's twin (it was most likely Eve), and the two had started out as an inseparable duo. Out of the two, Eve was the first to have her Magical Elements to manifest, and showed more natural talent than her twin brother. The two got along extremely well but fell into a cycle of Eve being the leader and Jun being her follower.

Things changed after the twins had undergone some tests and trials to see who was more suitable to become the holder of the family's Belladonna. In a shocking turn of events, Juniper had proved to be the more suitable candidate despite everything being in favor of her. Although she had stayed mostly quiet about it, her father wasn't the only one who was angry with the results and even after the divorce her resentment started to grow.

After some convincing, Eden had convinced her father to move near where her mother and twin had moved to, playing on her father's belief that the two had been conspiring together this whole time. Now she lives here, with her father who is obsessed with getting to the bottom of some conspiracy she had made up.

Eve has the magic of Alchemy that takes form in elements. The symbols Eve uses allows her to manifest Fire and Earth with her magic. Fire comes fairly easy for Eve, and she has even customized her flames to be an eerie blue.
While she doesn't favor Earth, she does keep up with Transmuting earth with her magic just to keep an upper hand on her brother.

-A pouch of kindling
-Lip balm
-A small knife
-Hair ties and ribbons
-A small book of specific Alchemic spells and notes (written in Latin)
-A flip phone with a little moon charm on it
  • Class President - As the student president of her graduating class, Eve has become skilled at organizing, planning, and forming connections. She is also skilled at handling multiple tasks at once.
  • Manipulative - Eve has a sly way of speaking and her pretty face hides her true nature. Playing nice has it perks in the long run.
  • Strength training - As much as Eve disliked it, her father's insistence on her training both physically and magically. This often surprises people since her muscles are typically covered by her elegant wardrobe.
  • Chemistry and formulas - Similar to her brother, she is also proficient in this subject. However unlike her brother, she is also very adapt in literature.
Eve tends to prefer, having control over things, quiet walks in the night, dresses, dark chocolate, and tea.
This is fairly easy since Eve has grown to resent many things such as, Juniper, her mother, any chocolate that isn't dark, the smell of poptarts, sunny days, and coffee.
Eve is extremely good with her Fire Element, being much quicker to adapt with it. She has full control over her magical flames and has rarely made mistakes.
She is a very cunning lady, often plotting in secret and having all the pieces right where she wants them.
Eve is a lot stronger than she looks physically, and she is clever enough to hide this in order to surprise any opponents of hers.
Water counteracts fire, and Eve's go to magic is typically fire. Sure she trains with Earth, but she is more skilled with her fire.

Eve's unwavering flame of anger is both her strength and weakness. Her anger fuels her, but it also blinds her with pure rage.

She often underestimates others due to her confidence in her abilities.

- That fire incident was not a complete accident
- Eve has convinced Jun to keep quiet about her moving nearby in order to prevent them from being separated again
- While Jun uses labs for trivial things, Eve is trying to break the laws of Alchemic Magic by trying to gain the Element of Chaos . . . Although judging from her irritable moods, it doesn't seem to be working out like she had hoped.

Age: 20
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130
Lilith Ann Carr -WIP
Allegiance: Hawks
Appearance: Lilith has long black hair that falls to her thighs, and she tends to keep it down most of the time except when she is out hunting. She has the prettiest blue eyes that look like the deepest depths of the ocean and she is fair skinned. She tends to wear clothing that is form fitting and flexible to move in and carries a few weapons around with her. Basic supernatural hunting stuff.
Personality: ___
Bio: ___

Inventory: ___
Skills: ___

Likes: ___
Dislikes: ___
Strengths: ___
Weaknesses: ___

Other: ___


Age: 16
Height: 5'4
Iris Remir
Specialization: Physics Magic
Iris Remir has an albino appearance due to her magic having a reflection effect on outside stimuli. She is on the thinner side of things and doesn't quite display as much physical strength. Her eyes are red in color and glow when her magic is being used, as well as generating ripples in the air when her abilities are active.
Personality: Iris is a

Magic: Physics Magic - Iris' magic is the ability to manipulate physics by touch. This manifests in translucent ripples that have several effects on the environment. Some of the things she is capable of doing is transmitting these ripples through the ground in the form of a localized earthquake, or through the air in a form of wind manipulation. Finally, she can deflect oncoming attacks with minimum effort, though there is a limit to how much she can take.
Inventory: ___
Skills: ___
Likes: ___
Dislikes: ___
Strengths: ___
Weaknesses: ___

Other: ___

Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 121

Evandel Amir DuPont

Specialization: Summoning Magic, Potions, Rune Casting, Shadow Taming

Appearance: This Celtic descendent retains traits from the ancient look of a Welsh ancestor. The bloodline consisted of strongly built individuals of great physical physic and roundly demeanor, but this woman has been diluted enough to differ. She is tall and of solid build but retains a slim but toned figure with a wide shoulder width; The hands are large and fingers long while the sculpted jawline holds an old nobility that she seems to carry constantly. Overall, she is very fair in complexion with a ghostly aura. Evandel's hair is a white-blonde that reaches middle of her back. The strains are very fine and wispy and it is cut in layers and long bangs. The girls eyes are something to be seen, a sort of electric blue that seems to spark and shine in the darkest of places; and when the woman performs magic her sapphire orbs glow a brilliant blue shine.

Personality: Evandel is always guarded and quick to analyze her surroundings, including the people in them. Almost cold and seemingly monotonous she tends to intimidate people; whether that be intentional or not it works to keep other souls away from her, and that suites her just fine. She prefers solitude over company and finds small talk to be drivel and unnecessary. If by some miracle of the spirits you happen to become close to the witch, she will protect with a ferocity that would rival the heavens. She is quick with her righteous fury and will not hesitate to end a life to protect her own or the life of a loved one.

Bio: Born of an old Pagan bloodline and ancient house she was raised with the old ways of magic. When spells were a complex ritual and trial by fire and required months to prepare. Her mother was almost as frigid as her daughter, but allowed the young girl to grow with nature and the simple pleasures of living in the country-side with little to no negative or rigorous training. Until the day she turned twelve and began to show a natural gift for the craft. The following years were then strictly encompassed by endless hours of study and practice. Lusatia never knew her father, only given the smallest details of her birth and of the man who she would never meet. It effected her for her early years but with time found she did not dare to wonder of him.

When it came upon her sixteenth birthday the young witch had obtained an unnerving amount of power. It concerned her mother greatly, and though the old woman was often cold about her daughter she still loved her more than life itself; so she sent her away from the home to a secret society in London of the High Council. This organization would further train her and protect her from the people who would exploit her gifts and talents or seek her out for other dastardly purposes. She grew strong and gained headwind in the Council and was often sent to do tasks for them. These secret missions further improved her skills and gained her great standing but something was bound to go horribly wrong sometime. She was betrayed.

That leads us to the present. Evandel is in hiding and trying to live a life unaffected by magic. Never having any true life of her own choosing, she is taking time to enjoy the simple things. Nevertheless, she must remain on guard at all times; you never know when the High Counsel will find her.

Magic: Incantations, Rune Magic, Summoning, Elemental spells, Enchantments, Curses, Blessings

// Black leather messenger's bag //
Pack of cigarettes
Spell book
Ray Ban sunglasses
Mint Gum
Potion vials

Reading Latin and other dead languages
Potion making
Botany knowledge

Knowledge of "mythical" creatures
Photographic memory
CQC combat training
Strategy training


Likes: Ambiance, Reading, Quiet places, Black coffee, Mint leaf tea, Smoking, Flowers
Dislikes: Loud people, Ignorance, Sweets, Crowds

Strengths: Quick thinking, Rational, Extensive knowledge, Agile
Weaknesses: Not very strong physically, Mistrust, On edge


Thomas Lindahl

Name: Thomas "Tommy" Lindahl.
Age: 25. Thomas was born the 14th of March, 1991.
Gender: Male.
Height: 6'3.
Weight: 176 lbs.
Human: Tommy often finds himself being one of the tallest guys in the room, as he stands at somewhere around 6'3. However, thanks to his slender form and tendency to hunch down, he appears slightly shorter. Tommy has always been on the paler side, but as of late it has gotten worse as he tends to stay inside. Tommy has a head of medium length, sandy blond hair, with a few wisps of darker and lighter hues here and there. His hair is rather unruly, so, he tends to wear a cap to keep it under control and away from his golden brown eyes.


Tommy is a relatively laid-back guy with a curiosity for anything and everything, which has made him know a bit about everything, but not a lot about anything. However, there is one exception to his. Music. Countless hours can pass Tommy by as he researches and devours info about bands or music event that interest him. The dream of being a musician was there from a young age, but he has ended up putting it on the shelf as he does not have a single musical bone in his body.

Tommy is a big believer in quality over quantity, at least when it comes to friends. Why would you have ten just okay friends when you can have three kick-ass best friends? Some might call that being a shut in, a bit anti-social, and that it points to Tommy not being a big people person and a bit of a shut in, well, they are right, but Tommy doesn't see himself like that. Sure, he isn't big on social gatherings, and would rather sit at home with his friends than go out. He keeps the people close to him very close, and everyone else at an arm's length.

How did we get here?

There is no such thing as love at first sight; it is just a saying people use to fool themselves into believing that mister right will come along one day. That one day they will get swept off their feet into some love story that rivaling even Romeo and Juliet. But, that day won't come. However, lust at first sight? Now that's more believable, and Thomas is the proof, but let's get this back on track.

Thomas was born the 14th of March, 1991, to a woman named Julia Lindahl, a woman with no clue of how to take care of herself, let alone the baby she had just brought into the world, but that didn't mean she was going to give up her little miracle. Every day had its own set of challenges, but by the time Tommy started kindergarten, his mother had turned her life around. She worked her butt off, but Thomas never needed for anything. They had a roof over their head and food on the table, it wasn't a life of luxury, but it was enough.

As he grew, Tommy kept asking about his dad, wanting to know everything there was to know about him, who he was, what he worked as, and what his name was, but around age 15, Tommy stopped asking, slowly learning that his mother had no info to give him. She could describe his father as a tall, handsome man, with blue eyes and brown hair, and then the next day he suddenly had brown eyes and blonde hair. It hurt knowing that he would never meet his father, the chances of stumbling across a man his mother couldn't even describe were astronomical, and so Tommy learned to live with it.

Tommy came to Moonlight Springs four years ago, and his reason for coming was that it was the only place he could get work. He had never been great in school, and there had been a few issues here and there, so finding a job hadn't proved easy. So, after getting a job offer at a flower shop (The Moonflower) smack dab in the center of Moonlight Springs, he moved there.


Allegiance: None
Inventory: Wallet, phone, earbuds, a black cap.
Skills: Knows a fair bit about plants and music, other than that Tommy is rather tame.

+ Reading
+ Coffee, the darker the better.
+ Men
+ Sleep
+ Flowers

- Fish.
- Sour candy.
- Blood.
- Thunder.
- Smoking.

+ Quick learner.
+ Loyal.
+ Determined.

- Insomnia.
- Not a fighter.
- Stubborn.
- Easily flustered.

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Katsukou Yanaki
“Don't judge me for what I am, but know me for who I am.”

Katsukou Yanaki
Suhho Yoon (True name)



Eastern Asian

Date of Birth:
December 21

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Potions and Tea
Fox Magic​

Katsukou doesn't take long to get ready. All the guy need is just a few minutes to throw on a shirt, pull up a pants, and stylize his hair. On his way out the door, he will grab his bag and a jacket or a hoodie, depending on the season. However, because of his profession, Katsukou has considered changing his habit and take the time to care for his appearance.

Katsukou is an average asian man with a pale complexion and short black hair. He has an athletic build, playing volleyball with the Moonlight Spring men team and enjoys snowboard during winter. His left arm, the hand and fingers in particular, are tattooed.


Height: 177 cm || 5’8”
Weight: Average.​
Katsukou is a cool headed person, well that is what he strives to be. He is slow to anger but is rather hot headed and stubborn once he puts down his foot on a subject. Katsukou likes the simple things in life and he tries to be straightforward with the way he do things. The guy prefers that actions speaks louder than words.

With a name like Katsukou Yanaki, it is not a big surprise that he is from a land far from the Moonlight Springs. His hometown is that of tall mountain peaks, snow, and foxes. His village is small with its own rice paddies and hot springs. The villagers are all known to be descendants of the ancient priests and priestess of the village’s shrine. Although Katsukou is trained in the traditional chinese medicine and spirituality, Katsuko, like many of the youth in tiny villages all around the country, has left the countryside and branched out his studies to the modern practices of healthcare and science.

Three years have passed since Katsukou left his home country as a student exchange in his medical education. He is currently on hiatus with his university studies but is learning herbology under a local witch in the Moonlight Springs at the Twilight Brew. When the man is not at the Twilight Brew, Katsukou can be seen working as a part timer in the Moonlight Spring’s local traditional Chinese medicine shop. With his extensive knowledge in the medical field, he offers health aid to anyone who is willing to pay a price outside of his usual work at the medicine shop.

Fox Magic:

  • Basic Magic:

    It is known that majority of Western magic is casted by chants and runes, though not limited to just the two. Similarly, many of the Eastern magic is composed of rituals and charms, and because of this, shrines and temples of many size and shape can be found throughout the Eastern region. Branching out from the norm, the use of can also been seen in the Eastern magic.

    Every witch has their own unique energy to create magic and the execution of their energy may differs from individuals. For Katsukou, aside from the Fox Magic within him, he make use of the acupuncture points to alter the energy within a person, to himself or to other people including non-magic users.

    The fox energy is commonly found in small pockets in Asia and acts like any other witch’s energy. The energy, when used for magic, is frosty and cool to the touch. While most magics can be learned, there are a few Fox Magics that are hereditary and allow the user to cast the spells at will. Katsukou has theorized that the Fox Magic forces open his acupuncture points which then allows him to castes the spells. If this theory is true, then there is always a chance that Katsukou can be possessed during a casting no matter how well he protects himself from possession.

    Vocabulary Index

    Witch’s Energy: It is the energy that allows a witch to do their magic jumbo. It is also known as Mana in some parts of the world, and often, it is labeled simple as Magic along with everything else a witch can do. Katsukou finds the lack of definition for certain terminology can get really confusing and Katsukou would really like it if every witch can agree to differentiate the energy to cast magic and the resulting thing that the energy creates, ie - magic.

    Magic: The end result of using the Witch’s energy, may it be a thunderbolt, edibles with some sort of benefit, curses, and active runes and talisman.

    Passive Magic:A kind of magic that usually affects the witch involuntarily, like breathing and blinking.

    Active Magic:Magic made with a conscious effort. The usual thing people think of as Magic: casting spells, charm affects, potion brewing, activating talisman.

● Katsukou is taught from a young age to be kind and generous, so in turn, the witch has turned to healthcare to help others. The art of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine were Katsukou’s earliest interest as his parents often visited the village’s TCM shop. From there, he pursued the medical degree in university. He is licensed in the traditional Chinese medicine and he has experience in giving medical aid and exams to patients.

● Coming from a village and a family that are aware of the supernatural and spirituality, Katsukou is a witch who has the necessary tools and experience to deal with spirits, including purification and exorcism. Not all spirits are equally vanquished or dealt with. Katsukou has no experience with demons, as they are different entity from spirits.

● Living in the Midnight Brew, where many witches practices foreign magics and brew strange concoctions, Katsukou has definitely picked up some basic western witchcraft, specifically potion and tea brewing. Using what he is learning from his witch teacher in the Midnight Brew, Katsukou is able to brew simple charm potion, calming tea, and other digestible liquids.
  • Katsukou knows he have a fast reaction that he takes advantage of in every aspect of his life. He also has a good hand-eye coordination and has a very good sense of balance. Being adaptable is also a skill that Katsukou is proud of.

    Katsukou is a well educated and physically active young man. With magic coursing through his veins, the male witch can take advantage of the surplus of energy to burn for physical strength.

● While Katsukou has the necessary material at his shop, Katsuko has his portable medicine box. In it, there are various tools ranging to potion making, first aid, knives and scissors, acupuncture needles, bottles, and paper talisman. However, most of the boxes stores various of herbs and ingredients. Sometimes, Katsukou will carry the portable medicine box in a trolly bag. If not, he will strap it to his back with ropes, like a backpack.

● When he is not carrying his portable box, Katsukou is carrying a switchblade, a some sort of writing utensil, and hopefully a couple of paralyzing talisman in his wallet.

● Having a smartphone is not only handy in the everyday modern life, Katsukou has find it rather useful in his supernatural field, even if it work about 80% of the time when the witch’s energy is not interfering with the electronic components inside the device. With plenty of images saved to the phone, he can use his phone as a temporary talisman, or use the phone as a distraction using the audio files of chants and verbal spells.

● Given as a gift when he moved into the Midnight Brew, Katsukou has been enjoy flying on his broom. He finds it a bit old-fashioned but he prefers the traditional broom than to the vacuums and other… unique items some of the young witches have been experimenting.
Having his own space, freedom, doing what he loves, doing things as best of his abilities, naps. High places, snow, snowboarding and ski. Fruit mochis, natural fruit flavours sweets. Dwarf hamster.
Been told to do his best when he knows he can’t do it. Bossed around. Peppermint and bamboo flavour candies, artificial flavours (especially cherries). Jellyfish and Foxes.

Additional Information:
Foxes seems to be attractive to the witch. Katsukou, with his history with fox spirits, is wary of these creatures. Despites this, he does not actively chases the creatures away and will leave them alone as long as the foxes doesn’t disturb him with his work.​
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