Hidden Away .::. RP

"Nah, that's okay. The pain comes and goes." Austin gave Tyson a halfhearted shrug and started drumming his fingers on the floor. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the wall.
Lily walked back inside to the main hall and saw Ty and Austin talking again. She smiled and waved to Tyson, and then headed outside to the front of their home to see a limo waiting for them. She leaned against the door at the back, waiting for more people. She didn't want to be the first one inside and then spend twenty minutes inside a hot vehicle.
Tyson was still concerned as he waved casually to Lilly.

'If you're sure...' He said quietly, and then wished he actually had something intelligent to talk about. He sighed to himself, wondering when they were meant to be going.

'Mind if I sit and wait with you?' He said after a few moments, glancing nervously at Austin.

I walked into the room where Ty and Austin seemed to be waiting after I put Poncho back in my room. I really wasn't ecstatic about going to see this movie. But it was something to do, and I rarely did things. I watched Tyson with Austin and I was a little confused. He seemed nervous. I thought they were friends?
Tyson waited a beat for Austin to reply and sat anyway, glancing over to see Heather. He waved at her, not quite sure whether he should call her over or what. She was his friend now.. right? But what if she picked up on his secret. That would be bad, Very very bad. What do i do? Damn it why is this so weird? Dman it damn it damn it. You should just stay home.. Stay home and save yourself from the tension that is about to ensue.
Cat quietly followed the others. She sat by herself in the corner, just looking down at her hands as the others filed into the limo. She wondered what movie they were going to see. No one had mentioned any titles or even a genre, so she was completely clueless. She hoped it wasn't some chick flick. But it was a possibility, since a girl made the event and there were pnly two boys in their group. She let out a sigh, waiting for everyone else to get in.
([MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] [MENTION=3126]Gabrielle Sanford[/MENTION] [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] [MENTION=2893]XxRainyDaysxX[/MENTION] are you guys alive? lol)

Tyson looked over at Cat, wondering if she was okay. He hoped she hadn't changed her mind about the cutting thing. He didn't think he could survive it if she told them. He shot her a slightly panicked look, hoping she'd understand it. He then looked to Heather again, and then gradually at Austin before sighing and standing up.

'Well i don't know about you guys, but I'm going to actually get into the car, so that, you know, we can leave.' He said and wandered out to talk to Lilly.
Cat saw Tyson looking at her, and when she looked back at him he gave her a strange look. Panic? He didn't think she was goig to tell, did he? She was an honest person. When she promised to keep his secret, she intended to keep that promise. She didn't know how to show him that through a look, so she was happy when he looked back to Heather. Tyson acted strangely around Austin, but then again he acted like there was something between him and Heather. It was none of her business... She shouldn't worry about that. Cat looked back at her hands.
((I can't be on 24/7... especially with school starting ))


I walked out after Tyson did, confused. What was the panicked look about? As long as he kept my secret, I was keeping his. I leaned against the car. No one was really getting in yet and I certainly didn't want to be the first. I really didn't even want to go... But now Ty was making me curious about what was up with Austin. Not that it was my business or anything.
Austin barely noticed Tyson leave. He'd spent the past couple months ignoring the guy, so he still had to adjust. He looked up when he felt people looking at him oddly. A lot of people were doing that lately. He frowned and stood up. "I'll be in the garden, he muttered. By 'garden', he meant the patch of land in the back that was overgrown with flowers and weeds.
(poor Ty... everyone ignores him so much..)

Tyson began to get irritated. Why the hell weren't they leaving?

'IS ANYONE GOING TO GET THEIR STUPID ARSES INTO THIS CAR!?' He shouted, losing his temper. What was it with everyone being so stupid and slow these days? He was so sick of it all. Why couldn't they just leave already?
((Is Austin not going?? I'm pretty sure they should leave now rather than play out 5 pages of RP just of them getting in the car /: ))
((I have no clue. I think he is but we're waiting for [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] to post so we can leave))
Kait heard the honk of the car's horn and hurried out to meet her dad. She clambered into the front seat, her blonde hair just getting ruffled by the breeze. Oh, how she hated getting her hair messed up. She waited paitienly for everyone else to get in while she exchanged a hug and kiss with her father.
Tyson let out an exasperated sigh.

'About time! Can we get the hell out of here now?' He paused, turning to Cat. 'Go round up the others would ya?' He asked, his irritation making him less than polite as he climbed into the vehicle. He wanted to get the hell away from that dratted house and everything it stood for, though he wished Helene could be there.
(( [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] Cat is already in the limo. I thought Austin and Tyson were too, since in your earlier post you said Tyson took a seat beside Austin >_> ))
((Cat was in the limo xD I figured they all were since Ty asked to sit there. Oh well, I'm Going to drop this anyway, I have school starting this week and too many RP's to keep up with))
((Sorry, I just have too many other RP's to post on, and this just isn't one of my favorites I guess. I'll be dropping most of my others soon too.))
((You guys need to calm down, I have COLLEGE, and two jobs. I'm staying lol, or I'll try to lol. But I can't post all the time like I used to))

Lilly hopped into the limo grateful that Kait and some of her friends had finally come outside. Luckily is wasn't too hot, but the wait was still annoying. She got inside and let out an exasperated sigh then laughed when she saw the angry look on Tyson's face. She scooted closer to him and gently patted his shoulder, "It's okay Ty," she said sweetly, trying to make him relax, "We'll be leaving soon."
(lol sorry, I get bored xD I mostly made Ty angry because he's the kind of guy that get's angry)

Tyson jumped slightly as Lilly touched his shoulder, ready to kill whoever had touched him, but then he realised it was her and he relaxed slightly. He got along well with Lilly, even though everyone else had kind of avoided him. He shot her a terse smile.

'Sorry.. I just want to get the hell out of here. I'm sick of this place and have been killing for a new scene, and now its here I want to get there as quick as possible.' He explained with an apologetic smile, calming down slightly.

'SO is Aus not coming now? Or is he just chilling for a bit?'
((Sorry guys, I'm starting school again next week and it's been really tough trying to get ready. I can't be on even half as much as I used to.))

Austin noticed everyone already in the limo and hurried to get there. "Sorry," he muttered and sat down away from everyone. He pulled out his phone and made himself busy, to avoid talkin to anyone.

I sat myself down and got comfortable in a window seat. I didn't particularly feel like talking and looking out the window seemed to be a good plan. I leaned my head against the glass and sighed, closing my eyes for now. I needed a nap.

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