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Fantasy Hey Zeus! Give the Monsters a Chance at Adventure!


Madam Stabby-Stab

Greece in the height of its civilization; a land full of magic, monsters, titans and gods.

Where a stroll in the woods could lead you into a blessing from a deity, a dalliance with a forest dryad, or at the end of a sphinx's belly because you weren't clued up on riddles.(sphinxes had a much easier job before you could google answers on your phone. Or indeed had a phone).

In a land where some monsters are unbeatably strong, but reasonable and will let you live...for a price, and some monsters will just want you in their belly no matter how many abacuses you offer them, guile can be just as important as strength.

Where listening to voices only you can hear is something to be praised, not something that means you're a few leaves short of a laurel wreath. Listen carefully and you might hear divine inspiration from a muse, a call to your prey from Artemis, or maybe just Dionysus farting.

The journey we take together will focus on the monsters and creatures that live within the wondrous land, as they're thrown together by what fate has in store for them (that's fate the lady, by the way, not the concept. She's actually quite a nice lady once you get past all the doomy bits).

On a literal quest from the gods, we will undertake a journey through an incredible, beautiful, but oh-so-very dangerous land of mythical ancient Greece, with some occasional intervention (of the divine variety) to guide us towards a goal which could stop the titans from returning to ruin all the good times and steal all of Hera's good wine (the real good stuff she hides behind Zeus' throne).

Warning: Risk of danger and shenanigans is high.

So, as you might of guessed from the little moodsetter there, this is intended to be a quite lighthearted, fun roleplay, and hopefully one that will last a long time, because we have a fair idea of the general structure the plot will follow, though detours and choice can always change things along the way.

For characters, were staying as open as possible, and the more unusual or interesting your character is, the better, but there's a rough framework to for them into so they don't break the world.

  1. No gods or demi-gods, though if your character ties into a particular myth or story, by all means tie away (potentially there might be opportunity for people to have side characters as gods, because they will play a part, but not for main characters or to start with, please).
  2. Really, we're looking for monsters/creatures from or inspired by classical Greek myth, but if you have a really good idea for a character from a different concurrent period, and you can think of a fair reason for them to have ended up in Greece, go for it.
  3. Human characters are also okay if you really really want, but for certain potential plot threads in future, we need at least half of the characters to be a little more exotic. (I'm not saying werewolves, vampires, elves, orcs, etc are entirely off the table, but you'll have to find a reeeallly good way to fit them in : P)

Your Humble GMs~

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