Hey, what's going on?


Cool shuppy waddling away from explosions

Now that we've gotten that out of the way. Hello, just hanging around trying to kill some time before I go to sleep (if I go to sleep too early, I wake up too early, then I spend too much of my energy too quickly, go to sleep earlier, and continue until I eventually only sleep during daylight hours. Trying to avoid that). So drop by! Say hi! Talk about your favorite topic! Ask me questions! Ask me to ask you questions! Yell randomly! I'll just wait here while sipping my "coffee."

*Sits down in comfy armchair by a smothering fireplace, puts on cap. Sips indiscernible beverage out of a coffee mug."

EDIT: Alright, not night anymore, but still. Swing by, would love to chat with you anyways. Drop in at anytime.
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WanderingJester said:
*Sips out of coffee mug once more, puts it down on nearby counter*
Ahem. YES!

Glad I could help out xD

Anyway, hi! How are you doing?
LegoLad659 said:
Glad I could help out xD
Anyway, hi! How are you doing?
Hello :) , I'm ok. Just waiting and trying to decide on what to do at the moment. Had to get over possibly wasting a bunch of money on the Total War series since Shogun 2 doesn't work (game crashes every time I end a turn), but I'm okay now. I'm a terrible person so every Black Friday I watch videos of crazy shoppers fighting and stampeding over other crazy shoppers before getting arrested one day after we gave thanks for what we had. They're very funny. How are you?
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Black Friday is completely insane xD

I'm doing okay. I work both this morning and this evening, so this is kinda the lull time in between where I get to hang out here. Or play Undertale. Whichever one works better.
Well I hope it's not too rough for you, like poor Randy. :/


What do you do for a living? Do you enjoy it?
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Right now I'm working two jobs, one working at a Papa John's in the evenings, and rolling silverware for a restaurant in the morning. I'm doing okay with it right now, though I know I'm going to want something more permanent in the future. I just have no clue what.
I hear ya man, it's a rough market out there. Do you have a particular field you're interested in?
No, not really. My dad's trying to start up the game company, so I'm hoping if that ever gets off the ground I can hop on that bandwagon, but unless it actually happens I'm trying to plan for otherwise.
Ah, I see. That's pretty cool. I'm sure you'll find something in time if you keep an eye out and an open mind. Until then keep up the good work! I've only ever held one job at a time (though I've put in a lot of hours for that job), so I can respect people who do multiple at a time. ( :) )
Thanks ( :) ) I was originally working just the one, but my family goes out to the restaurant to eat every week and they needed people to work, so they asked me if I could at least roll silver for them. They even offered to pay me $10 an hour (^.^)
Yeah, I couldn't very well say no to that ( :) ) It's a steakhouse, a really good one at that. There's a reason my family eats there every week ( :P )
Yep (^.^) Though one thing that kind of bugs me about working there is that our linen people (The guys we send our linen napkins to so they can wash them) clearly couldn't give any less of a crap if they tried. We're constantly getting dirty linens back from them.
Yea, there's a few of them in every business. It's usually even more frustrating when you're getting paid the same/less then those people are (had that happened to me before myself).
Yep. At least we're getting credited for those linens now, though. Ever since we pointed it out to them. So that's good.
Mhmm, that's good to hear. Does your family get a discount there when they dine in now that you're part of the team?
Yep ( :) ) 25% off for a group of up to... 7 people, I think? And they've even accommodated more than that on occasion as well.

Yes, I mean that in both ways. We've had up to 9 people get the discount, and had our food discounted to 50% on different occasions.
Woozas, seven people! ('A') (I'm an only child from a small family) Does that include grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins? Or significant others like spouses or boy/girlfriends?
Yes and yes, I believe so. It's worked for extended family anyway, though neither me nor my siblings have any significant others as of yet so we haven't tried it. I assume so, though.
That's fair, you must know your extended family quite well if you eat with them every week. That's pretty cool that you guys all get to meet up at a steak house on a regular basis.
Well, we eat with my paternal grandparents every once in a while. Every week it's me, my brother, and my parents along with... My dad's brother, I think? Or a friend of some sort? I actually don't know.
Well as long as he's cool I supposed it doesn't really matter. (^.^) Are you in the US? If so, what part? (Northeast, Mid-West, etc.) Just trying to get a sense of the steakhouse lol.

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