Hey :D


Mobsters and Aliens
Hi everyone, my name is MafagafoGirl (you can call me Mafa for short) and I've been roleplaying since I was 12 years old. I really like to do colaborative writing and roleplaying in general, and after feeling very empty for a good couple of years because none of my friends are into rp or I drift apart from my rp partners, I decided to join a rp forum to help me get back into this world.

So I wanna start introducing the kinda stuff I do in regards to rp~

-I'm into a lot of different fandoms, it's easier to ask than to list, really.
-I prefer to do 1 on 1 rps; I normally prefer more private places (pm, steam, discord, google drive), but I can rp somewhere else if my partner so desires.
-I don't really rp as characters from someone else (be it another rper or from a fandom i'm in) because I never know whether I'm in character or not and that makes me feel really bad. If it's a fandom rp, I'd rather use OCs of my own who are set in that fandom's universe.
-My reply style varies between paragraphs and one-liners, depending on what I feel is necessary to write. Sometimes I'll give you a 5+ paragraph answer with detailed descriptions, sometimes I'll give you a one-line dialogue. But I'd say my average is about 2 or 3 paragraphs per reply.
-I like brainstorming, pairing rps (any is fine, but m/f preferred) and while I enjoy fantasy and dystopia/utopia I prefer realistic, historic or modern.
-I have a select pool of characters I use that I shift and change conforming mood, rp partner and setting. Sometimes I leave to my partner to choose.
-I can and often will roleplay with more than one character (introducing them as side characters, while keeping the focus on the character I started). Feel free to ask me to not though ^^
-I reply often, more than once a day and as soon as I can. It's hard for me to lose interest in a rp.

Sorry for dragging. Feel free to ask questions and shoot pms. I hope to have a good time here :D
Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
Welcome fren, from the local otter enthusiast!
Hopefully you find everything you're looking for! I myself can usually be found lurking around the fantasy forums, general chat areas, and (of course) the discord chat :3 feel free to come say hi any time ^D^

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