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Fantasy Hey come satisfy my one specific craving?


names on gravestones
Yo I'm gonna cut straight to the point. I would absolutely adore if I could roleplay with someone in the Shadowrun setting. (I'm familiar with the tabletop, not the novels or video games though). But y'know, just written roleplay, no numbers and dice.

But, it might be a bit of a niche, so I'm willing to do it in an urban fantasy setting without all the specific technology, corporations, shadowrunning, and so on. It can be modern, or I would like it to be at least 10-20 years in the future so we can have a bit of freedom with our devices.

So anyways, I'm really in a big mood to play my boy Dart. Long story short, he got wrongly convicted of a crime, sentenced, and then couldn't find work when he got out. So what does he do? Well he was pretty good at driving- delivering pizzas to be exact- so why not keep doing that but for the more shadier side of the city.

I'm willing to throw in lots of different characters of course, just all depends how things pan out. Not big on the idea of having definite romance involved, it always feels forced in. I just like to keep in-character and whatever happens, happens.

You can play whoever you want and whatever kind of character. (Civilian, criminal, cop, etc). One character, two, more, whatever your heart desires.

Hit me up if you're interested.
I am curious to try this out...but I might not be the best choice. I know close to nothing about shadowrun except I sat in on a session once like three years ago. From my understanding it's like futuristic DND? Anyways, I'm interested in learning but I won't know a lot of the backstory you probably know, haha...let me know if I fit the bill, or not! :)

Alex out!
I am curious to try this out...but I might not be the best choice. I know close to nothing about shadowrun except I sat in on a session once like three years ago. From my understanding it's like futuristic DND? Anyways, I'm interested in learning but I won't know a lot of the backstory you probably know, haha...let me know if I fit the bill, or not! :)

Alex out!

Sorta. The only thing it has in common with DnD is that it's a tabletop roleplaying game tho. :p But hey, I would definitely be willing to explain it to you? Or we can go the route of a similar setting and just leave out all the specific Shadowrun aspects.
Whichever you prefer ^^ I'm (usually) a quick study so either way is fine by me, just let me know which you'd prefer and I will adjust accordingly. :P
Whichever you prefer ^^ I'm (usually) a quick study so either way is fine by me, just let me know which you'd prefer and I will adjust accordingly. :P

Well I would definitely love to delve into the world of Shadowrun then. Should we carry this over into PM?

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