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Fandom Hetalia Traveling Circus

[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]So I forgot to ask. Is this story set in modern times? Now?? Or older? For some reason I keep thinking about the black Butler times..

Hello~ this is pretty much modern it seems ^^ I'm excited to have you join the roleplay on whatever character you choose.
[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]Oh, thanks! :3

Welcome but you should wait for Kenzimalija's response to be sure >_< So have you decided on a character? :)
@katrash @Rachel28 Sorry if you guys were waiting on me! Also, sorry if I domineered too much over the scene-- I was just trying to get things rolling, I guess. ^^'
[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]I have decided on an older Iceland! I finally decided, yay me.

Wow~ I see, that's great! ( :) )
[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]Can someone fill me in on what everyone is doing? Also should I make up an excuse as to why Emil hasn't been doing much?

Sure! Right now, Alfred, Feliciano and Chun-yan are out on the town. Matthew is currently unconscious in an alley somewhere ( )': ). Arthur and Ivan are still on campgrounds, and Gilbert has yet to enter so I'm not too sure what they're up to. :P And as for an excuse, you can if you want-- either way I think you'd get by okay.
crowdays said:
Sure! Right now, Alfred, Feliciano and Chun-yan are out on the town. Matthew is currently unconscious in an alley somewhere ( )': ). Arthur and Ivan are still on campgrounds, and Gilbert has yet to enter so I'm not too sure what they're up to. :P And as for an excuse, you can if you want-- either way I think you'd get by okay.
Why is he in an Alley!?

Thanks! But was there ever a time skip?
[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]Ok, thanks! I was trying to find someone to interact with, is Ivan open?

Yep! He's just chillin' in his tent, planning how to scare the pants off Feli and Chun Yan when they show up :3
Kenzimalija said:
Yep! He's just chillin' in his tent, planning how to scare the pants off Feli and Chun Yan when they show up :3
Oh my (' :) ) >> (^U^) that makes me laugh a bit xD

@Magical Squid Senpai Love your portrayal of Iceland~! (<3) He's cheerier than usual- probably because he never met Norway xD ( No offense to Lukas~ I think he's precious ) If I hadn't knew from the start that you were doing Emil I would have thought it was his 2p version, but like I said it's really nice, and his role in the circus is quite fancy as well. Great job~! I love your bio, Chun-Yan will probably be quite happy to see Emil in person, because of their heights- if you know what I mean ( ;) )
Rachel28 said:
Oh my (' :) ) >> (^U^) that makes me laugh a bit xD
@Magical Squid Senpai Love your portrayal of Iceland~! (<3) He's cheerier than usual- probably because he never met Norway xD ( No offense to Lukas~ I think he's precious ) If I hadn't knew from the start that you were doing Emil I would have thought it was his 2p version, but like I said it's really nice, and his role in the circus is quite fancy as well. Great job~! I love your bio, Chun-Yan will probably be quite happy to see Emil in person, because of their heights- if you know what I mean ( ;) )
Aw, thanks! I think he would act the same even if he was with Norway. I just forgot to add him into the bio...

I just thought since he was older he could kinda be out of that gloomy grumpy teenage year.

Also if Chun-Yan says anything about his height then he will have to fight her to the death.
[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]Aw, thanks! I think he would act the same even if he was with Norway. I just forgot to add him into the bio...
I just thought since he was older he could kinda be out of that gloomy grumpy teenage year.

Also if Chun-Yan says anything about his height then he will have to fight her to the death.

It's alright- it gives another person who wants to join as Norway a chance to do their own bio and such ^^

Well being pass one's teenage years could really be a good reason for him not to be grumpy anymore~ So nice thinking!

It's a bit funny that Icey is older than Mattie though he he, I'm a bit amused with that fact- just ignore this sentence.

Well Chun-Yan will probably just think he's adorable and won't mention about the height- just to be safe xD
I'm sorry for being so inactive, guys; got the whole stupid writers block thing going on. I'll try to post something decent ASAP ^^;;;
Kenzimalija said:
I'm sorry for being so inactive, guys; got the whole stupid writers block thing going on. I'll try to post something decent ASAP ^^;;;
It's no problem~ ^^ School just started last morning so it's going to be pretty hectic for me, hope you recover from the writer's block~
Brianna Ackerman] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17553-kenzimalija/ said:
@Kenzimalija[/URL] are we allowed to roleplay as gender-bent characters? Such as a gem!Germany ?
I'm not the one organizing this roleplay- but yes you can be gender-bent characters or Nyo!Countries~ ^_^ I'm playing Nyo!China

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