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Fandom Hetalia RP


Arrow Ace Aro Ace
So, this RP is basically a casual one where we just have fun and stuff. If you guys want to do other kinds of Hetalia RP's, such as: historical event ones (American Revolution, ancient times, renaissance, etc.), Hetalia High (we are all at school), etc., then let me know and I'll set them up :)

Rules: (boo!) Yeah, yeah, I know, but it's for the good of the RPers!

1: No swearing! If you want to imply one, please use asterisks (*) Ex: s***!

2: Romance is okay with me, but it has to be at a PG level! That's right, no smut or any gross stuff. I'm also good with any kind of relationship: MxF, MxM, FxF, etc.
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