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Hetalia!! Germanyxitaly


Warning: Otaku, you have been warned
This is the first roleplay start I've posted on here before. I would like for you to be Germany please. I shall be Italy!

Anywayssss, here is the starter!:

Italy skipped around Germany's house, humming happily. He was really happy that Germany was his friend, he always seemed to come to his rescue when he got in trouble. which, explaining why Italy was at Germany's house, was what had just happened... again. any ways, Italy was skipping around, just looking around when he noticed a painting on the wall that didn't really seem to be like what Germany would have. it was a picture of... him but as a little chibi. he smiled a little, thinking about the memories but then went back to wondering why Germany of all people would have it. it looked really familiar to him in an odd way. the only time he could think of seeing it though was from holy roman empire but if that was right. why would Germany have it?! he turned around to Germany, a confused expression across his face "ve~ Germany why do you have .... this painting?~" he almost said' apicture of me' but for some reason chose not to.
PoweroftheFangirl said:
This is the first roleplay start I've posted on here before. I would like for you to be Germany please. I shall be Italy!
Anywayssss, here is the starter!:

Italy skipped around Germany's house, humming happily. He was really happy that Germany was his friend, he always seemed to come to his rescue when he got in trouble. which, explaining why Italy was at Germany's house, was what had just happened... again. any ways, Italy was skipping around, just looking around when he noticed a painting on the wall that didn't really seem to be like what Germany would have. it was a picture of... him but as a little chibi. he smiled a little, thinking about the memories but then went back to wondering why Germany of all people would have it. it looked really familiar to him in an odd way. the only time he could think of seeing it though was from holy roman empire but if that was right. why would Germany have it?! he turned around to Germany, a confused expression across his face "ve~ Germany why do you have .... this painting?~" he almost said' apicture of me' but for some reason chose not to.
Hi! Can I be Germany? :3

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