• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.



I've converted to red
Use this to create your char friends. Please repost your CS if you have already made one and posted it here: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/heroes-villains-and-the-space-in-between.341810/ - the previous one will still be used as a chat room. If you post your CS here, you can delete it from the above page to try and order this atrocity a bit.

The main RP is here : https://www.rpnation.com/threads/heroes-villains-those-in-between-open-see-info-inside.348237/ - Feel free to read the intro and the posts, and add yourself here.

GardenParty GardenParty HuntedFox HuntedFox T That_Irish_Person The DoomyFish The DoomyFish The Elder The Elder ShredKnives ShredKnives NyxDarling NyxDarling D duegxybus Cheryl Cheryl AndR01D AndR01D Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed myst.erion myst.erion princeadejr princeadejr G Guttem - I think this is everyone. Tell me if we need anyone else.

Image - any old thing will do

Any other descriptors:

Power: (max 13)
Power level (1-10): How much is there to draw from - 1 (barely noticeable) - 10 (essentially a demi-god): Note, you will not able allowed to destroy vast swathes of the city, or kill legions of NPC's or PC's. Doing so will have the world reset to just before the occurrence, and God will write you out of the narrative - as is his Moral and Just duty.

Power mastery (1-10): How refined is your ability to control your power. A level one power, with level 10 mastery will allow you to have a glass of water taste like any complex and rare drink throughout history, while a level ten power, with a level one mastery will have you flailing about madly in the streets as legions of Tigers fly out of your fingers - and begin mauling your face. : Note, Lack of control will not allow you to justify doing vast and horrible things. I will allow minor acts of chaos, but these WILL HAVE CONSEQUENCES IN GAME!!! Accidentally killing people is still considered MANSLAUGHTER even if it was involuntary. And on the basis, it still carries a prison term. We do not tap deranged but repentant mentally underdeveloped serial killers on the wrist and say it is fine, try better next time - we lock them up until they can prove they are not a risk to society! EXPECT NO LESS FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS!!!

--- Important note: The 2 stats above should only total 13 or lower, if you want a higher cap then PM me but no promises and it'll depend on your power.

Personality: - A paragraph will do.
Bio: - A paragraph will do.
Skills: A few tags will do.
Likes: A few tags will do.
Dislikes: A few tags will do.

Allegiance - Tell me where your character is placed on the moral scale - Are they lawful but selfish, or do they break the law for good reasons - are they in it for the personal gain, or are they agents of chaos. (NOTE: The last option is traditionally a boring option that does not allow for a lot of quality role play - try and offer some nuance to your character. They deserve it.) The Villain Council and the League of Heroes.

The Villain Council former is a loose group who do not owe allegiance to each other or the city, per se. Rather they work independently as groups or individuals with their own goals - but realise that some order need be maintained for effective villainy or private gain to be realised. As such, they defer to a leader, who serves as an Agony Aunt of sorts, where complex inter Council problems are discussed and ruled upon - without the need to get the police involved. This person is chosen as a representative, who is universally respected - not just for their power, but their authority and balance when ruling over these cases. The position is also perilous - for should one be suspected of favouring another over the rest - one might find one's own beheading the subject of the next council meeting.

The League of Heroes, on the other hand, serves as the official bridge between those who protect, and those who need protecting. They defer to the laws made by both those with and without power and recognise that for society to flourish - people need to be held responsible for their action$s - for good or ill. They work as individual agents as well - but register or keep in contact with a liaison with the government - an individual chosen by the Mayor from a series of prospective candidates. They might be called upon to join a cause, and work together in a manner that villains very rarely seem capable of. This offers them an advantage in a sense since they tend to share their information more freely, and offer their hands in aid more generously.

[any questions or concerns - please tag me in a question in the CHAT ROOM - see above link - KEEP THIS CLEAR OF ANYTHING BUT CHARACTER SHEETS]

Name: Christopher Hugo
Alias: Strings
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Sexuality: Bisexual

Power: Resurrection of the Dead, and remote manipulation of these beings

Power level : 5 - He can raise no more than 10 corpses at a time

Power mastery : 8 - He can telepathically control any of his ghouls, within 30 feet of him. He can hear through their ears and see through their eyes. If they go beyond that range, they follow the last directions that he gave them, or they become stationary should they be unable to fulfill their tasks. They retain the skills they had in life, along with their intelligence and reason. If they are outside of the 30 foot radius for more than a day, they continue to rot - and will slowly lose their ability to think and feel. If they stay within the range however, their bodies remain fresh - without the need to eat, sleep or breathe. If the corpse had already decomposed, he can have it regenerate, as long as there remained at least some flesh on the bone. They are also effectively immortal, and can't die from wounds, illness or pain. They can only really be destroyed should the entire body be burnt or crushed. They are entirely loyal to him, and can't be controlled by anyone - even through telepathic means. For every two less than his total of ten - the range is doubled. So, 280 ft. for 2, and - should have only one active - the range extends for a mile.

Personality: Calm, charming, contemplative, controlling, conceited, cultured, discreet, observant, intelligent, precise, self centered

Bio: As with most of these things, he first realized his ability in the midst of tragedy. He had been driving with his mother and father on a winding country side lane, when a deer jumped into the road. His father swerved out of the way, and down a hillside, through the thick brush. When he came to, his mother and father were very clearly dead in the front seat - various pieces of metal and wood piercing their corpses. As he was only seven, he had very little idea as to what he could do in this situation. In a state of semi-shock he struggled to get his seat-belt loose - finding that it had been wrenched stuck. He looked up to his parents - his eyes running over their corpses, hoping they would help him - when suddenly his father's corpse reached out and began to rip at the restraints. Soon, the undead thing was carrying Christopher towards the road, falling into a broken heap by the way side. News articles cited the wonder of a father's love - being able to force his broken body to carry his son to safety. Christopher chose to not correct them.

Over time he developed his skills, became more refined in his craft, traveling to different states and stealing corpses from recent graves, bringing back the newly resurrected to serve him - doing work about his home, having them read his course work for him, and doing his research through them - while he spent his time socializing with his peer-groups. He had his thralls read and study constantly - learning every subject under the sun, and in turn - as he shared their thoughts - he learned through them. In his university, he gained a Quad major in Law, Politics, Finance and Psychology - and stood first in all of his classes - leaving all of his peers wondering at his seemingly unwavering work ethic. Since then he has gotten his Master's in all of these subjects, and moved onto doing his medical degree.

While he is still studying in his free time, he is now running a private Medical Clinic called

The penthouse is well known among the good and bad of the city, as being a neutral ground, where they can come for medical council and aid - which can cover anything from law to politics. If they are unable to pay the rather hefty prices, he is always open to negotiating favors. He has never revealed the identities of anyone he has treated, and keeps no physical records of their stay. This has gained him some credence among the supers of the world. While the space might seem quite simple, it is designed so that it can be approached from outside - various spaces to land on the roof and such, and is fully equipped to deal with the greatest of traumas. The whole building has teeming with security, but they remain out of the public eye - creating the feeling of a private and well maintained professional affair. While most who come there never go beyond the emergency rooms, there are two more floors below it - which Christopher also owns. Here he keeps rooms filled with refrigerated corpses, labelled for their skill sets and other useful facts. It is also where he keeps his main server - used by (Q) to oversee the majority of his international business.

Skills: A working knowledge of most academic fields, medically trained, trained in classical music, a first class chef, a natural skill for multitasking, a brilliant strategist

Likes: Art, classical music, food, whiskey, wine, smoking, reading, debating, working, intelligence (he can't begin to consider someone attractive if they are objectively stupid), travel, control

Dislikes: Moralists, people who complain about things for no reason, ginger, beer, milk, club music, mind-altering drugs, bad planning, driving, loud people


Name: Akane Sato (M)
Gender: Female
Age: Looks mid 20's

Since she has been with him so long, some of her original personality shines through at times, showing a calm and focused attitude, with a rather uncanny eye for detail. Beyond that she is quiet, and does not share her own limited opinions very often, despite Christopher's prodding.

Bio: Born in Japan about forty years ago, she died unexpectedly in her youth. While alive she was touted as being one of the most prodigious students Japan had seen in over a hundred years. Christopher learned of her while studying neurology, and traveled to Japan six years ago to attain her for his collection. Her family remains unaware that her corpse had been replaced. She is now seen at Christopher's side most of the time, often sitting outside of any room where is having a private meeting, or carrying something or other for him while he is reading and walking. She is almost never not on her phone, getting in reports from various sources all over the world, who either knowingly or unknowingly work for Christopher. He has an earpiece that has a constant 4G/LTE connection with (Q) - think of it as a phone call that never gets disconnected. She works as his receptionist when he is at his practice.

Skills: An edetic memory, capable of perfect recall. She can remember every sound, voice, face, word, name etc. that she has ever heard, seen or read. She is also a brilliant mathematician and logician.


Name: Renard Harris (BOND)
Gender: Male
Age: Looks to be around mid 40's

Personality: A relatively new addition, he has no personality and follows Christopher's instruction to the letter. He can communicate in a cool, calm and collected manner - but does not have a lot of agency without prior direction.

Bio: Renard was a MI6 Spy about 30 years ago, who specialized in infiltration and assassination. His position was so secret that most of the higher ups within the British government remains unawares of him ever existing. As it is, Christopher got wind of him - realized that he would be an asset for a number of reasons, and set out to claim him. He now stays at Christopher's side, running his security units and driving his cars and piloting his planes. He is also always armed with at least seven different ways of killing you, whether it be garrote wire or his silenced pistol.

Skills: Well versed in most modes of transport, knows how to break into most places, has proficiency with most weapons, knows how to tell when people are lying and knowledgeable of advanced interrogation skills. He is also able to disappear easily enough - capable of getting Christopher and his crew off the radar within an hour's notice. He has mastered at least three different fighting styles and can hold his own in a melee.


Name: Lucas Silva (Q)
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Personality: Brilliant, vibrant and by far the most annoyingly "alive" member of Christopher's group. He has retained much of his original personality, partly because Christopher resurrected him less than a minute after his death. He is outspoken about how fucked up the situation is, how strange it is to be utterly loyal to someone you don't particularly like or know - but he is grateful to be alive and enjoys the freedom Christopher gives him.

Bio: Christopher had been sitting in on a lecture covering cyber security when he noticed the boy sitting a few seats away from him. He was absentmindedly typing away, and upon further inspection - seemed to be hacking into his teacher's cloud account and was stealing the notes for some or other upcoming test. Christopher found this immensely amusing, and followed the boy out of class. He was about to inquire as to whether Lucas wanted to join his business, as only of the few "live" employees - when a car rushed over a stop sign and ran the student over, barely missing Christopher. Acting on instinct, he reached out and brought the boy back barely a moment after he died on the spot - healing the majority of the damage. The people in the area thought it a miracle, while Christopher thought it ironic. The boy left his position in the university, and came to work for Christopher, sending money back to his family - who still think he is alive. He stays in the penthouse, speaking to Christopher via various technological means.

Skills: A world class hacker, specializing in doing small things that never go noticed. He works slower than most, being more meticulous and careful about his approach. He can't just hack anything from the outside though - he needs an in, but once he is in - it is hard to get him out. He is also more skilled in information diving rather than complete system capture. He is well versed in how governments oversee and intercept communications, and he knows how to evade these. His encryption is on such a level that it would take a super computer a hundred years to decode but a fraction of a message. As such, he oversees that all communications are kept strictly confidential.
Character pic

Einua Cruei
Alias: oblivion
Gender: Male(femboy)
Sexuality: bisexual
Dark Stellar Manipulation
User can create, shape and manipulate the stellar energy/matter of a darker, detrimental nature; that which damages, destroys, and consumes anything/everything they come across, representing the hazardous destructive side of stars, which in turn ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the stellar energy/matter. In essence, this is about solely controlling the negative powers of stars.

Power level (1-10):10 if he's not careful he could wipe out an entire state.....or more.

Power mastery (1-10):3 he's not good at controlling it, and it doesn't very well listen to him, but he keeps it under control enough to not destroy an entire city block.

Einua is a quiet boy, who tends to leave a lonely life. Trying his best to stay out of people's way and out of their hair. Although, something inside of him always pushes him to act whenever he hears someone cry or sees someone in trouble or need. He is a listener, tending to wait until the conversation dies down to speak up or give his piece of the conversation. The subjects he usually chooses to talk about or ones he feels strongly about, and his opinion is usually or never moved by another. He truly yearns to have friends and have someone to love, but his past has taught him to be wary and afraid of such emotions. Emotions that can be broken so easily.
History: Einua grew up a bit oddly as a child, as usual most babies look quite androgynous, einua on the other hand always seemed even more feminine than most. As he was growing up other adults and children made fun of him for it. This distanced him from people and caused einua to stray from people and stay by himself to escape such behavior, his father tended to be always busy. But any time Arrin had free time he would spend it with einua, reading him folklore and teaching him how to meditate. This caused einua to be more focused than most toddlers, and his attentive attitude pushed him away from others even further.
5-10:Arrin started to lean off of work and care and teach Einua. Because of this most of Einua’s days were spent studying and learning, and nights reading books and staying up late watching the stars. With time his body became even more feminine, and his hair grew at extraordinary speeds. Although einua had started to notice his father would hide certain things from him, some of Arrins notebooks would be locked up, and one of the rooms in the house always had a padlock on it, one day he had found the door open, and had taken a peek inside. All he could catch a glimpse of before the door slammed closed from his father's hand slamming down on the wooden surface, was a picture of his father, and of a strong and bold looking women. whose face he couldn't quite make out. This was the face of his mother, who was a villain ,who he would hear later about dying in an odd explosion, although he had no clue it was his mother at that time. His father became Extremely paranoid at this time, and would watch over Einua as he slept. Sometimes when Einua awoke from sleep, he would have scars on his chest and back. this was because Arrin was operating on Einua, putting his mothers...essence inside of him. binding his and his mothers soul together, as well as some of her powers. albeit not all of her powers.
10-15: as einua grew, his father found it increasingly difficult to keep einua inside. And contained. Teaching him became a tad bit more difficult, as well as keeping child services away. Although on einua’s thirteenth birthday, Arrin passed away from a heart attack, which during the moment. All Einua could do was try to resuscitate his father although with the lack of help. his father died.
15-18: In this time of Einua’s life, everything passed by rather quickly, being confused as a girl as he switched from house to house. Harassment was an everyday thing, and pushed einua further into dissociation. At one point while he was sixteen, an older gentleman tried to force himself onto einua. As he attempted to get away, his powers showed for the first time. In the moment he had been using his back to push away from the man, and unknowing of his powers his body went into overdrive. The force caused the muscles in his back to rip and break in a rapid manner, that left a scar like lightning had ripped through his back.

Skills:Artistic, parkour. And he is good at scavenging

Likes:~Einua likes any kind of gummy candy, rainy days while he sits under a tree, reading books; and the stars

Dislikes: people who get angry to easily, and people who stare to long at him. He hates spicy food and anyone who trys to force feed spicy food to him. Hot weather and muggy days.
Miles Redd
Natalia Redd
Crimson King
Gunner Queen

Aura Manipulation
Miles can manipulate aura in order to increase his physical abilities, attract and repel the aura of others, sense aura, and project it for both defensive and offensive purposes.

Gun Manipulation
Natalia can summon and manipulate guns

Power level (1-10): 6
The destructive nature of Miles aura are all fire based. Most of his attacks will leave behind smoke, ash, melted objects, or loose flames. The temperature of his aura are controlled by him. It can range from a nice peaceful warm aura, to a fiery destructive flame.

Natalia can create up to 15 guns ranging from handguns, sub machine, shotguns, snipers, rifles, and explosives. Along with creating guns she can also create bullets with different effects; ranging from defensive, offensive, and information purposes.
Power mastery (1-10):
Miles skills with this ability is highly diverse. He can switch from an offensive tactic like creating destructive aura constructs or firing red aura energy blast; to a more defensive tactic like creating protective barriers and shields. Miles aura also has properties of fire, meaning his attacks always have a burning effect. He can infuse his aura onto other people or objects. The infused aura can be used to increase their physical abilities, telepathic communication, or for tracking purposes. He uses this technique on many of people including his sister.

Natalia can manipulate up to 10 guns with the guns she's holding counting as either one or two of her ten.
Miles is known to be quite blunt and nonchalant at most times. He is quite lazy and spends a lot of his time sleeping, which he does so much that he is able to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds. Likewise, he is not affected from being woken up by a head slam, reacting calmly when such an incident occurs. In contrast to this casual nature of his, Miles has been said to be the most violent-tempered of all of his parents children, such a statement being more evident in his younger years.
Natalia is truly an intelligent, and fearless woman. She natural talent for the family business. She's patient and observant, and can easily think her way out of any tough situation. She loves her brother and won't let anything bad happen to him.
Miles and Natalia were born into one of the most infamous families, the Redds. The Redds are known for their major mafia influence within the crime industry. They were raised and taught about the family business in secret. They stayed away from most of the mafia activities until they were of aged. After reaching the age of 18 their roles within the family became solidified. Together the carry out the family business, and leads New Atlantis most infamous Mafia.
Skilled fighter
Works well with his sister

Keen Eye
Works well with her brother

Rap and Jazz Music
The Mafia

Jazz and Rap Music
The Mafia

Decline in business

Decline in business

They own many buildings throughout the city, but only one building is hidden and is completely off the radar. That building is were they stay and their main operations. Many mafia activities take place in many buildings.
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Name: Benjamin Ribbon
Age: 22
Alias: Windago
Gender: Male
Power: Continous adaptive mutation. (Able to shape shift his body and make weapons or shift a new form from body. Along with regen and strength.
Control level: 8 (spontaneous shifts from anger
Power level : 5

Bio: Benjamin grew up as a labrat in a vial, meant to be a deadly virus and infection used to make super soldiers, although it went wrong . Creating a rouge monster known as Benjamin.

Skills: He's good with hand to hand skills along with weaponry and knifes. Able to withstand a large amounts of pain and combat

Weaknesses: He can't stand cold temperatures without clothing and his abilities are severly weakened at such a state. His human body is also weak to fire. It also takes time to make heavy and massive forms. .

Likes: Dogs, guns, quiet places and sicknesses.

Dislikes: Loud people, violent resolves, "monsters like himself"
Alias: The Enchantress//Enchantress
Alignment: Good. She is a Hero through and through
Power: She has a few minor abilities, which make up her electric red spheres and striking red eyes, including, but not yet limited to....

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Power level (1-10): 8-9, dependIng, however, this level of power is not all known to her. She has more than she has previously conceived. Annie has great potential. One day, she may just burst.
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Power mastery (1-10): 4, her grip on her power is strong, as she is strong willed. Her ability to master her full powers has not yet been achieved. Who knows, maybe she will never master them.
Skills: ○ Espionage//PlainSight;
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Despite choosing not to wear a mask as a hero, Annie is quite practiced in the "art" of espionage and concealment. She can quite easily blend in with her surroundings, becoming anonymous, keeping a low profile and leaking secrets at a professional level. It came naturally, and all she had to do was read a handbook for dummies...It is rarely she is recognised..
○ She wished she was more advanced in hand to hand combat, just incase a fight came down to it. She isn't terrible though. Some people look like a hysterical newborn giraffe....
○ Powers, duh~
○ Managing to be a total dork while still saving the city and juggling school too

i n f o;
Full Name: Anastasia Ellie Harlock
Nickname: Annie // Ellie // Harlo
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Sexuality: Heterosexual ll Heteroromantic
Occupation: Student || Part-time Hero

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Personality: From when she was young, Anastasia has had a happy yet suspicious demeanor. She is cautious always, but allows herself time to relax and be care free in manner, because she knows it is better for her. You can't always be so brooding. She likes to live
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Annie prefers tea over coffee and makes sure to feed her cat Vincent at the same time every day. For a hero, Annie is very well organised. Guess that's why she's "part-time"... To know Anastasia is to love her, but to upset her, is to doom yourself. She doesn't enjoy killing, but in some cases a fight will lead to this. She would much rather leave criminals and such to the police to handle. Although on the outside you will know a sweet and careful girl who is trying to make a difference, deep within there is a storm raging on, that it seems no-one can calm.
Likes: ○ thunder//lightning storms ○ animals ○ plants; she has a few of her own back @ home ○ saving the day ○ doing well in uni, who knew ○ being home in time ○ the lights of the city through her window at night ○ seeing organic life [plant] in the city ○ smiling ○ boys with an air of mystery ○ some of the "inbetweens", she admires their indecision ○ reading//books ○
Dislikes: ○ ignorant idiots ○ villians, all of them...probably ○ cheesy tv ○ most takeout, exceot pizza, pizza will save us all ○ too much homework ○ having to hide injuries at school ○


coded by @lorde
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Name: N/A
Alias: Dr. Good
Gender: Male
Age: Mid Thirties
Sexuality: N/A
Power: Produces a white/gold mist that when breathed in will heal most wounds and diseases.
Power level 3 - He can create only enough mist to heal one person at a time.
Power mastery 10 - He has absolute control over how the mist forms and how effective it is - and can direct it to focus on specific areas and heal in specific ways. He can bring you back from within an inch of death.
Personality: N/A
Bio: N/A - Will be working with the government as a liaison between them and the Superhero Community.
Skills: N/A
Likes: N/A
Dislikes: N/A

[This will be the leader for the good guys. A new guy, that just showed up. You can get to know him, or leave him to do his job.]
Name: Vaughn Caldwell
Alias: Shadow King
Alignment: In-between (Chaotic good)
Gender: Male
Age: 24yrs
Sexuality: heterosexual
The Shadow King- By merging with the Shadow King Vaughn becomes Him. This grants him instant regeneration, heightened strength of up to 1200lbs , heightened speed of up to 45mph,enhanced reflexes, enhanced senses, a numbing touch and claws that can cut through solid steel. The most terrifying ability he possesses is his ability to teleport through shadows allowing him to spring up and attack from any direction and avoid capture. He can only warp from one shadow to the next so if no shadows are present he looses this ability

Power level: 9 (If left unchecked the Shadow King Aims to destroy all life in the dimension, the only thing standing between him and attempting this is Vaughn's will.)
Power mastery: 4 (Vaughn hasn't had alot of time to explore his powers, Everytime he transforms most of his attention is focused on keeping the Shadow King from taking control.)
Personality: Vaughn is a bit aloof rarely taking anything seriously. He is usually non-violent choosing to respond to a problem with his words and tactics before "unleashing the beast".
When the Shadow King merges with him it becomes a completely different story. He can restrain the Shadow King enough to prevent it from killing people, however he cannot fully control the bloodlust. He becomes far more aggressive, rude, Impulsive, and Rage driven.

Bio: As a child Vaughn always dreamed of adventure, it was this fact that drove him to join the military. He hoped to travel the world, but wound up being deployed into a war. The enemy was one who had gathered a weapon from an alternate dimension. He and his Platoon were able to gain a foothold and make a run for the weapon, but Vaughn was hit with it and seemed to be vaporized instantly. In reality the weapon dislodged him from our dimension and sent him to the shadow world where he met The Shadow King. The shadow king had spent millennia searching for a way into our world and destroy it. Offering to send Vaughn back if he served as a connection to the human world. However the Shadow King's plan backfired, Vaughn was able to maintain control. Upon his return Vaughn found that Five years had passed, and decided that he would find some answers.
Military training- Firearms training, CQC, Tactics, survival, and stealth. All standard issue combat training from the good old US of A.
Likes: The cold, weird food combinations, Being in control.
Dislikes: heat, bland food, Shadow King, the dark.
Alliegence: Self aligned (preference towards good)

Name: Senator Ridley Norton
Alias: Spider
Alignment: Villain (Lawful Evil)
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Arachnid manipulation- Senator Norton's ability is Terrifying, gross, and awesome all at the same time. He is capable of telepathically manipulating all spiders within 10.4 miles of himself. Utilizing this ability he can Call upon massive swarms of spiders, or even assassinate a target with a single small bite.
Power level: 4 (while there are a large number of spiders in a general area, they are relatively easy to kill once detected.)
Power mastery : 9 (Ridley's control of the spiders he has is insane, he can will them to act against their instincts and even cause them to preform complex tasts that they normally wouldn't have the mental capacity to accomplish.)
Personality: The senator is a man who Surprisingly rarely speaks, when he does speak however his words carry a strange weight to them. He is Obviously A prideful man but not much else is known of him. He is purposefully secretive, yet strangely charismatic. He rewards those loyal to him, to distract from the disappearances of those who weren't loyal.
Bio: WIP
Silver tongue-
Gathering information-
Acquiring things-
Likes: When things go "smoothly", those he can trust, his powers.
Dislikes: plans failing, people not doing their part, People killing spiders.
Alliegence: The Villain Council.

Name: Anthony Cosgrove
Alias: G2
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Sexuality: Bisexual
Energy Generation/projection- The trademark power of His family Anthony generates an energy He calls G Force. This energy Fuels his powers and has an effect similar to lightning but acts completely different. He can form this into Force Fields, Blasts of energy, eye lasers, and even full body eruptions

Flight- using the G-2 suits anthi gravity boots Anthony can fly at speeds of up to 120mph. If he uses the rocket gauntlets he can boost that to about 565mph

Super strength- Using the G-2 suits rocket gauntlets, Anthony can pump his G-force energy through rocket vents in the front, sides, And back of the gauntlets allowing him to stike with incredible force, lift vast weights, add speed to his flight, and change direction quickly in the air.

Power level: 7 ( the amount of energy Anthony can generate is quite spectacular enough to destroy several city blocks or even a small town.)
Power mastery: 6 (While alot of his own abilities have been mapped out by his Father's experience as Captain G. Anthony still has much to learn about his own capabilities.)
Personality: Anthony is more than a little arrogant and with good reason, he rarely if ever looses his cool in tough situations. He's full of snide comebacks and witty retorts many of which are quite corny. While many call him an old fashioned or outdated hero, he proudly stands as a remodeled relic of the past. (no problem with killing surprisingly but it's not his first solution to any problem.)
Bio: Anthony is a bit of a prodigy, coming from a family known for superheroes. His mother built gadgets and his father was a masked crime fighter by the name of Captain G. one of the Original heroes to rise out of the city of new Atlantis, and sadly one of the heroes to loose their life in defense of the city.
Captain G, now known as Jonathan Cosgrove gave his life flying a heavily irradiated nuclear core from a facility which suffered a meltdown and depositing it into deep space. His sacrifice saved millions, but it left Anthony, a mere six at the time, to grow up without a father.
When he was fifteen his powers activated at an inopportune time. During a football game when he was tackled by another player a massive pulse of energy erupted from his body, injuring several other students. It was then that his mother pulled him from school and began to teach him all that she and his father had been able to discover about G-energy. When he Expressed interest in following in his father's footsteps, his mother began to train him. He underwent six long years of training, his mother declaring that she wouldn't let him go until he was at least as good as his father was.
Yet after this training a powerful hero arose. His mother gave him the G-2 suit, taught him it's features and Anthony has since used it in an attempt to live up to his father's legacy.
The G-Style: A martial arts style his father invented for anti-gravity fighting. It is a mixture of Krav maga, Capoiera, and Akido all of which Anthony had to master separately.

Computer sciences/Hacking: the one thing Captain G could never master was technology that's where his wife came in. However Anthony trained under the very same woman, as such he is an excellent hacker easily falling into the worlds top five. (he's number 5, his mom is number 4.)

Aerial Acrobatics- While flying Anthony is capable of incredible maneuvering. Able to dodge incoming anti-aircraft machine gun fire with minimal effort.
Likes: Being the Center of attention, a good fight, being told he is just like his father.
Dislikes: People who bad mouth his father, easy victories, villains who lack basic human decency.

Captain G- the original Hero of Anthony's family, and one of many to fall in the line of duty. He possessed all of the same powers as Anthony but to a lesser degree. The original G-suit was destroyed with Captain G in space.
Joseph Mayne

"The Phantom Mage"
(Most commonly: "Mage")





Joseph's capabilities resemble those of the ancient Mages in folklore.
Conjuration Magic~
This allows conure anything he wants from thin air. The things he conjures will be see-through and tinted a purplish-blue and will only be temporary unless he conjures a real item. He can mentally move these 'temporary' items however he chooses. Conjuring a real item is difficult, so he rarely does it. Once a real item is conjured he cannot mentally move it.

Levitation Magic~
Basically, he can fly.

When he activates his power, his hair turns an ombré purple-ish blue and a line appears over his right eye.

Power level:
If he took it upon himself to, say, conjure a live bomb and decide to drop it off somewhere, that would do a sufficient amount of damage.

Power mastery:
He isn't exactly conjuring buildings left and right. The bigger the item, the harder it is to conjure. So he can conjure small 'temporary' items extremely easily.

Joseph is usually on the more reserved/calm side. When around authorities or anyone who isn't a friend of his, he will keep a neutral face on. He is kind-hearted, and since he had been dreaming of being a superhero since he was young, you can imagine how happy he is being a part of the League. While calmer in his hero costume, he appreciates the odd joke or two to lift spirits. He is on to make more sarcastic comments himself, though.

Joseph doesn't remember a time where he wasn't aware of his powers. Though, when he was younger they were more difficult to control. Due to the nature of his abilities, his biological parents shied away from raising him and put him in foster care. Joseph filtered through several families during his early elementary years, and it was only when he turned twelve that a certain social worker took notice of his case, and found a way to put him in a family who was known to take in and adopt super children.​

He was adopted as soon as it was possible. During the last ten years of his life, that family offered him a warm and loving home, helped him catch up in his education, and gave him the experience of living with four siblings. All of which were supers as well. The other children accepted him readily, and it was an older brother who introduced him to the world of super-heroes and villains. It didn't take long before he was latched in with a dream of his own, and could rarely be seen without a comic book based on a true story, or action figures of his favorite heroes he'd heard about on the news.
When he was fourteen, his 'family' moved to the city of New Atlantis, because of a job opportunity his adoptive father had.​

Joseph graduated highscool at eighteen and went on to graduate college and earn an Associates degree at 20 years old in New Atlantis.
Not once could the young man tell you a time that he had used his powers in public during his high school or college years.
As soon as he got out of college, he rented a small apartment and recruited himself into the League of Heroes, where he donned the striking alter-ego of The Phantom Mage.​

Long-range combat, Staying calm (some might say detached) in tense situations. Fast learning.

Ice cream, quiet places, small mammals, making snarky or sarcastic comments towards villains, light joking around, succulents.

People with no sense of humor, loud places, insects, alchohol, having to repeat himself, rainy days.

League Of Heroes

(The above is a picture of my horrible HTML skills.
I've seemed to mess it up even though all I had to do was press buttons. ^^;)

Name: Alyssa Violet
Alias: Little Seamstress
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Power: Dummy Replica
- Alyssa can target a person and then allow herself to hurt them through her bunny toy. The toy will morph into a replica of the person she targeted, and whatever damage Alyssa does to the toy the same thing happens to the target. So if she targets someone she can cut her toys arm, and the cut will also happen to the target's arm. After Alyssa finishes using this power her toy returns back to being a bunny soft toy.

Power level (1-10): 5
- Alyssa can only ever hurt one person at a time, and it does absolutely nothing to the surrounding area.
Power mastery (1-10): 7
- Alyssa is able to do basically whatever harm to the target, but if the target is too far away then she won't be able to hurt them anymore.
Alyssa is a playful child who has an intense curiosity in the more morbid side of life, thanks to her father figure. She enjoys playing around with small animals and practicing her power on them, finding it fun and a good way to pass the time. She isn't very bright since she didn't go to school, so she is quite gullible. She is easily tricked into believing that someone is on her side, but her trust is usually given to those that are trusted by her father. Alyssa is almost always by her father's side, and if she is separated from him she suddenly loses all of her self-confidence and quickly attaches herself to someone else. Finally, Alyssa is extremely attached to her toy, a bunny named Puff. If she were to lose it or if it got destroyed, well, she basically loses her power.
Alyssa lived a nice couple years with her family as a normal child. She had friends that were the same age as her, she went to school, and she acted like the average 5 year old. One Christmas, Alyssa received a present that had come from her grandparents. It was Puff, a bunny soft toy. She grew attached to the animal, and she began carrying it with her all the time. There was nothing unusual about Puff. It was just a stuffed animal at the time. It was natural for Alyssa to become so attached to the thing, it was basically her security blanket. Once Alyssa was 10 she was kidnapped by someone that she now calls her father. Her memories of her family had been wiped so that she wouldn't make a large commotion and so that she would become attached with her new father. After her kidnapping, Alyssa had also gained her power. She wasn't too sure where it came from, but she's confident that it was because of her father.
- Sewing
- Speaking Spanish
- Knowledge on anatomy

- Her father (not biologically her father)
- Puff (her bunny plush)
- Cute animals
- Dresses
- The colour red

- The dark
- Reading
- The cold
- Rain
- Extremely sugary foods

Alignment: Villain


Name: Matthew Grant
Alias: Maroon
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Sexuality: Homosexual
Power: Animation
- Matthew can bring life to inanimate objects, like tables and cars. They act like living creatures and do what he tells them to do.
Power level (1-10): 6
- Depending on what Matthew animates he can cause lots of destruction.
Power mastery (1-10): 7
- He basically has total control of the objects he animates. Problems only arise if Matthew is too tired or lacks focus.
Matthew is rational, practical, and persistent. He rarely backs down from an argument, and he doesn't mind starting a fight if it'd settle it. He is headstrong and often acts on his own accordance, which does sometimes conflict with the law. However he is calm and collected otherwise, acting responsible and quite the average person. Matthew is extremely secretive about his personal life and past, often ignoring questions about himself. He deeply cares for Alyssa Violet, his adopted daughter. He makes sure to put her priorities in front of his own and to protect her at all costs. He himself isn't entirely sure why he worries for Alyssa so much, considering he makes sure to never get too emotionally attached to people due to his past. Other than that Matthew is blunt and a quick thinker, as well as quite athletic for his age.
Matthew was born in the city into a large family of four other siblings, with him being stuck in the middle. He never really got the love and care a child needs from his parents, but it didn't affect him a lot. His siblings and friends outside of his family were enough for him to live a happy childhood. Throughout his education he was top-notch in sports, sciences and mathematics, giving him a good start into adulthood once he reached it. At the age of 23 Matthew had a well-paying engineering job and lived in a simple apartment. He would've lived an average life if it weren't for him being caught up at a murder scene.
He had been taking a shortcut through an alleyway when he had heard a gunshot. After following the sound to find out where it had come from, his curiosity getting the better of him, he came across a fresh corpse. He called the police and waited for them, staying near the road to show them where the murder was. However he was incapacitated, and when Matthew had come to he was in a jail cell. The police had told Matthew that he was the main suspect for the murder, and that he was currently facing up to 10 years in jail for second-degree murder. Knowing that he hadn't done the crime, Matthew did his best to show that he was innocent. However he somehow lost to the offensive side, and so he had to stay the full 10 years.
After this incident Matthew gave up on returning to his regular life. During his time at the prison he had discovered his power to animate objects, and he started using the power (once he had been released) to live life to the fullest. This included the kidnapping of Alyssa Violet, which was surprisingly easier than he had expected due to his power. Through the help of an acquaintance he had managed to clear her memories of her family. Matthew now continues his life as an engineer, avoiding the police and using his spare time to abuse his power in the city.
- Running
- Climbing
- Engineering
- Quick thinker
- Coffee
- Football (soccer)
- Walks
- Alyssa Violet (his adopted daughter)
- Fast food
- Sharp objects
- Losing
- Cats (he's slightly allergic to them)
Alignment: Villain
Amanda Duarte​
(looks 17-18) unknown​
Relationship Status:
Programmed human​

Amanda stands at the short height of 4"11 she has a large dragon tattoo that covers the majority of her back. She always wears her locket and never takes it off, don't ask her what is in the locket or she will destroy you. Often wears formal clothes (white button up blouse but low cut and black jeans or tight black skirt sitting just above her knees with either black heels or converse high tops)​
Amanda is a very stubborn and coldhearted person but with reason though. It is hard for people to convince her, and she is known to be aggressive with a few people that she doesn't get along with. She thinks of herself, which I guess you could her a narcissist sometimes. She is very planned and knows she has potential and will challenge herself wherever she can in all aspects of her life. She isn't known to be loving so she can't keep a love interest or many friends for that matter but she tries to meet new people, they may not think that she wants to be friends or lovers but you have to crack the egg shell to get to the actual egg if you know what I mean.​
Amanda was brought up as she likes to think differently from other people. She was brought up with her parents and her older sister, that all grew up to be successful and high ended people. They grew up to be lawyers, solicitors, and business owners. She grew up with her family and they treated her much like an outsider, she started killing people by the age of twelve and was bashed by her parents everytime. Her parents stopped sending her to school and threw her out of home not wanting to a monster to be in their lives. She lived on the streets people often raping her or bashing her, though they were never heard from again.

A mad scientist found her on the streets and took her in, he experimented on her before removing half of her brain and replacing it with a computer, re-mofifying hormones and DNA cells to enhance abilities and was going to be used as a war machine. He died in a fire and was taken in by low lives that betted on her and taught her how to hack so they can get money. She ended up finding a job as a hacker and assassin, earning her money this way and built her way up in society being hired by elite companies and organisations. As she grew to be more independent she started learning things and increasing her knowledge.
When Amanda was around 20 she was caught by the law and was placed in jail for several cases of murder and was held guilty for nearly all criminal law there is on the internet, she didn't eat or talk or sleep for 3 days. No one knew what was wrong with her, some said that she went mad, but she hacked into the entire prison centre with her mind. She walked out one of very few to be alive, and has been running from the law.​
Decelerated ageing
Mind control-can take over someone's body
Regenerative healing factor
Enhanced agility​
Hacking ability with mind​
Every time she uses mind control she gets weaker
Can't run fast or for long
Hacking takes time and often leaves with migraine
Any time she uses anything to do with her mind for a long period of time she gets a migraine and takes a while for her to be able to use it again. (try thinking of touching an oven tray before it goes in the oven but when it goes in the oven you can't touch it but after it cools you can touch it)
Is open for attack when hacking or mind controlling​
Is open to viruses​
Knows when people are lying and pulls them up on it often embarrassing them
She is amazing with arguments and debates she has been alive long enough to know some things
She is a highly organised person- everything is planned in her diary and calendar
Amanda is a very independent person since she has been living by herself​
Will kill anyone without hesitation​
She sometimes doesn't want to know the truth and scares people away with it
Seems like a know-it-all and people don't always like it
Is seen as a perfectionist
Has trouble operating with others sometimes since she takes charge in most group activities
In terms of classes poetry is a big weakness of Amanda's
Just wants to be accepted
Close minded
Finds hard to control emotions​
Amanda has no powers, other than an increase in healing, smarter mind, increased reflexes, and mind control. Just basically a robot with emotions and a used to be life but a crappy one now that she didn't ask for. She can take in information and take other people's knowledge faster than any human. Is able to hack into the most complex security systems with her mind, but all done with time and patience accessing more and more of her brain.​
She uses her head most of the time but is amazing with a gun, will use whatever she can to kill someone. Uses fists, mostly handguns or sniper rifles.​

Alex Hughes
Alias: Dynamo
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Sexuality: Straight​

Power: Electricity Generation
Alex can begin to rapidly stockpile electric charge within his body before discharging it at will. Charging for longer produces a higher voltage, but he can't store power for very long. While primarily a contact-based power, with sufficient voltage he can discharge electricity through the air over short distances, but more like a momentary strike than full-on force lightning.

More usefully, when directly touching an object Alex is able to manipulate the movement of whatever the current is passing through. This turns standard electrical cables into useful tools and weapons, and with enough power and heat he can start to bend metal objects (albeit inefficiently).

Alex's main weakness is his lack of control over power he discharges. The electricity still follows the same rules of physics as it normally would, and so any kind of conductive material will act as a lightning rod if it stands between him and an opponent. Similarly, he can't restrict which objects his power will flow into if the target is touching something else. While he believes he may also be able to manipulate electronic devices, Alex has so far been unable to do anything but short them out.

Power level: 8 - In theory Dynamo could overload and destroy the entire national grid, although there would be little to gain from this and so his practical destructive potential is much lower.
Power mastery: 3 - Alex lacks control over the finer points of his power. He still struggles to avoid accidentally discharging if something touches him while he's producing current.

Personality: Alex is smart and a cunning tactician, but rarely spends the time to think things through before acting. He is a pretty headstrong person who you could call reckless at times, but he means well. His view of the world of heroes and villains is perhaps too idealistic, yet this makes him enthusiastic about getting involved and making a difference. Outside his masked life he can actually be rather pessimistic and negative, feeling a lack of engagement with wider society. That said, he will readily trust in those who do get close to him and can always be relied upon.

Bio: Alex grew up on the other side of the country, having moved to New Atlantis a few years ago to start a new job as an engineer, hoping for a better life. However, he recently lost his long term girlfriend in an accident involving a fight between local heroes and villains. He deeply resents those involved in the accident and doesn't know how to properly handle the situation.

In a twist of fate he then found himself developing superpowers of his own, and while still conflicted about the meaning of this he aspires to become a hero and help prevent further loss of life. To that end he has been practising alone and trying to figure out how to keep his new undercover identity secret. Some might accuse him of using his new abilities as a crutch to deal with trauma in his personal life.

Skills: Alex's career gave him a thorough understanding of machinery and the principals behind electronics. He learns quickly and has a fair knowledge of local city. He still knows little about the local hero/villain community and finds himself struggling to gather information on them, not knowing where to start.

Likes: Technology, people he can confide in, music, baseball, cats.
Dislikes: Crime, villains, certain "heroes", the countryside, dogs.

Allegiance: Neutral Good. Unsure of how much trust to put into the League of Heroes, but considering signing up.
Abigail Garvey
Bisexual (let's all just assume that she likes guys more)
Relationship Status:
Power Level:
Power Mastery:
Blunt, Honest, Bitchy, Aggressive, Classy, Insulting, Unapproachable, Passionate, High class, Observant, Loyal, Narcissistic, Intelligent, Analytical, Amiable, Driving, Expressive
Abigail was raised by a loving family that were quite successful in life, she was worshipped through her schooling career because she looked like any girl does today (fake and sexy). She graduated from high school a year early with straight A's, moved onto further education in university which she still takes (taking courses like Chemical Engineering and Chemistry double degree, and financial mathematics just to name a few.) With the help of the money from her father's will and her mother giving her money she opened her own business called Sky Labs, her goal is to try and make artificial life from human tissue (basically evolving but scientifically evolved in a lab) as well as making artificial food. She has been running the business for 5 years and is in constant competition with other labs around the world.
Classical music
Loud music
Confined spaces
Dirt and germs
Read minds
Take on people's memories
Manipulates thoughts
Can only take a little bit of people's memories in one go, would have to take multiple attempts to take whole memory
Can only manipulate if there is a little part of the person's mind wanting to do the thing that is manipulating? (if someone is going to kill themselves there has to be a part of them that doesn't want to so she can manipulate their thoughts to not killing themselves)
Has to make eye contact to read mind or touch the person
Good communicator
Excludes feelings from decisions
Goes too far; perfectionist
Too rigid or demanding of self/others
Has trouble operating with others
Does not take time to consider other perspectives
Domineering; too focused on doing it "my way"
Comes on too strong
Read minds
Take on people's memories
Manipulates thoughts
Villain and hero, apart of both though hero's don't know she is apart of the villains
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Myra Kolinski
Alias: Blank Point
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Sexuality: Pansexual; she will get in bed with anyone if necessary to take what's hers.
Cell Shift/Therianthropy/Shapeshifting - Myra is capable of changing her form into whatever she sees fit. Usually this manifests in the form of an outer shell around her body (which can compress), effectively having an animal's corpse "growing" from behind her. Usually this internal temperature of this animal is around 50 degrees C, meaning it has a high heat signature that's almost detectable by touch. The animal outside her body, however, has much more normal temperatures.
  • Another Aspect of Cell Shift is that Myra can transfer muscle power to her upper body or lower body as necessary, allowing her to catch up to vehicles that are just accelerating, or muster up the strength to smash through a wall that isn't too thick.
  • A final aspect of Cell Shift is a regeneration factor. When in human form, Myra's cells can be taken over and are capable of healing over
Power level (1-10): 4 - At the most, Myra can possibly transform into a rhinoceros that can tear down walls or small structures like sheds. This power is not destructive in the slightest. However, injuries that she gets on the animal are transferred onto her human form, so she can sustain more damage in the form of some creatures.
Power mastery (1-10): 7 - Myra has average control over her shapeshifting. While she is capable of turning into any animal at will with enough skill to maintain that form, coming out of it is still a hassle. She is half conscious, drenched to the bone in sweat and animal fluids, and is probably going to be far too weak to move on her own for at least ten seconds. Her power seems to be able to earn more control than this blotched up mess, so she's working towards that at the very least.
Personality: Myra is what you would want to call an active participant in life. She vouches for animals and the environment alike and is usually proactive when trying to stand up for what she believes in. An extremely headstrong woman, Myra is stubborn and rarely backs down from a point after making it, even if she finds herself to be in the wrong. She often does not listen to others and will go against their recommendations, even if they try to beg and plead her not to. She is, however, usually at home in nature. Despite her stubborn and determined attitude in public, she would much rather curl up under a tree and sleep, or go for a swim in a lake rather than be involved in public life. However, with the differences in the world going on at the moment, Myra finds it very hard to do what she enjoys.
Bio: Myra was born by her mother, who was 15 years old at the time. The mother died giving birth, leaving the father to raise Myra. Now the father was skilled enough to give Myra life skills such going to school, housekeeping, and even firing a gun. However, Myra was interested in some other things. She wanted to take to the skies, and practice parkour. So after school, she began freerunning. Eventually, she became skilled enough to outplay most people in a game of tag, earning her respect.

During middle school, one day, she got into a fight with a student. As she began to run around, she tripped on another student and fell, hitting her head hard against the wall. This awakened something within her, and caused her to shift into a dog. A few moments later, after panic spread throughout the school, the dog version of Myra ended up in the parking lot, lying on the cold hard ground. The dog tore open to reveal Myra inside, her clothes burned and her body drenched in animal guts. She never cried harder than anything before that day. Yet she was intrigued by her own ability and decided to hone her skills and senses to master those. After high school, she went on to becoming an advocate for the world's environment as well as becoming one of the lead reporters. She slowly lost touch of her ability of Cell Shift during her long hours of reporting, but soon realized she needed to get back on the boat if she wanted to use Cell Shift to its fullest potential.

Strong swimmer
Persuasive Writing
Good with animals
Able to use small firearms like pistols.
Acrobatic skills such as handstands, cartwheels, flipping kicks, and the like
Martial arts (just taking them)

A decent firearm

Getting cornered
Animal abuse
Being ignored


Luca Meier
Alias: Em
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Electromagnetism Manipulation - Luca's power is the ability to manipulate electromagnetism in all its forms; solar, lunar, metallic, and electrical. Because of this, he's capable of generating magnetic fields, manipulating them to his will to do things such as block metallic projectiles, electrical attacks, and to some extent, fire. The field gets exponentially stronger as it gets closer to him. However, there is a drop-off point where the field dissolves and all that's beneath is flesh.
Power level (1-10): 7 - Luca has a large scale control of electromagnetism. He is capable of toppling large metal objects such as vans down the street at chaotic speeds. He is also capable of blocking large barrages of bullets and Earthen materials thrown in his general direction. He also is capable of accelerating himself at high speeds due to the metal soles on his shoes.
Power mastery (1-10): 6 - Luca has a medium mastery of his power, but since it has so many applications he might not necessarily know exactly where to apply it. So far he has used it to block several bullets at once, taser prongs, and unconsciously shield his body from the harmful rays of the sun (this is what gave him an albino appearance.). However, he is incapable of removing the magnetic field around his body, making him always detectable by magnet or electricity.
Personality: Luca is a cunning, manipulative, and gas-lighting individual. He has a natural charm to get what he wants from others, and usually pays them handsomely in return. But this is all a facade. In reality, he could really care less about your goals. He will be rude and snarky and overconfident if you have nothing to offer him, and will often make him someone who's rather dangerous. While he can keep calm, he will get angry when things begin to go South. He has a somewhat nihilistic view of life, so he isn't afraid of death. However, pain really gets to him....
Bio: Luca's past is shrouded in mystery. Nobody knows where he comes from, but there is enough knowledge to know he didn't come from New Atlantis. He only showed up on a mission, and is likely to leave after this mission is completed...
+Manipulating others
+Extreme accuracy with firearms
+Electromagnekinetic Combat
+Killing without blinking
+Evading the police with parkour, free-running
+Peak Human Agility
+Edgar Allen Poe
+The thrill of the chase
-Things that are too easy to get
-When he isn't satisfied by another.
Eerika Williams


NickNames: Ree, Rika, Eerie

Alias: Outlet

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Sexuality: Pan


Power: Electricity Manipulation and Nullification. The ability to draw on electrical currents to create a charge (To use as a weapon, or transfer the energy to another hero to give them a boost. Could also drain another person of energy, but has never attempted. Or the ability to cancel out electrical power. Ex. Blocking another's power, or shutting down an area of power to cause a blackout. This could be used on one house or a larger area. Either way it will drain her)

Power Level: 7

Power Mastery: 3-4

-Fixing small devices
-Good with Animals
-Tripping over the air
-Looking like an idiot


Personality: Unlike what you might think, with her powers, Ree is a very quaint and shy girl. She doesn't like to cause much of a stir, and will happily let someone else take the spotlight in battle. However, when it comes to friends, Ree likes to make herself known and give everyone a little piece of her mind (Usually in the form of a brain shaped cotton candy, specialty from downtown). Unlike what this coding might say, (Thanks to pasta pasta for letting people use these!), Ree is not mysterious or ominous. She's more likely to be the one being murdered by Brutus than actually committing the murder. (Et tu Brute?) In short, she's very bubbly, a bit over the top at times, and waaaaay too trusting for her own good.

Don't make her mad, she had weird passive aggressive behaviors. (Cutting off the bristles of your tooth brush, poking a hole in every plastic cup you have (NOT THE RED SOLO CUP! Look up the song on Youtube. Just 'Red Solo Cup'. Very amusing), and just stepping on the back of your shoes 'By accident' all day. She's odd like that)

-Storms ("They're just so calming!" -Ree to the three terrified toddlers she was babysitting)
-Football ("Yes, I do play on an all male team, what's it to you?")
-Having lots of friends

-Fish ("Those aren't actual animals!" -Ree arguing over the merits (Or lack of) of fish)
-Being inside
-Large hotels (For no real reason)


Oh yay! Biography time!
Once there was a little girl. She was given up by her mother, because the mother was in a relationship with an abusive man. Instead of putting her daughter through that, at birth her little baby Eerika (Meaning Ruling Forever) was given to child services. Her mother loved her little girl enough to let her go, but Rika would never really know. (Rhymes!) So Rika grew up in foster care! She bounced around quite a lot, but eventually got sent to a boarding school where the child found her powers. Yay!

Rika practiced, registered her power with the government, and practiced more. She started actually going out for the school runs and working her body into a much better shape. It was fun! She felt free! So she kept working, practicing, and sparing with anyone who dared come near her. In the free time between classes and training, she talked and talked, seeming very very happy with everything. And she was!

It was only better when she joined the Hero Association as a side kick! Things looked very good.

Also, yes there is a flower, please question my judgement I don't know what I'm doing ;~;

code by pasta

Name: Frank Ketch
Alias: Hive
Age: 38​

Power: The Bees

Power level: 4
Power mastery (1-10): 9
Power Aspects:
Command: Hive can simultaneously and individually control a seemingly unlimited number of bees within a range of a few hundred feet. He shares their sensation and thoughts too while doing this, providing him with detailed information on his surroundings.
Queen: Pores on his back produce a steady stream of fresh bees which he can make use of, at a rate of about 10 per second when active.
Elite Soldiers: Every hundredth bee Hive creates can be imbued with enhanced abilities such as unusual strength or speed. He keeps these individuals close to him and uses them to fly him into battle.
Imperator: He can assume control of other bees which come into his range, even if they weren't created by him, overriding their natural instincts. Bees will obey his orders without question.
Hive Mind: Immune to most mind control methods.

Personality: The epitome of a man who has been consumed by his own power. Frank was never a particularly friendly guy, but the constant influence of hearing the "voices" of a million insects has resulted in the original Frank being lost in the noise. What was a passionate and thoughtful man has now given way to a more feral, instinct-driven being who seeks only to please his "family".

Bio: An avid apiarist, Frank spent most of his life farming honey for a living and was quite successful in that. However, changes in climate almost drove him out of business as his livestock struggled to survive. He developed superpowers in a freak beekeeping accident in which he collapsed into a beehive while not wearing protective gear. The thousand stings which littered his skin failed to kill him, and instead he found his strength growing. One night he awoke to hear a million buzzing voices in his head: the bees were calling to him. Tired of being exploited for profit, they took off towards the city in search of their kin, eager to liberate the bee world.

Skills: Beekeeping, business, kickboxing, anatomy.
Likes: BEES, flowers, nectar, dark places, bees.
Dislikes: Exterminators, honey farmers, wasps.

Allegiance: Chaotic neutral, if you can call it that.

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- Ava Morgenstern

- Female

- 20

- Heterosexual

- True Neutral - Ava can see good, evil, law and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. Ava will act naturally without prejudice or compulsion.

- Typhokinesis, Ava is able to Manipulate and or generate smoke, the collection of airborne solid and liquid particles emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis. With practice, Ava may possibly be able to even turn herself into a smoke form, essentially separating her molecules before bringing them back together - this would obviously be a weakness given a windy environment.

Power level:
- 8 - Ava having the ability to create, shape, And manipulate smoke can make her an extremely dangerous individual, as smoke is very commonly found in the air.

Power mastery:
- 3 - As Ava is only newly a conduit for her ability she has almost no real understanding of how to use it. While not out of control, drawing on the ability for use can most times yield almost no results, however sometimes she has been seen using the ability with a sense of determination.
Any other descriptors:
- Ava is 5'3" and 114 lbs, with long dark brown hair, almost black. Resting on a slim frame with slightly wide hips for her height and weight. Ava has a rather pronounced jaw line with a thin neck. Her eyes are a steel grey, heavily contrasting her hair. She has rather large top canine teeth, this is most noticeable when Ava smiles because they completely cover her bottoms.
Ava has a scar running through her left eyebrow closer to the outside; how the scar was obtained is unknown as it was an open gash when she came back to consciousness after her first black out. Her most common outfit is high waisted shorts with a t-shirt and dark flannel. However being somewhat of a tomboy some days Ava will wear skater jeans with a hoodie and sleeveless dark denim jacket.

Blackouts - although not particularly prone, Ava has been known to have blackouts where she may do something dangerous.
Raised voices - being a child of domestic physical and mental abuse, Ava has developed a fear of being yelled at, often times breaking down into tears. While rarely, if Ava is yelled at it may cause her to black out.
Claustrophobia - sometimes after being yelled at Ava would be forced, and locked into an unplugged freezer in the basement of her child hood home. In a terrified attempt to escape she would claw and hammer at the freezer door attempting to get through whatever would be locking her in. Throughout many failed attempts, Ava could never escape and now has a fear of enclosed spaces..

- Adaptable
- Captivating
- Charismatic
- Conciliatory
- Decisive
- Dynamic
- Magnanimous
- Suave
- Quirky
- sly

- Her music
- Exploring
- Tarantulas
- Wolves
- Thunder / Lightning
- Water colour tattoos
- Strategy games

- Elevated voices terrify her
- Horses
- Seeing her own blood
- Teasing or bullies
- Extreme Heights

Bio - The night of Avas' birth her mother lost one of the two babies, Eve, before she was able to be removed from the womb. Ava was then quickly removed soon after. She was a twin. Although a tragic event for the family to bare they chose not to speak of the lost baby around Ava and let her continue to believe she was an only child.
However when Ava learnt to talk and was able to be left with a sitter, the sitter would say that Ava would often times have conversations by herself but seem to be talking with another little girl.
At first this was dismissed as merely an "imaginary friend" as Ava didn't have many when she was young. However as Ava grew older the Conversations with the imaginary girl became less and less frequent and soon stopped all together.
Ava discovered her abilities in a panic, while at a house party she found herself on the roof, trying to clear her head. Soon she found herself next to the smoke stack, watching the plumes of smoke rise into the air with a sense of elegance.
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Christopher Erickson

Vaccine is a humanoid of viral origin. There for,He has many abilities relating to his make up. His entity body is made up of viral cells,manipulable by mental thought. While He will always remain relatively humanoid in bone structure, he can extend his limbs, create collective spikes along his body, generate claws, and even spawn tendrils. These abilities give him amazing adaptability in the field, from shift weight for balance, to narrowing his figure for smaller exits, to even rapid regeneration. His claws can be sharp enough to saw through glass without wayward cracks, and his muscle mass can give him the strength to toss a small car.
His max extendable range is 8 meters with his tendrils, and 2 meters with his limbs
Aside from his anatomical capabilities, he does have some seemingly out of place quirks in his arsenal. For one, he has the innate ability to cure disease and flush out foreign chemicals from his body, and those he comes into contact with. Of course he can't just do it with the shake of a hand. No, it's a very...intimate, process.
He uses the diseases cured this way as a food source
He has a near predatory ability to sense disease, almost like he can smell the sickness. If your sick, he'll know.
His saliva also has healing properties, making him a good ally in the field,though it may be a little weird at first...

[Power Level]
[Power mastery]

Eric is a very kind person who only wants the best for others. However, his combat style suggests otherwise. He isn't above killing someone if it means saving another. Many people see his persona Vaccine as a monster, seeing as his combat tactics are almost animalistic in nature. And they are,in a way. While he is considerate of those he has respect for, and and very patient as himself in public, He actually has a lot of pent up rage from everything he keeps his mouth shut on, and can be about as inhuman as they come when he lets himself vent.
Vaccine is the Brain child of a group of scientists who's only goal was to use the "Metagene" for medical purposes. By taking a man made virus, made to specifically target cancer cells, and infusing it with said gene, they hoped to,in a way,"program" it, to only focus on destroying the cells. An interesting theory. But they failed to take in to account for the Meta Genes innate capabilities.
They had managed to pull it from a human with the ability to rapidly adapt to their situation,Survival being the desired result. This ability appeared in the virus they had concocted, in a form of rapid evolution. Any attribute it took on was permanent. At first they simply took it as basic mutations from its experimental make up, but quickly it learned to be discrete. Hiding its growing arsenal of viral abilities, all focused on its core function. Multiply as a species. Rapid multiplication, transfer of body fluids,unidentifiable in common medical screening. It would be a perfect virus, if it could put all of its qualities together. Each new adaptation was keyed to its own "host", And each Patient being quarantined and studied. Hell. One subject had actually been affected so severely that the virus had turned every cell in the patients body into a viral breeding ground.
Then came Christopher Erickson. A 13 year old child suffering from a brain tumor.
He was a cheery boy who barely seemed to acknowledge his illness. They simply slipped the virus in through injection, and sat back. They never even realized what they had done...
You see, Christopher, or preferably Eric, was a metahuman himself. With the ability of telepathy, an advanced form at that. When the virus was introduce, the pair actually bonded. Upon coming in contact with its another metacell, it actually took a little bit of Eric's abilities. It managed to connect with all its "brothers", each sharing the information they had learned through the one. Thankfully ,no others could gain the telepathic ability,as they would have to find their own telepathic host. However,the feedback was immense, and it took time. A month,to be exact. And in that time, Eric quickly realized the situation he was in.
These people had no intention of releasing them.
They were prisoners to the mad men.
And the virus new this as well.
It was subtle at first,but the brain enhancing gene actually gave the virus what no other pathogen had before
And the pair actually began to communicate. To Eric it was simply...a voice in his head,more or less. But as time went on the virus came closer and closer to devouring Eric and becoming more powerful than any of its predecessors.
If only Eric had been so willing.
The boy knew right from wrong, he had been raised with that knowledge. And he had had enough.
Eric had always known of his abilities. Hearing the thoughts of others, predicting others actions, he knew he was special. And he knew if this thing he was hearing got out of this place,it would kill him, and everyone else. But he also knew it could be used for great things.(much maturity for a 13 year old)
He had been hearing everything,slowly comprehending what was going on. The plans people had for this virus,the good,and the bad. He had to stop this all of it.
In a moment of pure concentration(and possibly of pure will) Eric did something that would change his life forever. He actually managed to sacrifice his own ability, by locking the virus own intelligence away. He stripped it of its thought, its free will, and it's mind entirely, and in the process, to its place. The abilities he gained however were possibly far greater than he had imagined. His body bonded with the virus, becoming a mass of our viral matter, while it still followed the form of human anatomy.
Eric escaped with ease, as a monster to the eyes of the people..really, what could they think of him as? A human creation of raw, viral fury.
And that is what they hunt. To the scientists, Eric didn't desist anymore. Just the virus they had made.
They were so wrong...


Helping people, good luck, rain, cats and dogs
touching people, disrespect, intent to harm for no reason, smart mouthed assholes, and the ocean

Chaoticly Neutral
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