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Fantasy Heroes, Villains, and the space in between...

How should I get involved into the story? I know I joined after the RP had already started, so now I don't really know how to jump in. I would like to take part in the main plot, but I don't know. :b/:

You guys are still open, right? I may have overdosed on describing my character's ability.
How should I get involved into the story? I know I joined after the RP had already started, so now I don't really know how to jump in. I would like to take part in the main plot, but I don't know. :b/:
If your a villain I could have Senator Norton contact you as an "outside resource" and have him pay your characters to go to New Atlantis with him :)
hey! I'm new to the app / site and I was wondering if it would be okay if I joined the rp?

Name: Frank Ketch
Alias: Hive
Age: 38​

Power: The Bees

Power level: 4
Power mastery (1-10): 9
Power Aspects:
Command: Hive can simultaneously and individually control a seemingly unlimited number of bees within a range of a few hundred feet. He shares their sensation and thoughts too while doing this, providing him with detailed information on his surroundings.
Queen: Pores on his back produce a steady stream of fresh bees which he can make use of, at a rate of about 10 per second when active.
Elite Soldiers: Every hundredth bee Hive creates can be imbued with enhanced abilities such as unusual strength or speed. He keeps these individuals close to him and uses them to fly him into battle.
Imperator: He can assume control of other bees which come into his range, even if they weren't created by him, overriding their natural instincts. Bees will obey his orders without question.
Hive Mind: Immune to most mind control methods.

Personality: The epitome of a man who has been consumed by his own power. Frank was never a particularly friendly guy, but the constant influence of hearing the "voices" of a million insects has resulted in the original Frank being lost in the noise. What was a passionate and thoughtful man has now given way to a more feral, instinct-driven being who seeks only to please his "family".

Bio: An avid apiarist, Frank spent most of his life farming honey for a living and was quite successful in that. However, changes in climate almost drove him out of business as his livestock struggled to survive. He developed superpowers in a freak beekeeping accident in which he collapsed into a beehive while not wearing protective gear. The thousand stings which littered his skin failed to kill him, and instead he found his strength growing. One night he awoke to hear a million buzzing voices in his head: the bees were calling to him. Tired of being exploited for profit, they took off towards the city in search of their kin, eager to liberate the bee world.

Skills: Beekeeping, business, kickboxing, anatomy.
Likes: BEES, flowers, nectar, dark places, bees.
Dislikes: Exterminators, honey farmers, wasps.

Allegiance: Chaotic neutral, if you can call it that.


Oh good god... :-_-lines::closed eyes open smile: - I... I will interact with this when I wake up. I am gonna take a nap.
Sorry I've been exceedingly busy lately. You can NPC the senator for the phone call if you'd like.

The gist of the conversation is he wants more hands in New Atlantis. All he will tell you if questioned is that something big is happening. If you decline the mission he will then offer you 30,000$ to do it, if they decline further then he will likely threaten their lives.
Cheryl Cheryl
View attachment 333668
Christopher Erickson

Molding- Mold can take any solid material, and change,shape,stretch, and tear it, as if it was wet clay.
[Power Level]
[Power mastery]

Christopher likes to let of the "cheerful optimist" in public, and will often be seen helping people, be it with odd jobs, favors, or simply giving company. However, Christopher is by no means the perfect person. When serious he can be stern, harsh, and even cruel if you've pressed rhe wrong buttons.
While rare, he has been known to fall silent all together. This is a sign of deep emotional issues, and should not be taken lightly

(is there any way i can have this "to be rp'd?" I hate to give spoilers~)
artistic talent, hand to hand combat, quick thinking, resourceful
Helping people, good luck, rain, cats and dogs, people calling him Eric
touching people, disrespect, intent to harm for no reason, smart mouthed assholes,bad luck, and people calling him Chris

Chaoticly Neutral

Sorry, for the delay - He seems fine, but notice that level 10 is the highest you can go for an ability. So I suggest you go 3/10 on your abilities. Otherwise, he seems cool. I will like it now. - also, another Christopher... there will be a rivalry!
Sorry, for the delay - He seems fine, but notice that level 10 is the highest you can go for an ability. So I suggest you go 3/10 on your abilities. Otherwise, he seems cool. I will like it now. - also, another Christopher... there will be a rivalry!

No problem^^ i didnt mind the wait.
Also, i did so, switched to 3/10. Must have over looked that >.<'
So is it just well known that people have abilities? Would we see people using thwir abilities in their day to day life, or is that frowned upon
So is it just well known that people have abilities? Would we see people using thwir abilities in their day to day life, or is that frowned upon

There are many people who have powers, but if you use it as a superpower - as in you save people and thwart enemies, then it is best to keep it a secret - since, revenge and all that. But if you are a public figure, or if you choose to just use your powers in everyday life, then people might find it strange, then seem in awe - before they go about their lives. It is not that big a deal. There are x-men, and then there are mutants using their heated palms to make coffee in Starbucks.
Alright ^^ have you done a "daily update yet? Or has to little happened for one to occur?
Alright ^^ have you done a "daily update yet? Or has too little happened for one to occur?
I have been holding back on the daily updates because very little has happened. I don't want to just jump forwards, when people are in the middle of things - I expected people to move through a day rather quickly - but we are still in mid-afternoon, and many might want to do things 'at night' - so I am slightly amending it, and looking at how often people post . I might have been overly ambitious. You can jump in at any time. This should be around two-three ish. The meeting at the Town hall should be done for about an hour now.

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