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Heroes on the Rise

call me rae

Closing this account

[SIZE= 36px]The Rise of Heroes[/SIZE]

About fifteen years ago the Event occurred. For ten minutes every person on the planet lost consciousness and when they awoke it was to a world on fire. But from that fire miracles where born, men and women with incredible power that lept into the air to help people in their time of need.

These miraculous heroes would eventually go on to found the Justice League of America, a organization dedicated to helping others and fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. The JLA has branches all across the country each with their own home town hero and all falling under the greater umbrella of the JLA. The company not only does relief work but they also handle merchandising and marketing for their heroes.

Working in alliance with the JLA is Vigilante, Inc. A place for those without special abilities but still possessing amazing talents can come to show off. They are often pitted against the heroes of the JLA in celebrity or charity battles as a way to entertain the populous while simultaneously giving to a good cause. The company was created by the enigmatic Bruce Wayne, publicly as a bit of a cash grab and a way to show-case his own ego, privately as a means of amassing an army capable of tacking down the so called superheroes should they prove dangerous to the populous.

[SIZE= 36px]When Supers Go Bad[/SIZE]

Metropolis has long been home to the Man of Steel, one of the first of the new heroes to leap onto the scene. Word on the street is his powers might come from some alien heritage but the man himself keeps pretty mum about it. Superman is often seen working together with his two proteges : Superboy and Supergirl. Although Supergirl has her own city to protect and it is said that Superboy is often sent abroad to Rhode Island's, Happy Harbor, to train with other young heroes.

Still the world knows all about the Super Family and the three are among the most popular and beloved of all the new heroes. Unfortunately that love is going to be put to the test when Superman abruptly goes off the deep end and starts terrorizing Metropolis. It's up to the people of Vigilante Inc to kick start their hidden agenda and put the powerhouse down.
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“To available JLA this is Bludhaven we have a Code Grey requesting assistance immediately.”

The mechanical voice broke into the chaos of the comms as everyone tried to figure out the situation in Metropolis. The Team had been hanging out when Canary had raced in and shoved him in the “super cycle” a rocket powered cycle that he had been given as a publicity stunt years ago. It was meant to make up for the fact that so far he didn’t have the flight abilities of his Dad and cousin.

The cycle was far from the safest thing to use and he was pushing it faster than was safe but if the worst happened all that would happen is he fell from the sky, he wouldn’t be too badly harmed. As it was he could feel the machine shaking as it was pushed to the limits.

He was so busy concentrating on keeping the Cycle in the air the he missed the first transmission from Canary.

“Repeat, SB redirect to Bludhaven to offer assistance. Do you copy?”

Con stopped momentarily pulling back despite the painful whine of the Cycle.

“Wha? But wha-”

He started in shock before wincing as Canary’s voice went hard and loud as she repeated herself in her drill sergeant bark.

“SB redirect to Bludhaven NOW.”

Con flinched at the snarl and redirected the directional system of the Cycle and gunned it again.

“Yes ma’- er SB copy. Heading to Bludhaven.”

He said over the whip of the wind.


By the time he reached Bludhaven the Cycle was overheated and rattling so hard he was almost thrown off. He landed on the nearest skyscraper and looked around. Code Grey meant massive property damage but he didn’t see big clouds of smoke on his first scan. Then a plume of smoke caught the corner of his eye and he leapt off in pursuit. By the time he arrived he was confused to see just a small bonfire. He looked around his muscles twitching warily, this was beginning to look like one of Lex’s stupid father-son plots. He heard a steady heartbeat and whipped around ready to confront his estranged dad.
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Even after these 15 years, the Event was still as mysterious, as it has been before. No one could explain, how and why it occured but some people that were close to that matter, knew, that everything could go to shit at any second. It wasn't just a wild guess, because things couldn't be so calm and peaceful for a long time, right? Or maybe it was Bruce's grim thoughts being passed on Tim because of their frequent interaction with eachother. 

So, no, it wasn't really a huge surprise, when one of America's heroes went mad. The surprise was, though, who it was. Because nobody would ever think about Superman, Kal-El, Clark Kent, or whatever you wanted to call him, being the first one to lose his cool in a brute way like that. He was, like, totally out of control. And suddenly, creating the Vigilantes made a lot more sense. It was their job to make sure, that the matter was tended to as quickly as it was possible. 

"You need to distract Superboy, Tim", Bruce has said, and Tim complied, because it wasn't his place to argue. But he strongly doubted the rightness of this order, as he was heading away from the place in which people tried to put some sense in Superman. It was obvious, that it wasn't a fair fight and he knew that Wayne would have to use his most powerful and guarded asset. But he couldn't just use it right there, hence why Tim, along with Dick and Babs, were sent to distract Kent's kids.

He was waiting by the bonfire, near which, as he had heard, Superboy was meant to stumble upon. He emerged from his hiding place, a little while after the boy appeared at the place, making sure, that his face had curiosity mixed with worry written all over it.

"Hey, Conner, you were called here too?" he asked, acting genuinely surprised, and looked over the bonfire and frowning with pretended incomprehension. "Do you know what's going on?" 


Con straightened up as he caught sight of one of the Flock stepped out of the shadows. It was the media’s tongue and cheek name for the bird themed Vigilantes that seemed to be the rising stars of VI. Con and the Team had only worked with Red Robin and Nightwing previously although Con had once been slated to do a match up with Red Hood before getting sidetracked by a massive tsunami in Japan.

Of the Flock Red Robin was the one Con liked to work with the most. Nightwing could be strangely intimidating with his flair for showmanship, Con always felt like he had to “go big” just to keep up. Red was a lot more relatable and it was kind of fun playing the bumbling jock to sneaky ninja.

“Yeah we got a Code Grey at the Cave but I don’t know man, I think Oracle is broken or something.”

Conner said scanning the surrounding rooftops as best he could.

He didn’t see any other plumes of smoke and he reached up to check his comms only to be met with static.

He dropped his hands and squinted straining his senses but it was no use. He didn’t have enough training to know how to pinpoint specific points of interference.

“Ugh, the comms are down. I’ll bet Lex got one of the Legioners to Hack Oracle again.”

Con growled more and more convinced his estranged father was behind this whole fiasco. It would be just like him to set out to embarrass both VI ( and Bruce Wayne ) as well as the JLA as much as possible.

“Can you get anything through your freaky bird computer thing?”

He asked Tim curiously.
Well, Tim usually acted like he felt. He was ordinary, especially in a world, where a big majority consisted of metahumans, so he didn't try to make himself into someone he wasn't and would never be. True, he was a part of VI and he knew that he was capable of doing much more than another ordinary human, but he didn't like to brag about it. Seeming completely defenseless and helpless made things much more interesting. 

"I don't know what's going on" the boy said carefully, after listening to everything that Superboy had to say, pointing to a bonfire with his hand. "We should put the fire down, though, and then we can think of what to do next. Don't you have a chilling breath, or something to go with your heat vision?" It was always good to have a someone reasonable nearby, right? Tim was known for his calmness, which usually was mistaken for reserve. But he was a pretty friendly fellow, when you got to know him better, if you understood irony, of course.

"It's a normal computer, you know" he sighed at a name Conner gave to his device, but perched on the curb anyway and turning it on. But he shook his head a while later, standing up and dusting his trousers. "Just like I thought. There must be something interfering the signal nearby, because every kind of connection is down." 

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