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Fantasy Heroes of Aerth: chapter one of the RP



More toxic less flow
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My Interest Check
Hidden underground beneath Sunsight manor is the location of the Shadowhands biggest secret. A holy treasure hidden from those who would see it destroyed. The last Godstone on Aerth, tucked away in a secluded area of the Shadow's bunker. A HQ for various members of the Shadowhand operating around and outside the city of Solaw, speaking of the coastal city, a stranger to Solaw had just arrived.
A aged man with grey hair and a warrior frame walks the cobbled streets with aid of a staff. Wakki Naza spent most of his life trying to fulfil a prophecy, funny to him that in old age he was finally chosen... Wakki was caught in his thoughts to the point he almost walked past the man calling his name. A butler sent by Lady Yeniffer Causthol called out to who he assumed was Wakki.
"aye, how did you guess that?" Wakki asked with a curious smile standing up straight.

"Good evening sir, my name is Gregory Deck and I serve lady Causthol, the lady gave me a vivid description of her esteemed guest. She mentioned a elder traveller who wields a scimitar. You're the only gentleman I've seen enter the city today with such a unique blade. Anyway sir, if you would like I shall escort you to Sunsight manor" Gregory bows and motions to a horse drawn carriage.
"Suppose that fits my description. Aye I would very much appreciate that."
Wakki took his time getting in to rest his legs and Gregory joined the driver waiting for the order. Not everyone in and under Sunsight knew the importance of this elderly warrior. Yeniffer has had Hashal working hard the last few months and he has shared the news with only a handful of his people. As the carriage arrived at the gate, Hashal knew it was finally time for his trusted assassins to hit the road. With telepathy and effort Hashal sends word at long range to his important contacts. Arrive beneath Sunsight at your earliest convenience the quest begins...
Tetro Tetro BuggaBoo BuggaBoo

Moorray Doppo was first to arrive. Entering the underground bunker from Sunsight itself, he had just arrived back in the city empty handed and bitter. Sitting at the bar with Hashal standing opposite him talking about the work they have done recently. Moorray finished a bottle as Hashal handed him another and took the empty, Moorray spoke "you was right about Ohnee. My glow contact was a victim of the king's champion. Heard he's a monster in human skin..."
Hashal shook his head "most likely a mere man on monstrous glow, Shenanigans is the true king of Ohnee"
"I've fought men who use alchemy to boost their chances, what I heard of seemed different. Not that I seen my friends attacker... anyway where's this Naza you and the lady are so high on"
"he is relaxing after a long journey, eating, bathing, something you could have done before arriving."
Hashal rarely made jokes but he was in a good mood this night. Moorray laughed slapping the bar and pointing at Hashal with a retort "bastard, I smell just fine considering I've been on a horse for hours" The two share a laugh and enjoyed what might be the last peaceful drink they have together.
With just us three theres not really a post order, regardless ima try and let both of you post before I go again.

If you wasnt tagged but you are reading this wanting to play, hit up the ooc or pm me to learn more.

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KiKina - 'The Whispering'

The cloak billowed and flowed yet no sound it made. Imperceptible tendrils from below it flicked and fluttered at its hem, not once allowing the fabric to touch her person nor the cavern walls engulfing her. She was but a shadow embraced by Shadow; footfalls of the large form barely made a sound. No need for her to carry light. Not this one; she was just fine.

At the end of the caverns was the lightsource she had detected. She had 'tunnelled' a path through the shadows to let a single pinprick of light zig-zag its way back to her eyes. Despite the vastness of the remaining distance, she was close enough to allow some 'feelers' to reach out and assess the immediate vicinity of the light source. There was an everburning orb that bobbed up and down to its own rhythm. And that was it. No discernable point of entry, no locking mechanism, but best of all; no traps. From behind the scented, silky scarf, a wry smile formed at full yet scarred lips. The portal beyond was sealed from the inside.

The Sunsight superiors had changed the entry protocol. The entry was on a high alert level of security. Only the somebodies that were anybody were going to be let in this secret passageway. Something really big just had to be going down.

Like swimming snakes made of the purest of black, tendrils wriggled up from beneath her feet and behind her hips to pull away at the darkness as if they were drapes. She made a spotlight of sorts and without touching the rocky surface, the woman inspected for a potential weakpoint or clue. Perhaps having lips puckered and eyes narrowed would help her concentration... and then there she found--

Nothing. No mere mortal was meant to pass.

Oh, but she found it. There it was. She was no mere mortal. No, only those of the ShadowGuild could ever know what exactly was the 'keyhole.' A smirk, a simple nod and Shadows from behind her cloaked form whispered into life and reached up and over her shoulders. Multiple twirling tendrils of liquid ephemeral night invaded the light cast upon the portal. They slid and slithered till they found the secret 'keyhole.' Writhing and bulging as they coalesced into a single tentacle, before elongating out, penetrating the opening.

A heart beat longer she waited as the tendrils slid their way along the surface from floor to ceiling on the other side of the barricade; she noted that it was solid rock and thick as a man's thigh it was. In eyeless silence, the sinewy darkness reached out for another to find and follow the liquidy black probes down their length back to her. She adjusted the midnight scarf across her face. A smile could not help but form as its soft, silky touch caressed her nose and lips. Yes, this was a poor disguise since most here could recognize her eyes, and even to the uninitiated, the scar neath the right eye should give tell tale sign what was coming for them. But really it was not a disguise. It was Respect: Assassins do not disgrace the Guild with their faces upon entering this lair; they need not be proud of what they do, just proud of the results that come from it.

It was a harsh custom but one she could live with. It was actually an honour to her knowing that her deeds were far more important than merely her looks.

Steely blue eyes widened slightly as her shadowy feelers twitched and sent feedback to her.
"Crescent...?! ...but still alive you lil' bastard, you...? Do pull the lever for me, ol' boy...! The 'Whispering' has been summoned here. Do let her in..."

A yowl. A click. A rumble. The light from within started as a slivered curve and split open into a full moon soon enough. The assassin crossed the threshold and the scrawny black fuzzy thing leapt up at her. She caught the Sunsight darling and nuzzled him as he purred and rubbed his cheeks up against hers. A loving gaze poured from her eyes into the shiny, big yellow circlets in front of her. "Ohhhh... missed you too have I. So. What you say, ol' boy? Creshie wanna buy his ol' girlfriend a drink?"

Thoughts in the Corridors...

How long had it been since she was summoned by the ol' fuzzed up faced barkeep? Too long apparently for she had reacted as if startled when the thought message came hurtling in. It could not even be called startled but even the slightest movement from her shoulders was still movement. Yet she knew had she been in front of a mirror, those normally cold, steely blues staring back at her would have popped wide. Again, barely noticeable to the uninitiated, but a tell nonetheless. The ice melted but a touch in the fire; not good enough. She was not as polished as she thought she was. Perhaps that's why the ol' fuzzed up grognard never took her on as a student?

Yes, it was true that she had received enough training over the years to yield outstanding results for her Guild; the Name 'The Whispering held worth and clout in this subterranean lair. And her mentor Kola had borne her into her position and she was ever thankful. Yet, as accomplished as she was, the assassin could still use more training from a savvy vet like Hashal. He seemed to spend more and more time behind that bar counter nowadays and that meant that... perhaps he was looking for a successor to train? Whatever the case, he had only given her tips and pointers, but never a full on lesson. But she would still make a case for The Whispering to be his successor.

All she had to do was crack that damned saying of his. After the little tidbit of advice he would always say:
"Your name... It is broken. Shadow and Light are siblings. So now then... What does that make you...?"

Dammit to All-Hells she hated cryptic advice.[/COLOR]

The assassin slunk past the portal leading to the bar room. Eyes shifted this way and that taking in the sights, nostrils flared as the familiar smell of cleansing agents and new oil stain filled her nose. Crescent mewled in satisfaction; a cute fuzzy shawl lay strewn across her shoulders. She wanted to nuzzle him but needed to maintain composure.

A crowd had formed around the bar area. Several Guild Members were hunched over around a table and despite the raucousness of the crowd watching them play, their faces were neutral, emotionless; any sort of body language would be picked up on other players and giving them the advantage. Near perfect rows and columns laid out perfectly bevelled tiles with insanely intricate dyed pearl inlays. But one would be remiss to not gawk in awe at the ridiculous mountain of coins, gems and jewellry. KiKina did not know much about this particular gambling game, but watching that literal pot of gold grow was worth it to lose yourself for a good minute.

But she was not one for carousing and crowds. Crescent still lounging upon her, slowy narrowed his eyes at the crowd and excitement, nonplussed. Just like the assassin, it seemed her black, fuzzy boyfriend was not one for that kind of deal; he actually yawned before turning away and snuggling up against her neck. Although some had tried to wave her over, she merely acknowledged them with a simple nod in response. And to those she recognized, a full ShadowGuild salute she tossed them. Complete with her hails and polite greetings, she turned and marched to the much, much calmer bar counter.

A full cursory glance she gave around without bobbing and turning her head like a tourist. Not that she felt threatened, The Whispering was looking for anyone who held that 'not settled in yet' look about them. It was a potential tell that they were newly arrived and perhaps been summoned by Hashal. Speaking of Hashal, there he was. Chuckling away with another that that 'not settled in yet' look.

"Hail, Master Assassin. A grace for me to be in your presence yet again..." Steely eyes lit up with a smile hidden by the scarf draped across her face. It really was good to see the fuzz'd up ol fella. Bringing the cat in here was a bold statement, but Crescent was always the owner of the SunSight's loveable pet since his birth. But that venture was the last capricious move she dared. There was that other matter of an overwhelming urge to leap up across the bar and hug 'ol Fuzzy till he broke but that was swiftly fought off, stepped on and buried by her trembling mettle. It felt best to keep her assassin's cool, collected countenance in this witness bound service area. Crescent made a sharp sound as if he concurred.

"Hail, Mr. Wraith. A pleasure it is to finally speak with you again," she nodded politely before reaching a hand up to scratch behind her little friend's ears. Enjoying his purrs rumbling her neck a heartbeat longer she directed Moorray towards her euphoric faced 'boyfriend,' "You've met Crescent I am sure."

Perhaps it was the charged atmosphere or merely the heart-gushing joy of seeing an old acquaintance again? Perhaps it was Crescent's sweetness vibes she was channelling-- yes, later that evening she would tell that to herself. But she ventured small talk veiled with another coy question,
"Has it been so long since he's graced you with his presence, Mr. Wraith...?"

Meanwhile in the vast nothingness of black, souls plucked from earth bleed into existence to see stars all around them in a sea of black. As someone from earth in the year 2023 you have a decent understanding that this looks like outer space. Except you can't move, hell you don't even have a body. You can only see darkness and the light from distant stars. That is until red text appears before you...

You Died.
Doesn't matter how but your time on earth has ended...
You and others in the same situation,
that situation being death.
Have been chosen from a pool of souls at random.
You can either choose to pass on,
which I'm sad to inform you all religions got it wrong.
Pastafarian ironically being the closest to the truth out of all Earth beliefs but only cause it's a mess as... Never mind...
If you choose to pass on this version of you is no more...
But. If you agree to be chosen,

You can live again!
In a new body with all the knowledge you have acquired...
The world will be different
But you will learn quickly,
your soul having lived a previous lifetime
will begin anew stronger...
there is magic in this world, but there is also evil.
Once you live again you have the potential to become a hero,
but ultimately this is determined by your actions.

The world of Aerth is ravaged by evil and the gods have chosen you to rid this world of evil.
The gods shall give you gifts to help you on this quest,
Weapons made by a God, Powers unique to gods chosen.
If you are able to slay three evils the gods will grant you one wish

All you have to do is slay three sources of great evil,
A evil that has reigned to long.
A evil that gains strength.
A evil born anew.

It may be hard,
But anything worth doing usually is...
But this new world is worth experiencing, its worth saving.
getting a wish granted isn't to bad either right?

All you need to do is say yes,
oh you may not have a mouth or voice to do it...
But scream out yes with all you can!

That red text just kept repeating yes until the gathered souls say "yes" or "no"
To disagree with the red text means you disappear, which happened but you may not have noticed up there in space where souls have no visible body. To agree with the red text results in a crazy experience. You fall from the blackness and zoom towards a large foriegn planet similar to earth in the sense it has a blue ocean covering most of it and a bunch of different landmass all over, also this planet Aerth as the red text called it is massive, four times bigger than your home planet not that you get the chance to measure...
You zoom past atmosphere in a blur to arrive safely on Aerth. You are essentially naked with only the bare minimum of cloth to cover your privates.
(think how skyrim or elden ring doesn't allow nudity, neither do the gods it seems)

However you are in possession of a fine weapon, from visual aspects alone it looks amazing and exquisite. To remember the red text though reminds you that...
"you would be given a God crafted weapon" or something.


(Closest visual example I can find)

You are in a dark stone room, aside from a wooden door the only thing in the room is a 6ft glowing crystal propped up by metal rods and slimes mooching about the floor.

Shinomi Kenzaki


Shinomi rubbed her head as she sat up. It felt like she'd been woken up from a long dream. Except usually you didn't have to give such a spirited shout while sleeping. But in the end, as if it were some sort of point-and-click adventure game, she'd made her choice. Shinomi had lived a simple life with only one real goal: becoming the greatest swordswoman in Japan. By her mid-twenties, she actually achieved her goal. She had without a doubt reached the peak of women's kendo. But once at the peak, she had accidentally found herself too uncontested. No martial artist, armed or unarmed, honed their craft in order to stomp on ants. Her victories had made her father and his school of swordsmanship proud, but once he passed she didn't even have that.

So in death, given a specific purpose and goal in this second go at life, her answer was obvious. Slay evil, save the world or something. Sure, why not. It was a lot of reading, but basically it came down to something like that. Honestly, she didn't care too much about the reasoning. If god existed and decided he wanted her alive for some reason, then as long as he put a sword in her hands she had no reason to refuse.

Finally standing up, Shinomi moved her body around. Making circles with her arms, raising her knees to her chest, she made various movements to check the condition of her body. Felt familiar enough. A bit drafty, though. She looked down at what god had sent her down wearing.

"...Ya splurged on the weapon but basically threw a trash bag on me and called it a day, huh? Do gods run out of money or somethin'?"

It wasn't even like a full trash bag. Just some cloth covering what was needed. Not the most dignified way to start life on a new planet. Still, at least god hadn't been totally stingy. She drew her sword and gave it a look over. "God-crafted" was a pretty good way to describe it. Presumably, it functioned as well as it looked too. She raised her sword above her head, holding it in jodan. Turning to face one of the slimes she'd noticed mucking about, she took a single step forward and prepared to swing down her sword.

She paused before even swinging the sword. Sure, slimes were the most stereotypical low-level mob in video games or whatever, but this was a real world right? What if the slimes weren't dangerous? She didn't want to be the kind of psychopath that just tested out their new swords on dogs on the side of road or something. With not much else to swing her sword at, Shinomi just sighed and resheathed the weapon. She looked towards the wooden door and decided to get out of here.

"Tch, ain't even a working door?" she clicked her tongue in annoyance as she found herself unable to open it. The door was a bust. The slimes were just...hanging around. That left one thing to try out. The huge obvious crystal in the room. Except what exactly was it? Walking up to it, Shinomi decided to try touching it.

Viktor was handling a glowing blue feather. It crackled with little bits of electricity as he held it with special bone tweezers. Even with the added protection of his glove, he could feel an intense tingling sensation starting from the tips of his fingers and going up to his shoulder. He inhaled very slowly, then exhaled in as controlled a manner as he could. While for others it was work, for Viktor it was his passion. Crafting rare and potent ingredients together, to make either a potion or an item, gave him a sense of purpose. In dangerous moments like these, handling a rare thunderbird feather, was when he felt truly alive. And not just because a single slip-up could kill him immediately and destroy the room with a thunderous blast.

Arrive beneath Sunsight at your earliest convenience the quest begins...

Viktor stiffened every muscle in his body, holding very still after having his concentration nearly broken by the sudden telepathic message. Slowly, carefully, he set the feather down on the glass dish. He released a big sigh after setting a little glass dome over the dish. Grumbling, Viktor got up and began putting things away where they couldn't be easily tampered with while he was gone.
Viktor was halfway down the steps when he overheard Moorray speaking.

"You was right about Ohnee. My glow contact was a victim of the king's champion. Heard he's a monster in human skin..."

Ohnee. Glow. The two words got his attention quickly, almost making him slip off the last step. If this quest Hashal spoke of could potentially get Viktor to Ohnee, then there was no doubt in VIktor's mind that he needed to go. By the time he got his way to the two, a third had shown up and made herself comfortable. Viktor approached the bar, taking his own seat with a grunt. It never felt good for him to use stairs, even when going down them. "Moorray... Kikina..." He addressed his two fellow members with a quiet voice. "Hashal, why have you summoned me?" He asked, now looking at the man behind the bar. Viktor was truly curious why Hashal would bring someone who was essentially a cripple to a gathering of warriors and assassins. He almost felt out of place, especially since a quest was mentioned. Viktor would usually just provide potions, or poisons, or runes, and then someone else would do the fieldwork. If he was being involved, then it had to be something serious.
Meanwhile in the vast nothingness of black, souls plucked from earth bleed into existence to see stars all around them in a sea of black. As someone from earth in the year 2023 you have a decent understanding that this looks like outer space. Except you can't move, hell you don't even have a body. You can only see darkness and the light from distant stars. That is until red text appears before you...

You Died.
Doesn't matter how but your time on earth has ended...
You and others in the same situation,
that situation being death.
Have been chosen from a pool of souls at random.
You can either choose to pass on,
which I'm sad to inform you all religions got it wrong.
Pastafarian ironically being the closest to the truth out of all Earth beliefs but only cause it's a mess as... Never mind...
If you choose to pass on this version of you is no more...
But. If you agree to be chosen,

You can live again!
In a new body with all the knowledge you have acquired...
The world will be different
But you will learn quickly,
your soul having lived a previous lifetime
will begin anew stronger...
there is magic in this world, but there is also evil.
Once you live again you have the potential to become a hero,
but ultimately this is determined by your actions.

The world of Aerth is ravaged by evil and the gods have chosen you to rid this world of evil.
The gods shall give you gifts to help you on this quest,
Weapons made by a God, Powers unique to gods chosen.
If you are able to slay three evils the gods will grant you one wish

All you have to do is slay three sources of great evil,
A evil that has reigned to long.
A evil that gains strength.
A evil born anew.

It may be hard,
But anything worth doing usually is...
But this new world is worth experiencing, its worth saving.
getting a wish granted isn't to bad either right?

All you need to do is say yes,
oh you may not have a mouth or voice to do it...
But scream out yes with all you can!

That red text just kept repeating yes until the gathered souls say "yes" or "no"
To disagree with the red text means you disappear, which happened but you may not have noticed up there in space where souls have no visible body. To agree with the red text results in a crazy experience. You fall from the blackness and zoom towards a large foriegn planet similar to earth in the sense it has a blue ocean covering most of it and a bunch of different landmass all over, also this planet Aerth as the red text called it is massive, four times bigger than your home planet not that you get the chance to measure...
You zoom past atmosphere in a blur to arrive safely on Aerth. You are essentially naked with only the bare minimum of cloth to cover your privates.
(think how skyrim or elden ring doesn't allow nudity, neither do the gods it seems)

However you are in possession of a fine weapon, from visual aspects alone it looks amazing and exquisite. To remember the red text though reminds you that...
"you would be given a God crafted weapon" or something.


(Closest visual example I can find)

You are in a dark stone room, aside from a wooden door the only thing in the room is a 6ft glowing crystal propped up by metal rods and slimes mooching about the floor.

Nikolas Jay Rossi

Nikolas laid flat on the ground staring at the ceiling, drinking in the sensation of the cold cave floor. The last physical sensation he remembered was the licks of the flames eating away at his body, sanity, and sins...although he didn't regret his decisions. He had broken his hippocratic oath time and time again, without a second thought and would be more than eager to do it again. In death he had made peace and was content with whatever was to come but given another chance he jumped at it!

Dr. Rossi was barely able to make a difference in the medical world but clearing out the unrecycled trash of the world made him feel better. In the end a skipped one of his normal steps and was caught in a trap, rather than fighting back he set fire to everything and burned with the building, but now he was reborn with a new mission and a new spark to kick up some flames. Nikolas flexed the muscles across his body and could feel how loose they were. God's gift to this world attempted to kip-up but ended up shooting to far and face planted. Nikolas hadn't really noticed the other person until they spoke,"No kiddin', I mean my goodies are almost out. At least a trash bag would cover more...or provide some uh..leverage."

Readjusting the loin cloth so he isn't so exposed, Nikolas eyes drifted to the whip near his feet. In Nikolas' opinion the whip appeared more ornate than what he pictured a weapon would be, but since it was a divine weapon it did match up with what a fantasy depiction would be. The leather was finely braided in eccentric patterns that appeared to be otherworldly and ethereal, with a metal handle, although Nikolas could gaze and the whip for hours, he wrapped it around his waste as a makeshift belt and allowed the excess to fall behind him invoking the image of a tail.

While Shinomi was making an attempt at the door, Nikolas was poking and prodding at the slime, "These things are cute, but I wonder how do they function? Oh my name's Nikolas but my friends call me Koko or NJ. I'm assuming, by your weapon that you are also a uh... 'hero'?" As he talked he turned and joined her to gawk at the crystal, throwing up quotes with his hands. The crystal was gorgeous and mesmerizing, "Do ya' think we're suppose to use this to leave, since the door ain't working?"

Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist
"Hail Whispers, hail Crez"
Moorray gave a half hearted wave as Kikana approached with Sunsight's local cat.
"No, i rarely see that cat what with the routes Hash has me roaming. Not that it matters, besides you Hash and the lady i don't think he let's anyone else touch him"
Hashal smirked "you seem more a dog man, as they say..."
"Don't start, I'm a simple sort not concerned with prophecies, sayings or destiny. I'm happy laughing with my peers and fucking with Dragharts. "
Hashal stifles a chuckle as he turned around to get a glass for Kikana and Viktor. Moorray said hello as the Alchemist sat and Hashal answered his question. "I summoned you as you are needed. Old man Naza needs help in his quest, you three are the best we have to give"

The old man went to pour a drink but a look of utter confusion washed over his face, Hashal dropped the bottle in surprise stating. "We... there's unknowns within the bunker. Trapped with the godstone. A woman and man whose thoughts i cannot comprehend..."
Hashal slumped onto the floor next to broken glass and a puddle of wine. His face usually stoic was shifting through various emotions as he attempted to read the mind of humans with alien thoughts.
Before Moorray could ask if Hashal was ok the telepath shouted at the room "to the stone, go, now!"
Immediately Moorray rushed out the room down the longest hallway toward the location of the Godstone locked away...
Inside that room with the godstone was two humans almost naked. They have exquisite weapons and so far the man has poked a slime, which immediately became absorbed into his body. Nikolas wouldn't feel pain or discomfort from this but it's certainly odd... Simply touching the slime made it disappear instantly into the man's finger. The slimes now slowly mooch towards the two as if with a purpose.
The door is still thick wood and locked from the outside as far as those in the room know.

When Moorray reached the door, he listened from the outside before undoing the bars and locks...

Bluffly Bluffly Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Tetro Tetro BuggaBoo BuggaBoo
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Shinomi Kenzaki

Bluffly Bluffly NeonFlow NeonFlow

"Aight, Koko it is then, bud. Ya can call me Shinomi. Shinomi Kenzaki," the swordswoman introduced herself, casually resting her left hand on the hilt of her sword. She considered introducing herself by last name at first, but as the man appeared to be a foreigner she figured it'd be easier to follow their conventions. Well, perhaps "foreigner" wasn't the right word if this wasn't even Earth anymore, much less Japan, but in the end it didn't matter much either way. "Also? Hero? Guess so, which means you're from Earth too then. How comfortin'."

She didn't actually sound particularly relieved, but nor did she seem particularly sarcastic. Just a sort of nonchalant, observant tone. If someone else being present with their current clothing condition bothered her, it didn't show. Shinomi waited a moment as she touched the crystal, but nothing really seemed to happen. Sure it was kinda pretty and all, but that was about it. "I was kinda hoping so, but this ain't doing a thing. What a pain in the ass," she sighed.

Sure, that red text earlier had said something about the whole slaying evil thing being hard, but there was no way that extended to something as simple as leaving the first room she found herself in. There didn't seem to be any food or water around, so it wasn't exactly like they had all the time in the world in here either. They had to get out of here sooner or later, very much preferably sooner. Perhaps it was about time to test her sword against the door?

As she thought that, she noticed the slimes seemed to now be moving with intention. Towards them specifically, actually. Due to trying to work the door at the time, she hadn't noticed Nikolas messing with one earlier. Certainly she'd heard him ask some sort of question about them, but she hadn't paid it much mind at the time.

"...Oi, Koko. What were ya saying earlier 'bout these things?" Shinomi asked while drawing her longsword from the sheathe on her waist, holding it low with both hands. "If they're just minding their own business I was gonna leave'em be, but I don't really like'em creepin' towards me."

KiKina - 'The Whispering'

As soon as the alchemist arrived on scene, Kikina's interest had been piqued. Truly what kind of gathering would require the inclusion of a limping veteran turned potion dealer and the field operatives such as the Wraith and the Whispering? Then as soon as the alchemist opened his mouth to greet them such curiousity turned to fiery annoyance. Had he really called her out? And in front of the Master Assassin himself?

"Hail to you, Mr. Greywood," steely eyes darkened as she emphasized his name ensuring it was blatantly clear she was not using his first name in this establishment.

Seeming to sense his 'girlfriends' agitation and instant immolating of calm, and actually relaxed vibes for once, Crescent stirred upon her shoulders, lifting his head slowly. With yellow eyes still closed, the little black fuzzball leaned his snout in, nuzzled her cheek before ending with a small yowl. 'Relaaaaaaaax....' he seemed to convey, 'we all mates in here, no need to stab no one, 'kay...? Not yet.'

A calming breath and a pause taken to bite back any remaining cutting words. Then through a strained smile from behind her silky scarf covered face:
"Upon these premises, 'The Whispering' I will be addressed. A formality and tradition borne of respect and edicts this one follows. Always. Find that you will do the same..."

An off-key yowl. A slight headshake, Damn you, kitten... fiiiiiine.

"...if you please."
she begrudgingly breathed out the polite request yet it still sound natural enough.

As if made from liquid lightning, the Whispering's hand shot out over top of the bar counter and snatched the dark bottle mid-air by it's neck. The act may have been most impressive however. it did not stop the wine glass nor its contents to smash and splash across the wooden boards below. Nor Hashal for that matter.

The alarming instance silenced the crowd. And those of solid mettle and veteran ways had already moved and had formed around the bar area. Several Guild Members were bracing and supporting the Master Assassin. Concern even worry lay heavy in the air. She wanted to leap over and see what exactly happened too but instead the fallen Master Guild Member commanded them to move.

Intruders. The throne room. The Whispering's eyes glinted as bright and as deadly as the business edges of her blades.

A simple nod in response and she hustled her way over as instructed, Crescent still lounging upon her, nonplussed. He actually yawned too.

The Whispering had never worked with Wraith before but from the tales she heard from others is that the glowing eyed warrior was an accomplished soul channeller yet cursed in his Mana and so most strayed away from him. But still he was an expert weapons master and had a respected Name in the Guild too. Greywood she had only met with as a contact and supplier, several times and over dinner as old comrades did a few times at that, but she had never seen the limping warrior in action.

As the she rushed her way to investigate the throne room, she held out her gloved hands, fingers moving in those familar symbolic soulbound gestures; the Shadow was pulling in shadows behind their trio as they went, collecting the darkness it seemed. For she would be ready for whatever was foolish enough to invade their home territory while gathered were loyal and dangerous Names still here. Each ready to kill the foolish in a less than a heartbeat's notice.

Nikolas Jay Rossi
"OooOOooo....That's nuts, what the hell!" The slime was instantly absorbed into Nikolas's body, leaving him with a rather uncomfortable feeling. The man wasn't able to place the sense which made him even more uncomfortable. What was that? For a second, Nikolas blanked out attempting to piece together where the sensation could be, but he slowly came back to reality at the end of Shinomi's sentence,"Oh uh..."Nikolas's gaze shifted from slime and back to Shinomi,"I was saying they're cute, but I wondered how they functioned. I touched one however it seems to...Uh... went..into...me? I don't know what just happened but it must be good since it was in here with us...right?" Nikolas stared at the slimes once more, pondering what their internal function was and what was God-given purpose was.

Nikolas turned his attention back to the door, maybe there was a hidden mechanism to open the door, however before he could fully scan the room for an alternative he heard a slight but slow movement of metal. Waving at Shinomi, Nikolas raised his finger to his lips,"Sounds like the door is opening or someone is opening it." The words slipped from his mouth, barely audible almost like a mouthing. Nikolas placed his hand on his whip, with no true knowledge of how to use one but fully prepared to do something.

NeonFlow NeonFlow Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist
Moorray could hear two people talking behind the heavy door but not what they were saying. Being cautious as attempting to read their minds literally flawed Hashal... Moorray peered at the two using his spirit eyes, what he saw was indeed baffling.

Aerth souls are essentially blue balls of energy, the colour changes briefly depending on emotions and mana.images.jpeg-35.jpg
The strangers locked away with the godstone have vastly different souls. Blue and white in the shape of a person, Moorray could see souls that looked "human"

Though one of these souls had a even brighter light inside them.images.jpeg-36.jpg For any with spirit eyes this would be quite a shock but Moorray held himself up by the door.
"the uh... the Soul slimes have found them worthy."
The wraith muttered as a glow left his eyes. "Only those chosen by a God can take in one of those buggers!"
"Bullshit, I sat in there for two days and those jellied shits didn't even budge"
A few people speak on the ludacris statement made by Moorray.

Behind the door, said slimes approach the two naked people fast, if you don't want to touch them you would need to avoid them. The clunks of bars and locks being removed could be heard as Moorray put effort into shutting up the crowd by opening the door.
The guild members who rushed here would see a male and female essentially naked apart from a weapon each and cloth covering some bits. The soul slimes mooch towards the naked two with effort...

"They can't be chosen by god their basically nude" Barry the thief states as if he had the authority to determine gods chosen. (He didn't)
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Shinomi Kenzaki

Shinomi raised an eyebrow and stared silently at Nikolas for a few moments. "...That so? Positive one, ain't ya bud?" she commented dryly. Certainly the man didn't appear to be any worse for wear after having apparently had a slime go into him. The idea that it wasn't harmful wasn't too out there. Still, she wasn't particularly keen on the idea of letting foreign substances she knew nothing about enter her body.

Before she could think on it further, there was indeed a sound coming from the door just like Nikolas had said. Her focus now shifted, she flicked her wrists upwards to shift her sword's position. The tip of her sword pointed towards where the throat of someone her size would be as she faced the door. Whoever was on the other side, the way they talked about the slimes seemed to reinforce the assessment that the little things weren't dangerous, so she decided to let the creatures do as they pleased for now.

As a couple of people came bursting through the door, the swordswoman just raised her sword in one hand and rested the flat of it on her shoulder. It was cool and all that the door was finally open and they could get out of this little room, but...

"Chosen by god or not, ya wanna get a 'basically nude' lady some clothes?" she extended her hand towards the group with her palm up. "A buncha rags weren't really my choice in clothin'. My god must've been a real stingy one, ya see. So why not help a girl in need, yeah?"

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