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One x One Heroes have Failed

Right, I was giving a reason for his family to be vigilantes. Vigilantes try to enforce law and order without the backing of the government, and they are most common in areas where government is sorely lacking. Without government, you don't have civilization. So to restore civilization to an uncivilized area, you need to restore law and order; hence the need for vigilantes. In the post-War world, I'd imagine that organized government is difficult to come by, so they'll have plenty of work to do.
Me too. She was a good grandmother to me. We weren't very close, so her death didn't hit me very hard, but we visited her for a few days every year so I had more than a passing acquaintance with her. It hit her three children (my dad included) harder.
Okay, here's the story I have in mind.

We're going to run with a general theme of failure. Ryland has the potential to be the most powerful wielder of Seed in history. However, using it requires truly desiring the thing you want it to do. To save the world, he must really want to save it. That means Ryland must learn to care deeply for the people of this world, even the disgusting outcasts. He must learn to love the unlovable, the murderers, the rapists, the most repulsive worms of humanity. He must learn to appreciate the aspiring heroes who failed, men and women who struggled against the forces of evil and miserably lost.

But Ryland can't seem to grasp it, and repeatedly fails to control Seed. The world falls to the Void, and the dark Voices begin their reign of tyrrany. Imprisoned souls, driven to fury from millennia of isolation, have begun to take out their revenge on the world that banished them. And Ryland can do nothing about it. He has to watch as all the people he fought for up till now are absorbed, consumed, or destroyed. Everything he held dear, everything he ever knew, is lost to him.

He desperately wants to get it back. And in that moment, all the Seed in the world responds to his will. Not just the ambient Seed deposited in nature, but even the Void Seed too. His will is far stronger than the will of the Voices, and he is able to destroy both the Voices and the Void Seed.
There are a few twists in the story as well. It turns out that Gwen is the de-facto Queen of the civilized world, being the sole surviving member of the Immortal Council. She designed Ryland's genetic code to ensure optimal compatibility with Seed, as well as ensuring that he can only use it when he is ready. Gwen tracked down the key members of society that Ryland would have to meet long before he ever even knew she existed. Her plan to save the world was a long time in the making, and Ryland is the culmination of her efforts.

What she didn't quite plan for, however, was the fact that she came to like him, in a romantic sort of way...
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