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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villains

(It is indeed! First droid name I could think of from the top of my head. I sadly do not recognize him, however. *sniffle* My first thought was honestly Supernatural, but it doesn't match any of the characters I know. Mind educating a poor soul? Sorry about lateness btw. Just got my ACT score back.)

Cyberpunk was still a bit afraid at the weird angel demon dude in fromt of her, and mentally cursed her droid. She refused to actually show that she was rattled, however. Instead, the teenager gave a lopsided smirk and stood as tall as she could. Of course, she was still much shorter than the man in front of her. Or just punier in general, but that wasn't to be noted. Her voice was surprisingly steady for how creeped she was.

"I'm just here to kick some rich dudes in the jewelsacks. It's a lotta fun once you get used to it." She countinued with a pout. "Don't underestimate me either, you can get these paws."

Skeet joined in, her voice still harboring its signature sassiness.

"She's Cyberpunk and I am her ultra fabulous and all around beautiful companion, Skeet. I apologize for her rudeness." She the stated a not so hushed whisper. "She's on that time."

@Safety Hammer
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cinderfloof said:
(It is indeed! First droid name I could think of from the top of my head. I sadly do not recognize him, however. *sniffle* My first thought was honestly Supernatural, but it doesn't match any of the characters I know. Mind educating a poor soul? Sorry about lateness btw. Just got my ACT score back.)
Cyberpunk was still a bit afraid at the weird angel demon dude in fromt of her, and mentally cursed her droid. She refused to actually show that she was rattled, however. Instead, the teenager gave a lopsided smirk and stood as tall as she could. Of course, she was still much shorter than the man in front of her. Or just punier in general, but that wasn't to be noted. Her voice was surprisingly steady for how creeped she was.

"I'm just here to kick some rich dudes in the jewelsacks. It's a lotta fun once you get used to it." She countinued with a pout. "Don't underestimate me either, you can get these paws."

Skeet joined in, her voice still harboring its signature sassiness.

"She's Cyberpunk and I am her ultra fabulous and all around beautiful companion, Skeet. I apologize for her rudeness." She the stated a not so hushed whisper. "She's on that time."

@Safety Hammer
(John Constantine, man! He's the best. Also, since you mentioned Supernatural, Crowley's (my character) last name is pronounced like the bird. Not like Crowley from the show. I've been told that I act a lot like him though.)

Crowley chucked at Skeet's statement and gave a smile to Jenny. "I know. I've been doing it for two hundred thousand years. I hope you don't mind me asking what your name is." The brit took another drag from his cigarette. "The name's Crowley. Alistair Crowley."
(Ohh. Is he from the Green Arrow show? My dad talks about it alot but I've never actually watched it. Is it good? Thanks for the clear up btw. I'd been reading it that way the entire time.)

A deep blush splayed her cheeks in embarrassment over her Bot's teasing, but she felt grateful that the gas mask covered it. Jenny shook her head to his statement, quickly. She still had a life as a normal kid and intended upon actually graduating school. Being tortured in some mafia safehouse was definitely not on her agenda. Not that her name wouldn't be easy to guess or anything. He probably could rather easily.

"No can do. Sorry about that. Lotsa people want me dead. It's pretty cool to meet you though, Mr. Alistair Crowley."

She said his name in a phony british accent. It was then that his age hit her like a train. Was he even a human? Her previously calm heart began to race. She didn't even have powers. He could definitely stomp her.

"Wait, how many years?! Are you going to start sparkling next or something?"

"It's cool to be meeting Edward Cullen and all, but we really have to hurry up and get out. Alistair, are you interested in helping? Cyber could wire you some money for compensation."

Skeet spoke, a tad impatient. The robot was right though. They only had so much time before this task became impossible.

@Safety Hammer
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cinderfloof said:
(Ohh. Is he from the Green Arrow show? My dad talks about it alot but I've never actually watched it. Is it good? Thanks for the clear up btw. I'd been reading it that way the entire time.)
Jenny shook her head, quickly. She still had a life as a normal kid and intended upon actually graduating school. Being tortured in some mafia safehouse was definitely not on her agenda. Not that her name wouldn't be easy to guess or anything. He probably could rather easily.

"No can do. Sorry about that. Lotsa people want me dead. It's pretty cool to meet you though, Mr. Alistair Crowley."

She said his name in a phony british accent. It was then that his age hit her like a train.

"Wait, how many years?! Are you going to start sparkling next or something?"

"It's cool and all to be meeting Edward Cullen and all, but we really do have to hurry up and get out. Alistair, are you interested in helping? Cyber could wire you some money for compensation."

Skeet spoke, a tad impatient.
(Yeah, apparently he is now. It's actually really good. The DC equivalent of Netflix's Daredevil.)

Crowley sighed. "I'm an angel. An archangel, actually. Vampires are assholes. Trust me, I know from experience. They are just an utter lot of egotistical morons." Crowley took one last puff from his cigarette, before flicking the butt off of the roof. "You, uh said something about a job, though? Please elaborate."
As the altercation finished up in the alleyway Ani became uninterested in following anyone from there to try and get more information. He was still unsure whether the man that took off with wings is good or bad, but doesn't really care to find out as quick as possible.

Ani quickly slipped a small slip of paper in the girl with the bicycle's pocket that read 'Tomorrow - Crack of Dawn Bar & Grille - 2200' He did it as quickly and gently as possible as to avoid any awkward situations. Ani really hated confrontation. With the messaged secure in her pocket, he slowly started walking away from the few people that were still standing around in the area. He had to get to shelter for the night.

Victoria Rohr

Victoria was stunned after the whole fight occurred, and it left her speechless for a few moments. She had seen these sort of moments of television, on news and movies. But seeing it in real life was on an entirely different level. She thought she would have been able to handle it, but after this short altercation - she was not sure if she could stay in this city after all.

Victoria looked around, and noticed that the stranger she was walking with previously had disappeared. Then, she quickly ran towards the person who had gotten punched.
"Oh, my goodness! Are you okay?! Do you need help? Cause I could help if you need me to!" She spoke quickly, a habit that did not disappear even after a traumatic event such as that.
Cain was riding his skateboard down the street with his baseball bat out sliding across the surface of the road. When Cain would see a mailbox he would bring his baseball bat up and while still riding his skateboard he would swing the bat into the mailbox sending the mailbox flying into pieces. He did this for a while until he heard a commotion going on down a road. Cain decided to investigate so he strolled on his skateboard down the road looking for the source of the noises when he saw a person flying off into the air and assumed most of the fun was over. Cain jumped off his board and tucked it in his arm then started running down the street gaining enough speed to run up the wall of the sides of the buildings, he jumped up to a building silently above a group of people. He saw a girl stunned in silence then run up to a man asking if he was okay. Cain held one hand on his board and the other on the edge of the roof making sure not to fall off of the building but still staying secure on the roof, Cain decided he might as well make a night out of it so he jumped off the roof and landed with a silent thump behind the group of people. He silently walked up behind the girl that was offering help and lowered his hood while raising his gas mask revealing bright orange short hair on his head with a five o'clock shadow on his chin he had a scar on his cheek leading down to his chin causing his 5 o'clock shadow to part because of the scar, Cain was a young man and looked well for his age, even though most people where set off by his bright green eyes. Cain smiled as he rested the gas mask on his hair and now he was standing right behind the girl that was offering help so he leaned close to her ear still being unnoticed by her and whispered "Tis I The Frenchiest French Fry"
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Victoria Rohr

Victoria swung around to see who just whispered in her ear, and stumbled back. "What the hell!?" The teenager exclaimed.

After calming down, she examined him more closely. It was a strangely dressed man, with a gas mask resting upon his head. Jeez, and she thought this night couldn't get any weirder -
this guy shows up speaking about total nonsense. Victoria was starting to become more irritated than scared, if anything.

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Cain silently laughed at the sight of the girl becoming more irritated, but he didn't want to start a fight and didn't want to risk the chance of running in to her again so he put his gas mask back down on his face covering it. He held out his hand and spoke clearly through the gas mask while letting his skateboard fall on the ground "I'm Cain, you are?" after Cain spoke he realized he shouldn't have used his real name but he figured the girl wouldn't try and find him so no harm done, He calmly waited for her response while leaving his hood down.

Victoria Rohr

Victoria stared at the new stranger oddly and he put the gas mask back on. Why was it even a part of his outfit anyway? It made no sense to her. She shook her head, and sighed. "Er... My name is Victoria... and what are you even doing here? Did you not see something crazy just happened?"


[i'm actually gonna go to bed, so g'night! :3]
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He watched her shake her head and sigh then she introduced herself as Victoria, it was a lovely name. Cain looked at his outstretched hand and awkwardly laughed putting it back down at his side. She asked him if he had saw anything crazy happen "What I love most about this crazy life is the adventure of it." Cain said as he patted Victoria's head walking past her to the alley of dead people. He knelled down besides one of the corpses and rolled up his sleeve looking at his watch. "I got time" Cain said to himself and he looked over the bodies, Eventually the eye holes in the gas mask lit up a bright Light Blue he looked around on the ground until he found the butt of a cigarette. He picked it up and looked over it then reached in his pocket pulling out a small clear case and he laid the cigarette butt inside of it keeping it safe, He stood up and started to run up the building and used the momentum to carry himself high into the air. While he was in the air his gas mask eyes turned a dark red color and he found the man that was smoking on one of the roofs talking to a girl on a laptop, Cain landed back down in the alley and grabbed his skateboard then saying goodbye to Victoria he walked off towards the building where the man and girl with the laptop was.
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Victor had been living in this city for a year bue he had never encountered anything like that. He examined his jaw to make sure it wasn't broken. He turned to the bystander. "I'm...fine." Victor was a little frustrated. He should have planned that better. He was about to ask the gurl a question but she was speaking some guy in a gasmask. At first he thought it was another threat but then it ran off. "Alot of strange people tonight. Where did that red-haired girl go?"
(I'll definitely watch it then! Daredevil is my favorite show at this point. I'm dying for the next season.)

Jenny nearly choked at his response. Angel?? As in, honorable member of God's army. She didn't know a lot about types of celestial beings or whatever, but believed that an archangel was half demon. Part of her didn't want to believe him. She'd never been the religious sort. Science was her ally, and now suddenly someone was telling her that angel-demon hybrids and vampires existed all at once. Skeet, somehow less surprised by his apparent godliness, took Jenny's rare silence as a chance to speak.

"Well, Mr.Crowley, we're currently standing atop a gang leader's base. They have millions of dollars aquired by a human trafficking business. We're here to take that cash eletronically. With no money, the business will eventually go bankrupt. Cyberpunk here can't fight, but she'd like to free any hostages here."

Jenny intersected in embarrassment. Skeet was actually telling the truth. Without her gadgets and intelligence, Jenny wasn't much of a threat. Having Alistair there would deginitely help. Not that she'd never admit that, or anything. "I-I can too! I can beat the snickers out of anyone. And stop making deals for me!"

Skeet continued with an eyeroll. "Totally. Anyway, You could help with the combat part of things and she'll give you half of the money she takes." She gave a robotic wink. "Afterwards you and I could go catch a movie."

@Safety Hammer
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cinderfloof said:
(I'll definitely watch it then! Daredevil is my favorite show at this point. I'm dying for the next season.)
Jenny nearly choked at his response. Angel?? As in, honorable member of God's army. She didn't know a lot about types of celestial beings or whatever, but believed that an archangel was half demon. Part of her didn't want to believe him. She'd never been the religious sort. Science was her ally, and now suddenly someone was telling her that angel-demon hybrids and vampires existed all at once. Skeet, somehow less surprised by his apparent godliness, took Jenny's rare silence as a chance to speak.

"Well, Mr.Crowley, we're currently standing atop a gang leader's base. They have millions of dollars aquired by a human trafficking business. We're here to take that cash eletronically. With no money, the business will eventually go bankrupt. Cyberpunk here can't fight, but she'd like to free any hostages here."

Jenny intersected in embarrassment. Skeet was actually telling the truth. Without her gadgets and intelligence, Jenny wasn't much of a threat. Having Alistair there would deginitely help. Not that she'd never admit that, or anything. "I-I can too! I can beat the snickers out of anyone. And stop making deals for me!"

Skeet continued with an eyeroll. "Totally. Anyway, You could help with the combat part of things and she'll give you half of the money she takes." She gave a robotic wink. "Afterwards you and I could go catch a movie."

@Safety Hammer
(OH MY GOD, SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME :D !!! Can I just say that the finale of the first season is the best?!)

"I don't need any money. But I'd like to help." Crowley said, as he winked back at Skeet. "An archangel, an AI and a school girl, fighting crime. I like it." The archangel gave a sly grin, as he stuck out his hand for her to shake it.
(It really was! Everything about Daredevil was just so amazing. I admit to watching the entire series in a weekend, cause it was just fantastic and yes.)

A cheerful grin split Jenny's face. As much as she'd hate to admit it, she loved the idea of working with another person. Things were just a lot less scary this way. The teenager jutted out a green gloved hand and shook his enthusiastically. She couldn't help but notice just how much bigger his hands were.

"Oh man, this is going to be awesome sauce topped with cheese!"

She jumped as she realized that she still had to finish hacking before they could get in. With a few seconds more of frantic typing, the lights in the buildings cut off.

"Alrighty! All done. Like I promised, we have twenty minutes before reinforcements can be called. The electricity is off so no cameras or lights. Skeet has the layout downloaded and can lead us. Any more questions before we jump in?"

@Safety Hammer
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Cain followed the scent of the cigarette butt to the man on the building he saw with the girl and her laptop earlier. Cain but his skateboard in his hand and quietly ran up the building being careful not to alert the two on the roof, He got all the way up and grabbed the ledge making sure to stay on the wall with only his head poking over the roof. Cain watched the two and found out The man who killed all those people was an archangel and he thought to himself that it was funny he never seen one but his ancestors had journals of accounts as far back as the beginning of seeing angels. He watched the two and heard this was a gang building an they where going to attack it, The girl jumped up then sat back down then asked the Angel if he had anymore questions as she was waiting for a response Cains cell phone went off alerting the two that he was on the side of the building. Cain picked up the phone ignoring the two and held up a conversation with roommate saying he will be home soon. Then he hung up and looked at the two "Hello Mr. Angel and Ms. Hacker and...Robot?"
cinderfloof said:
(It really was! Everything about Daredevil was just so amazing. I admit to watching the entire series in a weekend, cause it was just fantastic and yes.)
A cheerful grin split Jenny's face. As much as she'd hate to admit it, she loved the idea of working with another person. Things were just a lot less scary this way. The teenager jutted out a green gloved hand and shook his enthusiastically. She couldn't help but notice just how much bigger his hands were.

"Oh man, this is going to be awesome sauce topped with cheese!"

She jumped as she realized that she still had to finish hacking before they could get in. With a few seconds more of frantic typing, the lights in the buildings cut off.

"Alrighty! All done. Like I promised, we have twenty minutes before reinforcements can be called. The electricity is off so no cameras or lights. Skeet has the layout downloaded and can lead us. Any more questions before we jump in?"

@Safety Hammer
"I'm hungry. Do you want to go get some food after this? I'll buy." Crowley said, as he rubbed his stomach.
Jenny didn't answer right away. She was more freaked out by the fellow in a gasmask across the otherside of the building, and whipped out the stungun from her belt immediately. He looked as if he was another hero, possibly, but she didn't want to take a chance.

"That's us. Question is, who are you?" She continued with a hushed voice, "That sounds good. Do angels actually need to eat, though?"

@Safety Hammer @CainMcknight
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The girl pulled out a stun gun and almost demanded to know who Cain was. "Im...THE MUFFIN MAN" Cain spoke with a evil cliche voice when he said the muffin man. Cain laughed as he said that thinking about what he could have for a snack later when he got home, but he thought the girl deserved a real answer well that and Cain didn't want to get stunned "Well you guys don't know me but he known's of my family tree" When he said that he nodded towards the Angel.
CainMcknight said:
The girl pulled out a stun gun and almost demanded to know who Cain was. "Im...THE MUFFIN MAN" Cain spoke with a evil cliche voice when he said the muffin man. Cain laughed as he said that thinking about what he could have for a snack later when he got home, but he thought the girl deserved a real answer well that and Cain didn't want to get stunned "Well you guys don't know me but he known's of my family tree" When he said that he nodded towards the Angel.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Crowley said as he raised an eyebrow, then looked over at Jenny. "Do you know this guy?"
Jenny shook her head, a bit afraid. She didn't want to be pushed to actually using the gun. It was stilly wonky and didn't always shoot enough volts. Usually she depended on the spray paint cans of chemicals she engineered, but Cain had a gas mask on and she didn't know if Crowly could take the fumes.

"No.. I've never seen him before. He seems to know you, though."
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Cain carefully watched at the angel and girl in front of him and raised to a handstand on the edge of the building then jumped and landed on his feet, "well..." Cain said looking at the angel trying to figure out how to phrase what he was going to say "if you are really a Angel you should have of least heard about my... Great Great Great Great" Cain droned on saying Great over and over again for a solid minute "Great Grandfather after all he was in the book of Genesis, had a special mark named just after him, He is often referred to as the father of murder"
CainMcknight said:
Cain carefully watched at the angel and girl in front of him and raised to a handstand on the edge of the building then jumped and landed on his feet, "well..." Cain said looking at the angel trying to figure out how to phrase what he was going to say "if you are really a Angel you should have of least heard about my... Great Great Great Great" Cain droned on saying Great over and over again for a solid minute "Great Grandfather after all he was in the book of Genesis, had a special mark named just after him, He is often referred to as the father of murder"
"Cain? You're one of Cain's kids?" Crowley said, stifling a laugh. "And you want to admit that? That.. that's fuckin' rich, man."
Jenny held her stun gun up vigilantly, but was utterly confuzzled at the same time. They seemed to both know who Cain was, but she sure didn't. Religion wasn't one of her knowledge points.

"Uhh... Someone mind giving me a history lesson?"

@Safety Hammer @CainMcknight
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