Hello, World!


King of Procrastination
'Ello, people!

How are you all?! Wait, I'm the one who is supposed to be doing the introducing! Whoops.

Let's get down to ii, I guess? Well, I'm Alpha, but I'm also known by my friends as the King of Procrastination. Hear me and obey(...when i get around to giving my commands)! I'm far from a new RPer, I've been forum-based roleplaying for a little over a decade, starting back on websites such as GaiaOnline, and I've recently decided to come back to the scene with a vengeance! Muahahaha! cough Ignore that. I primarily participate in fantasy or post-apocalyptic roleplays, though I've been known to show up in other genres, depending on my mood, as a Literate - Advanced Lit. RPer. In addition, I'm also an avid gamer, reader, and writer with a passion for world building. Lore is my jam! Woot! Hopefully, I'll be able to find a few roleplays to give me my RP-fix while I'm here; so, let's have fun!
Welcome to Roleplay Nation! ^D^ That is really awesome you started on Gaia. I spent a lot of time on there myself- Perhaps we could write together some time!

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