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Hello there - Searching for a partner (Detailed)


Don't let the name scare you.
Hey hey, I'll try and keep this short and sweet for ya'll.

Looking for a new partner for an RP - I'm online most the day, so, you're likely to catch me at most times (aside from when I sleep, of course), meaning that contact, posts, etc, can be frequent if that's something we come to, and communication will also be efficient.

I'm looking to do something modern; I've got some plots in mind and stuff but I'd rather discuss it over PM. So either post here and I'll PM you, or PM me straight up and say hi and all that :)

I'd like for us to be friends as well as partners, and I'd like for us both to be able to contribute. My best RP's have come from being friendly with each other and making sure that everything is planned out, discussed, etc.

Things I DON'T want:

- Fantasy

- Anime-based RP's

- Unrealistic characters, etc.

- Fandoms (we can base things off of certain TV shows, etc, but I'd want things to be altered)

- Romance-driven RP's - This is important. By no means am I against having romance, but it is only something that I'd allow if it was incorporated into the plot and developed. If for example, two characters meet, I wouldn't want them to be instantly kissing and all that, because it doesn't work like that at all xD If there's, for example, a premade husband and wife, etc, then romance is sort of a fundamental of that. You get the idea though.

Things I DO want:

- Reliability/Honesty - Don't let this come across as pushy, because it's not meant to be. Basically, I'd like to have a partner who can be honest - If there's a problem with myself, the RP, or generally just the ability to get online or whatever, I'd appreciate it if that could be put out in the open rather than bottled away. I'll do the same in return, don't worry :)

- Realism - Of course, to make things fun, I don't expect it to be extremely strict, but just abide by the laws of physics and all the rest of it and we should be good, haha.

- Detail - Lots and lots of detail. I like long posts and all, but if there's ever a circumstance where a long post can't be done, I won't shoot anyone for it ;)

- Discussions - Discussions help make everything flow smoothly - My current running RP's (also my all-time best so far) thrive on communication between myself and other partners, so, for that reason, don't be afraid to push an idea or even simple question my way, okay? :P

Right, I won't write too much here, but something modern/realistic is what I'm looking for. I've got several ideas in mind for what we could do - I want this to be laid back and all, but one post a day is what I'd like to see a minimum, but if you could do more than that, that's even better :) Anyway, hit me up if you're interested in writing with me. It'd be a lost easier to explain over PM, seeing as if I gave you the ideas I had in mind right here, you'd be reading a book. Plus, I'd like for it to be able to be developed by the two of us, you know? That's about it, though.

Hope to hear from someone soon :P
Hello tell me, have you heard about the EndWar or the Call of Duty series?

I love military-themed RP's - lots of potential and realism...and I love some of the ideas that can be taken from there...
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@NecroKnight - I've heard of Call of Duty but I'm not exactly a fan xD War is something I could do, though. Do you have anything in mind? If not, we can discuss things over PM :)
I feel like I should post on the thread rather than heading directly to PM, so if everything I say sounds good feel fee to PM me. I completely agree with you on the romance driven RPs, I often make sure that the first thing I saw when considering a 1x1 is that romance is not an interest of mine. I am also on most of the day and I know for a fact that I can do at least a 1-2 detailed paragraphs on average but will occasionally go over if I am feeling inspired. I also feel that I should warn you that most of my experience has been in the fantasy category but I am interested in experiencing something realistic.
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I'd be super interested in this! I saw that you're going to be gone for a little while, so message me when you get back and we can talk through some plots. :)
Hey! I've been looking for someone who would be willing to do a criminal x detective type rp, if you'd be interested in that. If not, I'd settle for maybe some sort of High School drama?

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