Hello... is it me you're looking for...


All too insane for my own good


Yep, I went there... IN SONG!



Hi~ I'm Altrexia and I'm addicted to...


Wrong meeting?

Oh, okay.


Hi there!

Nice to meet you I'm Altrexia. Call me what you will, I pretty much respond to anything.

I've been looking for a new place to RP and stumbled here. Hopefully I didn't stumble into some dark alley somewhere where I am going to be hit over the head with a crowbar and pick pocketed....

Anyway! I'll just give a brief introduction of myself then.

  • I started RPing a LONG time ago, but got out of if when life caught up to me. I'm slowly getting back into it again.
  • I RP just about anything.
  • I love to draw. Currently doing a new portrait piece (not sure of who yet) and working on getting a living art gallery set up in my city.
  • I have a beautiful 1 year old daughter
  • That means I get on super late at night when she's sleeping
  • I am a closet super nerd who is slowly peeking out
  • Like, I don't think you can grasp the idea of nerdy.
  • I'm planning my year around Dr. Strange movie release.
  • I own more pets than I care to admit
  • I've been in theatre for 16 years, so I'm very extravagant and I love talking to people, so you are ALWAYS welcome to talk to me!

I don't know what else to put.... Even those were a stretch for me to sit and think of.


Hello (<3)

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Welcome to RPNation, I actually giggled at the title xD

I've heard that song so many times and I STILL don't know its or the artist's name
I only know the artist's name because of that stupid DQ commercial. Lionel Richie. :)
@altrexia ahaha xD Aww come on you got to admit DQ commercials have some...charm to them

Also thank you~

Btw did you draw your avatar? Because that is an impressive drawing~
Hahaha, maybe the first hundred times I saw them they did. The next 100? Nope. Not even slightly.

Yes I did! I was doing a monthly art project (totally didn't finish, my bad) and day 1 was to draw a favorite villain. So out popped the Riddler
@altrexia Riddler... Ooooh the guy from batman right?

*always forgets about that guy* xD

Seriously though that is an amazing drawing~

Do you wanna be friends by any chance btw?

Also is it okay if I call you Trex or Trexi? I just think that'd be a cute short form for you~
Yep! I may be a Marvel girl, but you gotta admit, DC has some badass villains!

And Thanks~ I keep debating on if I want to post some art on here. I have it up on a FB page, but that's about it. I don't share it often.

Yes we can be friends :D I'd love that. Also, Those nicknames are cute, so either one is fine by me. Do you have a preferred nickname?
Lionel Richie and Mavel in one thread. My dreams have come true.

Seriously though, can't wait for Doctor Strange myself. Benedict Cumberbatch = love.

Oh, and welcome to the site of course! :)
@altrexia I've picked up many identitys across sites. Normally with my friends from a game called Aurakingdom I was called:Vice-boss, Lili, Lil, Liliair.

On here however I've picked up the nicknames: Regal, Re, Re-Re, Wind, Regally.

I don't have a preference for nicknames, I love getting new ones in fact ^_^
Captain said:
Lionel Richie and Mavel in one thread. My dreams have come true.
Seriously though, can't wait for Doctor Strange myself. Benedict Cumberbatch = love.

Oh, and welcome to the site of course! :)
Haha, what can I say, these are what dreams are made of!

Oh yeah, total love. When I found out he was playing Dr. Strange, I pterodactyl screamed for like... 5 minutes. My co-worker who was in the break room with me was really concerned. Favorite actor playing favorite Super Hero, I died.

RegalWindstar said:
@altrexia I've picked up many identitys across sites. Normally with my friends from a game called Aurakingdom I was called:Vice-boss, Lili, Lil, Liliair.
On here however I've picked up the nicknames: Regal, Re, Re-Re, Wind, Regally.

I don't have a preference for nicknames, I love getting new ones in fact ^_^
Mind if I call you Windy then?
@altrexia Go ahead~ *hugs* *adds it to my list of nicknames* I'll someday have the most nicknames in the world and take it over with my nickname arrrmyyyy! xD

(Don't ask for the sake of your own sanity :P )

Anyway I'm going to bed now. I need to get some sleep I'll see you tomorrow Trexi~

Warm hugs from Canada *Hugs* <3

Seriously why is it so friggin cold here? xD dernit.

This is me BTW. :) No idea why it is so big, so I'm sorry about that....

And this here is my little girl <3 <3

RegalWindstar said:
@altrexia Go ahead~ *hugs* *adds it to my list of nicknames* I'll someday have the most nicknames in the world and take it over with my nickname arrrmyyyy! xD
(Don't ask for the sake of your own sanity :P )

Anyway I'm going to bed now. I need to get some sleep I'll see you tomorrow Trexi~

Warm hugs from Canada *Hugs* <3

Seriously why is it so friggin cold here? xD dernit.
I kinda... I kinda want to ask...

but good night to you! Sweet dreams!

I would offer you warm hugs from here, but it's 2am and it's still 97 out. It was in the 100s again today. So, I don't need warmth!
Your thread title totally made me smile! For some reason I've had that song stuck in my head like, all day today~
Gah! Thanks, Lionel Richie. Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all night (> :P )

Welcome to the site!

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