Hello Everyone!!


Weaver of Dreams
I thought i should take a moment to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Corey and I'm 25 years old. I use to RP a bunch about 10 years ago until life happened. I am finally ready to try and get back into this wonderful world. I guess i should say a few things about myself and what I'm into. I love to read sci-fi or fantasy, but i have been known to read just about anything fictional. I enjoy most video games and I can't wait for the new Mass Effect and Final Fantasy to come out!! My tastes in Rp's are pretty broad, but i tend to lean towards sci-fi or fantasy. I would love to just find something easy for me right now though to help me get re-acclimated. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read all the babble I just let loose.

I'm Zwei and I took a long break from rping for a while too, though not 10 years. I don't read much now but I used to spend most of my time reading, mainly fiction of all kinds. My usual rps lately have been animal related, but I've been trying to get back into what I used to do, which was fantasy/magic sorta stuff, but I've done nearly everything once. I'd be glad to help you ease back into it, which would be helpful to me too honestly, so just hit me up if that sounds good.

Welcome to RP Nation homeboyyy!

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