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Realistic or Modern Hellhounds Motorcycle Club


It is what it is.
Roleplay Type(s)

[class=tabs] background-color: #0E0E0E; box-sizing: border-box; color: #565656; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; min-width: 280px; text-align: center; width: 100%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 0; width: 22%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: #1A0001; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Patch) (show tabsContentPatch) if (eq ${currentTab} Plot) (show tabsContentPlot) if (eq ${currentTab} Info) (show tabsContentInfo) if (eq ${currentTab} Roles) (show tabsContentRoles) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab]Patch
[div class=tab]Plot
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Macon County is a moderately sized town located near San Diego, California. The Hellhounds Motorcycle Club calls Macon home. HHMCC is a group of males bound together by blood, sweat, and money. All members consider this a lifestyle. It's not a game and it can be harsh. It's not for everyone. Hellhounds are 1%

Formed in 1971 by Andy "Trigger" Scott, Matt "Whack" Stevens, and Johnny "Goose" White. It wasn't long before others decided to join the club. With more people came the decision to have rules. Only hangarounds are allowed in the club. You can't just come waltzing off the street asking for membership. The acceptance of membership makes you into a prospect. As a prospect the probationary time can last anywhere from six months to a year, if not longer. When you're fully patched you'll be let into the fold and understand many things about the club. There are daily chapter responsibilities along with paying chapter dues monthly. All members must be 18.

Getting out of the club is not as easy just saying bye. Members all have knowledge of what goes on in the club and know private and intimate information. Members will regard your leaving as disrespect. There will be issues.

Women are not allowed to be members. There are ladies. Ladies are girlfriends, mothers, sisters. The females you pay respect to or get an ass kicking. Then club whores or sweetbutts. They're the groupies that hangaround the bar. Women usually take the lead on 'community' activities that put a friendly face on the club - charity events, barbecues, etc. Property patch is worn optionally on a lady.

Being 1%er's, the club deals with guns and drugs. Roots, a bar owned by Trigger, is where most of the illegal operations happen. Police make it a habit to visit the place a few times a week just because of the club members being there.
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Top Club Members
PRESIDENT (also called Chairman by some clubs)
The executive duties of the president are:
1. To preside over meetings of both the Executive Board (if one exists) and the Club.
2. To judge items not covered in the constitution or in the Club's rules and regulations.
3. To be the official spokesman of the club in the area of public relations.
4. To represent the club in any Club business. For example, at meetings where other clubs are present.
5. To assist the other officers in the interpretation of their club responsibilities, and to promote club life among members in general.​

The executive duties of the vice president are:
1. To assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the PRESIDENT is unable to do so. In practice, the VICE-PRESIDENT needs to walk "hand-in- hand" (so to speak) with the PRESIDENT, so that he is always fully in a position to take over when required. This requirement usually results in a very close relationship between the PRESIDENT and the VICE and they should talk in one voice.
2. To assist the PRESIDENT in the execution of his duties and responsibilities.​

The executive duties of the secretary are:
1.To maintain all relevant information regarding the Club members listing.
2. To record, safeguard and make available the minutes of Club meetings.
3. To maintain the Club Constitution, recording any additions, deletions, or modifications.
4. To advise on the implementation of the Club constitution (when required) and to ensure it is properly adhered to.
NOTE: This does not mean that the Secretary enforces the constitution himself/herself - it means that he/she will approach appropriate officers and advise them when the need arises.
5. To handle all Club correspondence and keep appropriate records thereof.
6. To liaise with the members regarding important Club announcements and events.​

The executive duties of the treasurer are:
1. To monitor and record the club's income and expenditures.
2. To collect the dues and fines owing by members.
3. To ensure the Club's financial obligations are timorously paid.
4. To make the financial statements available to the Club at meetings.​

The executive duties of the road captain are:
1. To plan the travel routes and organize the basic itinerary of the club prior to going on a 'run' or tour.
2. To brief the Club prior to leaving on a run regarding route, formation, speed, passing, stops, re-fueling, break down procedure and any other important "must knows".
3. Together with the PRESIDENT, to lead the club in formation while riding as a Club.
4. To ensure that new prospects are fully briefed before they may ride with the Club.
5. To ensure riding position protocol is maintained when riding in formation as a Club and to enforce Club rules and procedures for group riding.
6. To ensure members bikes are roadworthy before they are allowed to participate in a Club run. A maintenance supervisor may optionally be designated to help with this requirement.​

Generally, this post was widely used in the old 1%'er outlaw clubs in the USA, but could serve a good purpose in a large modern MC/MCC in Southern Africa. The SERGEANT AT ARMS is more like an "enforcer of rules and discipline and keeper of the peace" in the modern context. He will ensure that order is maintained and that dangerous situations don't develop. He will use whatever method is appropriate to defuse a problematic situation. He is usually a hard nut! The executive duties of the sergeant at arms are:
1. To maintain strict discipline within the club and ensure that members follow the rules and protocols.
2. To maintain strict order at club meetings.
3. To resolve problems between members.
4. To ensure that members adhere to correct policies when dealing with other members or outsiders.
5. To defend club members, property, or territory from outside threats.​
Patched Members
General club members. These are people who have earned the right to wear the clubs colors. They are the backbone of the organization.
Potential member. This person has not yet earned the right to wear the clubs patch. They usually work at the legal businesses run by the club and must demonstrate loyalty to be patched in. They do all the grunt work.
The following rules apply:
1. Don't fuck around with a Brother's lady. (an ass kicking and kick-out from Club)
2. Property patches will be brought up before all patch holders for input. Majority vote from all eligible patch holders is required.
3. Members are responsible for their ladies at all times.
4. Members may have more than one(1) lady.
5. Members may not discuss Club business with their lady.
6. Ladies are allowed unescorted at Clubhouse only by prior arrangement.
7. Women hold no official status in the club. They don't vote and aren't involved in club business
8. Club Women are those who are close allies of the club: Ol' Ladies, Sweetbutts, family members, or business partners
9. Sweetbutts are basically biker groupies. They hang around the bikers with the understanding they will be used/passed around for sex. They may eventually become 10. Ol' ladies if they develop a relationship with a biker.
11. Ol' ladies are the long term romantic partners of particular bikers. They are NOT treated the same as Sweetbutts, out of respect to their Ol' man.
12. Family members are usually afforded a similar level of respect to Ol' ladies; their treatment is out of respect to their patched family member.​
Information taken from OSBM
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There are in no way all role types, just ideas.

Character Sheet
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Wooooooo! Good! Now to post the other RP. Hopefully much faster than it took me to put together this one.
If y'all know of anyone who might be interested please tag them! ^^
Correct, there aren't pairings. I was telling Belle the Femme Fatale could possibly be trying to make her way to the top of the female ranks. Probably a club whore who wants to overthrow the queen bitch. That was just my idea. You could have her do whatever.

Just a few more interests and I'll link the CS.
Color me interested! Actually in quite a different roles so I guess I'll narrow down my interest based on others' interest.
Does the 18+ thing mean just characters or RPers, too? If the 18+ rule only applies to characters, then you have grabbed my attention! ^^
I'm thinking either a twinky, kinda pathetic prospect or maybe a trans male or crossdressing woman character as a prospect? Sounds fun.
Hello! ^^ I just have a question or two. One; can we use our own BBCode (with the same character sheet)? Cuz I really like making my own BBCode. (it's fine if not)
Second; do the characters have to be Cisgender? (I was thinking of using a character who is Transgender) And third; realistic or illustrated face claims? (it's fine either way, I'd just like to know beforehand)
SinisterFreak SinisterFreak i think you can choose

also yeah im wondering about the sex thing cause im considering like, doing a Mulan type of deal with a girl maybe?? idk if im allowed to have two prospects at once but you know
GoldenSlime GoldenSlime 1: Feel free to use your own code. 2: I'd love to have that type of realism. I haven't watched all of SOA but I know there was a transgender female in it. Just know that the character could face some hardships. 3: I like realistic. I guess I should mention that in the CS thread. xD

SinisterFreak SinisterFreak You can choose.

Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy You may have as many characters - whatever roles - as you want. Just make sure you can keep up with them.
GoldenSlime GoldenSlime 1: Feel free to use your own code. 2: I'd love to have that type of realism. I haven't watched all of SOA but I know there was a transgender female in it. Just know that the character could face some hardships. 3: I like realistic. I guess I should mention that in the CS thread. xD

SinisterFreak SinisterFreak You can choose.

Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy You may have as many characters - whatever roles - as you want. Just make sure you can keep up with them.
Wait what's SOA?

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