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Realistic or Modern Hell Motel

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Pool ---> Living Room

Hangin' With: Alissa, Michael, Alec, and Ursula

Seemingly right after Zoe offered to search, Alissa brought up something. "Hey don't mean to bother you but why just two? I'm just saying all of us could go, it's much safer in this situation." Hm... She has a point... Wouldn't splitting up cover more area though? Then again, everyone splitting up would also mean we'd have to find each other again, which could result in- Zoe stopped that train of thought near immediately when she began hearing the others agree with her, including Alec, the one wanted to split up. Then again, she couldn't really blame anyone either; as much as she initially thought splitting up was a good idea, she didn't like the idea of walking through a hotel with a murderer in it with only one other person. Practically everyone still seemed scared shitless, Zoe included. "It's settled then; we'll all look for the keys together." She stated. Now all they needed to know was who had the keys to the bus, or who drove it.

"Wasn't it Lars?" Now that Zoe thought about it, she wasn't sure whether he was the one driving or not, seeing as she spent most of that time drawing and shit. "Yes, it was Lars! I can see it in my mind's eye!" Yeah, it was probably a safe bet to think that then. "Steph went looking for him not too long ago." While saying that was probably meant to be optimistic, Zoe was beginning to have a bad feeling about this. After all, it has been a decent amount of time since they last saw either Steph or Lars... NO, They didn't die. Stop thinking like that. Quickly, she and the rest of the group followed Ursula back into the living room, where Ursula began calling for Steph. "Do you think we should maybe go up there?" Zoe asked Ursula while waiting for a response from upstairs.

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Tatsuri Ogami

Location: Living Room | Interacting/Mentioned: Ursula and others (mainly Ursula)

All Ogami wanted to do was grab a drink and chill by the pool with Ellen and talk about his baby brother with her. She actually laughed at some of the cute stories he'd tell. He actually had intentions on confessing to her that he had weird feelings for her - then again, seeing how she was calling out her love for Skyler before her guts got lodged in her throat, Ogami was most definitely going to be turned down. Still... that's kind of better than her dying. As he sat on the couch with his head leaned back, he thought hard about what the hell was going on. If anything killed the two of them, it was something in the drinks. The only person he can recall having touched the drinks before anyone else was Lars. Normally he'd go and confront the guy himself, but it seems that Steph has gotten to him first, or
will soon - which is much worse.

Suddenly, the loud echo of Ursula calling out to Stephanie startled Ogami from his sleep. He quickly sat up on the couch and reached out as though trying to grab the person shaking him awake - though, there was no one there - well Ursula and Skyler were there but... He blinked at the green-haired girl with wide eyes before letting out a sharp sigh and brushing a hand through his hair,
"Ursula... You scared the shit out of me." He said lightly - standing slowly to his feet and stretching both arms high into the air with a long yawn. "Was I asleep long?" I don't really think she knows how long you were asleep - In fact, she may not have even noticed you in the first place. Ogami was really hoping he'd fallen into a deep sleep only to wake and find out that everything had been a dream. After a minute, though, he started coming to the realization that it wasn't. He didn't need anyone to tell him, he just knew. "What's goin' on? Has anyone figured out who did it?" His gaze remained focused ahead, not wanting to make eye contact with either of them.

@SirBlazeALot @SpookySableye


Location: Lobby

Interacting with: Riley and Herbert

Antonio actually kind of winced at how hard Riley gripped his hand. "Of COURSE we have bleach, OF COURSE we have rat poison! But you little shits are forgetting something! You privileged collegiate assholes aren't exactly known for using your drugs responsibly, now ARE YOU! One of you EASILY could have put way more than you meant to of whatever fucking DATE RAPE drug you picked up from some skeezbag in a tank top outside of a rave! And I could say the SAME FUCKING THING about you! YOU ALL COULD BE TRYING TO BLAME ME TO COVER UP WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Either way, he quickly regained his cool. Rubbing his forehead in an exasperated state, Antonio sighed. "Forget it. He's in complete and utter denial. How about we just calm down and look through the cabinets? We might just find something that could've been used to kill them." The Spaniard offered. Clearly, the chef was in a bad state, even worse than the students. He was being accused of a murder and Riley wasn't able to be calmed down. It was understandable for the chef to react that way, besides, he had even gotten just a bit over the edge. Any more from him and Antonio would've morphed into a furious woman screaming in full Spanish. Toni opened the first shelf. Nothing too interesting.


Karen Matherly

Location: Upstairs Halls | Interacting/Mentioned: Stephanie, Kitty, Lars, Liam, David

"Okay, here you go." Karen smiled lightly after handing her sweatsuit to Stephanie. She felt a little irritated about the fact that she'll have to go through her things for an entirely new outfit just because Kitty can't keep herself together. "Tch... Why'd everything have to turn out this way?" She thought angrily before turning to head back downstairs - that is until she spotted David making his way down the hall towards Lars. For some reason this peeked her interest, so she decided to stick around.

"What's this about a prank? Is that the reason for this shit?" David asked and Lars leaned his head back, "What is it with you people and pranks? If it is prank, it's a fucking deplorable one and I'm certainly not in on it. Maeve is dead." He said, then began catching David up on the current situation. "She and Liam..." Lars let out a forced cough before continuing, "had sex. Liam left to go get her a drink, and when he came back Maeve's throat was slit. So there's three possibilities." He began lifting a finger for each given possibility, and Karen crossed her arms - leaning against the wall beside David. "One, this really is some kind of sick, yet extremely realistic prank. Two, one of the guests or employees killed Maeve. Or three...Maeve did this to herself."

"Stephanie was the last to go in that room! She pulled the blanket off of Maeve then ran out of the room laughing and smiling like she always does! Either she didn't notice the blood, or she killed her! There's nothing else to it!" Karen raised her voice at Lars with a menacing glare, her cheek still red from being slapped by the guy. "This isn't a prank!" Her gaze was directed towards David. As she spoke, an arm was thrown up and she pointed down the hall, "You saw what happened at the pool, right!? How could someone fake something like that!?"

@SirBlazeALot @Bedbae @Leaf Fi @mikko

  • zankyou-03.jpg


    With: Lars, Liam, Karen, Kitty, Steph

    At: Hallway

    Waiting for a response in front of Liam's door, David couldn't help but feel uneasy. Something was definitely not right. It can't be a prank, can it? Lars doesn't pull that kinda shit. He glanced at Lars as Liam threw his head back and rolled his eyes. "What is it with you people and pranks? If it is prank, it's a fucking deplorable one and I'm certainly not in on it. Maeve is dead." David wasn't quite sure he heard all of that right. "Did you say Maeve is dead?" he asked, wanting confirmation. He stared at them, waiting.

    Thankfully, Lars caught David up to speed. A few seconds later and he'd scream from the suspense killing him. "She and Liam..." Lars's eyes shifted and he coughed a little bit, made sure Liam wasn't looking at him and made air quotes with his fingers, "had sex. Liam left to go get her a drink, and when he came back Maeve's throat was slit. So there's three possibilities." Lars held up a finger for each one. "One, this really is some kind of sick, yet extremely realistic prank. Two, one of the guests or employees killed Maeve. Or three...Maeve did this to herself." This was going out of hand. Three people...two confirmed...dead.

    "Stephanie was the last to go in that room! She pulled the blanket off of Maeve then ran out of the room laughing and smiling like she always does! Either she didn't notice the blood, or she killed her! There's nothing else to it!" Karen raised her voice at Lars with a menacing glare, her cheek still red from being slapped by the guy. "This isn't a prank!" Her gaze was directed towards David. As she spoke, an arm was thrown up and she pointed down the hall, "You saw what happened at the pool, right!? How could someone fake something like that!?" David was confused. Did she think he called this a prank? "I didn't say this was a prank. Lars was yelling about Steph calling him a prankster so calm your tits down and stop glaring at me." You witch...

    He looked at Liam to see how he was taking it just to see him panicking, searching his pockets. Hmmm. "I think I will get one of those drinks." Liam said with a heavy sigh. David watched as Liam headed down to the pool for the drinks. "Wait, are you sure Liam isn't suspicious too? Is there proof he actually left his room?" he whispered to Lars. SHIT. "HEY LIAM, YOU CANT REALLY GET A DRINK RIGHT NOW. THE POOL IS OFF LIMITS," David shouted out to Liam before he could leave his sights.

    @Kayzo @mikko

Lars & Liam

The Hallways

Kickin' It With:
Steph, Karen, Dave and Kitty


"Stephanie was the last to go in that room! She pulled the blanket off of Maeve then ran out of the room laughing and smiling like she always does! Either she didn't notice the blood, or she killed her! There's nothing else to it!" Lars pushed up his glasses and sighed in annoyance. It was hard to get a word in around Karen without slapping her apparently, but he wasn't about to do that again. His jaw was still sore from being punched so they were somewhat even now. Unless you're one of those people who thinks a dude should never hit a chick under any circumstances. Lars clearly wasn't one of those people. "This isn't a prank!" Karen turned to David and caught Lars's attention. "You saw what happened at the pool, right!? How could someone fake something like that!?" The pool? David retorted back and Lars simply listened to gather more information about the pool. "I didn't say this was a prank. Lars was yelling about Steph calling him a prankster so calm your tits down and stop glaring at me." David revealed nothing of note about it before leaning in revealing his suspicions concerning Liam. "Wait, are you sure Liam isn't suspicious too? Is there proof he actually left his room?" David asked, but Lars merely met his question with steely eyes. David's suspect announced that he was off to get one of the drinks Lars had mentioned, but David stopped him.


"HEY LIAM, YOU CAN'T REALLY GET A DRINK RIGHT NOW. THE POOL IS OFF LIMITS." Liam stopped in his tracks, being the beta male he was, just about anyone was an authority to Liam. "Wh-Why?" Lars finally chimed in. "Yeah, I'd like to know why as well. But first. Karen. Dave." Lars looked at the two of them as he said their names. "Steph's a lot of things, but she's no murderer." Liam shifted uncomfortably. He knew that once everyone found out Maeve was dead and he was the last one to not only see her, but sleep with her, that he was going to be suspect number one. "None of us are murderers. I don't believe that for a second. It's important that we remain level-headed. If we start pointing fingers at each other, we'll create a Lord of the Flies scenario. All we need to do is get our things, leave, and let the police handle this. Now. What's going on with the pool?" Lars asked, but before anyone could answer, there was a muffled scream from down the hall.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @mikko @SpookySableye @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel[/color]



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Tatsuri Ogami

Location: Living Room > Heading Upstairs | Interacting/Mentioned: Ursula, Alissa, Zoe (not Skyler... so sorry about that)

"Ursula... You scared the shit out of me." Ogami said in a breathy whisper, but not so quiet that the people around him couldn't hear. He let out a long yawn, speaking in the process, "Was I asleep long?" He asked, ignoring her apology. "What's goin' on? Has anyone figured out who did it" His gaze focused off in another direction as he questioned them again. "Nope, unless they found out recently and we're waiting for the notice." Alissa spoke up. To be honest, he hadn't even noticed her there.

"Do you think we should maybe go up there?" Zoe asked, and Ogami's gaze focused on Ursula as though waiting for her to give the answer. When she seemed to be taking longer than expected, he stepped forward. "Y-Yeah..." But then Ursula finally popped something out. With that, they were all making their way up the stairs. The whole: "This place has such a foul energy... It feels so dark and draining..." came across, which made things so much creepier than they already were. Ogami only narrowed his eyes and glanced at the girl through his peripheral.

@SirBlazeALot @Bedbae @SpookySableye

Karen Matherly

Location: Upstairs Halls | Interacting/Mentioned: Stephanie, Kitty, Lars, Liam, David

"Stephanie was the last to go in that room! She pulled the blanket off of Maeve then ran out of the room laughing and smiling like she always does! Either she didn't notice the blood, or she killed her! There's nothing else to it!" Karen raised her voice at Lars with a menacing glare, her cheek still red from being slapped by the guy. "This isn't a prank!" Her gaze was directed towards David. As she spoke, an arm was thrown up and she pointed down the hall, "You saw what happened at the pool, right!? How could someone fake something like that!?"

"I didn't say this was a prank. Lars was yelling about Steph calling him a prankster so calm your tits down and stop glaring at me." He said before glancing towards Liam who was searching his pockets. Karen was still just staring at him, but now with a confused expression on her face. "Calm my tits down?" She asked herself with a tilted head. When David leaned in a began whispering something to Lars, she took a step back with a furrowed brow, wondering what they might be up to. "They know something and aren't telling me!"

"HEY LIAM, YOU CANT REALLY GET A DRINK RIGHT NOW. THE POOL IS OFF LIMITS," He shouted down that hall at the guy. Karen turned to stare at Liam as well. "Wh-Why?" Then Lares spoke up, "Yeah, I'd like to know why as well. But first. Karen. Dave. Steph's a lot of things, but she's no murderer. None of us are murderers. I don't believe that for a second. It's important that we remain level-headed. If we start pointing fingers at each other, we'll create a Lord of the Flies scenario. All we need to do is get our things, leave, and let the police handle this. Now. What's going on with the pool?"

Karen lifted a hand to her chest and motioned as though about to speak - when suddenly a muffled scream could be heard coming from down the hall. She quickly turned around with wide eyes, then looked back at Lars,
"What was that?" Considering what all has happened, a question such as that one is pretty dumb. The answer's obvious. Someone has just been killed... or is being killed! Before anyone could answer her or tell her how dumb that question was, she was off like a light, "We might can stop it!" She called out, grabbing Liam by the wrist as she passed him.

@SirBlazeALot @Bedbae @Leaf Fi @mikko

Aaron Hayes

Location: Pool ---> Lobby ---> Dining Hall

Hanging with: Antonio, Riley, Herbert (briefly), Evan (mentioned)

Throughout most of this time, Aaron had followed the group silently as they began questioning who appeared to be an employee; probably a chef judging from his outfit. The chef then exclaimed that he didn't do it, and retorted about how it could have been someone popping too many roofies in someone's drinks. Now that Aaron thought about it, that was a logical possibility, but the thought of one of his friends going around killing people? No, none of them would think of doing that; he was sure of it. However, there was still the unpleasant possibility. Of course, everyone else seemed to reject that idea, especially Antonio, who said that roofies wouldn't make someone puke their guts out, and that nobody trying to bed somebody would use something that powerful. While that somewhat relieved Aaron, it didn't stop him from thinking that one of them could possibly be the murderer.

"Cocinero, if people were really trying to get lucky, I am not too sure they would use something this... powerful. Don't you at least have anything that could be used? Bleach, rat poison, cyanide? I'll even take arsenic, dammit!" "YEAH! You people have to have SOMETHING around here! Sounds like you're trying to confuse us and throw us off YOUR trail! I bet you have TONS of bleach in that kitchen!" "Of COURSE we have bleach, OF COURSE we have rat poison! But you little shits are forgetting something! You privileged collegiate assholes aren't exactly known for using your drugs responsibly, now ARE YOU! One of you EASILY could have put way more than you meant to of whatever fucking DATE RAPE drug you picked up from some skeezbag in a tank top outside of a rave!" Good god, the arguments were making Aaron's head spin. Who the fuck was the murderer? He didn't know, but the chef was seeming awfully suspicious given the way he was talking to them.

"And I could say the SAME FUCKING THING about you! YOU ALL COULD BE TRYING TO BLAME ME TO COVER UP WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Around this moment, Aaron realized something; Evan was gone. Wait a minute, where did he go..? He was pretty sure he heard him ranting about going it solo, but he wasn't really listening to what Evan was saying; really just the chef, Antonio, and Riley. "Forget it. He's in complete and utter denial. How about we just calm down and look through the cabinets? We might just find something that could've been used to kill them." And with that thought in mind, Aaron followed Riley and Antonio into the dining hall, looking for what could have possibly been used to kill his friends.

Aaron began to follow Riley and Antonio into the dining hall, looking for something that could've been used to poison someone. He decided to take his mind off of Evan for now, not wanting to think worst case scenario with him. Granted, he was just trying to convince himself otherwise, but he didn't want to go insane and end up questioning everyone possible. Quickly, Aaron began looking through some of the cabinets for poison. It wasn't long before he found a jug of bleach labeled "Clorox". "I've found some bleach." Aaron stated, setting it down on the floor near him, "I'll continue looking in case I find more stuff."

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel @mikko

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Living Room --> Upstairs

Hanging with: Everyone downstairs --> Everyone Upstairs + Ogami and Ursula

"Uhhh... Y-Yeah..."" Ursula responded blankly, "This place has such a foul energy... It feels so dark and draining..." "Yeah, I'll agree with you on that..." Zoe replied worriedly. Dear god, why did Ursula have to point that out again? Now it feels even more scary. Yeah, she was definitely feeling more afraid after hearing Ursula's comment. After all, what if there was a dead body up there? Or even worse; the murderer? That would not be a good situation in the slightest. "Well, we should probably head up there then..." Zoe stated hesitantly, as if she really wasn't enthusiastic about going up there. Yes, it was probably what the group should do right now, and yes, some of her friends were probably up there, but it was almost like she could sense something was wrong. After she saw Ogami walk up the stairs, she followed him.

Shortly after walking through the upstairs hallway, she saw Stephanie, Kitty, Lars, Liam, and David; all alive and well? Well, they seemed more terrified than anything, but nonetheless; they were alive! Zoe sighed in relief as she quickly towards them. "Oh thank god you guys are alive!" She said happily as she got closer to the group, "Other than that though, what happened? Is everyone..." Around this point in time, she noticed another person that was missing. One that she hadn't seen in since this shit first went down. "Where's Maeve?" Zoe asked, hoping that she was okay as well.

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @Bedbae @Leaf Fi

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  • zankyou-03.jpg


    With: Lars, Liam, Karen, Kitty, Steph

    At: Hallway

    Luckily, Liam stopped from advancing anymore and checking the hell that was left over. "Wh-Why?" Lars also chimed in. "Yeah, I'd like to know why as well. But first. Karen. Dave." Lars looked at the two of them as he said their names. "Steph's a lot of things, but she's no murderer." David looked at Lars with that really I'm uncultured stare. He wasn't saying that Steph was a murderer with that face but questioning Lars as to why he'd think she'd be the killer. "You know damn well I don't really think anyone here is a killer...somewhat." David couldn't deny it, he had been thinking things through and some people were suspicious.

    "None of us are murderers. I don't believe that for a second. It's important that we remain level-headed. If we start pointing fingers at each other, we'll create a Lord of the Fliesscenario. All we need to do is get our things, leave, and let the police handle this. Now. What's going on with the pool?" Lars asked, but before anyone could answer, there was a muffled scream from down the hall. Karen quickly turned around with wide eyes then looked back at Lars, "What was that?" David stared at the stares as a shadow could be seen climbing up. Anxiety was rising yet David somehow managed to stay cool. He sighed as he realized it was just the rest of his classmates. "Geez, you guys almost killed me with a heart attack." He stopped speaking immediately realizing his wording was not the best considering the situation they were in.

    "As for your question," David took a deep, long sigh, "there are to dead bodies in the pool section." He stopped to take another breath, this time trying to relax his mind.

    @Kayzo @mikko


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