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Realistic or Modern Hell Motel

Karen Matherly

Location: Upstairs | Interacting/Mentioned: Stephanie, (Lars), Maeve and Liam

"Thank you. I know I'm a genius." Karen spoke to her sub-conscience with a firm nod, crossing her arms. A wild grin appeared on Stephanie's face after Lars and Liam being a couple came into question, and Karen couldn't help but grin, too. I guess you could say it's natural. Whenever someone I'm talking to smiles, I just feel the need to smile back... for no apparent reason. Though, Karen's grin didn't last very long, and it turned into more of a toothy glare. She didn't appreciate being 'shoved' out of the way, just so Steph could go confirm something Karen figured out. "That's my credit..." She thought to herself while following the taller woman into the room.

An agitated sigh puffed up Karen's cheeks as she watched Steph turn on the lights. At the same time, the two girls took notice of a human-like figure beneath the covers on the bed. Instead of dashing over to see who it was, thinking she already knew, Karen darted back out of the room in a fit of giggles with both hands covering her mouth. Not long after that, Stephanie returned, slamming the door loudly behind her, in which Karen flinched and turned around to see the taller one's giant grin.
"HOLY FUCK!" Stephanie was laughing the most she had all day. And, normally Karen would laugh with her, but she had a random, and sudden mood swing. Unamused eyes stared down at the other as she wiggled around on the floor, stating that Maeve was the one in the room... butt naked, at that. "...Eh?... WHAT!? IT'S NOT LARS!?" Karen jumped back in shock, zoning out.

"Oh... my god. It was Maeve... Well then... what about Lars? Liam and Lars seem to go together like... They just fit... No. This can't happen. I will make this ship sail! Liars must go on!" She thought to herself as Liam passed by, suddenly letting out a horrifying squall. "m-m-M-MAEVE IS DEAD!" He called out loud enough for even the people downstairs to hear. "...But Stephanie jus-..." Karen lifted a finger to point at Steph, coming to a sudden realization as the girl slowly wandered over to another door and began calling out for Lars. Karen grit her teeth, glaring at the back of Steph's head. "Steph-" The taller chick continued to scream out, so Karen decided to get louder, too. "STEPHANIE!" She yelled, quickly racing up behind her and putting her in a head lock, in which the two fell backwards. "It was you wasn't it!? You Killed Maeve! I bet you're working with Lars!"

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel @Leaf Fi (Lol, this was a really horrible post. Also, I'm gonna wait before posting for Ogami.)



emotional state: unnecessarily volatile

location: pool -- prepped to migrate

with: all the fuckers at the pool

tagged: @Kayzo

evan couldn't really believe this was happening. no matter how he tried to slice it, this was more like a shitty horror movie scenario than real life, right? somebody had to be fucking with them. this was probably just an elaborate prank by sam pepper where a few scumbag sadists would have a quality laugh about it, the internet would become enraged, ray would get up and say something stupid like "LOLOL I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT. YOU FUCKERS JUST GOT PUNK'D LMFAO" and evan would get to punch him in the face, and then everything would go back to normal. that's how this shit worked, right? controversial and made for a scare, but everything would sort itself out in the end? "it's probably real fuckin' shitty of me to say i want a drink right now, huh," he muttered to himself, running a shaky hand through his hair. maybe, just maybe, if he were a better dude, he'd be trying to avenge ellen, hell, even ray---but it was all too surreal. all he wanted was to get out, go home, drown in a bottle of tennessee honey. why the hell was everyone playing detective, anyway? their phones were shut off, everyone was all but goin' batshit insane, and now they were running around with a murderer who was probably trying to decide who they wanted to pick off next. everything about this situation suggested they ran to the nearest gas station or something, but no. they were sitting ducks. evan was suddenly very, very tired. all the sobbing, the screaming---he was sick of it. to signify his anger and desire for silence, he brought his fist to the wall he stood beside with a harsh thud, glaring irritably. "WOULD. Y'ALL. SHUT. THE. F U C K. UP? THEY'RE DEAD. AND Y'KNOW WHAT? THERE'S JACK SHIT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, AND IT'S REAL SAD, I KNOW. BUT YOU STANDIN' THERE SOBBING AND HUGGING AND SINGING KUMBAYA SURE AS HELL WON'T BRING 'EM BACK, NOW WILL IT? SO WHILE YER JUST FREAKIN' THE FUCK OUT, MORE OF US COULD BE PLUCKED OFF UNTIL WE'RE THE GODDAMN AGATHA CHRISTIE NOVEL. SO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASSES AND GET SHIT DONE. WE CAN MOURN AND SAY OUR EULOGIES LATER, 'CAUSE I CAN GUARANTEE THAT NONE OF YOU FUCKERS WANNA GO TO HELL JUST YET." he brought his now calloused, throbbing hand back from down the wall and seethed, chest heaving. without another word, he turned on his heel--bound and determined to either find the cause of all this stress or die trying.

  • zankyou-03.jpg


    With: I don't know anymore

    At: Pool then Lobby

    David walked back to the lobby after talking to Skylar and Ursula. Hopefully they can handle Alissa. Should have asked for a hit, fuck it. Arriving at the lobby once again, it seemed as if everyone was still jittery. Of course, it's not like you can act fine and dandy a few minutes after seeing a classmate die. Hell, that would be very creepy. He checked the room to see what could be done. Any ideas... "Hey guys, when everyone else is found, I think we should probably get out of this place. Fast." Good idea Aaron, not that Dave had thought it before but the idea was pretty obvious. First thing was to find everyone. As much as Dave wanted to get out of this hellhole, it wasn't right to leave anyone behind. The chattering and panic in the room was making everyone talk at the same time and it was driving David insane.

    Woah, someone was about to bust a fuse. David could see where Evan was going with his little maniacal speech but the whole scene, moment, whatever you want to call it, was too crazy. There were still people in other room other than the one he and the group were at. "Other than the few people still in the pool and maybe one or two that I know who went upstairs, does anyone know where the rest are?" He wanted to leave as soon as he could. Checking the bodies that were there and looking for the criminal was not his priority right now. Hopefully everyone can get out without doing anything stupid.

    @Kayzo @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @SpookySableye @Zero Gravity @SirBlazeALot


Skyler Washington

At the pool, with pretty much everyone

Skyler got to her feet with the help of Ursula, and did everything she could to keep her back turned and view away from her best friends dead and bloodied body. She was still very shaken up and scared about the situation, but she was beginning to calm down a bit. But if she even got a glance of Ellen's toes then she'd freak out again. Suddenly something cold was placed in her hands thanks to Ursula, and upon further inspection it turned out to be some sort of makeshift ice pack for her head. She assumed after passing out that this would stop it from happening again. "Thank you Ursula, you're a saint." She said, pressing the pack to her forehead with one hand while using the other to take the joint. The skyscraper was led over to Alec, Antonio, and Alissa in time for her to see them losing their shit. The situation was bad enough, and the group really didn't need everyone killing each other. Especially since someone was doing it for them. "W-Why don't we all have a hug?" Ursula's voice spoke, Skyler almost immediately latching onto her. Love and affection was something she really needed right now, and man was she down for a hug.

Her attention was drawn away from Ursula at Evan's sudden rant. The mans angry voice scared her, and him running off alone even more so. She couldn't let him run off alone. If horror movies had taught her anything it was don't run off alone, and she didn't want Evan to be an unfortunate victim. Handing the blunt back to Ursula, she gave the green haired girl a tight hug before stumbling off after her crush, gaze staring to the side u till she passed Ellen.
"Evan, wait for me!" She called out, picking up pace in an attempt to catch up.

@SirBlazeALot @mikko @whoeverelse

Aaron Hayes

Location: Pool, with practically everyone

Hanging with: Specifically Evan and Skyler

Thankfully, it seemed like the mass panic from the murders was dying down a bit. Well, let me rephrase that; nearly everyone still seemed terrified, but it wasn't as much as it was before. Then Evan seemed to blow a fuse from hearing all of this. "WOULD. Y'ALL. SHUT. THE. F U C K. UP? THEY'RE DEAD. AND Y'KNOW WHAT? THERE'S JACK SHIT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, AND IT'S REAL SAD, I KNOW. BUT YOU STANDIN' THERE SOBBING AND HUGGING AND SINGING KUMBAYA SURE AS HELL WON'T BRING 'EM BACK, NOW WILL IT? SO WHILE YER JUST FREAKIN' THE FUCK OUT, MORE OF US COULD BE PLUCKED OFF UNTIL WE'RE THE GODDAMN AGATHA CHRISTIE NOVEL. SO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASSES AND GET SHIT DONE. WE CAN MOURN AND SAY OUR EULOGIES LATER, 'CAUSE I CAN GUARANTEE THAT NONE OF YOU FUCKERS WANNA GO TO HELL JUST YET." Holy fuck. Evan's point there was pretty rational to Aaron. Even though he is scared shitless, standing around and doing practically nothing wasn't going to help the situation in the slightest. In fact, it could make things worse depending on how one looked at the situation. It seemed like Skyler agreed with him as well, and joined up with him. It wasn't long before Aaron decided to do the same. "Hey Evan! I'm also coming!" Aaron called before joining up with him and Skyler.

(I am so sorry this post got out later than expected)

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Ray and Ellen have mysteriously been poisoned and lay dead in the pool area. Maeve has bled to death in Liam's bed after a romantic escapade. Will the CSC be able to put itself together before another young life is taken?



(The tires of the bus have been slashed but three employee cars remain in the parking lot. Perhaps if you were to find the keys...)

@mikko @SpookySableye @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel

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Tatsuri Ogami

Location: Bar | Interacting/Mentioned: The Chef and Liam

"I'll kill you if this isn't a joke." Ogami glared at Herbert with dark, narrowed eyes. Liam was no longer of concern. His small bout of rambling went ignored by the taller male, who just continued to stare Herbert down. "Sir, you're going to have to elaborate on what's got you so worked up." The cook stated, in which Ogami's expression darkened even more. He couldn't believe that the guy was acting so oblivious. Motioning to say something- or... scream it, Ogami stepped forward, but was interrupted by Liam. "I don't have time for that...I just need to get a drink to...to someone." He informed, seeming a bit unsettled. After a bit, Liam was off, and only Herbert and Ogami were left. Within the time it took for the drink to be made, Ogami had called down a bit, but was still very pissed off.

With a deep sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose and leaned forward on the bar, shaking his head with tightly closed eyes.
"I just don't... Why is there no one standing guard at the pool, or.. whatever it is life guards do!?" Annnnd, once again, he's standing up straight with a questioning expression. It still just looks like he's glaring, though. "They're dead! There are two people..." Ogami lifted two fingers, shoving them in Herbert's face (not as much as you might be thinking, lol), "...lying at the pool... and they're dead. I just want to know why, and how." Placing a finger in the middle of Herb's chest, Ogami began speaking in a low whisper, "And I believe you know more about it than anyone else here." There was a moment of silence after Ogami finished talking and distanced himself a bit from the other. He reminds me of the guy in a horror movie who starts accusing everyone of everything, then eventually gets killed by someone who isn't even the actual serial killer, just because they were sick of putting up with his shit.

From upstairs, a familiar voice rang out, but what was said seemed more difficult to figure out. But, because of what's already happened, Ogami turned around with wide eyes and tried to guess "what now".


Location: Kitchen -> Pool -> Lobby

Kickin' It With: Ogami, Dave, Evan, Aaron, Skyler, Riley, Ursula, Antonio, Alec, and Alissa


"They're dead! There are two people..." Ogami lifted two fingers, shoving them in Herbert's face "...lying at the pool... and they're dead. I just want to know why, and how." Placing a finger in the middle of Herb's chest, Ogami began speaking in a low whisper, "And I believe you know more about it than anyone else here."

The news hit Herbert like a freight train traveling at light speed. "D-Dead!?" he sputtered nervously. This was not good, this was very not good. Herbert didn't card the guy who bought the drinks, nor did he card anyone else outside. Having two dead underage college kids that drank alcohol served at this location was a BIG deal. Herbert immediately tried to remove the blame from himself. "If y-you read the disclaimer in the pool area, you WOULD'VE KNOWN that you're using the pool at your own risk and the motel will NOT be held responsible for any injuries y-you may incur while using the facility!" Herbert began to speed walk out from behind the bar counter and head to the pool area to see the carnage for himself. Sure enough, there was a boy floating in the hot tub and a lifeless girl covered in blood on the pool chair. "How the hell?" Herbert asked himself in shock, nervously approaching the girl and sniffing her to make sure the blood was real. Not only did he pick up the strong scent of iron, but he also caught a wiff of vomit, nachos, and mango daiquiri. Herbert jerked his head backward and immediately went to the lobby. "YVOOOOONE!!" he called manically before picking up the phone in the lobby and dialing the owner's number. But nothing. The landline was broken. "What the fuck is going on here..." Herbert murmured with a deep and sinking horror in the pit of his stomach as he tried his cell phone, and discovered that it had no service.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @mikko


Location: Hallway

Kickin' It With: Steph, Kitty, Karen, and Lars


Liam was about as mortified as one could be. His stomach felt like a contortionist in a Cirque Du Soleil act as the full weight of knowing that half of his body and the sticky warm liquid on his face was Maeve's blood. This was not one of the bodily fluid of hers that he wanted. Not in the slightest. He hyperventilated and repeated through his breaths, "She's dead...she's dead...she's dead...she's dead..." Figures that the girl he would lose his virginity to, the girl who occupied a prime position in his spank bank since the day he saw her, the girl who was into all his deviant tendencies, has to go and fucking get killed. And who was Karen blaming for the murder? Steph. She claimed Steph was working with Lars and killed Maeve. Absolutely none of that made sense, why would Steph and Lars want to kill Maeve? Liam despised Karen and probably had some of the most detestable hate banging fantasies you could imagine about her. She was an idiot 7 days a week. Liam watched as Karen sprinted past Kitty and put Steph, who'd become equally as frantic in a headlock. "HEY! GET OFF OF HER, YOU STUPID BITCH!" Liam shouted and sprinted forward to be Steph's white knight. In the process he pushed down his second favorite hate bang fantasy girl Kitty, because how often do you have an excuse to shit on kitty, he can just be like "lol sorry I was just rly mad @ karen." When he reached the pair, he wrapped his arms around Karen's waist and tried to pull her up with all of his might.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @mikko


Location: Lars & Dave's room -> The Hall

Kickin' It With: Steph, Liam, Karen, and Kitty


The noise in the hall was beginning to escalate to such a level that Lars could no longer ignore it. Even on max volume, he could still hear the faint noise of people fucking around in the halls. Not only was it inconsiderate to him, but it was inconsiderate to the employees and any other guests who might be staying in the motel. This is what happens when you buy alcohol, people act like fucking children. Lars angrily tore his earphones out when he heard a loud pounding on his door followed by more chaos. Lars swung the door open and had a very VERY "i r not amused" facial expression in place. He looked down at the party of three in silence. Steph in a headlock by Karen, Karen in Liam's arms, and he caught glimpse of Kitty down the hall on the floor. Lars scoffed and growled, "What the fuck are you neanderthals doing?" in a low volume to keep him from losing his shit.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @mikko


emotional state: exhilirated

location: lobby area

with: aaron, riley, & skyler

tagged: @Kayzo

evan was more buzzed than he had ever been in his life. the jitters running within his body were different than any drugs, any sex, any drink, any medication had ever sent through his bloodstream.
he loved it. the raw adrenaline throbbed in his veins, and he felt invincible. that is, until he gathered a band of idiots. whirling around, he hissed, "what do y'all fuckers want now?" the thickness of southern twang weighed his question like lead, reiterating the annoyance. he couldn't even be left to stew in anger without a posse. where did they get off? fueled on anger as he was, he was severely tempted to snap again--though this time with fists, as riley was obviously attempting to make some sort of drum out of evan's body to catch his attention. "confirmin' the---what the hell are you on about?" he looked around, eyes locking on the chef. it made sense, sure, but come the fuck on. sighing, he groaned, "riley, calm down. that asshole looks just as confused as the rest of us, so don't pull a fuckin' salem witch trial on him just yet." he rolled his eyes, ran a hand through his hair just to run it back down his face. he just needed to make it through this. "look," he said, firmly, "grab everybody, bring 'em down to here to the lobby. s'bout time we did some proper sleuthing, don't you agree?" he grinned, wide and wicked, near giddy with excitement. finally, something is worth his time.

Location: Upstairs

Fuckin' around with: Karen, Liam, Lars and Kitty

Before she could continue her search for Lars, from completely out of nowhere something wrapped their limbs around her neck and stumbled backwards. A perplexed gasp escaped her lips as she was thrown backwards. "It was you wasn't it!? You Killed Maeve! I bet you're working with Lars!" Karen screeched in her ear. First of all, what the fuck. If it was at all possible, Steph would have punched her right across the jaw and called her an idiot, and even though she could right now, it wouldn't have been as satisfying to see the flash of 'oh durr I'm Karen the jackass and I'm wrong' spread across her face. Secondly, her? A murderer? What the fuck kinda drug was that shrimp taking to think that?! She only walked up the damn stairs! Fuck, it'd more likely be the little shit herself that murdered Maeve! "K-Karen! F-!" Her hands fumbled with the other's arm, trying to pull them away from her neck. However, quite surprisingly, someone came to help. Well, not the action was surprising, but the person who was the saviour was. 'Liam?' Grey orbs flickered back on instinct to make sure her ears weren't messing up, but of course, barely anything could be seen. Although the slight tugging from behind definitely suggested that what she heard was genuine. Who knew the slinky nerdy guy would legit call Karen a bitch? Liam, you've gone up in Steph's good books. Congrats. Not high enough to bang her though, sorry.

"Gettin' strangled here!" Steph grunted out, squeezing her eyes shut. "Karen, I didn't fucking touch Maeve! Let go of me before I smash your goddamn jaw!" Pulling her right hand into a fist and digging the nails of the other into Karen's arm, the girl grit her teeth for but a moment until the voice of the guy she's been dying to see hissed over the commotion. Her movements and breathing paused, eyes flickering towards Lars, staring at him as if he was an apparition. Then her expression hardened, "You!" Snarling, she began to fight against the girl holding her back, scrambling to get out of her grasp to beat the shit out of the dickhead in front of her. "You fuckin'...! Let go of me, fucking midget!" Why Steph isn't making any moves to knock the lights out of this girl, I have no clue. I mean, she has the knowledge to do so, but I guess she's either holding back or is too angry to think... Most likely the latter. "Lars! What kinda... Ugh! What sick goddamn humour do you enjoy?! This isn't fucking funny!" The grey haired individual yelled, "Stop this fucking prank already!"

@Kayzo @SpookySableye @theglassangel [/right]
Skyler - Lobby

With Riley, Evan, and Aaron

Skyler looked genuinely shocked at Evan's harsh tone. The two were all over each other by the beginning of the hour but now it seemed he was sick of her. Then again, the group was in a very fucked up situation and it was only natural to be scared and paranoid. The tall girl looked down at him with tired eyes, red from the tears she cried for Ellen. Riley had joined up with them splitting the group nearly in half, leaving out the folks upstairs. Hopefully they were alright. The skyscraper jumped in surprise as Riley suddenly began to call out the hotel employee, who seemed to be booking it. She seemed convinced that he was the one who killed them, but Skyler didn't think so herself. If he was killing off people you'd think he'd stay to finish the job. Evan agreed with her, which was nice. Hopefully Riley wouldn't run off after him.

When the orders to break off and gather everyone were given, Skyler slowly made her way over to Evan, reaching down for his hand, her long soft fingers intertwining with his. "Evan, let me stay with you. I'm scared..."

Michael - Pool

With Ursula, Alec, Antonio, Alissa, David, and Zoe

Michael frowned slightly as Riley ran off towards the other group, leaving him by his lonesome. He really needed the girl by his side to make sure she was safe, but there was nothing he could do. She was gone, ditching him for Evan, and it was his fault. He didn't comfort her enough, and now he might never seen her again. At least he had Ursula. Speaking of the green haired girl, Michael quickly made his way over to the girl, tapping her shoulder gently with a solemn look on his face. The others were going to find some keys, which surely sounded like the best idea. If they could get keys they could leave and go home. He missed his parents, and desperately wanted to see them. "Ursula..." He began, stuffing his hands into his pockets and sighing. "Do you think we will make it out?"

@SirBlazeALot @mikko @Leaf Fi

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Pool

Hanging with: Alec, Ursula, Michael, Antonio, Alyssa, David

Well, a lot of shit had happened in the past couple minutes, to say the least. Either way, there were now four people leaving the pool area in search of everybody else that wasn't already there. Part of Zoe wanted to go along with Evan as well, but she kind of felt like it would be a good idea to stick with the crowd at the pool. After all, if there really is a psychopath wandering around the motel... Safety in numbers, right? It was a bit of a morbid way of thinking depending on how you take it, but she figured that a killer would be more likely to target a smaller group than a larger one. Either that, or the one closest to them... Yeah, thinking about where the potential murderer was in or out of the building felt pretty uneasy, to say the least. Even worse, what if the murderer was one of... No. There is no way in bloody hell that one of my friends had done this... Right? Oh, Zoe. The less you know, the better.

Thankfully, Alec speaking up about an idea had took her back out of that messed up thought. "Two of us should look for the keys for the bus, right? It'd be our best bet in getting the fuck out of here quickly..." Oh, that's right! The bus! That could be our getaway from this place! "Good idea, Alec!" Zoe answered in an almost happy tone. Again, part of her debated whether or not to split from the group, but this time seemed more iffy. While splitting from the group would be more risky, it could provide a chance to escape if they found the keys. ... Oh, screw it, I'm going to help us escape, and live."If you want, I could help you look for the keys with you." Zoe said to Alec.

@Leaf Fi
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  • zankyou-03.jpg


    With: I don't know anymore

    At: Pool then Lobby

    Even if Evan's speech was a little over the top, David was actually kinda relieved to know more people were getting their shit together. Seemed like Skylar and Aaron decided to join him as well. Good. Less people to worry about. "EVAN'S RIGHT!" Looked like Riley was going to join the Evan's group as well. "Bless up," said David as he felt some stress come off his shoulder. He just realized that it had been since the bus drive when he felt a little bit of relief. He heard screaming coming from upstairs but just assumed that it might be a little quarrel from all the crazy shit happening.

    "Alright, I gue-" David was interrupted by Riley's bitchy voice. "Look, LOOK! He's confirming the kill! And he's GETTING AWAY!" Was the murderer returning back to the scene of the crime? He heard that it was a good way to mislead people but this soon? Should I leave the group here and check it out or wait? Time was ticking and if it truly was the murderer, now would be a great time to get him. Any other time and no one would know who it is. "AHHHHHGGGG!" David let out a scream of anger. Not really angry at anyone, other than the murderer, but more angry at himself. He had decided to stay with the weaker people.

    The floor above where everyone was staying kept giving David a bad feeling. The screams from before were not only starting to make him feel a little uneasy but now he started hearing some pounding on the ground. "Now what."

    @Kayzo @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @SpookySableye @Zero Gravity @SirBlazeALot



Location: Pool -> Kitchen -> OTW to the lobby

Interacting with: Alec, Riley, Evan, Ursula, Zoe, Skyler, Aaron

The Spaniard was actually speechless for once. He wasn't the type to get angry very easily, instead just glanced at the scene once more. "What do you mean? This is one of the craziest things I've ever witnessed. Nothing is too crazy to cause the deaths of our fellow members. Tampering the drinks must be on their lists, along with the rest of us." He sighed. "We're not gonna hurt anybody!" Riley held up her hands innocently. "I. Would just like to know. Who is responsible for killing. Our friends?" she asked, her tone becoming more passive aggressive. "And I just so happen to think THAT THE FUCKER WHO MADE THE DRINKS MIGHT HAVE A CLUE!?" Definitely lost her chill towards the end there. Out of concern, he dashed after Riley to hold her back in case she needed to hurt anyone. "We all do Riley, but we mu--" Without announcing it, he decided to follow Riley and the others to the kitchen. Before leaving, he lingered on Alec's face. "Good luck with the keys, my brother." He nodded and ran off. Seeing Evan, Skylar and Aaron in a total wreck with Riley there to boot, Antonio decided to do some damage control. "Don't get too excited. I doubt it was the chef or anyone working here..." Antonio thought. As a precaution, he grabbed onto Riley's wrist gently.


Karen Matherly

Location: Upstairs Halls | Interacting/Mentioned: Stephanie, Liam, and Lars, (Maeve Mentioned)

"It was you wasn't it!? You Killed Maeve! I bet you're working with Lars!" Karen called out as she jumped towards Stephanie, locking an arm around her throat and using the other one to lift up, blocking oxygen from entering in and out. "K-Karen! F--!" Stephanie scrambled to release herself from Karen's grip, but she only squeezed tighter. "Give it up! I'm not letting you hurt anyone else! First you have Lars poison the drinks, then you come up here to kill Maeve because you had the idea that maybe she knew! And was trying to tell Liam!- Gah!" Suddenly, someone appeared from behind and started trying to pull Karen away from Steph, "HEY! GET OFF OF HER, YOU STUPID BITCH!" The first thought in Karen's mind was, "Mom?- No, that voice... Liam!"

"Gettin' strangled here! " As the obvious was stated, Karen furrowed her brow and tried throwing her head back to hit Liam, "Let me guess!- Ggh... You're... in on it, too, aren't you, Liam?" As she struggled to keep her grip on Steph, Liam continued trying to pull her away. "Karen, I didn't fucking touch Maeve! Let go of me before I smash your goddamn jaw!" Steph dug into Karen's arm with her nails, but she was too focused on Liam to notice, "Let go of me!"

"What the fuck are you neanderthals doing?"" And there he is. Karen's, as well as Stephanie's, original target. Upon hearing the familiar voice, Karen glanced up and relaxed, "Lar-" Though, she may have done so a little too soon - what, with Liam still pulling her by the waist, and such. The two fell backwards, and Karen landed right down on him, then, without checking to see if he was okay, she quickly stood up and darted towards Lars, "Let's get him, Stephanie!" Without thinking, she rammed her fist into Lars' jaw then jumped back with a look of surprise, "Ahhh, wait! No! I'm sorry!" Silence grew over them... "I got caught up in the moment."

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel @Leaf Fi (Lol, this was a really horrible post.)

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kitty brooks

emotional state: extremely distressed

location: hallway

with: steph, liam, karen, & lars

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai

this was, by far, the shittiest of shitty days. how did everything end up going so wrong? first she gets guts yakked all on her, and when she gets herself all cleaned up and is finally getting herself calmed down, she's thrown in the middle of the world's worst game of
whodunnit. and, to make matters incalculably worse, she gets plowed by liam--in a way that was entirely undesirable. there weren't enough adjectives in the english language to describe how horrible she felt in that very moment. it was understandable, considering she was currently on the ground, naked(her grip on her towel had loosened, causing the fabric to slip, so it was now more of a barrier to keep her torso from touching the hallway floor), as a group of idiots screamed around her about murderers. the only coherent information she actually acquired was maeve's dead, which, normally would cause a sick sort of pleasure, knowing she no longer had the ditsy child for competition for other's affections, but now only made her feel nauseous and inexplicably depressed. obviously, something was astray in her mental state. try though she might, no heavy breathing could keep her stabilized, and for what very well could have been the first time since infantry, kitty sobbed genuine, fat, warm tears of fatigue, sadness, and fear. no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop, and it only made her cry harder. by all means, she was an equally laughable and pitiable state---naked in shivering on towel, hair in a wild swirl around her face and body, surrounded by inattentive and failing sleuths, with her small hands rubbing desperately at her eyes to lessen the future swelling. so distraught was she that the only intelligible thing that escaped her mouth was a timid, quivering: "please don't look at me," broken and hiccuping, quieter than even she herself knew her throat could emit. she doubted this day could get much worse.
Lars & Liam

The Hallways

Kickin' It With:
Steph, Karen, and Kitty


Shit only got worse when Lars stepped outside. The noise levels were through the roof. "Lars! What kinda... Ugh! What sick goddamn humour do you enjoy?! This isn't fucking funny!" Stephanie yelled, violently attempting to release herself from Karen who looked like she was trying and failing to assault the girl. "Stop this fucking prank already!" Lars rolled his eyes and arched an eyebrow. "You've known me for a year now, do I really strike you as prankster Stephanie?" he asked in as calm a tone he could manage, having to speak over the sound of Karen and Liam falling over and a naked Kitty crying down the hallway. Lars didn't want to know why, or how, but he knew they were going to get kicked out of the hotel if they didn't take care of it. "Kit--"

"Let's get him, Stephanie!"

That was all Lars heard as he felt a tiny fist hit his face with way more force than one would think would be possible for Karen. Lars jerked his head to the side and rubbed his jaw as an awkward silence descended upon the group. Liam lay on the ground covering his mouth, waiting for Lars's reaction and trying to sneak peaks at Kitty simultaneously. "Ahhh, wait! No! I'm sorry!" Karen apologized. "I got caught up in the moment." Lar's eyes narrowed, and then he delicately fixed his glasses before slapping Karen across the face. And unlike Alec, he didn't feel bad about it, and didn't care if she calmed down. "Don't you fucking touch me, Steph," Lars gave the girl an unusually bold warning, glaring at her authoritatively. I guess a guy gets braver around a girl after getting a face full of boob from her. "WHY IS STEPH CALLING ME A PRANKSTER, WHY IS KAREN PUNCHING ME, WHY IS KITTY NAKED AND CRYING IN THE HALLWAY, AND WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD LIAM!? WHAT. HAPPENED!" Lars huffed and stared at Liam as the nerd scrambled to his feet.


"M-Maeve's dead!" Lars cocked his head and squinted, leaving his mouth agape for a moment. "Maeve is what?" Liam tightened his fist at his sides. "MAEVE IS FUCKING DEAD!"


"I DON'T KNOW! W-W-We...we...we...had sex...a-a-and I w-went to go get her a drink and when I came back SHE WAS DEAD!" Liam began to choke up and Lars started putting the pieces together. It didn't explain naked Kitty, but it did explain bloody Liam and Karen's punch and Stephanie's rage.

"And you two idiots think I'm pulling a Sam Pepper on you hm? Because I'm totally the type to pull stupid, needlessly cruel pranks that make people cry and SOCK ME IN THE FACE!?" Lars took a breath, and sighed. "Liam. Take me to Maeve. You two, get Kitty into some God damn clothes."

Liam lead Lars down the hall to his room, sniffling and folding his arms. He leaned against the door frame and told him, "She's in there," and waited outside oggling Kitty in her time of vulnerability as Lars went in to check out the dead body. Lars stepped slowly over to the mass of blankets, already spotting the deep red bleeding through the white sheets. Lars gulped as he pulled the blanket back enough to see the corpse. Maeve's neck was slit and it looked like she bled out. Upon pulling the sheet back further, he found the murder weapon...a butcher knife. Did she do this to herself? Lars pulled the blankets back over her and exited the room.

"Liam, give me your key," he ordered calmly. Liam looked him inquisitively as Lars shut the door behind him. "Liam. There's a crime scene in your room, you're covered in blood, you were the last person to see the victim alive, and you had sex with her." Lars murmured into his ear. "You don't want to incriminate yourself anymore than you already have," Liam's eyes widened and he began to tremble. "Y-You think I di--" Lars shook his head. "No Liam, I don't. I don't think you killed Maeve. I'm having trouble believing you fucked her, but I don't think you're a murderer. Give me the key. Everything in the room needs to stay exactly the way it is." Lars's eyes were very serious, and Liam couldn't help but admire how calm Lars was managing to stay, and he felt safe with his guidance. Liam placed the key in Lars's open palm, and Lars shoved it into his pocket and gave him a nod.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @theglassangel


Location: Upstairs

Fuckin' around with: Karen, Liam, Lars and Kitty

Fucking Karen. Just... Karen... Where oh where do I begin... There is legit not a word in the world that could describe just how stupid she is. From the over competitive nature and how she's always darting to and fro like an annoying fly on a summers day when you're trying to watch tv. Steph has never had a problem with her (well, she's kinda blocks her out half the time to be honest) but now... Just oh my god... First, fuck you, Karen: punching the shit out of Lars was gonna be what she was gonna do, not you! Second, fuck you, Karen: you just made things hella awkward by apologising for that punch. Who does that?! Thirdly, fuck you, Karen. Why? I dunno. Steph is just pissed, I guess.

As she fumed over the fact Karen got to beat the male before her, she stubbornly stood her ground instead of following the others instruction. 'Cause fuck Karen man. She wasn't gonna follow her lil anime plan and beat Lars to a pulp with the power of friendship; no, if she was gonna punch the shit out of him, it'd be in her own terms. Thanks to that huff though she avoided a stinger of a slap, so I take back one 'fuck you, Karen's. The contact made Steph's jaw drop and her eyes widen. "Don't you fucking touch me, Steph," he warned in a growl. Immediately, her hands went up in a sign of retreat and a 'wasn't me, bro' expression fell upon her features. Sure, it was a wussy thing to do, but Jesus, Lars angry? You don't fuck with him, man. It was far better for the midget to be his punching bag than herself... 'Imagine getting rekt by him.' The thought made her wince internally. Of God, all street cred would be gone in a click of a finger... That was a terrifying thought.

Allowing Liam to catch Lars up to speed and enduring a talking down, the two boys went off to examine Maeve's corpse. On other terms, Steph would have probably flipped the bird at the boy with glasses' back after getting such a scolding, but... She was kinda freaking out now... If this wasn't a prank... Her worst worries had come into light; she's witnessed two deaths and a corpse, fuck, she laughed at a corpse too... Jesus Christ this was messed up... So fcuking messed up... But the anger she held for the belittling Lars had shoved in her face was distracting enough from a complete meltdown. It could power her own for now. Kitty's snivelling finally caught up to her ears, and she released a heavy sigh. "Fuck this..." Uttering a soft mumble, she turned on her heel and moved toward the girl. Automatically, her hands went to her shoulders to remove her jacket, but to her surprise, all she could feel was her own skin. It took her aback for a moment, and her eyes flickered downward to meet her two little buddies still glistening with droplets of water... She was still half fucking naked. How the fuck do you forget something like that. To make matters worse, she didn't even know where her fucking bag was because goddamn David put it somewhere! Life is just fucking splendid! Goddamn murders and now standing in your goddamn underwear?! What a dream. What a fucking dream.

Continuing onwards with an angry roll of her eyes, the grey haired girl dropped to one knee in front of the sobbing female and in a surprisingly gentle manner, tightened the towel around her naked form. "Karen, get her shit or something for me." She called over her shoulder before beginning to push away the wet stands of hair clinging to the ditzy girl's face. She'd be into that kinda shit, right? Trying to look pretty or whatever... I don't fucking know... Neither did Steph, and it showed in her uncomfortable facial expression and awkward movements. "I mean, if offer what I'm wearing but it's not gonna do you much better." A mediocre attempt at a joke from Steph there to try and defuse the tension. Man, fuck this.

@Kayzo @theglassangel

(Gonna edit in colour and improve a lil when I wake up! I'm gonna collapse any minute now, so I want to get this up and sleep asap)[/right]
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Michael: At the pool with Ursula, Alec, Zoe, and Alissa

Michael wrapped her arms around Ursula as she hugged him, his chin resting on the top of her head for a moment. He was still scared out of his mind but his stoner friends reassuring words filled him with a little bit of hope. However her kind words turned into strange spiritual mumble jumbo as she began to talk about how they could control the universe with thought and action. Deep down Michael didn't really believe in all of this stuff and thought Ursula was quite strange to think about this, but his kind heart didn't allow him to make any comments about it. Instead he smiled slightly and squeezed her hands gently. "Thanks Ursula. That means a lot to me."

When Ursula asked about the bus driver Michael thought long and hard (lol) about who had been driving the bus. Though he had been sitting up in the front directly behind the bus driver the brown haired boy had been reading or napping, paying little to no attention to whoever was driving. Unfortunately he would be any help here. "I don't know who drove the bus. Should we go check it out?" He asked the group, his blue eyes falling on each of them.

@SpookySableye @SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @Bedbae

Tatsuri Ogami

Location: Bar > Lounge | Interacting/Mentioned: Herbert

"D-Dead!?" Herbert repeated in question, a look of disbelief across his face. Ogami continued to stare off in the direction of which Stephanie's scream for Lars came from, "That's what I said." He looked angry as he muttered the words to himself. As of right now, a cigarette sounded like a man's best friend. Standing there, Ogami closed his eyes and pictured himself smoking a craftily rolled stick of tobacco. The moment was calming. Of course, it didn't last no longer than 2 seconds before Sherbert started trying to clear his own name, "If y-you read the disclaimer in the pool area, you WOULD'VE KNOWN that you're using the pool at your own risk and the motel will NOT be held responsible for any injuries y-you may incur while using the facility!" The chef quickly emerged from behind the counter and began making his way to the pool area, in which Ogami just stared at him and watched his disappear with a furrowed brow.

"Someone just kill me now." He demanded in thought, now gazing up at the ceiling. Only now was the fact that Ellen is dead truly hitting him right where it hurts. Ogami's mind began running around with thousands of questions. Who did it? Why? What could possibly possess someone to do such a thing? Even he has never done something so bizarre. Grant it, he's wanted to, and has thought about it. But... never has he actually attempted murder. *Sad music plays* Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me. Okay, sorry, I ruined the moment. Ogami gently brushed a hand through his hair and started towards the lounge of the motel. He took a seat down on one of the couches and closed his eyes with a sigh. Tears kept trying to fight their way out, but he wouldn't allow them.

@Nobody (I'm just waiting for the right moment to bring him into something, but I figured I should post! Karen's coming up!)

Karen Matherly

Location: Upstairs Halls | Interacting/Mentioned: Stephanie, Lars, Liam, Kitty

"Let's get him, Stephanie!" Karen called out after Lars made his appearance, and darted towards him with a fist to his jaw. Instantly, her adrenaline died out once she realized what she did. "Ahhh, wait! No! I'm sorry!... I got caught up in the moment." Karen apologized with a quick bow, and as soon as she stood back up straight, she was met with a slap across the face given to her by Lars. "Don't you fucking touch me, Steph," He demanded with a glare. Karen just stood there with a hand on her cheek, staring wide-eyed up at him. When he started yelling, she flinched and took a step back. "WHY IS STEPH CALLING ME A PRANKSTER, WHY IS KAREN PUNCHING ME, WHY IS KITTY NAKED AND CRYING IN THE HALLWAY, AND WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD LIAM!? WHAT. HAPPENED!"

"M-Maeve's dead!" Liam informed, and Lars cocked his head to the side, questioning the guy again, "Maeve is what?" I guess having to repeat himself made his blood boil, so Liam felt the need to raise his voice, "MAEVE IS FUCKING DEAD!"


"I DON'T KNOW! W-W-We...we...we...had sex...a-a-and I w-went to go get her a drink and when I came back SHE WAS DEAD!" Liam started choking up for the moment as Lars took some time out to piece everything together before looking at Karen and Stephanie, "And you two idiots think I'm pulling a Sam Pepper on you hm? Because I'm totally the type to pull stupid, needlessly cruel pranks that make people cry and SOCK ME IN THE FACE!?" He took a breath and sighed. "Liam. Take me to Maeve. You two, get Kitty into some God damn clothes." Karen just remained quiet as the two furthered down the hall. She looked at Stephanie and watched her kneel down beside Kitty and wrap her up in the towel with blinking eyes. "Karen, get her shit or something for me." Stephanie called over her shoulder, and Karen looked around, "I don't know where her stuff is..."

She watched in silence for a second as Steph interacted with Kitty, then decided to go and retrieve her own clothes for the girl to wear.
"Hold on." Karen ran past the two and hurried down the hall to her dorm room. Shortly after, she returned with her black and yellow sweat suit; a zip-up jacket with a pair of baggy capris. "She can wear these." The outfit was held out for Stephanie or Kitty, either one, to retrieve. "They may be a little smelly... but..." As she waited, Karen suddenly remembered something, and stepped away, "Wait! Hold on, I forgot to get my phone." She informed, then ran back to her room, only to return once again with the same clothes, "Okay, here you go."

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @mikko

  • zankyou-03.jpg


    With: I don't know anymore

    At: Hallway

    All the commotion from upstairs could be heard downstairs and it was pissing David. Not only that but he was also getting a bit worried. Maybe it was the killer. Maybe it was the group enjoying themselves, after all they did have some alcoholic drinks. No scratch that, the deaths of our classmates wouldn't make anyone have time for fun...unless they're the sick bastard who did all this or they're just loose in the head. Alissa popped up to his head. He shook his head in an attempt to get the image of her going crazy out of his head. Anyways he took a deep breath and mumbled to himself "Here goes nothing," as he left the lobby and headed to the stairs leading upstairs.

    He arrived to the top of the stairs just to see a big rumble. Screams and bodies were colliding. Arms flying, nude bodies standing around, tears being shed and blood on shirts. Wait blood. Who got hurt? It looked as if it was from someone in the hallway so the thought of that being the blood of a soulless body didn't cross David's mind yet. Just as he was about to question the group what the fuck was going on, a pissed off Lars started to shout out what was in David's brain. "WHY IS STEPH CALLING ME A PRANKSTER, WHY IS KAREN PUNCHING ME, WHY IS KITTY NAKED AND CRYING IN THE HALLWAY, AND WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD LIAM!? WHAT. HAPPENED!" Well almost everything. "Yea, umm I'm wondering the same shit." David walked up to Lars and asked him, "What's this about a prank? Is that the reason for this shit?"

    @Kayzo @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @SpookySableye @Zero Gravity @SirBlazeALot

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Location: Ze lobby

Interacting with: Riley, Evan, Skyler, Aaron, Herbert

Riley maneuvered her hand into Antonio's and laced her fingers between his. "The least we can do is question him right?" she looked up at him, already resolute on doing so. Toni didn't really know what to do in this situation, should he comfort Riley or tell her to stop being thirsty? Not once has the girl ever paid attention to any other guy than Alec or Michael. Antonio knew he was a rather popular guy, but he could always sense that Riley was only hanging out with him to get to Alec or to gain some popularity or get some girl she hated jealous. Though he was conscious of his popularity, he normally refused to be a part of girl drama in that way. As the dancer always reminded himself, never stick your dick in crazy. Then again, as an act of politeness, Antonio didn't jerk away or let go.

"Any idea why our friends threw up all the blood in their body, Mr. Chef?!" she asked, clutching Antonio's hand tighter and pointing dramatically at Herbert with her free hand. The Spaniard tried his hardest not to flinch. "I should be asking YOU the SAME QUESTION! You stupid college kids are always experimenting around with drugs and alcohol, maybe one too many roofies did it, hm? Anyone trying to get lucky tonight?!" Herbert retorted rather quickly. "No, Riley. I don't think. Mi hombre, roofies don't make people puke out their guts. Dios mio, at least you can feel a PULSE, ese!" Antonio tried to stay calm, though it didn't work. The Spaniard felt his voice tense, though tried to stay calm. It would only make things worse if he had begun acting violent. No one here, especially not Antonio would fare well with being labelled as a murderer, a murderer with a sexy body with slight tendencies to turn to his Spanish roots whenever he was getting intense. Just saying, they might like him a bit too much in prison. "Cocinero, if people were really trying to get lucky, I am not too sure they would use something this... powerful. Don't you at least have anything that could be used? Bleach, rat poison, cyanide? I'll even take arsenic, dammit!"

@Kayzo @ guys i can't speak spanish i'm like googlin these terms so bear with me

emotional state: ugh --> adventurous

location: lobby area --> heading towards the door

with: aaron, riley, & skyler --> no one really

tagged: @Kayzo

evan began to stalk off, ready to find keys, a payphone, anything to get him out of here safely, when he was gripped by skyler.
"evan, let me stay with you. i'm scared..." he understood the sentiment behind that it was likely a precautionary security blanket for meeker hearts, but, given the present situation, evan was a tad less than pleased. disentangling his fingers from her grip, he spat, "skyler, could please gimme some fuckin' space to breathe?" trying to calm down, he looked upwards, taking deep breaths, so he didn't sound quite so peeved. "we're all pretty goddamn spooked, alright? but that doesn't mean that---ugh." he rolled his eyes, started again, gentler still. "look, sky, if you wanna feel safe so bad, we could prolly work in small groups. makes us a li'l harder to pick off, y'know?" he cracked his knuckles and started off again, turning his head back to gaze at skyler pointedly. "as for me, though? i'm sure you know i don't play too well with others." he winked boyishly, eyes glittering with a sick excitement. whirling around fully, he began to move briskly towards the entryway, a dangerous pep in his step and a giddy glint in his eye.

(just a short n' shitty shit post nothin to see here folks)
Lars & Liam

The Hallways

Kickin' It With:
Steph, Karen, Dave and Kitty


Lars was dead serious about making sure no one else went into that room. He gave Liam a gentle pat on the shoulder, and he could feel the boy trembling. "Just try and relax, alright? I bought some drinks for everyone, they're outside by the pool. I don't know if that's your thing...but it might help." Liam nodded solemnly and pushed his hair out of his face. He looked down at the floor but he was using his peripheral vision to drink in the image of a half naked Stephanie trying to dress a completely naked and crying Kitty.


"What's this about a prank? Is that the reason for this shit?" Dave joined the two in front of Liam's door. Lars threw his head back and rolled his eyes. "What is it with you people and pranks? If it is prank, it's a fucking deplorable one and I'm certainly not in on it. Maeve is dead." Liam turned his head away from Lars as he caught David up to speed, now fully capable of staring at the glistening girls, but he kept his head down to remain at least a little discreet. "She and Liam..." Lars's eyes shifted and he coughed a little bit, made sure Liam wasn't looking at him and made air quotes with his fingers, "had sex. Liam left to go get her a drink, and when he came back Maeve's throat was slit. So there's three possibilities." Lars held up a finger for each one. "One, this really is some kind of sick, yet extremely realistic prank. Two, one of the guests or employees killed Maeve. Or three...Maeve did this to herself." Liam shoved his hands in his pockets as a thought occurred to him. Shit. I left Steph's panties in my room. FUCK! NOW I'LL NEVER GET THEM BACK! AND THEY'RE GONNA BE EVIDNCE! Liam sighed heavily. "I think I will get one of those drinks."

@Kayzo @Kayzo @theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi


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