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Realistic or Modern Hell Motel

Tatsuri Ogami

@Kayzo @Everyone lol

Location: Pool | Interacting/Mentioned: Alissa, Stephanie, Karen, Ellen, Skyler, Everyone

"Who are you?- Ah, no... that's not what I meant. What's your name?" Ogami asked the girl beside him, Alissa. He's always seen her around and wondered about her, but never made it a point to introduce himself or get to know her... get to know her name. Apparently Alissa doesn't take well to people who don't know who she is. Letting out a loud, "You don't know who I am? YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM?" The yelling at the end did not scare Ogami; though, he did find it a little awkward... and annoying. He no longer feels the need to get to know her, for that was just enough to understand that she's not his kind of person. Luckily, Alissa didn't stick around for long, and left without introducing herself as Ogami had asked. He doesn't care. A soft sigh escaped the glaring man as he watched the amount of people around the pool increase in number. Karen made a pretty abrupt entrance, as well as caused some water to splash up onto him. "Che- Fuck- Karen, dammit." He shielded his face, protecting himself from the completely harmless liquid, then turned around to leave the scene, but was only met with a pair of trousers being thrown at the back of his head.

"Are you fuckin' serious?" Ogami looked in the direction of where they came from, and was, once a -fucking- gain, splashed with water, a pair of pants still wrapped around his neck. This is why Ogami doesn't hang out with a lot of people from the college, and why he doesn't go to the parties... because shit like this happens. After neatly folding Steph's clothes and placing them on the closest chair he could find, Ogami sat down and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes with a furrowed brow. He wanted to go talk to Ellen, but... last time he checked, she was busy talking to Ursula and Skyler maybe? Oh well, it doesn't matter because... within a good 5 to 7 minutes, she was hacking blood up all over the place, trying to let out her last words, which only managed to escape in a gross gurgle. At first, I don't know why, Ogami just thought that everyone was being stupid and annoying, but soon discovered otherwise. When he saw Ellen, he quickly stood to his feet and ran over to her, kneeling by her side with wide eyes. "What the- What the fuck!?" He stood to his feet and stared at everyone and their panic, "WHAT THE FUCK!?" There was nothing else to say... Ogami's eyes were focused down at Skyler, but she wasn't even fucking conscious anymore, so... I don't know what good that's gonna do him.


Location: Liam's room

Interacting with: Liam

"E-erm...yeah...yeah sure we can--we can go to my room, yeah sure!" His face was about as red as a pale ass face could possibly become as he backed away toward his room and opened the door, and allowed her in. Maeve sweetly smiled, feeling satisfied he had agreed. I mean, who wouldn't in this situation? Maybe Lars, but whatever! Screw Lars! "I-I've never done this before." As soon as he closed the door, Maeve leaned against the door, locking it while pushing Liam towards her. Maeve acted so uncharacteristically aggressive that no one would assume that a cute little cheerleader would ever act like this. "You don't need experience..." Maeve said in an airy tone. "Just follow my lead~" She placed tender, yet urgent kisses all over his lips, trailing down his neck. The blonde jumped up into the boy's arms, grabbing his neck for support as the two of them passionately made out on the way to the bed. Through a series of events that involved some removal of clothing (her bikini is still on, folks), Maeve ended up on top of Liam, luggage sprawled out across the room, Steph's panties included, around the floor. "It'll be fun, I promise~"



Location: Hallway -> Lars & Dave's Room

Kickin' It With: Zoe


Lars nodded at Zoe thanking him for letting her use the room. "Mm," he grunted as a "you're welcome" and waited outside for her to finish. He felt there was something inherently creepy about standing next to a door while someone changes inside. Probably not a big deal to anyone else but it was to Lars, so he paced in the hallway and fucked around with his phone. The Wi-Fi was apparently really terrible here so he shoved it back into his pocket. It didn't take long for Zoe to change and when she emerged he nearly choked on nothing and looked away. Despite having seen like...God, maybe millions of photos of people in bikinis in his young life for some reason it was always awkward for him to see a live girl in front of him wearing one. Especially one he had a frustrating crush on.

"D-don't mention it," he managed to get out, sounding quite bitter. As Zoe left, he took a glance at (no poetic way to put this quite honestly) dat ass, before feeling like filth and shaking his head and looking away. Don't be gross dude. Lars entered his room and fell over on the bed as he tried to process his growing emotions and the growing mound in his swimming trunks. Which reminded him. Fuck this. Lars got up and headed to the bathroom to change into a different outfit (basically what you can see in his character image). He decided that wherever Zoe was, he'd do the grade school thing and avoid her. Or criticize her if he couldn't avoid her. As he changed he could hear muffled and vague shouts outside and he chuckled to himself. Sounds like the alcohol was a hit.



Location: Liam's Room

Kickin' It With: Maeve


I don't have much to write for Liam this time so sorry for the short post but here goes. "You don't need experience..." Maeve said in an airy tone. "Just follow my lead~" The growth in Liam's pants right now was like the Grinch's heart growing three times as big after he learned the true meaning of Christmas. "O-okay..." he managed to get out as Maeve's lips pressed against his neck. At this point Liam felt like Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception. He couldn't tell if this was a dream or not, but he decided, Fuck it, I'm gonna make the best of this shit and he didn't hold back at all in he and Maeve's makeout session. She was the master of his body now, and he would do as he was told to please her. "It'll be fun, I promise~" she says. "But I'm already having fun," he says. Aaaaaand


Aaron Hayes

Location: Pool

Hanging out with: Karen, David, etc (everyone else currently at the pool)

It seemed clear that Aaron wasn't the only one who was utterly terrified at the events that occurred. After Karen took his phone from him, and smashing it on the ground soon after, she crawled into what seemed like a fetal position, saying "It's so real... It's so real..." Aaron wished that what had happened were only a nightmare, but it seemed like everything happening was real. Quickly, he grabbed his phone from of the ground in hopes of it being okay. Unfortunately, the screen was shattered, multiple cracks running through the touchscreen. While this would normally make him sad, the feeling was somewhat nullified, seeing as he had much bigger priorities at the moment than a damaged phone. "Everyone, get rid of your drinks and step away from the dead," He heard David shout in a somewhat quivery voice. Even though he was already at a decent distance from the bodies, he backed away further. Well... I guess it's a good thing I didn't take a drink? That reassuring thought did near nothing to ease Aaron's mood, and remained on edge.

In all the chaos, Aaron almost didn't notice that Skyler had passed out, probably from seeing her best friend die right in front of her. No... nononononono! Just when he thought things couldn't possibly get worse, he had to find Skyler passed out on the ground, possibly dying for all he knew. Sure, she could have just fainted from the fright, but Aaron's train of thought immediately went to worst-case scenario. Slowly, Aaron crawled to the ground, and started shivering in a fetal position, is heart pounding faster than it ever had. Th-that's it... I'm going to die here, aren't I? "W-w-what kind of sick motel is this?!?!" Aaron exclaimed whilst visibly shaking.

@Anyone at the pool cuz I'm lazy

(Will have Zoe post out tomorrow, I promise)​
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Zoe Scarlet

Location: Pool

Hanging with: Everyone at the pool

(Sorry in advance if this post sucks; I'm on mobile)

Zoe could not believe what she was seeing in the slightest. Ray and Ellen were both laying dead in the pool area, and everyone was freaking out over it.
"Everyone, get rid of your drinks and step away from the dead." She heard David say. Oh my god, someone poisoned the drinks?!? While Zoe wasn't too sure if the drinks were the cause yet (seeing as she wasn't at the pool for the first half), it was very scary to think that one of the employees, or even worse, one of them, went through the time and effort to poison the drinks. It seemed like something out of a horror movie, or a mystery novel even. The only problem is that this was real life, not a book series. Literally everyone seemed to be freaking out. Even worse, nobody seemed to be getting any signal, and soon joined the chorus that Aaron started up, minus getting their phone broken. Quickly, Zoe trying dialing 911 on her phone, but like the others, had no luck in doing so. Bloody hell, this isn't good, not in the slightest! No, I need to be stronger than that, I guess? After taking a moment to collect herself, she tried to say something. Then she saw Skyler's unconscious body near Ursula. Th-that's it; I'm probably going to die here, aren't I...?

@everyone at the pool

  • zankyou-03.jpg


    With: All dem nikkas at teh pool

    At: Pool

    "Uh," David's voice still quivering from the aftershock of the sudden deaths from his companions. " I d-don't think anyone r-really knows, Aaron. He took a deep breath in an attempt to stop his voice from shaking. "One moment it was loud and cheerful then it went completely sideways. Ellen and Ray started throwing a coughing fit and spewing out blood and I think Skylar might just be unconscious from the shock, I think." Come to think of it, no one had checked to make sure if they were all dead. Ray's been face down on that water so I doubt it. Shivers ran across his back. "Ugh, I guess I'll check on the two girls," gulping down a gallon of saliva.

    Walking back to where he was just moments ago, Ursa was already at the scene where Ellen had presumably died. "I'm assuming Sky is alright?" A sigh of relief came down. David then glanced at Ellen's body, checking to see if he could see it show any form of life. Nothing. No body rise to show she was breathing or twitch or movement. Damn it! I guess that's enough proof. He didn't want to touch any of the dead bodies in case it would get him in trouble with anyone.

    "Ok, anyone seen Lars?" It wasn't that David was worried for him but an extra brain would really help in this situation. He walked back to the crowd of people shitting their pants, leaving a trail of blood from when his shoes stepped over the blood. What to do, what to do...

    @Kayzo @SirBlazeALot



At the pool with Skyler, Ursula, Riley and the other people at the pool

Michael felt a few hot tears roll down his cheeks. There was too much going on for his innocent mind and he couldn't help it. And with Riley freaking out and Ursula crying as well, it made the situation even worse. He brought his hand up to his face and wiped away the tears before lookin over to the distressed Riley. She was thinking that she was going to die, but Michael would allow it. Walking over he placed his hand firmly on the shorter girls shoulders to keep her from pacing, and stared her right in the eye. "Riley, you aren't going to die. None of us will." He said sternly before pulling her into another hug. He'd never been in a situation like this before, and didn't exactly know how to calm people down, but that wouldn't stop him from trying. "We need to stay strong, ok?"


At the pool with the pool people

Whatever Ursula did to bring Skyler back managed to work, the tall girl opening her eyes and staring up at the green haired girl. For a brief moment she thought everything was ok and that Ellen hadn't thrown up her guts, but that was until she smelled the smell and saw the sight of her best friend covered in blood and intestines. Another scream escaped her mouth and she jolted upright. Her free hand tightly gripped Ursula's and nearly crushed it, her face burying itself into her shoulder and sobbing uncontrollably into it. "Ellen is dead!" She wailed, her other arm holding Ursula close.

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @SpookySableye

Location: Pool/Living area

Fuckin' around with: No one now, but David momentarily

What the fuck was she to do...? Everyone seemed to be having a mental breakdown, and there was nothing here to be made fun of... Stephanie paused, and for a moment she just... Shrunk... Heart racing and banging in her ears, the grey haired girl squeezed her eyes shut, inhaling deeply to try and calm her nerves. This couldn't be happening, right? I-I mean, it was just crazy! Two classmates dead all of the sudden from drinking some shitty alcohol? C'mon, it just... It just was... Impossible... And that was when it hit her. This whole situation? It wasn't real! Lars had to be pranking them all and Ray and Ellen were safe! It was all a big hoax to make everyone freak out for some good ol' comedy. Punk'd or something was coming back, and this was gonna be their new pilot episode. But Stephanie? She wasn't so easily fooled. Oh no, she wasn't going to be made a fool of. Nobody makes a fool out of her.

"Anyone seen Lars?" Steph glanced towards David, a lot more calm now. She shook her head before taking a step forward, keeping her eyes on the male. "I'll look for him. Tell him what's happening." Aka, kick his ass for this sick joke he's pulling. "David, get everyone away from here for now. It's not doing any good..." She told him firmly. He was the only one taking the situation well enough and didn't have someone wailing be aside him, so he'd be best for the job of caretaker... Hopefully.

Not bothering to grab her shit, Steph calmly began to walk inside the building again, something very out of character for herself. Once inside, she began to wander, allowing her feet to take control over her mind so they would decide where the best place to start searching would be. Inside her head was a bit of a mess; she knew that this whole shit was a prank, but holy fuck was it horrifying to just see. How did they even switch around Ray and Ellen so fast that nobody noticed? Or did they even get on the trip? Fuck, Ray was probably the one who thought of this whole joke... He's a big enough dumbass to come up with something so terrifying that he'd find it funny. Boy, did she hate his guts for that... But, being Steph, her soft spot for that guy was still gonna be there. After wandering, she finally stopped in the living room, glancing around for any sign that Lars had been there. Although, seeing that everything was still a little messy, his ass probably avoided this room like the plague. Still, it seemed like the centre of the shitty motel... So, with a deep inhale, Steph closed her eyes, "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS! GET YOUR SHITTY ASS OUT HERE BEFORE I RIP IT AND YOUR GODDAMN BALLS FROM YOUR FUCKING BODY!" It's official; she was pissed. Thank goodness no one came with... I think they'd be dead right around now.

@Kayzo [/right]
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Tatsuri Ogami

Location: Pool > Hallways > Bar (Or whatever, lol) | Interacting/Mentioned: (Skyler), The Chef

Ogami had no idea what to say. All he could do was stare down at the unconscious Skyler as he pondered what happened. Was Skyler dead, too? The thought brought the man back to reality, and he knelt down by the girl's side, checking her pulse by pressing two fingers to that one spot every professional does when doing... this kind of thing. A sigh of relief escaped him when he realized there was still a beat, then he stood back up.
"She's okay." Yeah... not really. I mean, take a look around at what's happened. "Everyone, get rid of your drinks and step away from the dead," David called out, and almost as soon as he did, Ogami remembered who bought the drinks.

Quickly, the tall male stormed back into the motel, looking around frantically for Lars.
"Lars!" He yelled out, making his way to the bar where the drinks were ordered from. There, he reached across the counter with both hands, and took hold of the Chef's shirt collar, jerking him closer. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Ogami screamed at the man, his face turning somewhat red from anger. "WHAT'D YOU PUT IN THE DRINKS!?" He wasn't actually confident that the Chef was the one who poisoned the drinks... then again, who else could it have been? Ogami made it a point to interrogate Lars the next time he sees him.

@SirBlazeALot (Sorry for the short post.)

Karen Matherly

Location: The Bloody Pool > Men's Bathroom > Halways > Upstairs | Interacting/Mentioned: (Stephanie), (Lars), Maeve and Liam

"No, no... it's not real." Karen cried silently to herself, covering her eyes with both hands while shaking her head. She figured maybe this was all a bad dream, a very lucid one, and that it would all end after waking up. The girl sat there for a short period of time before shakily standing to her feet with a hand over her rumbling stomach, "I think I'm gonna be sick." Her voice was quivering as she spoke, turning around to head back into the motel, eyes downcast on the ground. It didn't take long for her to make it to one of the bathrooms, not caring about the genders, in which she placed herself in front of one of the mirrors to wash her hands, as well as splash some cold water onto her face. Karen stared at her reflection in the mirror for what felt like forever, then exhaled slowly, closing her eyes. When she did so, the events replayed in her thoughts, and she quickly opened them back up. "Who bought the drinks? She thought to herself, still staring dead into her own eyes. After a moment, the girl left the bathroom, only to hear a familiar voice ringing throughout the halls, "...GODDAMN BALLS FROM YOUR FUCKING BODY!"

Karen flinched and turned her head in the direction of which the voice came from, allowing the bathroom door to shut slowly behind her. She began walking for the stairs, and after a moment, Karen arrived upper-level, and scouted the hallways for whoever wasn't seen at the pool - anyone worked, she just needed to find them. Everything suddenly seemed suspicious; she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder every three seconds, wondering why the motel looked so empty. Wouldn't you normally have life guards, or some other staff member outside keeping an eye on everyone? Especially after buying that much alcohol. Karen shook her head, dismissing the thoughts as she continued to rattle the knob of every door down the hall, sending a few rough knocks to each one as well in an attempt to catch someone's attention. I mean, if you don't know which room someone's in... why not check them all, right?
"Who's in there? Is everyone okay?" Her tightened fists beat against the door of which Maeve and Liam rested behind, doing the dirty like the dirty doodies they are. "Heeeeeeey! Open the door!"

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel
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Location: In Liam's room

Interacting with: Liam (Karen and Steph are mentioned)

"Who's in there? Is everyone okay?" Without really giving her a chance to respond, Karen began beating against the door with both hands, "Heeeeeeey! Open the door!" This woke Maeve up from her trance. The blonde was lying on top of him, daydreaming peacefully. Her hands rested on his chest as her legs were intertwined with his. Luckily they were under some blankets, so they weren't really cold or anything. Let's just say that... it was okay. If she had to rate the experience, it would probably be a 5.5/10, wasn't the best, but it wasn't completely horrible or anything. Groaning in tiredness, she slowly emerged from her bed and picked up her clothes and putting them on. Other than her completely destroyed makeup and hair, it was like her rendez-vous with dear old Liam had never happened.

Maeve stared at the bathroom mirror in disgust. She was a guaranteed hot mess. Grabbing her bag, Maeve rummaged through and found some quick makeup wipes and a hairbrush. At least she could say she was going for the natural look, right? Her impromptu makeup routine was interrupted as Karen's knocks kept getting louder and more urgent. What could she possibly want? Doesn't she know I'm busy? Sighing in exasperation, Maeve called out to Liam. "Hey, Liam..." Maeve beckoned to him, wrapping her arms around his waist seductively. "Do... you think you could answer the door... and maybe give me a drink after this?" The blonde asked, flashing him the best smile. The cheerleader then crawled back into the covers rather lazily.

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi

Location: Dining Hall

Kickin' It With: Ogami


So this is gonna be a short post, and that's fine. I'll pad it with a little bit of stuff. Imagine this. You're the chef at a little motel in the middle of nowhere. You don't get many patrons, so you pretty much get to sit around and cook for yourself. Ya don't have to pay rent cause the owner is super chill. Sometimes you and the maid get down and dirty in the sheets. Pretty nice life, you know? Then the motel gets booked for about 20 college students. It's the most money to motel's made at once since you've been working there. And you've been working there for quite a while. So you're hoping you get some tips.

Some scrawny asshole comes in, orders hella alcohol, you don't even card him, you make the drinks and the surplus nachos at light speed, and what do you get? Not a single dime. So now you're pissed off, cleaning up the kitchen and prepping for whatever else these little teeny bopper assholes are gonna order in bulk, and then in comes a big guy, he's laying hands on you, asking you -no- demanding to know what the fuck you put in the drinks. And you gotta remain professional.

Herbert spoke through grit teeth. "Sir...I'd ask that you release me, first of all. Then, I can list all the ingredients in each of the beverages your friend ordered. But first, would you mind explaining to me what you found to be unsatisfactory about the beverages sir? If someone is having an allergic reaction, then you should bring that up with your friend who ordered them...or your friends who drank them without asking what was in it."



Location: Liam's Room -> Dining Hall

Kickin' It With: Maeve, Karen, Stephanie, Ogami, and Herbert


Lol fucking Liam. Can we all just take a minute to break the fourth wall and give this kid a hand for being the first character I've ever had to fade to black for on RPN? Well done, Liam. Well done. Not really though. How was the experience for Liam? Maeve's 5.5/10 was Liam's 13/10. Honestly, he never thought he stood a chance with any of the girls in the club, or any girl pretty much ever. He was convinced it'd be him and his hands until the end.

But nope. Ya boi lost his virginity. I'm not a virgin! Liam couldn't stop smiling. Not only had he had sex, he had sex with a cheerleader. All because he got caught sniffing another girl's panties. Self-esteem at 500% bro. And the only reason Maeve could even rate it 5.5? Cause for a virgin, Liam went longer than most. Most virgins? 10 seconds, splat, done, and everyone's disappointed. But because Liam, being the perv he is, had plenty of happy alone time before the main event, he managed to pull it together for a few minutes. Most dudes won't admit it, but that was an accomplishment for sure.

So here he was, laying in bed with cheerleader, finally feeling accomplished for once in his life, all of his deviant tendencies so far from his mind that for once he felt okay about life. Then, the banging on the door. "Who's in there? Is everyone okay?" I'm way more than okay... "Heeeeeeey! Open the door!" Even Karen's annoying ass voice and insistent pounding couldn't get him down, despite the massive cock-block she was being in this moment. She stirred Maeve, and the girl went to go fix her makeup in the bathroom. Liam watched her from the bed fondly. She basically had him wrapped around her little finger, so when she called out to him, he arose immediately.

Standing in each other's arms, Maeve asked
"Do... you think you could answer the door... and maybe give me a drink after this?" Liam nodded obediently. "O-of course...babe..." He was still new to this whole "post-sex" thing, and he was also unsure of where they stood now. Were they dating? Were they friends? We're they just fucking around? He couldn't be sure, but he didn't mind keeping all of his options open. He hurriedly got dressed and swung the door open. "We're fine Karen," he answered in a rather confident tone that was uncharacteristic for him. He closed the door behind him and brushed past the girl, because she didn't matter. Maeve wanted a drink, yo. Fuck Karen.

Even when he went downstairs and saw the girl that had unknowingly played a part in removing his purity, he didn't give a shit. He was 100% about Maeve right now. Whatever beef (or fascination, it's hard to tell with Steph) the athlete had with Lars was of no matter to him. Maeve needed a drink. But when he got to the Dining Hall, he found Ogami with his fingers wrapped around the collar of the chef. Again, becoming a man tends to change a dude, so he confidently tapped Ogami on the shoulder.
"H-hey dude, what's g-...going on here?" He wasn't sure how to diffuse the situation, and he didn't know Ogami well and normally he wouldn't have cared to. But right now, he was on top of the world, and his curiosity was genuine. Yet, his mission wasn't lost on him. Maeve needed drinks. And Ogami was preventing that. So despite the fact he'd never really talked to him, Liam was willing to do whatever he had to in order to get Maeve a drink.

@theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi

  • zankyou-03.jpg


    With: I don't know anymore

    At: Pool then Lobby

    David looked back at the bodies. Sky had regained consciousness only to start crying on Ursa. Lars was nowhere in sight and Dave thought he was the only other person who would know what to do. Thankfully Steph chose to look for Lars after Dave had questioned the group. "David, get everyone away from here for now. It's not doing any good..." "Got it, I'll do it as fast as I can." Steph seemed reliable as well which gave some peace to David. Great, there goes Ogami screaming. "OGAMI, DON"T DO ANYTHING STUPID!" Too late, the guy had already left the pool.

    He looked at the crowd, half of them thinking that they were about to be next, one already losing their shit. Damn it, not you Alice. "FUCK!" Woops, that wasn't supposed to escape out of his mouth. At least he got everyone's attention. "You heard Steph, let's get out of here. Go to the lobby." He lead the group to the room, throwback to line leader from elementary school. Damn a few people are missing, he told himself as he checked who was present. Steph and Ogami are looking for Lars. Karen? I think she went to the bathroom. Liam? Maeve? Who know's where they were. He headed back to the pool to see if anyone had stayed. Sky and Ursa were still together intertwined. Alec was trying to bring Alissa back to the real world which was weird since he knew how much Alice hated him. Things weren't looking good. He needed to find someone she was well acquainted with. He'd be glad to give her some help but he had to keep an eye on the group. Damn it! Damn it all. Steph was gone and Zoe was losing her cool. "Hey Sky and Ursa, I know this isn't the time for favors but can you please go help Alec? Please?"

    @Kayzo @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @SpookySableye @Zero Gravity @SirBlazeALot


Location: Living area/ Hallways/ Upstairs

Fuckin' around with: Karen, Liam (mentioned)

Waiting for what felt like centuries, Steph soon grew bored of just standing around. "Ohhhh. I get it." She began to laugh, flicking some hair away from her face. "You're hiding and watching aaaaaaaall this right now, aren't ya, Lars?" She sighed, smiling somewhat tenderly before directing her face to the ground. For a moment or two she stayed in that position, but then, slowly, her arms began to raise, bending at the elbows and pushing to the sides in that 'I ain't even mad' manner. Then, just as slowly, her head shifted back upright, and a much wider grin was now playing on her lips. "You're laughing at me right now. At all of us, but let me say one thing; I'm not an idiot, Lars. I know where you are. And honestly, it'd be a lot less worse if you just... Come on out and admit to your little prank." Now, bending forward ever so slightly, so directed her gaze and body to where there might be a hidden camera. She moved a hand to her lips, kissed the fingers, and then blew it for the supposed camera. "See you in a minute.~" After those words, she was off in the direction of the rooms.

Right now, Steph felt not only rage, but complete and utter hatred for the lad. Of course, the fact that this might not be a prank, that the deaths were actually legit never crossed her mind, and to be honest, it was probably best that way. Steph has seen shit, real shit, but not in the way that's she's been raised on the streets (wink wink to the peeps who get the joke), more so just gory videos on sites like Real Gore and fights in front of her eyes. Although both were real, she grew somewhat desensitised to the horrible things happening before her. For the website showing off real deaths, it's horrifying at first to see someone get burned alive or beheaded, hear their screams of agony as they plead to just be killed to end the torture, but after a while... It just felt fake. I mean, sure, there's fucked up people in the world, but how could anyone prove the authenticity of the deaths? Who's to say that it's just people having a laugh to creep people out and make them sick? There's been films out that people have thought to be genuine snuff when it's all special effects, so what's to say it isn't the same situation there? As for the fights, there's a shit ton of blood and yelling, but at the same time, no one has ever been beaten so badly you couldn't tell it was them. Also, a lot of the time you'd have people intervening if someone was down, so the possibility of death was pretty darn low. The first time you've seen two people in front of you going at each other can be frightening, but like the above site, with a lot of exposure, it's not so bad after a while. So, really, having these in mind, this scenario just being a prank was a comforting thought. However, if these deaths were real... If this meant everyone else was at risk for meeting the same fate... Hell, even if the possibility of death was just around the corner, Steph really wouldn't know how to cope with it. All her life she's believed that it's just acting and pretend, but there's that 'what if' that really will fuck you up. There's a reason she hasn't seen the popular videos of people getting murdered; she's dead terrified of seeing life end so easily and realising it could just as easily happen to her. It's a pretty logical fear, but for a girl who would wrestle an alligator for the laughs, having something to be scared of... It was a horrifying thought.

Turning to get up the stairs, the grey haired girl bumped into Liam and stepped aside to let him through. Very strange for her, but he caught her off guard with something... Was he actually exuding confidence...? ... Nice to see someone was having fun, I guess... Shaking her head, she then took the steps two at a time before reaching the top. Karen was standing in front of a door, looking a little lost. Maybe that was Lars' room? "Hey, Karen!" Steph called out to the girl, jogging over to her. "Have you seen Lars? I needa tell him something and I can't find him."

@Kayzo @SpookySableye@mikko[/right]
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Aaron Hayes

Location: Pool Area

Hanging out with:
Alissa, Ursula, Skyler, David, Michael, Riley, Antonio, Dahlia, Evan, Zoe and Alec

After taking a dew deep breaths, Aaron began to calm down. Yeah, he was still scared shitless from what just happened, but he wasn't as shaky now as he was before. The good news was that Skyler had regained consciousness, and was, well, alive. After all, the last thing Aaron wanted was another one of his friends dying on him, or another person dying in general. "Ok, anyone seen Lars?" Lars... Oh shit, Lars! Is he okay? Where is he!? Now that David mentioned it, Aaron couldn't see Liam or Maeve at the pool either. Oh god. This is bad. Aaron would probably look for them, but there were two reasons why he didn't. 1, he did not want to split up from the big group at a time like this, and 2, Stephanie and Karen already went to go do that before he could actually do anything. Now he was just stuck in the pool area with everyone else, and about as terrified as everyone else as well. It would only be a matter of time before everyone else got wind of the news too, but Aaron didn't want to think about that. Soon, a light bulb went off in his head. "Hey guys, when everyone else is found, I think we should probably get out of this place. Fast."


At the pool with almost everyone

Skyler continued to cry into Ursula's shoulder, her hands grasping the back of her shirt tightly and tugging on it. She's known Ellen for 12 years and in a matter of minutes her best friend was gone, and in the worst way possible. She could tell that whatever Ursula was smoking had helped the girl cope with these deaths and rather effectively. The tall girl really needed to get herself together and find out why this happened and mourn later. Taking a deep breath in and sniffling, she wiped her tears on her friends shoulder and finally spoke. "Ursula, let me smoke some of that. I really need it." She said, releasing her shirt and moving her hands to the girls shoulders. Skyler hadn't been paying any attention to what was happening outside of Ursula, and when Alec spoke her gaze was finally broken. It seemed that he wanted their help with something she didn't quite catch in her crying fit. "What do you need?"

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi

(I'll edit Michael in tomorrow. I'm so sorry)

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kitty brooks

@ dead pool (haha)

currently: freakin the fuck out

location: pool >> restroom >> the halls

mentioned: ray(god bless his soul but not really cause he was a dick), lars i guess

kitty, for as nicely as her day had begun, was having an extremely bad time. she turned up hella charm, dressed real cute, gave some fake giggles, and what did she have to show for it?
some dead guy's guts all over her cute little doll face and super expensive swimsuit! she was so irrevocably pissed that angry tears streamed in rivulets hot like lava down her dewy little cheeks. oh my god, she moaned, collapsing to her knees(and probably making them scrapped, u g h), eyes transfixed on what was now bloody stew of guts, bile, and booze. she couldn't believe it. for once in her life, she was glad she wasn't fucking wasted---look at how much good it got you: face down in your own stomach contents, surrounded by a group of assholes acting like it's scary movie three. and, plus, he didn't get to screw who was obviously the cutest girl there: kitty. more distraught with the unaccepted dry spell than actually witnessing a murder, kitty choked yet another heavy sob, scrambling up to rush to the nearest full restroom. she could not end the night looking like she just crawled from a demon's vagina, nope nope. stripping herself of her once-favorite swimsuit(that'd she'd now have to discard, no thanks to ray and the douche who decided he'd get everyone fucked up for free), she turned the shower to the hottest she could bear without scalding her precious skin, and with the technically communal free soap, she scrubbed all the blood from her face and hair time and time again, until the maroon-tinted water again became clear. this is hell, she murmured to no one in particular, as she stepped out. drying off and wrapping her body in a towel, she began to saunter towards the door---until she realized she'd be stepping out near-nude directly after a tragic event. obviously, she couldn't care less, but she had to at least seem like she did. with a hefty sigh, she faced towards the mirror, biting her lip and pouting until she could produce enough crocodile tears for a slightly(but still attractively) puffy face, assuring she remained cute even in immense strife. walking out, she began to sniffle---one hand clutching the low-rising and slightly damp fabric clung to her breast(wracking with what seems to be her stifled sobs, but is really just a desperate attempt to draw attention to her slightly expansive bosom), the other wiping a fake loss and compassion. after all, what was equally as distressing as losing her prized swimwear(which, note, caused her more grief than the death of the object of her current affections), was the fact that she had no clue where her bag was.

@anyone willing to interact with the she-demon

Ursula & Riley


Kickin' It With:
Alissa, Michael, Kitty, Dave, Evan, Antonio, Alec, Aaron, Zoe, and Skyler


Stephanie and David were taking charge. They were being problem solvers and Ursula wanted to get in on that. It seemed like the best way to do so would be to calm everyone that she could down. Normally, she'd rely on her favorite aromatic green herb to do so, and this time was no different. "Come on, Sky," Ursula kissed the girl on her cheek. "Hold this on your head for me, babe," Ursula placed the makeshift cold compress in Skyler's hands after helping the taller girl up. Dave asked that she and Skyler go assist Alec with Alissa, and though Ursula wasn't sure how Skyler could possibly help anyone, she nodded anyway and placed her joint between her lips. "You got it," she said through her teeth diligently as she lit her joint and passed it to Skyler.


Leading Skyler by the wrist, she arrived just in time to witness Alec slap the shit out of Alissa. Like damn, son, he just straight up like, BDSM'd her. Ursula wasn't a medical professional and she didn't know if that actually helped people when they were having panic attacks. Her eyes widened and she stared back at Alec with just as much of a confused and desperate look on her face, with an added hint of "tf r u doing bruh". "W-Why don't we all just have a hug?" she asked, the uncertainty clear in her voice, trying to pretend as if the slap hadn't even happened. She bravely wrapped her free arm around Alissa and nervously said, "Come on Alec, g-get on this, will ya? Y-You too Antonio! I see you standing over there mi amigo!"

Riley stopped crying once she determined that she wasn't dead yet. She'd drank around the same time as Ray and Ellen had, but she wasn't dead yet. So maybe she never would be!? Well not never...everyone dies eventually, even if they survive this RP but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! Sorry I...I broke my tone there.

Anyway, she released Michael and wiped away her tears sniffling. "Th-Thanks Mike...you're a good guy, you know that?" She could hear Steph hollaring for Lars all the way outside, but a thought occurred to her. Even though Lars bought the drinks, he didn't make the drinks. "Wait a minute guys...Ogami had the right idea!" Riley pointed to the dining hall, ready to start a riot, she shouted, "WE NEED TO FIND OUT WHO MADE THOSE DRINKS!" She hysterically pulled Aaron up from the ground by his collar with strength she wasn't aware she had. "WE'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL WE FIND OUT WHO KILLED OUR FRIENDS! And the answer..." Riley paused and pointed dramatically at the dining hall. "IS IN THERE!"

@Kayzo @mikko


Location: Pool

Interacting with: Alissa, Michael, Kitty, Dave, Evan, Ursula, Riley, Alec, Aaron, Zoe, and Skyler

Antonio simply spaced out at the entire scene around him. His head hurt, combined with the force of alcohol, made whatever mild headache he had into a migraine. The slap of someone's hand hitting skin snapped him back to reality. It was his very own brother, Alec, hitting a girl. Grief made people into monsters. His own disbelief made the dancer proudly strut next to him and jerking him up by Alec's collar. Antonio didn't hit him or beat him up or anything, but it was more like a "hey calm down!" sort of shove. "My brother, why do you need to resort to these things?!" He asked, rather assertively, standing in front of Alissa. "W-Why don't we all just have a hug?" Ursula suddenly asked, the uncertainty clear in her voice, trying to pretend as if the slap hadn't even happened. She bravely wrapped her free arm around Alissa and nervously said, "Come on Alec, g-get on this, will ya? Y-You too Antonio! I see you standing over there mi amigo!"

Hesitantly, the Spaniard grabbed Alec gently by the arm and towards Alissa and Ursula. Listening to Riley's little rant, he was in a quiet group hug with the three other members. "Riley... violence and anger isn't the way to solve these things. We must approach them... and peacefully." He said, trying to be damage control for the situation.


Karen Matherly

Location: Upstairs | Interacting/Mentioned: Stephanie, (Lars), Maeve and Liam

So, Karen searched the halls for a moment, and eventually began beating against a door, in which Maeve and Liam sat on the other side of. After calling out to them, there was a moment of silence. Karen stood there with her ear against the door, unable to hear what was going on. When the door was suddenly swung open, she jumped back, staring at Liam with wide, blinking eyes.
"We're fine Karen," he stated. Being the person she is, Karen narrowed her eyes with a sheepish grin, completely forgetting about what had recently happened at the pool. She turned and watched as Liam strolled off with his head held high, "Ooooh, hooo, hooo..." A cheeky grin played on her face, then she quickly remembered the current situation, slowly poking her head into the room and looking around for the other party. That's when a familiar voice called out again, "Hey, Karen!" Turning her head and stepping forward, without having removed herself from halfway in the room yet, Karen smacked her face into the side paneling with a loud grunt. She stumbled backwards, but eventually regained her balance. "Have you seen Lars? I needa tell him something and I can't find him." Stephanie stated, and, with two hands over the growing whelp on her forehead, Karen stamped her foot down, "Hnnnnn! Gah! I don't know!" . . . Okay. There was a moment of silence before Karen lifted her head and sighed, giving a lazy shrug, "...I dunno. He's not downstairs that I know of..." Her eyes glided towards the room Liam had recently strolled out of, looking like a newborn, "He could be in there... I didn't know Lars and Liam had a thing for each other, though..."

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @theglassangel (Sort of a bad post, but I'm in a hurry.)

Tatsuri Ogami

Location: Bar | Interacting/Mentioned: The Chef and Liam

I only realized the cook's name is Herbert... and that makes me laugh. Sorry to anyone whose name is actually Herbert, by the way. I'm sure your parents
do love you. After the crazy happenings at the pool, Ogami started back into the building and made his way to the bar, which is where Lars ordered the drinks assumed to have killed Ellen (sob) and Ray. Ogami could sort of care less about Ray, by the way... No hard feelings. Two large, manly hands were lifted, and the grey-haired chef was pulled forward, almost over the surface separating him from Ogami. "WHAT'D YOU PUT IN THE DRINKS!?" He questioned loudly, holding his face only inches away from (cackle) Herberts. Deep breaths... deep breaths. Ogami made sure to control his breathing in order to stay calm. It's something he learned in anger management. His eye twitched as Herbert spoke, "Sir...I'd ask that you release me, first of all. Then, I can list all the ingredients in each of the beverages your friend ordered. But first, would you mind explaining to me what you found to be unsatisfactory about the beverages sir? If someone is having an allergic reaction, then you should bring that up with your friend who ordered them...or your friends who drank them without asking what was in it." A look of disgust grew on Ogami's face as Herbert's words grew to a halt. He glanced back and forth from each of the guy's eyes, growing angrier by the second. With a shaky exhale, Ogami leaned closer, "Do you want me to show you what I found un-fucking-satisfactory?" His anger played on his words, as well as in the tightening grip around the cook's collar. Ogami was ready to jerk the guy from over the counter and drag him to the pool. There... he would probably throw him into the hot tub where Ray expressed himself in a fit of bloody gurgles. Also, sorry about the shortish post... Suddenly, startling Ogami and tearing (tearing is a cooler word than ripping) him from his angry trance, Liam appeared with a confident tap on his shoulder, "H-hey dude, what's g-...going on here?" He asked, and Ogami raised a brow with a growing, twitchy smile that said he was done. "What's going on!? I don- What's going on!?" Ogami's volume grew louder, and he let go of the cook, only to turn and grab Liam by the collar, "What do you mean 'what's going on?'!? If you're playing some kind of joke, cut it out already, because no one's enjoying it!" He shot a finger towards Herbert (giggle), letting Liam loose, "I'll kill you if this isn't a joke."

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Location: Upstairs

Fuckin' around with: Karen, Maeve (Momentarily)

'Ouch... That's gotta hurt...' Steph winced as Karen stupidly slammed her whole body into the side paneling, her head seemingly taking the blunt of the blow. It had a slight reddish tint to it from what Steph could see before the girl covered it with her hands, and boy was it gonna leave a bump in the morning. Or, well, in five minutes or so... Whatever, it was still an expression! The grey haired girl watched Karen with an ever increasing bored expression as she had a childish fit of rage as she stamped her foot, but just as she lifted her leg to move away from the girl, she stated something brilliant... And probably what was the answer to her question. "He could be in there... I didn't know Lars and Liam had a thing for each other though..." Of course. Liam and Lars, the two L's, how could she not have seen it eariler?! It was probably why Liam wasn't at the pool! They were in cahoots. Whilst Lars wheeled out the drinks, Liam watched the cameras to make sure no one was any of the wiser! Then, after Lars returned to his partner in crime, they confessed their love for each other and made sweet love whilst watching the cameras and laughing. Also, Liam was a sneaky little creep, so it had to be him to come with the prank and ask Lars to help him pull it off! Karen, you are a genius.

After grinning wildly, Steph moved Karen out of the way somewhat roughly before dashing into the room. She cast a quick glance around the room, searching for these cameras and Ashton Kutcher, but neither were in sight. On instinct, she flicked the light switch on with a frown, took a step forward then saw something in the bed... Something that appeared to be a human body... Oh hoooo... Lars, you cheeky little boy.~ Smirking, she silently tip toed to the bed, an in a swift upwards motion, ripped the blankets upwards with an 'AHA!' Then, the biggest goddamn shock since the plot twist from Sixth Sense was laid out before in all its glory. It wasn't Lars, it was Maeve. Oh my fucking god, oh god. The blonde priss was sound asleep and cuddled into the blankets, nice and snugly and warm and, mos likely, totally fucking naked. Oh my god, Maeve, you are a gross motherfucker. Wide eyed in pure astonishment, Steph pretty much tripped over her own feet as she ran back out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her before bursting into laughter. "HOLY FUCK!" She snorted, immediately falling to her knees before flipping over on her back, holding her stomach as she howled with laughter. "Karen! Maeve is in there naked! NAKED!" Steph began to laugh harder, completely forgetting the shit happening around them. In that moment, Ellen and Lars were still breathing and drinking to their hearts content, everyone was having a good time and fucking Liam lost his virginity. What the fuck, oh my god. This was too crazy, oh my god.

@Kayzo @mikko @SpookySableye[/right]
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Zoe Scarlet

Location: Pool Area

Hanging with: nearly everyone

Once again, Zoe began to recollect herself. After all, she knew that standing around and being afraid wasn't going to do anything for her in the slightest. That's when Riley came up with an idea. "WE NEED TO FIND OUT WHO MADE THOSE DRINKS!" That statement set a lightbulb off in Zoe's head. Holy crap. Why didn't I think of that? That's genius. Of course, Riley seemed like she was going to be a bit violent about it, but it was still a good plan. After all, whoever made the drinks would have to know about what happened, right? If they made the drinks, surely they'd know something. At least that's what Zoe wanted to think. Everyone seemed to be getting terrified about the situation including her. Even Ursula was calling out everyone to get in a group hug, which she was debating whether or not to join in on or not. "Riley... Violence and anger isn't the way to solve these things. We must approach them... And peacefully." Zoe agreed with Antonio on the "not using violence" part. However, she did feel like with certain people, violence toward whoever did this would be inevitable. And by some people, she meant over half of the group that's still alive. "Either way, violent or not, Riley has a point." Zoe stated, "The person who made the drinks would have to know the reason our friends died, right? Well, unless someone were to tamper the drinks, but I don't see any of us doing something that crazy." At least I hope.


(Sorry for the short post... I was kinda busy today, so I didn't have much time to post a lot. I'll also have Aaron out tomorrow. I promise! Okay, more like Tuesday, because I got swamped with homework recently. Sorry!)​
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Ursula & Riley

Pool/Lobby Area

Kickin' It With:
Alissa, Michael, Kitty, Dave, Evan, Antonio, Alec, Aaron, Zoe, and Skyler


I don't even know why I included Ursula in this post. I guess because she's still around and trying to deal with the most awkward hug in the universe. There we go, Ursula's trying desperately to soothe all the awkward vibes with a hug still. Of course she agreed with Antonio in regards to whatever the fuck Riley was talking about doing. Hey, what the fuck is Riley talking about?


In all honesty, Riley was ready to dropkick whoever poisoned the drinks. Except, Riley didn't wanna dropkick him alone. Riley couldn't do anything alone due to always having Liam around and playing team spots. But she was feeding off of the situation. The spotlight was now on her, not Maeve, and it was time to get fucking active. Riley answered Zoe and Antonio's concerns in that "I'm pretending like I'm calm but really I'm about to go HAM" tone of voice. "We're not gonna hurt anybody!" Riley held up her hands innocently. "I. Would just like to know. Who is responsible for killing. Our friends?" she asked, her tone becoming more passive aggressive. "And I just so happen to think THAT THE FUCKER WHO MADE THE DRINKS MIGHT HAVE A CLUE!?" Definitely lost her chill towards the end there.

@Kayzo @mikko

Herbert & Liam

Dining Hall -> (Liam goes back to his room and then returns to the Halls)

Kickin' It With:
Ogami, Karen, Stephanie, Maeve, Kitty


Under normal circumstances, Liam would've been terrified if Ogami had grabbed him. I mean, everyone has heard all the rumors about the fights this guy gets in. But you see, L-Boy over here just had sex. With Maeve. So instead of pussying out and crying like a little bitch he only had a look of genuine shock upon his face as Ogami laid hands on him. "A...A joke!?" he asked, his voice raising in volume to match Ogami's. He brushed himself off as Ogami released him and turned his attention back toward the cook. "I-I don't know what you're talking about, a joke? I just came here for a drink!" Liam looked at the chef uncertainly.


Herbert looked back with equal uncertainty and shrugged with wide eyes before turning to Ogami. "Sir, you're going to have to elaborate on what's got you so worked up." Liam shook his head. "I don't have time for that...I just need to get a drink to...to someone."

"You need to get a drink to 'someone.' You people just ordered more drinks than you should have apparently, becau--" Liam boldly interrupted.

"C-Can I just get a water?" Herbert looked at him quizzically, and Liam shook his head, looking down at the ground uncomfortably. "I just...I don't have time...s-someone's waiting for me..." he said to the floor before looking up resolutely. Herbert was already pouring him an ice water and passing it to him, having lost his patience with these kids. "Take it and leave kid," he said and passed to water to Liam.

L-Boy took the water and bowed his head a tiny bit in thanks before getting the fuck away from Ogami. Riley was starting some kind of weird fucking riot in the living room, but any fucks he had to give toward his drunken sister or anyone else but Maeve was nonexistent. He hurried back upstairs past Steph who'd been floored from laughter. What for? Liam didn't know and he didn't care. For all he knew, Karen just told her the funniest joke of all time. All that ran through his head was the opportunity that he may have for a sexual encounter with Steph later on now that he'd finally done the do with Maeve. That post sex confidence man. You're next, he thought like a boss as he stepped over her and re-entered his room.

"M-Maeve?" he asked nervously after shutting his door behind him to muffle all of the noise Steph and Karen were making outside. "Ogami was being...well...I guess he was being Ogami...h-he was going to get into a fight with the bartender s-so I just got you a water," he whimpered nervously as he approached the bed. "B-But staying hydrated before and during....uhhhh drinking...and stuff...i-is important, you know?" he asked wearily, hoping she wouldn't be too disappointed as he set the water down on the night stand beside her

Maeve didn't answer, and Liam became worried he'd definitely disappointed her. "I'm sorry..." he apologized. He realized though, as he pulled the covers back, that Maeve was asleep under a bunch of blankets. He breathed a sigh of relief and crawled back into the bed with the girl, only to feel a massive wetness get absorbed into his clothing. "Wh-What the hell?" he pulled the blankets back to find the cause of the wetness, his first thought being, Wow is she a bedwetter or does she have a piss fetish, but he soon realized the liquid was blood. A lot of blood. And as he peeled the covers further, he discovered that the blood was coming from a long slit across Maeve's neck. Liam scrambled out of bed, yelping pathetically as he burst from his room, half of his body soaked in Maeve's blood. His mouth erupted in a jumble of panicked sounds as he struggled for breath until he was finally able to announce, "m-m-M-MAEVE IS DEAD!" to all those in the hallway. And probably down below in the living room as well.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @theglassangel @mikko




Location: Upstairs

Fuckin' around with: Liam, Karen

Y'know, usually I wait until a few more people post until making one, but as I usually have to make a post for both my characters on Sunday and don't get to sleep until three or so as I need to write it out, imma finish Steph now so I don't have to stay up as late. There's also the added fact that Fates is awaiting a pre order date here, and the anxiety it's giving me leaves me absolutely exhausted and has me knocked out around 12, I can't exactly write a good coherent post in that mind frame. Or, at least, a post I think is acceptable. So, I apologise for jumping on the ball here, but man, I need sleep at night because of goddamn Fates. Nintendo needs to stop screwing the UK up the butt. It ain't cool like this cat, not at all. But, with this out of the way, the real post shall come now!

Due to laughing so hard and being very close to tears, Steph didn't even notice Liam passing Karen and herself until he released the loudest screech known to mankind, voice dripping with a mixture of horrified terror and devastation. Karen didn't even have a chance to respond to her previous statement thanks to this guy. Steph's laugh, of course, died down at his words, but instead of being a little wuss about the situation, she instead rolled her eyes internally. 'How long is this prank going to go on? This isn't funny...' She sighed before sitting up, lazily opening her eyes. "Okay, right. Yeah, nice tr-" Her last note hung in the air once she took in the bloodied appearance of Liam. Her mouth hung open, eyes wide flickering from the bottom half of his clothes to his face, heart in her throat. For a second, she forgot all about this being a simple joke. The blood just... Looked so real... As did the expression of anguish on Liam's face... Fuck, could an actor even pull off an expression like that? M-maybe that was why Leo took so long to get his Oscar... Ha...

After what felt like an eternity of silence she finally tore her gaze away from the male, shaking her head. 'J-just a prank... It's just a prank.' Slowly raising to her feet, the grey haired girl began to nibble on her lip as she wandered over another door, beginning to knock. "Lars! C'mon out, bro." She called out, waited a minute, and continued to another door. This pattern continued for two other doors as her mind ran around the situation they were in. The 'just a prank bro' feeling was now getting further and further out of mind, the 'what if this is real' creeping closer. As it did, she began to grow a little more desperate; her knockings grew louder and more frantic, then her voice cracking for one door as she called out for him. Around the seventh she was getting more and more fed up and scared, the terrifying thought of this being real now dominate. "LARS! OPEN YOUR FUCKING DOOR!" She screamed at this door and instead of knocking, she raised her knee around stomach height and gave it a strong kick in desperation. Then another, and then another, now almost on the verge of tears. She needed answers, needed them more than oxygen to breath, and she was going to get them no matter what.

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai

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