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Realistic or Modern Hell Motel

Karen Matherly
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c753a6a10_KarenMatherly.jpg.79d17d0103e06fd8281c7470207e787a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c753a6a10_KarenMatherly.jpg.79d17d0103e06fd8281c7470207e787a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Dorm Room

Aaron Barnes

Upon arriving at what she thought to be her's and Aaron's dorm room, Karen jumped back and yelled for him to open the door, "We must enter this room Aaron Barnes!" A look of determination and confidence painted her face as she waited for him to heed her commands, but it seemed like something was up. She was also somewhat confused to have spoken the boy's name wrong, and looked off to the side as though someone were waiting to have a telepathic conversation.

"Uhm... Karen... This isn't the right room for the key." He stated awkwardly, in which Karen blinked in confusion, tilting her head a bit, "It's not?" She leaned her face closer to the key in Aaron's hand and took a good look at it, acting as though she can tell the difference between that key, and all of the other keys within the building. Normally, Karen would start freaking out, yelling that someone switched their rooms around, but she wasn't given enough time to do so. Lifting her hands to her head, she prepared to call out when:

"I think our room is actually... This one." Aaron shuffled over to the door beside the one Karen lead them to, and unlocked it. The girl took a fighting stance and began punching the air repetitively, puffing up her cheeks as she concentrated her breathing. "Good job, Aaron Hayes! Looks like this mission was a success." Her hands was lifted to her temple, and Karen gave Aaron a firm salute before stepping into the room, expecting Aaron to follow her in. However, he didn't, and instead stated that he was going to go get his things.

Karen struck a girly school-girl-like pose; the peace sign and all, then shut the door in the boy's face. Turning around to get a good look at her surroundings, she slowly removed her bag from her shoulder (if that's even where it was in the first place).
"Uwah... this place is shit." Her words came out in a comically blunt manner, a chuckle following after them. Once she was finished judging everything in the room, Karen jumped onto the bed and removed her clothes, then walked back over to her bag at the door in her birthday suit. "Alright, alright, alright. Let's see what we've got here..."

Removed from the bag was a black bikini top, and a pair of swimming trunks for men, their color being black with white trims down the sides. Karen grinned at the attire and quickly put them on, only to slam the dorm room door open with a loud, "Sorry to have kept you waiting, my good sir." She was expecting Aaron to be there; if he was there, then she'd just wait outside for him to finish getting dressed, and if not, then she'd go ahead and make her way to the pool.

Karen Matherly




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In the pool with Evan, Steph, Ursula, Ray, Ellen, Lars, Riley, Alissa, Ogami, Dahlia

Skyler was needless to say a little disappointed when Evan said no to her offer. She was really looking forward to getting destroyed by the guy right then and there, but maybe he had a point. Getting wasted before smashing might just lead to a much better experience. "Yeah babe, I guess we can move it back into the night. Just promise that you'll do me first." She said as they walked down to the pool. Her eyes widened at the sight of the two carts. The rumors were true, Lars had purchased free drinks for everyone. "Oh man Evan, look at that! So many drinks!" She said in awe, her eyes fixed on the cart. Much like her "boyfriend" she didn't know what to drink first. Her hand tightened on his and she took a step forward. Ellen was here too, so she figured she'd be a great friend and grab the girl some alcohol. Skyler wasn't sure if Ellen was into super strong drinks or mellow ones, so she grabbed them a couple of martinis and made her way over to her friend's chair. "Ellen my dear! I got you a matarini!" She purposefully messed up the word, chuckling as she did. "I hope you like it, or else you hate me." The tall girl took a seat on her best friends lap and forced one of the drinks into her hand.


In the pool with everyone seen above.

Michael followed Ursula and Stephanie down towards the pool. He could tell that the green-haired girl under his arm was a little disappointed about the group getting no nachos, and he couldn't help but feel bad. He really didn't want the sweet girl to be upset about such a thing. Heck, he didn't want anyone to be upset over anything. However he decided not to say anything and just shook her gently. After what seemed to be seconds the four found themselves at the pool with the rest of the club. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, and that made Michael feel really good. He loved to see people when they were happy, it filled him with joy. His eyes soon caught a glimpse of the cart, stocked with a wide selection of drinks and beverages which added onto the happy feeling inside. However before he could get to the cart Riley came between the two. "Hey Riley, you look really cute in that swimsuit!" That was one thing his mom taught him; always compliment girls in a swimsuit, or girls in general. It seemed to go well everytime he did. "I haven't found a roommate yet, no one has really asked me yet. What about you?"

@SirBlazeALot @Lotusy @Zero Gravity @Leaf Fi @Bedbae @Suzumaki Arakai


Location: Hallway -> Room

Interacting with: Stephanie, Alec

The dancer giggled softly, his body not moving in the same position, eyes going up to meet her own. "If you insist... Oh Michael, I never thought you would be the type of man~" He ran a tan hand over his sunkissed hair. "Then maybe you just don't know me well enough, Stephanie... Don't listen to Ogami, he doesn't know what he's talking about~" Antonio shot Stephanie a smoldering smirk. An eyebrow raised at the proposition of drinks. "Sounds amazing. Thank you Alissa!" Since the Spaniard was already shirtless, he decided to follow the group over to where Lars and the rest of the group was. At least until he got a text from none other than his best bro Alec.

"SHE FUCKING TEASED ME AGAIN," Read the text message. Dios mio... He let out an exasperated sigh. "I'll be right back!" He waved goodbye to the group as he made his way up the stairs to their bedroom. That was where he thought Alec was. Using the spare key, he simply jammed the key into the keyhole and barged in without any sort of warning. "Dios mio, Alec!" He rubbed his temples, exclaiming loudly as he opened the door. "How... How is it possible for a human being to put itself through so much torture..." He said in a disappointed manner. He loved his best friend, but he hated how he relentlessly chased after some stupid bitch that barely acknowledged his existence. Sure, she was sweet and attractive, but 1. she was extremely basic and in his mind, stupid as fuck, 2. Maeve was blonde, so he wasn't about that life.

Sifting through the amount of clothes in his bag, Toni flipped out some black swim trunks. "C'mon champ, it's not a big deal. You get girls all the time." He briefly went into the bathroom to change into his swim trunks and came back out, addressing the crying man. "Just look at it this way.. There will be plenty of dance partners in the path of life, find one." Patting him on the back, he went through Alec's suitcase. "Bro, get your swimsuit. We're goin' out drinking and swimming, so you better forget about that bitch~"

@Leaf Fi

Aaron Hayes

Location: Dorm Room ---> Living Room ---> Aaron's/Karen's Room

Hanging out with: Karen, Lars, Zoe

"Good job Aaron Hayes! looks like the mission was a success." It seemed like Karen was happy with Aaron finding the right room. Aaron was also pretty happy, but realized that he didn't even grab his bags. After the girl had struck an anime schoolgirl pose to him and shut the door, he rushed over to the living room to get his things. By the time he entered the living room, it appeared that almost everyone else was probably at the pool. He could see Lars and Zoe chatting out of the corner of his eye, but other than that, there was practically nobody in the living room. It didn't take him long to find his bag either; he let out a sigh of relief knowing that meant Ray probably didn't touch it yet. Dear god, he never met someone with that combination of scary and annoying. Quickly, he swiped his bag up, and made his way back to his and Karen's room.

Shortly after he arrived back at the room, Karen burst out of it with a loud "Sorry to have kept you waiting, my good sir." "Don't worry, I had only just gotten back from the living room." Aaron replied with a small chuckle. He looked a bit confused to why she was wearing men's swimming trunks with her bikini top, but didn't bother asking about it. The last thing he wanted to happen was to have someone think he's judgmental for asking something like that. "Well, seeing as you're doing changing, I'm going to do that as well." Aaron then snatched the room key from Karen's hands, and went inside to change.

Okay... Let's get this done quickly... It didn't take long at all for Aaron to get changed into his blue swim trunks at all. After he had changed into it, he walked out of the room, ready to go to the pool with everyone else. "Well, seeing as we're both in our swimsuits now, let's go to the pool and have some fun!" He shouted in a very cheery voice, "Well, that is if you want to go. You don't have to if you don't want to."

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Living Room

Hanging out with: Maeve, Aaron (not mentioned), Lars

Zoe was a little annoyed when Maeve ignored her request for the room key, but eventually decided to just shrug it off. After all, she could just change in the one bathroom in the living room or something since still had her bags on her. Plus, Maeve might have just not noticed her in the rush for the pool. Well, Maeve was still heading for the room anyway, but Zoe still let it slide, and began making her way over to the bathroom in the living room. Well, she was about too; before actually doing anything, she noticed Lars trying to talk to her about the pool.

"Oh, hey Lars." Zoe greeted in a nice, polite manner, "Actually, I was about to go get changed for the pool. Maeve ran off with the room key, so I'm probably just going to change in the bathroom over there." She then made a little hand motion toward the bathroom. Lars's question did make Zoe wonder something though; what exactly is the crowd being like out there? Normally, she's fine with large crowds and whatnot, but if everyone was going to get crazy and drunk... Maybe it wouldn't be wise to go out immediately if a brawl breaks out or something. "Any reason why you're back here early? Also, since you just came back inside, how crazy is the crowd out there?"

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Tatsuri Ogami

Location: Hallways > Lounge > Hallways > Pool | Interacting/Mentioned: Alissa, (Ellen), (Lars)

After leaving Ellen's side, stating that he was going to go help Lars, who was pushing a large cart last he saw, Ogami slumped away and began his search for his fellow field-tripper... or whatever it is you want to call him. Like an idiot, he turned the wrong way, the complete opposite of which Lars had went, and eventually found himself standing in the Lounge. A nonchalant expression played on his face, then after a moment of thought, he narrowed his eyes and turned around,
"Well this isn't right..." He thought while retracing his steps, once again strolling down the hall where he had left Ellen; though, she was no longer there, and the thought flickered through his mind again. "What? Well... if she's not here?... Wait, no... What the fuck?" The man was thoroughly confused, and somehow lost. A hand was lifted, and Ogami pinched the bridge of his nose. He tried picturing the layout of the building from above, and came to the conclusion that he took a wrong turn somewhere. No. Fucking. Shit.

So, starting over, Ogami headed back down the hall, only to realize where his mistake was made. With a light, but somewhat irritated chuckle, he finally made his way to the pool. Not longer after so, Alissa Monet, whose name is actually completely anonymous as far as Ogami is concerned, appeared beside him with a greeting,
"Hey, nice pool huh? So what's up?" Wow... what a way to strike up a conversation with someone. Looking at the girl through the corner of his eye, Ogami shrugged, then began looking around for Lars. It looked like the guy was no longer in need of help, so that was checked off the list. Ogami and Lars don't really have any background together, but Ogami's always seen him as a cool guy. That is... until just now when Lars took a seat beside Ellen. All's good, though, because he didn't stay there long, and went off to talk to someone else. Looking back over at Alissa, Ogami furrowed his brow and sought to satisfy his curiosity about the girl. "Who are you?- Ah, no... that's not what I meant. What's your name?"

While waiting for her to answer him, Ogami glanced back over at Ellen, only to see her shooting up from her sleep in warning for the president to get down. He blinked in confusion, then turned to face forward, narrowing his eyes at nothing. There was a big, really deep urge to laugh swelling up inside of him, but he held it back. Ogami wanted to go talk to Ellen, but he knew it'd be rude to just up and leave the stranger who approached him just moments ago, asking about the pool of all things. So... furthering his chances with the lad would have to wait for now.

@Lotusy @Bedbae @SirBlazeALot @AnyoneElse @ClickOgami'sNameForPictures (Okay, so I know I've said this once or twice or three-hundred times, but this time I'm serious! I'm going to start posting more! See~ I even changed my bb-coding to start anew! Also... I do apologize for the shittyshit post, but I just skimmed through a lot, lol. I'll be reading newer posts more fluently from here on out!)

Karen Matherly

Location: Dorm Room > Pool | Interacting/Mentioned: Aaron, (Everyone At The Pool)

After getting dressed in her swim trunks and bikini top, Karen busted through the dorm-room-door and greeted Aaron with a loud,
"Sorry to have kept you waiting, my good sir." She saluted him, then noticed he was carrying a bag. Pointing at it, her eyes widened and: "You didn't have that before." spoke in a strained voice like that of an old man. It's hard to imagine what was going through Karen's mind at that moment. "Don't worry, I had only just gotten back from the living room." Aaron chuckled, scanning the girl's attire with a confused expression, and she noticed. A light pink painted Karen's cheeks, and she hugged herself with a wiggle, "Oh stahp it~! Nahuehue." Disregarding her little joke, Aaron snatched the key away from Karen and entered the room to change. She sent him another salute, and decided to wait until he was finished.

"I wonder how Dumbo got a-hold of LSD." As that thought crossed her mind, another one followed after with a gasp: "Do eggs-!?" Though, she wasn't able to finish before Aaron reappeared with an energetic cheer for them to hurry to the pool. When he said that Karen didn't have to go if she didn't want to, she slapped her knee and kicked him in the shin with a loud laugh, "Of course I want to go! Look at me!?" Karen spun on her heel, then grabbed Aaron by the wrist and began dragging him to their desired destination. It wouldn't be long before they arrived, in which Karen let go of he partner and continued running towards the large puddle, skidding to a halt near the edge. She tightened her fists and roared like King Kong, beating her hands against her chest before stepping back some for a better head-start. "HERE'S TO STAYING POSITIVE AND TESTING NEGATIVE!" And with that, she performed the best cannon ball her body would allow her to perform.

@SpookySableye @PoolPeople (If you click Karen's name at the top, there are gifs in it.) (Lol, sorry about this post xD )

Location: Hallway, pool

Fuckin' around with: Ogami, Ursula, Riley, Evan, Ray, Dahlia, Ellen, Karen, Aaron

After the group agreed to check out if what was said by Alissa was true, Steph let out an inward cheer of triumph. "Well, what are we waiting for?! Lets go!" And with that, the girl vanished down the hallway of friendship and legged it to the poolside. Some of the others had already gathered, but that wasn't important right now. Oh no, the little beauty in front of her was aaaaaall that she wanted. The wine cooler stood in all its glory by the poolside, laughing at the sun trying to heat the drinks it contained. 'Not today, fucker!' Stephanie could hear it yell as it flipped an imaginary bird. It was so beautiful... Not that she was actually gonna drink anything- nah, weed was better and didn't leave a dreaded hangover- but the sight of the silver just... It was like love at first sight. If she was more in touch with her emotions, I say she could have actually cried with joy. 'Lars finally got the stick out of his ass,' she sniffled inwardly, shoujo anime eyes sparkling and hands clasped over her heart, 'And got rid of his blue balls too! Today truly is a miracle today!'


Her first instinct was to jump right into the pool in celebration, but she had a bit of a predicament... She was still wearing her usual clothes. Dammit... Frowning for a moment, she looked longingly at the pool before a slow, devious smirk grew on her lips. "Fuck it." There and then, not giving a shit about who or what could be watching or even recording, she kicked her jacket aside before pulling off her shirt, revealing her grey bra that was a shade or two lighter than her hair. She then fucked that off somewhere, not caring whether it hit someone in the face or not, and-... Liam, you'll probably want to be out here now dude. Just sayin'. Aaaaaanyways, her boots were the next item of clothing discarded, then came the pants which were purposefully thrown at the back of Ogami's head. He looked a little awkward, so... Trousers to the head was always the best way to dissolve that feeling... Steph is a pro, trust her. "Heeeeeeey Oogie Boogie!~ Like what'cha see?~" She teased, posing dramatically in her underwear. She really isn't the type to fuss over her body image; volleyball makes her toned and fit, so there was no need to be embarrassed about anything. In her own words, she's smoking hot and sexy and a real life goddess, and she won't hesitate in saying so. Snickering cheekily, she then leaned forward, placing both hands on her knees. "Too bad you can't have any!" Winking, she then let out a snort of laughter before pretty much leaping to the poolside and after making sure she wouldn't hit the shortie in the pool... "CANONBAAAAAALL!" Once resurfaced, a delighted laugh escaped her lips. "Awww baby, this is the beeeest..." Sighing in pure joy, she leaned back so she was floating on her back like a leaf on the water, totally relaxed and finally quiet.

@SirBlazeALot Suzumaki Arakai @All y'all pool peeps


Location: Room

Hangin' with:
Gay lover Antonio

Now in a complete and utter huff and complete self sympathy state, Alec slumped down on the nearest bed and held his head in his hands, fingers digging into his temples. Was he over reacting? Maybe. Was he being silly and dumb? Yeah. But, dudes... Like, MAEVE WAS JUST REALLY MEAN OKAY?! Leave Alec and his fragile emotions alone! He was so absorbed in his self pit act that he barely realised that his friend had entered the room and only looked up once his name was mentioned. It was a little embarrassing to cry, but hey, Alec was pretty upset, so the reddened take to his eyes were evident to the effect that tease truly had.

After hearing a door shut and Toni's voice disappearing, the male released a soft groan and sunk his head downwards once more, squeezing his eyes shut in irritation. Antonio's words, as always, hit a home run in the truth department and, once again, left the guy wondering exactly why he kept up with this... Act? Gah, who knew what it was called... Anyways, the question ran through his head and chased around for an answer, even just a sign, but it was still to no avail... And fuuuck... Going around and around on the Maeve merry-go-round wasn't so merry. Hell-go-round would be more accurate. Ugh... He would KILL (hahahahah bad joke I'm sorry) to stop this. The door to the bathroom opened once more, but unlike last time, Alec wasn't too interested in glancing at the other. Instead, he just continued to sulk. "Just look at it this way.. There will be plenty of dance partners in the path of life, find one." The words and pat to his back made the slightest of chuckles ripple from his throat, and once Toni had finished his small speech, the brunette peeked over at him with a lopsided grin, "I've only had one dance partner in my life and that's you, bro. Are ya tryin' to send me a message there?" Rolling his eyes, Alec then rose from the bed and stepped over to the other, leaning over the Spaniard's shoulder and snatching a pair of trunks from the suitcase before heading into the bathroom to get ready. Of course, he also washed his face and eyes to remove the red puffiness that crying always brought forth, and only once the hints of his earlier breakdown had vanished did he exit.

"Alright!" Practically jumped out of from the bathroom, a much brighter Alec beamed a wide grin. "We're gonna get fucked up, dude." He chuckled and took a few strides towards him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "And if anything happens, I give you full permission to push me in the pool."



Location: Pool

Talking To: Ray

Mentioned: Stephanie

Dahlia smiled in appreciation at the jock, thanking him for getting her a drink. "Thanks, babe. I think everybody plans on getting completely wasted tonight," she stated, a small hint of laughter in her voice as she sipped idly from the alcoholic drink. She only said this because she was watching the bunches of people that were making their way into the pool area and to the drink cart. She didn't mind though, I mean, she did hate half of these people, but they weren't bothering her so she wasn't bothering them. It was a thing she had established a long time ago. If someone ran into her, they get pushed down and fucked up. If they're walking on the other side of the hall, they might get a dirty look, but she wouldn't interact with them unless absolutely necessary. "I mean, ever since Lars got those drinks, people have been pouring in here. It's also probably because nobody can say no to a pool," she said, humming lightly as she looked around. And that was when she noticed Stephanie, completely unabashedly taking off her shirt. Damn, girl's got guts. She let out a slight giggle as she say the girl jump into the pool, noting that she would never be able to do that. "She's totally crazy," she stated in a joking manner. "I don't think I would ever be able to do that."

@Kayzo (Kind of ?? Skyler is mentioned but he doesn't do any talking.)
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Location: Living Room

Kickin' It With: Zoe


"Mm...yes, Maeve's not the sharpest tool in the shed is she?" Lars asked rhetorically. He shook his head at the blonde's inconsiderate nature. Though Lars was almost completely left brained, that is to say, he could never quite grasp the value of art beyond a disinterested "that's pretty cool bro", Zoe had made him think a little harder about it recently. Though he found that artistic meaning was not lost on him, he still couldn't make the emotional connection that others seemed to be able to. For the most part, Lars thought artists were mostly useless. To him artistic careers were simply a first world luxury. Which is why the tiny crush he'd been developing on the red head made little logical sense, and irritated him. Lars studied her momentarily, folding his arms and looking into her eyes. "The crowd is about as loud as they were on the bus, except now there's alcohol involved...within minutes of being out there I found it hard to relax. I'd offer you my room to change in but I'm about to change myself." Lars looked down at his swimming trunks and pushed up his glasses. "I don't think I'll be swimming today. But if you'd like, I can wait for you to change, and I'll store your bags in my room...that way you can just go straight to the pool." To Lars, this was the most efficient plan. That's just how he was, always looking for the swiftest and smartest way to do shit. That was partly why he bought all the drinks before the rest of the group could go harass the lone chef in the Dining Hall.

He also wasn't that dude that gets shy, or anymore awkward than he already is around crushes. To him, it was just a slightly more favorable person. He looked down at the Brit intently through the dark lenses of his sunglasses and continued to ponder his little crush on her. It wasn't that he found her super attractive, in fact he could name several girls from school he considered to be prettier. But Zoe gave off a pleasant and calming energy. She never seemed to be so hungry for attention and approval like so many other girls.

@Kayzo @Kayzo


Location: Her room -> Hall


It seemed like it took forever for Maeve to finally get her shit together. I mean, the girl took a long ass time to really do anything. This included things like getting ready in the morning, doing her makeup, showering, shopping, even putting on a two piece swimsuit. Really, Maeve? Oh well, she was hype as hell to wear this bikini. It was a bargain deal at her favourite store as well as the fact that floral print was totally in with the cheerleading squad lately. This time, she didn't start this trend, to her surprise. That only made the cheerleader more motivated to rock it all the more, even to the point of neglecting Zoe. Maeve didn't do it on purpose, and if she had known, Maeve would bashfully apologize over and over and literally beg on her knees to buy Zoe a totally cute new outfit! Checking her athletic bod out in the swimsuit for the last time, the girl meticulously applied the final second layer of a rosy lipstick. Maeve reached into the bathroom and sprayed down her hair, blonde curls cascading down her petite frame. Maeve even left her other clothes tucked into the corner of her suitcase, the girl couldn't bear having Zoe, a dear friend of her's, see an outfit she had already worn. Perfect. The bright eyed girl kissed the mirror one last time before exiting the room with a purse full of necessities.

Considering the heavy AC inside the halls, Maeve haphazardly slipped on a sheer muscle tank top as well as some jean shorts to show off her tanned legs. Manicured feet in some nice sandals walked across the relatively empty hallways. Relatively. Maeve saw Liam in the middle of the halls... alone? A couple of doors next to her too... Sketchy. The cheerleader stopped in her tracks, making her steps much quieter in order to observe Liam's behaviour. What the hell was he doin-- Oh...? Maeve quickly regained her composure. "I didn't know you were the type to be so dirty... I like that." The petite cheerleader smirked at Liam, tilting her head to the side. Waiting for a reaction, she confidently put a hand on her hip. "I'm almost insulted they aren't mine." Of course, leave it to Maeve to turn the conversation back to herself.

Might as well play along... Maeve always thought that the quiet Liam was creepy enough to skin her alive and keep it in his basement as some sort of sick accomplishment. I mean, he never talked to anyone, and whenever Riley would string him along, Liam always seemed so miserable. He never kept up with the trends and had almost no muscle on his body along with unkempt hair. To Maeve, it was the closest thing you got to a psychopath here in Arizona. If she told anyone at all... Maeve was scared he would harm her in some way. So why not? Play into his sick fantasy until she could run away and tell the police in time, what could go wrong? It wasn't like what Maeve was thinking was true, just a form of shallow, privileged white girl thought.



Location: Room

Interacting with: Alec

Antonio wanted to slap the puffiness out his eyes. He's crying over some stupid bitch! He mentally facepalmed as he played with his cell phone. Of course, his phone was full of girls he barely met, or talked to or dance with on drunken nights. The chance of him actually calling those girls back was next to zero. However, at the top of his contact list were just girls in the CSC that were frequent dance partners like Ellen, Zoe, Steph, the works. Except for Maeve. It was bro code to lay off another guy's crush. Besides, if Antonio ever did dance with Maeve, he'd be afraid there would be a horde of the basics out to ambush him, which he wouldn't really be into. But once Alec began to smile and feel better, it was all worth it. "Pffftttt, of course! Why would you think you're always the woman in my dances?" Antonio teased him, ruffling his hair before he went to the bathroom to change and freshen up. As he waited, the Spaniard simply chilled on top of the bed, shirt off as per usual, showing off his magnificent bull tattoo. Thinking about the tattoo he had gotten at 18, Alec finally decided to exit the bathroom in his trunks. "We're gonna get fucked up, dude." Alec chuckled and took a few strides towards him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Ayyyy, have you been gaining muscle?" He punched him in his toned shoulder.

"Hmmm... I was right then! However brother..." The olive skinned man flexed his own lean muscles. "I'm afraid you cannot top me." He said in his sexy Spanish accent. "Before we go.." Antonio said, as he sifted through both boys' suitcases. "Got anything to fuck us up with? I feel like we'll need that in case~" Antonio hadn't brought any drugs on him for the trip, thinking that they were going to be sipping some fancy cocktails. However, considering they happened to be at some sketchy ass motel, the drinks wouldn't be up to the Spanish man's standards. "Dios mio... I hope they have tequilas somewhere..." He wanted to smack himself for being so stupid. How could he forget the drinks? Now the party was sure to suck!

@Leaf Fi

Location: Hall

Kickin' It With: Maeve


Liam relished in this one final moment with Steph's underwear. It was surreal that this even happened, that he even got this opportunity. He was positive that if there was a God, God fuckin' loved him right now. He reveled in the moment and lost himself until a girl's voice made this beautiful dream into a nightmare.

"I didn't know you were the type to be so dirty... "

Liam's stomach dropped seven stories and he jumped anxiously. "M-Maeve! Uh, uh, uh--" This was terrible. All of the terrified thoughts and implications of what this would mean for his future raced in his head. Maeve's going to tell everyone! Oh my God she's going to tell Riley! What if Steph finds out!? Will she kill me!? My reputation is ruined! I could go to jail! Oh my God I'm going to jail! God wasn't looking so loving anymore. In fact, Liam was beginning to feel he was being punished. But then..

"I like that."

Liam's eyes widened and his mouth made a small "o" shape. "Wuh...what?" he whimpered softly. His face became light pink as he made brief eye contact with Maeve before immediately looking down and away. "Uhhh..." Liam took a shy glance at her bikini body out of the side of his eye and averted his gaze once more. "Y-you d-do?" he tried to muster as much courage as he could to even speak, but he could feel his voice faltering.

"I'm almost insulted they aren't mine."

Liam blushed madly and stood up straight before immediately crouching down and stuffing the panties back into Steph's bag. "I-I-I...I don't--I didn't--oh jeez!" His face was now furiously red as he stood up once more and backed away. "Maeve I--I just...I really don't know what to say...I-I-I didn't mean any harm!" Socializing was hard enough for him, and now he had to beg a beautiful woman not to tell anyone about his deviant behavior while she herself basically invited him to do the same thing to her underwear. "I-I-I can...I can do yours i-i-if that's what you want! But...you...I don't...ohhh I'm so stupid! And disgusting! I don't know what's wrong with me!" Liam hit his forehead with his palm. "Please Maeve, don't tell anyone about this...I'm begging you!" Liam still couldn't look at the beautiful girl, and he felt absolutely humiliated. My life is over.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @SpookySableye @Zero Gravity @Bedbae
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With: Lars, Karen, Maeve, Alissa, Riley, Dahlia, Steph, Ray, Ursula, Ellen

At: Pool

He just got whatever looked good huh. "
Well then if you don't mind I'll take a glass of chardonnay." David dropped a few ice cubes into a wine glass and poured in the golden white wine with ease. The smooth and fruity taste slid down his throat with ease as he let out a sigh of delight after downing the wine. Woah that was hella good. He poured in another glass of wine. He turned around and noticed no one was drinking the fine wine just the mixed drinks. It seemed as if no one wanted the wine so he took it along with him. Their loss.

Damn, those girls look good. He glanced all over the pool to see bikinis on the majority of them. Karen with that black top, but them trunks...why? Still nice. Maeve had a tomboyish look but damn did it look fine on her. Alissa's all black bikini was sexy and so was Riley's. Dahlia looked slutty like usual but Dave didn't mind today. He looked at Steph who was undressing in the middle.
Wait Steph is, OH YEAHHH, you go girl! Shit, today is a good day.

Bad news, junior was waking up from all these erotic thoughts. Crap... He sipped from his glass hoping the wine could make him lose focus. That wasn't going to work. For as long as he could remember, David was pretty tolerant to alcohol and it would take a lot, I mean A LOT to get him drunk. Fuck...think some petty shit. Uh bald babies, ugly degenerates, stupid assholes...RAY! There ya go, junior went back to sleep.

David glanced towards Ursula and Ellen who were munching on nachos. It had been a few hours since he had eaten. He walked towards the girls, one who had the smell of dankness; that brought memories. "
Ay, mind if you tell me where you got some nachos?" he pouted, glaring at the nachos with a menacing look. Woah, I'm hella hungry.

I'll post for Alissa later tonight...

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With: Ogami, Lars, Ray, Steph, Ursula

At: Pool

That's not surprising was the first thing Alissa thought when Ogami asked who she was. "You don't know who I am? YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM?" The yelling at the end might have scared Ogami but Alissa didn't seem to notice. Just as she was about to respond to him, Ellen said something about presidential security or whatnot. swear it was some conspiracy theory and Ellen was a part of it. "Well my name is Alissa, Alissa Monet," she responded, trying to ignore the random blurt by the half awaken girl.

Staring off towards Ray, Alissa grinned. Poor Lars, but Ray was soooo bad. The confused-in-the-head girl still had feelings for the guy. Ewww. She glanced at the drinks and decided to get herself a mango martini. A few sips in, she thought of looking for Steph or Ursula. Why? Steph was the overly crazy chick and Ursa had the goods. add the one to the other and bayum, you have what is considered a great college party.

She searched across the pool when she pinpointed her two targets. Steph was doing her usual crazy shit, as for Ursa, she had the munchies? "Sorry guy I just met, but I have better things to do. I''ll see you around, k?," and with that she bid her farewell and headed to Ms. Stripper.

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi
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Skyler Washington

With Ellen and Ursula

A small but fake smile formed on her face as Ellen neglected her drink. She made it special for her, but it seems that she didn't want it. "Ouch Ellen, I think you do hate me. I put so much time and effort into that drink and you reject it? How rude." She teased, taking a sip of her drink before patting her friends stomach. Before she knew it Ellen was up and at the drink cart, leaving the poor giant alone on the chair. "You must really hate me! You're leaving your best friend to die alone on this chair, such a terrible decision!" She said, laying back and closing her eyes, pretending to be dead. She remained this way until Ellen returned, lifting her up and laying her legs on her lap. Skyler gently rubbed her legs and laughed, smiling up...or down at her friend. "It was only a matter of time before you came back for me." The two have been friends for longer than she could remember, and knew deep down that no matter how lazy the girl was, she'd never leave Skyler behind.

Soon the wonderful smell of nachos worked its way into Skyler's nose, her head following the trail of the scent. It led back to Ursula, who returned with a fresh box of nachos, and was offering them out to people.
"Don't mind if I do." She said, using one hand to grab a gooey chip while the other continued to rub Ellen's leg.

Michael Keys

With Riley

"Of course Riley, I'm just being honest." He said, giving the girl a warm smile and stuffing his hands into his pockets. Riley truly was one of Michael's favorite people. She seemed so kind to him as well as everyone else, and was always doing good things. When offered a daiquiri, he happily accepted it and began to sip away. His friends expression when tasting the drink was priceless, and he couldn't help but laugh. "It is pretty good, isn't it? The fruity drinks are always the best in my opinion." He explained before taking another sip. Riley soon asked if he wanted to room with her, and Michael nodded his head. How could he not say yes to her? "Of course Riley, I'd love to room with you! You seem like such a fun roommate I couldn't say no in a million years."



Location: Pool

With: Ray, Ellen, Ursula, Stephanie, David, Alissa, Evan, Ogami, Michael, Skyler, Riley, Karen, Aaron

Dahlia laughed along next to Ray, the long sips of alcohol finally starting to make its run through her bloodstream. She gave a few soft laughs while she looked around, leaning into the jock's arm almost leisurely. She still wanted to tease him, no doubt about it. This chick loved the chase, and she knew that Ray was completely down for being right next to her. If she could get a few more guys before the trip was over, that would look good on her mental rep...She stopped thinking whenever she heard Ray begin to speak, which caused her to turn her head and see what the male had said. "I have no clue. I mean, I don't really care. He's paying and I'm drinking," the pinkette giggled, taking another swig of her sweet alcoholic beverage. She was kind a slow drinker, so it would be a while before she would be entirely finished with the drink. She continued to stare around, humming a tune to some popular song at the moment, absentmindedly swishing her foot around in the water. She was surprisingly calm when she was tipsy, of course, she was giggly, but she was more calm than usual. The young girl let out a louder laugh whenever the guy next to her let out a joke about Steph's genitalia. She cupped a hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter. "Whoops."



Location: Pool

With: Ray, Ellen, Ursula, Stephanie, David, Alissa, Evan, Ogami, Michael, Skyler, Riley, Karen, Aaron

Evan was so, so bored. I mean, the alcohol was helping, but there wasn't anything to do to really entertain himself. I mean, he could stare at the girls like a perv, which kind of seemed like what Dave was doing. The black-haired male sighed and took an extra long sip, chugging his drink down like a true champ. He listened lightly to the conversations around him, but over all, he was kind of in a daze. As he looked around, he stopped when he realized Maeve wasn't out here, and neither was Liam. Were they banging? No, Maeve wouldn't hit that, she was way too innocent. God to honest, he really liked Maeve, but he knew he was in strict competition with Alec, which made him kind of upset. Alec was like a bro to him, after all, they were both on the volleyball team and they had bonded over it pretty well. No matter, he still wanted Maeve and all her cute and small innocence. She was, like, totally his type too. There was no way he wouldn't do anything for her. I mean, he would probably throw himself off a cliff if she batted her eyelashes and asked nicely. Yeah, he was fucked up. So what though? Everyone can have crushes, and his just happened to be a girl that everyone was competing for.

@theglassangel @Leaf Fi


Aaron Hayes

Location: Pool

Hanging out with: Karen, Ray (mentioned)

It wasn't long after Aaron finished changing when Karen grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him over to the pool. Well, it's a good thing that she's excited. When the two arrived at the pool, Karen let go of Aaron, and performed a particularly great cannonball into the pool. Admittedly, while Aaron may have shied away from the pool idea mentally at first, he was now starting to like it. After all, it's not like he goes outside a lot anyway; most of his free time would be spent playing video games instead. Aaron wondered if this was one of those situations that came with a hidden blessing of sorts. Well, that feeling went a way with two thoughts; 1. What exactly is he going to do? And 2. He just found Ray amongst the crowd. Shit. I barely remembered that he was coming... This could be bad... Because of his timid personality and being physically weaker in general, Aaron had been a big target for Ray's bullying. Thankfully, he seemed to be distracted with Dahlia, so Aaron figured he'd be fine as long as he didn't do anything to provoke him, so he just went about as normal. Hm... what to do...

@Anyone at the pool?

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Living Room

Hanging out with: Lars

Zoe found Lars's insult toward Maeve a bit off-putting, to put it nicely. Then again, that's probably because even though she didn't know her overly well, she kind of knew her enough to know that she wasn't quite the airhead everyone makes her out to be. "Well, I wouldn't exactly call her dumb..." She replied in response to Lars's comment. His comments about the drunken crowd did make her think a little about whether to go or not, but ultimately decided to just go out anyway. I might as well check it out anyway. If I don't like it, I can always just come back in. Thankfully for Zoe, Lars offered to have her change in his room. "Wait, you're going to let me get changed in your room first?" Zoe asked whilst smiling somewhat, even though she was pretty confident that she heard it right, "Thanks for the offer, Lars! You're a big help." She walked a little bit toward the hallways, but then stopped when she was in the outer reaches of the living room. "Well, lead the way."



Location: In the hall

Interacting with: Liam ;)

How cute... He's blushing. Maeve smiled shyly in response. She didn't know that he would be so scared, she thought that it would be a great time to flirt and tease him. But he seemed to make it such a big deal. How could Maeve exploit this? "I-I-I...I don't--I didn't--oh jeez!" His face was now furiously red as he stood up once more and backed away. The attractive girl raised an eyebrow and refused to let herself fall for this guy's shy act. Hell, how could a guy that stole a girl's panties act so guilty? I mean, taking them already meant you were halfway there... sniffing them just sealed the deal. The blonde inched in closer. "I-I-I can...I can do yours i-i-if that's what you want! But...you...I don't...ohhh I'm so stupid! And disgusting! I don't know what's wrong with me!" Liam hit his forehead with his palm."Please Maeve, don't tell anyone about this...I'm begging you!" Liam still couldn't bring himself to look at her. In response, Maeve just lifted her manicured hand to his face, moving his hand away from his face. Surely it couldn't be so bad, right? He seemed nice enough. Just innocent fun! Then again, what did the blonde cheerleader, the girl that flirted with almost everything that moved, know anything about it?

She kissed him on the neck. Aaaand it's canon everyone. Maeve gave him a little wink before wrapping her arms around his neck. "Sure. I won't tell anyone..." The cheerleader said, removing her tank top, revealing her bikini top, not that it had much to cover. It was sheer for heaven's sake. She smirked, a satisfied look on her face. "Hey, it's getting a little hot in here... how about you do my bottoms? And I promise..." Maeve traced a hand down his hoodie, ending at the belt of his jeans. "We'll forget aalll about this, mmmkay? All you need to do is... take me to your room~"


Location: Hall

Kickin' It With: Maeve


Again, Liam was pretty positive his entire reputation was ruined. Granted, his reputation was already nonexistent. But it was better to be zero than to be a negative number. All he knew was that he was at the complete mercy of Maeve's will. Now, in some ways, that might turn a few dudes on in concept. But for Liam, this was a very serious matter. This wasn't some weird alternative porno, this was real life. This was his real life. And being held in the hands of another human being was not a position that he appreciated at all.

But then, it would appear that God fucking loves Liam. Like really has a thing for fucking Liam. Liam instantly tensed up as he felt Maeve's soft hands on his own, and then her even softer lips against his neck. Each and every one of Liam's senses lit up like that house that tries too hard during Christmas. Speaking of hard, lets just say his jeans were going hard in the paint at this moment. As Maeve undressed in front of him and heavily hinted that they take a trip to his room, Liam's heart practically burst out of his chest and started to dance and sing on the floor in a bloody mess.

Liam choked and stuttered for words before finally saying, "E-erm...yeah...yeah sure we can--we can go to my room, yeah sure!" His face was about as red as a pale ass face could possibly become as he backed away toward his room and opened the door, and allowed her in. Closing the door behind him, unsure of what the fuck happened next he swayed back and forth on his feet and bashfully admitted, "I-I've never done this before." He wasn't even sure what this was, but being alone with a girl in a room that wasn't Riley was definitely a first for him.

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo
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Location: Pool

Fuckin' with: Dehlia, Ursula, Ogami, Ray, Ellen, Dahlia, Alissa, Dave, and Michael

For once, the grey haired girl was quiet and content as she floated along on the water. With her eyes closed and ears half submerged (how she stayed like that and didn't start screaming like I totally would I have no clue), it felt like she could be just... Lying on top of a tree in the middle of nowhere. Thought I was going to say cloud? Fuck nah, Steph hates that cliché shit, so she'll chill on trees or a grassy hill instead as the war of sharks and killer whales takes place in an ocean nearby. Sadly enough, her relaxing time didn't last long as something was happening. Although her ears were pretty much underwater, some noise still made it to them, and it wasn't some chit chat... 'What the fuck...?' Grimacing as her feet hit the floor of the pool, Steph was about to yell at whoever it was to shut the fuck up, but the retching completely stopped her in her tracks. From her position, all she could see was the contents of Ray's stomach covering half of Dehlia's face and that hair she adored so much. Now, if this was a typical situation, Steph would have pissed herself laughing, begged for a camera and tease the girl for a good two weeks after, but this wasn't exactly... Normal... The colour was completely off... A mixture of pastel or some shit? Fuck did she know, but the vomiting... It didn't stop. Well, not until the jock she loved to mess with so much flopped forward, and not another movement was made from him.

Things only got worse from there; after Ray's horrifying show, Ellen joined and yakked all over Skyler before she, too, stopped moving. Throughout the whole ordeal, Stephanie had been frozen in the pool as she just watched in a mixture of horror and fascination. It wasn't like she enjoyed it or anything; God no, it was the most disturbing thing she's ever seen, and Steph has seen some fucked up shit. But... Jesus Christ, it was like watching a movie... Watching two characters being picked off. Nothing bad, you know the actors are safe and you feel somewhat at ease, but after a moments pause and neither of the two moving, that's when it really kicked her in the face. This was reality.

"Holy fuck!" Hopping her way out of the pool, the girl held a hand over her racing heart, eyes wide and jaw dropped. Her dark coloured orbs flickered over to the stunned Dehlia and... Oh god Ray... "What are you doing?! Get the fuck out of there, Dehlia!" She yelled, voice quivering as she took a step backwards. Jesus Christ, just what had happened...?



Location: Room

Hangin' with: Antonio

The comment on his toned appearance couldn't help but make Alec snort inwardly and grin outwardly like a goddamn fool. "Hitting on me again, Toni? I thought you were better than that!" ... Alec stop being a goddamn dork. How do you even get the girls, oh my god. Anyways, before he could tease the Spaniard, the other began to essentially go on about how much better his own muscles were than the brunette's which earned an eye roll as a response, "Dude, shut up." He gave a lighthearted brush of his knuckles to Antonio's check, his grin turning more lopsided in amusement. Once the other pulled away and began to shuffle through both their cases, Alec just watched with folded arms, idly inspecting the tacky room around him. Sure, he's probably just being picky, but there was something about the whole interior that just... Made his nose crinkle. Same goes for this whole place, to be honest... Lars had shitty taste, man. Never again was he gonna pick somewhere to stay as long as this guy was alive.

"Got anything to fuck us up with? I feel like we'll need that in case~" Alec raised a brow upwards for a moment before getting at what he was saying. "Maaan, I thought you had something with you..." He groaned loudly before face palming. Truth be told, Alec did bring some weed with him, but a certain grey haired, scary as shit and most likely half demon girl had threatened it off him, so that plan was out the window. Sadly, from Toni's simple 'Dios mio' was answer enough to his question. But, thankfully, there definitely was one person he knew that would certainly have anything you could name on her...

"Dude, we should go and say hi to Ursula. I think she could probably help us out." Alec suggested as a hand rubbed the back of his neck, head tilting to the side slightly. Any old drink would have been pretty nice too, but c'mon... From this place? No thanks, the owner probably would spike it with rat poison or something. At least they could trust the green haired girl.



Location: Pool

With: Ellen, Ray, Dave, Michael, Stephanie, Ursula, Skyler, Ogami

Yeah, everything was normal until Dahlia felt something hot and very liquidy splatter across her face. She didn't really register what was happening until she looked over to see Ray puking his guts into the hot tub. She would've just been grossed out and left, but this was different. It seemed like he was literally puking his guts everywhere into the water, which was wen she realized that it wasn't just the cherry drink that was being vomited, but actual blood. She let out a startled cry, faintly hearing Stephanie tell her to get out of there. She stumbled backward a bit, pushing herself out of the water and falling backward. Her head flew to see Ellen doing the exactly same thing. This was...what happened? She could feel tears steadily streaming down her face, as she was so horrified and disgusted and scared, and oh god, so many emotions were flowing through her all at once. She really was a sensitive person, I mean, she's never seen anything like this in her life. She's seen it in movies, but this was real life. And it was terrifyingly gory.


Location: Pool

With: Ellen, Ray, Dave, Michael, Stephanie, Ursula, Skyler, Ogami

Evan watched in horror as Ellen violently retched all over Skyler, who was now covered in nachos, alcohol, and...blood. He closed his eyes and tried to pretend that he was just having some nightmare during the day, and was also trying to stop himself from throwing up at the disgusting sound. But then, he realized how lifeless Ellen, and...Ray too. He could see the horrified look on Skyler's face, and the look on Dahlia's face was almost the same, except she was crying. He had a feeling that it wasn't because the male had vomited on her hair either. He let out a small, "What the fuck." He stood up and backed away from the sight, turning his head away in disgust and horror.

@Kayzo @Bedbae @Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot
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Skyler Washington

Location: Pool, Hanging with Ellen (;- ;) Ray, Dahila, Micahel, Ursula,

Skyler turned her head at the horrendous sound of Ray throwing up. It was pretty funny to watch at first, seeing that the giant wasn't on the receiving side of things. Her hand shook Ellen's leg and pointed over to the two, laughing quietly. Poor Ray wasn't going to score tonight after throwing up on Dahlia like that, and probably won't be on good terms with her for the rest of the trip. "Look at that Ellen, he's throwing his guts up all over poor Dahlia." She said jokingly, not actually aware about the fact that was what he was doing. Once the blood started to come out, she quickly looked back at Ellen. Skyler hated the sight of blood, and unfortunately for her she'd be getting a lot of it. The loud rumbling coming for Ellen's stomach followed by the strange look on her face gave Skyler a bad feeling. "Hey Ellen, you al-" she didn't even get to finish her sentence when her friend began to vomit all over her. Off the bat she knew that this wasn't going to be good, a small scream escaping her mouth as Ellen continued to vomit tons of shit onto her body. Blood, nachos, Daiquiri, probably some guts too. Skyler pushed herself off the chair she was in, landing on her back and quickly sitting up. Before she knew it her best friend had stopped moving, her body lifeless and drenched in vomit. All this shit happened so fast that Skyler's brain couldn't process it all. She felt extremely light headed and really hard to breath. In a matter of seconds she was out.

Michael Keys

At the Pool with Riley

Michael watched in horror as his two classmates began to violently throw up their guts. He was a pretty innocent guy and never in his life has he seen so much horror death in one place. Instinctively his arms pulled Ripey in close, on wrapping around her stomach while the other coveted her eyes. He didn't want anyone to see what was going on right now, especially Riley. She was one of the youngest in the group and he wanted to protect what innocence she had left. His own eyes, as much as he wanted to close them, stayed open, watching the whole thing unfold. Dahila was moving faster than Usain Bolt while Skyler had passed out from the shock of it all. The two others seemed to be void of life, and maybe even dead. "Someone call 911!" He called out, his voice shakey and nervous and grip on Riley tightening.

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @Zero Gravity @Bedbae





(Murderer-Chan has found a way to prevent calls from both cell phones and the hotel landline.)

@Kayzo @mikko @SpookySableye @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel

Blaze's Reminder

This is how Murderer Chan will communicate with y'all if something important happens but no one saw it go down.

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Aaron Hayes

Location: Pool

Hanging Out With: Everyone at the pool who isn't dead

After careful thinking, Aaron decided that he might go and eat some nachos, seeing as that was an easily available option at the time. However, the event that happened right as the idea formed made him second the decision. Aaron simply watched in horror, his face donning a look of fear and dread as Ray died right in front of everyone. As if that wasn't enough for the guy, he got a front row seat to Ellen's demise as well, being presented with her now lifeless body that had vomited blood all over Skyler. After witnessing one of his friend's plus Ray's deaths, Aaron just backed away slowly, visibly trembling in fear. "O-oh my g-god..." He said meekly to himself, "What the... What... is... WHAT THE HELL?!?" It's pretty safe to say that Aaron is fucking terrified from what he just witnessed. Teary eyed, he quickly whipped out his Galaxy and dialed 911 at the speed of lightning. "Wait, what? I'M NOT GETTING ANY SIGNAL FROM MY PHONE!" He yelled out for everyone to hear. Hopefully, it was only his phone getting no signal, and someone else could call 911. However, Aaron strongly doubted that would be the case, seeing as the chances of that are pretty unlikely.

@Kayzo @SirBlazeALot

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Lars's Room ---> Pool

Hanging out with: Lars, Everyone alive at the pool

Zoe followed Lars all the way up to where his room was. "Thank you so much, Lars!" She replied with a bright smile on her face. As he ushered her in, she quickly entered, and then closed the door so she could finally get changed. As she got her bikini out of her bag, she began changing rather hastily, being aware that she was going to be a little late to the party. Her bikini was a dark, ruby red color; it was not too revealing, but not very conservative either. Thankfully, she managed to get ready very quickly, much faster than the other times. Good! Now I go down to the pool area with everyone! I Hope I'm not too late. "Thanks again for letting me do this!" Zoe told Lars after she opened the door. It didn't take her that long at all to make her way downstairs and over to the pool, where everyone else was. "Hey everyone! I hope I'm not too la-" She immediately stopped her cheery statement once she saw Ellen's corpse and Skyler covered in bloody vomit. Her look then changed from bright to mortified as she saw Ray's dead body too. "W-what did I just miss?" Zoe barely managed to stifle out as she stood there, frozen in fear.

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Karen Matherly

Location: The Bloody Pool | Interacting/Mentioned: Stephanie, Dahlia, Ray, Ursula, Skyler, Aaron

So, upon
finally arriving at the pool, Karen threw herself into it, performing a very impressive cannonball... or that's what she'd like to think. She dove just deep enough to kick off the floor with her toes, and swim quickly to the surface for air, cheering as she did so. And as she did so, bubbles escaped her mouth in a comical manner, her idiotic squalls muffled by the water. I can't translate what she was saying due to my father standing over my shoulder, but it's nothing important... so let's move on. When Karen rose to the surface of the water, she was greeted by Stephanie, who also threw herself in with a very outstandingly performed cannonball. It was almost too good... and Karen didn't like that. She also didn't like inhaling the wave of water sent towards her, in which her lungs expressed anger in overly-exaggerated coughs. Karen clenched at her throat, staring up at the sky with a look of fear before glaring down at Stephanie, who was now floating on her back as leisurely as ever.

With a childish pout, Karen crossed her arms and wiggled her way to Stephanie, the water's weight making it difficult to look intimidating.
"Hey..." Her eyes twitched as she spoke, "Your cannonball sucked." The girl waited for what Stephanie would say back, her attention wavering for a split second upon hearing a loud laugh over yonder, and upon inspection, she came to find that it was from Dahlia... Dahlia's cool, I guess; though, Karen thinks she should gain some more weight. Karen stared at the skinny girl, forgetting about Steph, and debated getting her something to eat. That is... until Ray chucked blood up all over her, in which Karen narrowed her eyes, only believing it to be something he drank. However, once Ray fell lifelessly into the red-stained water of the hot tub, she knew something was utterly wrong. Eyes now wide with confusion, she began hurrying to the edge of the pool, lifting herself out of it, only to take notice of Ellen slumping back into her chair after drenching Skyler.

"W-what's...going on?" Was all she managed to whisper before truly realizing how horrible the situation was; Ursula's screaming, as well as many other's made things seem so much worse. Of course... I don't see how anything could make this any worse. Like, the two youngsters literally just died, so... Without noticing, Stephanie had emerged from the pool slurring curses, yelling for Dahlia to get away, in which the pink-haired girl did just that with tears streaming down her pale cheeks. This trip went from 100 to 0 really, really, really fast. Everyone was now freaking out, making it difficult to stay calm. Karen gripped at her wet hair and shook her head with a deep breath, refraining from joining the others in screams. Hell, she could just pass out like Skyler... make things easier on herself. Somewhere, you could hear a guy call out for someone to call 911, which is a smart idea, but Karen wasn't going to be the one to do it, and instead ran over to the hot tub to get a better look at the gore.

Aaron happened to dig for his phone, but only came to find that there was no signal. Karen stared down into the bloody water with a pained expression, covering her mouth. A whimper escaped her, as well as a small tear,
"It's so real..." She stood to her feet and wobbled over to Aaron, taking his phone. "Is your wifi turned on? Maybe you can turn it off, then turn it back on." The girl's voice was low and shaky, comparable to a whisper, but louder than so. Clicking around on the device, Karen only grew terribly frustrated, letting out a growl-like scream, and slammed Aaron's phone down on the ground. She dropped to her knees shortly after and sat there shaking, hugging herself as though she was freezing despite the sun beating down. "It's so real... It's so real..." Karen shook her head and covered her eyes, "No, no... it's not real."

@SirBlazeALot @Zero Gravity @SpookySableye @Everyone Else Mentioned (Sorry for the crappy post.)

  • zankyou-03.jpg


    With: All dem nikkas at teh pool

    At: Pool

    "If you don't mind, I'll take you up on that offer." David grabbed a chip covered in cheesy goodness and munched it down with his teeth. Oh this amazing crunchy sensation with this slimy warm feeling, I'm touching myself tonight. Finishing chewing down the chip, he grabbed another one and took a bite before realizing the look on Ursa's face. Looking down on his shoes covered with nachos he assumed that was the reason the girl went quiet. "Look, it's not that bad I'll just," and down went the half eaten nacho chip. David's satisfied face turned green as Ellen spewed blood out of her mouth with every cough she gave before her body let out. "Wait," trying to hold the little food he just had, "Ellen...come on Ellen..."

    David pulled a 180 and looked towards the pool where he had heard shrieking. In the pool was a lifeless body with blood leaking out of it's mouth. I thought all that coughing and shrieking was someone joking around. Checking out the scene he realized it was Ray. Oh good it's Ray, wait, I'm such a barbaric, evil person. He tried to recompose himself. "Is someone calling 911?" Aaron wasn't getting any signal and everyone was freaking out. Come on, what should we do? Ughhhhh. "Everyone, get rid of your drinks and step away from the dead," he shouted with a calm yet slightly quivering voice. David searched around trying to find Lars with a look of despair.

    @Kayzo @Kayzo @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi@SpookySableye @Zero Gravity  
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