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Realistic or Modern Hell Motel


Location: Hallways

Hanging with: Ogami, Antonio, Ursula, Stephanie

While Ellen looked up at Ogami while in the hug, the man only looked back at her. She listened to the comments around her, especially when Antonio told Ogami to let her have space, or when Stephanie mentioned Ogami crushing and eating her. "That better not be the case, Ogami..." she muttered under her breath, but she knew it wouldn't happen. I mean, I don't mind the hug at all, but I'm just a bit stuffed, she thought to herself. The young woman sighed, a mix of relief and sadness, as Ogami finally released her from his hug. She continued to watch the antics of the Ursula-Steph duo, a slight grin creeping up her face. When Ursula tried to whisper to Ogami and pissed him off, she felt pleased somehow. He's kinda cute when he's angry, she thought. As Ursula started talking about weed, Ellen flinched. The American society always taught her that weed was bad. It's like some kind of messed grass, she thought. I think it causes depression... uh, disease, shot JFK, I think weed even faked the moon landing too, right? Oh, gosh, weed is super bad- Her thoughts on Ogami were rustled as the very man himself asked her about food, his eyes looking straight past her. "Well," she replied, "I do feel a bit hungry. I'm sure they've got good food. There's not a restaurant for miles, so they wouldn't have much competition anyways." She looked up at him. "What kind of food do you think they have? Certainly not nachos, right?"

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @theglassangel

(Lol, overexaggerated weed. Silly drug education, you steered Ellen the wrong way.)


Evan nodded in agreement as the lanky girl talked to him about how scary Ogami was. It was true, he was tall and muscular, kind of like Ray but not really, and he had a cold sort of aura that gave Evan the creeps. It was almost as if he was always trying to start a fight, no matter what they were discussing. Evan could say he liked poodles, and Ogami would argue with him that yorkies were way better. Their relationship was very hate-induced and tense, which made the environment for everyone around them awkward. He decided to shake it off though, briefly glancing around the large room as he heard everyone's voices bouncing off the walls as everyone had their own individual conversations. Thankfully, he hadn't had to talk to a ton of people today. He had a brief conversation with Alec on the bus about volleyball, but he had mostly takes to Skyler the whole way there. It was too cramped and noisy for him to sleep peacefully, so he had tried to find a better way to use his time. Even if it was talking, he still found it rather enjoyable. Evan smirked lightly once he heard the girl speak about not letting him down. "I expect nonetheless from a girl like you," he winked flirtatiously, standing up. "Let's go look around. I'm getting bored sitting here like a bag of bones."


Dahlia flashed her signature smile at Ray, who was dreamily staring at her like she was some sort of hypnotist. Well, maybe she could be that way with the boys sometimes, but it's actions that draw a man in. Her parents had taught her all about how to get guys, or girls, and how to have safe sex. Yes, porn stars know what safe sex is and have it. She stood up once more, bending over and sticking her hands out to grasp te other's and pull him up. It wasn't that hard, even though he was a giant compared to her. "Let's go! I don't know how big this place is, but we can always look around to see if there's any cool stuff hidden around here!" The pink-haired girl chuckled, looking up at Ray once more and smiling. Jeez, the charm levels were over 9,000 at the moment. She still had one of her hands in Ray's, knowing he was still probably in a haze because he was even near her. The thought made her grin wickedly in her head, but she continued her innocent façade and continued to drag the daydreaming football player down the halls. This hotel was dingy, and did kind of smell weird, but I don't think that she would mind it too much. As long as there's a roof above her head, she's pretty much content.

@Kayzo @idk
@Who @else @to @tag

Location: Living Room

Kickin' It With: David, Aaron, Karen, Maeve, Michael, Zoe, Evan, Skyler, Dahlia, Ray, Liam, Riley and Alec

Lars stuck his tongue out and made a wretching noise when David continued to tease him about Stephanie. "Blegh, nooo thank you." It's not like she was bad looking or anything, but Lars didn't believe in casual sex. If he was gonna smash someone, it had to be with someone who made him feel some special type of way. All Steph ever made him feel was minor amusement and dread. And hiding her belongings seemed like the perfect way to induce the latter.

"Are you fuckin' crazy dude?!" Lars asked in a hissy whisper. "She'll be on your ass like you dropped the soap if her shit goes missing!" Ahhh, Lars. Such a square. And a goodie two-shoes. What if Steph needed something in those bags? Like some sort of medication that she probably didn't take anyway.

But what else was there to do? Maeve had a good idea, swimming could be fun. Maybe this hotel had a bar and he could finally try some of those tasty looking drinks you see on restaurant menus. After all, this was a vacation. There was no school work to keep him from loosening up. Lars decided to mix the two. "I'm down for chilling with cocktails in the jacuzzi," he suggested plainly to the room, hoping David would abandon the idea of fucking with Steph's luggage.

@Kayzo @Zero Gravity @Lotusy @Leaf Fi

Riley & Liam

Lobby --> Living Room

Kickin' It With:
David, Aaron, Karen, Maeve, Michael, Zoe, Evan, Skyler, Dahlia, Ray, Lars and Alec

As everyone migrated from the lobby to the living room, the twins followed suit, with Liam following closely behind Riley. Riley took a key from Zoe and happily chirped, "Thanks hon~!" and while chaos ensued the twins simply observed. Liam had assumed the two of them would be rooming together, which could be a little weird for him, but Riley was eying the room for someone else. After doing a full scan and witnessing Maeve blow off Alec, she nudged her brother, and whispered "Did you see that?" with excitement. Liam nodded with a small smile curved on his lips. Serves him right.

"That means he needs a roommate~!" Riley squealed and Liam gave her a shocked look. "You want to room with him?! No way he's gonna try to do...stuff with you the whole night!" Liam shook his head in disapproval and Riley punched him in the shoulder.

"Yeah that's the point, dipfuck!" She retorted angrily. Liam scowled in Alec's direction. He and his Spanish lover were the last ones he wanted diddling his sister.

"Wh-what about Michael? You like Michael, right?" Riley pointed to her temple and said,

"You read my mind baby bro. You're gonna room with Michael and if things don't work out, we'll switch!"

"I don't wanna room with fucking Alec are you cr--"

"Liam!" Riley hissed at him. "Can you please just do this for me? Pweeeeease?" She begged with puppy dog eyes. Liam avoided eye contact and awkwardly shifted his weight. "Ok fine but if you switch I'm just going to sleep on the couch." Riley clapped enthusiastically and handed Liam the key and kissed him on the cheek. Liam flinched and Riley hugged him briefly.

"You're the best Li," she rubbed her cheek against his and Liam blushed awkwardly and said,

"G-get off of me."

Riley broke the hug and practically skipped over to Alec. His amazing cute face and hot body already began to work on her confidence and Riley stuttered as she greeted him. "H-hey Alec!" 'Hey Alec'?! What kind of greeting is that?! Stupid, stupid, stupid, Riley pull it together! You're supposed to be good at this!

"Are you and Toni rooming together?"
She asked in a less shaky tone. "I-I was just wondering because uhhh...Liam really wants to room with Michael and it seems like everyone else already paired off soo..." Riley didn't finish her sentence and instead chuckled nervously as her face began to turn pink.

Liam stayed in the corner where Riley had left him, trying to simultaneously exile weird thoughts about his sister and work up the courage to ask Michael to be his roommate. Michael's cool, Michael's nice...nice to everyone. But wait. What if he hates me and he's just nice to me to maintain some kind of fake 'nice guy' image? What if he thinks I'm gay for wanting to room with him? As Liam built a mountain out of a mole hill, he witnessed Lars being harassed by Steph and get a "face full of boob."

Lucky bastard, he thought to himself with his mouth slightly agape. His thoughts shifted to David and Lars as Steph left Dave with her things. Now this was a golden opportunity. He was cool with David, he could do him a favor and take care of Steph's stuff and get some much wanted attention from the girl when she got back.

Feeling much better about that than asking Michael to room with him, he quietly approached the two, secretly hearing David's devious plan to hide the girl's stuff. Then, he got an even better idea. He was gonna steal Steph's panties.

"Dave." He whispered behind the two boys after Lars suggested hanging out in the jacuzzi. Lars's head jerked around to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"S-sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you guys...I can help you hide Steph's stuff Dave." He whispered and picked up one of Steph's bags.

"Pfft. Your funeral, dude," Lars muttered. Liam narrowed his eyes and said nothing but thought Shut the fuck up Lars you don't know how lucky you are you piece of shit.

@Zero Gravity @Lotusy @Leaf Fi


Location: Lobby -> Pool

Hanging with: Dahlia.

Ray nodded, getting up right after Dahlia did. Before he left, though, he heard Lars talking about a pool. Being the lazy and non-creative man that he was, Ray decided to steer Dahlia towards just that. As he opened the door, he gestured for Dahlia to go through first. As she dragged him down the hallways by the hand, Ray spotted the pool Lars was talking about. "Hey, Dee!" He yelled, even though she was only a few paces ahead of him. "Check this out!" He tugged back on her hand, the pushed open the door between them and the pool. Despite being in a desert, the view from the outside pool was absolutely beautiful... except for some random ball-thing* with arms and a head that was sitting on the edge. Cringing a bit, Ray looked away from it. "Whaddaya think?" He asked, like Columbus discovering the New World. "Pretty sweet, eh?"

@Zero Gravity (Are you ok with Ray's nickname for Dahlia?)

*Go to locations, you guys will see what I'm talking about. It's creepy.
@Who[/URL] @else @to @tag

Skyler Washington

Location: Living Room

With Evan, Liam, Riley, Michael, Lars, David, Aaron, Maeve, Zoe, Dahlia, Ray and Alec

Skyler nodded in agreement, stepping off the wall to stand beside Evan. "It seems like everyone else is going out to the pool. We could change and join them, or just look around. Whatever the hell you want to do." She said, bending over and grabbing her luggage and looking down at Evan. For some reason she never really feels tall but rather a normal height, and until she's around Maeve or Evan, that's when she realizes her true height. "But what do you say, change and go to the pool or explore?" Whatever butters him up is what she would do. Then maybe they can go to pound town, and instead of riding mopeds she's riding Evan.

Michael Keys

Location: Living Room -> Hallway

With Ellen, Antonio, Ogami, Stephanie, and Ursula

Michael let out a small sigh. It seems he was being ignored again, and that everyone was going out to the pool. Deciding that swimming isn't what he wanted to do, he stood up and walked down the hall in search of Ursula. At least she will include me. He thought, following the noise of talking. Eventually he ran into Ellen and the group, and it seemed as if they were just finishing up dancing. Wasn't surprising with the crowd he has here. "Has anyone seen Ursula?"

@SirBlazeALot @SpookySableye @Zero Gravity @Lotusy @Leaf Fi @Bedbae @Suzumaki Arakai
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Karen Matherly
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.5ff5d6ba64dc628ef642cd2d1863a2d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.5ff5d6ba64dc628ef642cd2d1863a2d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Living Room

Aaron - Maeve - Lars & David - Stephanie (Mentioned)

"Spinning! Spinning! Everything is spinning!" Groaned Karen as she attempted to focus on one thing, trying to stop her eyes from darting back and forth. For a second there, I thought she was going to barf, but no, she's good. Everything's all right. You've gotta overlook Karen, though; she's simple minded, and doesn't know what she's doing half the time. Well, I mean, she might... It's not like I can read her mind. Once the room came to a stop, Karen placed a hand over her eyes for a second, then sent Aaron a wide, toothy grin. "Nihi~ I'm good!"

Normally she'd stick her thumb out at him, but any sudden movements were sure to throw her back into the spinning trance. Okay, time to forget about the spinning deal, let's get to the problem at hand. 1) Karen has left her bag on the bus. 2) Someone just mentioned swimming.

Glancing over in the direction of which the wonderful voice came from, Karen's eyes landed on Maeve, the cute blond- well, there's another cute blond somewhere around, but not right now, so she doesn't matter. Her eyes widened; glancing at Aaron, then back at Maeve, Karen threw her hands in the air and yelled,
"Meeeee! Meee! Me! Me! Me! Hey!" Going un-noticed by the girl, Karen's arms dropped to her side, and she hung her head dejectedly. "She left..." No, she didn't? She just went to go tell some others. Oh well. Now depressed after thinking she was just ignored, Karen stepped towards Aaron and rested her head against his shoulder, sniffling. I don't see why she's sniffling, though. I mean, I don't see any tears? - We'll say it's a Karen thing.

"I'm going to get my bag." She pouted, avoiding eye contact with the boy whom she would be sharing a room with until further notice. You never know if there'll be sudden changes, you know? Covering her face, Karen struck a dramatic pose as though Aaron was trying to stop her. She shot a hand at him and looked away, "Don't try to stop me, just wait here!" Her voice was loud, and I think it may have cracked a bit. From Aaron's point of view, you could see her shoulders shiver- I think she's actually crying... The overly-dramatic girl finally stepped forward without glancing back at Aaron, now heading off to get her bag from the bus. Upon further inspection from anyone able to see her face... they could note that Karen is actually laughing. Her naturally red cheeks were puffed up, and she was biting down on her bottom lip.

Once outside, Karen stopped in front of the hotel...motel...building, whatever it is, doors and looked around, slightly dumbfounded.
"Hm?" She blinked in confusion, wondering where the hell she was. It wasn't until she noticed the large, monstrous trash cans that she realized she exited through the back doors. How the hell does one do that? Laughing awkwardly with a hand on the back of her neck, she backed into the building once more and scurried through it to find the front entrance/exit, hoping no one noticed her. She even managed to walk past Aaron again, still hiding her face, holding her hand out at him in demand for him to wait...still.

Okay. Finally, she's out again, and through the correct doors. Running over to the large vehicle, she pat it on the headlight,
"Thank you for keeping my things safe, buddy," then entered in order to snatch her bag. Ever since Karen first saw the movie Herbie, she's always believed that cars have souls, and that they're actually alive. Don't ever disagree with her on that either, it might cause a scene. Soo...once she finally retrieved her personal possessions, Karen exited the bus and took some time to check it, thinking, for some reason, that someone may have snuck on and stolen her things. "Nope, it's all here." And with that, she re-entered the Dessert Candle (forgot the name of the hotel) and raced to meet back up with Aaron. On her way to do so, she took notice of Lars and David talking with each other, and decided to joke with him for a split second. Throwing one of her arms in the air and adjusting her bag over her shoulder, she called out to them with a wide grin, "Heeeey! Mars, Davy! Whatcha doooin!?" Once again, her voice rang loud, but not as loud as Steph's usually does. Karen just has overly active vocals, she doesn't necessarily mean to bust people's ear drums. Trust me... she can't whisper at all, and when she does...it's more of a dusty squeal.

Before giving either of them much of a chance to say anything, Karen dropped her bag on the floor and stepped behind Lars and his tall ass, wrapping her arms around him from behind to cup her hands over his chesticles... That's not a word, and I know that, but you get the point.
"Eeeeh? Mars!? They're getting bigger, I can tell!" Grinning cheekily, she began to squeeze them for a split second before stepping away, slapping him on the ass with a loud, gurgle-like laugh. Her narrowed eyes shot over to David, then her smile grew into that of a murderous one. Quickly, she jumped towards him, disregarding anything he was carrying, and tried to hang from him. Of course, she failed, and fell backwards onto her back, in which her head smacked against the floor. You know, I think it may have bounced a bit, too.

Practically un-phased, Karen slowly stood to her feet, a nonchalant expression on her face, and picked up her things. A generous nod was sent towards Lars,
"Sorry for bothering you," then she turned away, holding back the tears that were fighting to escape. So, now, when she returns to Aaron, it'll seem as though she actually was crying about the fact that Maeve ignored her. Wiping her eyes, Karen through her bag down on the couch she and Aaron had been sitting on not too long ago, then approached him with a frown, once again resting her head against his shoulder. "Oh, Aaron. I think I've got a concussion."

Karen Matherly

@SpookySableye @Bedbae @Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot @Anyone I missed.



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Living Room w/ Lars, Liam, Karen (Anyone else not talked to but is in the living room)

David kept laughing at Lars' face of disgust as Lars kept telling him to stop. "Ay, just appreciate the little things in life. Your face got a quick boobjob. Do you know how many people would be desperate to be in your place?" I mean sure she was a brute force to mess with but she had the jugs to make any man, at least I think, happy. "So about Steph's bags..." He knew it. Lars was the kind of person who didn't want to get into useless trouble. Yea, he had a point about Steph raping our bodies with punches if we were caught, but think about the adrenaline rush. I'm down for chilling with cocktails in the jacuzzi did sound hella relaxing especially if the girls were going to wear their bikinis.

"Hmmm, you know what, I think I'll join," but David didn't get to finish his sentence. A cute, petite girl came up to them with a smile across her face. "Oh, uhh, hey there Kar-" but his words couldn't escape his mouth as he stared at the deathly glare of the girl who he thought was so innocent jumping up on his arms. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck. It was too late. Balance was lost, his hands had Steph's bags and someone was letting go. Ouch. Surprisingly, it seemed as if the fall didn't faze Karen but before he could apologize, she left jogging.

"AGHHHHH, why the fuck am I so bad with girls. Screw it, I'll apologize after. Anyways Lars, about that cocktail and-" but before he could finish another voice spoke to him from behind. God? Is it time? Nope, it was Liam. "Yo, what's up?" After hearing Liam's question, Dave thought about it. Hmmm, we can do this quick and I'll be next to Lars with a cocktail in no time. "Ay bro, sorry but I need something to pump my heart fast. I need that adrenaline but I swear I'll catch up to you in no time so go ahead to the room and change, I'll be there," David somewhat begged. OHHHHH SHIT, ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi
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Location: Pool

With: Ray

Dahlia giggled lightly as Ray dragged her along, not expecting the larger male to turn her in the opposite direction of what she was going. "What were you gonna show me--oh my god." The pink-haired girl stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the gorgeous view in front of her. She had always been a sucker for sunsets and other painting-like scenery. She stared in awe at the view, then turned around to look at Ray. "Did you know this was out here, or are you just a lucky man?" She asked, tone playful as she pushed her hand lightly against his chest. She laughed once more and then turned back to the view, taking a deep sigh. "You know what would make this view better? Swimming. Y'know, I even got a new bikini and everything..." She mumbled, acting as if she was thinking out loud. After all, she was a master actress, and this was just part of her plan to kind of get in Ray's pants. I mean, what could she say? Get in your swimming trunks I wanna stare at your muscles? Yeah, I don't think so.

(Super sorry that the post took so long! It kept getting deleted and I've been busy since Christmas! Also, that nickname is fine!)


Location: Living Room/Hallway

With: Skyler, Michael, Aaron, Lars, Riley, Liam, Karen, Ogami, Stephanie, Ursula, Ellen, David, Maeve, Antonio, Alec

Evan gave a slight hum, thinking out it. It seemed like everyone was going to the pool, so he would much rather be in a place that wasn't crowded than be in a pool with a ton of other people he could potentially get into a fight with. "Eh, let's just explore around. I kinda want to see what else this place has to offer. I mean, there's gotta be more to this hotel than its disgusting smell, right?" The dark-haired male chuckled, standing up and running a hair through his spiky hair to push it up some more. "Hey, speaking of exploring though, do you wanna find a room while we're walking around this place? We could call dibs on a good one before anyone else does~" He said in a playful sing-song voice as he nudged the taller girl. "C'mon, skinny legs, let's get outta here," he laughed, making his way towards one of the random hallway. The hallways pretty much looked all the same, which was kind of disappointing, but, y'know, it's a dingy hotel. There wasn't much to expect when it came down to it. They were staying for a couple nights before they made it to Disney, and hopefully, nothing happened to prevent that trip.

@Lotusy @SpookySableye @theglassangel @SirBlazeALot @theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi
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Location: Hallway

Fuckin' around with: Michael, Ursula, Antonio, Ellen, Ogami, Evan, Skyler

Nachos and weed. Ah man... What a hella combo! This is why Ursula was her babe; she's a goddamn genius. Grinning from ear to ear, Steph opened that big ol' mouth of her to join the chant, but you know what happened? It fucking stopped. She was too late. Normally she would just continue off with it and laugh, but, uhm, people were ignoring her? Like, Antonio? Babe, Ursula wasn't the only attractive lady around here. And to make matters fuckin' worse, little miss perfect in the other room wanted to go swimming. Bitch, we know you just want to 'lose' your stupid bikini top in the water and make the boys scramble for a sneak peek, don't lie. But, like, you coulda masked that desperation for a minute. Rolling her eyes and completely bored, the dark haired girl leaned her head back and groaned loudly. "Uggggggggggggggggh I wanna just eaaaaaaaaaaaat! Stop talkinggggggg!" Whining with her arms now hanging at her sides, Stephanie puffed out her cheeks- much like a child would do after a tantrum- and was about to huff when someone new joined the group. Poor, sweet, innocent Michael. Ooooh yes... Within a heartbeat her posture and expression changed back to her usual... Stephanie self, I guess. "Mickey, baby! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in foreveeeer!" She had pretty much taken the question for Ursula's presence to be for herself. Releasing an overly dramatic sigh she planted herself at his side, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "You interested in the nacho-weed combo too, eh?" She smirked.


Skyler Washington

Location: Living Room/Hallway with Evan, Michael, Ursula, Aaron, Lars, Riley, Liam, Ellen, David, Ogami, Steph, Antonio, Alec

Skyler grinned slightly at Evan's joke about the hotel smell. Besides his bad-boy attitude and devilishly handsome looks, his stupid but clever humor was one of the big reasons she liked the guy. She pushed herself off of the wall she was leaning on and looked down at Evan. His idea about finding a room before the others was actually a good idea, and maybe they could use it while they're their. "Yeah, let's blow this shitty lobby and find a place to chill. Grab a room and make good use of it." She said, following him towards the hallways with one arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him into her body. The hallways, just like the lobby, was very repetitive and ugly. And the strange smell was still in the area, but not as strong. "Whoever decided on this paint job must've been fucking stupid." She whispered into Evan's ear, laughing quietly.

Michael Keys

Location: Hallway with everyone seen above.

Michael looked a little surprised when Stephanie came up and got really touchy with him. "Hey Steph. I haven't seen you in awhile either, I guess..." He said with a smile, carefully wrapping his arm around her waist. He'd seen other students doing this with girls before, so he assumed this is just what you do. "Nacho Weed combo?" He asked, looking down at her with a confused look in his eyes. This was all so out of the blue, and he wouldn't be surprised if the girl had some type of drug in her system. "I'm just here to find Ursula, but nachos do sound really good. I've barley eaten today!"

@Zero Gravity @Bedbae @SirBlazeALot @SpookySableye @theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @Lotusy @Leaf Fi

Maeve McMahon

Location: Living Room - David, Aaron, Karen, Riley, Liam, Zoe, Lars and Alec

Maeve smiled victoriously as most people went to get their swimsuits or were considering food. That meant that something was happening, and no one was just loafing around. Maeve was a cheerleader through and through. Whenever she saw someone that was sad or sitting around, her bright and peppy personality would always attempt to bring them up. It was unfortunate she couldn't bring her pom-poms or her University of Arizona cheerleading dress. But none of them would be able to fit with all the clothes and everything else she packed. A girl could only pack so much makeup an hair products!

"Hey Zoe, I'm going to go get into my new bikini and pack up everything in my suitcase~" Maeve cheerfully said, playing with the keyring of the room key. Giving herself a quick onceover in terms of her appearance, she came across her best friend Riley Prescott. The blonde girl didn't quite know how much Riley disliked her. In reality, because of how much nicer Riley was to Maeve, she thought that she was her closest friends. Sadly, since Alec happened to be in the vicinity, he was bound to be subject to even more frustration. "Riley! Ohmygosh, how are you, hun~?"

Maeve held out her rose gold iPhone 6s in a floral print case (quite suiting for a girl like Maeve) in her manicured hand to show her a photo of herself in her bikini. "I did what you told me and I got a new swimsuit! What do you think?" She was in her pink and metallic adorned bedroom. In a golden rimmed full body mirror, the petite blonde was smiling in her new floral print bikini and golden bangles she held up a peace sign. If anyone there was honest in the room, the cheerleader had a pretty nice toned body with just the right amount of muscle. "Oh hi again, Alec!" Maeve gave Alec a friendly wave, as the man was right beside Riley, showing him the photo, flipping through pictures. Poor guy... "Do you like this bikini? Or should I have went for the other one instead? I bought both just in case. Oh! That reminds me!"


Maeve playfully pouted at him, oblivious to whatever madness he must be going through. As the little reminder circled through her mind, Maeve's baby blues lit up. "I forgot to change my phone screen picture! Smileeee~" She swiftly tapped a finger to the camera app and snapped a quick picture of her and Riley together, changing the default screen. This happened about every month, and every month, Maeve was completely unaware of Riley's true intentions. "Anyways... see both of you later! Gotta change and fix myself up, crowded buses do that to you~" Maeve blew them both a kiss and went rushed up the stairs on the way to her room, bags in hand.

@Kayzo @SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @Lotusy @Suzumaki Arakai
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Location: Pool

Hanging with: Dahlia

In response to Dahlia's question, Ray flashed her a smile that he thought was slick, but in reality looked like a shark gumming an X-ray of its own teeth. "I don't know. Maybe it was both," he said, keeping up the grin. "Either way, all this? It's out here for our use- whoa!" This last part happened after an extremely sudden gesture with his left arm that almost knocked a plant over. He let out a loud laugh before listening to Dahlia again. "A new bikini? Do tell!" By this point, Ray was barely paying attention to whatever Dahlia was saying. He was too busy trying to flex low-key. She could have even said, "Get in your trunks," and he would have been shedding layers faster than an emerging butterfly with a sugar rush. He suddenly came up with a brilliant (in his eyes) idea. "Hey, watch this, Dee." He said, taking off his jacket. "COWABUNGA!!!" The burly football captain ran forward, cannonballing into the hot tub, which was probably not supposed to be done. "Oh! Haha! Woo!" He flashed a grin at Dahlia. "Well, if you've got that suit, why not join me? It's gonna be great!"

@Zero Gravity (Urk... was running out of ideas.)

Aaron Hayes

Location: Living Room

Hanging out with: Karen, Lars, David

Yeah, it was crystal clear to Aaron that Karen made herself dizzy. He was a bit confused at first, but was relieved to know that she was just fine from the wide grin on her face. Karen seemed very excited about the idea of going swimming, only to have her reaction be ignored by Maeve. She then rested her head on Aaron's shoulder and started sniffling, which surprised Aaron a bit. Maybe Maeve didn't quite hear Karen or something? It wasn't like he was questioning her feeling ignored, as he knew that feeling sucked.

As she left to go get her things, he wasn't quite sure whether or not she was sad or angry from how dramatic she acted. She was avoiding eye contact with him the entire time, and even looked like she may be crying. That behavior sent one question through Aaron's shy mind: Uh-oh, did I do something to make her upset? In reality, he knew he probably didn't do anything to anger her, and that she most likely wasn't angry at all, but... This is Aaron we're talking about. Sometimes, even when logic clearly states otherwise, Aaron may still imagine the worst case scenario.

It wasn't long at all before Karen was back and messing with Lars and David, acting a bit... Yeah, Aaron didn't quite know how to word her grabbing Lars's chest and slapping his ass. He knew that Karen made strange jokes like that, but he didn't think "pervy" was the right word. Soon, she came back to Aaron still somewhat sad looking, stating she may have a concussion, then rested her head back on his shoulder. The shoulder thing would normally make him feel a little odd, maybe even fluster him depending, but he felt like he should focus on the other potential issue. "Ok, that could be pretty bad." Aaron stated in a somewhat concerned voice, "You're okay, right? How bad does your head hurt?" He honestly had no idea if she was bullshitting or not. He was pretty sure that Karen wasn't hurt too badly, but he still felt like it was a good idea to ask. After all, it would be pretty freaking horrible to have a bad injury on a trip like this.

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Living Room

Hanging out with: Maeve, Riley, Karen (mentioned)

Zoe's eyes lit up from the idea Maeve presented. "Oh, I'd love to go swimming right now." She chimed with a cute smile on her face. Soon after she said that though, Maeve was already gone. While Zoe didn't necessarily care much about it, she noticed how sad Karen acted from being ignored. Yeah, while she definitely thinks of Karen as an alright person... She sometimes has her overdramatic moments, this being one of them. Admittedly, it could get pretty funny from time to time. I should probably put my stuff away before I go swimming though... Wait, where did Maeve go? She has the room key. With that thought, Zoe searched silently for Maeve, only to find her still in the living room chatting with Riley. "Hey Maeve, do you mind if I borrow that room key for a sec?" Zoe asked politely, "I'm just going to go put my stuff away in our room since I should probably do that now, and I kinda need the key for that, so..."

@Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @SirBlazeALot

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Location: Living Room -> Hallway -> His Room -> Living Room -> Dining Hall -> The Pool -> Dining Hall

Kickin' It With (Really Just Passing By): Karen, Aaron, Maeve, Riley, Liam, Ursula, Antonio, David, Zoe, Ogami, Ellen, Stephanie, Dahlia, Evan, Skyler, Michael, Ray, Alissa, Alec, and Herbert (literally everyone)

Hearing Karen's voice, he instinctively ignored her for calling him Mars. Nicknames were not his favorite, no matter how cute other people thought they might be. But he flinched when he felt small arms reaching across his waist. "Holy Jesus!" he gasped quietly in surprise, having not really expected a hug or anything that came next. He regained his composure and dryly began,

"Karen, stop c-- what are you doing?" Lars interrupted himself and looked down dumb founded as Karen's hands rested over his pecs. Upon being squeezed his face turned light red with both anger and embarassment as he contested, "Th-they are not!" He hadn't been to the gym in like...ever, so his logical mind decided that Karen was lying and just trying to fuck with him. This was confirmed with the spank, causing his face deepen into a darker red.

"F-fuck off Karen!" He snapped as he rubbed his buttcheeks with a pout.

Once the nonsense with Karen was over and Liam decided to help David in his fool's errand, Lars nodded at his friends. "Right well...you get your heart pumping, I'll have drinks by the time you guys are finished." He was mildly surprised Liam would participate in the prank, but then again, he didn't know Liam all that well.

Now when Lars said he was going to do some shit, he meant it. Everything was a mission to Lars. A stern face took his features. There was one thing he had to do before the mission began. Payback Karen. While she stood looking close to tears complaining about a concussion (a claim that Lars couldn't take seriously due to the fact that the girl fell over more than usual and usually popped back up as if she were made of rubber) Lars passed by and gave her a slap on the ass and heartlessly said, "Man up." And then the mission began.

Operation: GET DRINKS. Lars went upstairs and passed through the Hallway like a ghost, he didn't even make eye contact as he weaved through the crowd of his peers that had gathered there. All he did was say "Excuse me," in an almost demanding tone as he passed through them on the way to his room. He went in, shut the door, and in what seemed like under ten seconds, he came out shirtless in a pair of plain black swimming trunks. He'd kept his sneakers on, and added a black wide rimmed safari bucket hat to keep the sun off his pasty vampire like skin.

Again, he passed through the hall with another demanding, "Excuse me," and he returned downstairs. He heard talk of nachos along the way. Once he was downstairs, he followed a few signs to the dining hall. It was a dimly lit room that even Lars had to admit out loud, "Damn this is nice."

"Isn't it?" There was a lone, grey haired man behind the bar with a vaguely German accent cleaning a wine glass. Lars robotically approached the man and flashed his ID before informing him, "I need a whole lot of drinks."

"Straight to business huh? I can make that happen sir. What would you like?"

"Four bottles of wine on ice, a merlot and a pinot noir, and a moscato, and a chardonnay."

"Any particular preference for brand, sir?"

"Pick your favorites. I'll need nineteen glasses."

"Four bottles will probably only serve sixteen people sir." Lars pursed his lips and put his hand under his chin as he thought.

"Well I don't think they'll all want wine, but go ahead and throw an extra bottle of your favorite in. Red or white, I don't care. I'm also going to need a bunch of cocktails..." Lars glanced at the menu. "Give me 10 mango daiquiris and 10 house margaritas and 10 cherry kamikazes."

Chef Herbert Strauss looked at the plain faced male with surprise. "Well, someones a high roller. Those drinks are all about...hmm...8 to 12 dollars each and the wine's going to be at least 200 dollars." Lars stared at the man blankly for a moment.

"I know. Charge it to room 209." Herbert began to fill a bucket with ice and place the bottles in it as he spoke.

"Will do sir. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Two of the biggest servings of nachos that you have. If anyone comes in here asking for nachos tell them they've already been ordered...will that be enough for twenty people?"

"You might want four servings." Herbert commented as he loaded the wine buckets and glasses on to a cart.

"Four it is. We'll be outside by the pool. How long will it take?"

"I can have the drinks done in fifteen, sir. Then I'll start on the nachos."

"Alright. Don't worry about wheeling them out I'll do it."

"That's very helpful of you sir."

Lars nodded and took the cart of wine and rolled it out of the dining hall and to the pool area. He winced as he watched Ray fling himself into the hot tub. "Ray you need all the brain cells you can get, please don't hit your head!" He called as he wheeled the cart out. He stopped it near Dahlia and notified her, "This is for everyone," and set a wine opener down on the cart, before curtly returning to the Dining Hall to wait for Herbert to finish mixing drinks, idly reading an e-book on his phone.

Normally, Lars would never have done something so altruistic for the club. But if it meant keeping them occupied and drunk outside he would be able to get some much needed alone time. No one would interfere with whiney statements like "I'm booooored..." or "This hotel stiiiinks." Lars scoffed at the earlier complaint. "Wasn't even that bad." He grumbled to himself.

Passin by all y'all muhfuckas lets get this party started. @Kayzo @Kayzo @Leaf Fi @theglassangel @Zero Gravity @Lotusy


Location: Living Room -> Hallway -> His room

Kickin' It With: David, Lars (briefly), Aaron, Karen, Alissa, Maeve, Riley, Alec, Zoe, Stephanie, Ursula, Antonio, Michael, Skyler, Evan, Ogami, and Ellen.

The perfect opportunity. Karen's idiocy made Dave drop one of Stephanie's bags. The bigger one. Where her clothes probably were. Liam's eyes widened as he thought to himself, I can totally steal a pair of her panties. He immediately snatched up the bigger bag, leaving the smaller one for David. His heart thumped wildly at the task at hand. Holy shit holy shit I can't believe this is happening.

"I-I'll hide this one, you h-hide that one!" He hissed to David and scurried off upstairs with the big bag behind him. "Nyeh..." he grunted as he pulled it upstairs. His stomach sank and heat overtook his body as he saw the crowd gathered in the hall.

Luckily, his room was the first one, behind everyone else, namely Stephanie, and they all seemed to be occupied. Liam fumbled with his key to open his door, the only one "noticing" him was a passing shirtless Lars with a look of urgency on his face.

C'mon c'mooooon Liam jiggled the lock until it clicked and the door opened. With godspeed he shoved the suitcase in his room and prayed that no one saw him as he shut the door behind him.

With butterflies in his stomach it was just him and the suitcase. "Oh my god..." he said quietly to himself as he knelt down and slowly unzipped the bag. He lifted the top and let it fall to the floor, and you could practically hear horns of triumph as he stared at Stephanie's clothes packed into her bag. "Thank you God!" he squealed quietly to himself before putting his face in the heap of clothes and laughing happily, taking a deep wiff of the wonderful scent of Stephanie's clothes. This was, by far, one of the greatest moments of his life. Riley could whore around with Alec or Michael or who the fuck ever, it didn't matter, this trip was so worth it.

Paranoid, he looked up from the clothes and decided he'd best not disturb their loose arrangement, otherwise she might know someone had been through her things. He carefully searched for a pair of Steph's underwear trying to decide on a pair to keep. He shuddered with anticipation as he tried to choose between two, but he decided to just take them both, praying that she won't notice.

He zipped up the bag to conceal his pervy crime and shoved the suitcase under his bed. He didn't want to be suspicious. He put the two pairs in his personal little backpack. The noise of his peers in the Hallway took away from this moment. He wanted to enjoy his treasures in silence. Liam decided to hide out in his room and wait for everyone to go away.

@Bedbae @Leaf Fi @Zero Gravity @SpookySableye @theglassangel @Lotusy @Suzumaki Arakai


Location: Living Room

Kickin' It With: Alec, Michael, David, Lars (briefly), Liam (briefly), Maeve, Karen, Alissa, Aaron, and Zoe

"Uh...oh..." Before Alec could even say a word his body language gave away the truth. He was rooming with Toni, or he was just lying and didn't want to room with her. Riley's shoulders sunk and she almost put her head down before Alec began to explain he was rooming with Toni. But she couldn't do that, cause then she'd seem way too eager! She smiled and tried to soothe his guilt.

"Oh no, d-don't be sorry Alec! I had a feeling you two would be rooming together~!" she tried to play off her pain casually. It wasn't all that hard, because she still had Plan B: Michael.

But then, something amazing happened. Alec offered to help her find someone. And then get food with her. That was basically like a date right? I mean sure, she already had her second pick in mind, but this was a grand chance to get closer to Alec and be his friend! How great is that!?

"R-really? Y-you don't have to do that," she tried to play off the offer slyly, but she immediately perked up and chirped "But okay!"

But unlike her brother, things were about to get significantly less awesome. Here comes Maeve, little Miss Sickening Sunshine to steal her man. No no no please not now you stupid bitch NOOOO!! Riley's disdain was masked with a big plastered on smile as she greeted her friend with enthusiam exceeding any normal greeting.

"Ohmigod, hi Maaaaeve~!" she squealed with practiced joy. "I'm so much better now that you're here, babe!"

Please go the fuck away bitch, now is not the time. He's going to get me food HE'S MINE HE'S MINE GO AWAY!

Riley gasped as Maeve's flawless and expensive phone was shoved in her face and she was forced to look upon the girl's glorious body. "Ohmigod, Maeve!" Riley gasped with a giant smile. "Giiiirl you look gorgeous! That is soooo cute on you, you rock it like...like...WOW!" she struggled for compliments as dread overwhelmed her when Maeve showed Alec the pictures. She wanted to cry right now, everything was going so well with Alec and this dumb drop dead gorgeous blonde had to come and ruin everything.

Then came the selfie. Riley's monthly torture where she basically sold her soul to Maeve in picture form. She gave her prettiest smile knowing it can't compete with her rival's effortless beauty. And with that, Maeve was gone to change into her new swimsuit. Riley stood there awkwardly cringing, unsure of what to say to Alec. She laughed awkwardly and avoided eye contact and quietly said, "I love her so much..."

I fucking hate that slut.

@Leaf Fi @theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @SpookySableye @Bedbae

Tatsuri Ogami
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6e5111fe_1(14).png.e299b61f4229542ac8a3c2b0d28ebcda.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97136" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6e5111fe_1(14).png.e299b61f4229542ac8a3c2b0d28ebcda.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ellen - Stephanie - Ursula - Antonio - Michael - Lars

Ogami doesn't smoke pot, but he also doesn't give a shit about it being smoked. He isn't one of those people who protest against it like it'll bring the world to an end one day; you know the people who stand on the side of the rode with large cardboard cut-outs? That would be a bit too much... if someone took marijuana that far into consideration.

Ellen's little
well caught Ogami's attention, which had recently focused on...um, nothing; he was just kind of staring off into space, wondering if the Desert Rose (I remembered) had any quality food to serve. His eyes focused down on Ellen's lips as she spoke, every word reaching his ears like (insert poetic shit here). Disregarding her first statement, Ogami blinked at the girl, then looked to the side in thought. "...Hm..." and, with a shrug, he glanced back down at her and pinched his lips together, "Who knows, they could have nachos... but I don't want to end up like Steph..." A troubled grin appeared on Ogami's expression as he glanced over at Stephanie, Ursula, and Antonio - the idiot trio (quartet if Karen was present).

With a sigh, he scratched at the back of his head, then stepped to the side a bit, motioning for Ellen to step ahead of him, in which he'd meet her side to walk with her,
"Well, I guess, let's eat." Though, they didn't make it far before Michael Keys approached the group in search of Ursula, who is currently nearby... like, she's right there. Somewhat confused, Ogami glanced down at Ellen, then back up at Michael and his cute little face. He didn't say anything to the boy, because he wasn't directly asking him in the first place, so it wasn't anything to him. Ogami just zoned out again, focusing lazily on everything everyone else was indulging themselves in; the conversations and shit, you know. Things were actually starting to get a bit crowded.

When Lars suddenly passed by, Ogami watched the guy wander off, blinking a bit. He hadn't seen him all day, not that it really matters; Ogami and Lars aren't close at all, and have almost never talked to each other before. After catching a light glimpse of the guy pushing a large cart towards the pool area, he came to the conclusion that Lars might need some help soon. So, with a sigh, Ogami pat Ellen on the head,
"I'm going to go help Lars." then headed off to find him.

Karen Matherly

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot @Lotusy @theglassangel @ This is a very shitty post... LOL, I'll do better next time. I'm just off track. DON'T WORRY, THOUGH! I'M, BACK ON!



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Karen Matherly
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/3.jpg.6d2e5614ba2d67bb4e9246adbdcd113c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/3.jpg.6d2e5614ba2d67bb4e9246adbdcd113c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Living Room

Aaron - Lars (Kind of)

Wiping her eyes, Karen threw her bag down on the couch she and Aaron had been sitting on not too long ago, then approached Aaron with a frown, once again resting her head against his shoulder. "Oh, Aaron. I think I've got a concussion."?It's highly unlikely that Karen has a concussion of any kind, if there ever are different kinds... though, I highly doubt that, considering her head is like a rock. Many a times has the girl bumped her noggin on some pretty rough, and sometimes sharp, things, resulting in nothing more than a light bruise. Rubbing her eyes, Karen nodded at Aaron's statement about the fact that her having a concussion could be bad. "I know..." Her voice cracked a bit; though, it's not like she's crying or anything anymore. I mean, yeah, her eyes watered for a second, but she's fine now.

Stepping backwards, removing herself from his shoulder, Karen rubbed the back of her head, the spot that bounced off the floor earlier.
"Hm...it doesn't really hurt anymore, but there's a bump," she pouted, gently rubbing at the spot on her head.

Suddenly, the sensation of someone smacking her ass startled the girl, causing her to jump a bit and turn around as fast as possible, eyes wide with surprise. Karen is always pulling jokes like that on others, but has never expected anything back. Blinking with a confused expression, Karen stared at Lars, who was now walking away, and replayed his words in her head:
man up. "...Uhm... Aha...?" She glanced over at Aaron with red cheeks and a nervous smile, feeling a bit awkward. Soon enough... within a matter of time, Karen would be exacting her sweet, sweet revenge just as Lars just did!

For a second there, the girl almost forgot that everyone was about to take a dip in the pool, only remembering after looking back over at her bag lying on the couch. A large smile lit up her face as she stared at Aaron, placing both of her hands on his shoulders, shaking him a bit,
"The pool! We need to get dressed!" She exclaimed loudly, allowing one of her hands to slide down from the boy's shoulders, gripping his wrist tightly. Because they shared a room, there was no point in splitting up now. Without thinking about the fact that Aaron may not have his things ready yet, Karen drug the boy off, forcing him to follow her to their room.

Because of her personality, Karen doesn't wear girly clothes or bikinis; in fact, she doesn't even wear one pieces (One Piece...) either. She says her pride won't allow her to, but that doesn't really make sense if you truly think about it. When the two were to arrive at their room, Karen would stop and wipe her brow, sighing with excitement,
"And, we've arrived..." Not really, though... they're at the wrong room door. Of course, she doesn't know where they're supposed to go, because she doesn't know the room number. Looking at the blond, Karen glanced to the side, then back at him, "The...the keys..." With a step backwards, she jut a finger out at him and yelled, "We must enter this room Aaron Barnes!" That's not his name, but okay.

Karen Matherly

@SpookySableye @SirBlazeALot



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With: Lars, Liam, Steph, Michael, Ursula, Antonio, Ellen, Ogami, Evan, Skyler

At: Living Room -> Hallway -> Room -> Hallway -> Pool -> Dining Hall

Distracted as he was talking to Lars, David didn't notice Liam had taken the other bag or that Liam even told him he was hiding it. Turning around, he then realized that he was missing one of them.
I hope Liam is the one who took the bag and not anyone else. Shit, I should have told Lars my will. I Mean if David could get through this without dying, there will be a higher being that will have a new follower. Well then, let's find a place to hide this baby at!

Walking down the hall in my converse. Excited me, trickin' the hoe. Not bad for a top-of-the-head remix. Now where, where, where...eureka! What other place to hide it than the one place the enemy would not go looking for it. It's own home or at least she wouldn't look for it there long enough for him to run away to his room, write a will, and maybe die drunk, happy and who knows, a little chitty chitty bang bang. From the distance. he could see a group of people. It looked like Michael, Ursula, Antonio, Ellen, Ogami, Evan, Skyler, Steph..and Lars shirtless in his trunks? Looks like he was in a hurry because he didn't notice David was there. "Alright then."

Just ahead of the group was the door to their room, but how to get past the group, especially Steph, without her noticing David had her bag?
FUCK! Time to man up and rush in there. Let's see them balls prove who's boss here. David walked to the one side of the hallway that was less packed and luckily the group was talking about nachos and weed, enough to take Steph's attention away from anyone else. Man, was that nerve-wrecking. Nachos and weed? The Fuck. Alright, well I don't know which room was Steph's so might as well hide the bag in my room and hopefully find out Steph's room before karma hits me.

David stepped out of the room in a dark grey beater and navy blue swim trunks. Time to visit his pal Lars, again, and get them drinks on. Walking down the hallway, having nothing to hide this time, he greeted the group with a simple "Hey guys, wait wasn't there one more person here? You know what, nevermind, bye." The tension had finally gone down and he was ready to relax by the pool, maybe drink in the jacuzzi and the bodies! Mmmmm can't wait for the girls to change. He reached the pool and saw the load of alcohol in the middle of the room. He noticed Lars hanging around near the drinks. "WOAH, someone went all out. So, what drink have you prepared me Mr. Bartender."



With: Steph, Michael, Ursula, Antonio, Ellen, Evan, Skyler, Ray, Dahlia, David, Lars, Ogami

At: Living Room -> Pool -> Hallway -> Room -> Hallway -> Pool

Alissa felt ignored and bored so why not follow the crowd and go to the pool? "
First, I need to change. I don't plan on swimming in these clothes," she told herself. Hmm, I wonder how the pool looks like. It wouldn't hurt to check. She went on to check the pool and man oh man was it beautiful. The boy staring through the binoculars, sitting next to the beach ball, scared her for a second until she realized it was a statue. Not bad, this place is growing on me. Now let's go change.

She walked down the hallway, trying to reach her room which was just shy from where the group was chilling. "
Hey, is anyone going to the pool? I think Lars bought drinks for everyone, or at least that's what it seemed like when I checked the pool right now."

She entered her room, changed into an all black bikini, grabbed a bath robe and put it over her. Walking back down the hallway to the pool, Alissa wondered if she looked weird in the bikini.
ARGHHHH, I hope I don't look weird. The pool was just a few steps away. 3...2...1...and we're here. She looked around and saw Ray and Dahlia having a fun time. David was also hanging out with Lars. Ogami was...well Ogami was just there. He looks like he could use some company. She walked up to him and said " Hey, nice pool huh? So what's up?"

@Kayzo @SpookySableye @Zero Gravity @theglassangel @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai
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With: Ray, Lars, Alissa

Location: The pool

Dahlia laughed as Ray threw his clothes off and leaped into the hot tub, succeeding in splashing the pink-haired girl with water. 'Good thing I wore my bikini underneath...' she thought to herself. Before she could rip off her clothes, Lars rolled up with a ton of drinks which made Dahlia's eyes go wide with excitement. "Thanks, Lars," she smiled flirtatiously at the male before turning back around and removing her shirt and shorts, revealing a skimpy pink (of course) bikini. She slipped in the hot tub, shaking her head as shivers ran through her body as she sank into the hot water. "Jesus, this feels great," she mumbled, giving a soft sigh of pleasure. It kind of reminded her of a sauna, which was to be expected because, well, it was a hot tub. "I changed my mind. This hotel is a lot nicer than it looks," she said, laughing softly to herself. The view was nice, the pool was nice, and they even had a nice bar selection. Sure, the place was a bit banged up, but she could get used to this. The pink-haired girl thought about all that they were going to get up to. Get drunk, party maybe? Shenanigans follow up afterwards? Who knows, I mean, she could end up making out with a vodka bottle by the end of the night.


With: Skyler (Past everyone else by now)

Location: Somewhere deep in the hallways

Evan flushed a bit, being embarrassed by the fact that she was able to wrap her arm around him because she was so tall. Dammit, why did this chick have to have fucking spider legs? He let her do it anyway, because who was he to say no to some skin on skin contact? He laughed at her little comment about the paint jobs, nodding along.
"Yeah, the paint could use some work. It's chipping up at the top there," the male said, pointing to rows among rows of chipping wallpaper, or paint, or whatever was against the walls. "Where do you think the good rooms would be?" He asked, eyebrows furrowing for a minute in thought. He figured they would be at the top floor, but you could never be too sure when it came to that kind of stuff. Hotels were sort of tricky about rooming, sometimes the good floors were at the top, and sometimes they were scattered all over the hotel. "I think we should check out the top," he said, giving a soft hum and a nod to finish off his thought.

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Location: Pool

Hangin' with: Lars, Alissa, Dahlia, Ogami

Ray only stared, jaw agape, as Dahlia joined the pool with him. It was almost like one of those slow-motion scenes in the movies where a girl does something crazy, drawing slow-mo stares from the men. He shook it off, bringing back the signature "Lars" smile. "Hell yea, it's nicer than it looks! I mean, check out the sunset!" The sun was a gorgeous shade of orange, purple and red, with beautiful wisps of clouds curling around and staining the sky, but it wasn't like Ray was actually appreciating it. He just assumed it's what girls liked. Ray only leaned back after back in the tub, watching the bubbles form around Dahlia. Well, I should make a move, eh? He was about to do the classic yawn-arm trick while relaxing in the tub, until he heard a certain guy's voice. Lars. Ray's eyes narrowed as he heard his sorta-nemesis enter the pool area.

Ray growled once Lars came in with drinks, stealing his spotlight and insulting him. It was almost as if Ray forgot that Lars was the one who mentioned the pool in the first place. A vein on his head bulged comically, and the dripping wet jock stood up, glaring at Lars. "You wanna start a fight, Larsy boy?" The man stepped out of the pool, flexing hardcore in a threatening pose. He cracked his knuckles, and advanced upon Lars, growling, "Say something else, smart boy. I know you have it in you. I mean, nothing bad will happen! Ray will just be angry, and you're gonna find yourself with a crushed skull, and- holy shit, are those cherry kamikazees?!" Ray instantly forgot all about Lars, eyeing the tab and the drinks on the cart. He shoved the other man aside, grabbing and holding a drink. "Holy shit. You bought this?" He looked up at Lars with a grin. "I mean, you still suck, but for a nerd, you've got taste!" Totally forgetting Lars's earlier comment about his brain cells, (which seemed quite adequate in this situation) he waved over to Dahlia. "Hey, Dee! Check out the drinks!"

@Zero Gravity @SirBlazeALot


Location: Hallways -> Pool

Hangin' with: Ogami, Septh, Ursula -> No one atm.

"Gahn-ja? Smoke? Ehe... nonono. I think I'm fine right now." Ellen smiled awkwardly at Ursula's comment, backing up while shaking her head. "I don't really want to get high right now. Just sleep." Ellen could appreciate Ursula's jokes, but she definitely wouldn't smoke weed. It's too much work anyways, she thought. I'd have to deal with the reaction, and the barf, and everything. It was at that moment that Ursula started babbling incoherently and acting crazy that Ellen knew she was sorta right.

A few seconds later, Ogami replied to her earlier comment about nachos in this hotel. She smiled when he mentioned Steph and looked over to the so-called "Idiot trio". "Yea. Stephanie is quite the personality, don't you think?" She muttered quietly. "I don't know if I have the energy to handle her." She let out an audible yawn, but otherwise agreed with Ogami when he patted her head and left. Silence finally came back to her, as everyone cleared out of the hallways. What now? I could sleep, but... She looked after Ogami's slowly shrinking figure. Well, I guess I have the energy to be there. Maybe I can find Skyler.

As she tailed way behind Ogami, Ellen finally entered the pool area, but found no sign of Skyler. The sun, however, was cooling off, leaving just the right temperature for a nap. Noticing that Lars had a spread of drinks and a couple of chairs, she sat down in one and began to sleep.

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Aaron Hayes

Location: Living Room ---> Hallway

Hanging out with: Karen, Lars (mentioned)

At first, Aaron was actually a bit worried about Karen possibly having a concussion. However, seconds later when she said her head didn't hurt anymore, Aaron felt a bit silly about the whole thing, and actually felt a little embarrassed for being as concerned as he was. "Hehe... Good thing you weren't hurt bad..." He replied with a shy, yet somewhat nervous laugh. Thankfully, the moment didn't get too awkward; well, actually it was more awkward for Karen, but... Whatever! Aaron could clearly see Lars smack Karen's ass, telling her to man up. Aaron had a look of shock on his face; he knew Lars was the type to make comebacks, but... Damn, that was not something he expected LARS of all people to do.

It was clear that Karen was embarrassed by it, seeing as her face was a bright red color. Not like he could blame her; if someone were to do that to him, he'd probably feel even more awkward. Speaking of which, he was definitely in shock when she started shaking him rapidly. "The pool! We need to get dressed!" Hearing Karen say that made Aaron remember what Maeve said about the pool. I guess I don't have a choice in the matter, do I? Finally, Karen had stopped shaking Aaron, and he had a chance to take a breather. Well, at least until she grabbed his wrists and dragged him into the hallway. "Hey, wait! Can I please get my-" There really wasn't any use yelling for her to let him get his stuff first, so Aaron just accepted it, and let Karen drag him to the rooms.

"And, we've arrived..." Aaron was pretty happy that at least Karen seemed so excited about seeing their dorm room. There was only one problem; Karen couldn't open the door, and yelled at Aaron to open it. "Don't worry, I'll open the door for you." Aaron stated rather gleefully, almost as if he were amused by how Karen was acting, "Also, my last name is Hayes, not Barnes." Immediately when he pulled the key out, he realized something crucial to their plans of opening the door. "Um... Karen?... This isn't the right room for the key." He said rather hesitantly, trying to glance at the other rooms to see if he could find the one. Thankfully, the room was actually right next to the one they were near, sending a wave of relief through his body. "I think our room is actually... This one." Quickly, he shuffled over to the room across from it and unlocking the door. Bingo. "So, um, are you going to get changed now, or... Yeah, I'm just going to get my stuff from the living room while you change. Yeah."

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Location: Hallway of friendshippp!

Fuckin' around with: Antonio, Alissa (briefly), Ursula, Michael, Skyler and Evan

Steph didn't notice that beautiful, drop dead gorgeous Spaniard until he came just in front of her and Michael, forcing her eyes to rest on that goddamn sexy face of his with an ever growing smirk on her lips. 'Oh fuck yes.' A dance would be just perfect right now.~ "Permission? Oh, what am I, two years old, Antonio?" She teased as her free hand flicked downwards in that sassy 'Oh you!' fashion from around Michael. Before anything else could be said though, a flash of green hair and a oh-so calming voice stumbled forward to claim the boy in her arms as well as herself. D'aww, Ursula, you sweetie pie you! All thoughts of a less than SFW dance exited her mind as soon as her friend's skin gently pressed against her own, and the thought of weed and nachos burst back into her main focus. So sorry, sexy Spaniard (GODDAMN MY ENGLISH TEACHER WOULD BE PROUD OF THAT SIBILANCE), but it appears that the tango might be put on hold until Stephanie hits it. But hey! Dancing when you're as high as a kite is the best, right? I wouldn't really know... But I'm assuming it would!

Forcing back a snort as Ursula nonchalantly placed what was, no doubt, a joint behind her ear, she gently patted the animal lover still in her grip. "'Course he does, babe! The promise of them is obviously what brought him here." With a rather smug expression covering her features- why it was there I don't really know- she tilted her chin upwards towards Michael's cheek. "Surprising. He doesn't seem the type to break the rules though, eh? But neither does pretty boy here.~" Sending a wink towards Antonio, she giggle-snorted under her breath. Just then, Alissa came and gave out probably the most shocking thing she's heard all damn year; Lars actually got drinks for everyone. Holy fuck. What the fuck. Did the boob thing from earlier make his balls drop to the ground or somethin'?! Did someone steal his card and charged him for all the shit?! Oh. My. God. Steph didn't give a fuck about the details at the moment; she needed to see the evidence. "No fuckin' way..." He murmur was practically inaudible, even with the three other bodies being as close as they were in the hug. To observe her, all you would really think was that she was mouthing something. However, before anyone could really think the sentence 'What is she doing' fully, the grey haired female spoke once more in a much louder tone, "No fuckin' way! Guys, c'mon. We needa see if this is real. Please. We needa."

@Kayzo @Bedbae


Location: Living Room, Hallway, Bedroom

Hangin' with: Riley, Maeve (briefly, but when isn't it? *Alec stares into the horizon with tears in his eyes and wind flowing through his hair*)

Riley accepted his invitation. Thank the Lord and everything holy, oh my god. A HUGE weight had lifted off Alec's shoulders as he released the biggest and longest internal sigh of relief. She didn't hate him! Aah man, he could cheer for joy just from that fact. The brunette hates letting others down, after all, so seeing Riley in still high spirits was fantastic. "Great! We sh-" Theeeeen... All that weight came tumbling down like a cartoon piano to the head. Maeve nooooo. No, no, nooooo. I swear, if Alec could have, he would have legged it away from that situation there and then. But if he did that... He'd look rather lame, wouldn't he... Poor guy... He's gonna be tortured once more... Luckily enough though, she was only speaking to Riley, so it made it easier on Alec; he was able to turn his head and just pretend that this wasn't happening-

"Oh, hi again, Alec!"

... Fuck. The weight of the world was upon his shoulders again... Trying not to appear awkward at all, he forced a lopsided smile on his lips and turned to face Maeve, offering a wave in return to her greeting. Then... Oh god... The pictures... The phone in her hands was practically shoved in his face as the short girl began flicking through pictures of her in various swimming suits and... HNNNNNG THIS WAS AWFUL! MAEVE, YOU'VE GOTTA BE DOING THIS ON PURPOSE. Alec really isn't the type to get all flustered over this kinda stuff, he really, really isn't. But having this situation shoved upon you and being forced to look at pictures of an incredibly good looking girl who you have been dying to be noticed by isn't something you can play offhandedly. Stomach doing flips, flops and heart hammering against his chest, it took all of his willpower not to grab the phone and chuck it away then and there. All he could do was just.. Stand there and stare with reddened ears...

After what felt like centuries, Maeve finally had enough of being a tease and went off to god knows where. Alec wasn't really zoned in at that point; he was pretty much dying and crying out for Toni on the inside. Riley's voice, however, did bring him back to reality, and when it did, the awkward atmosphere left by Maeve hit him full force on the face. I mean, what could you really say after that...? "Y-yeah... She's, uh, a real charmer..." Haaaah... Totally not what you're thinking there, bud... But we'll let you away with that this once. Gulping, the brunette slowly raised one of his hands to the top of his head, running his fingers through the locks. "We should.. Uh.. Meet back at the pool? It seems everyone is heading there, after all..." He suggested. Honestly, the only reason he brought up the offer was for himself to go into his room, text his homie about what happened and get over Maeve again than anything else. Hopefully that wasn't too noticeable, but hey, Alec needed his time out after the bikini torture. Nodding to himself, he picked up his things and took a few steps towards the hallway before pausing. "I bet you'll look nicer in a bikini, by the way." There. That should make his departure less mean. Sending a quick and playful wink back at the girl, he then continued into the hallway with his usual confidence and past the group currently hugging it out. It was only when he stepped inside his room and closed the door that he lost that composer; the bags in his hands were flung and his phone was whipped out at a speed Sonic would be proud of. Toni's name was quickly brought up and a single message was sent to the number;


Oh Alec.


Skyler Washington

With: Evan somewhere deep in the hallways.

Skyler nodded in agreement with Evan, her arm sliding down to his waist. "The roof, huh? I'm sure that's where we could find a good room. Besides, no one would look up there, so we can do whatever the hell we want." She said softly, hinting to Evan about what she wanted to do with him. She wasn't normally this rowdy around Evan, but this was just the perfect timing for it. Plus she was nearly 100 percent sure that he wouldn't mind smashing her. If it came down to it, and he didn't want to do it, she'd probably just go back down to the pool. "If you catch my drift. If not, I'll just have to show you. And if you still don't, you're hopeless."

Michael Keys

With: Ursula, Stepahnie, Antonio, Alissa.

Location: Hallway

Michael smiled a bit as Ursula's green hair and soothing voice.bHe wrapped his free arm around Ursula and helped form the three man hug. He was about to respond to her comment when Stephanie did it for him. "Yeah, nachos sounds really good." He said with a laugh, placing his chin gently on the top of her head. "I'm not so sure about the weed part though..." He knew that the two were super into smoking some "dope-ass joints", but that wasn't really his thing. Sure, he'd have a drink every now and then but he never was a smoker. However, before they could go and grab some nachos, Stephanie suddenly changed their objective. They were now going to see if Lars had boughten everyone drinks. "Yeah, let's go do that. I can go for a little drink." He said innocently, smiling at Stephanie. He wasn't planning on getting drunk today, but a drink after such a long ride did sound good. "I think he's at the pool."

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @SpookySableye @Zero Gravity @theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @Lotusy

Location: Dining Hall -> Pool -> Living Room

Kickin' It With: Dave, Ogami, Dahlia, Ray, Ellen, Alissa, and Zoe

Lars patiently waited in between the dining hall and the pool, simply staring at Ray as he began to huff and puff about his insult. Showing out for Dahlia, no doubt. When the cocktails were ready, Lars said nothing at all and dragged them out, and successfully appeased the jock with cherry kamikazes. "You're welcome, genius." As people began to gather around the drinks, Lars explained to Dave, "I just got whatever looked good. Hopefully it'll keep these idiots out of my hair. I'm betting Ray already soiled the hot tub, so I think I'll pass on getting in." Lars went over and took a seat next to a sleeping Ellen and shoved on a pair of sunglasses, and earbuds. He laid down and stared at the sky and started listening to a new audio book. Lars truly hoped they'd all get vapidly drunk pass out early. As he listened to his book, he wondered how effective this plan of his would actually be.

But as people started to pile outside it became increasingly apparent that there would be no peace out here in a moment. Lars glanced over at Ellen and groaned softly, wondering how she was able to sleep with so many loud people around. He sat up and swung his legs over the seat and decided to go chill in the living room instead. Lars was feeling quite finicky, thinking perhaps he should just go and change back into his regular clothes now that he decided against chilling in the jacuzzi. When he got to the living room, there was perhaps one person who could change his mind. A lost looking and lone Zoe. Lars took out his ear buds and approached her carefully. "Not into the pool, either?" he asked, wondering why she hadn't changed yet and went outside.

@Kayzo @Kayzo
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With: Skyler, Lars, Ogami, Ray, Dahlia, Ellen, Alissa

Location: Hallways --> Pool

Evan smirked lightly at the thought. "Of course I catch your drift, babe. I mean, I'm not completely du--" The black-haired male stopped in his tracks once he heard the word "alcohol" float through the hallways. "Oh my god, Lars bought everybody drinks," he dead panned. His brown eyes were wide, and excitement started to bubble up inside of him. Alcohol! They had alcohol! "Babe, I would love to do this right here and right now, but I kind of want to get completely smashed. I hope we can just," he made a pushing movement with his hands, "push this activity farther back into the night. No harm, y'know?" He laughed, hoping the girl wouldn't punch him in the face for basically rejecting him. Before she had the chance, he grabbed her by the wrist and began to drag the taller female back towards the direction they came. They sped past everyone until they had reached the pool, and Evan practically squealed at the sight of drinks. But, he didn't because Ray was standing right there. His toes curled in his shoes in excitement and he had no clue what he wanted to grab first because he was so stunned at the amount of drinks he had in front of him. He wanted to cry, this was so amazing. He didn't even have to pay for it or anything.


With: Ray, Skyler, Lars, Ogami, Ellen, Evan, Alissa

Location: Pool

Dahlia watched the muscular male square up to Lars, which made her widen her eyes in susprise. He wasn't going to fight him...was he? The girl was almost glad she didn't have to talk to anyone she didn't like yet, because she was in too good of a mood to snap on someone. She stood up when Ray called her over, padding over with wet feet to look at all the selections. "Why don't you grab me something?" The girl asked, tilting her head up at Ray. "I don't really care what you get me, as long as it's sweet," she smiled, almost like she was trying to be an example of the type of drink she wanted. The girl then watched as Evan and Skyler walked in, which kind of made her a tad bit curious. She knew Ray and Evan didn't get along well, almost like they were constantly trying to "out-man" each other. It was kind of funny whenever you watched it go down, but she instead went to creep back down into the hot tub. She let out another soft sigh before watching the interactions curiously, wondering what was about to happen.

@Bedbae @Suzumaki Arakai


Location: Pool

Hangin' with: Lars, Dahlia, Ellen, Evan, Skyler, Alissa, Ogami

"Hey! I heard that, smartass!" Ray rolled his eyes at Lars as the man sat down. "Just be glad I'm in a good mood, or we'd have gone to the ol' one-two!" He huffed and crossed his arms, doing his best to put a tough-guy look on his face when Dahlia approached him. Her smile was sugar-sweet, and Ray didn't really want to get his ass whooped verbally in front of her. "Sure, Dee." He watched as she walked away to the hot tub, scooping up a drink that looked quite colorful. Lars had him up in a twist, but Ray was beyond the point of fighting. Besides, the smartass did buy us all these awesome drinks, and it would be a shame to waste them all... Though he was sure Lars wasn't looking at him anymore, Ray made squinty eyes at him. "Next time, bookhead!" He strolled over to the hot tub with a smug, self-assured look on his face, placing the other drink next to Dahlia. "Here you go, Dee-" His voice suddenly cut off, and the muscular jock's eyes narrowed as he saw Evan stroll in. "Er, I mean, enjoy!" He let out a hearty laugh before immersing himself in the hot tub.

@Zero Gravity


Location: Pool

Hangin' with: Ursula, Steph, & bros mentioned above.

Ellen tossed and turned in her sleep. A nightmare was taking place in the girl's brain, and though she seemed peaceful enough, the dream sure was frightening her. In the dream, weed became a huge, king-kong-like monster who kidnapped JFK and began terrorizing a miniature city. To make matters worse, Igami was apparently after her to, trying to crush her, and people like Ursula and Steph kept showing up around corners, scaring her and offering her weed. As she turned over for the third time, the smell of the smoked joint from Ursula wafted past her nose. With a shudder, her eyes opened, and she screamed, "GET DOWN, MR. PRESIDENT!" while shooting up like a cartoon roadrunner. "What... was it a dream?" She blushed a bit as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, realizing she was back at the pool. "Bleh. Five more minutes wouldn't hurt..." She curled back up into a ball, resting her head on the side of the chair...

... Only to not fall asleep at all. At that point, Ellen would have slept, if it wasn't for the huge ruckus and the smell of a burned joint. The poolside had become to crowded for name now, and it was really irking Ellen. Her eyes shot open again, and one of them started twitching in an annoyed manner. "Could you not!- Oh hey, Ursula." She scratched the back of her head awkwardly. Should have expected her, with the weed and all. Deciding that sleep obviously wasn't coming soon, she stayed on the chair, but looked up at Ursula. "Did you get your nachos yet?"


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