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Realistic or Modern Hell Motel


Location: Living Room

Kickin' It With: Aaron, David, Michael, Stephanie, Karen, Maeve and Alec

Not long after he arrived, Aaron showed up and, as always, set himself down to get in another hardcore session of gaming. Lars pursed his lips and imagined himself taking the gaming apparatus from Aaron and throwing it at the wall and commanding Aaron to go do something with his life. And then twenty years later Aaron would be the CEO of Apple and Lars would be sitting in the audience with a small manly tear rolling down his cheek. Instead he just shook his head on the adjacent couch and continued to stare off into space. He answered Michael's question dryly as the boy took a seat next to Aaron, "It feels like I'm not on the bus, Michael." It was a lame and asshole-ish answer, but it was an honest one.

When David stepped in the room, Lars sat up. He'd been suspecting that he'd end up rooming with David, but it's not like they're living in a college dorm. If David had his eyes set on a lady he'd rather be rooming with, Lars didn't want to be a cockblock. But it was just now occurring to him that he wasn't sure who David was interested in, or if he was interested in anyone at all. How long has it been since we hung out? He could have a girlfriend by now, shit...As the time finally caught up with Lars, he opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Stephanie's obnoxious entrance. He could hear her over in the lobby, so naturally it was only a matter of time before she appeared in the living room. It was fun to watch her harass David, but his stomach dropped as soon as she made eye contact with him. Shit shit shit shit!

Before Lars could escape, Stephanie was on top of him. Lars had learned to stop struggling against Stephanie when she had him pinned like this, because that only made her try harder, and they were already unevenly matched. Lars might jog three or four times a week, maybe go to the gym once to blow off some steam, but Stephanie was a fully blown athlete, and had an uncanny understanding of wrestling moves. She could probably find a way to put John Cena in a headlock. So Lars had learned that having his cheeks squished together was getting off easy.

"Shtf, puech" he said incomprehensibly through his teeth. Lars's face flushed the color of Zoe's hair at mention of his weaker arm. His head became overwhelmed with fear, embarrassment, and an inexplicable sense of arousal. Rooming with Stephanie sounded like a mistake in the long run, despite her exciting pitch. But she was going to have to room with someone. Hell, maybe he could spare David or Michael the trauma. Surely he'd be able to keep Stephanie in line better than they could. But then there were other options. "Why me? Why not Ray...or Evan?" he asked, rubbing his cheeks and fixing his glasses and his hood. "I'm sure their weaker arms could use the exercise. Hell, maybe you guys can get a group thing going," Lars offered, hoping this would distract the girl and lead her away toward the other dudes. When Alec and Maeve came in, he overheard Alec's offer to Maeve about sharing a room with Antonio. "Or maybe you can get in on that?"

@Kayzo @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel


Location: Hallways

Kickin': Antonio, Ellen, Ogami

Ursula had lost herself in one of the paintings before Ellen called her. She looked down the hall with spacey eyes and waved a small wave. She was hoping Ellen was having second thoughts about that weed brownie. "Oh, heyyy..." she said with a sleepy voice. "Did you wa--" but before she could finish, Ogami arrived. She gave him a tiny wave and spaced out into the painting as he and Ellen began to converse. She didn't want to be rude and interrupt, and she'd also totally forgotten why she'd come up here. Oh yeah roommate.

Ursula tried to awkwardly enter Ogami and Ellen's conversation by merely bringing herself closer to them, but offering nothing to the chat. Upon wondering whether she actually wanted Ellen for a roommate, her thoughts somehow drifted into the realm of food. Nachos were sounding great. Maybe it's cause Antonio soon joined them! That's racist and inaccurate~! Nyaaa *cute pose*

Before Ellen really had time to protest, Antonio whisked her off into one of his little dances. Ursula had a few reservations about Antonio as a person, but she always found it hilariously random and almost offensively stereotypical whenever he pulled some shit like this. She began to mimic the dramatic Opera piece

from Carmen in a silly, characterized opera voice, because people can't dance without music! That's just weird. And again, she'd forgotten why she was up here. Midway through high ass giggles and her bullshitting the melody of Habanera, she stopped and leaned over to ask Ogami, "Duuuude....are you hungry?"
@theglassangel @Lotusy @Suzumaki Arakai

//if I missed anyone in their respective areas let me know plox.

Aaron Hayes:

Location: Living Room

Aaron chuckled slightly from her comment about the game. "No, it's not the same one. It's actually another game I bought to pass time during the trip." Ah yes, he could easily remember that one game she was referring to. Karen was probably one of the few people that came close to beating him in Super Smash Bros. When he actually did beat her with one life left, she was pretty pissed, or at least looked like it. Even so, she was someone that Aaron liked playing video games with. Karen's second question made Aaron feel odd, or at least the way she worded it. "Um, no, I haven't thought of anyone in particular yet." He admitted, "Actually, I don't even have a room key right now, so that may be a problem too. If I did, I'd probably ask you right now maybe." well, that might've sounded weird. Hopefully, she doesn't take it that way.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Lobby --> Living Room

After Riley and Liam continued on, Zoe went near the front desk to look for a room key. Strangely, there were none to be seen on the front desk. Hm... Now, where could they be... After looking for a couple seconds, she noticed a few of them on the floor. Oh, that's why they weren't on the desk... Well, might as well take them all so the others can have them. Zoe quickly bent down and gathered the rest of the room keys from off of the floor and headed toward the living room. After all, she was sure that some people wanted them that didn't get one. "Hey everyone!" Zoe said somewhat cheerfully, "To anyone looking for a room key, I found a bunch of them on the floor near the front desk." She was thinking about taking a room key around this time as well, but figured that she'd room with someone else who had a key later on. After all, she didn't really have a preference on who to room with. Well, maybe Alissa, but Zoe had no idea where she was.

@everyone in the living room
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Location: Living Room

Just as David had finished asking his question, someone entered the room with a loud boom. Just as David was about to turn around to see who it was, he felt a pair of arms wrapping around his wrist. "Whuh, huh who is it?" was all he could say, after all he was flustered and surprised. Under his armpit, a grey-haired head popped in with a welcome. Oh my God it's Steph, help was all that popped in David's perplexed head. The fact that she pulled out a surprising comment like that easily in that position also didn't help. "Oh h-hi," he said back with a reddened face, but she had already taken her eyes off her and her next target was Lars. Good luck to you bro were the words Dave tried telling Lars telepathically. He then saw the bags on the floor next to his feet. "Hey, come on I'm not trying to do you a favor at this time. YOOOOOO! Fuck this man." He just stayed there, staring while still seeing who he could room with.


Location: Room/Hallway/Living Room

Still sleeping in her room, Alissa got up quickly. She checked her phone that was charging on the side of her bed. It had only been 10 minutes since she fell asleep. Alissa noticed no one had entered her room as she assumed someone might room with her. "I guess I should tell them I have a room," she told herself. As she exited her room, she noticed down the hall were Ellen, Tatsuri, Ursula and Antonio. "Ayyyyyyy, what's up," she yelled out. As she got closer, Alissa noticed Ellen and Antonio were shaking it down, dancing to Ursula's humming. "Wow you guys did not just...nice moves Ellen," was all she could say trying to hold her laughter in. Ursula's humming didn't help. She waved at them instead knowing she would laugh too loud if she opened up her mouth. A few steps later, she entered the living room. She saw Steph playing around with Lars. "Steph baby! How could you?" said Alissa jokingly. She ran towards her and jumped up on her. "Sooooo, do you have anyone to room with?" She stared at the other girls. "I have a room so if any of you girls want to join me and have some fun," she said giggling.

@every girl in the living room
(Sorry for the short post. Just want to interact with someone. @Bedbae @Zero Gravity )

Skyler gave Alissa a playful wink and nodded. "You know it baby. Unless Evan wants me instead." She said glancing down at Evan and placing a hand on his head and ruffling his hair playfully. "What do you say Evan? Tell me soon."


Location: Lobby

During the time Ray was lying on the couch, he got a visit from Stephanie, totally scaring him. She got all up in his face, in a freaky way. Pleasedon'thurtme, pleasedon'thurtme, pleasedon'thurtme, he thought to himself, as she flashed him a devilish smile. The closer she got, the more he trembled. Please, no! I'm just a boy! I have so much in life ahead of me! By the time she had proceeded to the living room, he was left visibly shaken, though he shook it off and pretended to act casually again as soon as he saw Dahlia walk in. The pink-haired girl had already spotted him, and he quickly ran his hand through his hair. He assumed his manly air when Dahlia plopped down next to him on the couch, starting to flex low-key. Ray probably should have thought about this situation more, but hey, he's Ray, and he couldn't really see much past her looks. By the time she started flirting with him, he'd already fallen into her trap, nodding every once in a while and flexing even more. "Hell yes! Of course I'd want to room with you!" he shouted, his face plastered with a helpless, idiotic grin.

(@Zero Gravity Sorry for the wait, I was just stumped for a bit. I'm starting to feel sorry for Ray though, xD ).


Location: Hallways

Ellen quickly opened her eyes as her dance with Antonio was broken. Quickly following was a whirlwind of emotions that came flooding back, like the river to a dam had broken. On one hand, she'd felt relieved, as that dance had flustered her beyond belief, but deep, down inside, she also felt a tad bit unsatisfied. In a way, the dance was enjoyable. She shook her head, and looked back up, only to see an extremely disgruntled Ogami with his arm around Antonio. As she looked at Ogami's forced smile, an unknown pang of guilt shot through her. Did I do something wrong? What did I do? It was only a dance, he shouldn't have- oh. Ellen was pretty sure she had guessed it. It basically explained the past few months, the new looks she was getting. And of course, it explained why she felt so guilty for dancing with Antonio - because she sort-of felt the same way. Ah, geez! This is so confusing! Her hands curled up into fists. I just wanted to sleep this trip away! Where did it go wrong? She tried to back away from the two men. This situation was just too tense.

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel
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Location: Living Room, Hallway

Got him. Stephanie giggled- it sounded like one of those giggles that possessed chicks in movies would do before beheading someone- and shook her head in amusement. Aah man... Lars? You're too fuckin' cute right now. And screwed. Very, very screwed. The suggestions given to her only egged the female on, so this is technically all your fault, my friend. "Awww, 'cause I love ya, Larsy-warsy!" She cooed affectionately before turning to the others in the room with a look that said 'Can you really believe this guy? What an idiot!'. So sweet, she is. If it helps, she found the nickname that just kinda fell from her lips absolutely disgusting and felt like she needed to down some soap. No offence to Lars, of course, his name is awesome! Steph just had a girly blonde moment and those kinds of people are the worst. I mean, Lavender Brown? UGH. Talk about a disgusting girl. Anywho, the Oscar performance put on by the girl dropped for a moment as she visibly gagged. 'Never. Again.' As quick as the flash of disgust came though, it vanished as she smirked once more. "'Sides, we-" Unfortunately, what the two of them were was never revealed as a bubbly red head had just entered the room with three keys in hand, flaunting her discovery. It took a sec for her to realise what this meant. "... AWWWW MAN!" Stephanie groaned, but her grief was short lived. Her name was called out by a familiar voice, causing her to pause and then get tackled into a hug. Her first instant was to scream 'WHAT THE FUCK' and elbow the person in the face, but the voice from before continued to speak, so it was easy to know who it was. "Alissa! Baby! You missed all the action!" The girl laughed. Poor Lars... He was getting crushed... Steph realised this and... Didn't move. Not an inch. I mean, this was probably the most action he's ever got, so let's have him enjoy the moment, yeah? "Oh. WAIT A SECOND! Hold that thought, Ali. Gonna see if Ursula has anyone on her list." Somehow, Steph managed to shift both herself and Alissa off of Lars- I apologise if Lars got some boob to the face or somethin' there 'cause, let's face it, the grey haired girl would shove those two bad boys in his face if it would get a reaction- and set the other girl on solid ground before inhaling deeply. "Cover your ears, babe," she turned to her friend for but a second before facing away, "UR-SU-LAAAAAAA! WHERE YOU AT, GIRL?!" Pushing from her diaphragm to make sure she was definitely heard throughout the entire place, the girl didn't hesitate to start her search after the words left her lips. "Oh." ... Okay, maybe the search didn't start right away... Turning to David, she pointed at him as if he had just been chosen for an epic prize. "Look after my bags! I shall be right back!" ... Sorry, David.

And now began the search! Steph darted out of the room past Alec and Maeve- ugh, those two dweebs... She made extra effort not to crash into them in case they smashed into smithereens- and into the hallway where... A group was hanging out? Oh! Ursula was there too! An excited squeal escaped the girl as she opened her arms. "Ursula, babe! I've been looking for you!" Completely ignoring the confrontation happening right there, she charged straight through the thick of it to her green haired friend, immediately throwing her arms around her waist. Now content, she finally glanced at the other three and noted who there were. "Oogie-boogie, dude. You look pissed." She pointed out to Ogami in an offended tone- yes, she was offended that he dared be upset in her presence-, resting her cheek against Ursula's shoulder. "I'd, like, make you smile and shit, but... You're kinda like a fuckin' giant, y'know? I can't reach that high." She snickered playfully. "C'mere man, join in the loooooove.~ Let auntie Steph hug all them woes away."

@SirBlazeALot @SpookySableye (briefly) @Bedbae @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @Lotusy (you're kinda... There.... So tagging you two for that.)

Location: Living Room

Kickin' It With: Aaron, David, Michael, Alissa, Karen, Maeve, Alec, Zoe, and Steph (but only for a bit)

warsy??" Lars's eyebrow shot up at the pet name. It was unlike her to use such saccharine baby talk, but she was also quite unpredictable. One minute she's chillin' and talkin' and the next minute she's punching Skyler in the face. Steph's brief look of disgust gave away that she was self aware of the nickname being totally and completely gross, causing Lars to scoff condescendingly.

"Steph get the f-MPH!" Before he could shoo away Steph, the voice of Alissa grew ever nearer until eventually the weight of another person pressed him deeper into the couch, making him the bottom bun in a Stephanie sandwich. "Just fucking great..." said the muffled and sarcastic voice trapped under the girls.

Finally, Lars got his wish and the girls began to shift above him. "Thank fuc--MMPH!?" Lars got a little parting gift in the form of a face full of tits, which was cool, but his now reddened face was not. When the girls were finally off of him, Lars sat up and lowered his hood to hide his face. His glasses glinted as he took out his phone and pretended to do something.

When Steph left, Lars looked over at David and her bags and snickered. He stood up and folded his arms and went to stand by his bud. "You got anyone in mind for a roomie yet, man?" he asked in as casual a tone he could muster.

@Kayzo @Bedbae @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @SpookySableye


Location: Hallway

Kickin' It With: Ellen, Antonio, Ogami, Alissa (briefly), and Stephanie

Ursula bullshitted the forgeign lyrics to Habanera but she began to replace them with English as Alissa appeared. "Hello Alissa~ How are you~?? I see you've already found a room~!" in dramatic opera lady voice before she eventually devolved back into singing Frenchy-Spanishy-Italiany-sounding nonsense as the girl left.

She stopped abruptly when she thought she heard her name being called. "SHH SHH! Guys!" she hissed, holding a finger to her lips. She closed her eyes and murmured, "The house...is speaking to me..." But then she heard Steph coming and realized it was just her voice all along. "False alARM STEPH MY LOOOVE!!" Ursula squealed and lost herself in Steph's hug as if she hadn't seen her for twenty years. She nodded as Steph tried to make Ogami laugh.

"Yeeeesss Origami, let the love flow through yoooou!" She clung to Steph with one arm and opened the other for Ogami. But immediately retracted it when she got an idea. "You might not be able to reeeach that high but I..." Ursula released Steph momentarily and reach in her little traveling bag and revealed a big ol' ziplock bag of those lovely green trees. "I can get him that hiiiiigh uh-heh heh heh..." Ursula concealed the weed slyly and then returned her arms around Stephanie's waist. "How about it guyyys? And then we can go eeeat. I'm starving. Actually no, I'm not, that's inconsiderate to say when there are malnourished children all over the world, forgive me. I am simply very hungry...and I want nachos."

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @Lotusy
Karen Matherly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.75010b87d037c153cb5f800a8b555ba9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.75010b87d037c153cb5f800a8b555ba9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Living Room - Aaron, Lars, Stephanie, and Zoe

Karen had heard what Aaron had to say about the video game, but never said anything back. I guess this goes to show her easily-distracted side; that shows every day, though. Aaron is probably Karen's favorite person to talk to. Yeah, she talks to pretty much everyone, that being because she's way too out-going and sticks her nose into everything, but there's something about Aaron that makes life better. Karen's usually zoning out every five seconds whenever there's a pause between conversation, or when the subject of a conversation is changed. At the moment, she was trying to remember what the name of the game she almost beat Aaron in was called. The girl's hand lifted towards her face, and she began chewing her thumb nail with a furrowed brow. When Aaron stated he had no one to share a room with yet, she turned to look at him with a big smile, "I don't either! I don't have a key either!" The other part of his sentence hadn't struck her in any strange way, she just took it casually, "I was going to ask you, too! Of course, I wouldn't share one with Stephanie because I don't like her, and Lars is too boring, Ogami is stupid, and everyone else isn't Aaron! You know!?" Her voice was loud and caused few strangers to turn their heads, looking for the source of the obnoxious speaker. She hadn't even taken notice of Lars and Micheal sitting across from them on another couch until Stephanie showed up and began causing a scene. Karen doesn't really mind Stephanie, but because of their competitive nature, she can't help but frown at the sight of the girl. They're a lot alike, but have their differences, of course. Seeing Lars pinned down with red cheeks is always nice, so Karen let out a little laugh, cupping her hands over her stomach, and threw her head back. It was the whole guffaw; feet kicking, little body shivers, etc., she was really into it. In fact, she even began to cheer Stephanie on for a split second, "Put'im in a Half Nelson!" The sudden "Hey everyone" caught her attention, and she turned her head as fast as possible; her hair may have even greeted Aaron's poor face with a stinging smack. Karen's eyes were wide open, catching Zoe in her sights, in which another wide smile grew on her expression. Thinking Stephanie was about to run towards the little red-head, Karen jumped up and did the same, trying to turn it into a race. No warning was given to Aaron or anyone else around, she just jumped, and...before she knew it, she found herself toppling over onto the floor. Why did this happen, exactly? Because of a certain someone running to tackle Stephanie, who was already atop of poor ol' Lars. "OMPH!" Karen landed face first after tripping over Alissa's foot, their timing having been the worst. She was going to get up and start rambling on at the two, but by the time she got back to her feet, Stephanie was gone within the blink of an eye. Karen's poor forehead began to throb, and her lips pursed as she glanced at Aaron, I don't like... then at Alissa, ...her either. That's what her expression stated. Alissa and Karen actually go way back, and they've had some weird and intimate moments, but she never really paid attention to it. Karen doesn't try to hide her irritation when it comes along, and instead prefers to let the world know when she's mad. Karen leaned forward with her torso and back on her heels, jutting a finger towards Alissa with a furrowed brow, "Why can't you watch what you're doing! You tripped me! Alissa you idiot! I don't like you! Idiot, idiot, idiot!" Of course...most people don't take her seriously because she sounds like a five year-old, but..whatever makes her happy, right?

Karen Matherly

@SpookySableye @SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @Bedbae @Please let me know if I got anything wrong.



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Maeve McMahon

Location: Living Room

Maeve blushed at Alec at the statement of sharing a room with two very attractive guys. Of course, Antonio was present too, and he looked pissed as fuck at the topic of sharing a room with the blonde. The Spaniard practically shot him down. Well, maybe not. Psh, what a meanie. But at least Antonio had distracted himself with Ellen. She lightly giggled. "Awww~ Don't worry about it! It's nothing, really! I'd take up too much room anyways~" She stuck out her tongue playfully. Her blue eyes widened at the sight of room keys. Finally. Maeve had ignored Alec. Once again. Seriously, poor guy. "Zoeeeeee~~" Maeve called out to her, giving the crimson-haired girl a hug. "I haven't talked to you in foreverrrr!" She cutely pouted. Obviously, the cheerleader was over-exaggerating. But still? Zoe was a cute girl, and pretty easy to talk to, so why not? Maeve considered the two girls to be friends, she had nothing against her. The short girl took a key. "Hey, wanna be roomies? It'll be fun, I promise~"


Antonio Allamilla

Location: Hallway

Antonio beamed in delight as Ellen quickly began to move her feet to the rhythm. She got used to his habits a lot more quickly than most girls had, which the dancer could appreciate. Antonio guided her throughout the hallways with sensual movements and light feet. Contrary to what Ogami thought, Antonio wasn't in love with Ellen the way he was. It was more like "awww I wanna dance with everyone" sort of fondness. In fact, he was so caught up with his dancing that he didn't seem to register Ursula's attempt of music and... Ogami's anger. "Theeere we go! Don't be embarrassed! Dancing is supposed to be fu--"

Ogami stepped forward and began clapping somewhat sarcastically, his voice nonchalant; an off-putting smile could also be seen across his face, obviously forced. It didn't bother Antonio all that much, it seemed obvious to him that Ogami was just being salty that he was getting all the girls and not him. "Yay... Good show. Encore." He placed his arm around Antonio's shoulder, the two of them facing Ellen. "What's up? Aren't you usually hanging out with that brown-haired guy? What's his name? Alex?" Gently punching his shoulder, Antonio laughed. "Nah, dude. I have other friends, you know. But Alec is my homeboy. Besides, everyone deserves a little dance to loosen themselves up." He smirked, winking at Ellen and Ursula. "You seem like you need one, Ogami~" Antonio blew the stiff man a little kiss. "

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @Lotusy
Tatsuri Ogami

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b23889_1(14).png.0776b781d2349ec37e9f3c8448967d34.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b23889_1(14).png.0776b781d2349ec37e9f3c8448967d34.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Hallway - Ellen, Ursula, Antonio, Stephanie

Before Antonio showed up, Ogami and Ellen had been talking and carrying on as usual; though they had literally just started. He didn't pay Ursula any mind when she awkwardly approached them and just stood there, listening. Though, he did look at her with a raised brow. He thought that maybe she was waiting to say something, despite no one talking at the moment, but just kept it to himself. Ursula is an okay person. Yeah, she's a little weird at times, but Ogami talks to her every now and then, ignoring the strange rumors that go around. What's with rumors anyways? Why make them if you know it's going to bother someone? Which...the rumors about Ogami aren't necessarily lies; they'd fit him perfectly if it was middle school and high school. When Antonio showed up, Ogami's good mood took a dive for the worst, and his facial muscle tensed; brow furrowed, teeth clenched, etc. He doesn't like the guy at all, but tries to because Ellen likes him. Ursula's Habanera mimic didn't make things any better, and instead probably encouraged Antonio to further the little charade. He furrowed his brow at the green-haired girl when she asked if he was hungry. Then that random girl that everyone,
but Ogami, seems to know suddenly walked by and cheered Ellen on. Without answering Ursula's question, he stepped forward and placed his arm around the guy after giving a "generous" applause, his voice nonchalant and a forced smile playing on his face. "What's up? Aren't you usually hanging out with that brown-haired guy? What's his name? Alex?" He waited for an answer from the guy, and wasn't too pleased with what he got. He looked a little confused to hear the correction of Antonio's friend's name, and stared off into space for a second, "Oh...oops." The little kiss that was blown made Ogami's nose crinkle a bit...but he caught it. Ogami caught the kiss. "Dude, no." He was actually amused by the guy, but didn't really know how to show it without looking like something that just crawled from the darkest depths of hell. Hand still clutched around the kiss - he forgot about it - Ogami's eyes suddenly widen when someone's voice rang throughout the entire building, almost causing the walls to shake. He looked over at Ellen with a disgruntled expression that said: "What the hell?" Then looked towards the source, only to find Stephanie coming their way. A sense of: "Oh okay, I get it now." came over him after seeing who it was. If it had been someone else, he would probably wonder why the hell they're yelling so damn loud, but when it comes to Stephanie and Karen, it's pretty normal. Ogami stepped out of the girl's way, knowing if he didn't she'd probably tackle him. Now standing beside Ellen again, he watched Stephanie rub all up on Ursula who he had just given a dirty look without really meaning to, and began to grow confused as to whether or not he was Oogie-boogie. He turned his head towards Ellen and pointed towards himself, "Am I Oogie-Boogie?" Seeing someong say such a thing with a face like Ogami's is a bit entertaining; brow furrowed and a large, natural frown. By the way...he's still holding the kiss.

Tatsuri Ogami

@Leaf Fi @Lotusy @theglassangel @SirBlazeALot



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Location: Hallways

Ellen was still reeling from her dance with Antonio and the interruption from Ogami, but thankfully, the tension in the situation had been defused. Previously, it had gotten a bit hairy, especially when Ogami broke in. She had stood back during the small exchange, looking away in an embarrassed fashion when Antonio winked at her. The blue-eyed girl let out a nervous laugh when Antonio blew a kiss at Ogami, then a real one when she saw Ogami's reaction, crinkled nose and all. Back in the present, though, Ellen was startled by a shout running down the hall. She exchanged a glance with Ogami, only raising an eyebrow to indicate her equal confusion. A quick look towards the side of the hallway, and she realized it was Stephanie. She stepped out of the way, closer to Ogami as the girl barreled past her a Usain Bolt-like speeds. Stephanie and Ursula's following antics and weed jokes were amusing to Ellen, making her totally forget the previous situation. When Ogami asked if he was "Oogie-boogie", she only shrugged, the corner of her mouth curled in a smile. "I guess so. I mean, you certainly look like you'd be an, 'Oogie-boogie'," she said, making air quotes around the word. That nickname... it's gold in the mines, right there. Oogie-boogie... pffft. She giggled a bit to herself.

@Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot

Aaron Hayes

Location: Living Room

Aaron sighed in relief knowing that Karen most likely didn't take his offer the wrong way. Not that he didn't like her a little bit, but he was more or less just happy that she didn't assume him to be that type of person, if you catch my drift. After that, Karen confirmed that she didn't have a key either. "Oh, that kinda sucks." Aaron replied, although he was a bit happy to hear Karen wanted him as her roommate. He was slightly confused about what 'Everyone else isn't Aaron', but ended up just shrugging it off as she turned over to see Stephanie and Lars's fun situation. While he did feel kind of bad for Lars, Aaron did find the scene to be pretty funny. She ended up leaving soon after though, which meant that Lars was at least freed from that situation briefly. However, that moment soon turned into Karen tripping over Alissa and yelling at here. Hm, I wonder if anyone else has a spare... At that moment, his eyes were greeted with Zoe holding three spare room keys. "Hey Zoe!" Aaron shouted, then walking up to her, "Mind if I take one of the room keys?" "No, not at all; that's why I brought them up, right?" "Thank you!" With that, Aaron swiped a room key from Zoe and headed over to Karen, who was still angry with Alissa. "Hey, um, Karen? I have a room key now if you're still interested."

@Suzumaki Arakai

Zoe Scarlet

Location: Living Room

As she entered the room, Zoe witnessed the middle of... something. Well, she couldn't exactly find the right word for Lars's situation at the moment, but did feel a little bad for him. After all, she highly doubted that Lars was someone to want that. Stephanie was gone rather quickly, and then another fun moment happened with Alissa and Karen, seeing as Karen was yelling at her like a five-year old would at there sibling who stole their toy. Zoe would probably take Alissa's side at the moment, seeing as she was one of her best friends. However, she really didn't want to get involved in the conflict, so she decided to turn her attention to Aaron, and gave him the key he asked for. He actually reminded her of something she should probably think on. Hm, I wonder who I should room with... Zoe's question was soon answered in the form of Maeve calling her over and asking the question. "Oh my god, Maeve! It's been so long since we last talked!" Zoe answered cheerfully, "and yes! I would love to be you're roommate."

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Tatsuri Ogami

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b6eb8b_1(14).png.fbcc35faf676a744e69251776f63a77d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b6eb8b_1(14).png.fbcc35faf676a744e69251776f63a77d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Hallway - Ellen, Ursula, Antonio, Stephanie

Ogami stared down at Ellen with an expression that would cause some to mistake him as angered. When her lips curled into a smile, he raised a brow and tilted his head, wondering why it was so funny, and how he looks like an Oogie-Boogie. What's an Oogie-Boogie? Seeing the girl smile always sends a fit of butterflies through his stomach, but he never thinks anything weird of it and expresses his thoughts openly with his actions. Ogami stepped closer to Ellen and pulled her to his side with one arm, wrapping the other one around her as well. He gently leaned his head down on the top of hers like a dotting elder brother would his little sister. He didn't say anything...just hugged her without moving. It's not like he's never done this to her before, and it always seems to be around a crowd when he does. This is the kind of thing that causes misunderstandings, in which people believe he likes her romantically when "he doesn't". Because of Ogami's pure affection towards kids and cute animals, he sometimes can't help himself. Despite his gentle actions, his face looked like it was ready to murder someone. His hand was no longer clutching the kiss blown to him by Antonio; in fact, it had probably been smeared on Ellen's arm when he reached over to pull her into the hug. Poor Ellen's arms were pinned down beneath Ogami's, making it difficult for her to move.

Tatsuri Ogami

@Leaf Fi @Lotusy @theglassangel @SirBlazeALot



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Location: Hallways

Ellen kept her smile on towards Ogami, but stared quizzically as he stepped a bit closer to her. She gasped as he pulled her to his side, and her mind was thrown into a state of confusion as Ogami put his head on hers and embraced her. W-wh-wh-what? She had just started calming down from her slightly embarrassing dance with Antonio, but this advance by Ogami startled her, slightly breaking her calmness yet again. It wasn't as if he hadn't hugged her before, but the proximity of the two events had thrown her off-balance. Well, this hug didn't have the same lasting effect as Antonio's dance. While she was startled at first, she found herself more used to this, anyways. While thinking, our favorite Ellen tried to move her arms in an attempt to better grasp the situation, only to find them wrapped up by Ogami as well. She looked upwards at Ogami. "Ogami? What's going on?" While Ellen waited for an answer, she just rested her head against his shoulder. His hug wasn't tough, in fact, it actually felt comfortable. Her eyes closed, and she yawned, back in her calm & comfortable attitude.

@Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot

Location: Living Room

Leaning on the wall, David laughed as he saw his friend Lars getting flattened from the two girls. The fact that Lars' face was blushed at the impact of a pair of boobs smacking him didn't help at all. "Hey Steph, where are you going? Come on, this is that bull bull. Don't leave me here with these bags." It was too late, she had left for who knows what, maybe to look for Ursula, after all she just yelled her name out loud. He was left posted up on a wall looking like he was ready to move with all these bags. He stared around to see who else was left to ask for a roommate. Lars came up to him and in a calm way asked him if he had someone to room with. He was relieved hearing that Lars had no one so he offered himself up. "Uh no, as of now I'm all alone. Looks like I might have to sleep in that sofa you just got a big load of boob on your face." It had been a while since they got to talk and David always felt comfortable with Lars. "So do you mind if we share a room?"


Location: Living Room

A sudden elbow to the face didn't seem to faze Alissa. I guess she was too excited to see Stephanie that she didn't feel it. A few seconds later, her ears were covered as Steph screamed out Ursula's name. No answer. As Steph left to look for her, Alissa took out her phone to see if she had any notifications. From the corner of her eye, she could see a girl walking towards her with a little oomf in her step. Then a sudden rant from the mouth of this little girl was astonishing. "Who would know such a cute little girl would say such mean things? Now I feel sad." I should look for Ursula too but that required too much work and Ali wasn't in the mood to get off the couch.

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai


Evan hummed in thought as Skyler suggested that he roomed with her. He wouldn't mind whatsoever really. I mean, it's not like he totally enjoyed having any of the guys around. I mean, Alec wasn't so bad, but he would much rather room with Skyler than him. In fact, anyone but Ursula would be pretty good. "Well, if you aren't rooming with Ellen, then sure. This isn't middle school, so us boys and girls don't have to be seperated," Evan laughed, running a hand through his hair once more as he adjusted his backpack to make it more comfortable on him. He heard a ton of noise coming from the hallways, so he figured a bunch of others were down that way chatting each other up. "But Ellen is probably going to room with Fuck-gami, so if you're willing, then I'd be fine." The male yawned, stretching once more. "I don't know how she can stand that guy. He's such a piece of shit," the black-haired male stated, shooting a look towards the hallway before getting over his flash of anger. "Whatever though." He huffed, shuffling a bit in his seat out of anxiety.



Dahlia was consistently kicking up her charm level, and by the look in Ray's eyes, she had done her work well. He was wrapped around her finger now, no way that he wasn't going to fall for her completely. She cheered inside, knowing that he saw completely past her mean ways because of how he acted towards her. That was probably the only thing bad about Antonio and Alec, except Alec was pretty fooled by her. Antonio, on the other hand, knew how rude she could be. That often prevented him from flirting with her, which kind of made her upset. "Sweet! Looking forward to it, babe," she used one finger to tap him under the chin before she abruptly stood up. "Where's the workers around here? Does no one else find it kind of weird that there aren't any?" She asked aloud, looking around. Wow, something observant coming out of this chick's mouth. That was awfully out of character for her. The pink-haired girl shrugged her shoulders and then sat back down. She was acting almost aloof with her ways, kind of like she was confused about something. She then shook it off, not wanting to completely disrupt the thing she had going with Ray.

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Karen Matherly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.4de90fd6b44fabe1c06522a31c9d3f59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.4de90fd6b44fabe1c06522a31c9d3f59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Living Room - Aaron and Alissa

Karen pursed her lips at Alissa and crossed her arms, raising her voice louder than it was before, "Shut up! I'm not a cute little girl; I'm not a little girl!" After she got that out of her system, Karen turned away from the other girl and stormed off towards Zoe, who she was originally racing towards, only to find Aaron approaching her with a room key. Her eyes focused on it for a second, then she looked back up with a large grin in retaliation to his offer in being her roommate and shook her head, "Absoluuutely! I am!" As she said this, her arms met the air and she jumped up, taking a step back at the same time. The girl spun around on her heel and took Aaron's hand in her own, spinning him around as well; only for a brief moment, of course. Because her brain can't necessarily keep up, Karen grew dizzy very quickly, in which she bent over for a second and held a finger up at Aaron, "...Ugh...gimme a second."

Karen Matherly

@SpookySableye @Bedbae



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Location: Hallway

Pausing for a moment or two, the blank expression that took over the girl's features as Ursula released her soon grew into a tiny smile. 'Please be a high joke please be a high joke please be a--- OH FUCK YEAH HIGH JOKE!' Aaaah, the grin on her lips truly conveyed how proud she was of her green haired friend. She never failed to disappoint. Snorting with quiet laughter, Stephanie returned her arms in their original places and squeezed the other. "Oh my god, I fucking love you for that, babe. I really do." She snickered once before releasing what seemed to be a relieved sigh. Why, I've no fuckin' clue, but imma just... Let Stephanie be. Withdrawing one of her arms to wipe imaginary tears, she nodded. "And I would love nothing more than to get nachos, Ursula. But first! Oogie-boogie! I want yo-..." As the grey haired female whirled around and used her now free hand to point a finger at Ogami in a Phoenix Wright style, the strength of the action kinda fell as she saw... Ogami trying to crush Ellen...? ... What the fuck? "... Uuuuuh..." Awkwardly shifting her gaze back to her friend, Steph leaned in towards her ear a little. "Was he a boa constrictor in another life or...?" Must have been... Pulling away, Steph angrily puffed out her cheeks before storming over to the two in... Whatever the fuck that was. "Oi!" She prodded at the tall male's arm with narrowed eyes. "I know you're hungry dude, but crushin' a human to death so you can eat them is not a good idea, bro. Sheesh..." Sighing once more, Steph crossed her arms under her chest and took a step around Ellen and Ogami before glancing over her shoulder to Ursula. "Typical boy." Groaning playfully, she then took two more steps forward and cupped her hands over her mouth. "DAVIIIIIIIIIIIID! STRING BEAN! YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO LOOK AFTER MY BAGS A LITTLE LONGER, BABE! THANKS! LOVE YAAAAAA!~" There. Another person pissed off. Giggling in satisfaction, Stephanie turned on her heels and raised both her arms in the air. "Now let's go get some fucking nachos!"

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @Lotusy @Bedbae (briefly)

Aaron Hayes

Location: Living Room

Well, it was crystal clear that Karen was pissed off with Alissa. Thankfully, that conflicted ended quickly when she saw Aaron with the room keys. He was pretty relieved to have ended it as well, seeing as he did NOT want to get directly involved by any means. Aaron was relieved to see how happy Karen acted to be his roommate. Granted, she normally had an energetic attitude, but that still didn't change how happy he was. In the brief moment Karen was spinning Aaron around, a large smile was plastered onto his face. Again, this moment was brief, and Karen looked pretty dizzy by the end. Admittedly, it was pretty amusing to see. "Well, I guess that settles things." Aaron stated cheerfully, regaining his balance from being spun.

@Suzumaki Arakai


Location: Living Room

By this point, Ray couldn't really think about much besides the girl in front of him. Though he was a tough, sweaty bastard, he was a naïve, tough, sweaty bastard. The guy could never really see through Dahlia as well as the other boys did. Though he was totally enthralled by Dahlia, he was roused from his stupor when the girl mentioned the missing staff. Ray grunted in agreement. "Yeah! Wher' are all the workers at? I swear, they haven't done sh-" His boorish voice was quieted down as soon as Dahlia returned to her old spot. He gave her a teeth-filled grin. "So, what do you say we... check around the hotel? I'm sure we could grab a decent room in advance! Nothing less going for you, of course!"

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Location: Living Room

Kickin' It With: David, Aaron, Michael, Alissa, Karen, Maeve, Alec, and Zoe

"Pfft," Lars scoffed and nudged David's remark about the boobs he took straight to the face on the couch. "Shut up dude," he brushed him off trying to forget about the interaction. If Steph had any talent at all beyond her athleticism it was her ability to embarrass people. She's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Lars watched the conflict between Alissa and Karen and furrowed his brow. Karen was okay if there was work to be done, but casually chilling around her could be grating. Alissa seemed unaffected by Karen's childish tantrum but that didn't stop Lars from trying to get Karen in check. "Shssst!" he made a hissing sound to get her attention and gave her a fatherly look that said, "quit bein' a bitch" but Aaron was more effective at getting her to calm down with a room key.

"Well would you look at that," Lars said quietly to David with genuine surprise. He nudged Dave and nodded toward Aaron and Karen. Hah. Their names rhyme. That's funny.

But still, it was shocking that Aaron would be willing to room with a girl, given his shyness around the opposite sex. Lars knew that he himself would have no problem with it. He wouldn't take it to a sexual place, he's just not that guy, and if the girl did, he'd reject her advances. Even if it was Zoe, who was the closest person to achieve what counted as a "Lars crush". Lars just isn't that dude who goes around dickin' just anyone down. But Aaron was just shy around girls in general. It'd be interesting to see how he'd react rooming with one. But it's none of my business.

Lars gave David a light tap on the shoulder with the back of his hand and gave him the key. "I'm in 201 brody," he notified him. He rolled his eyes as he heard Steph's voice from upstairs and shook his head. "Hey, fuck her shit dude. If she loses it, it's her loss. You don't owe her anything."

@Kayzo @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @Leaf Fi


Location: Hallways

Kickin' It With: Ellen, Antonio, Ogami, and Stephanie

After returning to Steph's arms, Ursula raised an eyebrow at Ogami. Not because he hugged Ellen or becuase he looked like was about to murder everyone in front of him, but because he didn't react at all to her proposition of marijuana. She pouted and thought to herself, The Japanese government must have brainwashed him into believing that marijuana would destroy his body. His poor soul has no idea that Mother Earth is calling out to him. Poor thing. I mean, why else would he hold on to Ellen, a girl who constantly rejected Ursula's invites to come and smoke. But Ellen was a different story, that was the work of the propaganda beast that was the United States. The beast that tells children to not use drugs yet prescribes their pills to kids with "ADD" and whatever other mental disease they're using to describe normal emotions that humans feel for their own profit. Ursula shook her head in pity as Steph leaned in to her to ask her about Ogami's past life.

Now knowing Ursula, answering this question would take hours. So she condensed her answer. "Perhaps his Chinese zodiac is a Snake... but I'd also need to know what his Venus sign is...seems likely he may have been some sort of uhhhh predator...maybe like a wolf or a spider," she speculated in a whisper that was more audible than she thought it was. When Steph separated from her, Ursula joined her in folding her arms. She nodded in agreement about boys and commented, "So physically compelled," which was code for "always thinking with their smaller head." As Steph mentioned nachos, Ursula began to chant. She inexplicably went to take Antonio's hand and made her free hand into a raised fist before chanting, "NACHOS! NACHOS! NACHOS! NACHOS!" and then she changed her chant to "THEN WEED! THEN WEED! THEN WEED!"

@Lotusy @theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi

Location: Living Room

Nudged by Lars, David looked over to where Aaron and Karen were standing. He stared at them for a moment and had a nice thought. "Hey, that could be you and Steph very soon," David told him in a sarcastic manner. He knew Lars hated being teased at but he couldn't help it. The face of displeasure on Lars face just brought joy to David, not that David was a sadist or anything like that. It just reminded him of the good old days when the whole gang of kids would hang around joking and having the time of their lives. Adult life kicked us hard in the ass but hey, we all have to grow up sooner or later. A few more seconds passed by as David was stuck in his daydream when he felt something in his hand. It was a key. "Oh! So this is the key to the room of amaze-balls. I'll treasure it with all my heart, or what little heart I have."

Shit not her again were mumbled as Stephanie shouted out to David. He pretended not to hear her clearly and even thought of not answer back. He did at the end but only after maybe a few seconds had passed "Huh, I can't hear you?" He could do as Lars recommended and just leave her bags there but David wasn't that mean as to leave someone's things unattended, but being the genius he had a better idea. Hmm...should he do it? Risk his life to prank one of the toughest girls in school? Shit, why not. He looked over at Lars. "Ay, instead of leaving it here, help me hide these, bro," he whispered to him not trying to let the rest of the group know. Oh boy, this trip is gonna be off the hook!

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi (Briefly)
Tatsuri Ogami

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c679f395c_1(14).png.3a87d71ddf1cd3a1940b420fb42373e1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c679f395c_1(14).png.3a87d71ddf1cd3a1940b420fb42373e1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Hallway - Ellen, Ursula, Antonio, Stephanie

Ogami continued to casually hug Ellen, his head still treating hers as a support pillow. His expression was mean and he looked somewhat irritated, eyes closed, jaw clenched, I'm sure you get the point. When Ellen looked up, Ogami lifted his head and stared down at her blankly, blinking awkwardly. He looked to the side a bit, not knowing what to say, then glanced back down at her after she rested her head on his shoulder. Before able to speak, Stephanie suddenly stepped forward with a piercing glare, in which Ogami furrowed his brow, slightly concerned.
"Hmm?" He may not look it, but Ogami is actually intimidated by Stephanie. Her crazy personality and appearance throw him off a bit, reminding him of how he was in middle school...though, the two are pretty much the same age. Stephanie's absurd assumptions caused the boy to glance around, looking for someone to share his confused glare with. Why does she think he's hungry? Also...why would he be trying to crush another human being? Why would he want to eat one!? Stephanie's really messed up... Ogami lightly let go of Ellen, having forgotten he was even hugging her in the first place, and placed his hands back in his pockets. He just stood there and watch Steph do her thing without a care in the world, not worrying about what she had just said; he was still a bit confused, however. Though...his demeanor changed a bit after Ursula's attempted whisper reached his ears in failure, in which an irritated grin snapped across his face, and a vein or two danced around on his forehead. Without making an aim to strike up a fight/argument with the two girls, he sighed at the ground. His thin eyes narrowed at Antonio for a second, then he looked back over at Ellen, his expression softening the best it could, "Are you hungry? Do you think this place has good food?" As he thought about what he'd want to eat, he zoned out on the scenery behind Ellen; it looked like he was giving someone a death stare. If looks could kill...Ogami would be claimed a serial killer.

Tatsuri Ogami

@Leaf Fi @Lotusy @theglassangel @SirBlazeALot



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Skyler let out a little sigh and nodded. "Yeah, he's a real douchebag." She said, taking a seat on the floor next to him. She actually didn't think Ogami was that bad of a person. She was just trying to act cool around Evan. "Hopefully those two don't fuck around. I'd hate for Ellen to be with him." Ogami might actually be a really good person for Ellen, his active lifestyle might inspire her friend to go out and do things, and that would be a miracle. "But yes, let's spend the night together. I promise that I won't disappoint you."

Michael was just sitting in the living room by hisself. Despite the loneliness he was feeling, there was still a smile on his face. "This is going to be such a great trip!" He said out loud in a cheerful voice, looking around at the few people in the living room. "What do you guys think?"

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel @whoever else
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Maeve McMahon

Location: Living Room - Zoe, now everyone else

"Awww, thank you Zoe!! I love you lots, hun~!" She said brightly. Maeve hugged the girl tightly, taking the key for the two girls to share. "Don't worry babe, I don't bite!" The bubbly cheerleader giggled softly. It had been a while since she had actually flirted with another girl, in fact, it was kind of exciting to be back in the game. Not that she was even out of the game to begin with, there was Evan, there was Alec, and now there was Zoe. Sooner or later no one would be able to resist my charms! She thought. Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night, Maeve. "How about we check out our room? Or we check out the hotel together? There's bound to be something fun for us, right?" She asked, the same peppy demeanour still remaining. "Anyone wanna have some fun? Swim in the pools? Anything at all?" The short girl called out to anyone, she even went out to the hallways and called out the same thing over to the people there. "Guysss... We just got here, let's just have some fun!"

Antonio Allamilla

Location: Hallways - Ogami, Ellen, Ursula, Stephanie

"Dios mio... Ogami, I never knew you felt this way towards me!" The Spaniard said, making lovey-dovey eyes at the now, pretty pissed off man. The moment was enhanced even more once Ursula started humming along to Habernera. He even made fanning gestures towards him, as if he was simply too hot to resist. Of course, Antonio was simply joking around with him, the look on his face was a look of love. Besides, he didn't mean any real harm with dancing with Ellen. His hand was no longer clutching the kiss blown to him by Antonio; in fact, it had probably been smeared on Ellen's arm when he reached over to pull her into the hug. Poor Ellen's arms were pinned down beneath Ogami's, making it difficult for her to move."My brother.. just let it go. Let the wonderful lady have some space." He smirked. Not really helping his case, but oh well. What bad could possibly happen? His reaction to his kiss was golden, it was as if the kiss were some sort of material object, able to be crushed into a million tiny pieces. At least he let go of his "kiss", I only have so much to give around, he thought.

Acknowledging Ursula, he said, "I would be happy to have nachos with wonderful ladies after a wonderful bus ride~!", encouraging the girl. "The chef should be here somewhere..." Antonio wondered. Are there any food places around here? This place seemed relatively deserted. It was comforting somehow. "Sorry, honey, but I'd rather be here with food~" He said, hearing Maeve calling out from the living room inviting everyone to chill at the pool.

@Kayzo @Komaeda @Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @Lotusy @Zero Gravity @Bedbae

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