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Realistic or Modern Hell Motel


Seven Thousand Club


It's the end of the year. A community service club from the University of Arizona is going on an end of the year trip to Disneyland. They rent a bus and go on a road trip. On the way, they stop to rest at a large bed and breakfast known as The Desert Rose in southern California. But when the few staff members that work there are found murdered, and the bus's tires are slashed the club must assume that there's a murderer in their midst.

Unless they can put their heads together and find out who's behind the killings, it's only a matter of time before they're all picked off...one...by...one.

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Sup guys it's Blaze. So, I'm gonna break the 4th wall a little bit here, and introduce you guys to the format of how I'll be a postin' occasionally. Now that we're all done procrastinating on, I mean, filling out our relationships...we're ready to start this bitch. Basically what I'm finna do with this is post the time, and what the fuck is happening. This can also be found in the Updates tab, but God knows some of you can't be assed to look.

I'm also gonna be using this to post for Murderer-Chan whenever Murderer-Chan decides to do a thing. Alrighty guys, let the games begin, and good luck.

@Kayzo @Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @mikko @Bedbae


The CSC just arrived at the Desert Rose, checked in, are finding their rooms, and looking for some shit to do. Everyone's pretty much chillin' and having fuuuun.


Location: Living Room

Kickin' It With: Whoever's in the Living Room

Lars plopped himself down on the caramel colored sofas of the room and let out a heavy sigh. The trip through the desert to this little getaway in the middle of no where had been grating. Being trapped in a bus with a bunch of college students was like be locked in the chimp exhibit at the zoo. Exhausting, dangerous, and there was shit everywhere. Ok, not literal shit, but people yammering on and on about the silly bullshit they were into. Lars had jumped at the chance to drive if it meant he'd be able to sit alone.

When the group checked in at the front desk, he kept one of the ten keys for himself and left the rest on the desk for everyone else to fight over who'd be rooming with who. Lars had simply decided he'd take whoever was left, and went to his room and put his suitcase down. He immediately came back down and plopped on the sofa to take a breather. He could've just stayed in his room, but he had a thing for being in strange enclosed spaces alone. And it's not like he was so tired that he was ready for bed. In fact, he was kind of hungry. He just felt like taking a breather before visiting the kitchen.


Location: Hallways

Kickin' It With: Whoever's in the Hallways

Ursula had enjoyed the trip to the Desert Rose. She'd packed edibles for the journey, and spent most of it staring out the window and watching cacti and thinking about the universe and trying to remember what sign the moon would be tonight. She would idly slip in and out of conversation with others, but she'd usually just lose her train of thought and nod along with a ditsy smile before turning away to look back out of the window.

When they arrived at the Rose and crowded into the tiny lobby, Ursula sat on the couch and stared at the red rug while the others clamored for their keys. The patterns looked kind of like they were moving if you stared long enough. People brought up talk of roommates, and Ursula figured she'd just room with whatever girl was free. You know, just go with the flow, or something. But she realized that she left her bag on the bus. Speaking out loud but mostly to herself, she said, "I'll be right back," before slipping out of the door and returning to the bus.

Once she returned with her overnight bag, all the keys had been taken, so she walked at a leisurely pace upstairs and entered the halls to find somebody to room with, staring at the paintings and earthy decorations of the Desert Rose along the way.
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Location: Lobby, then to Hallways

Ellen stepped off of the bus, yawning. Ugh. That was not a long enough nap. She'd spent the majority of her bus ride sleeping right next to Skyler and Aaron. A bus full of 19 other students was so... horrendous. A cramped, tight space, loud students, and nowhere to escape to? She should have packed earplugs, at the very least.

Of course, everything went to shit for her. A quick whiff of sweaty, deodorant covered man-smell coming from 30 degrees to her right informed her that the loudmouth Ray would burst into the doors at any minute. To avoid any encounter with the man in question, she ducked out of the lobby, past Lars in the living room, and into the hallways. She slumped down and caught her breath, then proceeded to just sit down and look at one particularly strange painting of a reddish-tinted river. Five minutes later, of course, she heard more footsteps coming down the hall. Good god. Isn't there any quiet place here? She quickly analyzed the footsteps in her head. Lets see, the irregularity behind the footsteps suggests something... Laken? No, they're high-rising. Two inch soles. Judging by the weight behind the footsteps... girl, probably. 5'7". Definitely Ursula. Well, I guess I can deal with her. Of course, I still need to find Sky again, but that can wait. As she saw Ursula walking down the hall, she made a mental check, proving she was correct. When the green-haired girl got close enough, she raised her hand in greeting. "Yo, Ursula."



Location: Lobby

BOOM!!! The lobby door quickly found itself flung open, revealing a very sweaty and pumped-up football player. "OH YEAH!!! DISNEYYY-LAND IS ALMOST HERE!!!" Ray burst into the lobby, mouth and legs already in motion. The trip had been suuuch a bore for him, especially since he just had to have a seat next to Lars. The whole bus ride was a flurry of smart jokes and punches, and the main jock-man was ready to just let it out. He sauntered up to the main desk, shoving a student aside. "Shove it, squirt." He picked up a room key and proceeded to throw himself onto the couch in the lobby as Ursula walked away from it. "Aaaah. Sure beats that Arizona heat."

@Anyone who's ready to mess with Ray.
Liam: Location: Lobby

"Hey, watch it will you!" Liam uttered, being the student that was carelessly shoved aside by Ray. "Jeez if I would have known this was gonna happen I would have brought a bigger bag."

Riley: Location: Lobby

"You mean your 'book' bag? Dude you've probably read the whole library out, but you know Disneyland isnt a library." She said casually, after picking up one of the last keys she shrugged into a chair in the lobby. "On the other hand though it IS pretty boring. I could be screaming my ass off in Tower of Terror and instead I'm stuck in this dingy place. Seriously, what's that smell?"

Aaron Hayes

Location: Lobby --> Living Room

The trip on the bus was pretty long and boring. Well, not necessarily for Aaron since he just started playing videogames halfway in, but that didn't really change all that much. Thankfully, Ray sat farther behind him, so Aaron didn't have to deal with him. That bus was cramped, loud, and overall uncomfortable; thank God he brought earbuds with him for the trip. Quickly, Aaron flopped right onto one of the couches in the living room, allowing him to sit down comfortably while playing videogames. He didn't really care who his roommate ended up being as long as that person wasn't Ray. As Aaron sat down, he flipped his system back up to start up a new game. Okay... So it's up up down down left right left right B A start... Just as Aaron pressed the button combinations, he gained thirty extra lives. ... And this should be a breeze now. Ah, cheat codes are fun. As everyone else was entering the building, Aaron just sat there playing his games, wondering who exactly he was going to be sharing a room with.


Zoe Scarlet

Location: Lobby

Zoe was quite thankful to finally be off the bus. Oddly enough, she didn't spend much of that time doing anything, and just slept around the halfway point. It was a good thing Ursula didn't bother her that much since her and Zoe were sitting next to each other. As she left the bus, she stretched her arms slightly before heading to the front desk. "Woo! We're finally here." She said cheerfully, walking past Ray, who just pushed down Liam. It seemed like he was going to make the most of this trip no matter what. Soon, Riley pointed out some odd smells in the motel, which Zoe didn't even take into account until just now. When thinking about it, she could actually see where Riley was coming from here; there was a weird smell. "Now that you mention it, something does smell kind of weird..." Zoe replied, butting in somewhat on the conversation.


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Location: Lobby/Living Room

"Finally," was all David could say stretching his body after the long, exhausted ride. Sure he sat near Ray but at least the drive was somewhat peaceful since he sat by himself in the back with his headphones on, music playing and phone out. He had zoned out halfway which only made the ride to the hotel faster. As he arrived to the lobby, David noticed all the keys were gone. He looked around and headed towards the living room. Standing by the doorway, he saw Lars laying down on the sofa and Aaron playing his games as usual. "Um, do any of you have a room who needs a roommate cuz I'm umm, well I have no room." @SirBlazeALot @SpookySableye


Location: Room

Alissa enjoyed the ride to the hotel. She was chatting with the other girls and quite enjoyed the view. As soon as they arrived, She got her bags and quickly headed to the lobby to get a key. I guess she just wanted to claim a room and have control of the better side if she was going to share with someone. She had talked to the girls to see who wanted to share but nothing was concluded towards the end. Anyways, she finally arrived to the door of her room and opened it. Alissa didn't bother unpacking, she headed straight to the bed and laid down. "Oh crap, where's my phone charger?" She dashed to her backpack and unzipped one of the exterior pockets and took out the charger. "Phew, can't live with a dead phone, amirite?"

Skyler Washington

Finally, the bus ride had come to a halt and Skyler can finally stretch her long "spider" legs. As long as the bus ride was, it wasn't as unbearable as she thought it was. She got to take a seat next to her favorite person in the world, Ellen, and even got to strike up a conversation with Evan. If I'm lucky, I'll take him to my room tonight. Slipping her bags onto her shoulder she stepped off of the bus and stretched her arms high into the air. "Oh man, I'm glad that's over. Time to throw my shit in my room and go for a dip in the pool." She said to no one in particular and waited outside of the bus for Evan to step out. First I'll talk to Evan, and then I'll find out if Ellen wants to room with me. She can't say no to me!

Michael Keys

Finally, we have arrived! Michael thought as he took his first steps into the Desert Rose. The building seemed beautiful, despite such a strange location. It reminded him of those cheeseburger diners in the middle of no where that sold patties that were ten times the taste of a McDonald's burger. His first instinct was to follow Ursula to wherever she would go, but he instead followed Lars into the living room. "How does it feel to finally be out of the bus?" He asked the man, taking a seat across from him. The sofa felt amazing, better than anything back at the dorm.

@SirBlazeALot @Zero Gravity

"It's probably just the humidity, guys. Or the fumes from the bus." Liam shrugged, looking over a book.

"No, it smells like rotten eggs and death. For real." Riley stuck up her nose teasingly. "Maybe there's ghosts! Ooh, spooky!"

Location: Living room

Jesus Christ did that trip take forever! Fuck, if Steph had to stay another minute on that bus she'd have offed herself... Not that nobody else knew that by now; she had groaned and moaned enough that everyone would have taken note of how much she hated the ride. But, lets focus on the positives, shall we? They had arrived to the Desert Rose, so Disneyland couldn't be too far away now! ... This place though? Looked like shit. Ugh. Steph puffed out her cheeks in annoyance as she trudged her way into the lobby and to the front desk. She had been one of the last to leave the bus and so the chance of getting a key was pretty slim, but hey! The vast majority on this trip were softies, so there was no fuckin' chance anyone would take a key. I mean, that would be terribly terrible! You could take someone's room! The female had half expected her fellow students to be generously offering the various keys around to each other or apologising for holding them for too long. So, like the sexy hawk she is, Steph had planned to swoop in and grab one with the utmost grace and elegance you'd ever see.

... That didn't happen. By the time she reached the main desk, all the keys were gone. Poof. "... You've gotta be kiddin' me..." Furrowing her brow as she grumbled, the girl shoved herself backwards. Looks like someone was gonna have to agree to share a room and be blessed with her presence for the night...~ Oh ho, maybe this wouldn't be so bad... The previous scowl was now replaced with a wicked grin as she searched for a potential 'victim'. Realistically, she probably wouldn't be with any of the losers and would room with either two of her best friends, but damn would it be hilarious to see their faces as she asked to bunk with them. And who better to start with than her darling Ray?

"Oi! Ray! I see ya got a key!" Smirking that evil, mischievous smirk of hers, Stephanie sauntered her way to the poor jock, placing herself in front of him before leaning forward and pretty much getting in his face. "You know what that means, don't cha, babe...?~" She cooed softly. Whilst you might expect a girl's face to be gentle and innocent in this instance... This is fucking Stephanie, man. Right now, she was flashing Ray a lethal pearly smile as her eyebrows lifted upwards suggestively. However, before the poor son of a bitch could object or even as much breathe, she was off with a maniacal laugh. "I'll get more people for the orgy now!~"

Aaah, fucking with people is fun. Time to do it some more! Humming a small tune under her breath, the dark grey haired female marched with her bags into the living area. To announce her presence to the people already there, one of her feet was smashed against the ground with all her weight as she proudly hugged David's waist and poked her head to his side so she could be seen. "BOOM, BABY!" That was definitely bound to get her noticed. Not bothering to let go of the male in her arms just yet, she squeezed him rather tightly, tilting her head to get a good view on the tall boy. "Hey, string bean, you're lookin' good!" Only then did she release him, but this was only as she had found a new target within the room. "Take these, will ya? Thank you!~" Dumping her bags right at his feet, she then locked her eyes on a certain fellow who would be bound to have a set of keys... "Laaaars! Baby, you kept a seat for me?! How sweet of you!" Clasping both hands over her heart and beaming the smile of someone who had just got proposed to, she rushed towards the unfortunate guy before he had the chance to run for his life. Swiftly, Stephanie then threw herself on top of him, pressing her chest against his and her fingers dancing up his neck. "Baaaaaby, I've got a dilemma. I-" She paused momentarily as her palms pushed both his cheeks together to avoid him from interupting. "Aww, just as soft as last time! Aaaaaaaanyways! I ain't got a key, so I was thinkin' that we could share! Doesn't that sound fun?" Ceasing the cheek squishing, she poked the tip of his nose with a teasing grin. "We can do a looooooot of things together.~ Have a shit ton of fun!~ Let that other, weaker arm of yours get some action for once...~ C'mon! What do ya say?"

@Lotusy (brief moment of fucking around, you're very welcome and I'm very sorry) @Bedbae (more fucking around, I apologise) @SirBlazeALot (I APOLOGISE EVEN MORE OH MY GOD LARS GOT THE WORST OF HER) @SpookySableye (... poor Aaron has to witness all this xD I'm very sorry!)
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Evan yawned, all of his limbs sore and cramped from sitting in the same position for hours. After running a hand through his still-spiky hair, he stepped off the bus, noticing that Skyler was waiting for him. He had grown to think that the girl had a thing for him, and maybe she did. I mean, she wasn't bad looking whatsoever, and if she had a thing for him then heeeellllll yeaaahhhh. "Ayy, Sky," the male chided, nonchalantly walking towards her. His backpack full of stuff was on his back, and he almost wished that it would make him look taller. Though, Skyler was basically as tall as you could get, and he didn't think he was getting any taller than he already was, he still felt embarrassed around her. "Wasn't that trip just lovely?" He asked sarcastically, rolling his almond-colored eyes and looking up at the sky before entering the hotel. "Ugh, it smells like mildew in here," he groaned, slightly annoyed with the abandoned smell this shitty hotel was giving off. "Ugh, I need a key. They're all gone though. Guess we get to play that shitty game where we pick our downfall," he spat, folding his arms over his chest. He then looked around for possible roommates, eyes scanning in thought. None of the girls would want to room with a guy, well, maybe Dahlia, but she was a slut. Good thing Skyler wasn't a slut, I mean, he could get down and dirty with this chick for real. Closeted dirty thoughts flashed through his mind as the male sat down on a love seat not too far from the overcrowded couch, slipping back as he relaxed into the furniture. Well, at least they would be at Disney soon and everything would be fine.




Dahlia frowned, huffing as she hugged her strawberry pink luggage close to her, not wanting anyone else to have their filthy paws on her junk. Heh heh, well, maybe Ray, or Antonio, or Alec. But y'know, a girl's gotta put her charms on before she can get some dick can't doesn't she? The Queen Bitch herself gingerly stepped off of the bust, flipping her short pink hair as she scanned the area. "This place looks like shit. Like hell I'd want to stay here." A deeper frown than before slipped across her features, making her look particularly disagreeable. She walked in anyways, flowery Keds moving swiftly across the floor. Once she spotted all the other guys though, her frown melted away, a bright smile reappearing where the frown used to be. She ran a hand through her hair again, the motion being a nervous tick for her. She then spotted Ray, someone who was definitely enjoyable to flirt with. Slinking in his direction, Dahlia put on her best smile, slightly swaying her hips as she moved towards the male. She sat down next to him on the couch, probably closer than she needed to be. "Hi, Ray," the pink-haired girl chirped, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "Do you know how we're supposed to room with everybody? I don't know who I'm going to room with." God, this girl was so fake. It was almost painful to hear her out on this sugar sweet tone. "To be honest though, I can't imagine myself rooming with anyone but you~" She had unconsciously moved a bit closer to him. The smile on her face was one of a snake, yet to others it would seem flirtatious.

@Anyone Watching

@Lotusy [Oh Ray xD ]

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Location: Hallways, I suppose. He's just being a cute lil' wanderer

Using his hand to block the rays of the sun, Alec hopped off the bus with a relieved sigh. Boy, that thing stunk... In more ways than one too; there was Ray, then... There was Maeve. He had to pretty much wrestle Evan to get her to sit next to him- elbows to the face aren't the nicest, just a heads up- and even when she did, you know what happened? She slept the entire duration of the trip. Honestly, it was such a disappointment. Was a conversation with a cute girl really that hard to get? It sure felt like it.... There was no point in feeling glum though! Right now, a room to stay in was the major quest on hand, and receiving a key so Antonio and himself could be buddies was his main priority. So, as soon as his foot had hit the ground, off like a race horse did Alec run. It probably made him look like a mad man or a child, but with this sweet little grin on his face, it kinda took off the crazy edge and gave him a more endearing appearance. One of innocence, joy, and excitement! How could you not just smile at that?

Anyways, his quest ended successfully, and Alec had now the key tightly secured in his grip as he sat on his bags in the lobby. Idly, his fingers drummed against the hard surface of the biggest suitcase. Now came waiting for a friend to pop up... He would have went and talked to Ray, but both of him and Kitty now seemed to either be flirting or getting ready to make out. I mean, the pink haired girl was pretty close to him... Literally. Any closer and she would be on his lap. Maybe... Maybe it might be best to leave them be... After all, it's kinda awkward to stare or just... Sit there... Once people are trying to... OKAY. Yeah, uhm, no more detail. Alec nodded to himself and rose from his seat, grabbing his things once more before... Just kinda wandering in the direction of the rooms... I mean, carrying bags and stuff isn't that desirable, so getting rid of them seemed like his best option so far. Who knows; maybe Toni was already dancing his way through the halls and he'd bump into him! That would be nice... Well, anyone to just talk to would just be nice, I suppose.

@Anyone, woo! @Zero Gravity @Lotusy (both briefly mentioned)

Skyler Washington

Skyler let out a little laugh and shook her head. "Best bus ride that I've ever been on. Who needs Disneyland when we can all be on a bus with each other?" The thought of spending a week or so trapped on the bus with 19 other people sounded like hell. But maybe if they had private rooms or something, and she could manage to get Evan in there then it might not be so bad. She let out a little yawn before following Evan into the hotel. Almost immediately her face scrounged up at the strange smell that the room gave off. Mildew? More like my dead grandmas house. Skyler followed Evan over to the chair and leaned up against the wall next to him. Her body was towering over the chair and she seemed taller than normal. "Yo, I was thinking, maybe I can room with you? Unless Ellen doesn't have a roommate, then I'm obligated to room with her." She said calmly, smiling slightly. "Or else she won't ever wake up."

@Zero Gravity
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Maeve McMahon

Lobby ----> Living Room

The girl didn't remember much about the whole trip. You know why? Maeve had slept through it like a baby. A cute, blonde baby. Alec was so sweet to let her rest on his shoulder as she slept. Alec even gave her permission to hold onto his arm... Alec spoils me too much~ The girl playfully thought to herself. Her slumber was relatively undisturbed, as she was a pretty deep sleeper. Impressive, especially with 19 other wild college students. Poor guys... No matter how much they liked her, Maeve never seemed to notice their affections, only if they were too nice, of course. When it came to more upfront admirers, Maeve would simply blush and innocently flirt back in a teasing tone. Through the bus window, the sunset's glow gleamed into the bus window as the short girl opened one expressive blue eye at a time. I guess we're here... The girl yawned. Of course, Maeve being Maeve, she always woke up cheerfully every time she fell asleep. She excitedly held onto a suitcase and a Nike duffel bag as she lightly jogged into the motel lobby.

"Ohhh! This California scenery sure is beautiful~" She spun around once as she talked to herself giddily. Being the airheaded cheerleader she was, she tripped over famous, or should I say infamous Ray. The blonde had tripped and landed directly below the couch he sat at, beside his feet. The girl hadn't even noticed that Dahlia was already flirting with him and ruining her parade. "O-Oh...Oh! Hi Ray! Y-You look tired... Or pumped, I should say~" Maeve said, cheerfully. Even though she wasn't very comfortable with Ray, she made sure it was believable. Boy, did it work. Nodding her head like a cheerleader right before her routine, she hopped up from the floor. "Anyone need a roommate? T-There aren't any keys left..." She asked around without leaving the living room. "I promise, I don't bite! Any gender is fine, I won't be too much of a bother." Her smile was cheerful, even in the midst of the eccentric Stephanie and the ever-so-intimiating Dahlia. "Hiiiiiiii everyone!!" She said, to no one in particular, waving to virtually everyone in the living room. Deciding to look for Alec to thank him for letting her have a peaceful sleep, she yelled out into the hallway from the living room. "Aleeeec~ Come here! Do you know anyone I could room with? The keys are all gone..." Maeve pouted.

@Kayzo @Komaeda @Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @Lotusy @Zero Gravity @Bedbae
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Tatsuri Ogami

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b40fa8_1(14).png.6209ed08ffe43f1088be62f76251b245.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b40fa8_1(14).png.6209ed08ffe43f1088be62f76251b245.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Bathroom > > Hallway

The bus ride to their destination didn't bother Ogami in the slightest. In fact, he actually enjoyed it, and remained in a comfortable position the entire way there. Every now and then, he'd check his phone for messages from the babysitter he'd hired to watch his little brother. The scenery outside of the window was nice to look at, so, really, the ride wasn't all that bad. That is...until the bus finally stopped, and Ogami discovered that he probably shouldn't have remained so still. His legs were stiff and sore, and his neck had a kink in it. Grabbing his bags and throwing it over his shoulder, Ogami slowly trudged off of the bus and made his way into the Desert Rose, staring at the decor and fancy interior with a blank expression.
"What? You mean we're staying here?" He wasn't talking to anyone in particular, but more so to himself. However, he did look around to see if anyone else was there to answer; and they weren't. A sharp sigh escaped him, and he headed off to the men's bathroom to relieve himself before going to find someone he could talk to. Ogami's time spent in the bathroom consisted of him checking his phone for messages, and practicing smiles in the mirror. He was slightly embarrassed to find that someone was watching him do this through the crack in their stall, though, but he didn't show it and just casually left the room with his hands in his pockets. He was now standing in the middle of a hallway, looking around. When Ellen suddenly came into sight, Ogami's brow perked up and he headed her way with a light wave, his expression still somewhat nonchalant. "Aye."

Tatsuri Ogami

@Lotusy @SirBlazeALot



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Karen Matherly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.369bfbcda578027b6b0b272e074b9034.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.369bfbcda578027b6b0b272e074b9034.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Lobby > > Living Room

Karen fell asleep five minutes into the drive to the Desert Rose. She had been talking non-stop, and wouldn't stop kicking the seat of the person in front of her. Yes, like a child. You might think that because she fell asleep everything got peaceful, but that's not how Karen works. During her sleep, she would often giggle or say something really weird, much to the annoyance of the person beside her. As soon as the bus came to a stop, she was up in no time, darting off with a wide smile and loud yell.
"We're here!!!!" She almost fell on her way down the stairs when exiting the bus, but quickly recovered with a quick pose before darting off. She had packed so many snacks for the trip, but didn't get the chance to eat a single one of them because she fell asleep. Her hair was messed up, and her jacket was zipped all the way up, rubbing against her neck in an irritating manner. When she found herself in the lobby of the Desert Rose, Karen threw herself down on one of the decorative couches, causing the person on it to bounce a bit, in which they sent her an angered glare. "Aaah!" After that was over, Karen darted off to find someone to talk to, particularly Aaron. It took a minute to finally find him, and when he came into sight, she began running faster than she already was, both arms waving around, "Aaron!!! What're you doing?" Her voice rang loud, and she soon jumped over the back of the couch he was sitting on, only to land right beside him with a large smile. She gave him a thumbs up, the triumph dancing on her shining expression.


Darius Austin Matherly



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Aaron Hayes

Location: Living Room

Aaron snickered a little while watching Stephanie be, well, Stephanie around David and Lars. Sure, he would be acting quite differently if he were the one being focused on, but that wasn't the case here. He was about to resume back to his video game playing, but something David said made him realize something; he didn't have a roommate yet. While he wouldn't really be picky with who his roommate ends up being, it would be a good idea to find someone that he could room with. Just then, he heard a female's voice calling him, only to see Karen jump over the couch he was sitting on, large smile and all. "Oh, h-hi Karen." Aaron replied, flipping his game system shut for the moment, "I'm just playing video games right now, as usual. I'm happy to finally be off that bus though."

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Location: Hallways

Hm. Strange. I guess I got Ursula at a bad time. Ellen shook her head, leaning back against the wall. She looked at yet another painting of nature, drowning out the world with her thoughts. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Sky since the bus. Oh well. I'll find her later, she thought to herself. Her inward talk was interrupted by a manly-sounding "Aye." What? Who is it? Ellen turned around, breathing a sigh of relief as looked the person over. Oh, she thought, it's Ogami. I guess I forgot to check if anyone else was coming. "Yo, Ogami," Ellen said. She raised her hand in greeting, but couldn't really follow up with anything to say. After a while, she decided to break the silence. "So, uh, how's the hotel treating you? I personally haven't gotten to see much of it at all."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Karen Matherly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.d84b2f6e4b4f6329373ae7b3133d70bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/3.jpg.d84b2f6e4b4f6329373ae7b3133d70bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Living Room

Aaron greeted Karen generously, in which she smiled once again and waved for the second time, giving an enthusiastic,
"Yo~" in the process. She stared down at the game he had been playing, but was now closed and put away. "Heeh~? What game was it, hm? Was it the one I almost beat you in!? And the bus was great! I slept like a pig!" Her voice began to grow louder as she spoke, but soon quieted back down. Her metaphor didn't really make much sense, but she uses that one a lot, so it's grown normal to most. "Do you know who you're gonna be sleeping with?" Her feet kicked back and forth, shoes scuffing the floor beneath them. She wasn't looking at Aaron as she spoke, but was, instead, staring down at her feet, still smiling. A lot of familiar faces could be seen all around the room; it was strange having everyone together like this. Usually it's just each grade sticking to themselves, but apparently everyone know everyone. Karen had forgotten her bag on the bus they rode on to get to the Desert Rose, but hasn't yet remembered that little fact. It's not like it matters, anyways; she only packed clothes.


Darius Austin Matherly



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Tatsuri Ogami

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b47dce_1(14).png.9936bfdcc0f98a1d3a48ac77751b05bd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b47dce_1(14).png.9936bfdcc0f98a1d3a48ac77751b05bd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Hallway - Ellen

Seeing that he caught Ellen's attention, Ogami gave a light smile and continued to approach her, only stopping and placing him by her side once close enough. With both hands resting in his pockets, he stood beside her with a lazy demeanor; shoulders slumped, eyes focused on the ground, back against the wall. Despite there being all kinds of other people talking around them, it seemed so quiet, but Ogami didn't really pay much attention to it. His eyes focused on Ellen after she spoke up, giving a light laugh at her question,
"Mm- what? We just got here, of course you haven't seen it all." He spoke in a joking manner. After he finished giggling, Ogami looked around at the familiar faces, thinking about how strange it was for everyone to be together the way they were. It's the first time he's participated in one of the school outings; the first one he knows of ever even happening, actually. A scratch was sent to the back of his head, and he yawned, speaking at the same time, "I just wanna know who I've gotta share a room with..." Looking back down at Ellen, "What about you? You know who you're sharing a room with?"

Tatsuri Ogami




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Location: Living Room

I swear to God, you'd never see anyone move as fast as Alec once Maeve had called out for him. Just his name alone being said had the male spinning on his heel. Jeez, he probably looked like a desperate fool, but he didn't give one shit to be honest. Maeve was going to notice him, goddammit! And today was gonna be that day! Thankfully for the brunette, his natural speed brought him to the living area fairly quickly- beaming smiles were, of course, sent to the three standing around in the hallway as well as a pleasant hello-, even with his bags. "I'm fr-" The words halted. Fuck... Antonio! He couldn't leave his bro hangin'! That violates bro-code! The bright grin on his face dropped slightly as he stared at the small blonde, shoulders slouching. "... I'm free at the moment, but I think Tones is staying with me, Maeve..." He explained with a pout. He hung his head a little for a moment, but then, swiftly, it rose again and his broad smile was back. "Ah! Ouch!" ... He gave himself whiplash. Well done, Alec. Rubbing his neck with a chuckle, he continued, "But we could still totally share! The three of us, together!" Unless the Spaniard starts hitting on the blonde. Then he's out. But, that didn't need to be said! "It would be fun!"


Antonio Allamilla

Location: Living Room ----> Hallway

Sleeping again, wasn't he? He was always known for being a deep sleeper, even more so than the lovely Maeve. Begrudgingly, Antonio decided to get his ass out of the stinky bus. He was the last one once again. His now-tousled brown hair made him look even sexier, on top of the fact that he was shirtless all the time, letting his tattoos and muscles hang free. This was the life for good ol' Tony. Yawning, he went at a leisurely pace all the way to the lobby with a red suitcase. Antonio realized that there were no keys left at the lobby. Shrugging calmly, he walked over to the living room where everyone else seemed to be. Maybe I can room with Alec, he smirked. Alec was his fucking bro. It was that blonde bitch's fault, he thought. Maeve was the reason why Antonio was salty that he never got any time with his best bro. Then again, as a Spanish gentleman, Maeve wasn't too bad looking, so as long as Alec was happy, right?

"Ayyyyyy!" Antonio nonchalantly greeted his friend in the living room. He had overheard the desperate Alec and Maeve's conversation about three-rooming. Uhhh.... NO. The dancer rolled his eyes as he entered the room. Tony ruffled Alec's hair, ignoring the blonde girl. "You know... some girls like some self-restraint, you know." He said, teasingly, ignoring Maeve's confused look on her face. Antonio then leaned over to Alec, whispering into his ear. "Dude. Don't fucking violate bro code for this bitch." His tone turned surprisingly serious in an instant. "Be right back, I'm going dancing~" He said, smirking, leaving Alec and Maeve alone. Proudly striding off into the hallway, he saw that Ellen was still in the hallway. He nodded to Ogami in greeting, he arrogantly stood in front of Ellen.

The tall man then proceeded to interlock one hand with her's, the other on Ellen's waist. He liked to randomly tango with girls quite a bit, it was kind of hilarious, actually. They never expect it, but later, find it quite fun and enjoyable. Antonio especially liked to dance with Ellen because of how calm she normally was. On top of that, the blank faces she made were adorable to Antonio. "Ellen." He said her name as if he had never heard it before, like the most elegant person he had ever seen in his life. "Let us dance, shall we? It's been a while since I've been on my feet.. so let our bodies guide us~" He smirked.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @Lotusy @anyone in the halls


Location: Hallways

Ellen smiled a bit as Ogami took a seat next to her, sliding her hands in her pockets in a motion mimicking his. She nodded a bit as he explained them just getting there. Time must've just passed slowly for me, she thought, with avoiding Ray and all that. Of course, when Ogami started talking about rooming, he caught Ellen's attention. Instantly, her mind started to race. I mean, if Ogami doesn't have a roommate, I'd be willing to room with him, but wait, I'll need to room with Sky. Plus, I think there's another factor if I'm rooming with him... argh, decisions, decisions. She shook her head, deciding to pipe up with an offer anyways. "Well, I mean, I would think I'd be rooming with Sky, but I mean, I'd be glad to room with you- that is, if you don't have a partner already," she said, quickly adding the last part. Tch. Smooth going, Ellen. It's not like you're desperate, anyways. What came over you?

Suddenly, Ellen found herself to the front of Antonio. The Spaniard had managed to get in front over her without her notice. Before she could react, Ellen found her hands interlocked with Antonio's and was suddenly pulled into a dance with him. "H-huh? Wait, wh-what?" she said, extremely flustered. "Hold on a second, Antonio, I'm, uh..." Her face turned a beet red, the normally calm and laid back attitude completely destroyed. Ellen's face went blank, and she just closed her eyes, trying to take everything in. The hotel, the dance, the people she knew were watching, it was all too much for Ellen to handle. "Geez," she muttered to herself, "What's up with me today?" She sighed in defeat. No changing anything, anyways. Might as well just go with it. Keeping her eyes closed, she stepped alongside Antonio.

@Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @SirBlazeALot
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Tatsuri Ogami

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b4cd94_1(14).png.efaa74432f9bb606f67f7bc9c0805f9a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b4cd94_1(14).png.efaa74432f9bb606f67f7bc9c0805f9a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Hallway - Ellen, Antonio

Ogami looked down at Ellen with a furrowed brow, waiting for her to answer him. She's usually pretty fast on the uptake of things, and doesn't waste a person's time. He thought that maybe she didn't have anyone, or was thinking about who she'd choose to partner up with, or something, so he remained quiet and continued to wait. At the mention of Ellen and him sharing a room together, Ogami grew a bit flustered. Of course, he didn't show his emotions and just looked ahead of him, both hands still resting lazily in his pockets,
"Don't you think sharing a room with a guy is a bit-...?" He never got to finish, and Ellen probably didn't hear him very well, considering Antonio Allamilla, of all people, appeared and took her hand, placing his hand on her waist. Ogami tries to be the kind of guy that knows how to hold himself back and keep calm; he really, seriously does. It's just kind of hard when you have people like Antonio always getting in the way, doing things to spark his nerves. The boy's brow was no longer furrowed casually, but he looked mad. Ellen's reaction showed that she didn't necessarily want to dance with him, but that could be just a simple misunderstanding. Ogami stepped forward and began clapping somewhat sarcastically, his voice nonchalant; an off-putting smile could also be seen across his face, obviously forced. "Yay... Good show. Encore." He placed his arm around Antonio's shoulder, the two of them facing Ellen, "What's up? Aren't you usually hanging out with that brown-haired guy? What's his name? Alex?"

Tatsuri Ogami

@Lotusy @theglassangel



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Location: Living Room

Alec's eyes flickered away from Maeve as the most goddamn sexiest voice in the entire world called out to him. His bro, his fucking life, his LOVE (no homo) stood there in all his Spanish glory, and I'd be lying if I said that Alec didn't squeal in joy. "Oooooh!" He called out in the mandatory greeting the two do any goddamn time they see each other, his smile only growing in size. Antonio had the same effect on him as Maeve did, after all. Just never ending joy. Man did the brunette love his bro! "You know... some girls like some self-restraint, you know." ... I take back that previous statement. "E-eh?!" Before he could further protest, Alec's head was forced downwards as his hair was unmercifully ruined by the other. Thankfully though, the move hid the slight reddening of his ears. He quietly listened to Antonio's words, releasing an internal groan as his suggestion of the three of them together was shot down. At least he would be staying with his bud... But now he'd have to tell Maeve no. "... Love you too, bro." He huffed as the other danced off before refocusing his attention on the blonde. "Maybe sharing wouldn't be good... You know how Tones gets." He mumbled as a hand ran through his hair. What he meant was their... Not so straight tendencies that have everyone questioning their sexualities. I mean, shit gets real gay with those two and it's fucking hilarious to just watch than take the piss, so Maeve was bound to understand.


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