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Realistic or Modern Hell is other people OOC

Is there a system for what sinners look like? For example, how they died is shown with their appearance? Do they look just like normal people? If they don’t, what’s the range?

And for sin, is it one of the seven deadly sins? Or is there a religion this version of hell is deciding sins on?
Is there a system for what sinners look like? For example, how they died is shown with their appearance? Do they look just like normal people? If they don’t, what’s the range?

And for sin, is it one of the seven deadly sins? Or is there a religion this version of hell is deciding sins on?
You look the way you did when you died. For example, being blown apart doesn't transfer to Hell, you appear whole and hale. For ease of play, please use one of the seven deadly sins as that roughly fits to the rings of Hell, which is Dante inspired.
You look the way you did when you died. For example, being blown apart doesn't transfer to Hell, you appear whole and hale. For ease of play, please use one of the seven deadly sins as that roughly fits to the rings of Hell, which is Dante inspired.
Do you want year of death?
Excited to make a character for this! How much creative leeway do we have to build our characters’ backstories in hell/their lives prior to Satan’s death? Did they all just experience eternal suffering and torture or was there a sort of variety of experiences for the souls?
Excited to make a character for this! How much creative leeway do we have to build our characters’ backstories in hell/their lives prior to Satan’s death? Did they all just experience eternal suffering and torture or was there a sort of variety of experiences for the souls?
There was an underground railroad rescuing and hiding people but not fighting back. it was lead by Julius Ceaser. It's fine to have them be in hiding for part of their time in Hell.
Ah perfect! Okay, I think I’m getting a more solid idea for my guy and how I’ll write him out. Do we just post finished character sheets to the CS thread to submit them?

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