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Stalks the Internet on a daily basis

Floating alone in cyberspace...



A B S T R U C T .


The one thing that binds the virtual world of Minecraftia together. The one thing that keeps the inhabitants illusion of reality running. But most importantly, the main control system of the Code, the source of everything alive or inanimate.

And it's in danger of being taken over.


Odd things have begun to stir...

Rifts to other dimensions have opened at random, mysterious forces have been mobilizing...


What, or who, is behind this?


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This RP possesses many original concepts, although it can be as close (within reason) and as far as the source material (the game Minecraft).


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This instance of Minecraftia has five main continents, summarized below.



Within its core lies a sprawling series of cities, driven by modern day technologies. While not nearly as advanced as Atthir, the Westren people possess the innovation and quick thinking to get themselves out of tricky situations.



The continent full of colorful countries, this location tends to lean towards olden ways and tradition rather than technology. Midova is known to have the most magical leylines crisscrossing about the region. The people in this area tend to rely on their gods, the arcane, and their experience for success. Mages are found in abundance here.



With strict government that border on enslavement in terms of treating their people, Atthirans not at the top of the food chain are at the mercy of their superiors. Atthiran life is constantly riddled with advanced technology, which their economy benefits greatly from. The people live almost endlessly under surveillance from both robotic and organic sources alike. The barren areas outside of their "grid-controlled" cities are referred to the Outlands, and are inhabited by small, hardy bands of rebels who wish to overthrow the Atthiran authorities and fight to stay alive between the environment and the government which wishes to stomp them out.



The Zenic people live under a great empire to the south, while the north has begun to split themselves from the old ways. Urbanization has opened up new possibilities, but also eliminating traditions at the same time. The argument over which way of life is better is constantly fought over, yet no one has an answer. The arcane is present here, although it is seen in forms outside its basic elemental forms - darkness and light.



An island south of both Zenai and Atthir, considered by many to be sacred lands. Legends tell of Theia being battlegrounds for and birthplaces of many a god, resulting in the island being deemed a popular location for pilgrimages. Substantial evidence proves that it was the birthplace of many of the living races, as well. The landscape is very hilly and riddled with caves.


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(Yes, that means YouTuber characters if you really want to, but ONLY IF THEY HAVE A MINECRAFT AVATAR! This will be used for appearance.)


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I am okay with ships, especially if it's SparkAnt.

If little interest is yielded, I can convert this to a 1 x 1.
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...Oh dear, I hope this potential 1 x 1 doesn't become a 1 x 0. It's my first attempt at making a RP on here...

Is it too early for a bump?
This thing is slipping off into the abyss of other pages!

In other words, bump.
Hi! Is this roleplay simple, casual, or detailed? c:

I've never seen this kind of ranking system used for RPs.

Could you elaborate as to which level is what?

If you mean post length, there is no real min or max limit, as long as it isn't just "k".
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I've never seen this kind of ranking system used for RPs.

Could you elaborate as to which level is what?

If you mean post length, there is no real min or max limit, as long as it isn't just "k".

Yeah, meant post length

That's great, I'm interested! C:

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