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Fantasy Heaven's Angel Academy (In Character Thread)

Mikhalio Davenport Micky walked back into the building putting his jacket on in the process. He walked down the hall and made a random turn, and realized he was back at the cafeteria. "Guess I'll just get another green tea since I'm here" he sighed and walked back in.((anyone open?))
Joel looked up from his plate of salad at Innocent and chuckled. "And you were not jesting when you had stated that you love to eat anything sweet," he said, looking at the cookies and the different types of ice cream on Innocent's plate. Phoenix came to the table, along with Astra, commenting on the amount of sugary foods that Innocent's head. Joel nodded in agreement. "I am going to get some cookies and ice cream when I finish my food," he said as he said putting a fork full of salad into his mouth, some of the lettuce drenched in ranch falling into his lap. "Uh-oh," he muttered and was picked up the lettuce off of his lap. As he reaches for a napkin from to wipe his mouth and the bottom of his shirt, he realizes he forgot to grab some. "Ughhh," he says, as he gets up to return to the serving area. When he gets there, he takes a handful napkins, starting to put some back, but decided to just keep them. He was about to return to the table when he thought, "Well since I am already up here, I might as well get some cookies and ice cream." So, he went and took two chewy chocolate chunk cookies, his favorite, and took a small plate and scoop a couple of scoops of cookies and cream ice cream onto his plate, also his favorite. Then he went back to the table, forgetting about the ranch stain on his shirt. He then proceeds to take a couple of bite from his pizza and then dipping one of the two pieces of garlic bread into the marinara sauce to eat.

u k i y o u k i y o Spice Spice
"Is it really that much? I tried to hold back since I didn't know if they would get mad if I took too much." He asked, looking down at his plate after both Phoenix and Joel had commented on his food. He then began to eat some icecream, watching as Joel dropped some food onto his lap. He had been about this give him a napkin, though Joel got up and got one for himself before he could. He then watched as he came back with a handful of napkins, and some icecream. "I thought you were going for napkins, not more food." He said, with a smile on his face. He then noticed that he hadn't cleaned the ranch stain off his shirt and Innocent got up with a napkin in his hand. "Sorry, but this is going to bother me until it's cleaned up a bit." He said as he got down to clean the ranch stain. "Sorry for the intrusion." He said as he began wiping up the stain a bit, so that it wasn't all that visible anymore.
JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 Spice Spice
Alissia perked up hearing a new person. "Hey Serenity, I'll be right back!" She cried and rushed down to help Reimi with anything. "Hello there! I'm Alissia, you can call me Ali. Welcome to the Academy! What dorm are you in?" She asked, tilting her head.
Reimi sat down at the lounge for a while, not waiting for someone to actually talk to her, but to take a bit of a rest. Just as she opened her small dufflebag, a young girl rushed in; Alissia was her name, welcoming her to the school. It's rare for this to happen, so Reimi may have jolted a bit.
"Eep-- Ah! Sorry!" Reimi stuttered, nearly dropping her bag. "I-I'm Nijimura Reimi...I'm on Dorm A." 'OH MY GOD! IS SHE AN ACTUAL ANGEL?!' Reimi screamed internally as she introduced herself to Alissia, noticing cat ears on her hair. Of course, her Otaku instinct kicked. 'H-HOLY--! ARE ANGELS ALSO NEKOS?!' Lucky enough, she kept to herself. 'O-okay! Keep it together, Rei! Just ask her if we're in the right place!' Reimi suggested to herself, as she scratched her cheek. "Um...Am I in the right place?"
James Ruins:
James would be at the cafeteria, he was starving so he went on the lunch line immediately. Usually, he brings lunch, but today he was too lazy, he wasn't used to waking up this early. The lunch room smelled bad, at least the lunch line did. They were serving disgusting stuff like broccoli and carrots. James just got 2 bags of Doritos, "This'll do." he mumbled. He sat down at a table with no one there, he had no friends, only that one boy named...."Micky!" James shouted, then looked down from embarrassment. He'd open a book and start reading, he'd also occasionally eat a chip once in a while.
-open for interacting-
Mikhailo Davenport Micky heard his name being called and looked around "who the heck...." he mumbled. He turned and saw the guy from earlier sitting at a table "must have been him" Mickey walked over to the table and sat down "you call?" He asked crossing his arms leaning back in the rather comfortable chair

InnocentJames InnocentJames
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Reimi sat down at the lounge for a while, not waiting for someone to actually talk to her, but to take a bit of a rest. Just as she opened her small dufflebag, a young girl rushed in; Alissia was her name, welcoming her to the school. It's rare for this to happen, so Reimi may have jolted a bit.
"Eep-- Ah! Sorry!" Reimi stuttered, nearly dropping her bag. "I-I'm Nijimura Reimi...I'm on Dorm A." 'OH MY GOD! IS SHE AN ACTUAL ANGEL?!' Reimi screamed internally as she introduced herself to Alissia, noticing cat ears on her hair. Of course, her Otaku instinct kicked. 'H-HOLY--! ARE ANGELS ALSO NEKOS?!' Lucky enough, she kept to herself. 'O-okay! Keep it together, Rei! Just ask her if we're in the right place!' Reimi suggested to herself, as she scratched her cheek. "Um...Am I in the right place?"
Alissia chuckled, smiling at the girl and pulling her hat back on. "Sorry, I try not to show them, causes a lot of attention and commotion. And yeah! Welcome to dorm A! I may not have wings, but that doesn't mean I'm not the top student! Nice to meet cha. I think you're gonna like it here. Now, we need to go to the cafeteria or we might get marked late. You wanna come? SERENITY?" Alissia called, trying to get her friend to join them.
madame moiselle madame moiselle
Mikhalio Davenport Micky shrugged,"i have no Idea actually" he looked around "I think there might not be classes today, maybe it just a day for everyone to get situated and find their dorms" he looked up at James with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "everyone here has a Angelic parent..." he leaned forward slightly "who is your mother or father?....if you don't mind me asking" he sat back in his chair "My father is Azriel the Angel of Destruction" he rolled his eyes "or as I like to call him the Angel of Disappearing acts" he shook his head and looked back at James

InnocentJames InnocentJames
Serenity Walsh

Location: upstairs, Dorm A
Mood: if I can remember correctly, annoyed, jealous, and now, hungry
Interactions: Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed and Prince of Corruption Prince of Corruption


Serenity was making sure all of Daddy's men were placing her things where she wanted them. Serenity had brought a ton of things, most of them unnecessary, but you wouldn't want to say that to her face. Most of her suitcases were filled with clothing, shoes, and accessories, and then there was that one lone bag filled with school necessities, stuff that she would actually need during the year.

"No, no, no---those shoes go over there. They're special you see, and I'm saving them for prom."
"What about these ones, miss?"
"Oh, those ones are trash; so last year. Give them to that girl I saw earlier. Astraea I believe her name was---she really looked like she could use some shoes."

At her best friend's call, Serenity paused, turning to Bertram, who was beside her, supervising the whole operation. "Take care of this, would you?" When Bertram answered yes, Serenity whirled around and joined her friend in the hallway. "I'm definitely in---I'm absolutely famished!"

(Sorry for the wait; I'm doing homework while doing this xP)
Joel snickered in a breath at Innocent's comment, smiling. The white-haired boy coming in close to wiping the ranch stain off of Joel's shirt made him feel a bit awkward. "No, it's fine," he replied to Innocent, smiling and gesturing his right hand to indicate he is saying no, though he felt a just a tad uncomfortable. Afterward, he continued to eat his salad, not leaving any speck of any lettuce, cheese nor ranch left upon his plate, and move on to finish his pizza, dipping the crust into the marinara sauce he had. He then took his second piece of garlic bread and dipped it into the marinara and ate it. Next, he ate his two chocolate cookies, starting off by taking a bite on any side and directing the path of his mouth to any places that contained a large chocolate chunk baked into the dough. Lastly, he ate his cookies and cream ice creams, eating it slower than the rest of his food, probably not to get a brain freeze or make his teeth cold, and then washed it all down with rest of the lemonade he had, for he has taken small sips from it in between a few bites of his food. He then got up to throw his trash away and to put his plates and silverware (if they used silverware and not plasticware) away. He came back to the table and asked, "Do any of you have any waste that you would like to have me discard for you?"

u k i y o u k i y o Spice Spice Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Innocent went back to his seat and finished eating. Eating his ice cream rather quickly, as though the cold didn't affect his teeth. He quickly finished his food, feeling very refreshed and energetic. He knew that soon enough he was going to be bouncing off the wall soon, from all the sugar that his body had consumed. "Ah no, I think I got it." He said, standing up with trash in hands. He then walked over towards the trash can and threw everything away, putting the tray back with all the other ones, knowing that they would most likely reuse the trays. "So what do you want to do now?" He asked, asking no one in particular. He then picked up his notebook once more, tucking it under his arm, glad that nothing had gotten on it. If he had spilled something on his notebook then he'd honestly break out into tears right then and there. He could be slightly emotional at times, especially when it came to something he valued.
(Sorry for short reply, I'm on a phone right now)
JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7
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Gabriel Cross

Location: administrative desk, later his dorm
Mood: nervous
Interactions: Prince of Corruption Prince of Corruption


"And who is your angel parent?"
The lady, Mrs. Landhill, at the desk gave him an expectant look, pen at hand, writing all of his answers down. She had white hair, sharp hazel eyes and a friendly smile on her wrinkled face. She acted and sounded as if she were no more than fifty, but when asked about her age, she answered that she was ninety-one. Gabriel liked her immediately.
"Archangel Gabriel," he answered, his tone holding a rueful note to it. He was standing in front of the desk, his suitcase on the ground, trying to ignore stares from other, wingless students.
"Ah, charming gentleman. Always having a smile on his face," answered Mrs. Landhill, a faint smile on her face. "Thoughtful too. Had the kindest heart and the spirit of a leader." She's right, thought Gabriel, surprised. His father was all that and more---but how did she know that?
"H-how do you know that?" he asked tentatively. Mrs. Landhill gave out a small chuckle. "Oh, it's nothing really. Your father was one of the main overseers of the construction of the Academy, and back then, I was a construction worker. We never really personally talked much, but your father was such an amazing overseer, it isn't hard to discern those kinds of traits."

Gabriel stared at her, almost appearing alarmed. He never told me that, he thought, thinking back to his childhood. Gabriel and his father had a great relationship when Gabriel was a child; typical son-father relationship, really. Though he was more of a mama's boy, Gabriel's relationship with his father was never strained. Gabriel liked to think his father never kept any secrets from him, but that mindset was broken years ago, when his father left his wife and son without any warning or goodbye. This just seemed to be another hidden secret finally exposed.
"You remind me of him, you know," said Mrs. Landhill thoughtfully. Gabriel found it to be no surprise. Often he was told to be a younger version of his father, persona and all. Which was true. Gabriel used to admire that aspect of himself, but now, after the betrayal of his father, Gabriel looked at it as if it were a curse.
"Thank you," he answered politely, taking his dorm key. Suddenly, he really wanted to get out of there. "It seems like we're holding up the line," chuckled Mrs. Landhill, glancing at the growing file behind Gabriel. "You should go; lunch will start soon, and I don't want to be the reason you're late!"

Gabriel nodded and grabbed his suitcase and was about to dash to where all Dorm Bs were before Mrs. Landhill stopped him. "Here," she whispered, slipping another key and taking his previous one. "Count it as a welcoming gift to Heaven's Angel Academy." Gabriel glanced down as Mrs. Landhill disappeared behind the desk. His hazel eyes widened as the bold letter A stood out to him. His first instinct was to give it back, to refuse, but by then, it was too late. Mrs. Landhill had just given him access to the Academy's best dorms, reserved only for students who had been here last year.

As if that won't land him in trouble, right?

Sighing, Gabriel made it to the staircase that led up to Dorm As. Seeing that the staircase wasn't too high, Gabriel flew up to the top, earning some rather judgmental glances from other students. Ignoring them for what seemed like the zillionth time, Gabriel made his way to his dorm, head deep in thoughts. But before he could make it to his dorm, his suitcase fell. And after that, a series of unfortunate events.
As Gabriel was in the middle of getting his suitcase, his wings spread out, causing a girl to fall over. Gabriel whirled around instantly, realizing what he had done, which also instantly made her companion fall down with her.

And those two girls were Alissia and Serenity.

James Ruins:
"Well, my mother Twilight Ruins was the Angel of Darkness." That's why I'm always alone, darkness is an interesting place. You have to survive, your alone.." James thought he went too deep into the subject, he didn't really enjoy talking about it. He wished his mother was the angel of light or something more exciting. " It's a cool skill-set I get though.", "There's a lot of darkness in this world, so technically, my family controls most of it." James would remember his mother, he hasn't seen her in awhile.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
Phoenix watched the scene between Innocent and Joel play out. Despite saying that he was fine with it, Joel still looked a bit uncomfortable. They then watched as Innocent ate all of the desserts he had planned out for lunch. He was going to end up on a sugar high and then crash. Phoenix had also finished his pasta and breadstick, leaving them with only the strawberry cupcake and sugar cookie. As Joel left to dispose of his cutlery and dishes, they peeled of the cupcake's wrapper and took a bite. A looked of confusion crossed their face as they finished of the cupcake. The same looked remained as Phoenix ate the cookie, too. Then Joel came back asking if anyone else needed their plates removed from the table as well. Phoenix raised their hand up a little and handed Joel their bowl and fork, writing down "Thank you" in their notebook before propping their head up on their frowning, going over what they have just found out.
u k i y o u k i y o JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Mikahlio Davenport Micky stifled a laugh "that's kind of ironic, we both have parents that are related to bad things. yours being darkness and mine being destruction" he sighed "I guess we both got the short stick of the angle spectrum" he pulled out his note book and jotted something down

InnocentJames InnocentJames
Alissia let out a cry of surprise, toppling to the ground. She lay there, looking very confused as to what happened before turning to Gabriel while still on the ground. "Uh, hello! You didn't need to knock us over for an introduction..." She chuckled, pulling herself and Serenity up. "Also, I think you're in the wrong dorm. This is girl's A, not the boy's. Don't worry, common mistake. It's right across the pathway." She smiled and turned to Serenity. "We need to go, being late isn't good around here."
madame moiselle madame moiselle

Astra eagerly ate her pizza. It was as though she wanted to be the world's fastest pizza eater, and she seemed to be winning. She knew that eating everything quickly meant no body else could get it. No one was going to get her food... Unless it was Phoenix. He could have her food.
u k i y o u k i y o JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 Spice Spice
Joseph walked into the lunchroom. Being a new student and all, he didn't know anyone. So being socially being awkward he put in his headphones, and sat a a table. He started listening to Blink 182, and looked over his schedule. Joseph secretly hoped somebody would come, and talk to him, but he would never go up to someone, and do that.

Anyone Anyone
Mikhalio Davenport Micky looked up from his notepad seeing a new person walk in and sit at a table by himself "jeez did I look that socially awkward" he asked himself referring to when he had first arrived and sat at a table alone. "ill be back" he said to James before getting up and walking to the table deciding he needed to make as many friends as possible. "Hiya!" Micky spoke as he arrived at the table

Prince of Corruption Prince of Corruption
Joseph flashed a big smile, and took one of the headphones out. "Hey whats up??" Joseph asked as he offer a seat to the kid who he has yet to learn the name of. "I'm Joseph Daley by the way." Joseph said with a normal happy tone. Though deep down he was secretly grateful this kid talked to him.
FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
Yeah, this is my first year, and all." Joseph said as he waved a hand at the whole room. "To be honest I haven't really been around this many kids before. I just had my brother and mother at home." Joseph said with a smile before he skipped the song that was about to play.
Gabriel Cross

Location: Dorm As Girls (by accident xP)
Mood: feeling extremely sorry, clumsy
Interactions: Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Device: phone (so no picture)

"I'm so sorry," apologized Gabriel instantly, mentally kicking himself for being such a klutz. "These wings can be such a hassle.." His wings were still spread, and he had to push them down to bring them back to a neat position again. Half-claimed, half the control, unfortunately.

He turned around to help the girls up, but it seemed they had already helped themselves. The first girl, the one with silver hair and pretty brown eyes smiled at him with obvious good cheer as she corrected his mistake.
The other girl just kept staring at him, annoyance and distaste gleaming in her ice blue eyes.

Slightly flushed in embarrassment, Gabriel gave the girl, Alissia, a small smile before thanking her, after telling her friend about being late for lunch. "Thanks. I'm Gabriel by the way."

"Nice to meet you," answered Serenity, her tone cold, despite the friendly comment. "You're right, Alissia. But you know what? We're probably already late thanks to Mr. Klutz Wings here." Serenity turned to him, giving Gabriel another cold look. "I said I was sorry---" began Gabriel, but was cut off by Serenity. "Nevermind; let's go Alissia."

With thst, Serenity whirled around and stsrted to head down the stairs, pausing for her friend to catch up.

Alissia gave Gabriel an apologetic smile, knowing it wouldn't do any good to argue with Serenity. "See you there!" She whisper called to him before trotting down the stairs to her friend. "He seemed nice. Pretty wings too." She said, trying to make a conversation. "So, what are you gonna have for lunch?" She asked, a little spring in her step.
madame moiselle madame moiselle

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