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Fantasy Heaven's Angel Academy (In Character Thread)

Remmy grinned, taking a quick bite of his salad before taking a long sip of his Coca-Cola. "Is it nice there? I've heard they've got tons of islands just for cats and tourists. Kinda makes me wanna go there, I like cats a lot. Though, I'm not sure if I could remember the names of every cat on the island, so that might be a problem." He shrugged, still smiling.
He smiled. "You'd probably feel bad.. those cats never had a home but they're surprisingly friendly" He said, repeating what he heard about the cats. "But it is neat" He agreed.
Remmy frowned. "Well... Then I'll just have to take one home!" He cried, taking some more bites of his salad. "I love these leaves!" The grin was certainly back, and wider than ever. "Leaves are good for health!"
Axeykins Axeykins
Remmy frowned. "Well... Then I'll just have to take one home!" He cried, taking some more bites of his salad. "I love these leaves!" The grin was certainly back, and wider than ever. "Leaves are good for health!"
Axeykins Axeykins
"But not just salad, you should eat other stuff too" He mumbled again before going on to eating his own salad. "Or change up what you put in it, maybe some dressing and pieces of chicken?" He suggested.
"But not just salad, you should eat other stuff too" He mumbled again before going on to eating his own salad. "Or change up what you put in it, maybe some dressing and pieces of chicken?" He suggested.
Remmy shuddered. "How about not chicken... I hate chicken... And mushrooms! They are evil!" He cried, looking very disturbed. For once, he didn't bounce back right after that.
Remmy shuddered. "How about not chicken... I hate chicken... And mushrooms! They are evil!" He cried, looking very disturbed. For once, he didn't bounce back right after that.
"If you don't like chicken.. there's turkey or quail meat" He mumbled. "Or something, dunno" He mumbled before he scratched a small mushroom into his napkin and showed it to him, making a little "rawrrr" sound.
"If you don't like chicken.. there's turkey or quail meat" He mumbled. "Or something, dunno" He mumbled before he scratched a small mushroom into his napkin and showed it to him, making a little "rawrrr" sound.
Remmy shrieked in absolute terror, jumping back with his wings spread. He knocked over the chair, almost taking out the table behind them as well. "Nopenopenopenopenope!" He cried, still backing up.
"Then that has to be your secret, eating a lot of food so that it adds to your height..." He said, as though he had just figured out the greatest mystery. It was quite obvious that he was just playing around though. He watched as the elevator doors closed shut, and listened to the quiet music that was playing in the background. 'It's so fancy here... Much different from the way i'm used to things.' He thought, as he was still trying to get readjusted from normal high school to this place. He watched as Joel did most of the speaking, asking for directions to the cafeteria. "You've certainly been taught manners. It's not often that you meet a guy with manners." He said as he exited the doors. Feeling the cool breeze that shifted his hair a bit, making it look even messier than it already was. As they walked into the cafeteria Innocent could honestly say that he had never been in a cafeteria so large as this one. The one at the high school was actually quite small, and about half the students had to eat outside because there wasn't enough room for them. He almost stumbled into someone, though he managed to move out the way just in time and followed Joel to the serving area. "I hope they have cookies and cream ice cream." He said, getting quite excited.
JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7
Remmy shrieked in absolute terror, jumping back with his wings spread. He knocked over the chair, almost taking out the table behind them as well. "Nopenopenopenopenope!" He cried, still backing up.
His eyes widened a little abd he put the napkin down. "It's just a doodle! Calm down, calm down!" He laughed, holding out a hand while picking up the chair. "A drawing can't hurt you, Remmy"
James would arrive at school, "Gosh dammit, I'm late for my first day....". James would look around, it was a beautiful place, he still missed home though. He'd enter the school, he saw no students, "Is there a class now?", he'd whisper to himself. He never read the schedule so, he didn't know what to do. He decided to roam around the hallways, to see if he can find a student or a teacher.
Mikhalio Davenport after finishing his food, micky gathered his belongings and headed out the cafeteria making sure to grab another green tea on his way out seeing as it was his favorite drink. he walked out the doors into the hallway and began his journey back to his dorm. as he was walking he noticed another person wandering down the hall "maybe i should make some friends" he mumbled before walking alittle faster to catch up with the guy "ummm hi? " he squeaked, he didn't mean for it to come out as a question but he felt extremly awkward talking to a random person

InnocentJames InnocentJames
James would turn around, "Oh, hello!", James would say.... It would be awkward as James really never had friends, so he didn't know what to say. "Is there a class right now?", "I think I'm kind of late...". He'd ask.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
Phoenix had to move quickly so that they would not fall, though the did stumble a few times. Astra sure had a strong grip. Soon she ran off to collect her meal, leaving Phoenix to stare at the area in awe. They've never seen a school so richly furnished. After a few short minutes Astra came back with a plate of three pizza slices and a cupcake. She held out the cupcake, which they took after signing, 'thank you'. Then with their free hand, Phoenix guided the two of them to a free table and sat down. 'Should I go get the rest of my food or do you want to come with?' They signed.
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(Sorry for the long wait School is out for me and my brain just can't function properly)
Mikhalio Davenport "umm, i think it is still lunch time, then again i've only been here for an hour so i don't really know" he scratched the back of his head awkwardly and gave a small laugh "Im Mikhalio but you can call me Micky" Micky said outreaching his hand to offer the boy ahand shake
InnocentJames InnocentJames
(The brain must function!)

Astra grinned as Phoenix took the cupcake, nodding. Then she took his hand and dragged him over to the new people. Before food, she had to make sure 'her' territory was safe. She wandered up to Joel and poked his side, a deep frown on her face. The kid continued to poke at him, rather tempted to try and steal his shirt. She actually did, jumping up and down to try and pull it off the taller boy. Astra likes clothes, and Joel hadn't paid a price in her opinion.
JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 u k i y o u k i y o Spice Spice
James would reach out, accepting the handshake. "Oh, thank you, I'm James, also known as JR". I'm pretty hungry, so lunch is good for me! James would make his way down to the cafeteria, where to sit...where to sit.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
Mikhalio Davenport "i need to stretch my wings, maybe ill find him later" he said as he watched the boy flee into the cafeteria. he quickly went to the courtyard and took of his jacket that concealed his black and red wings. he spread them out to their full length (which wasnt much) and gave them a little flap casuing him to just hover over the ground "i wonder if i'd get in trouble for flying around campus" he asked himself and shrugged. floding his wings back up but not bothering to put a jacket back on
((have to get off, night))
"Oooo yeah, cookies and ice cream," he commented after Innocent's statement. Ice cream was his favorite, specifically cookies and cream ice cream. He also loved chocolate chip cookies, especially the chewy chocolate chunk type, the others were just...okay. He set his stuff down at a table nearby the other students. As he was heading over to the lunch line, he felt someone poke his side which made his jump a bit. He was tad bit ticklish, especially on his stomach. He turned to his side and saw that the girl from earlier was poking him at his side. She continued to poke him. "Umm, can I help you?" he asked, although he knew she was going to verbally give him an answer. Then all of a sudden, she started jumping up and down trying to grab his shirt to pull it off of him. "Excuse me, what are trying to do?" he said, as she continued. It soon came to his mind that she must have wanted his shirt, thinking about earlier how she expressed a strange obsession with clothing. He was thinking about something, but everything he had on, he wanted and he definitely was not going to give her his shirt, he felt naked without it and did not want all of these people he barely knew or did not know to see him with it off. He would not even take it off to go swimming if he could avoid it. But, eventually, he untied his shoes and pulled them off his feet, and took his socks off to give them to her. He had gone out without socks on his feet, just wearing shoes, many times before. Hopefully, he could make amends with her by this gesture.

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Reimi Chigamura​
Reimi arrived at what she assumed to be the school, enclosed in walls similar to that of Attack on Titan's and the buildings themselves looked right out of a fantasy RPG. Truth be told, she's both excited and afraid. Excited due to this being heaven itself, and afraid...Well, due to her 'hobbies'. That aside, she decided to took a picture of the outer campus before entering, getting signed up and receiving her key; It read room 105, Dorm A.

'D...Dorm A?' She thought fearfully as she let out a gulp. 'I do hope they're nice...Unlike most students on my previous school.' she sighed, without realizing that she arrived near three buildings; Three dorms, she supposed. Reimi glanced at her key once more, and soon headed off to Dorm A.

Reimi arrived at Dorm A's lounge, looking around to find where her room supposed to be is.

"From here I can't tell... But I definetly see some ice cream over there." He then put his things down next to Joel's. As the two were headed over to the line, which didn't seem to be too long at the moment, they were stopped by Astra who began poking Joel. Innocent couldn't help but to smile a bit, as he thought it was quite cute actually. He then watched as she tried to pull of his shirt. 'That went from cute to naughty real quick.' He thought with a small giggle.

When Joel then took off his shoes and gave her his socks he smiled a bit. "You'll get blisters if you walk around too much without socks on. I found that out the hard way." He said, reaching up to put a hand on Joel's shoulder. "Let's get in the line before it gets too much longer." He said, as he noticed quite a large group of students coming in. "Of course Astra can come with us if you'd like." He said smiling at the young girl.
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Alissia perked up hearing a new person. "Hey Serenity, I'll be right back!" She cried and rushed down to help Reimi with anything. "Hello there! I'm Alissia, you can call me Ali. Welcome to the Academy! What dorm are you in?" She asked, tilting her head.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Astra perked up with the socks and beckoned for Phoenix to come over with a little bounce in her step. SHe had stuffed the socks on her hands, and was already wearing several layers of clothes. That didn't stop her from getting a chill though, and she coughed a little before skipping after Joel and Innocence.
Spice Spice JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 u k i y o u k i y o
Phoenix had noticed that Astra had bounded off a bit further so he followed slowly behind her, closely observing the cupcake that was given to him. He wondered if it would taste similar to what he and his mother would make. He looked up just in time to see Astra attempting to pull off the shirt of one of the guys from before. Luckily, the guy had managed to avoid the unfortunate predicament by giving away his socks. Astra seemed content, shoving the socks onto her hands and signaling to Phoenix to join them.

He reaching the three of them shortly and noticed now how Astra seemed very cold. She was shivering and coughing despite the layers she wore. They had started to walk off but Phoenix stopped Astra by tapping her shoulder. 'You seem cold. Do you want help?' He questioned. He also scribbled a note onto a piece of paper on the notepad he held and showed it to the other two. "Hi I'm Phoenix. What are your names?"

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed u k i y o u k i y o JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7
Joel chuckled at the eagerness of Astra. "She is truly something else," he thought. The feeling of Innocent's hand on his shoulder sent a shiver through his body, it tickled to him a bit. "Okay," he said in response to Innocent's comment. The boy went into the line along with the Innocent, Astra, and Phoenix. Phoenix writes something on a piece of paper and showed it to Innocent and him. "Hi, I'm Phoenix. What are your names?" he read. "Hello Phoenix, my name is Joel. It is a pleasure to meet you," he said, smiling at the person, as the group walked. He waited momentarily in the line as it moved until they reached the serving area. When he got there, he took a slice of pizza and garlic bread with a side of marinara sauce to dip the garlic bread and pizza crust. He also chose lemonade to drink. Afterward, he went over to the salad bar and got a separate entree-size plate. He first covered the entire plate with shredded romaine lettuce. Then he topped it with first cucumbers, then mozzarella cheese, next chopped grilled chicken, drizzle all over with ranch dressing, and finally covered with croutons. He absolutely loved salad and was one of his favorite dishes. He liked his salad, like his sandwiches, to be made in a specific order, although he would eventually mix all of the components together went he ate it. He then walked over to the table where his and Innocent's things were and waited for the three to arrive.

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Innocent looked over as someone else came over. He noticed him as the guy from earlier that gave Astra his sweatshirt, and was glad that the two seemed to be getting along well. He read the piece of paper that the boy showed to him and Joel, introducing himself and asking what their names were. "My name's Innocent, and it's nice to meet you too." He said with a bright smile as he spoke. He then glanced around the serving tables to see what he was going to eat and grabbed a cup of grape juice before heading over to the desserts. To say the least he was quite shocked at how many different desserts they had, some of which he didn't even know existed. "Woah, there's so many of them." He said to no one in particular as he grabbed both a bowl and a plate, placing them on a tray next to his cup of grape juice. He grabbed two warm eclairs, some cookies and cream ice cream and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, two warm cookies, and a few napkins before heading back over to where his stuff was placed, not all that shocked that Joel was already there."oh wow, you do eat quite a lot." He said as he looked over at Joel's plate before taking a sip of his grape juice.
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Phoenix smiled as the two introduced themselves, their abnormally sharp teeth showing again. Although they still had the cupcake that Astra had given them, Phoenix still needed the rest of their meal. They took a bowl and filled it with rotini alfredo, as well as a breadstick, too. They also took a sugar cookie from the dessert and headed to the table where Innocent and Joel already sat. They made sure Astra had her food before arriving at the table with her. She had previously grabbed some pizza, but Phoenix didn't know if she had wanted anything else first. Back at the table, they took a single look at Innocent's meal and wrote a note under the first one and slide it over. "That's a lot of sugar."
u k i y o u k i y o JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

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