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Fantasy Heavenly Beings Academy

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Demonic Angel
The heavenly beings, aka gods and goddesses, are in college! They are the sons and daughters of the Greek Gods with humans as their classmates.

One day, the Heavenly Beings decided their the offspring should go to school with the people of the earth below. The Heavenly Beings agreed with this idea, that it may better their children and make them see that being of the humans wasn't always a bad thing but could be fun. They were allowed to choose whatever major and minor they liked for their years in college, they could stay in college as long as they wanted but they could not leave until they had finished at least 4 years. Even with their ages being varied, they will all be first years.

Let's see how this will play out with the children of the powerful Greek Gods merging with the human race in college!

  • Zeus sat upon his throne, his wife Hera sitting beside him on her own throne the exact replica of his own only smaller and more feminine with flowers from Demeter's garden. She smiled up to him and he grinned in response, earlier that morning he has sent Hermes to summon the gods and goddesses to his throne room. Hades with Persephone, Poseidon with Athena (their love completely shocked him but he was happy for his brother), Hephaestus with Aphrodite (though he had forced their marriage they ended up falling in love with each other), Apollo with Artemis (Forbidden their love considering they were twin siblings but he consented to their love), and Hermes.

    The reason for their summoning, for his call, was to discuss their children's' behavior towards the human race. If they were to succeed in being benevolent beings and worshiped by the human beings then they would need to live amongst them for 4 or more years.

    It was then decided, a suggestion by Athena, that the children, since they were of college age in the human realm, would attend a university. Not just any university, Hades spoke up, a university that would be isolated from human towns and cities. In a forest at a safe distance for the young gods and goddesses to use their powers at their leisure and safely. Select humans will be chosen to attend the university and told of the higher beings that would join the humans at the university, so that the humans would not fear the unknown. After the 4 or more years attending the university, if the humans that found out who the gods and/or goddesses were, their memories would be wiped out of ever meeting them. If the humans were trustworthy to never speak of meeting the higher beings then they could keep their memories.

    The Godly Parents all rose from the seating and bowed raising their right hands over their hearts, a sign that an agreement had occurred. They dispersed from Zeus' throne room and Hera rose to stroke his shoulder speaking to him with a brilliant smile, "They are ready." "Let us hope so." He replied, taking her hand and leaving the room.

  • ~Belle Valentine/Aimee Beautona (Human and Aphrodite/Hephaestus)

    ~Shakuntala/Hersey Deason (Hades/Persephone and Hermes)

    ~Joseph Beautona/Pakuna (Aphrodite/Hephaestus and Poseidon/Athena)

    ~Timothy/Ryan Anderson (Zeus/Hera and Human)

    ~Julian Hearthlon/Smith Magie (Hades/Persephone and Human)

    ~Lily (Human)

    ~Dean Lunas (Apollo/Artemis)



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  • The academy was bustling with students getting their class schedules and dorm room papers. They were meeting their roommates and teachers for the first day, they had been told that deities were attending the academy but most of them were doubtful, nonetheless they were excited. The academy had just appeared out of nowhere with high standard rankings, top of the line chefs, teachers, tutors, and mentors used for clubs. The deities would join the classes a month after classes had began so that the humans would be prepared for whatever happened. The rumor said that the deities were to remain secret from the humans so that they may learn to blend with the humans on their own, of course the students were very excited to meet them. They didn't know who would be a deity but it would be very fun trying to figure it out!

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Lily was heading to her first class College Algebra. This had been the longest she had been from her grandmother. She missed her a lot. She walked in her class sat down waiting for class to start.
The red headed young woman was already on the college campus. She was bright eyed, and bushy tailed, or she hoped that that was the saying. Her name was Shakuntala, and she looked about, but knew that Julian would be, no doubt about it, with Aimee. Shakuntala had arrived early, as was her habit in everything she did, so that she could explore the campus some. Shakuntala was a friendly person, but somehow, she had never made a deep friendship like Julian had with Aimee. She loved her brother, and cared for Aimee because he did, but you had to have friends that weren't your brother and weren't your brothers friends, didn't you?

So yes. Shakuntala was excited to be doing this. Beyond the fact there were other children of the gods coming, there were also humans.

As it neared 8am, she headed back to the front of the campus.


Pakuna patiently nodded and said a lot of "yes"s or "I know mother" or even "dad! I don't need to here about your 'wild days' and what good time you had with girls! I'll be scarred for life!" As both his parents made sure he was ready for college. Seemed normally enough. Until you realized rhey were gods, and he was going to a human college. Finally he said "if you don't stop badgering me, I'll be late!" He hugged them both goodbye, and kissed his mother on the cheek, before heading to college.

When he got there, be stated silently at the building, probably looking dark and browsing.
Tim had left for college earlier that day, but he hadn't arrived yet. He had decided to explore the area around the college first before actually going to the college. He checked his watch and saw that it was nearing 8 am. "Oh well time to go." He said speaking to himself as he quickly turned his form into lightning and shot through the sky till he landed outside of the school. "It looks pretty good." He said to himself as he began inside the college taking his time to look around watching the humans rush around the campus.
Her alarm had been going off for a half hour now. Thankfully her roommate hadn't been here; she suspected that whoever they were would be unhappy with that incessant beeping. She sat up in her bed with a yawn and took a look at her phone. Multiple messages from her parents had popped up. They had been at this all month, -every- day they had sent her these things. Yeehaw.

Don't get her wrong, she was excited for college and her classes and meeting the deities. But not at 8 in the morning. Honestly, she wasn't -that- excited that she was going to school with the great gods, or at least, their offspring. I mean, they'll probably be super snobby about it, she thought. The whole being treated like royalty and then having to sit next to a mortal peasant like herself would be new. She gathered her clothes, putting on her pink cat eared hoodie and a pair of shorts with some high top sneakers. "Huhkay, where am I going?" Brain fart. Not uncommon at 8 in the morning. And also, she needed to get used to her schedule still.
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  • Aimee held onto Julian's arm as the walked towards the front entrance, "Juli, stop making the flowers bloom as we walk, people will suspect." Instantly the flowers died making her outright laugh, people turned their heads to wonder who was laughing and soon everyone was staring. It wasn't everyday they saw two people holding onto each other like she and Julian were, though it was mostly her holding onto him. They probably stopped to stare because Julian had such a dark aura of hatred and disgust clinging to his every step. She flashed a smile to the nearest guy, wishing to be friendly but Julian growled and the guy backed away frightened. She had to bite her lip to keep from grinning amused that Julian was being his normal hateful self that she loved so much.

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SHakuntala wandered through the interior, not even looking about as if she was impressed by it. She wasn't. she accepted her schedule, and checked her dorm room, seeing that she was paired with someone named Lily.

heading to the dorm, she saw that it was empty of people,but that someone must be here, given that the humans had been here a month, so she began to put her things away, and she headed to the window, seeing a window box, she smiled. She looked about, and then she quickly coaxed some flowers to grow.

She then looked to her schedule, frowning slightly, then flopped out on her bed, waiting for this supposed roommate, hoping that they were nice, and hoping that she would get alone with her. She would eventually hunt up Julian and make sure he wasn't going to kill anyone, or try and tear the school down, knowing he despised this, and was only going alone with it for Aimee.


Pakuna spoke little to the people in the office, merely asking politely for his scheduele and room, he then left with a muttered thank you. He looked at both his schedule and room allocation. He was with someone. He didn't know if that was a good thing or not. He'd be made to talk, which he didn't mind, but sometimes, he just wanted quite.

He didn't think much of the room, but it would do. He threw his gear on the bed, looking about the room, and found it quite boring. He sighed. he wondered briefly if they'd actually get anything from this. What would they be able to do with a college education? How long could they keep hidden?

The humans were interacting but Pakuna was more interested in the marine animals, and how they interacted with humans, for now.
Popping her headphones in and trudging through the somewhat empty dorms, Belle scratched her head and went out the front of the dorm building. Making her way across the lovely campus and enjoying the soon-to-be fall breeze, she noticed the various ways of transportation that some of the new students took. A chariot of fire, alright. The lightning bolt in a blue sky was most likely a deity as well. Not very subtle, she thought. Weren't they supposed to be?

No matter, she thought, as she approached the main building of the university which still left her in awe. She saw a multitude of new people in the front lot and inside the building, so it wasn't really too hard to pick out who was a god or goddess. Though they could just be late. But on today of all days? Doubt it. Not like she was going to accuse anyone of being a god. She was just curious was all.
Tim smiled as he casually walked into the college through the gates finding the office easily enough to get his schedule and room key and papers. He couldn't have cared less who his room mate was as long as it was someone who was easy to get along with. He walked through the school looking around noticing there were quiet a few cute girls around. 'Maybe he would stop for a chat another time.' He thought to himself as he continued on to his dorm room finding it empty but his roomie had arrived already. Tim put his things on the empty bed and decided to head off to have more of a look around.

  • Practically oozing excitement, Aimee walked quickly towards the dorms. Stopping at the entrance she noticed a sign that said 'no males', glancing behind her seeing Julian with his hands in his pockets and waiting for her to move so he could follow her again. "Juli, no males, I'll find you after I see if my roommate is there." She smiled when he didn't react, merely waited. Opening the door and walking in she found her room and unlocked the door, peeking inside seeing no one but she smelled a scent on one of the beds, "My dorm mate has been here! Maybe she went to class, oh I should too!" Making a quick note that read 'Hi roommate! I'm Aimee! Hope we can be great friends!' She left her room and went back outside seeing Julian against a tree, before she could go to him a human make approached her. "Hi, you must be new yeah?", she nodded tilting her head "you're cute but young, you a prodigy or something?" She felt insulted and suddenly scared. Without answering she ran to Julian.

A bright light beamed at Ryan's face. The teen tilted his head away from the light and slowly opened his eyes. He stood up from his bed pulling his shirt off as he made his way to the bathroom. Ryan completed his usual clean up morning routine. As he walked out of the dorm room and into the hall, Ryan fixed the collar of his white long sleeve button up. According to a few students that passed by, he was too "dressed up" for class. It did not matter to him though especially since he had no interest or knowledge in whatever fad was happening at the moment. The teen walked out of the hall and toward his class. At least his attire was somewhat decent. It was his only other type of attire other than his pajama pants and faded graphic shirts which he used for sleeping. His isolation from the outside world limited him to the "classics"(not too way back though). He stuck his left hand into one of the pockets in his khaki pants and moved his right hand through his hair while feeling a breeze blow in his direction.
Hersey Deason woke up around 8:01, she knew that she was going to be late for her first day of college. She raced down the stairs, her outfit had been a dress that she wore very often because her father told her that her mother had left a little something for when she was able to fit into it and this year was the year that she could slip it on without it falling off. She gave her father a peck on the cheek before heading out the already open door, her orangish-yellow dress had sort of swirling curves on it as she ran to the school. Her short blonde hair had long bangs on the sides to giving her hair an original flair to it.

She stopped by the entrance about a minute later than when she had left, she walked up to the school. Not being the least bit surprised as she quickly found the desk and got her room key and a sheet of paper. She threw the paper away, not caring what/who was on it. She walked into the room, seeing the girl and the empty bed. She set her duffel bag on the bed and grabbed her bag out of it, she flashed a smile to the girl and walked out the door to go to class.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.
Shakuntala was a bit shocked when her roommate came in, and then left. She didn't even get to know her name. She sighed, gathered up er ting to head to class, pondering how she could communicate wit her room mate. She looked out a window, seeing that Julian was harassing a human, probably for looking wrong at Aimee or something. He didn't have a very high opinion of humans. Or rather...no opinion at all. But Shakuntala found them fascinating.

She would catch up with them later. She jogged to her classroom, and settled down, eager to begin learning, and eager to begin making friends and meeting new people.

  • Sensing someone familiar, he looked over to see his little sister, Shakuntala, running towards the building that held the classrooms, "What's your first class?", he asked Aimee. She pulled out a paper from her pocket of her shorts and read it aloud, 'Math, in room 3A', He grinned, his first class was also math in 3A.

    Strolling into classroom 3A, not letting go of Aimee's hand he sat in the back dropping his legs onto of the table. Aimee sat on the table moving her knees over his legs, she always did this, his possession of her was verbal while hers for him was physical. The teacher walked in and his jaw dropped at the sight of them, whispers were spreading through the room but Aimee and Julian ignore them. Julian closed his eyes waiting for it to end.

Ryan scanned the area and was able to navigate his room number. He kept one of his hands in his pocket while his other hand traveled from his hair down to his neck. The teen walked to his first class. As Ryan slightly rubbed the back of his neck, he arrived at the room, turned the door knob, and entered it. So far getting an education with other people was okay. Although it was a new experience for Ryan, the teen did not mind being in a slightly crowded room with random people. He had heard something about gods attending the academy. The thought however was forgotten due to his lack of knowledge regarding such heavenly beings. His gaze focused on the board as he sat down and pulled out a notebook.
Hersey walked into class, she saw Shakuntala and sat at the back anyways. She wasn't really in the mood for making friends on the first day but whenever she did make friends, it was always after she defended the person or helped them understand something. She drew since she knew the teacher wouldn't mind as long as she passed the class. She liked running but she figured drawing was the next best thing.

She got her sketchbook and a pencil out of her bag, she didn't mind drawing with mechanical at times but she liked the way a regular pencil worked. She hated coloring with crayons though, they left clumps in the paper and that made the drawing look bad.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.
Tim walked through the school slowly taking his time to look around. He checked the time again noticing it was getting a little bit into the first class. He walked through the college a smile on his face towards his first class, he got to his first class and he took a seat around the middle of the room and he slouched in his seat lightly as he got out a notepad to take notes and such. 'The human world is interesting so far.' He thought to himself as he nibbled on the end his pen.

He payed attention to his teacher even as his eyes wandered the room not having to watch the teacher as he wrote notes and studied the room and the students around him.
Belle had made her way to her first class of the day out of the two that she had, one in the morning and one in the evening. Her algebra class in room 3A was packed, and everyone was whispering about something. She didn't really care to look back, she was much more focused on the lecture that was being given than the gossip. She wished she could just tell everyone to shut up for a moment to be able to hear this professor's lecture. She was horrible at mathematics, and even though this was an overview of what was gone through highschool still, she had trouble in there too. Well, her definition of trouble in a class was a B+.

About a half hour into the class, her cheek was in her palm and she was slipping off to sleep, woken up only by the occasional slip of her head which woke her up immediately. This was going to be a long period.

  • The teacher suddenly slammed his pen down on the table, "class is over now get out." he glared at Aimee and Julian amusement lighting hi features even if he tried to hide it, he was after all a demigod. He tossed his pen at Belle to wake her up as Julian stood up with Aimee in his arms, she had fallen asleep mid-class. He tell her what happened during class, he didn't need to take notes because he had a great memory. He glanced down at Belle and smirked, Another that likes to sleep, surprised Aimee and this human weren't born from Nyx of the Night. he gently shook Aimee, waking her up, whispering to her, "found your roomie". The next thing he knows, he's on the ground with Aimee straddling him.

The pen bounced off her forehead just as her eyes flitted open from her cheek slipping off her hand again. "Nnh..?" She sat upright quickly, not surprised she fell asleep but still disappointed she couldn't make it through the lecture. Hearing an unfamiliar voice that seemed to be directed at her, she rubbed her eyes slightly and looked over at Aimee, giving her head a tilt at the interesting looking figures in front of her. "D'uh, oh! Aimee, isn't that..." she paused, and looked up at them both warmly, "I'm going to assume you're my roommate? I mean, I haven't seen you in this class before. My name's Belle, and nice to meet you, Julian."

Truly, she could already see that this Julian guy was going to be a bit awkward to hang around to say the least. She wasn't very good at getting along with his type. His type being the smoky, mysterious, and overall supposedly intimidating type. The type who just doesn't like people because they're people and deems them all jerks or not as intelligent as them. With this prejudgment going through her mind, she snapped herself back. Always give everyone a chance.

She stood up and took her bookbag with her, passing by them before looking back, "So, uh... are you guys coming to lunch in an hour? I usually wait and do some homework there before it starts. You're welcome to come, both of you." She instantly regretted saying that they could come to lunch with her. Usually she sat alone - not that she wanted to. It was hard for her to make conversation unless someone else approached her first, so it would be a bit embarrassing going to lunch and seeing her lack of friends. Needless to say, she was embarrassed quite easily.
Ryan looked at the teacher. That was an odd way to dismiss them. Regardless, he stood up when another scene began to take place. "Hm" Ryan responded seeing Aimee straddling Julian. Was that a usual action that people performed? His head tilted a bit when he noticed that he had not seen any of the two prior to that day. He carried his stuff and walked out of the room. One arm carried a notebook while the other slightly swung back and forth as he walked. The teen looked around trying to find something to do before his next class started. This was a new goal of his. For the past month, Ryan just went in his room and stayed there before and after classes not knowing how to really interact with people around his age group. He mentally vowed to try and explore a bit due to the boredom he had underwent in the past month.
Shakuntala was a bit off put that, as she looked around the room, her roommate-she didn't even now the girls name-hadn't come up to her, hadn't offered to introduce herself. She looked down, bowing her head over her notebook, wondering if she had done something to offend the girl. Why was it she could never seem to get alone with anyone enough to call them friends? She was nice. She cared. But no one seemed to want to be friends with her.

Tears stung her eyes, and she closed them shut tightly, but still, a single tear rolled down her cheek, falling on her notebook, causing a wet spot. She didn't know if she was going to like it here. She missed half of what the teacher was saying, until she got herself under control. She took a deep breath, and tried to pay attention. Until the teacher dismissed them. She gathered her things, not sure what half that class was about, and began to make her way out of the classroom, her read hair covering her face, and hiding the dejected and withdraw face behind it.

She wasn't watching where she was going, and as such, she crashed into a boy who seemed to be looking for something, a note book in his arm, which she probably caused to fall to the floor. Not that she saw that as she stumbled against him, landing on her butt. Mortified, she dropped her head into her hands, "I'm sorry!"


When Pakuna's roommate neglected to show up, he shrugged, gathered his things and headed to class. He settled down, clearly not caring for the class, but he listened dutifully, coping down notes when he needed to, but otherwise, he hoped the class would be over soon.

He looked around but so no one he recognised, which didn't mean much. He mostly kept to himself, but he wasn't anti-social. just...didn't want ot make the effort sometimes. Now, fish...

He was grateful when the class was over. He rose, and silently left the class, sparing a glance at the girl that straddling a guy, Probably the daughter of aphrodite. She did fall asleep, so perhaps she had a...animated dream. He headed out the classroom, hands in his pocket.
Tim sat there and couldn't help but laugh as he watched the events of the period unfold. A girl straddling a boy and then a pen being thrown at a sleeping girl. He slowly got up still wondering who his room mate was since he wasn't there when he had arrived at his room earlier and since he didn't bother to check the name of who his roomie was, he didn't have a clue what he looked like or what his name was. He began out of the room and was to busy deep in thought. 'I guess I will find out later today.' Tim thought to himself as he tripped over a girl falling onto his face. He was completely unharmed and he sat up slowly rubbing his nose. "Are you alright?" He asked her as he stood slowly and looked at the guy she must've bumped into.
Suddenly, a stumbling force caused his notebook to fly out from the light grasp of his arm and onto the floor. "Hm?" Ryan turned to the girl who stumbled into him. He looked at her down on the floor with her hands on her face. The teen did not know how to respond to the particular situation. His arm outstretched itself to her as he stayed silent. Before he could take her hand and gently pull her up, another person tripped over the red headed girl. Were people naturally this trip-able? Maybe this guy and girl were trying to practice that straddling position just as the other two students had done in class. Ryan's gaze shifted to the guy. He put his hand out toward him as well. Ryan stayed silent as both of his arms remained outstretched toward the two people.

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