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Futuristic 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗦: 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗨𝗫 // 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝗈𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋.



name: Naima Naciri
nickname: Ranger
age: 32
gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
date of birth: August 9th, 2064
place of birth: Somewhere Out There
race/ethnicity: Morrocan-American

hair: Naima's hair is black and slightly wavy, though it only reaches down to her shoulders. It looks maintained, though not styled or taken care of particularly well.
eyes: Naima's eyes are a warm brown, always half-lidded as if she is sleepy. They have crow's feet at their edges.
skin: Her skin is olive-toned, tanned from years under the sun. It has the sort of markings, scars, and blemishes one would expect from someone who works for a living. She is 100% human, without any augmentation.
height: 5'5
distinguishing features: A long slash scar across her right cheek and a messy burn on her left shoulder, where the skin almost looks to have melted, however long ago that injury occured.
wardrobe: Cowboy shit.
Description: The Outlaw known as 'Ranger' is a worn sort of woman. She stands at 5'5, with a lean build, accented with muscle. Hers is the kind of muscle born of a life of hard work, of many hours spent sweating away beneath the burning sun. Her hands and feet are marred with callouses, many small scars set about her body, though particularly on her hands. Her face is sharp, with a strong, pointed nose, pronounced cheekbones, and heavy brows.

personality: For a long, long time, Heartbeat City has been festering. It's a hard place for ordinary folks, between the all-encompassing presence of corporations, the stratified economy keeping the common man down, and the packs of baddies prowling the streets. The law isn't held by the lawmen, the supers only 'protect' the shiny parts of the city, and half this city of the future is run by criminal syndicate. It's only natural that someone shows up to do something about it.

The Ranger's motivation isn't too far off from the costumed do-gooders the main difference is methods and targets. When Law itself is corrupted, justice won't come through legal means. In the Ranger's eyes, one must work outside the system to fix it - if not tear the whole thing down. Corrupt cops and slick-suit businessmen are just as guilty as the villains and criminals, and even if supers go and catch every last bad guy, they won't touch the root of the thing. And the Ranger intends to burn the whole tree.

In interactions, Naima is always-smiling, offering a kind hand to others and helping out where she is able. Despite this, she does not seek to make herself the center of attention - unless she's about to shoot someone. She has a natural sympathy for the 'common folk', and actively distrusts corporations and authority as a whole. Despite her headstrong nature as a vigilante, she keeps well out of trouble and attention unless she feels ready for it.
occupation: N/A
positive traits (4+): Motivated, Quick-Witted, Selfless (towards those she feels aren't guilty), Optimistic
negative traits (4+): Vengeful, Violent, Stubborn, Hot-Headed
likes: Country music (though she has specific tastes), Nature, Cherries, Westerns
dislikes: Corruption, Costumes, Cops, Octopus (too wriggly)
fears: Suffocation, Transhumanism
ailments: N/A

Fire Irons
The Ranger's power is simple, to be a weapon. Her hands, more specifically, are weapons. The Ranger is capable of generating and concentrating extreme heat in her hands - a heat that is focussed into the tip of her pointer finger, and expelled in a blast. These blasts take the form of condensed masses of super-heated air, much like a bullet. The blasts from the Ranger's fingers are incredibly powerful, hitting with the force of high caliber rounds and carrying with them a heat powerful enough to not only immediately cauterize wounds - but also to cut through steel.

The energy required for such blasts takes time to generate however, meaning that her rate of fire is low, unless she chooses to use weaker blasts instead. The weaker the shot, the quicker she can fire, which comes to be the preferred method when dealing with supers, who tend to require quicker action and present more demanding fights.

If needed, she can simply heat up her hands and hit people with them too. She can heat up any part of her body, but her hands are the only means for her to focus this energy into blasts.

Heat Resistance: The Ranger is naturally resistant to heat, and capable of handling and enduring extreme temperatures.

  • Quickest Draw In the West: The Ranger's reflexes are honed and incredibly fast, though not superhuman. As long as there's no powers involved, her draw's second to none.
  • Hard-Eyed Devil: The Ranger's eyes are sharp, able to pick out details at a great distance - and enabling her to hit her targets more often than not.
  • Tough as Leather: The Ranger's had a hard life, and is used to the sort of pain that comes with it. Although not superhuman, she has a high pain tolerance and endurance.
  • Stranger in a Strange Land: Although she isn't a Luddite, the tech of Heartbeat City is cutting edge - and thus beyond the Ranger's understanding. Additionally, she sticks out like a sore thumb if she opens her mouth.
  • Running Hot: Despite her superhuman ability to generate heat, the Ranger can only keep shooting for so long. Her abilities naturally require an intense intake of nutrients due to their high energy demand, though the easiest way for her to recharge is by directly absorbing heat or energy through her hands. If denied the opportunity to recharge, she cannot use her powers. Additionally, her powers are not exactly subtle. When in use, her fingers, and eventually her entire hand, becomes white-hot, steam constantly rising from them given the contact with water vapor in the air. Each blast is loud and bright, and only gets louder and brighter the more energy and heat is put into them.
  • Human in body: Other than the heat, the Ranger is an ordinary woman. One physically trained and remarkably durable sure, but she is lacking in the enhanced speed, strength and durability that many other supers have by default. Additionally, her personal fear of transhumanism means she refuses to augment herself to make up for it.

Abdel Naciri - Her father, held in debt peonage by the VeraGreen Agricorp, worked as a field hand. He picked apples by day, and by night, played guitar in the Worker's Lounge, a squat, two-story structure that served as the only company-approved recreation in the company town of Verdant Acres. Despite the misery of their conditions, Abdel was a man who always smiled, and he taught his daughter to smile at the world, even if it treated you harshly.

Faiza Naciri - Her mother, also a debt peon in Verdant Acres. She however, was a mechanic, tending to the machinery of the farm. She was a stern, serious woman, who looked out for the others. She was often busy working or fighting or both, often in trouble with the corporate militia. She taught Naima how to fight, and what to fight for.

background: In Heartbeat City, the Ranger isn't someone who exists. She carries no identification and her name appears in no files. She just came to town one day, and for all anyone would know, she didn't exist before. Since she has arrived in the city, she has spent some time learning about her surroundings and the situations in the lowest parts of the city before she has begun to act. Recently, she has began killing. Tracking down her targets, waiting for the opportune time to put a burning hole through their chest.

Of course, Naima didn't come into this world as a gunslinger. She was born to Abdel and Faiza Naciri, two debt peons working under VeraGreen Agricorp, a megacorp based out of Heartbeat City with a strong hold in agriculture. The Corporation owns dozens of company towns across the wasteland-adjacent lands outside the city. Out there, in places abandoned by the world, corporate rule is absolute - and so Naima's parents found themselves in their situation, their small town bought up by slick-suited lawyers and businessmen when they were kids. Exploited by the company they - and the rest of the town of Greywater Crossing, were left destitute.

Yet, the Company wasn't satisfied, changing life entirely. The Company relocated all its employees, who just so happened to be all the townsfolk to a company town a mile or so down the road called Verdant Acres, while Greywater Crossing was demolished. That way, all employees would be much closer together, enabling full control by the company in terms of their access to goods - and the corporation's access to them.

Growing up in such an environment was difficult, and Naima spent much of her life toiling away there, all for the benefit of people she'd never meet. When she was seven, the Change occured, and turned an already ruined world upside down. The company town was rocked by an attack from a power-mad super, and the years afterward would see an almost police-state level of oversight from the company. Tensions and struggle would grow in the company town, and for Naima's family. Eventually, years later there'd be a strike, which the company called in strikebreakers against. By the leadership of the head cook in the Worker's Lounge, the peons were rebelling - brought on by the death of a young man named Terrence, died of heat exhaustion in the fields - denied water by the overseers. Unwilling to give up so easily, the striking workers fended off the strikebreakers in a large brawl - only for the corporate militia to show up two days later with guns. The resulting fight was bloody, and in the chaos, management fled. Although the workers won, their losses were overwhelming, and a then nineteen Naima was forced to bid her slain mother farewell.

Those workers who remained waited for a counterattack that never came. Back in Heartbeat City, where the company was headquartered, they were under investigation for covering up chemical exposure in their packing plants, and so to pay enough in bribes, legal fees, and so on - they sold Verdant Acres to another company, one less interested in the land or the people living on it.

No one in Verdant Acres knew they'd been reduces to an investment in some billionaire's portfolio, so life continued on, ever waiting for an attack that wouldn't come. Eventually, the constant paranoia was too much for Naima, and so she left. In the decade or so since, she's been a running gun, dispensing justice with her powered hands. All she's seen leads her to believe that most of the evil she's seen originates from the corporations in Heartbeat City, and even if she were to kill a thousand corporate thugs or wasteland bandits, the corporations would always hire more. So - she sought the city, looking to finally cut the head off the serpent. Though the city she's found is one requiring a lot more work than expected. The people here need help, just as they need help out there - and if the law won't help them, the Ranger will.
extra info: N/A
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history + powers


  • scroll

    ”All informants need an alias. What about Jane Doe? Y’know—since you work in a morgue and all.”
    > Det. Emilio Reyes.

    hayden daniels

    given the alias of ‘jane doe’…

    …but just prefers hayden.

    twenty-five years old.

    third of december.

    trans-woman (they/she).


    white american.

    born in heartbeat city.

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© weldherwings.

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Raymond Sy
Male | Bisexual
Los Angeles
FC|Enrique Gil

Raymond was introverted by nature and his parents always urged him to go out and socialize like his sister. He barely raised his voice and was satisfied with the company of his family. But for how little his voice can be, his heart was twice as big. His sister said he wouldn’t survive in the real world, with how sensitive and how much of a pushover Raymond was. In his defence, he spent most of his childhood on the road because of his father’s volatile job so there weren’t many opportunities to form friendships nor the chance to practice his socializing skills. With no one to talk to except his sibling who always found a way to tease him, Raymond has developed a somewhat docile personality.

But one day, there was a shift in Raymond’s disposition. When the change happened resulting in the loss of his parents, he realized that being small won’t cut it. The world was bigger outside their car, and he needed to grow up to survive. He took his first step outside the comfort of his box. It took him years of imitating his sister—though to a much lesser degree, before he was confident enough to not shy away from other people and his voice finally found its footing. Once he stepped foot in Heartbeat city, the shy and introverted child was hidden behind false bravado. Raymond would like to say that he finally left his shell, but that introverted kid will always be a part of him.



Organizing – Working at a convenience store showed Raymond the joys of restocking and organizing. It was peaceful and it kept his mind occupied and distracted, drowning out the stray thoughts he might pick up from his ability.

Animals – They were calming, didn't have unnecessary baggage like people did, and are usually a source of happiness. A walk through a dog park will lift up Raymond's mood. With that being said, he avoids shelters and zoos where negative emotions from the animals are more frequent.

Sweets – They're tasty. That's it.

Idle games – Like organizing, Idle games proves to be an effective way to distract Raymond from unnecessary noise especially in slow days in the convenience store.


Fire – Not the mechanical and contained fire of a stove, nor the warmth of a campfire accompanied by the smell of burnt oak. But the wild and all-consuming flame of a burning house or a forest fire. There's too much trauma and history behind it that Raymond didn't want to go back to.

Robots – They were cold, all sharp-edges, and didn't have a mind to read.

Crowds – The noise, specifically the stray thoughts, gives Raymond migraines.

The zoo – Like with crowds but more intense and primal. It's not thoughts but pure and raw emotions of the animals inside.


People discovering his abilities in fear of being abducted like his sister.


The usual back problems from working a 9 to 5 job, but nothing too serious.


Telepathy – Raymond has the basic telepathy abilities such as reading the minds of other people and sending his own thoughts to others as a way of communication. Usually, telepaths need to actively try to extract the information from their target but Raymond was the opposite. His telepathic abilities allows him to gather stray thoughts and emotions without trying. While some can say that it's an upgrade, constantly being bombarded by it results in constant headaches and migraines for him. Lastly, Raymond can also become a bridge for individuals to communicate with another person that is not Raymond using their mind, although it requires more effort, and its success depends on multitude of variables so more often than not, it's limited between two people for it to work.

Emotion Manipulation – Raymond can tap into the emotions of an individual or a group of people, though to a lesser degree. From simply pushing a person to feel a certain way, to overloading them until they breakdown, his ability can manifest in many ways.

Animal Influence – Animals, unlike humans, lack cognitive abilities and mostly rely on their instincts to function. This makes them especially vulnerable to manipulation. Raymond can make beasts docile and loyal dogs feral with just a thought. Though he can’t command or make them follow instructions.


Artificial Intelligence
– Obviously, Raymond works best with or against people. He can be heavily countered by artificial intelligence and other machinations. One cannot control what isn’t there, after all. Robots, turrets, drones, an A.I aiming for the eradication of the human race and total world domination, to name a few, are his biggest weaknesses. This makes Raymond the worst companion if ever there was a robot uprising or something similar. At most, he can function as a meat shield if worse comes to worst.

Combat – His sister was more suited for combat as Raymond’s abilities are not suited for it. At most, he can browse the mind of his enemy and predict their next move, but he doesn’t have the reflexes nor training to actually act upon it. While he can somewhat defend himself by apprehending or distract the other party with his abilities, the best way to deal with him is to rush him down before he gets the chance to do it.

Crowds – While Raymond can use his abilities on a group of people, he’ll avoid using it unless it’s necessary because of the heavy strain of manipulating each individual on both his body and mind. This makes him an easy target for gangs, group attacks, or when he’s in a panicked crowd.


The cramped space of an old car—Vintage, his father would say, was Raymond’s home. Sure, there were times where he can’t feel his legs and concrete ground was far more comfortable than the worn-out seats, but there were also roads that stretch to forever and sights he dreamed of every night. On rare occasions where they would stay in a place for long periods of time—a cramped apartment was better than a cramped car he supposed, his mother would always try her best to provide him and his sister some kind of education. He was usually the only one who paid attention since his sister, Rachel, would rather go out and play with the other kids. The difference between the two siblings were like night and day. Rachel was everything that Raymond wasn’t. Brash, loud, outgoing, and most importantly, strong. Being big and strong was everything when you were a kid and he remembered being jealous of the fact. His father would always say that his strength was his heart. But a strong heart won’t save you from bruises and split lips, he thought. His childhood wasn’t ideal, but he was with his family, and he was happy.

It was mid-December; the breeze was cooler without warm clothes and the cold seeped in every crevice of the dingy apartment. The only time where the siblings would get along was this time of the year, where they would cuddle up together for warmth. Suddenly, the door bursts open and their dad came rushing in. He looked like he’s been through hell and back as he instructed them to quickly grab everything they needed because they’re going to leave. Once they’re all packed and ready, they rushed to the car and immediately drove away. The next thing he remembered was a dark and damp place, his family was huddled up in one of the corners with other survivors, alive.

For a moment, Raymond let himself hope that maybe things were getting better. But fate must’ve been toying with him because that hope vanished just as quickly. A group of three teenagers entered shortly after them, two holding guns while the girl in front was playing with a lighter. The teens demanded they hand-over all their supplies or they won’t be leaving the place alive. An old man stood up, trying to appease them but the girl seemingly pulled the fire out of the lighter before throwing it without care. Raymond won’t forget how fast the man flared up, exposing the muscles underneath his burnt skin, blood bubbling. His parents tried to make him look away but even at the comfort of darkness, he can still smell the aftermath. Before anyone could recover, the sound of the gunfire reverberated throughout the cramped room. Then, silence. Only 4 left the place the next morning. Raymond with his sister and two other children.

Rachel's superhuman strength manifested when she was carrying the corpse of their parents outside. An eight-year-old carrying two adults was hard to miss and it wasn’t long until someone noticed the pair and took them to a nearby shelter. There were too many casualties for a proper burial, so their parents were cremated instead. Raymond can't look at fire the same way again. After that, everything was a blur.

One day, there was a program started by the local government for people like him. Free education, work, housing, everything they needed to start over a new leaf. Raymond quickly took the opportunity and graduated high school at the age of 18, dropped out of college at 23, and moved to Heartbeat City with his sister to begin a new chapter in his life at 24. The two siblings did whatever they could to make ends meet. Overall, everything was normal, dull, and perfect.

Unlike his sister, Raymond’s powers manifested later in life. At first, he thought that he was one of many who was powerless, but he didn’t mind. He’ll go as far as to say that he’s lucky to not have been given one at all. Sure, it would be useful to be strong like his sister or to be able to fly like in the comics and movies, but he has also seen hospitals and shelters filled with people whose lives has been ruined because of it. Him included. So, it came as a surprise when one day Raymond can suddenly feel the emotions of the people around him.

He was on his way to work when an explosion can suddenly be heard down the street. Raymond rushed towards the burning building to see groups of people desperately rushing outside to safety, but one woman caught his attention. The lady was sobbing on the sidewalk over a body and the sight was so familiar that Raymond stopped breathing for a second. He sympathized with the woman, so much so that he can feel tears running down his face as well, mirroring the grief on her face. That’s when he realized that he wasn’t sad. He was feeling the stranger’s grief. Suddenly, his mind was being bombarded with emotions that wasn’t his. It felt like his head was about to split open and his heart, burst. He ran to a nearby alleyway and broke down. It's like the world was feeling through him and he could only handle so much. Maybe his powers only manifested when he was an adult because he couldn’t imagine a child going through this. He’d call his sister for help, but her phone couldn’t be reached for a while now. He was worried, with all the news about the disappearances, but Rachel can handle herself.

After a month, he learned how to tune everything out. A year before he had enough control to walk around crowds again and it was the same amount of time that his sister has been missing for. Raymond got a job in a convenience store in front of a police station in hopes that he’ll get some news about the disappearances. Occasionally, he would browse the minds of the police officers stopping by the store for information about his sister or the other victims, but to no avail. But he hasn’t given up.


Liam Sy (Deceased)

Liam was a hardworking man who always tried to keep his family together even if his job meant that they will be constantly on the move. What Raymond admired about his father was his drive to make their lives better and how he faced the hardships of life with a smile. Unfortunately, he was killed after an encounter with a powered individual.

Grace Sy (Deceased)
Raymond was closer and more alike with his mother than his father. Grace was a kindergarten teacher before meeting his dad which explains her gentle nature. She always knew how to cheer him and his sister up on their bad days and her touch was comforting. But just like her husband, she was also killed by a powered individual.

Rachel Sy
Raymond’s number one enemy and friend, Rachel was always there to tease him or defend him against people who didn’t know that only she had the privilege to bully him. She was always wall he could lean on, someone to confide in. When Rachel got her superhuman strength, she worked day and night to support them both. One day, she suddenly disappeared without leaving any traces. Raymond suspects it’s related to the other disappearances.

Benjamin Williams
The owner of the convenience store that Raymond is currently working at. While he may be blind, Raymond suspects that he has some sort of ability basing on how he's able to walk around the store without a cane or help. One could guess that he’s in his late 70’s by the amount of wrinkles on his face but a smile was always plastered on his mouth.

© pasta
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Casey Shepard

gender: female
age: 29
sexuality: lesbian
d.o.b: october 28
p.o.b: heartbeat city
occupation: head programmer at kedron corp.
race: white
hair: dark brown
eyes: brown
skin: pale
height: 5'8"
distinguishing features: double pierced ears, a tattoo of the moon on left shoulder blade
wardrobe: business professional attire for work, mostly darker t-shirts and jeans accompanied by a leather jacket outside of work
fc: jenna coleman

abilities + personality

power: n/a
strengths: intellect- casey exhibits a near genius level of intellect and can rely on this for problem solving and strategizing.
technology- casey is an expert in most elements of technology, she is the head programmer at kedron corp and is especially great at hacking, considering her background. she also has experience in engineering and invented a few unique gadgets in the past, but may be a little rusty now that she's focused on code.
weaknesses: physical strength/durability- having no powers to rely on, casey is just an average (let's be real here, she doesn't hit the gym too often) less than average human being in terms of physical prowess, it's not difficult to beat her in a physical fight.
lack of allies- casey is a disloyal person, causing any alliances she makes to be fickle and usually backed by an exchange of resources or services.
positive personality traits: cunning, ambitious, innovative, discreet, meticulous
negative personality traits: pessimistic, selfish, judgmental, insecure, unethical
likes: hacking, rain, blue, lemon flavor, profiting
dislikes: orange, disorganization, fish, heat, trust building exercises
fears: powered individuals gaining all control in society, being insignificant, the unknown
ailments: n/a
personality: casey is an intelligent and conniving individual, who is only looking out for herself and sees other people as a means to an end. used to having to fend for herself, casey has no close trusted confidants- or as a normal person would say, friends. with a good head on her shoulders and a mind for innovation and business she makes herself stand out from the crowd. casey is always ready to jump onto a scheme that she could benefit from. keeping profits and her reputation in mind she won't hesitate to screw someone else over, but she's always careful about who she double crosses. she has learned that it's a dog eat dog world and if you're afraid of harming others you'll never come out on top.
she is consistently able to remain cool and collected in most situations, preferring to make rational decisions than act impulsively. she doesn't waste time with any moral quandaries about society, preferring to learn the existing system and work it to her advantage. casey maintains a confident facade, which demands attention and respect when interacting with others. however, underneath this display of self-assuredness casey is scared of the world around her, as well of how she fits into that world. with people with larger than life powers emerging every day, it's easy for her to feel small and she often overcompensates by emphasizing all of her strong suits and trying her best not to show any weaknesses.


relationships: tana shepard- mother (missing, presumed deceased)- casey always had a rocky relationship with her mother, particularly as a younger teenager, growing up poor and thinking that if tana just let her go out and find work as a hacker they'd be better off. but, when all is said and done they were both always there for each other. casey got much of her intelligence from tana, who was extremely bright herself. a hard working woman, neither of her children were sure of what she did for work, but she raised her children as best as possible and by the time of her dissapearence the family had a decent amount of money for people living in tartartus. tana went missing when casey was 15 years old, without any explanation whatsoever. maybe she got mixed up with the wrong people, maybe she was a victim of a crime, or maybe she was a disregarded casualty of whatever fight occurred near her at the time. just leaving without a trace was out of character for tana, so casey assumes she is deceased.
rachel shepard- half-sister (deceased)- casey loved her younger sister more than anything in the world, having to take care of her after their mother went missing. far to kind and trusting as a young child, rachel quickly learned how to toughen up a little in the streets of tartarus, but always held on to her morals. casey and rachel often disagreed about their morals (or, in casey's case, lack thereof), as rachel believed in working towards a more positive and idealistic society and casey believed that the system was to broken to fix, so might as well join it. still, all they had was each other and they got along well a majority of the time. when casey was 19, she and her sister were out running errands when some kid with very newly developed powers lost control, consuming a store in a fiery blaze with rachel inside. since then, because of this misfortune, casey has a deep mistrust of powered individuals and believes they should be as closely regulated as possible.
hugo levine- mentor (alive)- when casey started doing some impressive hacking work. hugo, an executive for kedron corp., took an interest in her. at 20, when casey clawed her way up to the top of tartarus, it was hugo who pulled her out and into elysian to work for kedron corp. he got her illegal doings scraped from any records and enrolled her in a high end elysian school and right after graduating she was given a job as a programer at kedron corp, where hugo served as a direct mentor, teaching her the ways of the corporate world. still, they have a working relationship, and neither quite trust each other, as trusting no one is the foundation of both of their survival methods.
background: casey was born and raised on the streets of tartarus, about four years after the change, to tana shepard and an unknown father, who walked out when he discovered that tana was pregnant. the change greatly impacted casey's upbringing, as tana had lost nearly everything to the chaos that followed, including her home, her place of work, and her family. casey's mother was poor, but a hard worker who would soon prove herself capable of securing a livelyhood for the sake of her family, although casey never figured out exactly what her mother did for work, since tana was extremely secretive on that front, likely wanting to keep her children safe. three years after casey was born, her half sister rachel came into the world, also from a man who remained unbeknownst to both children. tana did her best to keep her children from getting mixed up in the shady streets of tartarus, earning enough to get a small apartment, enrolling the children in a sub par school and teaching them on her own. casey always exhibited a high level of intelligence, impressing (and frightening) her mother. when casey showed interest in technology, always showing a profound interest in the latest programs and gadgets she saw in advertisements, her mother taught her some basic coding and casey took learning more about this craft into her own hands, practicing any moment she got. she always was ambitious, wanting to help provide for herself and her family by becoming a hacker to be hired by any seedy group in tartarus that would pay her. however, tana forbid it, having seen firsthand what it means to get mixed up in that world. casey often bickered with her mother on this front, but knew her mother was only trying to protect her. as a few years went by, the family became a bit more financially secure and she stopped pursuing this fight with her mother. casey also became interested in engineering, but kept that secret in order to avoid conflict wither mother she kept any of her newly invented trinkets hidden and that skill was underdeveloped due to her favoring working on coding and hacking. other than her tech projects, earlier life was rather unremarkable and she felt unremarkable. growing up, she saw kids her age getting powers and felt so insignificant compared to them and always secretly wished she'd receive a power of her own, but that never happened.
one day, when casey was 15, after returning from school with her sister, her mother was not at home. that didn't worry them, it wasn't uncommon for tana to work long hours and come home tired. casey went on with her day as usual. but, her mother did not return that night and casey began to worry. rachel was in a state of panic, so, casey went on to perform her first display of overcompensating confidence, which would later on be replicated at many points in her life. she put on a brave face and cared for her sister, but weeped at night when no one was looking. after a little over a week, casey wasted no time figuring out a way to maintain her and rachel's livelihood. she dropped out of their shitty school and took on small freelance hacking jobs. word got around that she was good at what she did, and slowly built up a solid reputation as a black hat hacker. occasionally, she dabbled in weapon dealing, selling her inventions for a steep price. rachel fever fully gave up hope that their mother was out there somewhere, but casey did rather quickly. she felt responsible for bringing up her sister the way her mother wished both of her children could be raised, securely and out of harms way. as time went on, casey always provided for her sister, but distanced herself, making sure rachel wasn't brought into her work world. she finally understood her mother's point of view. rachel was constantly in fear for her sister, saying they had enough money left by their mother to get by for a while, and then casey could get a more safe, legal, job. but, casey's thirst for more got the better of her, wanting more control over her life. her ambition served her well in tartarus, and when someone was in need of illegal technological assistance, casey's name was the one whispered.
at 19, she went out with her sister to run some basic errands- groceries, clothing and whatnot. as casey was purchasing some food, rachel went to a clothing shop across the street. not going with her sister would turn out to be the biggest regret of her life. shortly after rachel entered the shop, a young person with newly developed powers lost control, consuming the store in a fiery blaze. casey looked on, helplessly, unable to do anything as her sister perished. from then on, she has grown to resent powered individuals and views them as a potential danger to society that need to be regulated as closely as possible. this resentment is prone to boiling over into hate if harmed or slighted by a powered individual again. still, she keeps that confident facade and act like these individuals don't effect her at all, playing nice when she must for the sake of getting an upper hand.
after her sister's death, nothing was holding casey back. she had nothing to lose anymore, so she was only fighting for herself. a feeling of insignificance boiling in her soul, she was determined to make something of herself. the jobs she took got riskier and riskier and through the ages of 19-20 she spiraled into much more of a daredevil than she once was. it wasn't until she flew on the radar for the first time that she realized how deep of a hold she had dug herself into. she had a great criminal reputation and turned a very good profit from her business dealing and would be considered upper class and tartarus, but found herself in extreme danger. feeling as though she had nothing to risk, she accomplished a risky job of hacking into kedron corp's servers for information. she succeeded, but not without getting herself spotted for the first time ever. kedron corp. had private security apprehend her and she thought she was done for, at least she had made a name for herself, one of the greatest hackers known to man by the age of 20, but she knew she had lost. however, kedron corp. executive hugo levine noticed her remarkable skill and agreed to let her go for her crimes and wipe any record of them out of existence under one condition- that she come work for kedron corp. she quickly agreed, noting the opportunity to become something, something larger than she ever thought she could be. she was enrolled in one of those fancy elysian schools and never looked back, graduating quickly and becoming a programmer at kedron. under hugo's wing she learned about the corporate world and found herself well suited to the corporate hellscape. no stranger to having to be ruthless and think on her feet, her reputation grew. she was a great innovator as well as a business woman. she was thirsty for success and once she got a taste, she would stop at nothing to get more. for the first time in a very long time, casey felt in control. she wasn't scrambling for power or safety, she finally achieved power. she rose through the ranks rather quickly, and became kedron's head programmer at the age of 25. the perfect employee for a large, rapidly expanding, corporation, she has no moral quandaries and will do anything so long as it serves her. she even dabbles in a bit of freelance work- for the right price.




coded by mountainpost
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et tu, brute?

♡coded by uxie♡


Johnny goth



a single moment created this


Hektor Sterling Thorne


Brutus. Brought about by the way in which they ended up in the government's watchful eye, though the meaning is lost to those without the knowledge of the past.



date of birth

June sixteenth, 2067

place of birth

The bottom trenches of Heartbeat City.

gender & pronouns

The aching apathy of all things has made them scorn their very body, resorting to outright ignorance of themself. Therefore, they care nothing for direct labels, but they/them is generally met with a hum of agreement.



race + ethnicity



a retinal distraction with a scatter of light


A near-towering statue of cracked marble and a ghostly gaze. Mouth full with teeth poised to bite once they part, but they turn away almost demurely. A body built with fight turning soft and yet sharp to fit into new angles. Locs fan around them haphazardly, dyed dark and bloody. All the better to blend in they think as the red reflects in their dark star-suffocating eyes, there is no escape. Scars from struggles aren't so common but they litter them like the trash alleys of the city, familiar but unseemly. Running a finger over cracked lips leads astray thoughts, tapping a tune with their unassuming gentleness but the callouses betray them - too late - by then the low drawl of their voice has secured their grip.


CyKeem White


There's no home for warmth in the desolate colors Hektor chooses. For now, at least. Muted grays and blacks of exaggerated proportions align best with their sensibilities. To become the shadows themselves and join them in elongated dances as they rise and fall with the day are critical in the work Hektor has been tossed into. On sunnier days with a pinch of spontaneity, they shrug off the comfort of form-hiding fabrics to dabble in cloying threads of modern fashions with neon which they grin to avoid playing the part of a dolled-up robot before the discomfort of being known sends them fleeing back into well-worn soft knits contrasting with spiked accents that hint at their invisible thorns.


Undercover informant/spy posing as a non-ability user sent in by the government to infiltrate the Hell Hounds.


Leaving the window open, biting their nails, organizes by color or numbers with most everything, playing with loose threads on clothes, looking at themselves in every reflective surface they pass.


What to call the child who doesn't flinch at the hungry dogs of youth, a flick of the wrist or shove met with indifference so bland it would taste repulsive. Well-mannered and a pleasure to have in class would have been the highlight of a shining report card if the place they'd been born cared enough for the words above the need to survive in a world that seemingly changed over night - not to mention being among the first born into the tsunami of literal baby booming gifted. The calm undercurrent Hektor exuded became best suited for running alongside their elder peers, observation their greatest weapon before their ability sprouted into true ripeness.

There's a gray area where Hektor walks in their mind, a torrent of two halves in push and pull. The sense of justice they've always carried clashes with the empty feeling of simply being. Wading through unsure waters of their self-inflicted bleeding heart, though the stone of their face reveals nothing beyond quick grins as they speed off to fuck knows where.

Perhaps Hektor enjoys the burden they force upon themselves, savoring the burn like an alcoholic faking recovery. There's no easy way out or prints in the sand to follow, their own skewed moral compass guides Hektor and they go easily even with a cliff waiting at the end. The promise of some good coming from the lies and backstabbing they deal out in order to feel like the savior they long to be is the goal, buried so deep even they forget why their hands are tinted maroon with the smell of copper. It's necessary, Hektor whispers, to stop the emptiness that no other action can achieve.


VIRTUES // easily slips into roles like breathing, intense sense of justice and right or wrong wordsmith, scarily determined when a fire is lit under them, begrudgingly (not really) fond of children, able to sniff out falsities and deceit oh the irony.

VICES // blasé, flip flops moods like a goddamn light switch, likes to poke the bear to see what happens and acts surprised when shit goes sideways, vindictive, thinks they're the smartest person in the room at all times, antagonistic when being minimally inconvenienced.

likes + dislikes

LIKES // the short thrill of winning, sickly sweet things (ooo a treat!), department store smell left on new clothes, the look on a person's face when they realize they fucked up, twilight hour, card games, the sounds shoes make on hard floors, the kick of energy drinks.

DISLIKES // when it's too hot to wear layers but too cold to go without the extra padding, any social media comment section, awkward lulls in conversations yikes, bad acting, things that stare, past memories making a violent return to the forebrain.

fears + ailments

FEARS // falling into a the trap of complacency, fully embracing this persona they've adopted, the bleakness.

AILMENTS // The government assigned psychologist was probably made to make the glaring issues less obvious to make Hektor viable for fieldwork, but anyone with a good eye for masks could guess that the triple threat of PTSD, depression, and insomnia are present behind it somewhere.


perfection is the harshest term


V O I D // The ability to temporarily cancel or nullify another's ability through eye contact.


INFINITY // Hektor's ability can be used whenever and for an infinite amount of times until the mental cost of it becomes too much to continue.

FOOL PROOF // Void is untraceable in the sense that it's touch is basically nonexistent. It's hard to tell when Hektor has used it until their target attempts to use their own ability.


BLACK HOLE // Hektor is chronically affected by a feeling of pure emptiness, as though they have been carved out and left to rot. This is greatly increased after fresh use of their ability, leaving them in a dead eyed stare and tense body for days - a walking dead thing, really.

MEDUSA'S FOLLEY // Hektor's ability only works through direct eye contact. Any material like sunglasses or helmets obscuring the eyes renders their ability useless.


the shade of your eyes is a curse


CEASAR - Horst Taylor // The one by Hektor's side throughout childhood. A protector and teacher, and one who Hektor considered most beloved. A true visionary who the runts of the streets eagerly flocked to for warmth after taking the cold shoulder from the government that broke its promises. Horst painted a picture of taking back what they had been shut out of - a king for the people. Hektor idolized this pretty idea of the man who they viewed as a sibling, until idealism turned into radicalism and it stopped being about the community and more about personal power. He haunts Hektor's days and nights.

MEDEA - Sheri Acero // Hektor's next-door neighbor and weirdly parental nuisance. While single and childless at age thirty-four, Sheri is either chastising Hektor for being the local mothman or damsel in distress when she brings over her home cooking. Either way, they're grateful and annoyed for the extra attention for the brief escape it offers from the daunting experience that is their job.

when Rome fell

Hektor remembers little of their parents, and sometimes doubts if those memories were even real and not from a hunger-induced daze with bits fed from older orphans' experiences. There's no sadness there, just acceptance that this too was taken from them from the space that is Heartbeat City. Foster homes blurred together like smog-filled air. Despite the dreariness of it all, the community of rejects and lesser-than was ironclad in their bond, so there was never a time when they were truly alone in their suffering.

Growth occurs quicker in this environment, it has to. Quickly, one must learn the right nods, the right way to greet another, the right way to move else they'd end up on the evening news - a nameless face added to the new ultra-violence. Horst became the guide. Though several years older, Hektor took to him and remained in favor for their quick wit and knowledge of what was what and who was who. No one suspects the mouse compared to the cat. They had an equilibrium and while Horst campaigned through the streets with lyrical genius in the crowds, Hektor was in the back, ears open to the message and the ones who dared snuff them out.

What seemed so larger than life in their youth was small scale to what Hektor sees now, but impressive nonetheless with what Horst was able to create. Run down and meager as they were, the group he made ran a portion of the streets, aiming to lift their downtrodden fellows up. Providing what the government couldn't and dealing out justice that came too late or even never themselves. Horst became more of a political figure, affluent in speaking to all groups to further the agenda while keeping the more delicate nature of his intentions hidden with Hektor. Justice became a back alley with missing teeth littering the floor and weeping mothers finally finding some peace, and Hektor knew this to be good because Horst taught them so. We take so we can give back. It's us and them.

The dream ended when Hektor was nineteen. The change was slow within Horst. Hektor's ability became the crutch in which Horst dealt with bigger opponents as he had no ability of his own, and often Hektor was thrown in the line of fire to achieve his goals, regardless of the very real danger present when one dips into the pit that is political warfare. More and more, he wished to expand.

Why, Hektor asked, we have enough.

It's never enough. Not for them, not for us.

Lines started to blur and suddenly it was the people Hektor ran with, the people they shared meals with, and laughed with being labeled as Them. Hektor never needed the heroes played up on big screens and on the side of cans to feel safe. They weren't real and didn't see the people like Hektor who needed them the most. Horst was the hero, but he failed and there was only one way to deal with a traitor.

They came with a vengeance and tore it all down, everything Horst had built and made unclean. As they were dragged away (gently because they were useful, because they were known now to be useful) Horst had cried for them, tried to fight for them. He didn't know the reason he would be placed inside a steel cage was the very thing he was trying desperately to bargain safety for as he struggled. It didn't occur until the chains they'd both fought together to remove from their lives were placed on one pair of hands rather than two and the awful realization made the slow, fascinating crawl upon Horst's face. By then, Hektor had been taken away to be given a choice of a new direction, a fresh start the government officials had said with a placating smiles. They would never be accepted fully, their actions and background always will be a mark on their file, a coffee stain in the shape of a wolf hiding their doe eyes. It's alright though, Horst's eyes will be the only eyes Hektor will ever see now as they are sent out, even when they meet with new ones, they will cross their fingers behind their back and replay the same story.

There's You and Them.

extra body parts


INSPIRATIONS // Bungou Stray Dogs (Dazai Osamu and Akutagawa Ryuunosuke in particular), Greek tragedies, Roman history, moral ambiguity, Brutus by Buttress, Side Character by Cloudfodder.

main image created by YAPICO


A torrential surge through the optic nerve

♡coded by uxie♡
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Daniel Araya Flores

the proprietor

♡coded by uxie♡

Name: Daniel Araya Flores
Nicknames: Danny
Age: 46
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
date of birth: October 1
place of birth: Heartbeat City
race/ethnicity: Chilean heritage, of mixed/ambiguous Latinx and European ancestry

Hair: Dark brown, usually not past his ears. Usually has a mustache and some stubble, though he occasionally changes up the facial hair.
Eyes: Brown
Skin: lighter skinned, with some wrinkles- crows feets and laugh lines
Height/weight: 5’11”, 180 lbs. I imagine he’s a bit stockier than Pedro Pascal.
Distinguishing features: Nothing particular
Wardrobe: He has some nicer outfits, but he is generally not a very stylish man. He spends his time as a caretaker of an old building, and has a seven year old, so. T-shirts, stained pants. He’ll often throw on a button down to class things up a bit, but the effect may be ruined by a missing button or peanut butter smear.
Face claim: Pedro Pascal.

Personality: Daniel is a very kind and caring man, to the point that he has sometimes put others needs above his own. Not that he’s a complete pushover- The rules and boundaries he does have, he abides by and enforces firmly. He is devoted to his son, but could probably stand to spend more time with people his own age. He enjoys puzzles and mechanical challenges and finds great satisfaction in knowing how something works. He craves safety and stability for himself and his son, and knows that staying in Heartbeat City may not be the best way to facilitate that. Daniel is usually just a few crises away from closing up the Daffodil and moving, but so far he has always pressed on.

Occupation: Owner and caretaker of ‘The Daffodil’, an old hotel downtown that has been converted into housing units that mostly caters to powered people. Since his wife’s death, Daniel has enforced a strict neutrality around the Daffodil. You work for a gang? You a superhero? You can be a resident, sure. But you can’t bring that stuff in with you. If the authorities come around looking for you, he’ll let them in- If they can produce a warrant. It’s a fragile ecosystem, but so far it’s held.

Positive traits: compassionate - intuitive - handy/good at fixing things - inspires trust and loyalty - reliable - dedicated
Negative traits: has a hard time saying no - dwells on the past - low confidence in himself and his choices - unable to advocate for himself the way he does for others - constantly emotionally exhausted
Likes: his son, andy - spending time with andy - things being stable and predictable - cooking, mechanical repairs, anything where he uses his hands - being liked by others - having a drink or two before he goes to bed
Dislikes: the gangs/powers of the city, especially when they try to operate in and around the Daffodil - golf - his in-laws - people trying to tell him how to raise andy or commenting on how hard it must be to be a single dad - dogs
Fears: his son developing powers he can’t control - the truce around the Daffodil being violated - that he might be a bit of an alcoholic
Ailments: Depression and suicidal thinking after his wife’s death, though that has improved quite a bit. Alcoholic tendencies.


Wife: Lucy Ashton, deceased. Shot in a fight between gangs, died when her powers overtaxed her trying to heal the wound.
Son: Andy, 7 (and a half!) years old.
In-Laws: Mr and Mrs Ashton. Their relationship with Daniel and Andy has been... rocky since Lucy’s death.
Dating: He’s slept around a bit since Lucy died, but it never lasts long. He feels guilty that he’s betraying Lucy and guilty to his current partner because he doesn’t think he can be a good partner. Plus, he has a kid- There’s only so much effort he’s willing to put into finding a babysitter.

Daniel is an average, ordinary man and has been for all of his life. Good with his hands, he graduated high school and went right into work, jumping between mechanic shops, handyman services and construction jobs. About 15 years ago, he’d worked his way up to assistant manager for a reputable contractor in the city. He was paying his bills on time, looking for an apartment in a nicer area of town, and ignoring his mother’s prodding that maybe he ought to find a nice girl to settle down with. He’d always been a bit introverted, and his occasional hook-ups suited him just fine. What did he need a romantic partner for? Then he would be sending flowers to his girlfriend instead of his mother, Daniel teased her.

And then, of course, he met Lucille Ashton. As in ‘Ashton Banks’, the company her family had founded. As in ‘Ashton Park’, the green space dedicated to her great-great-great grandfather. As in the ‘The Ashton Hotel’, the decrepit old building that took up a quarter of a block in downtown Heartbeat.

She wanted to hire the company Daniel worked for to help remodel the old hotel. She wanted to turn it into housing units, for the city’s growing population of displaced people with powers. She wanted each unit to have its own bathroom and kitchenette. She wanted to start the construction in the worst areas of the hotel and work their way towards the better parts. Lucille Ashton was very straightforward about she wanted.

After a month of working together, she wanted Daniel’s number. And for him to pick her up at 7 o’clock sharp on Friday.
He was there at 6:59, with his best shirt and an armful of daffodils.

Her parents were not entirely approving of their relationship. They would have much preferred she take an interest in the son of one of their society friends. But Lucy had never been in the habit of bowing to their preferences, and she and Daniel were clearly very happy together, so they put their misgivings aside after the first few years. They had daffodils at their wedding, and instead of going on a honeymoon, they painted rooms at the hotel together.

The first years of their marriage were devoted to getting The Ashton running- One hundred and twenty units were now operational and ready for residents. (One hundred and nineteen, since Lucy and Daniel took the one right off the lobby for themselves.) There was a lot of red tape to wade through with the city, about who could stay there and for how long. Shelters have different rules and regulations than temporary housing, which have different rules and regulations than apartments, which have- Well. Lucy had the law degree and connections to social work programs, so Daniel let her sort that all out. He helped the residents move things in and changed lightbulbs and helped them wrap up the windows with winter-proofing when the cold came.

It was hardly luxury condos- Pretty much anything that was relatively serviceable was left as is, as the money for that first remodel had been prioritized elsewhere. (Like on the radiators and plumbing and a working fire system.) But Lucy had plans for further development, and things like job training that corresponded to powers, and childcare and starter bank accounts. Lucy always had plans, which was good. A lot of people needed the services she wanted to offer. More and more people were manifesting powers, and finding their lives turned upside down.

The Change, obviously, had been the biggest influx of people suddenly finding themselves with extraordinary abilities. But a sudden appearance of superhuman powers could occur anytime- Doctors speculated that a body in stress was more likely to do so. Puberty. Menopause. Pregnancy.

Lucy’s pregnancy went fine, up until the last month or so. She glowed. She projected beams of light out of her eyes and out of her hands. Sometimes it was solid and sharp, and on occasion it cut her and others around her. It exhausted her, draining her own energy dangerously.

When Andy was born, it got a bit better. Easier to control.

But not by much.

When the gangs brought their fight into the lobby of the Ashton, Daniel begged her not to interfere. Lucy didn’t listen.

She got involved and broke up the fight, and it might have been fine. But she’d used too much of the power she didn’t understand, and she couldn’t turn it off when she no longer needed it. It consumed her, trying to heal the injuries she’d gotten in the fray when a doctor would have been more helpful. By the time the ambulance arrived, Lucy was dead. And the baby was crying.

That was seven years ago. Daniel keeps a close eye on his son, scared that he’ll develop powers he can’t control. He keeps a close eye on the hotel, too. It’s ‘The Daffodil’ now, for Lucy’s favorite flower- After the media frenzy and the possible shut-down and all the bad press on what having a bunch of mutant freaks around would do to the neighborhood, his in-laws didn’t want their name associated with the place. He tried ‘Lucy’s Place’ but they didn’t like that either, and he tries to keep on friendly terms. Not because he wants to, mind you. They certainly don’t approve of him keeping the hotel open, or raising Andy there. Or pretty much anything he does. But while Lucy’s inheritance covers the maintenance and taxes on the place, he knows the furnace will go sometime, or the roof over the abandoned rooms will finally give in, or who knows what else.

He’s got some permanent residents, some who stay for a couple months, some who just need a place to crash. Officially he doesn’t collect rent or advertise himself as a shelter, so he gets away with running things the way he likes. He’s got a few employees, who keep the peace as muscle or sit at the desk, and he repairs the dryers himself. The folks who can afford to pay for living there do so, and the ones who can’t, find other ways to chip in. The vegetable garden on the roof, put in by a plant manipulator, always thrives. An electrokinetic fellow once saved him two months of power bills by charging up the building’s generator each morning.

Winter can get pretty hectic- The fear of powered people becomes secondary to the fear of cold, and they get more mundane folks seeking shelter from the weather. He tries to prioritize teens and those with children, and folks who might not be able to get housing elsewhere. Not all of his residents are the friendly sort, but he thinks they respect him. He hopes they do.

He tries to get involved with their life, if it seems appropriate. After Lucy died… Well, there was more than a few times when Daniel figured Andy would get on just fine without him. He had rich grandparents who would be happy to take him in, right? Daniel’s better now, he thinks. He hasn’t thought about killing himself in a good while. But still, it helps to know other people rely on him.

There’s a pair of older teenagers up in 228 that have dinner with him and Andy on Wednesday nights, and he makes them tell him how their online class are going and they roll their eyes when he uses slang incorrectly. It’s nice. Except the girl, Sadie, didn’t show up for her shift at the desk on Tuesday. She didn’t text either, but she might have run out of minutes. And even if she didn’t- Well, that’s teenagers for you.

But when he checked on them on Wednesday, no one answered. Marge down the hall, an old woman was invincible to bullets and knives and teeth but not diabetes and arthritis, peered out from behind her locked door and said she hadn’t seen them in days. Which Daniel was going to have to take as truth- Marge was agoraphobic and spent hours going between her windows and her peephole to watch the other residents as her only form of amusement. And Jason from downstairs hadn’t come to take her trash all month and it was starting to smell, Marge complained.

After Daniel had taken out her trash- which had indeed smelled foul, though the overall scent of the place was strong regardless- he’d gone to check on Jason. When Jason didn’t answer, Daniel got his set of master keys and checked. No one was there, though most of Jason’s stuff was. Same for the twins’ unit.

People leave, often without notice. But they don’t usually leave so much stuff.

Daniel tries to respect his residents’ privacy. He tries not to worry.

But maybe he’s gonna keep a closer eye on things.
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digital bitch.

can't control my body

  • requisite.

    full name

    kim ha-yan







    d.o.b / p.o.b

    july 11th / daegu, south korea.







    hair colour

    Pitch black. The ends are messily chopped off, as if done by someone hastily in their own bathroom at 2am. Bangs are also present, but they’re far from neat and styled. Could probably use some professional help.

    eye colour

    Although originally a deep and dark brown, Ha-yan’s eyes now seemingly shimmer with every shade and tone one could imagine. Never settling on just one color, some mutter that maintaining eye-contact with her is a surefire way to get vertigo. Because of these unsavory comments, she tends to wear a darker pair of sunglasses, even inside.


    Pale, and littered with beauty marks.

    dist. features

    Ha-yan seems to never fully ‘be there,’ literally. Staring at her too long results in an almost shimmering like appearance, akin to a hologram that’s just out of reach. She’s also got pretty gnarly eyebags at times.
    Wardrobe: For someone who spends most of her time online, Ha-yan makes sure to keep up with her own personal fashion trends. She primarily has a soft spot for miniskirts and legwarmers, despite their impracticality.



♡coded by ux
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  • 04
    full name
    Julius Ran Maung
    Juli, The Authority
    date of birth
    9 December 2042 (49)
    place of birth
    Heartbeat City
    xxxii. the specter of doubt

    Detective and City Government Liaison, Heartbeat City Police Department.

    (1) Misperception. Julius has power over others' perception. He can mess with your beliefs, with what you think you see and know, and to that extent control your very behaviour. (2) Agelessness. Julius hasn't aged a day out of the last twenty-five years.

    STRENGTHS. (1) Julius can basically make most people second-guess themselves, if not conform to whatever way of thinking he so chooses for you. He's skillful, though, so the illusions he fills your head with will be based on misgivings you already have, and therefore unique to you - it's very difficult to identify whether someone has spoken to him that way. (2) Not only is his appearance the same, but so are his physical mobility and mental quickness. He has yet to meet a single age-related health problem, either.

    WEAKNESSES. (1) Julius is restrained by the amount of will that someone has or doesn't have. Unpowered people are a small feat. Powered people can present issues and all kinds of risk, but many of them can be managed. (2) He can't affect anybody from a distance or with his mind alone. He has to use his voice, his words. (3) He's good with his ability, but it gets harder the less he knows about someone. He won't have great luck assailing a random person who won't talk to him. (4) Agelessness doesn't automatically equal longevity - Julius has no idea if he's going to live out more than an average lifespan or not. And it's not like he can't be killed, or like he's stronger than most men, or something.
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Hero ☆



Hero Ties


FC: Jacob Robinson / Olajuwon Anderson


  • Birth Name: Emeterio Arlow Felsing

    P.O.B: Liverpool, U.K.

    Hero Alias: Rabid

    Current Alias: Allegro | Given to him by social media forum threads and users with high follower counts on SIGHTSEER for his first appearance being a confusing sudden appearance utilizing music enhanced by one of the Muses, where he assaulted two Hereos with enough injuries to put them both in the hospital for weeks, and since has been known to appear randomly attacking both heroes, criminals and villains indiscriminately.

    Age: 26

    D.O.B: June 19, 2066

    Gender: M

    Orientation: ----

    H | W: 6’0’’ | 185 LBS

    Ethnicity: Danish-Afro-Latino

    Occupation: Online Musician | Wretched-Jives

    Hair: dark purple

    Eyes: Bronze

    Physique: Fit, muscular build. Carries a healed scar that goes towards the forehead on the left brow diagonally.

    Piercings: Ears & Tongue

    Tattoos: Devil's pitch fork on stomach, shooting from the navel.

    Known Social Family Ties
    Felsing: Esteemed family members outside of the U.S. that gained acknowledgement for their actions in the early few years of the Change within their homeland in Denmark. His grandparents playing parts in politics that helped push stability back into Denmark when it completely collapsed, and his father and his father's siblings playing national roles of public service for their work in their respective fields.

    Anzola: The name attributed to his late mother and his uncle Diego Anzola who was a high ranking cyber officer in the renown SIGHTSEER organization that has encouraged fanbases for heroes all over the world and also plays security and intelligence support roles for various organizations related to Super events.

    Atlin: The family that took Emeterio in after having lost everything. An esteemed Elysian family of Supers who support a damage control funding organization known as the CMU. They are known for being humble and have played parts in bringing people in Tartarus up to higher positions.


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