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Fantasy Heartbroken Souls

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  • Just enough

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Eh.

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • It's small (but doable.)

    Votes: 2 20.0%

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Kus district transitioning to Drint district
Forrest slid his way down a pipe on the side of a home, landing on the ground with a thump! as he landed on his feet. The blonde smiled as he continued to walk through the much quieter side of the district, but this was still a bit boring. It wasn't that far from the market, to the point you could hear the chitter chatter even still along with any music, but it was still far enough that barely anyone was here.
Basil - Guild Hall

When she heard Olivier speaking french she cocked her head to the side, confused by what he said. "Did you speak your weirdo language again?" she asked the white haired boy, forgetting what language he spoke. Basil then looked back at the little owl harpy, pleased to see that she had enjoyed her meal. With one hand she ruffled Nory's hair affectionately. She often thought of Nory as her little sister for some reason, it was just how she looked that made Basil feel as if she needed to take care for her. "Well it's always nice to have some days where we just relax and talk. It's not always good to be running around outside, who knows what's out there." she said before taking another bite out of her pastry, wiping away some of the jam with a napkin she had brought along with her.

Olivier Olivier AuthorSINpie AuthorSINpie
Cheryl Cheryl AuthorSINpie AuthorSINpie
Guild Hall

Olivier blushed furiously as Basil called his native French 'that weirdo language'. "...Pardon?!" He said, also in French, but this time it was no accident. He struggled for a moment, trying to think of a suitable insult, but eventually just snapped "I could say the same of your English. You think I will stand for zis behavior? I will see myself out." and grabbed his cane, standing up as swiftly as he could manage and walking away in a stormy mood, muttering a string of French profanities under his breath.
Daisuke ~ Dorm

A young man jolted up in his bed. His eyes were opened wide, the previous yet sudden shock of a terrible yet familiar nightmare starting to fade away, like stars when the sun rose in the morning. He sat there, for a moment or two, recollecting himself. And while he was silent and still in bed, he could tell the others were neither. He shook his head. "Get a hold of yourself..." He muttered to himself, with an underlying bitter tone.

Daisuke looked and acted different when alone. The edges of his lips curved into a frown, his expression just as bitter as his voice. He wiped the look clean from his face, and threw on some presentable clothes (then again, he scarcely HAD other clothes to wear). It was another normal day, though he had slept in. He wasn't too proud of it, admittedly.

Soon, he stood in front of the doorway that would separate him from the quiet, tiny world of the isolated bedroom, and another day in the strange guild.
He didn't even give it a second thought when he opened up the door, the underlying yet stuck bitterness replaced with his usual look.

(woah!! i was really excited to actually start this!!)

The little Frenchman stormed back into the dorms, his limp very pronounced as he briskly strode through the doors. He was still swearing vehemently under his breath, his porcelain pale face blushing red with rage. He was caught off guard by Daisuke's scream, and he instinctively pivoted around, his ornate walking cane raised high in the air as if to strike down on the unsuspecting young man... but Olivier quickly came to his senses and lowered it. Dai had done nothing wrong, other than startle him. Still, his sour mood meant that he was in no mind to be sympathetic. "Quiet, imbécile." He spat, glaring at the gentlemen. Daisuke had white hair and icy blue eyes similar to his own, but Olivier was by far the smaller of the two. Also, Dai was distinguishable in that he was a mortal human. That was unusual around these parts, to say the least.

Saying nothing more to the man, Olivier looked away, wincing heavily as the pain in his leg caught up with him. Pivoting around so quickly wasn't a brilliant idea...
NicoNicooNi NicoNicooNi
Daisuke ~ Dorm

I'm going to be killed by a tiny weirdo was definitely not the first thing he had expected to think of when he was out of the room. He He lowered his hands that had instinctively risen up to block the cane, although it wouldn't of helped if he had actually sought to strike it. He tried to give off a lighthearted chuckle, either way. "You're giving me heart attacks first thing in the morning here, ahah..." He still sounded somewhat shaken up from the sudden near-attack, but still smiled at the much more smaller yet similar-looking....man? Child? Daisuke didn't know, honestly.

Olivier Olivier

"I could say the same." Olivier muttered indignantly, seating himself on the edge of his bed and curling up into a ball. He had noticed Dai smile at him, which he found slightly relieving as it meant that the man wasn't about to go tattle on him to whoever was running this place. But all the same, he didn't return the smile. "You've got to get zese nightmares under control." He said sullenly, though there was less of an angry bite to his words. True, he wasn't at all sympathetic to Dai's issues, but he realized that he had no reason to take his anger out on him. Again, he'd done nothing wrong. If anything, Dai had been very understanding, considering what had happened. Olivier shrugged, breathing a quiet sigh. Eventually he'd have to talk to Basil again, but for the moment he just needed some time away from her.

NicoNicooNi NicoNicooNi
The harpy frowned at the Frenchman's attitude and behavior. She never really understood why he was so grumpy, but she knew he'd been through a lot, maybe more than she's ever been through. Nory looked to Basil with a gentle smile and nodded, though she was a bit worried for Olivier; "True!" her petite voice carried, which was quiet enough to be ignored by anyone who was occupied. She was often ignored from this, but she couldn't help it. "So how are you, Basil?" she asked her.

Daisuke ~ Dorm

He sat down next to him, hands in his pockets as he looked down at the curled up ball of sullen anger, otherwise known as Oliver. "Maybe I'm not one to ask, considering this is the guild I joined, but what happened?" He tried his best to not sound offensive, which was (truthfully) a common worry. Not entirely because he cared, but a lot was because he reeaalllyyyy didn't like other races being provoked to attack because of it. And that cane looked painful to be struck with by said curled-up-ball-of-rage. Either way, he didn't know himself whether he asking trying to really be comforting or if it was just curiosity, but asked anyways. Besides, a little comfort is always nice, he believed.

After all, he'd know this firsthand.

Olivier Olivier
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Basil - Guild Hall

Basil groaned when she realised that she had, yet again, upset another member of the guild. She needed to learn to think before she speaks, unless she wanted to end up getting into a fight one day because of her loose tongue. The way she had called his French a 'weirdo language' was rude, she had to agree with that. However, as Olivier had said, she could definitely call English a weirdo language as well, as well as basically every other language in Roovloit. Turning back to face Nory, Basil sighed "Well I was feeling fine before, but now I feel pretty bad. I can't keep what I'm thinking in my head, I just say it without thinking what the other person might think of it. Hopefully he'll forgive me soon, but for some reason I doubt that that's going to happen for a while."

AuthorSINpie AuthorSINpie

NicoNicooNi NicoNicooNi

Olivier sat up a bit so as to be able to look up far enough to see Dai's face. "Zat dirty cabbage, Basil... she says my language is weirdo language. I'll say zis, I do not exactly know what it means. But I know an insult when I hear one." He curled back up, his glassy blue eyes glaring at the opposite wall. The more he thought about what had happened, the more he realized that it was a pretty minor offense, but he wasn't about to go apologize. He still fiercely maintained that he was in the right, as always.​
"Well, you know how he is. And it's okay, I can't help what I say some of the time, too." she said, "b-but, I think you should apologize to him sometime. It doesn't have to be now, though..." she stated, the bird girl getting up and allowing her to stretch her wings before plopping back down. They had started to ache like they always did, but she'd ignore it like always.

The petite harpy looked to Basil with her orange eyes, her chest feathers ruffling a bit. "Don't feel too guilty."

(school is killing me i am so sorry!!)
Daisuke ~ Dorm

He narrowed his eyes, looking down at him. "...Cabbage girl?"

...Oh God, he wanted to laugh. It was tempting. A small child-like man was upset from a ` Cabbage Girl `. Although, there was no way in hell he'd do it. He wasn't that much of a jerk--well, maybe he was, at times. But not all the time, for sure--Or at least not now. Absolutely not now. "I think that she just said that because we don't get it, but you speak it so..naturally."

He just hoped Oliver couldn't see the amusement he tried ever-so hard to hide from his expression, maintaining his cool look. Besides, they were guild members. They were supposed to do this (he thought, at least.) "You forget, weird doesn't always mean bad. It just means...unusual. And that's only because you're the only person here who speaks it." He closed one eye, the other still looking down at him.

Olivier Olivier
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"Disrespect is disrespect." Olivier muttered under his breath. He'd sort of caught on by this point that his title meant nothing around these parts, but at the same time it still hurt him. Despite his centuries of experience, his actual physical brain hadn't developed at all for hundreds of years, so he still very much had a child's mindset as well as a child's appearance. "Anyway, she needs not apologize. She has said quite enough." He straightened his posture so that he was sitting upright, though his face still held a cold glare. IT wasn't so much that he was angry with Basil at this point, just that he was angry with the fact that times had changed without him. He didn't think he'd ever really get used to the casual nature of the current culture, nor would he get used to being treated as an equal to these sorts of people. But whether or not he got used to it, he still had to deal with it.

NicoNicooNi NicoNicooNi

Arriving to Drint District
The teen could smell the fresher air of Drint District, the district he was raised in, and the district he visited most. It was the part of the city that was much greener, speaking that the city's park and lake was in this district. Forrest's purple eyes trailed along buildings as he walked, still headed towards the park. He'd maybe spot old friends, most likely not. They were all gone, anyways. Left him like many others. He was still glad he had the guild...

The cloak that created a halo of darkness upon his face was blown back by a gust of wind, letting his blonde and black locks flow with the hood that fell back; his pale skin greeted pale sunlight.
Bones- Kus Market

The scent of tobacco slipped through the crowd bustling through the market, and was quickly followed by a crash and scream.
The hooded guild member, Bones, glared at the man before him, who was laid out across a shattered stand. The bastard went and ripped off his hood, revealing the undeads skull to the sun, and everyone in the crowd. The looks he got now were agonizingly fearful, and that only pissed him off more. He shifted his hand, picking the man up by the chest of his shirt,before forcing him back down on the splintered wood. He was angry, that much was obvious, but he usually wasnt so...physical, when he fought...
Who Tetsunori/13/Guild Hall/Tags: AuthorSINpie AuthorSINpie Cheryl Cheryl
Who arrives at he guild of Heartbroken Souls for the first time. 'I don't know why Brundyn thinks I need, I am perfectly fine.' He thinks to himself in denial about his problems. He gets off of his motorcycle, though he may not be old enough it drive, he actually isn't driving. After imbuing it with his life force it drives itself. So he just holds on while it goes, perfectly safe. He takes off his helmet and puts into one of the side bags on the bike. Touching the bike he takes back the life force and it shrinks down the a tiny size, he picks it up and stores it away. He walks into the building and starts to take a look around. "wow its quit big here, I hope I don't get lost." He turns a corner finding Nory and Basil. He wasn't expecting to see anyone so he got startled. He stumbles back tripping over his own to feet. He falls back and ends up bashing the back of his head into a wall. He lies on the ground holding his aching head
NicoNicooNi NicoNicooNi TheMADQ TheMADQ

Olivier was hardly surprised when a sudden crash came echoing from the guild hall. Living in a place like this, sudden noises were fairly commonplace. That said, it was always worth investigating, as sometimes the causes of the sounds were a bit dire. "Excusez-moi." He said quickly, using the cane to support himself as he stood up and started limping back towards the guild hall. Finding a boy a good deal taller than himself lying on the floor, Olivier paused to examine the kid. He seemed new, but then again Olivier wouldn't put it past himself to forget one of these people. He honestly would have offered the boy a hand if it weren't for his own leg. He doubted that he had the balance to successfully help the boy up, especially since he was probably a whole lot heavier then himself. "You are alright, yes?" He asked stiffly, looking down at the stranger with a mix of curiosity and disdain.​

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