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Fantasy Heart of the Forest (Still Accepting!)



Khadzu felt troubled at his brothers talk of the tribes warriors, in fact he hadn't accounted for any of them at all to his error, if he had he would've spoken with the warriors earlier on and make the proper changes. truly alot had being going on in his head, and he hasn't been at his best lately, perhaps he overdid it with his work somehow, being that he stressed a little too much in preparation as well as straining himself finding the rest of the hunters. in addition was a new rise of emotional whirlpool and churn that was in Faolan, a wolf he had missed, and had only met for just a second in time and her sudden appearance causing his own heart to be jittery despite maintaining his outward persona of stone. he debated to himself on whether or not he was in peak condition for this hunt, let alone mentally prepared.

he looked towards his fellow tribescoat too, all of them eager to participate in the hunt warrior and hunter alike, if it falls to debate on whether or not he should or should not go at this point, seeing all of them willing to give their all to this event, perhaps it was best for him to man the guard in town and keep watch. They were all good men and hunters and a few warriors would be best as well should the hunt go south, its best to plan for all possible contingents and prepare for the worst, although in effect that could be overthinking in itself, still if they wanted to join the hunt, why deny them the opportunity. what's more, as much as he would enjoy being at his brothers side in this hunt, he would rather be there with a clear mind and clear body rather than this careless feeling, who knows what could happen and if he wasn't prepared. Nasci banish the thought.

"Brother, if... if you are worried at who would take charge as guardsmen here on the hunt you can leave me here then, i can handle managing the affairs here in your absence as well as keep watch of the tribe should the hunt take long"

The wolf stood strong at his request not showing any form of weakness on it to reassure his brother that to him, this was a right choice of action. in the end it will be up to his brother to determine if the descision is a wise one, but he has faith in that he will choose what is right. it was alright if he were gone from the hunt, there will be more soon like it, and he was right, the tribe takes importance as well.




The alpha found himself caught completely off-guard by his beta's words. He was to hunt, and now he wanted out? Brimir broke all of the rules, practically, to have the two of them together on the hunt! As the painters finished addressing the other members of the pack, Brimir felt completely enraged by his beta's demand. "Aside discussion. Now," the alpha stated, heading towards a small grove away from the others. He had to explain to Khadzu his grievance: that in fact the two were supposed to hunt, and that all of the planning would be for nought.

Not even waiting for his brother to approach, the male began to speak. "I planned for us to hunt together, Khadzu. The hunters are upset to be on this hunt, but they have a job to do. Your job is to be a part of the hunt, is it not? I want to hunt with you, Khadzu, but you telling me that my plan to have the pack hunt, especially involving you, makes me quite upset. You think I want our pack to be safe? I planned to have the hunters stay behind and guard the pack. That isn't your job. You don't get to ditch the hunt because you want to. I'm sorry."

Perhaps his words were quite rude. Brimir was not the best to word a light scolding of a friend. But the hunt had seen enough difficulty. Brimir wanted it to start.

(Not much to say.)
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Health: 100%

Nokosi immediately regretted addressing the Alpha about the issue. His head lowered even more as his ears flattened in submission to Brimir's words. He should've known that he was meant to stay back and protect the pack ground; he was a warrior, not a hunter. He was meant to put aside all his wants and needs for the good of the pack, and if that meant staying out of the hunt to guard their home, then so be it.

The Alpha's brother spoke up, however. He offered to stay back in place of him and Xenosa to allow the two warriors to partake in the hunt. But judging by the Alpha's change in demeanor, one that held anger and frustration, Nokosi knew almost immediately that that was a bad idea.

Before the Alpha and Khàdzu left, Nokosi lifted his head and composed himself into a confident and obedient stance. "
There is no need, Khàdzu," he told Brimir's brother. "I apologize for not realizing your intentions sooner. I will gladly stay back and protect our home." Though his flawed vision wasn't reliable, he knew where the Alpha was and gave Brimir a small smile, though it held a tinge of sadness and disappointment.

When the Alpha called his brother away for a private discussion, Nokosi allowed his posture to slump as he let out a soft sigh. He was disappointed. He loved partaking in the hunts, but he knew his duties as a warrior required him to protect the pack at all costs. There was no room for doing what he loved. So the Tikaani left the gathering, being careful to "watch" where he was going, and took up his usual area to keep an eye on the pack boundaries.



He had been watchig them for a small while now. The joy from the coming hunt hang in the air like a thick, toxic fog, making Tsaghani metaphorically gag. A silent growl drew his lips back to reveal bleached fangs coated in a thick saliva. He wasn't that far away, lying in the thick brush that surrounded the camp. The Tikaani was just about to leap out when he felt a presence beside him. Letting his expression relax into one of displeasure, he silently backed out and faced who had come near. A rather muscular, dark hued, female deformity, her red eyes burning with a gleam similar to that of her twin tails, both wagging in either direction as if quite excited, her four forepaws nearly unable to keep still. "Master..." The unfaithful said in a hushed yet excited tone. "It is time...they do not yet know of our presence..." He turned to his follower. "Is there Shaman within the camp?" The wolf's voice was harsh and grading with a clear commanding edge. His lucky appeared to become a bit nervous, her tails falling a bit and paws shuffling upon the forest floor towards which she gazed. "Um....n-no sir..." The villain snarled angrily, padding past the deformity and into a small group of about 3 of them. "Come...it's time..."

As soon as this was said, he gave a bloodchilling howl, and tore thought the camp entrance with his minions in tow. Snarling, the Tikaani tore through any wolf nearby that he could get his paws on, they soon becoming coated thick with spilt blood. Once mutiple members had been slain, he stood proudly, a fierce gleam in his eye. "I DEMAND TO SEE THE APLHA OF THIS PITTFUL TRIBE. HIS MATE, THE DISGUSTING SHAMAN, AND ANYONE ELSE WHO IS OF AGE!"
@StoneWolf18 @MoltenLightning


ALl seemed to be far too pleasant on this day. The sun overhead reminded the former omega of the beautiful days he spent with his family. The first yelp to emit from the pack was the loudest, completely surprised. They struck fast, and he recognized the call of death from his own. The first to fall was the lead hunter, Meynx. Her call was loud, in surprise as they tore her apart without mercy. The pack scattered in surprise as Tsaghani himself showed up, and tore Emetaly with his teeth. Coeur tried to fight back, but he was overpowered. A brave Xenosa, a warrior, wounded one of the invaders before she met her end. Kamar died protecting himself. By the time they entered the territory, too many lives had been lost. Their lead warrior was gone. In the chaos, Tsgahani showed no mercy. Ammax, Sivix, and Leonhart feel prey, their carcasses pouring blood from the invader's rage. With so many dead, the fighting was quickly lost. And Brimir himself was nowhere to be seen.

With eight dead, the tribe knew what was on the line. However, having made their point, the invaders simply ceased, as the bastard of the hour, Tsaghani, demanded to speak with the alpha. With so many dead, this was no fight, this was butchery. Kalo, wounded gravely by the sight of the dead, had been spared. The hunters were the lucky ones, mostly. Some had been too far away, but those who were close survived. Kalo, not seeing Brimir, decided to speak up. In the midst of wailing fear, he had something to say.

"You dare want the alpha," the male spoke with pure anger, "you have killed my own people, you scum of foul earth! We will not submit to you! By Nasci's blessing, the Tikaani die on their feet facing the barbaric enemy, not by turning face to receive an attack from the back! You will get no further, as we are the proud! We fight with courage, you exiled rubbish! FIGHT ME!" he snarled, preparing to fight the leader of the group.


Nadie watched in horror as many of her tribe member's bodies laid dirtied on the ground. "No..." she whispered silently to herself as she felt her sickness rise to her throat, but she couldn't puke now. Trying to calm herself, she looked over to Ayola, whom she should of been out hunting with, but her sickness had caused a delay. "Come, Ayola. I would ask you to leave, but in fear for your safety it is best that you come along with us," she felt worry for the younger wolf and wished she could just tell her to run, but this wolf was unpredictable and her senses told her that there were probably others waiting around the corners.

Walking up towards Brimir, she remained calm and held her gaze to the intruder. She pressed herself slightly against Brimir as to perhaps calm his head. She didn't see anything going well if he was so blinded by rage. Besides, Nadie felt that this wolf was rather pleased with Brimir's rage and feeling of despair. Nadie, on the other hand, wasn't going to allow that satisfaction.

"Tsaghani. I would say it was good to see you, but that would be a lie and I am not one to lie," she glared at him. Nadie felt sorrow for her tribe mates, but she needed to analyze his goals, weakness, and anything she could get out of him. "Why do you come here when the tribe was gracious enough to allow you to live?" she questioned him sharply.

ADDRESSED: Tsaghani @StoneWolf18 Ayola @Anaxileah

MENTIONED: Brimir @JokerValentine


Meynx turned as Brimir addressed her just as she was about to respond to Lora’s words. The red Tikanni sped away through the brush and the lead warrior glanced after the hunter when a large form burst out of the brambles encircling the camp, several following behind.

Though she believed in Nasci in her own personal way, Meynx was not what you would call a overly religious or superstitious Tikanni. What happened after that fateful moment would change the latter forever...how much would yet to be determined.

It was true that Meynx was not the eldest, nor was she the most experienced of the wolves gathered together into her pack….but she was good at what she did, especially when it came to the art of invisibility. She did not scent, did not see and did not sense the alien wolves that rushed into the clearing. Surely these wolves, these creatures, that seemed so WRONG in some undefinable way were ghosts, spirit, or demon. What else could sneak up on the pack in such numbers, with no sign left ahead or behind?

It did not matter in that moment as an immense form barreled into Meynx from the side. Strength and experience combined into a terrifying form reminiscent of the whispered bedtime stories told to naughty pups. Instinct demanded that she fight back, but the sheer power and viciousness of the attack made death certain….so Meynx faked death letting out a howl of pain, certainly not faked as claws ripped deep through her right side….the lead warrior let her body go completely limp as the monster’s followers trailed after him in a wave. The following devastation took only a few seconds leaving Meynx behind the group...not enough time to react...not enough time to help...not enough time to fight. Meynx slowly stood, her side dripping red, her fur undefinable under the color...the wound stretched from shoulder to hip and looked life threatening, felt life threatening, positive or negative that devastating wound was not.

A low growl echoed through Meynx’s maw as her eyes landed on her fallen packmates...her brother included. Quills rising with her silver ruff, Meynx barred her hackles certainly not about to trade words with these creatures.

@StoneWolf18 @Anaxileah @JokerValentine



Khadzu felt like his heart sank at the alpha's words, though he didn't outwardly show it. if he desired that he wanted him by his side on this hunt that who was he to go against that. as much as his thoughts and mind were a swirl right now internally, perhaps the solution by be in this hunt. he needed a breather really, and maybe hunting and getting himself lost in it wasn't a bad idea, of course this reasoning was the act of him trying to manage himself and his ideas and thoughts. he shook his head once more to obtain a moment of clarity trying to piece together his own decision on this feeling as if his initial idea had only a weak foundation to begin with. In that moment, he didn't want to disappoint his brother, he wanted to do well for the pack and for himself but listening to how his brother was doing much for both of them as well, it would be rude to even go on with staying. so rather than force himself onto something that in his heart he didn't want, he'd rather just follow his brother.

and to his surprise a fellow hunter had also come to them reassuring both of them that he would man the post instead. his words solidified khadzu's now clearer decision to be with his brother, knowing that there are other willing warriors who are able to stay and keep watch. after the conversation he would plan out with the warrior and start with guiding him before departing.

"hehe... forgive me brother, i just.. i haven't been feeling my best as well. but if you so wish it i-"

In the Moment he could speak, heard heard the howls ad cries of several wolves pierce his very bones as his fur stood up and his feathers pointed still. he could hear the cries of several tribesmen echoing in his ears as his eyes dilated in shock and horror and his heart beating with anger. someone had attacked, someone, at this wonderful moment had breached the celebration with the sounds of blood and the pains of death. he had heard of another wolf, a wolf he knew not, but speaking with such contempt. he flared his eyes to the origin, to the dark and green looking wolf that followed along with several others, his very image like poison itself. he kept his maw from flaring his fangs and kept cool despite the rising anger inside him

"Brother.. Someone approaches..."

He let his brother dierct his attention to the happenings on the grounds, and quickly receeded backwards and spoke to Nokosi

"I will need you and your kin. i have a task for you.."





Tsaghani let out a cruel laugh that sounded like sharp claws scratching on stone. Taking a few steps toward the Kalo, the Tikanni who had spoke out at him, a vile grin coating his muzzle. “Fight? Why would I fight?” Giving a powerful leap, he tackled the wolf, being impossibly strong and appearing much larger than a normal member of their kind. Lowering his mouth to his ear, the evil wolf let his hot, rotten breath wash over him as he spoke. “It would be pointless, because you can’t kill death itself.” Keeping his paws firmly planted upon the creatures beneath him, Tsaghani directed his gaze towards Nadie. “Oh, lovely, beautiful alpha.” He crooned thick with sarcasm. “Why else would I come back? Revenge? That's part of it...But there is something more, something much more...I’m sure you know of the deformities?” He gestured towards them with a flick of his massive tail. “I have learned a way to...enhance my power to a greater level as would falling from that pitiful Nasic of yours would, but to a greater extent. Allow me to...demonstration my ability.” And with that, he turned and sank his fangs deep into Kalo’s pelt, energy would course through the poor tribe member’s veins, paralyzing him as an indescribable amount of pain flooded his senses.

Standing and taking a step back, he sat down on his haunches and grinned once more, showing his teeth still covered in the Tikanni’s blood. “Now...we wait. It should only take but a moment…”

OOC: Now, ya’ll must be thinking what the hell is going one and wondering what Tsaghani did...well if you haven’t been following the hints I’ve been dropping for so damned long by now..unless I’ve talked to you privately about your character, you might want to find a human appearance. ;3


The process was barely complete, though they had finally past the most grusome part in Nyx’s life, so if was all downhill from there. Nunui had relaxed quite a bit, her jaw resting upon her bird-like paws as she laid next to Nuru. But as everything was beginning to look up, 3 Tikanni ran into the grove. “This was never authorized!” One snapped bitterly, his gaze eyeing the cords that connected both the shaman and her apprentice to the tree. Yet a female next to him cuffed him on the ear. “There’s no time for this right now! Nuru, how much time is left?” Standing she padded over to the tree and looked up in the branches, the light that had pulsed from it slowing. “ A few moments…why? What's going on?” The female spoke with a pained tone and expression. “It's...Tsaghani...he’s attacking the tribe.”

@Cloud Nagasake

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"Nokosi, Gather your kindred and Take flanks above the grounds, attack when i say-"

He stopped the moment he saw the gaint beast attack one moreof his tribe members, a large snarl simmering out of his maw as the anger erupted inside of him. this beast, this heartless dropping of dirt itself, he needed to keep his cool. and asses, but what was happening!? what was going on!?

"GO!! WARRIOR! Take your brothers to arms and strike behind when ready!!"

He growled his demands at the black wolf to take immediate action. but something isn't good in his heart

"Nothing is right here!"

@DemonKitten @Orpheus


Here came the alpha back to reality. With the dying yowls of his own pack members, Brimir realized that his worst fears had come true. His dreams had become all too very real. Turning from his brother, he saw the carnage. Among the dead and dying, as Meynx was not yet dead, he saw the ugly monstrosity that was Tsaghani. Kalo lay dead beneath him, it seemed. Eight of his own children, his own brothers and sisters, in the blink of an eye had died. He felt Nadie's warm brush. Oh how she shivered in fear. Tsaghani called for him, beckoned for him to come forward. So he did.

Back before all of the carnage......

"I do not know what you mean."

"Love is visible, dear Brimir. It disguises itself as a warrior."

"That makes no sense, elder. How can love, a feeling, be legitimate? How can it be violent?"

"You fight for the things you love, you die for them. What you have inside of yourself is love, and the love you share for others is the blood you spill for them."

How he forgot his love for family so dearly. Nadie had been so mistreated by him, but she showed such love. He leaned down to her ear, and whispered a secretive word:

"My dearest, I love you so."

"Put a stop to this!" the alpha barked without hesitation towards the intruder, "whatever you want, I will give it to you. Spare my family. They know not of this fight. Let my Tikaani go," he pleaded, hoping something would stir in him. "You were a Tikaani once, respected by some during your stay. They won't alleviate your feelings. Spare them from this at once!"

Health: 41%

The male Tikaani had hardly made it to the pack boundaries when it all happened. And when it began, it hit all at once. Nokosi dug his claws into the ground in sudden surprise and fear as vibrations began resounding through the ground, alerting him. Something—four somethings, to be exact—were converging on the pack grounds at a quick pace. Before he could react, the somethings were on his home. It didn't take long for the male to realize that these somethings were a threat, but when he lunged at the first something as it approached, a swift swipe to his underbelly was enough to easily dismiss Nokosi from the attack.

His fuzzy, flawed vision became even worse as he flew through the air and collided with the ground with a hard
thus, skidding until he was stopped by the trunk of a steadfast tree. What was attacking? Tikaani? He couldn't tell due to his severe nearsightedness, but he was certain that, when he was close enough, he could make out the fuzzy image of a wolf-like shape—four of them—but many of their figures unsettled him. He couldn't tell why, but it seemed as though they weren't truly Tikaani... It was as if they were...


The realization hit him like he had been swiped at by the large Tikanni again, making his stomach churn and his blood run cold.
Lora! He had to protect her! The Tikaani struggled to his feet, determination and anger coursing through him, as the terrible screams of his pack members reverberated in his ears. He winced at every dying scream, waiting for his sister's screams to join them. But her's never did. His underside burned and stung with every movement, but he was a warrior; he was supposed to persevere beyond the most serious of injuries.

Nokosi got to his feet, pushing the pain to the back of his mind, and listened as the intruder spoke. His voice was powerful and menacing, and even Nokosi cowered in fear for a moment at the male's words. Now that the bloodshed had paused, the male warrior padded back to his pack members. Nadie addressed the intruder as Tsaghani. He knew that name, and he had come to associate death, destruction, and "avoid at all costs" with the name. Fear was choking him, making it hard to breathe. He hardly heard Khàdzu speak to him, and it took a moment for the beta's words to register in his mind. "
A... A task?"

The beta began giving the male commands, but before he could finish Tsaghani had already acted. He didn't need perfect vision to know that the frighteningly large enemy had attacked one of them, Kalo, specifically. Nokosi was stunned, feeling as if glue was keeping him in place. It wasn't until the beta spoke harshly to him that he was freed from his daze.
"Go!! Warrior!"

Nokosi's demeanor hardened as he trotted away from the beta, searching for his fellow warriors: Ayola and Solfaer. He had heard the gut-wrenching howl of death Xenosa let out, and knew immediately that they were down a warrior. After quickly telling them to take up arms with him, he sought after the lead warrior. He had heard Meynx's cry, but he needed to be certain that their lead warrior was in fact dead.

The male found her but stopped a few paces away. He focused on her vibrations carefully and sniffed the air around her. Her heartbeat was irregular and the copper-like stench of blood stained her scent. His heart yearned to heal his leader, but he didn't have the healing capabilities that others possessed. So the Tikaani gazed at her with steadfastness, though his eyes still held sadness. "
You are wounded, but we need everyone we can get." He paused for a moment, mulling on his next words carefully. "We are to attack from behind. If you are fit to fight, then let us battle 'til we release our dying breath. We will not back down because we are warriors, so let us go together as one to take down these intruders or die trying."

After he had finished speaking, he left the lead warrior to guide the others to the above grounds. If Meynx joined them, then they shall fight together. If not, then that would be okay, too. She was severely wounded, and she wouldn't be able to battle as efficiently as she normally would be able to. What Nokosi needed to focus on now was lead his fellow warriors in a rear attack. He just hoped this all wouldn't be in vain.


Silver eyes raked over the monster that had attacked her, that had caused such mayhem….that had killed her brother. The main creature, the main Tikaani if he could be called one, was standing at an impossible height surely a foot taller than any Tikaani Meynx herself had ever seen. The

undefinable corruption Meynx hand initially felt on this creature and his followers had not fled under closer scrutiny...quite the opposite as it stuck to the male’s fur like a tar cloak.

All these observations combined with former split second insights only culminated with the utterance of the exile’s name. Tsaghani. Meynx felt her body go cold, shoved deeper into shock and….admittedly….fear. She had fought enemies both large and small, mental, emotional and physical….but never had she been called upon to fight a ghost, a demon, rarely mentioned except in whispers or stories to scare the young. If she remembered the stories correctly...the dark green wolf should be dead from the passing of time and the ageing of bones...at the very least he should have been as old as Nyx herself.

Meynx felt her body snap from the inner workings of her mind, heart still speeding, buzzing like a frantic bensnap unable to find his hive. The Tikaani’s silver eyes met the white blue eyes of an old wolf...no...an old wolf in a young body, Nokosi, Lora’s brother and a superb warrior in his own right.
“...attack from behind. If you are fit to fight, then let us battle 'til we release our dying breath. We will not back down because we are warriors, so let us go together as one to take down these intruders or die trying."

This is when Meynx’s hard headed behavior showed it’s scaled head….perhaps it would have been wiser, more disciplined, to attack as soon as possible while the enemy was distracted, but Meynx on her best day was difficult when it came to orders, this was certainly not her best day and the orders in question seemingly came from a respected and competent wolf, but one lower in rank than Meynx herself.

“Wait, Nokosi….gather up any other surviving warriors but do not attack immediately. We need to organize for a coordinated mass attack if attack is what we ultimately decide. As self centered and egotistic as it may seem, I do not think it wise to attack these creatures so easily able to take down almost half of our pack in only a few seconds. Not to mention….” Meynx’s words were drowned out as the exile spoke his voice reminiscent of screeching, rattling stones rolling, unstoppable, down a hill. A quick demonstration came, Tsaghani biting deep into Kalo’s hide, the pack member becoming eerily still...but still alive...somehow.

With a quick nod toward, Nokosi, and indication that time should no longer be wasted with talk, eyes filled with uncharacteristic fear, the silver, onyx, and white female stalked across the clearing, staying in the shadows, obviously slower with her right side matted with dried and oozing blood, and her right ear now showing itself to be missing a good chunk of skin. Silver blue eyes shot back and forth looking in vain for any of the fallen forms to show a sign of life.

@JokerValentine @StoneWolf18 @Anaxileah @Javax @Orpheus



Nodding to her mate, Nadie stepped back as he talked. For some reason she felt it was harder to calm herself. It was like something was afraid within her. Nadie could feel her mind grow fuzzy as she remembered that she still hadn't eaten, but the situation was too dire to bother with that. I have went longer without food than this. Why do I feel so weak? she wondered.

Nadie knew that she probably could barely manage a fight. Something was terribly wrong with her and she didn't like it one bit. She started inching farther back away from Brimir as her sight became somewhat disoriented. She could hear the whispers and talk of everyone around and not around her too clearly and they caused her to feel nauseous. Warriors were preparing to die and here she was fumbling.

She tried to pinpoint Nyx, but what was once a fairly easy task seemed to be too difficult for her to accomplish.
Perhaps it is some illness caused by Tsaghani without me knowing, she considered as she felt her body grow heavier. She had now backed a pretty good distant before falling over into blackness


MENTIONED: Brimir @JokerValentine Nyx @StoneWolf18



Imari was smiling, keen on getting the hunt done. He was turning his life around. He glowed visibly, eyes filled to the brim with contentedness. The pistol loaded inside of him was on safety, putting even it in an ignorant state. He should have know. He should have suspected it. He should have believed himself. But he didn't.

The was a spike of volume in the air, slicing it like a wolf to its fresh kill. It easily startled most everyone, causing an almost in-sync turn of heads.

Oh, how much they regretted it.

Lying in heaps, bodies littered the ground around them. Crimson liquid, like that of a dangerously poisoned wine, poured undaunted on the ground. It quickly overcame the green that had once reared its head proudly, stained by that unspeakable scarlet. Oh, how it relished in both the demise of the beautiful green color and the sparkle of innocence in those who laid eyes on it.

There were no words from the thing, it was a silent killer. No one could have known how much a color could affect them, when they had seen it all their lives. They lived off of it, it lived off of them. But seeing it now, in its purest form? In the form of Death, tasting of Death and smelling of Death? They felt it coursing inside of themselves like a ticking time bomb. When would theirs be spilled? When would it be time to see the very stuff that kept you alive turning its back on you and being there to inform you pleasantly of your demise?

The realization of this substance, although something of common knowledge, shook even the hardiest of those to the core. Their beating, bloody core that siphoned the air and made more of the red poison. There was nothing that could be done about it. Imari had these thoughts, up in his skull. And there they floated, like the rest of his being.

Stuck in time, eyes positioned on the many Tikaani laying on the ground. He was outside of himself. There was no way to stop what had happened. All of these thoughts fought for refuge in his brain, taking advantage of his confusion and detachment. He struggled himself, crawling and clawing away from what reality was. He scratched and scraped the interior of himself trying to get away, leaving him more susceptible to foreign questions and ideas.

How quickly had they gone down? Faster than Imari could react, albeit his reaction skills were not the best. Who had killed them? Imari, although being the one to ask the question, did not want to know. And yet, unfettered, his vision shifted to perceive the beings that were able to kill without remorse.

Almost immediately, one darted out of the shadows and fell on him. It pinned the already helpless Imari to the ground. This jolted Imari out of his own thoughts, to which he responded by yelping in surprise. He looked into his attacker's eyes, his own swamped by fear and unruly trepidation. The thing on him was cold to the touch, breath stained with the overbearing smell of unforgiving, rotted corpses. Its eyes spoke of unforgotten sins, eyes paying the price for seeing what this creature had done. Its ashen pelt had streaks of dried blood on it.

The being also had another ear above its original ones, along with a third eye below its left one. But that was not anything compared to what its tail held in store for Imari. Its tail... No, there were two. And they were both on fire. He felt an explosion of energy inside of him as he suddenly struggled like a dying animal fighting for its last breath. But he knew, this Deformity was much too big for him to do anything against it. But at the same time, the being did nothing as well. It just stared into Imari's soul, as if observing its cleanliness jealously. The Tikanni below it could do nothing under both its oppressive glare and astonishing weight.
@StoneWolf18 | Mood: Terrified, defeated, immobilized



Mentioned: None

Addressed: None

Location: Outskirts of camp, safe distance from scene

Mood: Horrified|torn|wants to help|dismal

The day started out perfect. Neela had woken well rested to the warm light of the morning sun through the brambles of her den, a sweet breeze blowing through her fluffy coat. She had gotten up right on schedule--a rare occurrence--and ate a wonderfully delicious breakfast of her favorite strawberries. Then, with a basket on her back, the chef marched into the dense brush of the forest on her usual hunt for delectable fresh ingredients for her dishes. Nasci must have blessed her with luck that day because her basket was filling faster than it ever had before. It may as well have been the best day of Neela's life.

Funny thing about days though. Even the best kind can end on the most horribly bitter and tragically ugly notes. Just like this one.

She heard the footsteps first. Thundering as loud as a herd of entlk, but strangely uneven as if there were an odd number of paws in the crowd. Branches snapped like breaking bones as the attackers bursted into camp. Then came the screams. Neela dropped her basket, releasing herself from the burden as she tore through the overgrowth toward camp. Paws skidded to a halt at the gaping hole left in the protective brush surrounding the camp, her chest heaving from the sprint. What she saw turned her blood to ice.

Crimson liquid stained the earth, glinting in the unforgiving light of the sun like some kind of sick display. Neela seized, much needed breath catching in her throat at the sight before her as tears spilled from her eyes. Dark ears flattened against her head, her ringed tail hiding between legs that threatened to give out. Bodies she once knew as friends and family now littered the ground, growing colder and colder as life left them. In their midst stood a malicious Tikaani, dried blood caked to his dark fur. He was powerful and towering, with a low and grating voice that sent chills up her spine and a name that drove her fear deeper.
Tsaghani. Neela couldn't begin to comprehend why or how. He was supposed to be a myth--an old den mother's tale to keep naughty pups in line. Yet he stood with his deformities among her dying brethren, those she couldn't even lift a finger to help.

Given her rank, her weight, and her height, against the deformities there was no way Neela could fight. It was the warriors and the alphas who were built for this; they had skills and training that Neela didn't. Still she couldn't just stand by without doing anything. Her mind was in turmoil, torn between her duty to her pack and fear of very likely death. What could she do? What could she do!?

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Lucky would be the only thing to describe it, Akela had been in one of the groups assigned to hunt, and hunt he did, unbeknownst to the atrocities being committed at this very momet. They were quite far from the pack lands, and in quite small in numbers. Akela and his group were hunting within a decently faraway forest no further than 2.5 km, and not long after Akela split up from his group to hunt alone. He bent his head down on the floor, trying to pick up the scent of an Entlk or Remit. He persisted until something caught his attention,
blood, the scent came from the direction on the pack territories. However, he would not let curiousity get in the way of of him and his prey, his orders were to bring back food. So going back would make him look like a fool and would probably be punished. His focus once again shifted to finding prey, even the faintest scent would allow him to find his target.

With little luck, Akela moved deeper into the forest, and made markings on trees to make sure he wouldn't get lost. Not long after, he had hit the jackpot, he picked up the scent of a lone Entlk. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed towards the Entlk's position, the proud wolf would make quick work of such prey. Right before bumping into the Entlk, Akela stopped and decided to hide somewhere. The Entlk was a male, fairly large, a little taller than Akela but that would be no problem. The lone hunter scanned his surroundings, to the Entlk's right was small pond which it was drinking from, jut behind the deer like creature was a short cliff.

Akela decided to climb the cliff, silently, making sure the Entlk wasn't aware of his position. Just after the short climb, Akela decided to jump off the cliff and pounce on the poor creature, running as fast s he could, Akela jumped off the cliff jaw open, wanted to perform a lethel bite to the neck. However instead of biting the neck, he ended up sinking his teeth deep into the Entlk's back. The grass was dyed crimson as the beast moaned in pain. It turned around to face Akela, charging straight at him with it's horn. A foolish decision, Akela charged straight ahead just barely avoiding the horn and countering with a bite to its neck, incapacitating it.

The wolf placed the dead Entlk on his back and decided to pick up some berries before heading back to the territory. Akela picked a handful of berries which he carried in his mouth and started to walk back home, Entlk on back. Perhaps the most foolish thing he could do at this point in time, more foolish than the damn Entlk.

The next scene nearly traumatised Akela, the sight of his dead Tikaani littering all over the floor was a horrid sight to behold. This brought back memories of the day he lost his father, he dropped his spoils and ran towards his den. Wishing and praying along the way that Nasic had protected his mother. However, that was just wishful thinking, once he entered his den, another horrid sight was presented to him. His beloved mother on the floor, dying slowly as she stares at the walls of the den. "Mother!" cried the sobbing wolf as he stood beside her. Her gaze shifted from the wall to her son, the only other family she had. "Akela... I'm glad you're *cough* *cough* fine...." The mother put on a fake smile in an attempt to comfort her son, but Akela could see through it immediately. "Mother, please tell me, do we have Nasic's Eut anywhere in the den! Please tell me! I'lltend to your wounds." the wolf cried in vain. "No my sweet child... *cough* my... time... is up.... I entrust it in you to..... survive on your... own..." Akela kept shouting, "No, No, NO!" but all in vain. The old wolf's eyes began shutting slowly, as Akela's tears rolled down, more and more. Finally, the she-wolf's eyes shut completely, Akela stood there in solemn silence, not uttering a word and not moving an inch.

Akela stepped out of his wrecked den, his sorrow had now been replaced with a burning hatred and a thirst for vengeance. Rage engulfed the mostly calm wolf as a black and green wolf was seen in the midst of all of this. The unknown wolf had stripes of black on his green fur, unfamiliar to Akela, and white eyes with no pupils doing something strange to Kalo. He instantly charged towards the strange being, with his claws and teeth enhanced. He grew a pair of saber tooth and his claws grew longer and sharper. He prepared for the worst as he raised his claw against the ominous figure. Nothing would've satisfied Akela more than to rip the black wolf's throat out.



Very few had survived the onslaught of tooth and claw, very evident by the still forms lying upon the ground, brother included. Meynx wrenched her eyes away from the mauled form of her sibling and felt a storm of emotion whistle through her body a culmination of fear, pain, anger, sorrow, and confusion. She wanted to DO something, and as Akela launched himself at Tsaghani, the lead warrior felt the need to join him in the attack, wise or not.

Meynx slammed her troublesome emotions into a cage...knew that she could not keep them there for long, but could hold them there for now. Others were relying on her and she could not fail the survivors as she had failed so many others of her pack now lying far to still as warmth left their fur.

Silver eyes devoid of the emotions she had locked away, Meynx’s eyes were drawn toward Brimir and Nadie, standing alone and practically undefended against the sinister green wolf. Paws directing her forward Meynx saw Nadie back away, a wise decision when faced against such a massive beast...but that was apparently not the reason for such a retreat as the blood red and smoke wolf silently collapsed without a sound.

Faced with a new goal Meynx padded forward more quickly, favoring her front right paw as it had taken the brunt of the nasty wound that traveled across her side. As she was striding forward Meynx’s eyes met those of Neela, one of the Lead Warrior’s few friends. Not a warrior, Neela was gifted with the talent of creating mouthwatering food out of the most simplest ingredient. Meynx met the other female’s eyes and gave a quick nod toward the still form of Nadie before turning to stand at the side of Brimir. Hopefully the Chef had understood the silent message….as things were currently standing the future did indeed look dire.

@EMP @StoneWolf18 @DemonKitten @JokerValentine @WonderFry



When Ayola finished administering the tribal paint that was required before each hunt, the female Alpha approached her and spoke jovially to the younger wolf. "What a pleasant hunt we shall have together, Ayola. It will be nice to hunt with a younger wolf for once. For the longest time, I use to be the youngest," the older wolf spoke kindly to Ayola, reminiscing, it seemed. Ayola began to worry, wondering if she should try to me more mature around the elegant, regal, female. "I will tell you in advance that I have been feeling rather ill so I apologize if I slow us down. I am only 27, but it seems like I am already getting old," Nadie spoke apologetically, and Ayola bowed her head to Nadie, smiling faintly as she did so. "Not to worry, Nadie. I will do my best to help you." Ayola looked back up to grin at Nadie but was interrupted by several creatures invading the pack grounds.

These Deformities spread through the pack quickly, killing several members as quickly as they could, including Coeur. Ayola froze, unable to move, blink, or even breathe. Nadie's small whisper shared Ayola's feelings towards what was going on, but she couldn't possibly focus on her feelings right then. Nadie's voice jolted Ayola from her paralyzed state, but the young female said nothing, as she could not even form the words to speak.
"Come, Ayola. I would ask you to leave, but in fear for your safety it is best that you come along with us," Ayola nodded to acknowledge Nadie, and proceeded to follow the other wolf until she stopped beside Brimir, but the next words were muted out by the silence that ran throughout Ayola's mind. She looked around at the pack, shock clearly displayed on her colorful face.

My...family... Ayola thought to herself, her gaze passing over the bodies of her former brothers and sisters. Her father was among them, but she didn't nearly feel as much grief for him as she did for Coeur and the other wolves. The young female Tikaani felt numb all over, but she came back into focus when Nadie suddenly brushed against Ayola while backing away from Brimir and Tsaghani, whom Ayola simply stared at, her feelings of emptiness not leaving. She followed Nadie, concern breaking through her emotionless mask. "Nadie? Alpha Female, are you alright?" The female asked cautiously, approaching the older female while trying to avoid stepping on the corpses of her family. Nadie didn't respond to Ayola, and instead fell towards the ground, unconscious.

Ayola reacted quickly and moved her slim body beneath Nadie to catch her, then slid out from underneath her so that the older woman was placed on the ground gently. She looked up from Nadie with concern on her face, and tears rolling down her face a second time that day, this time for a different reason.
"Brimir, something is wrong with Nadie."


@JokerValentine @DemonKitten Character's Mood: Blank/Worried User's Mood: o-o Moo? Location: Same as b4




Immediately after Lora bounded into the forest of the pack's grounds, she heard a commotion from where she had just departed, and immediately darted for cover, as was the way of the hunter. Remain hidden, blend into one's surroundings. Lora did just that and neared the Alpha's Den once more, wincing at the screams and cries of her fellow packmates. She quickened her pace, but had to stop to avoid catching the attention of any nearby Deformities. As she moved silently, the female watched as one of her hunters lunged towards Tsaghani and frowned, knowing the wolf was too small and not nearly strong enough to defeat the large Tikaani - or whatever he had become. She continued looking around the area, observing the bodies of her family. Nokosi was not present among the dead ones, which made Lora feel relieved, but her heart tightened at the sight of Ammax.

Refusing to react to the turn of events at that moment, Lora continued moving and observing until she had reached a spot in which she could observe everything that was going on. Thanks to her ability to remain hidden, no Deformities could locate her, but she couldn't approach the others without revealing her hiding spot. She reached some form of high ground around the den, watching with pained eyes.
What can I do...? As Lead Hunter, the stoic female analyzed the situation, but due to the ambush executed by Tsaghani and his Deformities, the Tikaani were outnumbered and outmatched by the large villain. We have no hope of escape...what is Tsaghani planning? Lora wondered with a frown, glaring at the enormous male. With a faint huff, Lora decided to go in search of her brother, thinking he'd be worried.


@Javax @StoneWolf18 Character's Mood: Conflicted/Worried User's Mood: Moooo. o-o Location: Pack Boundaries -> Above Alpha's Den



Mentioned: @Falling Nebula @EMP @MoltenLightning @DemonKitten

Addressed: @Anaxileah

Location: closer to camp, safe distance away. With Nadie and Ayola

Mood: helpful|Trying to distract herself

Her paws were beginning to go cold, despair holding Neela in place as she scanned the pack grounds hurriedly, vision blurred by tears that fell like fat raindrops from her eyes. She didn't see her parents' bodies, which came as a great relief to her, but it was too soon to say.

In her search she caught the steely grey eyes of Meynx. The lead warrior's stare was strangely cold, holding no emotion, only duty. Meynx motioned to the left with her eyes, a silent signal. Neela followed her gaze to see the crimson body of Nadie, accompanied by colorful Ayola. The alpha was limp, collapsed on the ground, but the steady rise and fall of her chest indicated life. Neela nodded towards Meynx, understanding what she was asked to do. Right now, everyone was doing what they could for the pack. Meynx, Akela, and Imari, her precious friends were all fighting on the front lines. It's about time she did something too.

The chef took a deep breath, calming herself best she could. She could at least do this much for the pack. Quickly and quietly, Neela made her way to the artist and the alpha, keeping her head down and tail lowered. She nodded toward Ayola as she came closer. "We should get her out of here. Find somewhere safer and bring her some medical attention," the female relayed her idea to the other, "but it might be tough with just the two of us.."

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Nadie could hear the voice of Ayola as her hearing was still present, yet her voice seemed non existent. She felt horrid and even more so since she had fainted during a time as important as this. I should be standing strong for my pack, but instead I am laying here like a sick pup, she thought as she felt sharp pains in her abdomen. It had to be food is the only thing that Nadie could think was the problem as she felt her thoughts grow fuzzy.

Soon she heard the voice, faint this time, of Neela. The fact that her voice sounded drifting made it clear that Nadie was drifting into a small coma like state.
Please, please do something, she thought hoping her feelings could be reached by the others. Nadie had always been so use to being more aware than the others and so losing so many senses felt like death itself. I should of went to Nyx. I should of known something wasn't right... How can this be simple hunger when I have starved before? she felt a small chirp of some sort escape her lips and enter the real world not just the one in her mind, but that was the last thing she could hear before her hearing joined her body and sight.


MENTIONED: Neela @WonderFry Nyx @StoneWolf18 Ayola @Anaxileah

@ everyone


His efforts thrashed, Kalo accepted defeat. The rancid breath of the gigantic brute lurched over him. Just as he expected death, as the fangs of the accursed penetrated his neck, and as the blood began to flow, Kalo felt something within him begin to grow. His bodice began to ignore his responses; he entered a form of violent convulsing as he began to suffer. His fur, once proudly greyish, began to fall from his body. It was as a dandelion loses its seeds in the wind. His now furless body, however, was just beginning its changes. His own bones next began their betrayal, cracking as they changed. The unbearable pin was too much to bear, and poor Kalo shouted out into the world in utter pain. Blood still ran down his neck, but shockingly, the bleeding stopped. he was doomed to survive this nightmare, and the wound would not kill him.

His face next began to change. His canines began to degrade in sharpness, becoming flat. His jaw shoved into his face, making his head resemble a pained rectangle. The pain was too much to bear, but all he could do was scream. His paws began to flatten out, his fingers becoming separated and elongated. His nails flattened as well, paling in color. His ears slammed into the sides of his face, deafening himself for one moment as his hip realigned with his spine. He felt taller, larger, but in pain. His body was certainly bruised, unusable for much longer. the changes completed with the cracking of bones, before he went silent. The now unfamiliar form was unrecognizable, and silent.

Health: 40%

The Lead Warrior's voice stopped him from going any further. His padding came to a halt as Meynx began spewing orders and commands like she usually wound, despite the severe wound covering her side. The partially-blind warrior listened intently to her words, dismissing his dislike for being told what to do; this was no time for silly pride.

After the female warrior dismissed him to seek the others, Nokosi padded away with quick steps, ignoring the pain that ravaged his underbelly as warm liquid trickled out of the wounds and matted his fur. The black-furred Tikaani settled on sticking to the outskirts of his once-safe home as he sought after his fellow warriors. Ayola, he decided, would be exempt from the attack, as she was already preoccupied with the Alphas. They were of top priority, and Ayola was taking care of that.

A yelp was heard over the commotion, and Nokosi recognized it to be the omega's, Imari. He came to a halt, his ears swiveling on his head towards the young Tikaani's location. He sniffed the air and was unable to smell any blood yet. He could save the young wolf. He
needed to save the young Imari. He wasn't able to save the others, so he ought to be able to save as many members of his pack—his family.

Fur and feathers bristling, the partially-blind Tikaani crept through the shadows towards the location of the omega, sniffing out the familiar scent of his pack member among the mingling stench of the deformity that pinned him. Though his footfalls were silent, Nokosi made sure to put enough force behind them to send out vibrations so that he would be able to "see" what was in front of him and the current situation Imari was in.

Once he was close enough, he "saw" the deformity that had the omega pinned. Fearing for the weak Tikaani's life, Nokosi pushed forgot about his previous pain and fears and charged at the deformity from the shadows in silence. A blur of black, the warrior rammed into the side of the deformity with enough force to cause the disabled Tikaani and the deformity to go tumbling. They rolled, one over the other, a few times until they finally skidded to a stop beside one another.

Nokosi bared his teeth at the evil creature, though it was partially to keep from crying out in pain rather than intimidation. He pushed himself to his paws, the blood still oozing from his underside wound, and lowered his head in a defensive stance as his ears laid back and he growling, low and menacing. No one else will hurt his pack members anymore. He failed saving the rest, but he would
not let Imari join his dead brethren. Nokosi would either kill the deformity or die trying before that happened.



Weapons of war are thus so blunt yet so poisonous to the nature of life. As the pack began to dissolve in front of him, as his fellow Tikaani fought for their lives against a vengeful exile, the alpha could see the true cost. His attention turned to the horrifying sight that was unfolding before him: the changing of Kalo. The former omega, once nothing other than an outsider, had been reduced to a terrifying form that Brimir knew all too well. The Old Tongue named them as a word lost to time, but the locals had their own names for them. Brimir was filled with fear, terrified by the sight of Kalo as he shifted painfully. "Dear Nasci..." he managed to utter through his breath.

Gazing to Tsaghani, the alpha felt a shiver run through his spine. In all of the chaos, the deafening cries of the fearful, the pack began to centralize around fear. "What have they done to you? You made your choices, as we made ours. You feel that easy to torture the innocent?" by this point, it was a plea, a cry for normality. Yet normality would never come. It had gone too far, his members laying dead. Their family had yet to mourn, to purify their souls for Nasci. Yet these deformities, these outsiders and exiles, they had given Tsaghani an ancient curse. One not remembered for the longest time.

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