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Fantasy Heart of the Forest (Still Accepting!)

@MoltenLightning @Dominaiscna


The hunter looked down at his paws, seeing that perhaps Imari had issues concerning his self confidence. Of course, such a topic is considered a terrible taboo by many. But, nonetheless, Kalo said nothing on the oscillation of Imari's emotions. Maybe he should, as not being sure that you are strong only guarantees one thing: failure. Weakness kills a Tikaani, and with the hunt about to begin, it was not in the best interest to waste time teaching Imari how to hunt. Brimir would be even more irate if some left after they had been summoned. But, the hunt was stagnant for the moment, a wave moments from crashing. Yet, all those who stood at attention dared not move, dared not make an attempt to leave. They remained waiting for their beta to return, so the hunt would commence.

"Imari," kalo said rather quietly, "I vouched for you, as well as Katalista, because I think you can hunt. I risked it on my honor, on my life practically. that you would not mess up. I'll tell you a story..."

It was some time ago. I was still outside of the pack. I had my family still, some brothers. I forget the name, but there was another tribe, not like ours but they were real. It was much further North than this. We were hunting for food for the long cold season. They had a way of calling it something different. Wynterra, I think. I forget the name, it was of the old tongue. but, when we hunted, we were ambushed. Our prey was much larger, and had friends. Treematus, as you call it. Before I knew it, the damn beast knocked me over. My hunting partner, he left me for dead. Everyone did, out of fear. I barely got out of there alive, if it weren't for my brothers staving off the beast when they realized I was not there. Sure enough, my hunting partner was unscathed, running scared back to the grounds. Two of us were killed. And that runt survived with nothing more than his life. He was subsequently demoted for omega.

"The question is," Kalo asked the omega, "can I trust you? If I fall, will you be there to pick me up? Do you have my back, or does your vanity come before your pride?"



Imari saw Kalo's eyes as he stared down at his paws, saying what he could not. Imari felt a guilt gnaw at his conscious... What had he done wrong? Before Imari could let the question leave his mouth, Kalo started speaking abruptly again. The Omega shifted uncomfortably, only now realizing that Kalo was taking this in a very serious way. His eyes widened as Kelo began a sob story of sorts, exclaiming his distaste of traitors.

Then, it hit the Omega. Was he... Comparing him to a coward? One who leave his friends with the crack of a whip?! Imari felt his hackles rise without his consent as his honor became offended. "Kalo, I need you to understand something..." His voice was little more than a whisper, but he looked hurt and offended.

"I sacrificed my rank, my
honor, to try and help everyone besides myself. I considered myself but a stepladder, almost constantly self-deprecating and often feeling shame just for being in everyone's presence. I've had a strong desire to be useful, but I was always been self-sacrificing and genuinely believed I was doing a good thing for everyone's sake. Do you think that I would not do something that involved sacrifice for a fellow pack member? Because it is quite the opposite of what you may think. There are many dangers, this I understand all too well. Because of my apparent lack of pride, I am able to comprehend what other's feel and project it upon my thoughts, so I am always looking out for others. This does not mean I have no concern for my own life, but every single one of them. I am no exception... There is no such thing as vanity here, in my heart."

After these fast paced words he uttered from his mouth, to which only Kalo could hear... His eyes widened. He felt his demeanor calm down and his fur begin to flatten upon his lithe body again. He flattened his ears upon the back of his head again, though it was still as if he wanted him to understand he meant what he said. "Do you... Understand now? I need this. I need redemption for my mistaken life, and that only starts with trust..." Imari again whispered this, but he did not look as helpless as before, and his eyes portrayed an utmost serious attitude. He did not want to plead with him, but he would do whatever it took to get his point across.
@JokerValentine | Mood: Serious, offended, hurt, pleading

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Mood: Anxious, Excited, Curious

Location: Boarder of territory


The female let out a slightly hysterical giggle as her wild grass stained eyes scanned the brute before her. When Faolan knew she had to return to her pack, she hardly expected to find someone so close to her. Khadzu was, as far as Faolan was concerned, her last family left. While the snow colored man was not blood related by far, he was the closest living wolf Faolan had. That knowledge weighed heavily on the female's shoulders, however, the excitement of the prospect of returning to a long lost companionship overran her growing anxiety.

"Yeah," she breathed in response to his question. "Long time no see, huh?" She joked good naturedly, a warm smile growing over her ash washed muzzle.

Sorry guys that totally sucks. I have the stomach flu, so I'm feeling pretty crappy. I'll edit it tomorrow, but I want to make sure I keep the roleplay going lol.


There was a brief preiod of silence before Nyx spoke up. “Then there's no point in delaying further, now come. And with that, the old Tikanni began to run at a pace she normally wouldn't be able too with her old joints. Nunui have a reluctant sigh and whispered into his ear “I hope you are ready...you still have so much of your life ahead of you…” Before she took off after the other shaman, her feathers pressed down in what some would consider fear and the barest hints of guilt.

They ran through the archway but then sharply veered off of a dirt path that lead into a thick woods. Nyx and Nunui easily dodged the hanging limbs of trees as well as leaping over fallen logs. It would’ve been relaxing and quite serene if not for the stress of the situation. Birds were gently chirping, the scent of prey was abundant, and even the gentle wind softly nipped at their fur with a playful tug rather than a sharp jab. Though there was no time to stop and admire what was taking place around them, Nyx silently prayed that Nuru would be sensible enough to realize this.

In a surprisingly short amount of time, the three Tikanni slowed as they reached a large clearing. Among it were large weeping willows but it's leaves weren’t made of plant material but it's appendages were glowing brightly, illuminating the small area that had been shrouded in darkness due to the thick canopy of normal trees. Padding up to now, Nyx was fiddling with a tendril whilst the deceased Tikanni began speaking to Nuru. “Now...we have no idea how this will affect you or your mentor, but I am praying Nasci that she will look down upon us in such a time of need…please, lay here.” She gestured to a thick patch of grass underneath the tree before walking over to the other shaman. “Lie down, I can get it for you.” Nodding she laid down and rested her jaw on her paws, an exhausted look clear within her eyes. Nunui grasped one of the bioluminescent limbs and bit the tip off, it revealing a set of small wriggling hairs. Pulling it a bit so there was some slack, she leaned over her apprentice and lowered it behind her neck. The hairs slowly sunk deep within her fur and embedded themselves into her skin and the back of her skull. The discomfort and surprise was apparent as her breathing hitched, though she simply closed her eyes and let the tree do what was necessary. Doing the same and taking it over near Nuru, she gave him a sorrowful look before letting another one attach itself to him as well. After it did, she laid next to him and licked his ears as she had before, trying to comfort him despite how it was next to impossible to do so.

@Cloud Nagasake

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Eyup it was definetly her alright, no other confirmation needed, yet Khadzu was not able to come up with a single form of response. The clashing emotions and memories wracked his thought train, anger frustration. happiness, joy, elation, sadness, retribution. contradictions and compliments colliding in his head unsure what to even say or do.

he tried to move

a bit more if he could, stretching any limb any paw just for a response, just t answer her response. yet the thoughts of what action to do confused him. he worried for her, cried when she realized she was gone, he wanted to hit her, at the same time he also wanted to smile, maybe he could try for both? all these stimuli fired on his head until he could finally move.

and so he did

but he neither hit her nor smiled, rather his own body took to the response and immediately hugged the wolf crooking his neck on hers as he closes his eyes, his nose feeling hot as he holds in all the emotions that raged within his body only wanting to pass that onto her, holding her with one paw behind her neck and nearly screaming in his head "WHERE WERE YOU!?" in that moment.

however it wasn't time for such things, as the tides of his emotions cooled with his embrace so did his sense of urgency to his duty once more. as if waking up from a daydream he quickly backed off, his fur puffing and standing up at the shock of his action going against his reserved nature. Shaking his head at what happened and batting his eyes trying to take into view what the heck just happened. he looked at her thinking of a good explanation

"Y-yes, It.. It has been quite... sometime..."

He grasped at the words as if they were birds in the wind

" L-look, Ive not much time i must return... and such... Ummmm...."

he looked away for a moment

"Mother would want to see you, She.. has also worried for you. Her den from here is not far..."

And slowly he started to get a hold of his focus the more he started to speak finally getting a breather and pointing her to the direction of his householf

"Pineshoots, and Stingberries, thats the smell can't miss it"

And he quickly jabbed a turn slowly backing off as his Feet felt the need to return to the alpha

"I must Go"

and so he did, turning tail and Sprinting off to the gathering but not before stopping just for a moment

"Fao... Im glad your back"

he said with a genuine smile as he ran back to Brimir.

He started to gain his Composure back as he lost his breath in the run, but slowly trodded to his alpha once he got near to catch his breath.

"Brother, i have searched our Tribe for any further hunters, Ive found some stragglers yet others were far more elusive, forgive me"

he apologized thinking he may have disrupted the Gathering in his tardiness. he will accept any punishment sent to him but whats important was that the hunt may commence

"Ill take responsibility once we return Alpha"

he spoke lowering his head.



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@Orpheus @MoltenLightning @Dominaiscna @Falling Nebula @Supermegabrenda2 @DemonKitten @Bobisdead123 @Anaxileah


With the arrival of the beta, the hunt could finally begin. The alpha stepped forth, ignoring his beta's re-entry. People were seemingly losing interest, but now they were all here at least. The festivities for today were simple, easy to follow and mandatory to understand. Likewise as well. The alpha, looked down at the ground for a moment, collecting his thoughts before his lifted his head to the gathered Tikaani.

"My brothers," he emphatically spoke, "today is the great hunt. Today, as in all hunts, we are to succeed in bringing home our nourishment. We are one, we eat as one, we hunt as one, we hurt as one. We will hunt in groups, small groups based off of numbers. These are the groups:

Khadzu and myself

Nadie and Ayola

Coeur and Ammax

Loraleigh and Meynx

Kalo, Katalista, and Imari

I will not change nor discuss the groupings. You will not change you will not bicker, and we will not fail. For those who disagree with these groupings, I understand that this is not the tradition of the hunt. But, if we are to succeed, we are to do so through this way. We must be able to be self-reliant, whilst remain part of the group. For those who disagree, speak now."

The crowd was silent. I thought so, he said to himself.

"Brothers and sisters!" Brimir emphatically spoke again, "may Nasci give us strength. Recieve your war paint, and thus the hunt will begin!"

And with that, the hunt truly did begin.


Ammax looked up at Brimir. Not making eye contact. He stared at the tip of his nose, listening at what he had to say.

"My brothers," He saaid happily. "Today is the great hunt. Today, as in all hunts, we are to succeed in bringing home our nourishment. We are one, we eat as one, we hunt as one, we hurt as one. We will hunt in groups, small groups based off of numbers. These are the groups:

Khadzu and myself, Nadie and Ayola, Coeur and Ammax, Loraleigh and Meynx, Kalo, Katalista, and Imari. I will not change nor discuss the groupings. You will not change you will not bicker, and we will not fail. For those who disagree with these groupings, I understand that this is not the tradition of the hunt. But, if we are to succeed, we are to do so through this way. We must be able to be self-reliant, whilst remain part of the group. For those who disagree, speak now."

Obviously, no one said anything. Ammax laughed internaly.
Who would go against the Alpha's orders? He tuned in to what he was saying again.

"...Nasci give us strength. Recieve your war paint, and thus the hunt will begin!"

Ammax raised his head and barked happily. He looked at Ayola holding the paint bowl. He lowered his head slightly, waiting to receive the paint.




Not noticing the sadness upon Coeur's face, she watched the Alpha intently, making sure to keep her eyes on his shoulder rather than meet his gaze. Her purple, black, and blue tail moved subconsciously behind her in excitement, the young wolf eager to give the warriors and hunters their paint. However, when Meynx announced that she would be staying alongside a hunter to protect the camp, she frowned, and her eyes narrowed. I get that I'm not that strong...but I understand, I suppose. Ayola thought to herself dejectedly, up until the Alpha announced that she would be going, instead. She tilted her head to the side in confusion, but inwardly shrugged and then grabbed her bowl of paint in her jaw. She nodded respectfully to Coeur, a smile in her eyes, and seated herself in front of him, preparing to put the paint on his fur the way it was supposed to.

Ayola placed the bowl of sticky liquid down in front of the larger male, then dipped her paw in the concoction lightly, allowing only the tip of her paw to be coated with the dark blue substance. While she ran her paw along his fur, Ayola murmured the soft words she spoke whenever she painted a Tikaani for battle: "Bada Nasci tsaro a gare ku," which translated to 'Allow Nasci to watch over you.' After placing a line of paint from between Coeur's eyes to the tip of his nose and two large dots along either side of the line near his forehead, Ayola smiled faintly at Coeur before picking the bowl up between her teeth and progressing to the next wolf, which was Ammax. She repeated the process, except she gave Ammax two lines near his forehead, perpendicular to the long line down his snout. Ayola proceeded to do this with each Tikaani, giving them small, different, accents near their foreheads for individuality. She stopped halfway through to refill on paint, taking the other bowl from where Coeur had placed it on the ground. When she came to retrieve it, the young Tikaani hesitated momentarily, then decided to be bold and rub her muzzle affectionately against Coeur's shoulder before grabbing the other bowl and trotting off to finish everyone else's paint, as well as her own.


@Bobisdead123 @Supermegabrenda2 @EveryOtherTikaani Character's Mood: Happy/Nervous User's Mood: o-o Stressed Location: Outside Alpha's Den




After Loraleigh spoke, Meynx appeared, leaping from a boulder overhead. Loraleigh watched the female move with grace and fluidity, and mentally appraised the lead warrior. Meynx requested that Ayola remain as well, which Lora agreed with as she was a warrior fit to protect, but not strong enough to hunt well on her own. The lead hunter nodded at Meynx in respect, approving of the decision she made. She offered a small smile towards the other female before looking back at the Alpha, who had apparently decided that those present would leave, which meant that the others would have to protect the rest of the pack. No matter, they could handle themselves, especially if the hunt did not last long. The sun was directly above the Tikaani tribe now, which meant that the hunt was about to begin.

Lora's feathered tail wagged slightly in a subconscious manner, the female itching to run and hunt. When she heard who she was paired with she glanced back at Meynx, somewhat concerned with her pairing. Meynx seemed upset with her earlier, but Lora could not tell quite yet, and instead looked back towards the Alpha, who announced the start of the hunt, once everyone had their paint done. When Ayola interacted with Coeur, she seemed a bit on edge, but Lora did not want to stick her nose in the younger female's business, and instead closed her eyes as Ayola painting her fur, giving her two intersecting lines at the top her her snout's line, like at x at the top of the line. Once she finished the paint, Lora nodded respectfully, then padded over to Meynx, who had just gotten her paint done with a circle at the top of her line.

"Are you prepared, Lead Warrior?" Lora asked respectfully, not sure how to act or what to say near the female who was the sister of her one and only love interest in the pack.


@Falling Nebula Character's Mood: Nervous/Excited User's Mood: o-o still stressed Location: Outside the Alpha's Den



He closed his eyes as the paint was applied to his forehead and nose. Opening his eyes, he watched as she painted the others. He flicked his tail, watching as Ayola rubbed her muzzle affectionately against Couer's shoulder. Ammax turned so he now faced Couer.

"So, where would you like to start?"

He asked, looking at him. Ammax's leg was twitching, eager to start hunting. Ammax preffered to be the brute strenghth of the hunt, not the planning part. He was not the brightest bulb in the box. The fur around Ammax's neck was standing on edge as he started shifting his weight from one side to the other. Ammax streatched his legs, not being able to sit still. He then sits back down, and proceeded to shift his weight once more. He heard Loraleigh speak to his sister.

"Are you prepared, Lead Warrior?"

Ammax held back a chuckle
. So formal. Well, to him it was, atleast. After all, it was his sister. He glanced back for a second, seeing her stand near Meynx. Moving his gaze back to Couer, he managed to sit still for a few seconds.

|Speaking to:
@Bobisdead123 | Where: Gathering Area| Mood: Excited, Happy, Bouncy|

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Upon joining the line and receiving her war paint from Ayola, Katalista rejoined Imari and Kalo with many jagged stripes of paint like that of a long extinct animal decoracting her ears, head and back. The paint was still quite sticky and wet and Katalista was not particularly happy about that, but once the paint was dry, it would be lovely.

She had heard the alphas words not a short while before and had noted the different groups the tibe was divided into. They were the only group of 3 which had its benefits and also disadvantages. They can cover more space at hunting and can cut off prey easier, but there is also the higher risk of miscommunication and then losing the prey altogether. In short, she was quite nervous.

But she didn't let the nervousness get to her and put on a calm expression as she neared the two Tikaani with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

@MoltenLightning @JokerValentine

mood: nervous/excited


Dark ears perked for Ayola’s reaction suddenly pinned back against Meynx’s head as she heard the Brimir’s declaration.

“These are the groups:”Khadzu and myself, Nadie and Ayola, Coeur and Ammax, Loraleigh and Meynx, Kalo, Katalista, and Imari. I will not change nor discuss the groupings. You will not change you will not bicker, and we will not fail. For those who disagree with these groupings, I understand that this is not the tradition of the hunt. But, if we are to succeed, we are to do so through this way. We must be able to be self-reliant, whilst remain part of the group. For those who disagree, speak now."

Temper flashed through blood and Meynx felt her fur rise on end...she understood that the male was more than twice her age, understood that he was alpha, understood he had the authority to change things without consulting others, but was it that hard to inform her of this non-traditional hunting method before she ordered one of her warriors to stay and guard the the young? It undermined her authority, a terrible action, as the very structure of the pack depended on communication. The Lead Warrior felt her temper rise, threatening to consume her, inherited from her father who had barely been able to control the overwhelming emotion. “Close your eyes, remember this morning...look forward to the future.” Words barely able to qualify as a whisper Meynx silently called forth the quiet morning she had spent just enjoying nature. Chucking water, filtered light, whispering trees, small animals going about their daily life.

The vivid, bright memories of the calming memory tempered the flames of the lead warrior’s temper and stopped her troublesome muzzle from spouting out a verbal rebuke. Meynx enjoyed risk, but verbally challenging the wisdom of the alpha’s decision was not a risk anyone would take lightly. Still...she was not happy...and she made sure to emphasize this by glaring at the large alpha before turning away to receive some paint from Ayola. “Thank you, Ayola.” Anger had now converted into energy and excitement, fueling Meynx and making her unusually twitchy. Dancing a little on light paws to relieve some energy, Meynx was used to the swiftly changing emotions...anger had not been the only thing she had inherited from her sire. She had also been graced with swiftly changing emotions, going to sad, to happy, to calm, to angry in a blink of the eye and feeling each emotion many times deeper than norm for a Tikanni.

Dark blue paint formed a circle attached to a line that ran down Meynx’s silver and onyx muzzle, and branched off to form stripes and swirls along the female's body, a sign of individuality, but absorbing light instead of reflecting it...just as Meynx preferred it.

Turning as Loraleigh spoke Meynx tipped her head to the side as the female addressed her respectfully, and very formally. Meynx enjoyed the formality of the term “Lead Warrior”, a nice change from “Fuzzy”...and was very tempted to accept the term as normal...but the ranks of lead warrior and lead hunter were relatively equal, calling one by their rank usually signified that they were higher in the food chain... and Meynx understood the need for equality when it came between warriors and hunters. That being said, and Meynx having her own personality…”The term, Lead Warrior, is a huge mouthful as is the term, Lead Hunter...Meynx is a lot less hard to pronounce...I hope it is alright to call you Lora.” The last sentence was less of a question and more of a statement...Meynx was not joking when she said that Lead Hunter was a mouthful when stated in every other sentence.

Starting toward the forest, Meynx tilted her head in Loraleigh’s direction…”I have to admit my knowledge of the native animals focuses more on potential threats than potential food...What do you suggest we search for?”

@Anaxileah @JokerValentine
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Nuru layed down on the patch of grass shaded by the willow and watched silently in awe as Nunui began to attach the strange tentacle like limbs to the back of Nyx's head. It's weird little feelers wiggling around and getting really familiar with the host's head. It was such a rare sight to see and an unforgettable one too. Nuru's breathing was steady and he had remained calm up until Nunui had did the same to him. He now realized why Miss Nyx's breathing slightly escalated; the feeling resembled a dozen needles piercings through at once leaving behind nothing but a slight headache and numbness. He began thinking to himself, thinking happy thoughts to take his mind off the easing pain. He was thinking of his cousin Chipo and all of the good times they had as young pups. The playing, the laughing and them just enjoying the company of each other. They seemed more like blood brothers from how well they interact with on another.

Nuru had closed his eyed and smiled lightly. He hadn't noticed Nunui as she licked his ears which occasionally flicked and twitched to the side every once and a while.
"I haven't seen Chipo for so long." He whispered softly, though not really looking for a response, he just wanted to speak his mind. He let his head hang low slowly until it touched the soft grass below. So comfy, though he had absolutely no way to feel at ease and was trembling all the way down to the tip of his tail. The scenery was a true beauty and the willow topped it off, but somethings still had him in chains. Like the thoughts of returning home without Miss Nyx by his side to tell another one of her slick remarks or him running away as an exile and a slave to insanity. What would Chipo react to losing his childhood friend to madness and how could the tribe stay calm without their Shaman to guide them? "I-I've haven't felt so fearful since I was a pup. Could my fear originate from my anxiety because I'm such a worrisome wolf?He asked Nunui while looking to Nyx with a terrified look in his bright blue crystals.

no slide


Location: Fiik Grotto: Nasci's Palace

Thoughts: "I feel exhausted...yet overwhelmed."

Interactions: Shaman Nyx & Nunui

Mentioned: None


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Imari heard the Alpha call them to him before Kalo said a word. And that in itself scared Imari. Had he been too commanding? A shiver was sent down his spine as the possibility hit him. He might have just lost one of his only allies because of his utter rude demeanor. Kalo only meant well, did he not? Sighing, Imari trotted over to Katalista whilst still keeping Kalo in his sights, and sat near her. He looked a little nervous and tentative, as if he wanted to talk to her but couldn't find the words.

After a moment, he went and got his paints done. He could see the odd glares he was getting, but as of right now those were the least of his worries. The paint on him had a paw-like pattern upon his head, with a few streaks that ended in spirals. He shivered at a sudden memory trying to surface again... But shook his head and kept it at bay. He swiftly made his way back to his group, noting in his head the fact that his group was the only one of three. He wondered what that would imply?

There would obviously be advantages and disadvantages, but he was mostly concerned about how his teammates would survey his performance and constantly make sure he was doing what he should be. The thought was
tantalizing. Imari looked into the eyes of the female Tikaani next him, and saw the excitement in her eyes. For some reason, it was contagious. How could he be thinking these thoughts when it was so evident people still had courage in him?

The Alpha was actually letting him do this, he should be rejoicing! And yet, his morale was diminishing. He would still do his best, but... What would Kalo think of him now? Or Katalista? Had she seen him get so defensive? He felt awful about it instantly, but tried to keep his demeanor carefree. His eyes betrayed him in this moment...
@JokerValentine @Dominaiscna | Mood: Nervous, guilty, recovering, apologetic



Upon reaching the two male Tikaani, she noticed one very subtle change. The air between them was different than before. There was tension folded into the very pockets of air floating around them, radiating from the two, especially from Imari. She had obviously missed something, having spent the previous moments observing the other members of the tribe.

Imari left the group shortly after she arrived. He had approached her and sat by her for a short while and she had made no comment about it, deciding to remain silent as she watched him with concerned eyes hidden with fake excitement. There was something troubling him and, though he hid it, she could sense it. He seemed like he wished to say something to, but no words left his mouth. And then he left to get paint, without a word, and she continued to watch him, brows furrowed while his back was turned.

There was something in his walk, in his posture, in the air about him that spoke of something she had not seen. Her gaze slid to Kalo, hoping to get answers from him, but she found none. By the time her gaze slid back to Imari, he was already returning with war paint on and ready. Yet... Now she could clearly see the terrible feelings he held inside through his eyes. What plagued him so much? What pained him so much that he would show such an expression?

For seconds, she searched his eyes in silence, masking her concern with glimmers of anticipation and excitement, yet that soon died down to reveal the worry in her amber eyes.

"Imari..." She started, cursing her voice for being so soft and wavery when she needed it to be confident, calm and carefree, "...is there something wrong?"

@MoltenLightning @JokerValentine

mood: worried





~Extra Info~

Action: Waiting patiently for the Alpha to notice her.

Emotion: Patient & puzzled

Interaction: Brimir


"Hunting Sol down tomorrow."

Have mentioned:



@Orpheus @JokerValentine


She sighed in relief when the alpha didn't seem to notice her. Xenosa waited among the other wolves, now seeing that they're weren't really much Tikaani around. She thought,'Well, this is sorta sad looking.'

When Khàdzu finally returned, she stared at him for a while. He was panting and seemed strangely tired. It was quite rare to see Khàdzu in this state. Usually he wore a serious and stoic expression, never looking tired despite him being so busy. The Alpha just ignored him for now as he finally began his speech:

"My brothers, today is the great hunt. Today, as in all hunts, we are to succeed in bringing home our nourishment. We are one, we eat as one, we hunt as one, we hurt as one. We will hunt in groups, small groups based off of numbers. These are the groups:

Khadzu and myself

Nadie and Ayola

Coeur and Ammax

Loraleigh and Meynx

Kalo, Katalista, and Imari

I will not change nor discuss the groupings. You will not change you will not bicker, and we will not fail. For those who disagree with these groupings, I understand that this is not the tradition of the hunt. But, if we are to succeed, we are to do so through this way. We must be able to be self-reliant, whilst remain part of the group. For those who disagree, speak now."

Of course, no objected to the group pairing except for Xenosa. It's not like she didn't like the person/people she was grouped with, she wasn't even mentioned. Was this her punishment for being tardy for the group gathering? Well, this was quite unexpected and harsh. Xenosa was puzzled as she then crossed out the very idea of it being a punishment. I mean this event required every Tikanni to attend, no pathetic/whiny excuses accepted. She looked at those around her....they were already grouping with each other. This had to be a silly mistake the Alpha made. Xenosa walked closer up front, her body growing a little tense. She spoke to the Alpha,
"Excuse me, but I was never mention in the grouping."

Xenosa wondered if her speech sounded too casual, it was always nerve-wracking to speak up to the Alpha.


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"Hush child..." Nunui softly cooed in between licks. "You aren't worriesome in the slightest, very brave in fact for going along with something as dangerous at this." As the younger shaman continued to try and comfort Nuru, Nyx looked surprisingly at peace for once. Her expression was calm and there wasn't any trace of the oh so familiar annoyance or pain in her dark eyes. A small smile touched her muzzle before she looked to her mentor and said in a drowsy tone "Come on...Nunui...b...efore....I become a b....it too...attached..." Nodding, the flamboyant wolf let her nose rest upon Nuru's head for a moment before approaching the tree. Rearing up and placing her bird-like forepaws on the trunk she spoke in the old language once more, it was fast and strange, chanting more than anything else. And soon enough, fatigue would engulf both wolves connected like a tidal wave, forcing them into a deep sleep.

What came next was a sensation like no other.

<emories, past events, all the things they had learned was being flashed before their eyes. Even things they didn't know they remembered such as the first time they opened their eyes and cried out for their mother or took their first steps. It was being passed to the other wolf, Nyx's to Nuru's and vice versa. For the first few minutes, everyting that was being transferred was basic and simple. The emotional joy of their first kill, the nervousness of being scolded as a child, swimming in a river for the first time...but then, there was a bump in their metaphorical road. They had reached the point in older Tikanni's life when she had been attacked, Nunui killed, and her feathers ripped out. The rush of emotion as well as literal pain tore though both of their bodies, causing Nunui to nearly loose focus.

@Cloud Nagasake

Health: 100%

  • nirrith_by_tatchit-d74tmgi.png

    Mood: Excited Confused | Deflated | Disheartened
The male didn't pay too much attention to the others that arrived. He was too focused on the fact that the hunt was going to begin. He was ready to prowl through the shadows, listen to the forest, and feel the thrill of hunting down prey. This was always his favourite thing to do, and he was actually beginning to feel impatient.

Finally, the Alpha began to give his pre-hunt speech. However, he also began to assign each Tikaani to a group. It was a rather peculiar way to go about the hunt... It didn't really make too much sense to Nokosi; breaking off into groups wasn't exactly "hunting as one". But he didn't want to challenge the Alpha.

Once the groups were established, Nokosi realized that he wasn't assigned to any of them. He tilted his head slightly, but when Brimir asked if there were any questions, he didn't say anything.
Am I not participating in the hunt...? he thought, slightly disheartened. Hopefully, he wasn't be excluded. Hunts were always the one thing he looked forward to most, and being taken away from that would be a stab at his very soul.

Once the gathering was dismissed, Nokosi broke out of his thoughts and hesitantly approached the Alpha, being careful to pay close attention to the collisions of vibrations to determine the direction each Tikaani was traveling while trying to listen to the others around him. He heard the voice of a female Tikaani near Brimir, and he realized he wasn't the only one who was excluded. It seemed that the other wasn't mentioned as well. Xenosa, was it? Was this an accident? Now
two wolves were left out, so it didn't seem too plausible for two wolves to be accidentally left out. He just hoped it wasn't intentional.

Nokosi lowered his head as he approached to show respect (and he was somewhat afraid of the Alpha) and spoke quietly but clearly, "
Alpha, it seems that I was excluded as well..." His voice trailed at the end, hoping that he wasn't going to be shot down and kicked out of the hunt.




Loraleigh watched Meynx with watchful eyes, analyzing the other female's movements and speech. When Meynx responded, Lora nodded tersely, frowning slightly. "The term, Lead Warrior, is a huge mouthful as is the term, Lead Hunter...Meynx is a lot less hard to pronounce...I hope it is alright to call you Lora." The Lead Warrior spoke in an equally respectful tone, and Lora nodded more visibly than before. "I apologize if I have offended you. I will refer to you as Meynx from now on. And yes, my nickname would be my preferred reference." Lora glanced at the others as they began leaving for the hunt before looking back at Meynx, who spoke once more.

"I have to admit my knowledge of the native animals focuses more on potential threats than potential food...What do you suggest we search for?" At this, Lora grinned earnestly for a moment, looking forward to the hunt. "I understand what you mean. The most fun creatures to hunt are the Entlk, especially now that it is Primavera. They should be more abundant, so finding them will be easy. Make no mistake - the chase will still be exhilarating." Lora continued to grin as she spoke about hunting the deer-like creatures, and then let out a yip. "Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?" Lora offered to Meynx, trying to be kind, then began to bound through the pack's land and eventually cross its border, her red and white fur a blur against the colors of the trees around her.


@Falling Nebula Character's Mood: Excited User's Mood: Tired Location: Outside Alpha's Den -> Forest



Nadie wached as the pack got prepared for the hunt and noticed Ayola painting everyone as they grouped up with their assigned partners. "I think I will head over to Ayola," she told Brimir before she left him. She felt a little bit better now that the hunt was about to occur and the thought of food felt somewhat refreshing, though it did cause a nauseous reaction from the alpha. Approaching the purplish wolf, Nadie stayed out of her way as she watched the younger wolf prepare.

"What a pleasant hunt we shall have together, Ayola. It will be nice to hunt with a younger wolf for once. For the longest time, I use to be the youngest," she tried to lighten the mood as to not give off an atmosphere that made the younger wolf not feel like she could be herself around the alpha. "I will tell you in advance that I have been feeling rather ill so I apologize if I slow us down. I am only 27, but it seems like I am already getting old," the alpha joked. She sort of missed feeling like she was a young wolf and being free to not be an alpha, but that was short lived. It felt like she had always been an alpha since the day she was born destined to rule alongside Brimir. It wasn't like she regretted it since she spent much of her younger years fighting her alpha blood until finally accepting that this was her destiny and her way of doing something for the pack that raised her.

ADDRESSED: Ayola @Anaxileah

MENTIONED: Brimir @JokerValentine



Before Nuru and his mentor had fallen into a deep sleep, Nuru and let a smile escape his maw. Nunui's last comment made him feel a little more easy with his current situation and more confident as a whole. His eyes fell heavy and his mind went blank. The Transfer has begun with a light teeming with animated memories flashed on a black screen. He had noticed numerous events as a pup such as the first time he was seeing, hearing and walking with his mother and father standing over his small helpless body. Nuru cannot remember such a task, but it was a rare thing to see through a whole new perspective . He even witnessed memories he never had until now. His mentor's memories and his memories waving past in a swift simultaneous pattern. That was up until his memories seem to have come to a standstill, but Miss Nyx's remained to roll a bit longer.

Nuru unconscious body had convulsed once from the frightening visual of his mentor's past. It was like Nuru was standing there with the younger Nunui and Nyx, but he wasn't. He was nearly a ghost watching from afar as a black wolf lunged at young Nunui and murdered her. Then taking it's chances with Nuru's to be mentor. He attacked and torn each feather from his young mentor's flesh by the shadowy wolf. Nuru had groaned quietly, though his body was completely paralyzed and his awareness of the world going on around him was short. He was hoping for the nightmare to end soon and the next phase of the ritual to take it's course.

no slide


Location: Fiik Grotto: Nasci's Palace

Thoughts: His mind has gone blank...

Interactions: Shaman Nyx & Nunui

Mentioned: None


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@MoltenLightning @Dominaiscna @Anaxileah


Alas, as all ceremonies must, as a flower does too, it must begin. With Ayola creating the illustrious symbols of pride upon the hunters' heads. A joyous sight. While, of course, tradition was in no part of this hunt, as it was the alpha's special hunt, it seemed, several rules were broken. Nyx would surely be upset to find this out. But, what is society when we have rules go unbroken? It is a treat, not a betrayal. An important distinction that perhaps Brimir did not fully understand. But, all thboughts, at least for Kalo, were pushed aside as he felt the coldness of the berries touch his fur. How gently the painters touched him, painting some pattern on his body. But, Kalo soon found himself holding his laughter back. Purple berries? What foliage was to be purple?

Needless to say, with the painting completed, the male tried his best to examine the pattern. On either side he had a straight flat line, with a few curves. It was nothing ornate, to his surprise. He thought with all of the berry paint, that he would have cover equal to those such as Nadie. Were we not all equal? But, he had slightly more than Imari, his new friend. Rather fitting, however, considering his rank.But, Imari looked so fearful! Was he scared to hunt? To seek out a prey smaller, dumber, and easier to kill than his own kind. Clearly he hadn't hunted often.

"Imari," Kalo began after his paint had dried, "you can do this. Your parents would be proud of you, being here and now among everyone of the pack. Don't be afraid, because whatever lies out there is not as strong as you are. It is Nasci's will, Imari. We live and we survive because of our strength and honor. Imari, this is your hunt as much as it is mine. What do you say?" he said passionately.

But, perhaps, Kalo said something quite meaningful after all.

"I want to hunt beside you, Imari, and so does Katalista, because we both walk the same path towards the light. We are there, as one, and no bond can separate us in this."
@Hiruka @Javax @Falling Nebula

But now chaos had begun, and now so early. The warriors wanted in? What was their job? Certainly it was not to HUNT, but to WAR. They were vital, simply put, defending the pack. But perhaps this could be a learning experience for the curious hunters.

"Tell me, my dear brothers and sisters," he addressed the two hunters so curious to join, "which souls are brave enough to guard the pack than the warriors? I understand that this pack emphasizes family, but if we were to all leave, and the dark souls of the forest dare attack our home, kill our women, kill our children, who are the ones fearless enough to defend? You did hunt in the last hunt, I do believe, but others took a shift, and now I ask of you to stand guard over the pack territory. I promise to accommodate you into the celebration afterwards."

But the glare of the highly-respected Meynx realized that perhaps Brimir overstepped the limits. He was shoving individuals into slots.

"Dearest Meynx," the alpha kindly asked in a private tone, "I seemed to have troubled you. I am aware that Xenosa and Nokosi were warriors of this pack. They are truly yours to command, but who is to remain after? In this discussion of the hunt, and in my excitement, the truth seems to be a bit.... lost. Who is on guard today? Or, as you are lead warrior, who would you like to be? I can make the adjustments if it so pleases you."

The alpha began to move his head down, but remembered one last thought.

"I know you well, Meynx. My teachers knew your parents too. Something troubles you, and if you tell me nobody else will know."


Katalista heard Kalo's encouragin words to Imari and a smile gently bloomed on her lips and, for her moment, all her concerns were wiped away and replaced with something warmer and nicer. Was it pure happiness? She didn't know, but now, looking at the two Tikaani before her, she felt that she would be seeing them a lot more in the near future. This very morning around the little pond where the three of them had had their conversation and their decisioms seemed to jerk the wheel of fate into motion, knitting the three together like threads to be weaved into the fabric of their lives.

Her gaze that had wandered to Kalos slid back to Imari as she spoke in a voice that was gentle and reassuring. "Dear Imari," she began, "have faith. If it is the hunt ahead you fear, think not of it. It is, indeed, the will of Nasci that has brought us to our place here, together."

Her eyes searched in his as if the reasons for his obvious worry were there on his face in plain sight. After a moment, her gaze lifted to Kalos. "Kalos is right. We will hunt beside you and remain with you, as our paths are entwined. That, i am certain. So look to the future, dear Imari, for we have nothing but the future to look for. There is a plan set out for you, so have no fear. You are stronger than you think, believe in yourself. "

@MoltenLightning @JokerValentine

mood: peaceful




Imari heard Kalo start speaking in an oddly poetic way. Imari became desperate. The pressure... So much of it was placed onto the Omega's mind that he recoiled backwards at Kalo's terrifying words out of confusion. What did he mean? They were trapped together, forever? Unable to ever separate, go their own path?!

The brown wolf's eyes widened and he became more fearful of what laid ahead. His life planned out before him? Could he do nothing to stop it? Was he not in control of his own LIFE?!

Imari backed up from the two. They seemed
unreal. Unnatural, unprecedented, uncalled for! What dream was this where there were no consequences? Where life slowly drained you of your concerns until it knew you could not escape, and then snapped you between its jaws to kill you?

The hunt... Was something going to happen, something so devastating that the two before him knew? So big and wakeful, that it sent a shiver down their spines, and he was left to guess? Did they know that they could not escape their fate? Did they now wish to drag him down with them so they could be 'bonded forever'?!

Why did Imari think such a thing? Maybe it was because he never knew he could be truly trusted, and having the responsibility of it upon him now was alien and like something out of a soft and comforting dream.

And when that dream was over, you realize that it was all fake. Nothing. Fantasy. Mere imaginative thinking. And the words they spoke were so uplifting and otherworldly that it had to be counterfeit. They might be flying above him, trying to use their words to take him with them. To make him fly on wings so pure and white, too.

But then, he would realize....

He didn't have wings. And he would fall, and die. And they would laugh at his crippled corpse, bounding and dancing around it with grins as wide as valleys. They would fly on blacked wings, stained like charcoal from their sins and their lies.

They had gone about bleaching them, so as to fool Imari into thinking they were pure. And he would not know, he would remain in his dizzy daze until he stumbled off the cliff of realism and fell to an agonizing demise. Then it would register.

That was, unless, their words had truth to them. That there was nothing to worry about, that everyone had faith... But that was seemingly out of the realm of possibility. How could things now be positive? Normally, Imari was hopeful and positive... But now seemed to be the time for logic.

Not time to daintily drift along on the wind, believing you were fine when there was a large storm ahead of you.

Imari's eyes flashed. Not everything was as it seemed. He took a moment to dig deep within himself, to find the positive side of himself in the paranoid and untrusting mass that he was now. He wanted to draw that side of himself over his eyes, so as to lie to even himself on what he was seeing.

And just like that, he did. He hid himself.

A smile pushed onto his face, and his eyes crinkled to show he deeply appreciated their words. But in the depths of his being, not all that far away... He was ready to deny that any of this was real, and to back away from the cliff which seemed so inviting for his positive side. If it was there. So he prepared denial, far away, without his knowledge.

He stood in front of them now like a pillow, naive and happy. But unbeknownst to even this side of himself, there was a loaded gun out of sight beneath the pillow; Waiting to use its cold, metallic demeanor, if need be.

And it was patient.

Imari faced them, face bright. "You've convinced me. I won't worry anymore... It won't do me any good until there is
actually something to worry about," Imari laughed lightheartedly. His eyes shown, truly, without the doubt he had had before. He was blissful, and ignorant.

To himself.
@JokerValentine @Dominaiscna | Mood: Pleasant, confident, prepared

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