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Magicians' Force
    • Magicians' Force
      The Magicians' Force archetype is a set of spellcaster cards revolving around the cornerstone monsters, the Magician of Stellar Insight and the Magician of Ancient Flame. These twin spellcasters are presently two of the strongest cards of their type, and were the first cards to be released in this archetype set. Cards released after them follow the lore of these two, and are based primarily on offering support and power increase to these monsters.

      Flavor text from the aforementioned twin magicians forms the basis for the lore of this archetype. It is implied that the Magician of Stellar Insight and the Magician of Ancient Flame are siblings who both mastered the magical arts and contend with one anther in a sort of rivalry. Despite this rivalry, it is never suggested that either of the two monsters fights on the side of darkness based on any other cards. For example, the Spell Card "For a Tomorrow Without Tears" depicts a slew of monsters fighting for the side of light and includes both Magicians in the imagery. Some fans speculate that the Magicians assist these 'good' monsters within the lore, but are mainly focused on their own arcane pursuits, which is why depictions of them in group card art are somewhat rare. Other cards from the archetype establish confirmed lore. Magician's Apprentice is stated on numerous occasions across multiple cards to be a student studying under one of the two, though there isn't any evidence to suggest which one of them is actually her teacher. As a result, most lore enthusiast conclude that she is learning magic from both of them. Magician's Crusader and Magician's Valkyria are both cards that are somewhat combat-like in nature. It's suggested that these two joined the Magicians later in their quest for some reason or another, and act as a sort of body guard or spell assistant for the siblings.

      Duelists who utilize the archetype are relatively uncommon. The Magician of Stellar Insight and the Magician of Ancient Flame are both classed as Ultra Rare cards, so the difficulty of getting the cornerstone of the deck makes it difficult for some to pick up the archetype. Those who do make use of this archetype often couple it with other spellcaster-type monsters in order to make the most of the various abilities associated with this typing. Other combinations are possible with the second most popular being the coupling with warrior-type monsters. The most famous wielder of this archetype, Karina Arden, uniquely couples the magicians with the fiend-type Kuriboh.
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    Legend of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon
    • Legend of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon
      The Legend of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon archetype is a set of various card types revolving around the titular draconic monster, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. This archetype is especially unique in that it is only used in its entirety by one single person, Xander Bernadotte, who owns the only three copies of the cornerstone monster. Because of this, not much lore was known about the dragon in question until Blue-Eyes support cards were later added after the Duelist Kingdom tournament. With the addition of these cards, story enthusiast have begun piecing together the details of the archetype.
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