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Realistic or Modern | healing flames



🐝 bzz bzz
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HEALING FLAMES - | 1x1 Anaxileah & captain_bumblebee​

In the bustling city of Los Angeles, where the sounds of sirens and the sight of blazing fires are a regular occurrence, two individuals find themselves drawn together by fate. Muse A is a dedicated and hardworking college student, working towards her doctorate, and known for her unwavering focus on academics. With her structured life and ambitious goals, she appears to be the epitome of a "good girl". As part of her degree, she works part-time at LA General Hospital as a compassionate nurse. However, deep down, Muse A yearns for a taste of rebellion and a break from her predictable “perfect student/nurse”-routine. She recently got engaged to her partner, Muse C, who is a cop on the rise. He supports Muse A's college endeavours, though makes sure to keep her on a tight leash in order not to have anyone ruin his image and reputation. To Muse C, it is important that Muse A keeps her focus on her studies to become a doctor.


Enter Muse B, a fearless and selfless firefighter in the LA Fire Department. He’s a charismatic and enigmatic rebel who seems to have mastered the art of breaking the rules. Muse B is well-known for his devil-may-care attitude, motorcycle rides, and disregard for authority. Beneath his tough exterior, though, lies a troubled past that haunts him.

What happens when Muse C starts showing his true colors? What happens when one night, Muse B is brought into the ER, and Muse A needs to work to save his life? Since when are firefighters getting shot on duty?

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Focused
Location: Downtown LA, Residential Area
Outfit: Firefighter Gear

In the realm of boundless dreams and electric possibilities, where golden sunsets painted the sky with hues of rose and tangerine, lay the enchanting tapestry known as Los Angeles. Nestled within the heart of Southern California, this sprawling metropolis captivated the imagination and danced with the eternal allure of fame and fortune. Like a phoenix rising from the desert, Los Angeles emerged as a mosaic of diverse neighborhoods, each with its own distinctive flavor and rhythm. From the glamorous expanse of Beverly Hills, where opulence dripped from every palm-lined street, to the vibrant and gritty streets of downtown, where artists and dreamers converged to leave their mark upon the city's ever-evolving canvas. The city breathed a kaleidoscope of cultures, its veins pulsating with the vibrancy of countless identities. A vibrant collision of the past and present, Los Angeles weaved together a tapestry of Mexican heritage, Old Hollywood glamour, and the unmistakable aura of the American Dream. Streets hummed with the melodies of languages from every corner of the globe, and the aroma of diverse cuisines filled the air, tantalizing the senses and whisking one away on a gastronomic adventure.

Nature, too, weaved its magic through the city's veins, as if reminding its inhabitants of the boundless beauty that surrounded them. Majestic mountains rose in the distance, their peaks adorned with the whispers of hikers and dreamers yearning to touch the sky. And the shimmering Pacific Ocean stretched beyond the horizon, its waves crashing upon golden shores, a siren's call to those seeking solace and inspiration. But it was the dreams, like flickering stars in an eternal sky, that truly ignited the spirit of Los Angeles. In the City of Angels, aspirations took flight, nurtured by the relentless pursuit of passion and the unfaltering belief that anything was possible. Here, actors became legends, musicians composed symphonies that reverberated through the ages, and artists captured fleeting moments of beauty on canvas. Within this labyrinth of ambition, the pulse of the city beat to the rhythm of ceaseless motion. Endless traffic lined its arteries, a testament to the ceaseless pursuit of success. Skyscrapers pierced the heavens, their gleaming facades reflecting the ambitions of those who called this city home. And yet, amidst the urban cacophony, moments of tranquility could be found, where whispers of inspiration beckoned from quiet gardens and hidden oases, inviting reflection and contemplation.

In the ebb and flow of this ever-evolving tale, Los Angeles remained a realm where dreams collided and ignited, where passion fueled the pursuit of the extraordinary, and where the allure of fame and fortune danced hand in hand with the indomitable human spirit. It was a city that both mystified and enchanted, capturing hearts with its tantalizing promise of endless possibilities, forever etching its name in the annals of the human imagination. However, in the labyrinthine sprawl of Los Angeles, where dreams intertwined with shadows, there existed another facet, known intimately to the city's denizens—a tumultuous underbelly teeming with the dance of vice and danger. This pulsating realm of crime, an intricate tapestry of forbidden desires and clandestine dealings, cast a shadow upon the sun-soaked boulevards and drew whispers of caution from the lips of those who dared to tread its treacherous path.

Amidst the city's ceaseless symphony, a haunting specter loomed: the ever-present threat of fire, an entity that seemed woven into the very fabric of the metropolis. Flames licked hungrily at the city's edges, their fiery tongues consuming both dreams and structures alike. The scent of smoke, a bitter and acrid perfume, mingled with the salty ocean breeze, leaving a trace of foreboding in the air—a reminder that chaos lurked just beneath the surface of the city's glamorous façade. And in this combustible realm, the symphony of sirens reverberated through the veins of every citizen, an incessant cacophony that wove itself into the city's very heartbeat. From the distant wail of the first responder's call to the crescendo of rushing engines and blaring horns, the sound of sirens became the soundtrack of Los Angeles—an anthem of both urgency and resignation. Each citizen, their senses hardened by the cadence of emergency, grew accustomed to this macabre melody, a haunting lullaby that played on, ceaselessly echoing through the canyons of concrete and glass.

Yet amidst this precarious dance with fate, a beacon of hope flickered—a network of firehouses scattered like sentinels across the cityscape, standing ready to confront the tempest of emergencies unleashed upon the unsuspecting populace. These sturdy bastions of courage and resilience, nestled amidst the ever-shifting currents of life, awaited the call to arms, their engines primed and their brave souls prepared to brave the inferno. It was in the solemn hours of twilight, when the sky bled with the last vestiges of daylight, that these guardians of flame emerged from their lairs, their vehicles resplendent in crimson hues, racing against time to quell the consuming tongues of destruction. Their valiant efforts, often accompanied by the chorus of crackling embers and the percussive rhythm of collapsing structures, transformed these heroes into mythical figures, forged by the crucible of danger and charged with the responsibility of preserving the delicate equilibrium of a city forever poised on the precipice of chaos.

The city of angels awakened to a hushed morning, as the first tendrils of sunlight peeked over the horizon, casting a gentle glow upon the streets. In this fragile tranquility, the wheels of fate began to turn, gradually building momentum with each passing hour. Like a tempest gathering strength, the whispers of danger whispered through the air, carried by the unseen currents of the city's underbelly. Within the heart of this metropolis, the 118 firehouse stood sentinel, its red-brick exterior weathered by years of service. As the sun ascended, so did the chorus of emergencies, resonating through the firehouse's hallowed halls. The day wore on, each passing minute etching deeper lines of fatigue upon the faces of the valiant firefighters.

But it was when the shadows lengthened and the day reached its twilight that fate roared with unrelenting force. The firehouse, like a dormant beast, erupted into frenzied motion as sirens blared, shattering the serenity of the evening. The firefighters, their souls entwined with a sense of purpose, raced to their posts, their eager hands slipping into the familiar embrace of protective gear, their bodies forged by countless battles against the flames. With a thunderous symphony of clattering boots and resolute determination, they surged into the awaiting fire engine. Sirens pierced the air, a piercing melody that heralded their arrival. The engine's wheels spun in a frenetic ballet, propelling the valiant crew through the labyrinthine streets of Los Angeles. They wove through the city's arteries, their path illuminated by a tapestry of neon signs and flickering streetlights, until they reached the heart of downtown—an epicenter of both ambition and peril.

As they emerged onto the scene, a collective gasp echoed through their ranks. The apartment building, a towering behemoth of brick and mortar, groaned under the weight of the inferno devouring its insides. Flames leapt from windows like vengeful spirits, consuming the very air and threatening to reduce the structure to smoldering rubble. The roar of the conflagration reached a crescendo, as if mocking the efforts of those who sought to tame its insatiable hunger. A pall of smoke enshrouded the sky, casting an ominous hue upon the surrounding landscape. Dark tendrils snaked upwards, entwining with the fading light of day, a visual testament to the battle being waged between man and the wrathful forces of nature. The acrid scent of burning wood and charred memories wafted through the air, mingling with the courage of the firefighters and the collective determination that refused to be extinguished.

Captain Nathaniel, a towering figure with a presence that commanded respect, led his fearless brigade, their fire-retardant gear crackling with readiness as they followed his steady footsteps. The scene commander, Captain Shirley of the revered 342, greeted them with a mixture of exhaustion and relief etched upon her face.

"Tell us where you want us, Shirley.", Nathaniel's baritone voice resonated amidst the cacophony of sirens, a soothing balm amidst the chaos.

Shirley exhaled a burdened sigh, her eyes scanning the turbulent panorama before her. Lines of worry etched themselves upon her brow, testament to the weight of responsibility she carried upon her shoulders. "Everywhere.", she replied with a weary inflection, her voice carrying the echoes of countless battles fought. "Most of the apartments have been cleared, but there are still people trapped within. We need your crew to ascend those heights and get them out." A sense of urgency permeated the air, like the collective breath of a city holding its own in anticipation. Shirley's gaze shifted, her eyes fixed upon the distant horizon, where the promise of medical aid flickered like a beacon of hope. "Command has dispatched a medical unit from the hospital.", she continued, her voice tinged with both relief and anxiety. "They'll be here to treat the victims, but our ambulances are scarce. We'll need to stabilize them on-site until transport becomes available."

A faint beep echoed through their communication devices, drawing their attention in unison. Dispatch crackled to life, the message laced with a palpable urgency, "Firefighters, be aware that there are two kids trapped in apartment D507. Parents aren't home. Boy's name is Sylas, 9, his sister is Lena, 6." The weight of their duty settled upon them like a heavy cloak, shared between kindred spirits who understood the gravity of their mission. Captain Nathaniel and Captain Shirley locked eyes, a silent exchange fraught with raw emotion. A profound understanding passed between them, forged through countless trials and tribulations. Without words, Nathaniel beckoned two of his youngest and most formidable firefighters, Connor and Austin, to his side. Their eyes gleamed with a blend of youthful vigor and quiet determination as they received their orders.

"Grab your gear, lads.", Nathaniel commanded, his voice a symphony of unwavering resolve. "You're going up."

A frenzied symphony of urgency echoed through the firetruck as Connor and Austin, their determination etched upon their faces, hastened back to the waiting vehicle. They grasped their helmets, donning them with a practiced ease, the weight of responsibility settling upon their heads like a crown of valor. With a resolute purpose, they reached for their tools, their hands finding solace in the familiar grip of axes and thermal imaging cameras. The inferno raged before them, its wrathful flames a tempestuous adversary that hungered for their flesh. Undeterred by the searing heat that prickled against their skin, they embarked upon their perilous ascent. Each step through the smoke-laden labyrinth of the apartment building demanded unwavering focus, their senses heightened by the symphony of crackling embers and the roar of the blaze. Within their chests, hearts beat with a rhythm that mirrored the chaos of the scene, the adrenaline coursing through their veins like liquid fire. Sweat glistened upon their brows, mingling with soot and grime, as they pressed onward, their breaths ragged yet resolute.

"Are the kids still on the line?", Connor's voice, laced with concern, resounded through his comm set, his words a lifeline tethering him to the unseen forces coordinating the rescue operation. "Yes, but the sister is now unresponsive." His eyes widened as they fell upon the large, bold number 5 emblazoned on the wall of the narrow staircase. The realization that they had reached the fifth floor sent a surge of determination coursing through his veins, bolstering his resolve. The man gripped the doorknob, anticipation swirling in his chest, only to be met with resistance. Undeterred, he drew upon the reserves of strength within him, his muscles coiling like springs. With a primal burst of energy, he propelled his body against the stubborn barrier, each impact reverberating through his bones. Again and again, he launched himself against the obstinate door, a testament to his unwavering determination.

Finally, with an explosive burst of splintering wood, the door yielded to his relentless assault. In that moment, the flames revealed themselves in all their terrifying grandeur, a maelstrom of heat and fury that threatened to consume everything in its path. The inferno swirled before him, an ethereal dance of flickering tongues, casting an otherworldly glow upon the charred remnants of what once was. Undaunted by the spectacle, Connor locked eyes with the gargantuan inferno, his resolve unyielding. He knew that within the heart of the flames, a desperate struggle for survival ensued. Every fiber of his being screamed with caution, yet his duty impelled him forward, propelled by a sacred oath to protect and serve. With a deep breath, the firefighter stepped into the swirling tempest, his senses assaulted by the intense heat and the acrid scent of burning timber. The flames lapped hungrily at his surroundings, their radiant tendrils yearning to consume him.

In the swirling chaos of the fiery labyrinth, Austin mirrored Connor's every move, their synchronized steps navigating the treacherous hallways teetering on the precipice of destruction. Each corridor they traversed threatened to disintegrate into a maelstrom of flames at any given moment. Amidst the blistering heat, Austin's senses were heightened, his heart pounding in his chest like a war drum. "507!", Austin's voice suddenly reverberated through the suffocating air, carrying a mix of urgency and determination. In the face of imminent danger, Connor's senses sharpened, his body freezing in place as he fixated on the door that Austin had pinpointed. Flames licked hungrily at its edges, an ominous prelude to the destructive force that lay beyond. Time was their most formidable adversary, urging them to act swiftly.

Summoning every ounce of his strength, Connor pounded on the door with an authoritative force, the sound reverberating through the apartment. "Sylas, it's Connor! LAFD! Can you hear me? Stay away from the door! We're coming in!" His voice carried a note of reassurance amidst the chaos, a lifeline to those trapped within the perilous confines of the inferno. With a resolute determination, Connor and Austin unleashed the full might of their axes upon the wooden door. Each strike echoed through the apartment, an echoing battle cry that melded with the relentless crackling of the encroaching flames. Splinters flew like confetti, creating a gaping hole that offered a glimpse into the perilous unknown. The apartment, once a sanctuary of solace and warmth, now swirled with suffocating darkness. A suffocating shroud of smoke filled every nook and cranny, obscuring their vision and stinging their eyes. Yet, driven by a fervent determination, they pressed forward, their minds sharpened by the gravity of the situation.

As they ventured deeper into the smoke-filled abyss, their eyes strained to pierce through the murky haze. The siblings materialized before them, huddled in a corner of the kitchen, their faces etched with fear and desperation. Time stood still for a moment, a fleeting respite within the tumultuous whirlwind of their mission. "Additional medical team from the hospital has just arrived.", dispatch murmured through the comm set, their words barely audible amidst the chaos. The news offered a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty, their arrival a testament to the collective efforts of the firefighting brotherhood. "Perfect!", Austin replied, his voice a resolute note of reassurance. "We've got the kids. Sending them down." With practiced ease, he scooped the youngest sibling, little Lena, into his protective embrace, his strong arms cradling her fragile form. As he hurriedly made his way towards safety, his steps infused with a delicate blend of urgency and care, the weight of responsibility settled upon him like a mantle.

Connor remained steadfast, his unwavering gaze fixed upon Sylas, the older of the two siblings. A flicker of hesitancy danced within the boy's eyes, a testament to the trauma that had gripped their lives. Determined to earn Sylas's trust, Connor persisted, his voice a soothing balm amidst the chaos. Gradually, the boy's apprehension waned, replaced by a glimmer of hope that sparked within his gaze. With a nod of understanding, Connor carefully cradled Sylas in his arms, the weight of the child's trust an unspoken bond between them. "Got the boy, I'm coming-"

As a cacophony of crashing sounds suddenly reverberated through the apartment, time seemed to hang suspended in the air. Connor's instincts kicked into overdrive, his trained reflexes propelling him backward just as a thunderous roar shattered the stillness. A cascade of debris rained down from above, an avalanche of destruction that sealed off their escape route. The once-viable path now lay buried beneath a mountain of rubble, flames hungrily licking through the newly opened crevices. A muffled curse escaped Connor's lips, a testament to the gravity of their predicament. He surveyed the scene, his mind racing through the limited options that remained. In the face of imminent danger, the man swiftly relayed the situation to his comrades through his comm set, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and determination, "Cap! Escape route is blocked! Ceiling collapsed! I'm left with no choice but to jump."

"O'Neil, are you out of your mind? Not from the fifth floor!"

Connor's resolve burned bright, undeterred by the gravity of his decision. The inferno that raged around them left no room for hesitation, demanding swift and decisive action. "It's our only chance! There's no other way. It's either we take the leap or become fodder for these voracious flames." A tense silence hung in the air, the weight of the decision bearing down upon them. Connor's heart pounded in his chest, his breaths ragged with adrenaline. With a deep breath, he made a split-second choice, removing his helmet and gingerly placing it upon Sylas's head. The gesture meant that he would be subjected to the acrid smoke, sacrificing his own well-being to shield the vulnerable boy from further harm.

"We're positioning the jumping cushion."

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the knowledge that an inflatable jumping cushion was being deployed offered a glimmer of hope. The stage was set for their daring escape, their fate hanging in the balance as they stood on the precipice of the unknown. "Okay, Sylas.", Connor's voice, tinged with both reassurance and vulnerability, resonated through the chaos. The boy trembled in fear, his wide eyes reflecting the weight of their perilous situation. With a gentle touch, the firefighter sought to soothe the child's fears, his voice a calming melody amidst the discordant symphony of danger. "It's going to be okay. I've done this countless times before, alright? Trust me." His words, a lifeline woven with unwavering conviction, laced through the tendrils of fear that gripped Sylas's young heart. In that moment, Connor's experience became their shared shield, an anchor of reassurance amidst the tempestuous sea of uncertainty.

"Cushion in position." As the anticipation in the air reached a crescendo, a collective breath held in suspended animation, the final puzzle piece fell into place. The inflatable jumping cushion, a last-ditch effort to soften their descent, stood poised beneath the perilous precipice. Connor steadied himself, his resolve a fortress amidst the tumultuous storm raging within him. With a steady gaze fixed upon Sylas, he mustered all the courage he possessed, a stalwart pillar of strength in the face of adversity. "Okay, Sylas.", his voice carried a delicate blend of authority and compassion. "Now, more than ever, you must be brave. Hold onto me tightly." The boy clung to Connor, his fingers digging into the fabric of the firefighter's gear.

Beyond the confines of the treacherous apartment, a crowd had gathered, their hearts pounding in unison with the intensity of their concern. Among them stood the siblings' anguished parents, their emotions laid bare upon their faces. The mother, a pillar of resilience, stood beside her daughter as medical professionals attended to her injuries. The father, gripped by a restless fervor, anxiously awaited the return of his son. In the midst of this collective anguish, a cacophony of shattering glass suddenly shattered the tense silence. All eyes turned towards the source, bearing witness to the gravity-defying spectacle unfolding before them. Like a guardian angel descending from the heavens, Connor's body emerged from the shattered window, his form arching backward in a daring display of courage.

Time seemed to stretch, the seconds expanding into eternities, as gravity embraced them with a bittersweet embrace. With every fiber of his being, Connor protected Sylas, positioning himself in a way that would absorb the brunt of the impact upon the cushion. The precious cargo nestled against his chest, his own body poised to bear the weight of their shared destiny. In a blur of motion, they plummeted through the void, the ground rising to meet them with an inexorable force. The resounding thud echoed through the air, a testament to the extraordinary lengths Connor had gone to safeguard the young life entrusted to his care. The cushion, their last bastion of hope, absorbed the impact, sparing them from the worst of the fall.

Amidst a symphony of relief and gratitude, the siblings' parents rushed forward, their embrace a testament to the sheer magnitude of emotions that surged through their veins. They were reunited, scars etched upon their souls, forever bound by the indomitable spirit of survival. In that fleeting moment, Connor stood tall amidst the fragments of their shared ordeal, his breaths heavy with exertion and triumph. The boy he had rescued, the embodiment of resilience, clung to him like a lifeline. Sylas was gently lifted from Connor's arms, passed like a precious cargo into the waiting hands of medical experts. Their skilled touch would ensure that the young boy received the thorough evaluation he deserved, freeing him from the clutches of danger's lingering grasp. Austin, his eyes filled with concern, stepped forward to aid Connor, his protective instincts shining through. Worried lines etched his brow as he carefully surveyed his best friend for any signs of injury. Smoke residue marred Connor's face, a poignant reminder of the risks he had willingly undertaken.

"You should have someone check you out too.", Austin implored, his voice laced with genuine worry. He knew all too well the facade of strength that Connor often donned, concealing any pain or discomfort beneath a stoic exterior. But this time, Austin wasn't willing to let him brush it off so easily.

Connor, his adrenaline still coursing through his veins, waved away the concern with a dismissive shrug. "Nah, I'm fine.", he offered, a valiant attempt to downplay the toll the ordeal had taken on him. His body was sore, but he felt fine.

But Nathaniel, their stalwart captain, interjected with a stern but caring tone. His brows furrowed, mirroring the deep-seated worry etched within his eyes. "Get someone to look at you, Connor.", he insisted, his authority and genuine concern merging into a persuasive plea, "The med bay is waiting, and you owe it to yourself to make sure you truly are alright."
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Stressed | Determined


L.A. General > Downtown L.A.


Jessie, Capt. Nathaniel, Connor


This firefighter is so cuuute!

The sharp scent of disinfectant and new packaging filled her nostrils, coupled with sanitizer and fresh scrubs.
Counting the seconds going by along with the rhythmic beeping from the patient room next door, listening to the repetitive sound of life reduced to nothing more than a machine and its mediocre measurements of the heart. The organ most people associated with love, with passion, yet only capable of pushing blood to and fro throughout the human body.
The dampness of her hair against her neck made her shiver reflexively, exhaling earlier than intended as goosebumps spread across her arms, forcing her to shift in discomfort. Unfocused, pale blue eyes flickered open, blinking rapidly until her vision sharpened and she could make out the dark flecks dotting the ceiling panels.

The woman's icy gaze turned to the adjacent window, her pale hand reaching up to tug at the strings dangling beside it, one of them frayed and missing the plastic cone that the other still clung to by a few worn threads. She wrapped the cords around her hand briefly to lift the blinds, wincing as her vision had not been properly adjusted to the bright burst of fluorescent light mounted outside. With a furrowed brow and a couple more blinks, she managed to look out the window properly, her face scrunched up in irritation. The sun was setting. She turned her head groggily, reaching her other hand up to rub at her eyes, her damp hair inconveniencing her as her lips uttered a small groan. She released the weathered blinds, allowing their sun-bleached strips to return to their natural state of being in the dust-covered windowpane. She let out a small cough as she brought her wrist close, glancing at her analog watch as the minute-hand just ticked to the 12, marking the new hour: 8 o'clock. This time a groan made its way past her lips as she pinched the bridge of her nose, her eyelids shutting tightly as she let out another focused breath.

In Los Angeles General, it was quite common for doctors and their nurses to undergo excessively long periods of time without sleeping, whether they were in a surgery, on call, or simply getting carried away with the endless array of tasks that needed doing in the towering, multi-story structure she referred to as her "second home." Damp tendrils of hair dangled on the fringes of her eyesight, bangs threatening to block her vision with their measly attempt at separating from the mass of freshly cleaned hair no longer than shoulder-length. A sharp intake of breath through her nostrils preceded her arising from the cot she sat upon, the imprint of her body weight leaving an impression in the cheap material designed solely for moving patients and not for comfort. White sneakers squeaked against the tile, still carrying some of the moisture of the evening shower that had been accompanied by fecal matter and urine - not her own, of course.

Light purple scrubs clung to warm skin as she walked, the worn soles of her shoes squealing against the bland, checkered tiles of the storage hall that exited into the main corridors of the silent, palliative wing. Soft sobs could be heard from a room nearby, while the solid blare of a flatline echoed from another. Biting her lip and keeping her head down, she passed the small, melancholy commotion of grieving mothers and daughters, glancing at the attending nurses and doctors with pity before reaching for her belt and pulling on an identification card that was clipped to her belt, attached by a plastic, circular clip, unique only by the copious amounts of glitter sprinkled onto it. Swiping the card against the hard plastic reader mounted to the wall, she watched as the light flickered from red to green and opened the doors ahead of her automatically, exposing her to the busier life of the Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.) and, eventually, the one portion of the hospital: the Emergency Room.

It was like flipping a switch - the E.R. was bustling with all sorts of activity, ranging from screams of pain about broken limbs to women like 'Karen' boasting cold symptoms and complaining about the care they received the "last time they were here," giving the desk clerk as much trouble as possible to avoid bills higher than the building itself. Already, she could feel her anxiety rising. "Haywood, quickly, we need your assistance." One of her superiors, one whose name always managed to slip her mind, grasped her shoulder with hers, well-manicured nails digging through fabric and into flesh with urgency. Her brow furrowed once more:
"What do you need? I'm going home."
Haywood muttered, giving the woman an annoyed glare, but nothing more, as she valued her position more than her pride. The woman stopped, sighing with visible exhaustion written in the wrinkles of her usually stern face. The fact that she looked more devastated than anything else is what stopped the young nursing resident in her tracks.

"There's been a fire, Kara. We need to dispatch everyone available to the scene - it's bad." The severity of the flames were carried by the graveness of her low, gravelly voice, vocal chords damaged from years of smoking cigarettes. Kara's icy gaze widened as the information soaked in, her heartbeat loud in her ears. If this woman - Angela, that was it - was this shaken, it must have been bad. Adrenaline and panic forced the limber, dirty blonde into movement as she nodded and rushed towards one of the overstocked supply cabinets, grasping as much of the gauze, bandages, alcohol wipes, catheters, and anything else she could carry in one of the E.R.'s vacant totes before rushing towards the cab of an ambulance waiting outside the sliding glass doors, its sirens already lit and prepared to wail through the sun-cast shadows on streets of the City of Angels. One pale hand grasped the translucent bin while the other gripped one of the cabin's metal rod handles, a light coating of sweat forming on her palm as she fretted, focusing on swallowing her anxiety and putting her brain in hyperfocus-mode.

Though it was really only ten minutes or so with the light jostling of the ambulance swerving through late night traffic and running traffic lights, it felt like years, lifetimes - how many people were dying right now? How many people could they have been helping? Endless scenarios flitted through her mind, accompanied by an incessant tapping of her foot on the floor of the truck bed. "Kara, it's alright. We're less than a minute away." Jessie's voice entered her mind, eliciting a confused expression. Since when had she been there? An exasperated sigh left her lips as she ceased her nervous habit and nodded.
"Sorry, Jess. Just worried."
Kara murmured softly in apology, her gaze locked on the back doors rather than her best friend. As soon as the whining vehicle came to a complete stop, Kara burst from the back doors, undoing the latch and immediately landing on her feet, most of her dirty blonde locks dried and swept back as her worrisome gaze drank in the sight.

It was chaos. There was beauty in the flames, as they licked at the similarly hued sky with a dangerous flicker, promises of unfathomable heat and destruction soon to follow. Much of the apartment complex was already charred and falling apart, a whole level beginning to cave in as her stare came to reach the rooftops. Shouting came from all directions - some to aid the injured, others to command those still inside, some arguing with nearby police about the causes of the blazing fire itself. Fortunately, the encumbered nurse knew where she was needed, and rushed immediately to where the victims of the disaster were being treated by doctors and nurses from other nearby hospitals, all of whom were focused on helping as many people they could in as little time as possible. As Kara rushed to the medical tents, a firefighter stopped her, someone who looked official. "Ma'am, one of my men is about to-" His words were cut off by an ash-covered firefighter exiting the building in a rush, his soot-stained boots slamming against the ground with a sense of urgency. "I got her, Captain!" He called out, bringing the unresponsive girl to the white medical tent nearest them, laying her across a freshly vacated cot.

"What's her name?"
Kara asked urgently, quickly placing two fingers against the child's jugular to feel for a pulse.
Her own pace quickened as she gently nudged the firefighter aside, murmuring a soft,
Austin nodded in understanding, rejoining the others in the L.A.F.D. force with words of concern for someone named 'Connor.' Kara immediately began chest compressions while another nurse wiped ash and debris from the poor child's face. Using two fingers, she pushed with enough force to bruise the poor girl's sternum a total of thirty times, replaying the song "Stayin' Alive" in her mind as she counted each shove to the young child's lungs.

After a couple hasty attempts at resuscitation, the girl began to breathe on her own, coughing and hacking as globs of ash splattered from her lips and onto the rigid blue cot as she turned over, gasping desperately for air. Kara immediately retrieved one of the masks hooked up to a portable oxygen tank and helped clean up her mouth, speaking calmly and reassuringly to the child in hushed whispers.
"Hey, hey...it's alright, you're okay. Just breathe, sweetheart. It's Lena, right? Your mom is here, you'll be alright."
She smiled warmly, helping the girl focus on breathing as tears streamed down her small, heart-shaped face, embracing her mother with a choked sob. The father stopped Kara briefly, asking with distress in his voice. "Wh-what about my son? W-will Sylas be okay?" Kara glanced up at him, still focused on Lena. She opened her mouth to respond, hesitation on her tongue, before the shattering of glass interrupted her, and her head snapped towards the sound, suddenly more aware of what was going on around her.

A man plummeted from the fifth story, his body curled up as gravity took him towards the awaiting jumping cushion, herself and many of the onlookers around watching with mouths agape and hearts stopped until he landed in the safety of the massive cushion in front of the building, hopefully with nothing more than a few bumps and bruises.
Is he insane?
Her heart leapt to her throat as a myriad of people scrambled towards them, from other firefighters to the father of the girl beside her, eager to check on the status of his young boy. Other paramedics approached the two and handled Sylas with the utmost care and concern, while the reckless firefighter got his bearings and began speaking to his team members, their tones weighted with worry. "Haywood! Patch up the firefighter, then we need to move!" The supervising resident barked out her orders, busy herself with getting an older man with severe burns to start breathing again, patches placed over the worst of the burns. Nodding again, the petite dirty blonde made her way to the adrenaline filled man, her eyes still wide from the shock of his brave, daring stunt. Her stare didn't leave him as he removed his helmet and jacket, obliging to his coworkers' pleas for him to take better care of himself.

"S-sir. Please take a seat so I can get you looked at. That was a large drop - you might have some serious bruising, even with the help of the inflated cushion to break your fall."
She spoke softly and with kindness, her melodic tone soothing to the ear as she lifted a small, handheld flashlight out of one of her back pockets, her other hand open and outstretched.
"I'm going to check for a concussion, alright? Take a moment to breathe and let the adrenaline wear off. Do you feel any soreness, any pain?"
Her gaze was genuine with care and warmth, showing her kind smile while her lips formed the words of a professional-in-training.
"What's your name?"

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Focused
Location: Downtown LA, Residential Area
Outfit: Firefighter Gear

Connor's disposition harbored a tinge of dissatisfaction, reluctantly accepting the necessity of undergoing a thorough examination. Relinquishing his protective jacket, the firefighter prepared himself for the forthcoming medical scrutiny, an act motivated by the desire to appease both his best friend and his commanding officer. However, just as he readied himself, an unanticipated interruption shattered his focus. With a swift pivot, the man found himself confronted by an unfamiliar woman, garbed in the customary attire of nurse scrubs. A realization struck him—she must have hailed from the hospital team, dispatched to administer medical evaluations. Her countenance was unfamiliar, yet strangely comforting. Her voice reached his ears, a gentle cadence that invoked a flicker of warmth within him. A genial smile danced across his lips in response, a subtle acknowledgement of her presence, as she beckoned him toward an unoccupied cot.

Taking his place upon the cot, guided by the nurse's delicate guidance, Connor found himself awash in the stark sterility of the medical environment. It was a stark contrast to the turmoil he had recently emerged from. The nurse, her concern apparent, expressed apprehension regarding potential bruising, a detail he casually dismissed. "Miss, I assure you, I am fine.", the ginger reassured her, a hint of gratitude laced within his words. Yet, in defiance of his assurances, the nurse's purpose remained resolute. Her slender hand extended, reaching for a gleaming flashlight, a silent harbinger of the imminent examination to determine the presence of a concussion.

As the nurse positioned herself before him, her focused gaze illuminated by the radiance of the flashlight, Connor surrendered to the scrutiny of her keen examination. The beam of light pierced through the dimness, illuminating the depths of his eyes, seeking the telltale response of his pupils. A flicker of concern passed through her eyes, as if she was silently assessing the extent of his injuries. Undeterred, the blonde continued her diligent inquiry, delving into the recesses of his physical well-being. The man, his voice tinged with a mixture of wry humor and resilience, offered a subdued response. "Body's a little sore.", he muttered, his words hinting at the aftermath of a precipitous fall from the perilous heights of the fifth floor. It was his way of acknowledging the strain he had endured, a coping mechanism in the face of adversity.

Despite the gravity of his situation, the surrounding chaos and the relentless inferno devouring the once serene apartment complex captivated Connor's attention. Valiant men and women, embodiments of courage and selflessness, surged forth, fearlessly entering the engulfed building, their noble purpose to rescue those trapped within. Others, wielding powerful hoses with precision, directed their streams of water toward the insatiable flames, waging a fierce battle against the relentless adversary. Caught in the enigmatic dance between peril and salvation, Connor found himself momentarily captivated by the ethereal spectacle unfolding around him. Lost in the cacophony of bravery and destruction, his focus wavered, almost allowing the nurse's subsequent question to elude his awareness. Startled back to the present, he swiftly composed himself, realizing the need to engage in the dialogue that had transpired.

"Oh, my name's Connor.", he responded, smiling sheepishly. "Yours?"

Before the nurse could offer a reply, the urgency of the situation shattered the momentary respite. A desperate cry for a medic reverberated through the chaos, drawing the attention of all present. With a swift and purposeful stride, a figure materialized in the distance, racing towards the makeshift medway, burdened by the weight of a limp body cradled protectively in his arms. The urgency in his movements conveyed the gravity of the situation, a race against time to salvage a life hanging by a tenuous thread. Connor, attuned to the distress signal of a fellow firefighter, reacted instinctively, propelled by an unwavering commitment to his duty. His own concerns momentarily eclipsed as he sprang to his feet, abandoning the sanctity of the cot he had occupied only moments ago. With a swift gesture, he cleared the way for the newly arrived victim, relinquishing his place of refuge, a haven that now became a vital sanctuary for the fragile form in need of salvation.

Positioning himself a respectful distance away, the flickering flames casting an ethereal glow upon his face, Connor observed with unwavering attention as the nurse sprang into action, her expertise poised to alleviate the suffering of the burn victim. Every movement she made was a symphony of efficiency and compassion. With practiced grace, she meticulously attended to her patient, her hands deftly navigating the delicate terrain of injured flesh. The air crackled with urgency as the nurse's unwavering focus found expression in a series of swift yet gentle actions. She administered soothing fluids to parched lips, easing the torment of the burns. Her nimble fingers expertly dressed the wounds, defying the inferno's cruel embrace. Each touch, infused with a tenderness born from a desire to heal, held within it the promise of relief and the faintest glimmer of hope. Amidst the chaos of the raging conflagration, the nurse's unwavering dedication painted a portrait of resilience and compassion. She remained focused, seemingly immune to the surrounding turmoil as she worked diligently to restore a semblance of normalcy to the life forever altered by the ravages of fire.

Entranced by the nurse's unwavering commitment, Connor found himself rendered momentarily speechless, a mere spectator to her ballet of efficiency and proficiency. She stood alone amidst the swirling tempest of chaos, her every movement executed with a precision that left no room for doubt. The weight of responsibility bore down upon her shoulders, a relentless burden to save lives as the relentless flow of victims showed no signs of abating. A symphony of urgency echoed through the air, mingling with the crackle of flames and the distant cries of anguish. Every corner of the temporary medway was ablaze with frantic activity. Medics and first responders darted like shadows, each preoccupied with their own harrowing task of tending to those who had been wrested from the clutches of the inferno. Yet, despite the pandemonium that enveloped the scene, there was an unmistakable absence of additional hands to aid the tireless nurse.

Victims, their bodies etched with the harrowing tale of their escape, were ferried in with ceaseless regularity, a relentless procession of agony and despair. Firefighters emerged from the depths of the smoldering building, each one carrying a precious cargo of fragile humanity, their valiant efforts ensuring that lives were not reduced to mere statistics. However, with every new arrival, the burden on the nurse's shoulders grew heavier, the odds of triumph weighed down by the unyielding influx of casualties.

In the midst of this tumultuous tableau, Austin's voice pierced through the clamor, drawing Connor's attention. "Connor, you good?", his best friend called out, concern evident in his tone. The firefighter, his gaze momentarily shifting away from the nurse's remarkable efforts, acknowledged Austin's query with a resolute nod. Verbal reassurance was unnecessary; his unwavering determination spoke volumes. Though the nurse hadn't cleared him for duty again, Connor felt an indomitable vitality surging through his veins. He knew he possessed the strength and resilience necessary to continue the arduous task at hand. The call of duty resonated within him, drowning out any reservations that lingered. There was a towering mound of work yet to be accomplished, a daunting number of lives still teetering on the precipice of salvation. With a sense of purpose, he reached for his jacket and helmet, swiftly donning them once more, preparing himself to plunge back into the heart of the conflagration.
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Stressed | Determined


Downtown L.A.


Capt. Nathaniel, Connor (Austin)


ily Connor

A charming smile paired with a luxurious voice forced her to stop in her tracks, bright blue eyes fleetingly catching the gaze of sea-blue with the reflection of the flames in them, startling her back into her usual triage routine. It didn't matter whether or not he believed himself to be alright - the likeliness of injury was much higher than his nonchalant behavior and its lack of concern for the severity of his own risked well-being. Allowing her muscles to perform her duties as she had hundreds of times previous, she shined the light in his eyes, quickly checking for signs of a concussion as well as any signs of occipital damage.
The dirty blonde continued her medical examination thoroughly, working her way down as she returned the flashlight to its original resting place in her back, right pocket, feeling the familiar thud as gravity nestled it at the bottom of the fabric's grasp.

"Body's a little sore." She raised an eyebrow at the hint of humor in his stoic words, knowing full well that once the adrenaline fully wore off, the ginger would feel more than a 'little sore.' Noting which side of his body he braced against the impact of the landing cushion, gloved hands gently grasped his arm and turned it over, her scrutinous gaze determining there would be a significant amount of bruising soon - not unexpected, after such a steep drop with the daring velocity he'd been plummeting at. Through the fabric of his white shirt, tainted by the scraps of leftovers discarded by the hungering flames, she could tell that some of his skin appeared darker than the rest, causing her already prominent frown to deepen. Her silvery gaze returned to meet with his, wondering how she should go about asking this man to remove his shirt without sounding unprofessional. The unnecessary thoughts that forced their way into her mind made her blank, barely listening as he told her his name, the dulcet tones of his voice prolonging her speechlessness.

Before her lips could form the timid response she scarcely had the thought process to utter, an urgent plea came from the building Connor had just leapt from, originating from another firefighter, a hurried panic in his words as he brought forth a burn victim that hardly looked like anything more than a charred corpse. Any thoughts preceding the situation dissipated as Kara removed the gloves she had been wearing and snagged new ones from a nearby table, her determined eyes acknowledging Connor's quick actions with respect and appreciation as what was left of a man was gingerly lowered to the uncomfortable cot, Kara's body thrusting into action the moment he was safely secured. Deft fingers rushed to wrap around her tools, making quick work of the man's injuries as best she could. All she needed to do was stabilize him - she placed protective patches on his burnt flesh to help keep it from peeling and exposing the vulnerable tissue below, provided him with water to moisten the area around his lips and mouth, then situated an oxygen mask atop his face, focusing on his breathing all while speaking soothing words of comfort to the man.

"Shh. Everything will be alright, sir, please focus on breathing. Can you tell me your name? Can you follow my finger with your eyes, please?"
She performed the necessary checks to determine if his brain needed any attention, most of her focus set on his well-being. Once again, she had cut off the outside world to focus on the task at hand, doing everything she possibly could to make sure the injured man would make it in the ambulance trip back to the hospital, understanding his stability would be more fragile than the charred skin on his exterior. Her heart continued to pound restlessly as the adrenaline rushed through her arteries, bolstering the exhausted nurse as she did what she knew best and had practiced for time and time again. With a mind running on no rest for the last 24 hours, she did what she could, glancing around at the overwhelming amount of victims from the voracious flames to her east, the blistering heat emanating from them finally starting to die down as the firefighter she had been observing left amidst the chaos.

With furrowed brows, she managed to secure the male patient lying before her enough for the next set of paramedics to transport him without worsening his condition, providing them with his status and his name.
"This man is a high priority - if he doesn't get proper medical treatment soon, he will die, that much I can guarantee. Name's Tom Owens."
The two experienced EMTs nodded at her, wheeling the cot from the medical tent over to the nearest ambulance, where he was transferred to a bright orange gurney and immediately placed in the wailing vehicle, which took off a mere minute or so afterwards. Her nostrils flared as she breathed hard, trying her best to calm herself down as the blinding glow of the multi-story fire began to die down, the emergency situation finally ceasing at the hands of the L.A.F.D.

Her mind idly wondered if her fiancée had been on duty that night, pale blue orbs searching the deployed L.A.P.D. members as her mind became numb to the cacophony around her. Eventually, she was reminded of her duty as Connor came into view, back in the shining, white armor of the fire department that he so recklessly injured himself in. Her brow furrowed as his resistance brought her tired mind out of its fog, her feet leading her towards him with a purposeful gait, lips pursed in annoyance. No longer was she shy nor hesitant, placing one hand on her hip as she reached him, his partner, and his Captain, conveniently communicating with one another about the fire and its origin. Despite her short stature, she stood defiantly beside the three men, interrupting whatever stage of conversation they were at with the clearing of her throat.

"Pardon me, Captain Nathaniel, but your firefighter here needs to go with me to the hospital, regardless of protest."
The petite woman added the last few words quickly, her steely stare briefly moving to Connor with a faint hint of satisfaction when his dismissive air deflated.
"He has a concussion, visible bruising, and I am concerned that he may have injured his ribs. Had he not left so promptly, I would have been able to finish my exam, but as that is not the case, I insist he ride back to the hospital with me and get checked out by proper professionals."
Of course, she respected his desire to continue to protect and serve, but she did not want to be responsible for an injured soldier going to war, per se, and remained adamant as she stood before them, almost an entire foot shorter than the resistant man in question. It was clear she wasn't going to take no for an answer as she crossed her arms and put her weight on one leg, leaning to the side as she cocked her head impatiently.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Exhausted, and a little irritated
Location: Downtown LA, Residential Area
Outfit: Firefighter Gear

Connor and Austin stood alongside their captain, Nathaniel Maddox, absorbing his instructions. The chaos caused by the raging fire had finally subsided, with all the residents successfully evacuated from the inferno. The most critically injured had already been transported to the hospital, and a semblance of relief settled over the scene. The worst was behind them. Although extinguishing the flames would still require another hour or two, other firehouses would be allowed to depart and return to their stations. "We'll lend a hand with the cleanup. Newton and Williams are still assisting the victims in the medbay.", Nathaniel's voice resonated with authority, capturing the attention of the attentive firefighters. Nathaniel Maddox, their captain, was a figure of distinction, displaying a mature and charismatic air. His salt-and-pepper hair was meticulously groomed, accentuating his commanding presence. A strong jawline and a precisely maintained beard stubble granted him a rugged yet refined countenance. His confidence and self-assurance were palpable, a testament to his years of experience.

"I'll go speak with Shirley and see if the fire's origin has been determined.", he announced, his authoritative tone ringing through the air. Captain Maddox possessed an unruffled demeanor even amidst the most demanding circumstances, earning him the utmost respect from his team. His unwavering dedication, resourcefulness, and determination were qualities that set him apart as an exceptional leader. "You two-", he began, abruptly interrupted by a short nurse who had seemingly materialized before him. A furrow formed on his brow as he observed her throat-clearing, signifying her intent to speak. His gaze shifted to Connor the second she started talking, noting the young man's anxious presence. Had Connor evaded the nurse during his medical examination?

Nathaniel's weariness became evident as his shoulders slumped, and he released a weary sigh, his fingers massaging his temples. "Ah, I see.", he muttered, shooting a cautionary glare at Connor, his tone laced with a hint of playful reprimand. "Perhaps a trip to the hospital is in order. Maybe the doctors there can provide a cure for his particular brand of idiocy." The captain's jest elicited a dry chuckle from the targeted firefighter, though his expression conveyed a touch of displeasure at the return of the pretty nurse who had come to examine him once more.

"A concussion?", Connor echoed, shaking his head in denial, "I feel fine." He was coherent, fully aware of his surroundings and the recent events. There was no confusion clouding his mind, and his balance remained steady. "I just have a headache.", the firefighter mumbled, frustration creeping into his voice. "And maybe a bit of dizziness?" Connor rolled his eyes at his own words, inwardly acknowledging the possibility that he might indeed have a concussion. "Fine, fine. I'll come with you." His voice softened with resignation as he removed his helmet and jacket, pressing them into Austin's capable hands. "Put those in my locker, yeah?"

Austin shook his head, exchanging a knowing glance with the nurse stationed nearby. "Make sure he stays at the hospital for a good while, will you? I could use some peace and quiet around here.", he quipped, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Connor playfully rolled his eyes, retorting, "Oh, fuck off." Finally, he relented, allowing the blonde nurse to guide him gently toward one of the waiting ambulances. Fortunately, it appeared that all the victims had received treatment and had been dispatched, alleviating any of the firefighter's concerns about taking a spot that someone else might urgently need. Climbing into the vehicle, Connor winced as his body protested the sudden movement, validating the nurse's earlier suggestion about his ribs. Settling onto the cot, he followed her instructions for once, observing as the ambulance doors closed behind him. The vehicle set off, a peculiar sensation settling in his chest. While not his first time riding in an ambulance as a patient, it was the first occasion where he remained alert, fully cognizant of the situation unfolding around him. It was odd.

Connor's voice carried a touch of amusement as he leaned back, resting his elbow on his thigh, propping his chin up with his hand. "So, was that your first major call?", he inquired, a slight smile gracing his lips. "You seemed a little nervous.", he observed, offering a subtle compliment. "But you did an outstanding job. I don't think I've ever seen anyone work that swiftly." Never not acknowledging his own team's capabilities, Connor refrained from mentioning the exceptional paramedics he worked with on a daily basis, Charles Newton and Ophelia Williams. Their competence and reliability had earned his utmost trust, repeatedly proving their worth on every call they attended. Releasing a gentle sigh, Connor raised a hand to rub his temples, feeling the intensity of his headache settling in. "By the way, you never told me your name.", he murmured, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't you also need to test my memory to gauge the severity of my concussion?" It was evident that Connor was now teasing, his playful nature surfacing. "Why don't you tell me your name, and I'll pretend to have forgotten it, just to give you a good scare, yeah?"





Stressed | Determined


Downtown L.A.


Capt. Nathaniel, Connor (Austin)


ily Connor

Obviously quite perturbed by her information, Kara watched as Captain Nathaniel regarded her words with consideration, throwing the restless firefighter a sideways glare that felt more like a playful scold than anything else - she wished they would take the situation more seriously, but settled for the fact that the captain agreed to let Connor go. Her chilling glare moved from the captain to the injured firefighter, once more raising a slender brow at his reluctance to admit he was injured and in need of medical attention, unappreciative of his dismissive attitude towards her. A small scoff escaped her as he claimed to be 'fine,' slowly shaking her head back and forth as he came to the realization that he was, in fact, dealing with a concussion and other potential conditions. "Fine, fine. I'll come with you." Smiling with satisfaction at his resignation, she pivoted on her outstretched foot, offering a small wave to the captain and Connor's coworker, her shoulder length hair whipping around with her momentum as she began to march for the ambulance, calling back to Austin with a hand raised in the air as acknowledgment.
"I'll keep him 'til he's in working condition, sir!"

Amused by the interaction between Connor and this other firefighter, her smile remained on her lips, a brief yet pleasant distraction from the horrors she had just witnessed and the amount of exhilarating adrenaline still in her circulatory system. The rest of the occupied ambulances began to depart, leaving just the one intended to accompany Kara and any other victims - now including Connor - back to L.A. General, her usual place of refuge. She allowed the towering male to enter the metal container of a vehicle first, permitting him to make himself comfortable while she hopped in with ease and turned to shut the door, latching it closed before finding a seat herself and grasping one of the metal handles like before.
"Ready to go!"
She called ahead to the driver, who in turn started the ignition and began transporting the two professionals towards her main workplace. Once the two of them were settled, Kara could feel the adrenaline finally subside, her heart still pounding in her chest as she let out an exhausted sigh, briefly releasing the vehicle's handle to cup her face in exhaustion.

Feeling a set of eyes on her, she glanced up, her expression demonstrating almost as much exhaustion as she felt as she locked eyes with Connor, trying hard to focus on his words rather than the way his gentle lips curved up into a smile when he spoke. Opting for silence, she nodded, her cheeks turning a light rosy shade in embarrassment as he commented on her nervousness, her face returning to its buried state as she made a small groan, wishing for the long 26 hours to be over with. The compliment that followed suit, however, was worth lifting her head again, as it was rude to completely ignore the man. Plus - he was being genuine, and she appreciated it. When was the last time she truly got a compliment? Her lightly-glossed lips curled up in a soft smile as she watched his face again, exhaustion keeping her from speaking too much. Her train of thought was much too derailed to think straight after everything that happened, so she settled with watching him and making sure everything was alright. With him rubbing his temples, her back straightened, and she watched him more keenly.

"By the way, you never told me your name." His question startled her, and she gave him a stern look, pursing her lips together as he laid on more charm, being playful and teasing all at once. Under normal circumstances, she might feel swayed to play along, but his careless actions were the culprit in this matter.
"I would have told you earlier, but someone decided to wander off and go play hero while he was injured."
She smirked, unable to hide her amusement as she teased him during the ride. "Oh, come on. I thought I was fine. I usually listen pretty well." Kara rolled her eyes, enjoying the back and forth as it helped to calm her nerves.
"For your misdeeds, you can call me Haywood. Only actual good listeners get to call me by my first name."
Her lips widened into a large grin, enjoying the light bit of banter as the ambulance coasted down the road, not blaring its siren, but still flashing its lights so people understood it carried some urgency on its way to L.A. General. With the fire site being rather close to the hospital, their ride would not be too long, hence the lack of urgency. All she needed to do was verify that Connor would not fall asleep nor pass out in the metal cabin, and all would be well. "Haywood? Hm, then I reckon you'll need my surname, too. O'Neil." Her expression turned thoughtful as she repeated his name back to him with a cheeky grin.

"Connor O'Neil. Sounds pretty nice altogether. Now, I know you're recognizing the concussion and bruising, but are you feeling any other symptoms, now that your adrenaline is dying down?"
She focused on getting back to business, grasping a nearby clipboard to hopefully record any information he could provide. Scribbling down the concussion and bruising, she listened intently, writing down the symptoms he provided. "I feel a little dizzy, little nauseous. Body's still quite sore." Her pen moved furiously across the paper as she progressed the conversation,
"Obviously when we get there, you'll have to change into a patient gown, which will allow for better examination of your wounds."
"Ah, a patient gown. Very sexy, really brings out my best features." She snorted softly as she placed the pen back on the clipboard, looking up at him with a slight shake of her head.
"Are you always trying to be so witty?"
Without missing a beat, the ginger responded and threw in a wink, "Only around pretty nurses." Her cheeks burned a brighter shade of pink as she scoffed, shaking her head at him once more. Before she could reply, he asked about the children he had leapt for. "The kids - Sylas and Lena - will they be alright?" Clearing her throat before her voice could have the opportunity to crack, she nodded, focusing back on the clipboard.

"They will, yes. Without you, Sylas likely would have died from oxygen depravation. While I disagree with your methods,"
she grumbled, putting the clipboard to the side before looking back up at him,
"You were incredibly brave."
"Not brave. Just doing my job." His playful grin was contagious. "But I'm glad. Must also be because you took care of them so well." She shrugged him off, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees.
"What I did was nothing out of the ordinary. I did what any medical professional would have done."
She smiled warmly at him as the ambulance lurched to a stop - they had arrived at L.A. General. "Guess we were both just doing our jobs then." She rolled her eyes once more - something she could see turning into a habit, before getting out of her seat and reaching for the door handle, clipboard grasped tightly in the other hand. "You going to walk me in? I don't know the way." She scoffed at him, also for the second time already.
"I will be handling you personally, Mr. O'Neil."
She unhinged the door and hopped out as the metal sheets swung open, revealing the entrance to the medical personnel entrance to the E.R., grinning back at him with a beckoning shake of her hand.
"Let's go, Romeo."

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Exhausted
Location: LA General Hospital, ER
Outfit: Firefighter Gear

"I will be handling you personally, Mr. O'Neil." Connor's lips curled mischievously, his unwavering gaze remaining fixated on the nurse's graceful figure as she deftly opened the door and gracefully leaped out. The blonde nurse, her countenance radiant, playfully beckoned him to join her with a tantalizing shake of her hand. "Let's go, Romeo.", she provocatively quipped, her eyes sparkling with amusement. The firefighter couldn't resist a playful scoff, shaking his head in response as he obediently trailed behind her, exiting the vehicle. Engaging in their lighthearted banter, he couldn't help but tease, "So, I suppose that makes you my Juliet?" With a touch of intrigue, he tucked his hands into the pockets of his pants, seamlessly melding casual nonchalance with an unmistakable charm. "Hah! In your dreams, maybe.", the nurse laughed, confidently leading him through the personnel entrance, the threshold into the bustling emergency room. Connor gestured towards the doors they had just traversed, illustrating, "Typically, we firefighters don't go beyond these doors. Our duty, as Cap always reminds us, ends here at the entrance to the ER."

Even in the quiet solitude of his sleepless nights, Connor's thoughts often drifted towards the fate of those he had heroically saved. Did they triumph over adversity and persevere? Or did they succumb to the merciless grasp of their injuries? Regrettably, these lingering questions remained forever unanswered, perpetually haunting the depths of his conscience. "Well, today it seems like you're taking more than one leap, then!", she jested, her words laced with a subtle allure that danced upon his eardrums. With a slight shake of his head and a soft sigh, Connor couldn't help but acknowledge the nurse's wit. "Haha, how funny.", he murmured, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. Stepping into the emergency room, the bustling chaos unfolded before them. The constant ebb and flow of people seeking urgent medical attention painted a vivid tableau of urgency and importance. Nurses and assistants hurriedly scurried through the labyrinthine corridors, their faces etched with a sense of purpose, some acknowledging the nurse with a nod.

Hayward guided the ginger-haired firefighter towards one of the vacant cots, urging him gently to take a seat amidst the organized commotion. As Connor settled onto the sterile surface, his eyes curiously followed the nurse's movements as she diligently scribbled on a clipboard, her focused expression a testament to her unwavering dedication. Aware of the routine, he arched an eyebrow inquisitively and quipped, "Another medical checkup, huh?" The slight teasing tone in his voice reflected his familiarity with the process. A playful glimmer danced in his eyes as he continued, "Are you going to make me get undressed now?"

Connor couldn't help but notice how his teasing remarks continued to elicit an amused response from the nurse, fueling his playful banter even further. "Cheeky, aren't we? Skipping the dinner date and diving straight into undressing me.", he quipped, half-expecting a reprimand that never came. It was evident to him that the nurse understood his lighthearted nature and recognized his intentions were harmless. While undeniably captivated by her beauty, Connor maintained a respectful distance, mindful not to overstep any boundaries. He didn't even know her first name, let alone entertain the idea of asking her out. That would indeed be rather peculiar. Yet, in the vast expanse of Los Angeles, the city paradoxically felt smaller, leaving a glimmer of possibility for future encounters.

Finally, the woman moved ahead with the medical exam. With gentle precision, the nurse's hands skillfully maneuvered to assess Connor's vital signs, ensuring every detail was meticulously accounted for. Her expertise shone through as she carefully measured his blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiratory rate, ensuring the readings were accurate and indicative of his current condition. The blood pressure cuff snugly encircled his arm, serving as a conduit to capture the rhythm of his life force. Using a penlight, the nurse directed her attention to Connor's eyes, methodically examining his pupils once more, checking for equality in size, responsiveness to light, and any hints of abnormality. Her trained gaze scanned his orbs, meticulously searching for any signs of redness, swelling, or indications of injury that might have been missed during the initial assessment. Her thoroughness and commitment to her craft were evident, leaving no stone unturned.

As she proceeded to evaluate Connor's cognitive function, the nurse administered a concise yet effective cognitive assessment. Engaging him in simple tasks such as repeating a sequence of numbers, she gauged his mental acuity, which he effortlessly demonstrated without a hint of difficulty. His mind remained sharp, unyielding to the impact that brought him to this medical crossroad. With a playful undertone hidden in his voice, Connor couldn't resist the temptation to inquire, "So, Hayward, what's the verdict? Just a mild concussion, am I right?" A flicker of curiosity danced in his eyes as he awaited her response, eager to gauge her assessment and perhaps inject another touch of jest into their dynamic exchange.

After completing the examination, the blonde took diligent notes on her clipboard, documenting her findings thoroughly and accurately. She then delicately revealed her intention to administer oxygen to Connor. Her compassionate concern for his well-being became evident, driven by her knowledge that he had inhaled smoke after relinquishing his mask-helmet to protect the boy, Sylas. Connor emitted a low groan, his frustration palpable as he sighed audibly. "You truly leave no stone unturned, don't you?", he murmured, acknowledging the nurse's unwavering dedication to thoroughness. Although his remark held a tinge of exasperation, it stemmed more from the realization that his stay in the emergency room was bound to be prolonged.

Hayward proceeded to elaborate on her plan, explaining the need for an additional procedure—an X-ray of Connor's chest. Her words conveyed the necessity of assessing whether any of his ribs had sustained fractures during the impact and subsequent landing on the air cushion. The firefighter's brows furrowed as he absorbed this information, understanding the significance of ruling out any potential injuries that might have occurred amidst the adrenaline-fueled chaos of his daring rescue. While the prospect of further examinations and the associated delay might have dampened his spirits, Connor recognized the importance of ensuring his own well-being. In the realm of firefighting, self-care was often overshadowed by the urgent demands of the profession.

Resigned to the fact that he would have to remain in the bustling emergency room a while longer, Connor mustered a nod of acceptance, silently acknowledging the nurse's expertise and dedication to his care. "Fine, Hayward, do whatever you want to me.", the ginger muttered, his lips finally curling into a smirk once again, "I'll even wear that ugly hospital gown for you."





Stressed | Determined


Downtown L.A.


Capt. Nathaniel, Connor (Austin)


ily Connor

The petite dirty blonde made her way through the hospital, passing by a number of occupied rooms designated for the severely injured and incapacitated as she led him through the chaos, nodding at a handful of preoccupied doctors and exhausted nurses as they turned corridor after corridor, dodging computer carts and portable I.V. drips. After a few more moments of searching, she brought him to a vacant room, preparing some sheets for the cot as well as a patient gown, placed delicately on the awaiting cot.
"Yep, a more thorough checkup can be done here."
She confirmed his inquiring nature, this time laughing out loud as he called her cheeky for requesting he get changed from his current attire - it had been a while since she'd laughed. Rather than responding, she simply gave him a grin and proceeded with her duties by taking his vitals, wrapping his arm with the blood pressure cuff, placing a device on his finger to record heart rate, and so forth. She tested his mental acuity, observed his eyes once more, and smiled as he asked about his well-being.

"Yes, I believe it's a mild concussion, but I also believe your oxygen levels are low. Breathed in a little smoke, have we?"
She grinned as she scribbled some notes on her clipboard then temporarily left the room and returned with a small, wheeled oxygen tank with a clear mask attached by a long, clear tube, dangling it in front of his face as he groaned. She gave him another grin, shrugging as she placed the mask aside.
"Correct. I value my patients' lives and make sure to check all my boxes."
She spoke matter-of-factly, feeling quite proud of her attention to detail and her passion for caring about the people she treated.
"Now, I plan to walk you through some full body X-rays, a CAT scan to make sure there's no lasting damage, and we'll get you started on treatment for the concussion. It might be a while until I can fit you in for the X-ray and CAT scan, but I'll see what I can do."
She offered a warm, apologetic smile - it was still quite busy in the emergency room, as many of the fire victims were being treated here at L.A. General. Thankfully, they were a large hospital and had multiple machines for every need.

"Fine, Haywood, do whatever you want to me. I'll even wear that ugly hospital gown for you." Her lips curled back into a grin as she mocked him playfully, rolling her eyes and lifting the back of her hand to her forehead.
"Oh, woe is you. Grab the gown and use that bathroom there to get changed. Holler if you need any help."
She teased, appreciating the man's sense of humor and acceptance of her care. "I think I'll be able to get dressed by myself, Miss, no need to worry." Chuckling softly to herself, she left the room to retrieve a warmed blanket, knowing full well how chilly the hospital could get, especially when wearing just a gown. She lingered outside his room for a couple minutes, wanting to give him the privacy he needed before she would enter again.
"You decent? I'd like to get a better look at your side and leg."
After hearing a small amount of rustling about, likely him climbing onto the cot as she instructed earlier, she heard him call out: "Being cheeky again, are we?" Again, this complete stranger brought a smile to her lips as she pushed aside the curtain and entered the room.

"Guess you bring out the worst in me. Please remove the upper part of your gown so I can see your side and place a couple electrodes on your chest to monitor your heart."
Noting the soft, "Alright," that left his lips, she moved quickly, hoping that good news would help him to avoid the feelings of isolation or alienation in the massive, sterilized hospital. Deft, gentle fingers placed the electrodes in the necessary locations on his bare skin, her gaze wandering the expanse of his bare chest before clearing her throat, making sure to do her job well. After placing the electrodes, she asked him to roll over slightly so his side was more exposed, showing the expanse of bruising along his side. A myriad of violet shades blossomed beneath his skin, trailing down in patches from his lower ribcage to his hip. Frowning, she told him he could go back to lying on his back, now shifting her gaze to the side of his leg. It had significantly less bruising, which was a good sign - this meant that he would be able to walk and move without much issue, mostly some soreness. The worst of it was the hip and rib regions, and he wasn't going to like the answer.

"It's tough to determine what the issues are now, before the tests, but I will say what's most likely, since you're also a professional and I like you."
She offered a friendly smile that soon faltered as she took a breath and continued to speak.
"You probably have a fractured, if not broken, couple of ribs, and it's also possible that you have an impact fracture in your right hip. Your shoulder and leg have less bruising, thankfully - you'll likely just experience a lot of muscle soreness over the course of your healing process. With that, I'm afraid you won't be cleared for duty for another couple weeks while you recover. Can't have you going into burning buildings when your own body has its fractures."
She attempted to make light of the situation, clearly feeling awful for having to relay that information. His obvious distaste for her answer was evident by the tone of his voice alone. "Oh, please, you have to be kidding. I feel fine. I can rest a day or two and then go back to work. I don't need a few weeks to regain my health, I promise-" Her frown deepened and her brow creased as she insisted, placing both hands on her hips with a terse expression on her face.
"Mr. O'Neil, you need to rest a couple days for the concussion alone. Please listen to me and take the couple weeks off. You need the rest, you need to heal."
At this point, he appeared desperate for her to change her answer or diagnosis. A frown crept onto her face, her tiredness instantly catching up to her.
I'm way too drained for this right now.
With a huff of annoyance, she raised a finger, showing it to him, then poked him in the side, not hard enough to cause any damage but with enough force to bring some pain.

"That feels fine?"
Connor instantly winced, squeezing his eyes shut and scrunching up his face in pain, gasping for a few moments before glaring up at her with a look of bewilderment. "Holy shit woman- are you insane? That hurt like shit!!" She expected nothing less but still snapped at him as she leaned closer in her frustration.
"Then I don't want to hear another complaint out of you, or I will tell your captain myself not to give you work for a month. Got it?"
She hated being this firm and unpleasant, but getting through his thick skull was vital at this point. He muttered a reluctant, "Got it," back to her, settling down just as another nurse came to stop by, knocking lightly on the glass door. "Hey Kara, we're ready for his tests."

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Exhausted
Location: LA General Hospital, ER
Outfit: Hospital Gown

With a deliberate and purposeful motion, the nurse pressed her digit into the firefighter's side, causing a sharp surge of pain to ripple through his body. His eyes clenched shut as his face contorted in agony. Once the initial shock subsided, the man peered up at the blonde with a perplexed expression, a mixture of disbelief and discomfort etched on his features. "Holy shit woman - are you insane? That hurt like shit!", Connor groaned, his brow furrowing with a blend of irritation and bewilderment. The nurse, undeterred by his complaint, refrained from offering any apologies. Instead, her frustration manifested in her voice as she sternly addressed him, her tone laced with a hint of authority. "Then I don't want to hear another complaint out of you, or I will tell your captain myself not to give you work for a month. Got it?" Connor finally grasped the gravity of his injuries, realizing that the woman's resolve was not to be trifled with. Reluctantly, he acquiesced, mumbling a begrudging "Got it" before settling back onto the cot. Just as he began to make himself comfortable, another nurse arrived, lightly rapping on the glass door, signaling to the blonde nurse that they were ready to proceed with his tests.

"Kara, hmm?", Connor murmured, a warm smile gracing his lips as the nurse motioned for him to rise, rolling her eyes in response to his remark. "A beautiful name-", the ginger-haired man continued, his voice filled with playful charm, "For a beautiful nurse." His words evoked a soft, melodic laugh from Kara, and even Connor himself couldn't help but grin as they embarked down the hospital corridors, making their way towards the radiology section. Kara Haywood. Connor repeated her name in the back of his mind, savoring its elegance as he followed closely behind the nurse, entranced by her presence. She led him into one of the several X-ray rooms, where a technician would join them shortly. The atmosphere within the small, sterile chamber felt heavy, saturated with the scent of antiseptic, with only the faint hum of medical machinery breaking the silence. A flickering fluorescent light cast an otherworldly glow upon the scene, illuminating the figure of the man as he gingerly perched himself on the edge of the examination table.

Dressed in nothing but a faded hospital gown, Connor couldn't help but feel vulnerable and somewhat displaced. "You'll wait for me, won't you?", he playfully teased, aware that Kara had explained she would have to step out of the room during the procedure. Hospitals had become a second home to him throughout his life, an unwelcome familiarity that had led to countless visits and endless hours spent in their sterile confines. He had become intimately acquainted with every procedure, having watched them being performed on his brother time and time again. With a gentle knock, the technologist finally entered the room, emanating an aura of competence and compassion. A symphony of soothing reassurances flowed from the technician's lips, carefully composed to alleviate any lingering anxiety within the firefighter's heart, even though Connor harbored none. Step by step, the technologist meticulously outlined the intricate procedure that lay ahead, while Connor nodded patiently, concealing the fact that he was all too familiar with the routine.

Finally, Kara was asked to step outside, and the technologist explained the required position to the patient. As they finally shifted positions, the cool surface of the examination table met Connor's skin, amplifying the awareness of his own mortality, and a fragile shiver coursed through his body. The technologist meticulously prepared the X-ray machine, arranging a constellation of mechanical marvels with practiced precision. The towering apparatus resembled a benevolent behemoth, promising to unveil the secrets concealed within the firefighter's chest. A protective apron, leaden and unyielding, was draped across Connor's shoulders, its weight a poignant reminder of the risks that lay within the unseen. It both shielded and imprisoned, a sentinel guarding against danger, while simultaneously restricting the ginger's freedom.

Connor, his breaths shallow and deliberate, was instructed to assume a specific position. With a touch as delicate as a feather's caress, the technologist positioned him precisely, aligning his body with the menacing maw of the X-ray machine. Shadows danced upon the walls as the machinery sprang to life, a sentinel's eye that could pierce through flesh and bone. As the machine hummed and whirred, capturing the man's essence in the form of eerie monochrome images, time seemed to slow. Each moment stretched like taffy, the seconds elongating into an eternity. It was a singular instant of exposure, the passage of time both suspended and fragmented. Once the ritual finally concluded, the technologist gently removed the leaden armor, freeing the firefighter from its burden. A sense of relief cascaded over him, like sunlight piercing through the darkest clouds.

Relieved from his immobile position, Connor watched as the nurse reentered the room, her presence a welcome respite from the detached apparatus that had just scrutinized his innermost self. The technologist, now completed with his duties, retreated quietly, leaving the room steeped in an atmosphere pregnant with anticipation. Kara approached the firefighter with a tender smile, her eyes shimmering with a blend of compassion and curiosity. Connor nodded as she asked whether he was fine or not, offering a grateful smile in return. "Time for the CAT scan, I assume?", the man questioned, sighing softly as the nurse agreed. The woman gestured towards the door, taking the lead once again.

Connor's footsteps echoed through the sterile corridor as he approached the chamber where the CAT scan awaited him. The anticipation mingled with a hint of apprehension. The door to the scanning room swung open, revealing a realm shrouded in an ethereal blue glow. Inside, the whir of machinery filled the air, accompanied by the faint scent of electronics. The CAT scan machine, an imposing contraption of gleaming metal and gleaming panels, stood tall like a monolithic sentinel. Its intricate web of technology seemed to hum with untold possibilities, poised to delve into the enigmatic tapestry of Connor's innermost self. The technologist, clad in a white coat like a modern-day sorcerer, greeted Connor with a warm smile, the reassurance in her eyes palpable.

"Take a deep breath and relax.", the technologist instructed, her voice a gentle lullaby that calmed the fluttering butterflies in Connor's chest. "Lie down here, and we'll ensure you're comfortably positioned for the scan." Kara once again left the room to wait outside, while Connor complied to the technologist's request, his body sinking into the cool, padded surface of the scanning table. The technologist moved with precision, adjusting the angle of the table and positioning Connor with meticulous care. As he settled into position, the room seemed to cocoon him in a surreal embrace, the weight of vulnerability settling upon his shoulders. The technologist stepped away momentarily, her figure silhouetted against the soft radiance of the control panel. The machine whirred to life, its mechanical symphony heralding the beginning of the procedure. Connor's pulse quickened, a mix of anticipation and unease coursing through his veins.

Above him, a circular ring encircled his body, adorned with an array of detectors poised to capture every intricate detail. As the scanning bed glided smoothly into the aperture of the machine, a sense of both wonder and vulnerability washed over Connor. The sleek gantry rotated around him, emitting a series of low-frequency hums that reverberated through the room. The CAT scan began, its beams of invisible radiation penetrating the firefighter's body, seeking out the depths of his being. A dance of intricate mathematics unfolded, as the detectors absorbed and translated the information into a tapestry of cross-sectional images. With each rotation, a profound intimacy was achieved, as the machine captured the essence of his anatomy with meticulous precision.

Inside the control room, the technologist monitored the process, her eyes fixed upon the myriad screens displaying the intricate contours of Connor's inner landscape. The images materialized in a cascade of grayscale, each one a window into the secrets his body held. It was as if an unseen artist was sketching the portrait of his vulnerability, layer by layer. Time lost its grip as the scanner continued its dance around the man, the seconds stretching into an indeterminate flow. Each captured image was a chapter in his personal narrative, a testament to the battles fought, the scars endured, and the spirit that had carried him through. The CAT scan had become a pilgrimage into the uncharted territory of his own existence, unearthing the whispers of his body's history. As the final rotation concluded, the machine's symphony of sounds dissipated into silence. The scanning bed withdrew from the aperture, returning the ginger to the present moment. The technologist approached, her demeanor a mix of satisfaction and compassion.

"You did great.", she said, her voice resonating with appreciation for the resilience displayed. "We have what we need. Now, let's take a moment to rest and await the next steps. You can return to your room."

The technologist's words hung in the air, their weight resonating deep within the dimly lit room. Kara materialized beside him, her ethereal presence lending an otherworldly quality to the scene. With a graceful motion, she guided the man back to the place he would call home for a while—a room suffused with the sterile scent of antiseptic. As they traversed the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital ward, the soft hum of whispered conversations accompanied them, like a delicate symphony of secrets exchanged in hushed tones. Every step Connor took echoed with the relentless march of time, a poignant reminder of the fragility of life. The bustling rhythm of the medical facility seemed to pulse in harmony with his own ruminations, underscoring the delicate equilibrium between existence and the inexorable passage of moments. Returning to the familiar cot, he settled himself amidst the sheets, his worn body bearing witness to a myriad of battles fought and lives preserved. Scars crisscrossed his flesh, each one a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

"So, have the results arrived yet?", Connor mused, his gaze lifting to meet the nurse standing at the edge of his makeshift bed. A twinkle danced in his eyes as he spoke, an unspoken understanding passing between them. "Another nurse is going to be telling me the news, aren't they?" The firefighter chuckled softly at the woman's surprise, explaining, "I'm technically on my thirty-fourth hour of a forty-eight hour shift, I've been in this game long enough to recognize when someone has already exceeded their fair share of toil during a shift." With a mischievous wink, he settled back on his cot, leaning slightly against the plush pillow. A momentary pause enveloped the room, pregnant with anticipation. Connor flashed the nurse another warm smile, his eyes twinkling with a hint of playful charm. "Time to go home. Enjoy your break." His voice held a quiet gratitude, a recognition of her tireless dedication. "Maybe we'll see each other again, when I'm not dressed in a hospital gown."





Excited | Embarrassed


L.A. General Hospital




ily Connor

~A couple weeks later~​

Today was the day she could finally catch a break.

It had taken a lot of planning and covering of other nurses' shifts to guarantee she leave work at a decent time, including finishing all of the scut work she had been assigned and discharging the few remaining E.R. cases as soon as possible. Normally, her shifts either ended exhaustingly late at night or unbelievably early in the morning, restricting her availability to see her own fiancée, even though they lived with one another. Truthfully, even when she was off at a decent hour, he always appeared to be working at the office - some days she swore he even slept there. Most mornings had been rather lonely as of late, which hurt her heart, but nothing could be done. Dylan always seemed to get a call to leave before she awoke and came home after she fell asleep. On the off chance that they did see one another, their interactions would be sweet and tender, oftentimes including a meal at a fancy restaurant like tonight.

Thinking to the outfit she had prepared in her personal locker, a smile crept to her face - she had saved up to buy something new and was positively delighted with how it looked on her, a sight she was eager to share with her fiancée tonight. It was a dark, navy blue, cocktail dress with ruffles lining the top, baring her shoulders for an added sultry look. With excitement for the evening in mind, she grinned through her work, improving the moods of everyone around her as she completed her tasks. "You seem to be in a happy mood, Kara. Made some fun plans?" Kara's gaze flicked up from her computer, bringing her out of the daydream-like state she was in as she filed a medical report. It was Jessie, her best friend, smiling widely at her. Jessie stood at a tall 5 feet and 8 inches, considerably taller compared to the fun-sized Kara at 5 feet and 4 measly inches in her seafoam green scrubs. Her pale blonde hair cascaded in waves down her back and over her shoulders, draping over the deep blue scrubs that matched the hospital's usual dress code.

"I'm finally going out with Dylan. It's the first time we've been out together in months - we're both finally free."
Kara beamed, glancing back at her computer to continue typing away, her gaze flickering back to her with a gleeful smile. Jessie, however, had a disapproving expression on her face, causing Kara to stop and tilt her head in annoyance.
"Jessie, please. I'm not in the mood today."
Jessie's mouth gaped open, and she raised her hands in dismay. "You didn't give me a chance to say anything! And you know how I feel about him, Kara. You deserve better. What about that cute firefighter you met a while back? You practically gushed about him that day - wouldn't he be better?" Jessie teased, her facial features manipulating as quickly as a light switch being flipped, instantly making Kara turn a bright shade of pink.
She glanced around in a slight panic, hoping no one overheard.

"He was a patient! As fun as it was to talk to him, he was only being cheeky as a defense mechanism to being nervous in the hospital, nothing more."
She brushed Jessie's teasing comments off, focusing on her tasks. She only had to include the follow-up information for James Pyle and provide him with his discharge papers, then she would be ready to clock out and head to the nurses' locker room to change. Jessie's silence, however, began to concern her, and the dirty blonde's pale gaze flickered up to her coworker, whose lips curled up at the corners. "You said he was a cute, tall ginger with a birthmark by his eye, right?" Jessie inquired, a teasing tone to her voice as her own gaze went somewhere past Kara, causing her heart to drop.

Oh no.
Glancing behind her, Kara saw the firefighter loitering around, appearing to have escorted someone to the emergency room. She quickly whipped her head back around, her eyes wide in shock.
"Jessie, do not-"
She began, about to threaten her friend with some sort of blackmail or violence, but she was too late. "Hey fire boy, you looking for Kara? She's right here!" Jessie raised her hand and waved, eager to get Connor's attention. Kara slowly turned to look, her cheeks red in utter humiliation as the taller woman deliberately tried to tease Kara, and there he was: clad in his firefighter gear from the waist down and a tight, white, cotton T-shirt for his upper body, quite a marvel to see. His most lethal weapon, of course, was his dazzling smile as he noticed them and made his way toward the two women with long, graceful strides, as though he hadn't been injured a mere handful of weeks earlier.
Well, shit.

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Excited, Flirty
Location: LA General Hospital, ER
Outfit: Firefighter Work Pants + white T-Shirt

--a few weeks later--​

For weeks on end, Connor found himself confined within the walls of his apartment, anxiously awaiting the day when he would finally be able to return to the realm of productivity. The discolored splotches of his bruises had deepened over time, their vivid hues casting a stark reminder of his affliction. Reduced to a near-permanent recline upon his worn-out couch, he sought solace in the captivating narratives that unfolded on his television screen, endlessly immersing himself in the vast expanse of Netflix's offerings. It seemed as though he had traversed every series, leaving no plot unexplored in his restless pursuit of escapism. The agony of waiting gnawed at his spirit, incessantly taunting him with each passing moment. Yet, amidst the desolation, a glimmer of respite occasionally arrived in the form of Austin. Like a beacon of brotherhood, Austin would grace Connor's abode after his own arduous shifts, regaling his best friend with riveting tales of the eccentric encounters he had witnessed in the world beyond their shared sanctuary. These anecdotes served as a bittersweet salve for Connor's yearning, granting him a semblance of connection to the bustling existence he had been so unjustly separated from. Paradoxically, however, each narrative, while providing temporary solace, served only to magnify his longing for the work he had come to cherish.

Days stretched into an interminable procession, each one marked by the meticulous ticking of the clock. Connor's keen mind, ever vigilant, meticulously counted down the hours, minutes, and seconds until the elusive zero hour arrived. And when it did, an ethereal sensation washed over him, melding anticipation and trepidation into an intoxicating concoction. Within the realm of workaday mundanity, where most found themselves begrudgingly trudging through the motions, there existed a rare breed of individuals who possessed an innate fervor for their chosen vocation. Amongst this select few, Connor stood at the forefront, his heart brimming with anticipation as he embarked upon the morning that held the promise of rekindling his purpose. Eagerly, he arrived at the firehouse with time to spare, an infectious grin dancing upon his lips, accompanied by a repertoire of lighthearted jests that spilled forth effortlessly. The air was charged with a vibrant energy, buoyed by his sheer delight to be reunited with his second family. Throughout the day, Connor's buoyant spirit remained unwavering, his jests and laughter interwoven with the tasks at hand. It was unmistakable that he had yearned for the camaraderie of his team, the kinship and shared experiences that made them more than mere coworkers. In each jest, in every anecdote shared, he sought to bridge the gap that his temporary absence had wrought, fortifying the bonds that had sustained him through the trials and triumphs of the firehouse.

As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting hues of gold and amber upon the world below, the team received their final summons. It was a harrowing call—a hit-and-run incident that had left a trail of destruction in its wake. A vehicle, propelled by the recklessness of its driver, had callously collided with a pedestrian, only to perpetuate its flight by careening into yet another unsuspecting car. The culprit had vanished into the labyrinthine streets of the city, leaving a chaotic scene in its aftermath. Amidst the disarray, the LAPD embarked on the arduous task of unmasking the perpetrator, while the valiant team of firefighters became the vanguards of compassion and healing. Arriving on the scene, the first responders swiftly donned their roles as saviors, administering life-sustaining aid and tending to the wounded. With deft hands and unwavering resolve, they stabilized the injured, alleviating their pain and anxieties in the face of adversity. Their synchronized efforts, fueled by the culmination of expertise and unwavering commitment, allowed the ambulances and fire truck to embark upon their crucial journey, ferrying the victims to the hallowed halls of the emergency room.

Captain Nathaniel, the steadfast and revered leader of the firefighting unit, had ingrained in his team a steadfast principle - their duties ceased at the threshold of the emergency room's glass doors. Yet, on this extraordinary day, an exception materialized, unraveling the established norms. The team maneuvered with deliberate care, gently rolling the wounded souls within, delicately transferring their entrusted burdens to the diligent hands of the nurses and doctors who awaited their arrival, armed with prior notification. As the patients disappeared from sight, Captain Nathaniel, with an unspoken understanding pervading the air, beckoned his comrades to remain momentarily, granting himself respite to fulfill the necessary administrative obligations that accompanied his esteemed rank. In the midst of this fleeting interlude, Connor found himself adrift in a sea of bustling activity, seeking solace against the sturdy frame of a chair, his eyes scanning the room in a ceaseless quest for a familiar countenance. Yet, all he could discern amidst the whirlwind were fleeting blurs of pink, blue, and green, as nurses hurriedly navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital. Resignation began to weigh upon his shoulders, preparing to embrace the reality that the object of his affection likely adhered to a divergent work schedule, a disheartening realization that threatened to engulf his hopes.

But then, in a serendipitous twist, a voice unfamiliar yet welcoming pierced through the cacophony of the hospital's symphony. Connor's brows knitted together, his eyes tracing the source of the summons, and in his gaze, he beheld a woman hitherto unknown to him. She beckoned him with a sweeping motion, unveiling a hidden figure nestled behind the reception's protective barrier. In an instant, joy blossomed upon Connor's face, an effervescent smile tugging at his lips, as he propelled himself from the comfort of the chair, propelling himself towards the enigmatic duo. His first instinct was to extend his hand in a gesture of greeting, introducing himself to the woman who had summoned him with a simple yet profound, "I'm Connor." His gaze, however, swiftly redirected towards the object of his ardent search, an enchanting blonde who captured his heart's attention. "Hello, Kara.", he uttered, his voice suffused with a gentle warmth, his eyes alight with an affectionate twinkle. The firefighter, unable to contain his elation, leaned against the elevated desk, his sinewy arms resting upon its surface, a subtle display of strength and assurance. "How have you been?", the ginger inquired, his voice a harmonious melody laced with genuine interest, eager to weave the tapestry of their connection once more.

As the words tumbled from Connor's lips, he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, his voice infused with a touch of self-amusement. "You know, now that my concussion's gone, I see how wrong I was.", he muttered, his eyes crinkling with mirth, "You're not just a pretty nurse. You're a beautiful nurse." In that moment, the presence of the other woman who had beckoned him over faded into insignificance, as his undivided attention became firmly fixed upon the captivating blonde before him. A mischievous twinkle danced in Connor's eyes as he continued, his words steeped in playful banter. "I must admit, I do look a little better like this, don't I? I did my utmost best to model that hospital gown with finesse. Did you hear the news? Victoria's Secret actually contacted me. They want me as their leading angel for their upcoming show." The firefighter let out a soft laughter, his eyes gleaming with mirth as he playfully winked at the nurse, reveling in his humor. Shifting his stance, Connor rolled his broad shoulders, seeking a greater measure of comfort as he leaned in closer to the nurse stationed behind the reception desk.

A conspiratorial grin played upon his lips as he divulged a secret known only to those within their tight-knit circle. "You know-", the man whispered, as if sharing privileged information, "Cap may be adamant about us never going past those glass doors, but when our shifts draw to an end, he'll always find a way to persuade us to venture inside." Connor's eyebrows wiggled playfully, his voice betraying an underlying affection for his leader. "It's because Cap's husband works here. He's just a simp who can't resist the opportunity to surprise him." Running his fingers through his cropped hair, Connor angled his head, his smile unwavering in its radiance. "So... here's the plan-", he murmured, the weight of the words filled with a newfound sense of anticipation, "Once we've all shed our uniforms and transformed into our regular clothes, we're actually going out. Celebrating the end of our shift, and my glorious return, of course." His voice softened, almost like a shared secret, as he extended the invitation. "Are you free? Would you like to join me?" The words hung in the air, the essence of possibility permeating the space.

Finally, as the realization dawned upon him, Connor's gaze turned to the other nurse who had lingered nearby throughout their exchange. Turning to include her in the conversation, he spoke with genuine warmth, "You're also invited, if you want to come! Drinks are on the house."





Excited | Embarrassed


Blue Cocktail Dress


L.A. General Hospital


Jessie & Connor


ily Connor

The petite blonde wished she could shrink to the size of an atom and disappear completely, but the first damn law of thermodynamics would not allow such a thing to occur. Hiding desperately behind her computer monitor and typing away furiously, Kara focused her gaze on the screen, her face burning as Jessie waved the handsome firefighter over, trying desperately not to get caught up by his enchanting smile. Her pale eyes watched him interact with Jessie through her peripherals, focusing her breathing to try and calm down as he introduced himself and shook hands with her best friend. The sound of his voice made her shiver with its low tones and exuberant confidence, even when he didn't speak directly to her at first. However, his enunciation of her name made her smile reflexively, unable to control herself as her gaze wandered to him, watching as he placed his arms on the cart and leaned on them enough to demonstrate the way his muscles rippled beneath his skin, strong enough to grasp her attention.

She stammered, the pale blue of her eyes flickering back up to meet with his gorgeous cerulean, not knowing how to respond in the moment, as her cheeks retained their rosy hue and she immediately averted her stare, blushing deeper as he complimented her.
"I-I'm doing well, thank you for asking."
She had no idea how to respond to him - on the one hand, he was attractive enough to steal the breath from her lungs and cripple her usual defenses when it came to advances from patients, and on the other hand, he had been her patient before, rendering those thoughts completely immoral and worth being fired over. Still, she couldn't help but grin wider as he continued to grace her words with his mischievous behavior, making her laugh as he mentioned being a model for Victoria's Secret all because of the hospital gown she had forced him to change into. He must have some sort of superpower to make people laugh, as Jessie herself was chuckling beside her, shaking her head and focusing on her own duties, for once.

Kara's train of thought had been struggling to remain on the tracks of completing her duties until Connor leaned closer to her, enough for her to smell his cologne or whatever scent he had upon him, mixed with the lingering smell of smoke from the flames he fought everyday and something else, something she couldn't quite place. At that moment, the train had been completely derailed, thinking only of Connor and just how close he was to her. The way he whispered, the way his lips moved as he spoke, it took everything she had for her knees to keep her upright and not buckle beneath her. "Cap may be adamant about us never going past those glass doors, but when our shifts draw to an end, he'll always find a way to persuade us to venture inside. It's because Cap's husband works here. He's just a simp who can't resist the opportunity to surprise him." Upon hearing this, Kara raised a brow, wondering who it was here that was married to Captain Nathaniel, her mind temporarily held in the clutches of curiosity.

"Are you free? Would you like to join me?" Connor's request made her heart leap into her throat, her eyes going wide as she looked at him with a mixture of awe and panic.
Did...did he just ask me out? Like...on a date?
She thought to herself, perplexed. Sure, they had been flirting mildly, but she thought it was all mostly for temporary amusement, not genuine! She forced herself to breathe, focusing on the question as he made sure to also include Jessie, as she had been listening in.
No...it wouldn't be a date, it's with his coworkers. It's just a friendly offer.
She convinced herself, now breathing easy in the moment.
"U-um...I appreciate the invite, but I have plans tonight. I'm actually supposed to be heading to the locker room to get changed now."
She offered shyly, pressing 'Enter' on her keyboard to submit the final changes to the last report, setting it up to print.
"Jessie, if you could take that to Mr. Pyle and discharge him, I would greatly appreciate it. Connor, if you'll excuse me."
She smiled softly as she moved past him, brushing against him briefly before heading deeper into the hospital and out of Connor's line of sight, disappearing into the crowds of the rather busy emergency room.

In the meantime, Jessie had been staring at her computer screen, occasionally glancing at Kara and Connor before the cute ginger realized she was still there and invited her as well. She raised her hand to stop him smiling as she bowed her head at him a moment in respect. "No worries, dude, no need to invite me." She nodded to Kara as the small blonde left the situation, leaving Jessie with Connor - probably her biggest mistake. The moment Kara was outside earshot, Jessie placed a hand on Connor's shoulder. "Listen, my guy, I'm going to need your help. Kara is in desperate need of someone who gives her the kind of attention and affection she needs, not the trash heap she's with right now." Jessie spoke bluntly, patting his shoulder reassuringly. "Right now she's getting dressed, and if tonight goes how I expect it will, she might need some support. I'm gonna give you my number, and I expect you to listen to me about this. I can tell you've already got the hots for her - I mean, who wouldn't - so I'm gonna try to help you out. Got it?" The tall platinum blonde smirked as she finally gave Connor some room to speak, withdrawing her hand and grasping a nearby piece of paper to scribble her number on before stuffing it in his right pocket.

A few moments passed, and Kara re-emerged, returning only to check in with Jessie and make sure she finished tying up the loose ends of her last patient's papers certainly not to see Connor's response to her new look and attire. She had taken a moment to apply some makeup, including black eyeliner, some mascara, completing the look with a light pink, glossy lipstick on her full lips. Truthfully, she would have liked to join Connor and his team, but she wanted to take advantage of the one free night she had that aligned with Dylan's schedule. Silvery heels complimented the dress as she walked towards Jessie and Connor, her shy smile back on her petite face.
"Got everything figured out, Jessie?"
"Yep, all set. You're ready to go, Kara, and looking fabulous. What do you think, Connor? How does she look?" Kara immediately reached over to lightly smack Jessie on the arm, her expression portraying the uneasiness she felt when Jessie assaulted Connor with her loaded question, making the her shift awkwardly.
"You don't have to answer her, Connor."
She wrapped her arm around her waist as a habit, covering herself slightly in self-consciousness. At around the same moment, Dylan arrived at the entrance of the hospital, standing not too far from the E.R. entrance, knowing Kara usually left through the back.

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Confused, Disappointed
Location: LA General Hospital, ER
Outfit: Firefighter Work Pants + white T-Shirt

Kara visibly hesitated, her voice trembling slightly. "U-um...I appreciate the invite, but I have plans tonight. I'm actually supposed to be heading to the locker room to get changed now." Disappointment welled up within the firefighter, like a flickering flame dimming to a mere ember. The nurse's existing plans were understandable, given the impromptu nature of his invitation. "It's all good.", Connor mumbled, his rugged features gently creasing into a smile, his eyes reflecting a quiet acceptance. "Then you'll just join us another time." With a graceful yet purposeful motion, the nurse returned to her work, her nimble fingers dancing upon the keyboard as if engaged in an elegant minuet. The clatter of keys filled the air, resonating with a hint of urgency. Finally, the shrill whir of the printer broke the silence, marking the culmination of her endeavors. She positioned the freshly printed report with utmost care, its delicate words poised to carry meaning.

In the midst of her flurry of activity, Kara's voice betrayed a touch of strain as she turned her attention to her friend. "Jessie, if you could take that to Mr. Pyle and discharge him, I would greatly appreciate it." Her words hung in the air like a plea, a subtle plea for assistance amidst the chaos. Then, with a soft smile lingering on her lips, she shifted her gaze towards Connor. "Connor, if you'll excuse me." A fleeting moment ensued as their bodies brushed against each other, a delicate connection that sent a shiver down Connor's spine. Kara's presence, though ephemeral, left a lingering warmth in its wake. Her smile, like a blossoming flower bathed in moonlight, cast a soft glow upon the room. And just as quickly as she had arrived, she vanished from sight, leaving Connor to savor the bittersweet memory of her fleeting touch.

Once the sanctuary of privacy enveloped them, Jessie's hand firmly settled upon Connor's shoulder, the weight of her touch both grounding and insistent. Her words pierced the air, unadorned and direct, laden with a sense of urgency. "Listen, my guy, I'm going to need your help. Kara is in desperate need of someone who gives her the kind of attention and affection she needs, not the trash heap she's with right now." Her touch conveyed reassurance, a silent affirmation of the trust she placed in him. Caught off guard, Connor's bewilderment painted his features, his wide eyes blinking in a display of unanticipated surprise. "Oh- I- I didn't know she had a boyfriend-", the flustered firefighter stammered, struggling to process the unexpected revelation. Yet, despite his initial confusion, it became apparent that Jessie's intention wasn't to chastise him for his innocent flirtation with the nurse. In fact, her words carried an underlying implication, one that hinted at a desire for Connor to pursue Kara's heart.

"Right now she's getting dressed, and if tonight goes how I expect it will, she might need some support.", Jessie continued, her voice imbued with a sense of anticipation and concern. "I'm gonna give you my number, and I expect you to listen to me about this. I can tell you've already got the hots for her - I mean, who wouldn't - so I'm gonna try to help you out. Got it?" Her words hung in the air, pregnant with expectation, leaving Connor momentarily at a loss for a suitable response. "I don't understand.", Connor laughed awkwardly, "Why do you want me to- why do you want to help me?" The blonde looked at him, bewildered as she let out a gentle laugh, "Uh, cause you're obviously much better for her and she clearly likes you, dude. Why else?" The tall blonde smirked as she withdrew her hand to grasp a nearby piece of paper, scribbling her number on it, before she finally stuffed it in his right pocket. "So, she likes me, hm?" Jessie furrowed her brows, staring at the ginger as if he had just admitted to her to being a flat-earther. "Yes??? Are you blind? Did you not see how much she was blushing when you came over? The day she took care of you, she couldn't stop gushing about you."

Suddenly, Kara emerged from her brief seclusion, and the atmosphere instantly shifted, causing both Jessie and Connor to instinctively hush, their voices melting into an anticipatory silence. A surge of warmth coursed through Connor's veins, igniting a subtle fire that spread with each passing moment. His gaze fixated upon the transformed nurse, her presence elevated to an ethereal realm. With a delicate touch, she had adorned herself, enhancing her features with meticulous artistry. Ebony eyeliner traced the contours of her eyes, while mascara emphasized the fluttering grace of her lashes. A hint of a light pink glossy lipstick graced her lips, accentuating their softness and allure. Draped in a dark blue dress, its hue mirrored the depths of the night sky, the garment molded to her form, effortlessly drawing every eye toward her in reverent admiration. The fabric whispered secrets of elegance and sophistication, its intricate design weaving a tapestry that spoke of grace and allure. A radiant smile illuminated her countenance, casting a luminous glow upon the room, as if the very air had become charged with enchantment. Connor's gaze, unabashed and captivated, remained locked upon her, his voice rendered silent by the sheer splendor of her presence.

Then, like a sudden awakening from a trance, Jessie's voice sliced through the air, laced with a knowing smile that hinted at the machinations unfolding behind the scenes. "You're good to go, Kara, and looking fabulous. What do you think, Connor? How does she look?" Her gaze shifted to the towering figure standing beside her, as if beckoning him to share his thoughts, to lend his voice to the chorus of adoration. Kara had assured him that silence was an acceptable response, yet before he could even contemplate his words, they tumbled forth, a testament to his heartfelt sincerity. "Wow, you are just... so incredibly beautiful. You look amazing.", the firefighter blurted out, his voice tinged with awe and vulnerability. A rosy blush erupted upon his cheeks, his nervous swallow betraying the emotions that surged within him. Seeking solace, his hands sought refuge within the pockets of his work pants, as if they too sought to steady the tumultuous beat of his heart. "Very, very pretty."

A palpable tension suddenly settled upon the scene, an invisible shroud of unease that suffused the air, turning it heavy and stifling. Jessie's body language underwent a stark transformation, her arms folding tightly across her chest, the deep furrow etched upon her brow signaling her disapproval. Her gaze, like a laser, fixated upon an approaching figure in the distance, heralding the arrival of an unfamiliar man. Connor's eyes narrowed, his curiosity piqued, as his gaze fell upon the brown-haired interloper. The man's eyes, however, seemed to bypass both Jessie and Connor entirely, fixating solely upon the resplendent figure of Kara. A possessive gesture ensued as his hand landed upon her lower back, a silent claim beckoning her closer to him. Aware of the looming presence, Connor mustered his resolve, narrowing the focus of his gaze upon the brunet intruder. With a subtle shift in his stance, he took a step forward, his voice carrying a measured cordiality. "Hi, I'm Connor. I'm here with the LAFD. You must be Kara's... boyfriend?" The words hung in the air, his smile painted thinly upon his lips, a testament to his attempt at diplomacy. His outstretched arm extended in an offering of a handshake, a gesture of cordiality and acknowledgment.

Yet, the brunet remained conspicuously silent, his gaze sweeping over Connor's form, a discerning evaluation as if gauging the level of perceived threat. The heavy pause was finally broken by his correction, a single word that carried weight and significance. "Fiancé." The admission hung in the air, casting an undeniable shadow upon the unfolding tableau, the unspoken implications weaving a complex tapestry of emotions. Connor's smile faltered, replaced by an awkward grimace as the weight of the situation settled upon him. His eyes sought out Jessie's, a silent plea for guidance in the face of this unexpected revelation. The unspoken question hung heavy in the air, laced with confusion and a tinge of disappointment. "Eh- congrats?", Connor's words stumbled forth, lacking the conviction that usually accompanied such well-wishes. His attempt to extend his congratulations felt feeble, tinged with a mixture of sincerity and a touch of awkwardness. The pregnant silence lingered, casting a pall over the gathering, each individual grappling with the unspoken tensions that had unfolded before them.

Finally, breaking the uncomfortable stillness, the firefighter cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure. "Well, I better get... going, I guess." The words carried a sense of resignation, as if the flickering ember of his hope had been extinguished. Turning to Kara, he mustered a polite yet wistful smile, his gaze lingering upon her with a mixture of admiration and longing. "Have a nice evening. The invitation still stands, should you ever wish to join us." With a nod, he acknowledged her presence one last time, before shifting his attention back to Jessie, his voice laden with sincerity, "And you as well, Jessie."
Last edited:





Mixed Emotions


Blue Cocktail Dress


L.A. General > Restaurant > Bar


Jessie, Dylan, & Connor


ily Connor

Gazes that lingered too long always made her self-conscious, just as Jessie's and Connor's had, knowing full well that this was not something she wore often and that it was very flattering to the slight amount of curves she portrayed. She wasn't particularly blessed in the bosom department, but the rest of her figure made up for it, with the tight-fitting dress accentuating her hips and rear as she had made her way to the two awaiting her, appearing thick as thieves with something to hide. She pursed her lips together, shifting in discomfort after Jessie's question, but was quickly put at ease by the tall redhead's bumbling words, sweet with intention and earnest emotions. "Wow, you are just... so incredibly beautiful. You look amazing." The words that left Connor's lips made her pale blue eyes widen in surprise and her ears burn in bashfulness, her heart aflutter with the raw admiration she felt from him. It occurred to her then that she hadn't felt this way in some time.

Her piercing gaze watched him with curiosity and mild amusement as he also expressed a twinge of embarrassment, his hands immediately seeking his pockets in an effort to bestill his beating heart, forcing a smile to tug at the corners of her lips. "Very, very pretty." The soft murmur made her giggle as the shy smile widened into a pleased grin, feeling delight bubble up inside her.
He really does think I'm pretty.
Her cheeks retained their warmth as her gaze shifted past him, her smile faltering for but a moment as she watched Dylan approach, a displeased expression on his features. The moment his long strides reached her side, one of his hands wrapped around her thin waist, gripping her side a tad bit too tightly as he moved her closer to him, almost causing her to stumble in the silvery heels she clearly hadn't adjusted to. He lowered his head to hers, whispering softly in her ear.

"Hello, honey. Looking a bit much, are we? I thought we agreed you should only look this good in private." A smirk adorned his rather handsome features, his smile charming as his poison-laced words seeped into her ears, the danger in them undetected to her oblivious nature as she nodded obediently, her warmth dissipating to the cool façade of maintaining appearances, as if out of habit. Connor's introduction startled her out of her blank reverie, a mixture of emotions hidden behind the curtain of a smile that graced her decorated features. Connor's outstretched hand hung between the redhead and her fiancé, the awkward tension almost palpable as Dylan refused to take his hand, only just then acknowledging Connor's presence, only to correct him. "Fiance." His voice was curt, a micro-expression of disgust flashing across his chiseled visage as Connor offered his half-hearted congrats, earning a soft expression of sympathy from the small Kara, dwarfed beside the tall, alpha male.

Jessie remained silent, having turned back to her laptop as she continued her work, resolving any unfinished business while she refused to acknowledge Dylan's presence. She threw Connor a pitiful glance before turning to Kara and smiling, expressing genuine concern for her friend whilst still ignoring Dylan. "If you need anything, Kara, let me know. I've got my plans tonight, but I'll text you." She pursed her pale lips together as Connor bid them adieu, her own gaze demonstrating her frustration and her sympathy for the redhead before she walked off, nodding politely at Connor as they both walked off, leaving Kara standing still beside Dylan. "Jeez, is she ever going to get over what happened last time? It was only a joke." Dylan scoffed as his hand left Kara's waist immediately, instead slipping into the crook of her arm as she led him through the emergency room, most people steering clear of the 'power couple' gossiped about with hushed whispers in places one usually wouldn't think to look twice. Kara frowned, wincing slightly as his grip, once more, was too tight for her taste.

"You basically called her a slut, Dylan, of course she's upset."
Kara tried to keep up as best she could, stumbling slightly as they stepped through the automated doors to the adjacent parking lot, adorned by the glittering beams of sunlight across raindrops scattered atop most of the vehicles in the lot, including her own small, light blue Chevy Spark, its familiar dent in the passenger door visible all the way from the staff entrance they hovered in. Steering her towards his own vehicle, a sleek, convertible Mercedez-Benz that shimmered in the sunrays, chirping as he unlocked it with his free hand. "Come on, Kara, it wasn't that bad. And hurry it up, I want to make our reservation in time." He released her arm at the car, turning his head to look back at her with a frown and his brow furrowed. Dropping her own gaze to the ground, she nodded with a mumbled apology and made her way around the vehicle to the passenger side, attempting not to step in the puddles that riddled the old lot before yanking the heavy door open and slipping into the smooth, leather seat.

Dylan entered the vehicle at around the same time, situating himself with a sense of urgency as he started the car and buckled himself quickly, Kara echoing his actions with the same sense of hurriedness before attempting to engage in conversation.
"S-so how was work? You won't get called in tonight, right?"
She smiled up at him expectantly, folding her hands in her lap as she awaited his reply, watching him glance towards his phone as he docked it on the plastic arm attached to his dashboard. He continued to focus on his phone, tapping away at it silently before he grasped the wheel and began their drive, bullying his way into the street and ignoring the tirade of car horns that blared at him as he swerved into the street. He took that moment to reply to Kara as she clung tightly to the secure handle above the door, her knuckles white. "Of course, darling, I told them I would be busy this afternoon and only to call me if they had any leads on the new case." He flashed his pearly whites at her before his phone began to ring, interrupting her chance to speak. Of course, it was a work call, as he began to chatter away about his latest caseload and Kara sighed into the soft cushion, her icy stare watching the buildings and the occasional tree pass by during their commute, a wallflower in her own relationship.

~Some time later~​

The sleek convertible pulled up to Dylan's restaurant of choice, wheeling into the parking lot slowly with regard to the undercarriage of the vehicle, taking its time to go over the divot in the curb that allowed entry to The Capital Grille. It was known for being a fine dining steakhouse and always served good food, though it was a little bit too refined for the blonde's tastes. Still, she was excited to get some quality time with Dylan, excluding the car ride to the extravagant eatery he had chosen for them. As Dylan shifted the vehicle into park, he finished up his conversation with his Lieutenant, their discussion topic mostly addressing late reports and large amounts of paperwork. The brunet let out a disgruntled sigh before he exited the driver's side and closed the door gingerly, running his fingers through his hair in a moment of frustration. He wore a grey suit jacket with a white button up beneath it, contrasted by navy blue slacks and sleek, black Oxfords, all of which enhanced his overall appeal, earning him a couple stares from some fancied up dames passing by.

Her 3-inch heels clacked against the asphalt noisily as Kara hurried to keep up with Dylan, her small strides struggling to match his lengthy ones as he headed to the restaurant entrance, briefly holding the door open for Kara as he slid his phone into his back pocket, allowing her to clumsily scurry inside, grasping her arm again as she almost stumbled on a lip of rug that separated tile from carpet on her way in. "Jeez, Kara, I can't take you anywhere!" His laugh at her maladroit composure made her skin flush a deep red, garnering stares from those around them, making her duck her head in embarrassment as she straightened up, hovering just behind his large stature. Her chin quivered slightly as she trailed behind him, listening in hurt silence. "Reservation for Thompson, table for two. We'll have a Chianti, please." Sulking, the dirty blonde followed slowly, her arms crossed across her bosom as they reached their pristine seating arrangement, a small, square table with a seat on either side, allowing the two of them to sit across from one another and chat while they enjoyed their meal. It was equipped with a salt shaker, a pepper shaker, and sugar packets for tea, much like most cuisine establishments.

Lowering herself in her chair, Kara shook off the thoughts brimming at her lips and smiled, shifting until she was comfortable before placing her arms on the table.
"So, what do you want to talk about?"
She asked politely, fumbling with the engagement ring on her left ring finger that still felt out of place as Dylan sat and looked at the menu, responding while he perused the entrees. "Well, your dad called me again this morning, says you've blocked his number. Is that true?" His tone was polite, but the weight of his words forced her to sag in her seat, her face blanched.
"Dylan, I...I really would rather we discuss something else..."
She stammered, clearly taken aback as he thanked the attentive waiter for bringing their wine and proceeded to pour it into their wine glasses, his expression unchanged. He continued without hearing her.

"You know, all he really wants is what's best for you, Kara. Becoming a doctor with such a renowned history would guarantee you better work than what you have now and would actually be worth doing." Normally, one would react with anger, but all she could do was feel smaller and smaller, as though she was nothing more than the child her father bore his excruciating teachings into day after wretched day. She fought to swallow the painful memories that surfaced, her pale gaze hesitantly flickering back up to him as he began to order, selecting something meaty for him and a salad for her.
"I...I like what I do, Dylan. I get to work closely with my patients and get to know them and their struggles. I love being there when they make their recoveries, and I cherish being able to hold their hands when they need support."
Her chin began quivering again, her eyes avoiding Dylan's as he peered at her, almost throwing her a glare. He opened his mouth to continue to push, but was interrupted by the a sound that was becoming grating to the ears as he reached into his back pocket and retrieved the rectangular device, letting out a soft, 'Hmph,' before answering it.

"Yes, sir? I'm not on call right now." He began, his expression rather annoyed, though with whom Kara couldn't tell. After a mere few seconds, his air changed entirely, now rigid with determination. "Sir. Right away." He promptly hung up the phone, glanced at Kara, and for a moment, a sliver of apology alighted his chiseled features. "I'm sorry, Kara, I have to go back to work. It's incredibly important. I'll call you a cab, you can go ahead and eat without me." He offered an apologetic smile that would be enough to woo any woman with before dashing from the table in a hurry, leaving her alone at the table with her mouth agape in disbelief.
"I guess we're not that important..."
She muttered under her breath, irritated but also feeling tears threaten to flow as she remained in her seat, grasping the sides of her seat tightly so as to avoid lashing out. She steeled herself after a couple teardrops has already fallen, not knowing how much time had passed since Dylan had left. A couple minutes? Longer? Her food had been placed in front of her, a measly salad that looked light in appearances and even lighter in calories.

Making a noise of frustration, she rose from her seat and stormed outside the restaurant, stumbling slightly once again on that damn rug. The dam that contained her feelings began turning faulty as more streaks of mascara made their way down her face, with only her emotions to blame as the night was still and cloudless, the moon shining above in a starless sky thanks to the amount of light pollution present in the city. Waving the cab driver off, she walked along the sidewalk, smearing her tears away as she listened to the bustling nightlife, wishing that hers hadn't ended almost as soon as it began. She sighed, losing her sense of focus as she crossed the streets without a care in the world, passing one, two, three lights until her legs began to quiver, tears wracking her body more violently than before. Crouching down, she remained curled up, balanced on her heels as she wept, her figure trembling until she calmed herself again, knowing very well that she looked a mess at this point.

Unwilling to go home so soon, she glanced around, her eyes searching for an escape that would allow her to think about something other than the disaster of a dinner and her relationship that was in shambles. Finally, her eyes settled on a small, well-lit sight nearby, right next door to the Stillwell Hotel: Hank's, it read, with "delightful, dining, & drinking," in blocky, black lettering below. Sniffling, she pulled out her phone, texting Jessie as she wiped the remaining tears from her face.
'Dylan bailed, going to a bar. I'm sorry, you were right.'
She tapped away before straightening up once again, marching her way to the bar with another idle sniffle, trying to hold in her despair.
I should have taken Connor up on his offer.
She bit her lip, regretting that she had taken so much time and effort just to clear the damn night just to be abandoned by Dylan to his work, yet again. She pushed the glass door open with one hand and wiped at her mascara with the other, determined to drink off the night's events, when a familiar redhead came into view, standing a mere five feet ahead of her.

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Relaxed
Location: LA Downtown, Hank's Bar
Outfit: blue Jeans + off-white shirt

With a knot tightening in the pit of his stomach, Connor reluctantly turned away from Kara and her fiancé, his heart heavy with a mix of conflicting emotions. He fell into step with his fellow firefighters, comrades and confidants who returned to the crimson fire engine, rumbling toward the firehouse. A profound silence enveloped him during the ride, his mind consumed by a maelstrom of thoughts. There was an enigmatic quality about Kara's partner, an elusive essence that eluded Connor's grasp. Try as he might, he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"You're just jealous, buddy.", Austin playfully jibed, punctuating his remark with a friendly jab to Connor's side. Seated opposite each other within the truck, they donned hefty headphones, both a means of communication and a lifeline to the dispatch that crackled with potential emergencies. "I'm not jealous.", the ginger vehemently protested, his voice tinged with defiance. "I simply didn't warm up to the guy. He didn't even have the courtesy to introduce himself." Laughter softly rippled through the vehicle, a chorus of amusement from his companions. The woman beside Connor, her touch gentle upon his shoulder, shook her head in mild admonishment, "Oh, my dear friend, it's quite obvious you're consumed by jealousy." Overwhelmed, Connor emitted a frustrated groan, his arms reflexively crossing his chest in a gesture of self-defense. Predictably, this only served to fuel his friends' teasing, the embers of their banter flickering with amusement.

With a synchronized dismount, the firefighters eagerly disembarked from the roaring engine as they arrived back at the fire house, their faces brightened by the prospect of signing off duty and bidding farewell to the arduous day. They dispersed toward their respective locker rooms, seeking respite from the constraints of their fireproof uniforms. Connor, too, made his way to the designated space, exchanging the firefighter attire for a simple ensemble befitting his casual persona. He slipped into a pair of weathered jeans that bore the marks of his adventurous spirit, complemented by an untucked, off-white button-up shirt that billowed gently with the evening breeze. Slung over his sturdy shoulder was a trusty bag, containing the essential artifacts of his everyday life. Positioned by the entrance, Connor stood poised, awaiting the arrival of his companions. One by one, they filed into Captain Nathaniel's imposing truck, its size dwarfing the ordinary vehicles that traversed the streets. With a rumble beneath them, they embarked on the journey to their customary haven, a local watering hole where they would congregate and celebrate their collective camaraderie. It was a routine etched in tradition, with Captain Nathaniel utilizing his connections to secure their transportation back home, arranging for taxis to ferry each firefighter safely.

The atmosphere inside the truck brimmed with animated banter, the prior teasing of Connor's innocent infatuation with the nurse fading into the background. Conversations flowed freely, punctuated by bursts of laughter and good-natured ribbing. Time seemed to slip away effortlessly, and before long, they arrived at their beloved establishment. Hank, the bar's proprietor, held a special bond with Captain Nathaniel, an enduring friendship that manifested in the form of generous discounts bestowed upon the firefighter fraternity. Thus, they found solace within the familiar confines of Hank's establishment, a sanctuary where they could revel in their triumphs and momentarily set aside the burdens of their heroic pursuits.

As a united force, the team of seven maneuvered their way through the bustling bar, weaving through the throngs of patrons until they reached their designated table. Squeezing together, they settled into the booth, their camaraderie radiating in the shared space. Ever thoughtful, Austin swiftly procured an additional chair, ensuring that everyone had a modicum of comfort amidst the camaraderie. Taking their places, Chi-han and Ophelia, the team's valiant female members, found themselves side by side, their presence an embodiment of resilience and giggles. Charles occupied the edge of the booth, his vantage point affording him a broader view of the establishment. Opposite them, seated shoulder to shoulder, were the trio of Captain Nathaniel, Edmundo, and Austin, their collective energy a potent combination of leadership, experience, and irreverent humor.

Meanwhile, the ginger descended onto his seat with a gratifying thud, only to be swiftly coerced into the role of drink-fetcher by his enthusiastic teammates. Rising once again, he made his way to the bar, his presence eliciting a nod of recognition from the bartender as he deftly flashed his military ID, a privilege that earned him a further discount on his libations. Leaning casually against the worn surface of the counter, Connor awaited his turn, engaging in amiable banter with the bartender, both relishing the ease of their interaction. Caught in the ebb and flow of conversation, the firefighter's ears suddenly perked up, his name drifting through the air from a voice behind him. Perplexed, he pivoted on his heels, a curious arch forming above his brow. Mouth slightly agape, his eyes locked onto a figure whose blonde tresses stirred a strange feeling in his stomach once again.



A fragile tension hung in the air, their eyes locking in a silent exchange that conveyed volumes. Connor's gaze traced the contours of the woman's face, an amalgamation of concern etching delicate lines upon his features. His worried scrutiny captured every nuance, from the telltale signs of redness and puffiness around her eyes to the smudged remnants of mascara that bore witness to the trails of tears cascading down her cheeks. Sensing her vulnerability, his heart tightened with empathy, urging him to step closer, to bridge the gap that separated them. Uttering a tentative phrase, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty, the firefighter sought to offer solace. "Are you...?" The words faltered, halted by the reality of their limited acquaintance. Though a desire to know her better burned within him, they remained on the periphery of familiarity, distant figures in each other's lives. How did one approach such a delicate situation? How did one provide comfort without overstepping?

Summoning his courage, the ginger continued, his voice gentle and laced with genuine concern, "Are you okay?" His head tilted, an inquisitive gesture that conveyed his earnestness, his willingness to listen and understand. The blonde, her tear-stained eyes evading his gaze, struggled to suppress her emotions, her attempt at composure teetering precariously on the brink. "Yeah... I'm fine.", she murmured, a fragile facade masking a deeper turmoil that could no longer be contained. Tears welled anew, tracing fresh paths down her rosy cheeks. Her voice wavered, betraying the weight of her sorrow, "No... No, I'm not..."

Caught off guard by the raw outpouring of emotion, Connor's initial gasp dissolved into a tender sigh as he instinctively closed the distance between them. His arms enveloped her petite frame, offering a solace born from compassion and empathy. With utmost care, he held her, mindful of her fragility, ensuring that his embrace allowed for freedom and choice. As she sought refuge within the shelter of his arms, her tears continued to flow, a torrent of pent-up sorrow seeking release. Softly, he whispered reassurances, his voice a soothing balm in the face of her anguish, "Sshh, it's okay..." His words were tender, laced with a genuine desire to provide comfort. Gradually, he loosened his hold, creating a space for her to retreat if she so wished, yet maintaining a gentle connection to offer stability and support.

Sensing her vulnerability, he proposed a momentary escape from the bustling bar, a chance to seek solace in the embrace of nature's embrace. "Do you want to step outside for a bit? Grab some fresh air?", his voice, tinged with concern, conveyed a willingness to accommodate her needs. "Or do you want to stay in here?" His gaze flickered toward the large table in the corner, where his friends had just received their drinks, their eyes likely searching for his presence, unaware of the poignant encounter unfolding before him. The nurse had stiffened in his arms, her lip and chin trembling before letting out a choked sob, leaning into his figure. She was obviously struggling to answer him, though finally managed to whisper a hushed, "Outside." Although Connor had some trouble understanding her at first, the man figured out what she'd meant, carefully guiding her out of the busy bar outside onto its front porch.

The porch surrounding the bar exuded an undeniable charm, its quaint ambiance offering a respite from the clamor within. With a gentle gesture, Connor invited the nurse to take a seat on one of the vacant benches, cautiously settling beside her. The weight of the moment hung heavily in the air, prompting a lull in their conversation as both grappled with the weight of unspoken emotions. Searching for the right words to offer solace, Connor broke the silence, his brows knitting together in a compassionate display of concern. "Do you want to talk about it?" The genuine worry etched across his features served as an unspoken invitation, an open channel for her to unburden her heart. The nurse, her tears gradually receding as she attempted to regain composure, mustered the courage to share her plight. Her voice trembled with a mix of frustration and sorrow, her words punctuated by intermittent sniffles. "I...I worked really hard to make sure I got off at a-a normal time today, a-and he couldn't give me the d-decency to spend some time with me." Her voice cracked with a hint of indignation, tempered by a deep understanding of the demands of their respective careers. "H-his work is always so much more important, a-and I mean, I get it, b-but-" Her voice trailed off, swallowed by another wave of tears that cascaded down her cheeks.

Responding instinctively, Connor extended a comforting hand, his touch a gentle reassurance against her trembling back. His fingers traced soothing circles, seeking to offer her solace in a moment when words seemed inadequate. Thoughts raced through his mind, grappling with the best way to comfort her, to convey his support. With a soft, unwavering voice, he finally spoke, his words infused with empathy. "It's alright to feel hurt, Kara. Your feelings are valid. Relationships require a delicate balance, where both parties make an effort to prioritize each other. It's important to have open communication and mutual understanding." His words, though simple, carried the weight of sincerity, a testament to his genuine concern for her well-being. "And yes, work is important. But not more important than a partner. If someone really loves their partner, then they'll make time for them. I would... for my partner. If I had one." The firefighter sighed, his eyes narrow as he glanced over at the sobbing nurse to his right. "This is not the first time he's walked out on you, is it?"

Kara sought solace in the comforting shelter of Connor's shoulder, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her tears. A pang of discomfort pricked her heart as he acknowledged the recurrent nature of her disappointment, causing her to instinctively shield her face from his gaze. "No... it's not the first time.", she confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and frustration. "I just... I want to have nice dinners, and actually talk and...", her gaze shifted downward, drawn to the symbol of commitment on her finger, her voice trailing off as her thoughts swirled in the complexity of her emotions. "I want to think this stupid ring means something." Abruptly, she removed her engagement ring, contemplating it for a fleeting moment before hastily stowing it away in her purse. Observing this unfolding scene, Connor's mind raced to comprehend the significance of her action. A torrent of questions and concerns churned within him, yet he chose not to pry, not to question her decision in that moment.

Instead, he summoned a tender smile, a gentle reassurance that flickered in his eyes. "Well... in the meantime, I'll talk to you.", he offered, his voice infused with sincerity and a glimmer of hope. The twinkle in his eyes mirrored his genuine interest in being a source of comfort for her. Kara, her tears subsiding but her vulnerability still palpable, sniffled and wiped at her dampened face. Her voice, soft and tinged with a hint of gratitude, responded to his offer, "I'd like that. And a drink, honestly." Her admission, a yearning for both conversation and a respite from her emotional turmoil, resonated with Connor. With a nod of understanding, he rose from the bench, extending a hand to assist her. "Let's go back inside. We'll get that drink and find my friends. Just know that I'm here for you, Kara." The sincerity in his words held the promise of genuine companionship, a lifeline extended in a moment of vulnerability.

"Come, I'll introduce you to everyone."
, Connor gracefully extended his arm, offering to guide Kara back inside the bar where his friends awaited. She nodded appreciatively, but a pause hung in the air as she hesitated, her eyes searching his for a solution. "You wouldn't happen to have something I can clean my face with, would you?", she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and hope. The firefighter halted, his expression shifting to a momentary blend of surprise and amusement. With an awkward laugh, he replied, "I can give you my shirt?" A soft giggle escaped Kara's lips as she declined his offer, her concern for his shirt's cleanliness outweighing her immediate need. "N-no, I don't want to make your shirt dirty. I'll just step into the bathroom when we go in.", the blonde responded, her smile carrying a sense of relief and gratitude. Connor nodded understandingly, a gentle smile gracing his face as he held the door open, allowing her to enter first. "I can come with, stand outside of the door to make sure you're not disturbed?", he proposed, his concern evident in his voice. Kara's smile widened, appreciating his thoughtful gesture, as she nodded in agreement.

Together, they embarked on the short journey toward the bathroom, where Connor positioned himself outside, a silent sentinel guarding her privacy. Minutes ticked by as Kara carefully cleansed away the remnants of her makeup, the sound of running water mingling with muted conversations echoing from the bar. When she emerged, her countenance refreshed, Connor gestured toward the bustling bar. "What do you want to drink?" The nurse paused for a moment, contemplating her choice, her eyes meeting his with a renewed sense of excitement. Finally, Connor led Kara towards the bar, ensuring her safety and comfort along the way. As he ordered her drink, his military ID once again securing a discount, he turned to her with a warm smile. "Drinks are on me.", he declared playfully, his wink adding a touch of lightheartedness to the moment. Handing her the beverage, he watched as the bartender placed it on the counter before them. "Come on, follow me.", he beckoned, his voice infused with a newfound sense of camaraderie.

Nervously, Kara trailed behind Connor, navigating through the bustling bar, their footsteps intermingling with the murmur of conversations and clinking glasses. As they approached the large table in the back, Connor's friends fell into a hushed silence, their curiosity piqued by the presence of a new face by his side. Austin was the first to break the silence, recognizing Kara from the memorable apartment fire. Instantly, a chorus of acknowledgment followed, with Ophelia exclaiming, "Oh my, is that Kara?" Her curly hair pulled back into a tight bun, she couldn't help but admire Kara's appearance. Connor, his cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment, rolled his eyes at the playful teasing. "Shut up, Ophelia.", he retorted, his affection for Kara evident in his protective response.

Clearing his throat, Connor introduced Kara to his friends, gesturing toward each of them in turn. "So, guys, this is Kara. She'll be joining us tonight." The warm acceptance of his friends enveloped the atmosphere, with Charles graciously standing up to make room beside the two women on the team. "You can sit there.", he offered, a thin smile gracing his lips as he fetched a chair for himself. Connor resumed his introduction, gesturing toward the skinny blond man on his left. "So... this is Charles, one of our medics. And you already know Cap and Austin." Pointing towards the raven-haired man next to Cap, "That's Edmundo.", and then to the other woman opposite of him, "And that's Chi-han." They all flashed the nurse welcoming smiles, Chi-han patting the now-free spot next to her on the booth, inviting the blonde to sit down.

"Connor told us you had plans.", Ophelia spoke up, casting a knowing glance towards the ginger, "What made you join us after all?" Connor furrowed his brows, sitting down on his chair and scooting over closer towards the table, "Plans changed.", he replied for Kara, his lips curled into a gentle smile. "Well, I'm glad you're here. Now he might not constantly talk about you.", Chi-han chimed in, giggling softly as she wiggled her eyebrow at the poor firefighter seated at the edge of the large table. "Aw, look at him. His cheeks are almost as red as his hair.", she continued teasing him, only quieting down to take a sip of her cocktail. "You're a nurse, right?", Charles, who was usually rather quiet, inquired, re-adjusting his glasses on his face, "What pushed you into that direction? Why not become a paramedic, or a doctor?"
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Overwhelmed | Cheerful


Blue Cocktail Dress


Hank's Bar


Connor & Crew


ily Connor

As fate would have it, the petite dirty blonde came upon the exact same hole-in-the-wall bar that Connor and his team were celebrating Connor's return at, where he had invited her. She had stood there, a sniffling, sobbing mess, in front of Connor and all of his close coworkers, dumbfounded and a wreck from her fiancé's determination to work as much as humanly possible. To her surprise, rather than chastise her for crying and ruining her makeup, Connor had demonstrated a kindness she hadn't anticipated, embracing her and allowing her to weep, her emotions pouring past the broken remnants of her stone façade. The gentleman walked her outside, giving her the time and support she struggled to find on a regular basis with one whom she had almost sworn her life to, and still planned to. Yet it wasn't that man here that was giving her a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to — it was a flirty, red haired firefighter she had met a couple weeks prior and fought to treat, only to be swept off her feet by his charming personality and devilishly good looks. He even offered his shirt to appease her tears when she had little to no choice of how to hide her tears.

Even as she expressed her struggles and her pain, Connor demonstrated a kindness and understanding that she had only ever really experienced from Jessie, and her attempts at cheering Kara up usually came with cheesy movies and wine. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the information that Connor was single had taken root, as well as his offer to be there and talk to her whilst her fiancé remained absent from her life. Guilt filled her heart as she contemplated pursuing such a relationship, but the loneliness that lived their consumed any guilt she felt after seeing Connor's warm-hearted sincerity light up his appearance. How could she say no to the man when her mascara had already stained the white article of clothing clinging to his midriff? Smiling at his question, she asked for a Long Island Iced Tea, appreciating his amicable nature. She followed him through the bar similarly to a child following their parent, timid and afraid to stray too far as he spoke with the bartender, offering him a military I.D. Intrigued by his possession of such a card, she raised an eyebrow, peeking around him briefly to potentially gain a better view, but remained silent, following him as best she could in the heels that were starting to ache around the ankles.

The wave of silence that passed over Connor's firefighter coworkers made Kara's nerves worsen, as the stares were both unsettling and concerning. She glanced Connor's way as they walked forward, worrying that she may have been intruding or that they may already dislike her. Kara recognized Captain Nathaniel and Austin, giving half-hearted waves of greeting until Ophelia, a gorgeous woman with dark hair tied back in a braided bun, tan skin, and deep brown eyes gasped, causing Kara to freeze. "Oh my, is that Kara?" The brunette woman grinned as she asked, her playful tone causing Kara's brow to furrow as she looked Connor's way, noticing the red tinge in his cheeks and the hint of embarrassment in his voice as he told her to shut up. Pale blue eyes wide in surprise, she glanced back at Ophelia, blinking rapidly as she tried to properly absorb the situation. He's talked about me? Her face slowly began to burn a light pink as she pondered that thought, listening and nodding as he introduced her to his crew one by one, providing her with a brief list of names to memorize — as a nurse, it wouldn't be difficult — whilst appreciating the bar's low lighting and atmosphere as it mostly concealed her blush.

She thanked Charles with a nod for offering her his seat beside Ophelia, a shy,
"Thank you,"
barely leaving her lips before the cheerful woman beside her asked about her previous plans, causing Kara to still once more and glance at Connor in a panic. Thankfully, he handled the situation in her tensed moment of anxiety, and she broke out into an appreciative smile as her grateful eyes met his. When Chi-han perked up, Kara's gaze shifted, taking in the other woman's appearance as she, too, teased Connor for, once again, talking about Kara. A brief flicker confirmed that Connor was, as Chi-han stated, just as red as she claimed, indicating it carried some truth, only to be confirmed by Charles, who somehow knew she was a nurse. Flustered, she laughed lightly, shifting in the cushioned bar chair while she cleared her throat.
"Um, I...well nurses get to work more closely with patients, and I...I really like to help them through what they're coping with. Doctors are only ever really around for providing diagnoses or major test or surgery results, while nurses help the patients more consistently and provide the food, medication, and anything else a patient would need. It's like a more complicated form of caretaking, and I enjoy that."
While she spoke, her attention shifted to her fingers as she fumbled with them, feeling rather awkward after being put on the spot, but still talking about her career with a passion. Charles nodded, one of his hands placed thoughtfully on his chin. "Being a paramedic is quite stressful, but very rewarding work." Ophelia piped up beside her, quickly adding with a warm smile, "But we're glad to hand off our patients to nurses like you." Kara beamed back at her, appreciating her friendly behavior and Charles' inquiry — it made her feel included, which was an unfamiliar sensation.

"That and being a paramedic is too stressful for me,"
Kara chuckled, smiling abashedly before glancing towards Chi-han, her shy demeanor returning.
"Um..H-he's talked about me?"
Her tone embarrassed, but piqued by curiosity as she analyzed the woman's face intently. A wicked grin spread on her angular features as her eyes turned to Connor, his blush beginning to spread as he shifted his drink in his hands. "Oh yeah he did, didn't you, big boy?" Kara watched as Connor attempted to shrug off Chi-han's teasing remark, dismissing it with a nonchalant, "I just mentioned that you were my nurse." She lifted his glass to his face, attempting to hide it as he sipped his drink and Austin chimed in, "And that you were pretty." Edmundo swallowed his gulp of whatever colorful drink he had ordered, pointing at Kara. "Oh, and he kept telling us today that he would get injured just to see you again." At that, her lips parted, genuinely shocked at Connor's behavior. He pulled the glass away from his lips for a moment and rolled his eyes, offering a small shrug through his embarrassment. "What can I say, she's just a very good nurse."

Kara burst into joyous, lighthearted laughter at their banter, genuinely amused by their interactions. She envied this, wishing that she'd had an experience similar to this at some point in her life, but grateful to be witnessing one now.
"You...you guys act like a family, you know that? It's pretty rare to see a bunch of coworkers so close to one another."
She wiped at another tear, this one born from humor, as she commented on their work relationship, looking between the lot of them. Captain Nathaniel perked up, providing his contribution as their commander: "Well, we are a family. We may all have our personal lives and our own little families, but the fire house and all its members are one big family, as well." His comforting smile helped Kara feel a sense of what home should feel like with Connor's gang, filling her with a warmth she hadn't anticipated. Tears began to threaten her again, until Chi-han added with a not-so-hushed whisper: "And Connor's the annoying little brother," making the dirty blonde laugh again while Connor gave Chi-han the finger accompanied by a devilish, lopsided grin.

"Well, for what it's worth, I'm glad Connor told you about me. You guys seem like a really fun bunch of people. Also saves me from having to tell you I'm a nurse or that I'm pretty."
Kara added with a small amount of snark that made both Ophelia and Chi-han snicker, as well as add to Connor's beet red complexion. The atmosphere became more relaxed as they conversed, growing comfortable with one another and getting to know each other. At some point, Austin asked about how long Kara had lived in L.A., while Edmundo asked why she decided to join the crew with Connor being such a weirdo, both ending with laughter and more drinks as they proceeded to enjoy the night. At some point, Kara scooted a little closer to Connor, giving Ophelia space to wave her arms about as she told some entertaining story from their earlier days of firefighting, and briefly glanced up at Connor, her cheeks warm from the amount of alcohol she'd consumed and her proximity to the attractively well-built man.

"Thank you for letting me join you guys. They're a lot of fun."
She whispered up at him, her arm brushing against his as she leaned towards him slightly, taking advantage of the fact that the others were quite engrossed in Ophelia's storytelling or their own alcoholic beverages. She herself was on her third...or perhaps her fourth...and was certainly feeling the effects, her mind fuzzy and her heartbeat loud in her ears as the warmth in her chest made her shiver slightly against Connor. as his soft words graced her ears, she watched him with a smile, listening more to him than to Ophelia. "You're always welcome here with us." His smile was comforting and polite, though his gaze shifted to their arms shortly after and his cheeks once more became speckled with a darkish tint, making her smirk up at him.
"You know, you look really cute when you blush."
The moderately intoxicated blonde leaned closer to him, watching him eagerly with her pale, sky blue stare, her lips widening into a grin as his blush deepened and his cerulean gaze met hers. "Am I?" His bashful whisper made her giggle against him, leaning her head against his shoulder while she looked up at him. His angelic smile was radiant as he returned the compliment, his flirtatious nature showing. "I guess you look pretty cute, too."

A soft scoff escaped her lips as she shifted slightly, continuing to peer at him with a mischievous smirk on her lips once more.
"Pretty cute, huh? I remember you saying incredibly beautiful and amazing and very, very, veeeery pretty. I think that's more than pretty cute."
She pouted her lips playfully, gently poking his chest with each compliment he had given her earlier that day, watching with satisfaction as he chuckled, his gaze locked with hers, the smaller woman unable to read the emotions hidden within them. "Well, I do think you're very... very beautiful." Her heart leapt as she barely heard him speak, her smirk falling as she analyzed his features for any hint of trickery, her blood pounding in her ears. She broke the stare and sat up straight after a moment of being unable to look away, forcing her breathing to regulate as she moved to finish her drink in one go, asking for yet another whilst blushing furiously.
Damn it, what am I doing?

♡coded by uxie♡
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Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: Slightly tipsy, nervous, flirty
Location: LA Downtown, Hank's Bar
Outfit: blue Jeans + off-white shirt

The night unfolded languidly, its velvety curtain draped over the revelers as conversations ebbed and flowed, punctuated by laughter and the clinking of glasses. Ophelia, a vivacious soul, regaled the gathering with a captivating tale from her fledgling days as a probationary firefighter. Her gestures swept through the air, like graceful brushstrokes accentuating her words. Caught in the midst of the merriment, Connor sensed Kara's eyes fixated on him, a gentle weight that he couldn't ignore. He glanced downward, his gaze meeting the nurse by his side, her presence comforting and unassuming. A flicker of gratitude danced in her eyes, barely noticeable but deeply felt. "Thank you for letting me be a part of your group.", she whispered, her breath brushing against his ear, their arms gently brushing against each other as she leaned closer.

Her words, a soft melody, enraptured him more than Ophelia's animated tale. "You're always welcome here with us.", he replied, his smile a shield of warmth and politeness. Yet, as his gaze momentarily shifted to their entwined arms, a touch of vulnerability tinted his cheeks, like the blush of a rose unveiling its delicate petals. Kara couldn't help but smirk, her lips curving upward in silent amusement. His embarrassment surfaced instantly, flushing his cheeks with a deeper shade of crimson. "You know, you look really cute when you blush.", she teased, her golden tresses cascading around her as she leaned closer to him. Her pale, sky-blue eyes glistened with anticipation, fixed intently upon him. With each passing moment, his blush deepened, his cerulean gaze locking with hers, a dance of bashfulness and intrigue. "Do I?", the firefighter murmured, his voice tinged with shyness, echoing through the intimate space between them. Kara couldn't contain her delight, a giggle bubbling up from within her as she nestled her head against his shoulder, her gaze still fixed upon him from beneath lowered lashes. His angelic smile, radiant and untamed, mirrored her own as he reciprocated the compliment, a playful flirtation surfacing in his words. "I guess you look pretty cute, too."

In that enchanting moment, time held its breath, an intangible pause that encapsulated the delicate connection between them. The room was bathed in a hushed anticipation as their exchange, akin to a symphony of whispered secrets and stolen glances, wove an invisible spell, ensnaring the hearts of all who bore witness. A mischievous spark danced in the nurse's eyes as she playfully scoffed, a coy smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. Shifting in her seat, she toyed with him, her voice laced with a teasing undertone, "Pretty cute, huh? I remember you saying incredibly beautiful and amazing and very, very, veeeery pretty. I think that's more than pretty cute." With each compliment playfully delivered, she punctuated her words by gently poking his chest, relishing in the delightful effect she had on him. A soft chuckle escaped Connor's lips as he locked his gaze with hers, a captivating dance of emotions swirling within his eyes, like hidden depths waiting to be explored. "Well, I do think you're very... very beautiful.", he began, his voice trailing off momentarily as his eyes, almost involuntarily, descended upon her lips, lingering a moment too long. Breaking their intense stare, Kara sat up straight, a flicker of vulnerability betraying her composure. The woman reached for her drink, determined to finish it in one gulp, her cheeks flushed with an exquisite shade of crimson.

Meanwhile, Connor's nerves betrayed him as he gulped audibly, mirroring her action by swiftly finishing his own drink. The intensity of the moment propelled him to call after the waiter, his voice betraying a touch of urgency as he requested yet another libation. His palms moistened, a subtle sign of his unease, as he sought solace in the familiar presence of an ever-flowing elixir, beckoning for the numbness it promised. A sudden interruption shattered the fragile stillness, as Austin's voice cut through the air like a playful breeze. Connor lifted his gaze from the table, meeting his best friend's mischievous stare. Austin, never one to shy away from blunt observations, reveled in unveiling the truth. "Wow, you've never looked at me like that.", the brunet quipped, a teasing glint dancing in his eyes, "Seems like you two are hitting it off quite well, huh?" Connor's expression tightened, a mix of annoyance and vulnerability clouding his features. Austin's knack for stating the obvious could be aggravating at times. "And I don't think I've ever seen you blush that much.", Austin continued, his words laced with playful mockery.

The firefighter's blush deepened in response, a crimson tide sweeping across his cheeks like an unyielding flame. With a frown etching its way onto his face, Connor shook his head, attempting to dismiss the implications. "Listen, it's just the booze, okay?" The rest of the group joined in, their laughter filling the air, their attention now laser-focused on the pair seated side by side. Chi-han, seizing the moment, leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table as she teasingly probed the boundaries. "I thought you handled alcohol pretty well.", she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of playful skepticism. "What about you, Kara? Are you a lightweight or do you handle alcohol with ease?" The answer to Chi-han's question hung in the air, almost palpable in its obviousness. After a mere four drinks, Kara teetered on the edge of tipsiness, her intoxication leaving little room for doubt. Her flushed cheeks betrayed her, a testament to her diminishing resistance against the liquid spirits that had flowed freely throughout the night.

A defiant glimmer flickered in the nurse's eyes as she muttered her response, her voice tinged with determination, "I... I can hold my own... I think." Connor couldn't help but be captivated by her tenacity, a gentle smirk playing upon his lips as his gaze locked with hers once more. There was an inexplicable allure about her, something that completely enamored him. It was a peculiar sensation, considering their limited acquaintance, and yet an invisible force seemed to draw him inexorably closer to her. "I can see that.", Ophelia chimed in, her laughter ringing softly in the air. With genuine curiosity, she continued their playful interrogation, "Do you like animals, Kara? Are you allergic to any?" The nurse pondered for a moment, contemplating her response before finally speaking up, "I looooove them. Especially cats. I love dogs too, though. And rabbits. And geckos. And snakes." Her enthusiasm for the animal kingdom poured forth like a wellspring of affection, drawing nods and amused furrows of brows from the others at the table. The blonde seemed to delight in adding random creatures to her ever-growing list.

Amidst the lighthearted banter, Edmundo interjected, his laughter a soft melody in the air, "I think we get it, Kara. You really like animals, don't you?" Ophelia joined in the amusement, leaning closer towards the nurse, her eyes sparkling with genuine warmth. "Well, that's perfect because you're honestly such a sweetheart. I'd love to see you again. I'm sure we all share the same sentiment, don't we?" The group nodded in unison, their agreement resounding like a harmonious chorus. Connor, in particular, couldn't help but smile, his heart swelling with silent affirmation. "Perfect! Well, I'm hosting a barbecue at my place next week. I have two dogs and a cat, hence why I'm asking. Wanna come? What do you say?" Ophelia's question hung in the air, pregnant with anticipation. Kara's eyes widened, a gasp of incredulity escaping her lips. "You want me to come?!", she exclaimed, her voice tinged with joyful surprise. Ophelia nodded enthusiastically, a wide grin adorning her luscious lips. "I'll get to meet your furry friends?!", Kara erupted in a fit of giggles, her excitement bubbling over. "Yes!!", she exclaimed, punctuating her exuberance with a victorious dance in her seat. The group basked in her contagious enthusiasm, their smiles radiating warmth and acceptance. Ophelia nodded in affirmation, sharing in Kara's joy. "Connor, you have the best friends. Makes sense, cause I like you, too.", the nurse suddenly blurted out, causing the firefighter by her side to almost choke on his newly acquired drink.

"Yeah?", Connor leaned in slightly closer, the warmth of their arms brushing against each other once more. If she were any other woman in the establishment, he might have been emboldened to act upon his desires. He could have simply placed his hand on her leg, seeking a tactile connection, demonstrating his longing for intimacy. But Kara was not just any woman. She was not exactly a stranger, nor was she single. The circumstances weighed upon him, restraining his impulsive inclinations. "I'm glad.", he responded, his voice soft and genuine, "I like you too." Austin struggled to contain his laughter, nudging Cap with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Wow, he's completely smitten, isn't he?", he whispered, his voice barely audible. Cap, the seasoned middle-aged man, could only offer a knowing nod in response.

Sensing an opportunity to further kindle their connection, Chi-han gently tapped the nurse's hand, directing her attention towards Connor. "Did you know that he's really good with animals?", she inquired, her voice filled with intrigue. Ophelia's eyes widened with a soft gasp, her expression reflecting genuine interest. "Oh, that's true! He actually helped me out with my reactive dog, Layla." Connor, his cheeks flushed with a renewed blush, shook his head dismissively, attempting to downplay his abilities. "No, really, it's not a big deal-", he interjected, his voice tinged with humility. Rolling his eyes playfully, he turned to Kara, explaining, "When I was younger, we had a dog for a brief period. He had some behavioral issues, so I spent my time training him, working on reducing his reactivity and such. Just a small thing, really."





Cheerful & Embarrassed > Sick


Blue Cocktail Dress


Hank's Bar


Connor & Crew


ily Connor

As it passed through her lips, the warmth of the tea-colored alcohol spread down her throat and into her chest, tingling her insides with an almost buzzing sensation as she allowed the drink to mellow her out, calming the anxious panic that had briefly overtaken her mind in the moment of vulnerability in front of a man she had no business flirting with. She was taken - engaged, no less - and she was here, flirting with another man, spending time with people who were essentially his family, and enjoying their presence more than she deserved to. Guilt wracked her heart as she finished the beverage, the waiter coming around to replenish it as Connor called for them with a sense of urgency that gave her a small sense of relief - he was as nervous as she was. The moment Austin returned the table's attention to the two flirts, Kara's crimson blush spread to her ears as she shoved her face in her glass, desperate to hide it from view. She wanted nothing more than to find a hole to crawl in so she could avoid all of the teasing that was going on, even though it was directed at Connor more than her. However, when Connor blamed his attraction on the booze, she felt a small twinge of hurt in her heart, making her ache as she tuned out of the conversation, her eyes flickering up only when she heard her name mentioned.

Of course, being the stubborn woman she was, she declared she could hold her own when it came to alcohol, her eyes meeting Connor's for a brief moment before she turned away again, the scarlet stain upon her face unchanged as she began drinking her fifth drink, feeling her mind slowly give in to the mellow, relaxed sensation of being entirely drunk. She lightly swayed from side to side as she listened to the music playing towards the back of the bar, closing her eyes and focusing on the melody to help relax her mind and body before she was asked another question, this time by Ophelia, regarding animals. Immediately, her mind was enraptured by the topic. She loved animals, and made that point very clear, resulting in some laughter from the others as well as an amused comment from Edmundo, though his words were a tad bit fuzzy. Ophelia grasped her attention once more after Kara was so rudely interrupted during her ramble, mentioning something about a party and her wanting Kara to attend, as well as the fact that there would be pets present. Enthused, Kara asked quite obviously, expressing her glee at the potential for meeting fuzzy friends.
"You want me to come?!"
Ophelia's matched excitement made Kara bounce and dance with excitement, turning to share her delight with the man who had so easily captured her attention and was slowly encroaching upon her walled-off heart.

"Connor, you have the best friends. Makes sense, cause I like you, too."
She smiled warmly up at him, all sense of inhibition completely absent from her personal atmosphere, replaced with a bubbly, happy-go-lucky aura that was rather contagious. The dirty blonde beamed up at Connor, giggling softly as he nearly choked on his beverage, but rather than saying a snarky, playful comment, he leaned closer to her, his soft whisper and kind eyes genuine as he responded, warming her heart more than the alcohol or Dylan ever had. "Yeah? I'm glad. I like you, too." Kara's pale blue gaze locked onto Connor's soothing look, her heart beginning to race once more - or had it been racing this entire time? A tapping on her hand distracted her from Connor's softness, directing a confused, furrowed expression towards her hand, then towards the person who had reached over to tap it. Chi-han pointed at Connor, offering Kara another tidbit of his personality with a kind expression. "Did you know that he's really good with animals?" She prompted, making Kara's eyes go wide in astonishment.

"Oh, that's true! He actually helped me out with my reactive dog, Layla." Ophelia added on, furthering Kara's amazement. She turned to look back at Connor, her mouth agape in surprise as her inebriated mind tried absorbing the information. He quickly moved to dismiss the praise, his bashfulness taking over once again. "No, really, it's not a big deal. When I was younger, we had a dog for a brief period. He had some behavioral issues, so I spent my time training him, working on reducing his reactivity and such. Just a small thing, really." Despite his attempts to downplay his experiences, Kara immediately harped on his explanation, placing a hand on his arm excitedly.
"That's so awesome!! Do you think you could help me try to do that with my cat?! Is that something you can do with cats? That's so cool!"
Her ebullient behavior took over the conversation as soon as the other women turned it to Connor, Kara's fervor livening up the table once again.

"I... have never heard of reactive cats, but ehm- I guess?" Kara's brightly lit features quickly drooped into a disappointed expression, her lower lip jutting out slightly in a pout.
"Oh...okay. Maybe not."
She sighed dejectedly, sipping once more on her fifth and probably final drink, her brow furrowing as she looked at the amber-colored liquid, her very-full bladder suddenly making itself known as she was reminded of her liquid intake by the icy beverage sweating on the table in her grasp. Her absentminded hand still on Connor's arm, Kara mumbled softly to herself,
"I need to pee."
Shifting out of her seat, she attempted to put all of her weight down on one foot to steady herself as she got off the chair, but failed horribly as her knees buckled beneath her, eliciting a small yelp from her as she plummeted to the ground, shutting her eyes tightly as she braced herself for the impact that never came.

Feeling a warm grasp about her waist, she blinked one eye open, her arms curled up in front of her from the panic as she realized Connor had caught her, and that she was feeling his large, strong hands on either side of her, holding her upright. Realizing that he must have jumped from his seat to keep her from collapsing, she offered a dry laugh as the world spinned, murmuring a soft, "Oh God," as he helped her stand steadily, offering his arm to her. "You okay? Hold onto me." She nodded, obliging as she grasped his strong forearm, using it to root herself until the world started spinning. Ophelia had also risen from her seat, offering a sympathetic smile. "Bathroom?" The brunette asked with a soft chuckle, to which Kara nodded. She smiled shyly up at Connor, embarrassed but grateful for his aid.
"Thank you, handsome. Veeery muscley~"
She teased as Ophelia gently tugged on Kara's arm, leading her away from the table of talkative firefighters to the womens' restroom, kept impeccably clean despite its public status.

The moment Kara entered the restroom, she immediately stumbled into a stall, abandoning Ophelia's arm for the sweet release of her bladder - she hadn't had a chance to eat earlier, so the alcohol was the only thing filling her growling stomach. The petite blonde groaned, urging a concerned response from Ophelia. "Everything alright in there, Kara?" Her voice was laced with a hint of worry, to which Kara physically waved off, not realizing Ophelia couldn't see it.
"Mmm...fine...just hungry. Haven't eaten since lunch...?"
The drunk woman attempted to focus on the events from earlier in the day, but quickly gave up as she finished her business and stumbled out of the stall, reaching the sink to wash her hands. Sadly, that was not the only use she would make of the porcelain dish as she quickly began to vomit, emptying part of the contents of her stomach. Ophelia lurched forward, words of panic and distress coming from her, but most of it was muffled to Kara's ears as her mind spun and her body heaved against the counter.

She wasn't sure how long the two of them remained there, Kara hunched over the running sink with Ophelia holding most of her hair back, only feeling relieved when Kara could finally regulate her breathing despite her sluggish body language and drooping eyelids. Ophelia's voice floated back into existence in Kara's mind as she heard her soft voice ask in a motherly tone, "Kara, honey, let's get you home. Where do you live? We can take you there." Her gentle behavior and thoughtfulness made Kara feel warm once more, cherishing the care that she showed for the stumbling woman.
Kara murmured between staggered breaths as she leaned into Ophelia, her arm draped over the taller woman's shoulders as they left the bathroom and headed towards the table with all of Connor's friends. "Hey Connor, we have a slight problem."

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: concerned
Location: back seat of the cab on its way to his apartment
Outfit: blue jeans + off-white shirt

In an unexpected turn of events, Kara's quiet murmur about needing to relieve herself disrupted the tranquility of the room. All heads swiveled in her direction, their gazes fixated on her as she rose from her seat. Yet, as she attempted to gain her footing, her legs betrayed her, causing her to stumble with a stifled yelp. A rush of concern filled the air, and it was as if time slowed down for Connor, his reflexes taking over before conscious thought could catch up. In a blur of motion, the firefighter propelled himself out of his chair, propelled by an instinctual urge to catch her. His hands instinctively found purchase on either side of the nurse's waist, serving as steadfast anchors to prevent her from collapsing completely. The weight of her delicate frame settled against him, and he found himself steadying her, offering his arm as a lifeline for support. His worried brow knitted together, mirroring the genuine concern etched onto his features. "Are you okay? Hold onto me.", he softly murmured, his voice a tender solace amidst the chaos that had unfolded. Kara, nodding in response, clung to him tightly, grasping onto his arm. Ophelia, too, had risen from her seat, drawn to the scene by a compassionate instinct. She approached with a sympathetic smile, her eyes filled with empathy.

"Bathroom?", the woman inquired, a gentle chuckle lacing her words. Kara nodded sheepishly, her gaze flickering up to the ginger, an apologetic smile gracing her lips, as she playfully teased, "Thank you, handsome. Veeery muscley~" Ophelia, ever caring, tugged gently at the blonde's arm, guiding her away from the animated group of firefighters towards the sanctuary of the women's restroom. Connor stood there, an enigmatic blend of emotions swirling within him as he watched their retreat, a fond smirk etched onto his lips. Austin's voice suddenly pierced through the air, breaking the spell of collective worry, "Gonna tell us the real reason why Kara joined us?" His words hung heavy with anticipation, coaxing Connor to pivot on his heels and reclaim his seat. Exhaling a wearied sigh, the ginger raised the glass to his lips, savoring the remnants of his drink as he furrowed his brows in contemplation. "She was supposed to be on a date with her fiancé.", the firefighter finally revealed, his words landing like unexpected sparks in the air. Chi-han and Edmundo, caught off guard by the revelation, nearly choked on their own drinks, while Charles, Cap, and Austin stared at Connor in utter disbelief. Chi-han, her voice tinged with apprehension, leaned forward and sought clarification, "Fiancé? She's engaged?" Her nod betrayed a mix of curiosity and concern, silently urging Connor to elaborate. "Did you know?"

The ginger shook his head, his features etched with genuine surprise and a hint of frustration. "No, of course I didn't know. Her best friend told me about it when we were at the ER.", he explained, his voice laced with a tinge of disappointment. The weight of the revelation settled heavily upon the table, each member nodding in tacit understanding of the unforeseen circumstances that had brought Kara to their table. Sensing the lingering curiosity, Edmundo, his drink in hand, leaned back, exuding an aura of curiosity as he probed further, "So, what happened?", his voice carrying a mix of intrigue and eagerness. Connor's shoulders sagged under the weight of the unsettling revelation, his gaze cast downward as he grappled with how to navigate the delicate terrain of their inquiries. The bond they shared compelled him to speak honestly, even if the truth carried a bitter sting. Taking a deep breath, he mustered the strength to reveal the disheartening truth. "Her best friend, Jessie, told me that he's a real piece of shit.", Connor confessed, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and empathy. The words hung in the air, echoing with the harsh reality of the situation. Leaning forward, the man continued to unravel the unsettling encounter he had witnessed at the emergency room, his expression clouded with lingering doubt. "Even when he arrived to pick Kara up at the ER, it was clear that there was something off about him.", Connor recounted, his words tinged with disappointment, "He didn't even have the courtesy to introduce himself to me. It was as if she, and everyone else, were a mere afterthought." The fire within his eyes flickered, fueled by a potent mix of protectiveness and indignation.

"They went to a restaurant, you see-", Connor explained, his voice brimming with a hint of incredulity, "And then he just left her there. No explanation, no remorse. Work called. But it's not the first time he's done something like this, not by a long shot." The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, the truth unraveling the façade of a seemingly idyllic relationship. The table fell silent, a collective mix of disbelief, anger, and concern etched upon their faces. "And then she came here? To the bar?", Charles' voice resonated with a mixture of sadness and frustration, his features contorted into a pout of disapproval. The revelation of Kara seeking solace in their company after such a callous act only deepened the sudden disdain they felt toward her disloyal fiancé. Connor met Charles' gaze, a flicker of anger shadowing his eyes. "What an asshole.", Charles continued, his words dripping with righteous indignation, "I understand that mistakes happen, but if this is a recurring pattern for him, there's simply no excuse. Unless he's saving lives as a doctor, he should have been there for her." The table nodded in agreement, their shared sentiment crystalizing into an unspoken consensus. Connor's lips twisted into a wry smirk, his distrust of the police force seeping into his words. "He's a cop.", he muttered dismissively, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Guess some things never change. They're still all pigs."

His distaste for law enforcement had always simmered beneath the surface, and each new revelation only added fuel to the fire of his animosity. Kara, even in her relative newness to his life, deserved better than someone who failed to prioritize her well-being, someone who would leave her stranded in a restaurant. The irony was not lost on Connor, as he contemplated the contrast between himself and Kara's negligent fiancé. "I just don't understand why she would stay with such an asshole.", Connor voiced his confusion, his words trailing off into a mixture of contemplation and unspoken possibility. In that moment, a flicker of understanding danced in his eyes, a fleeting realization that perhaps Kara needed someone who would cherish her, someone who would put her needs above all else, someone like him. In the midst of their conversation, a familiar voice suddenly cascaded over the gathering, drawing Connor's attention. He turned, his eyes widening as he beheld Kara, leaning against Ophelia, the firefighter providing a steadying presence with her arm draped protectively over the blonde's shoulders. A sense of concern knotted in his stomach as he greeted her. "Hey, Connor, we have a slight problem.", Ophelia's voice quivered with a mix of exhaustion and vulnerability. Connor's brow furrowed, his worry amplifying with each passing second. Eager to understand the situation, he locked his gaze onto her, awaiting her explanation.

"What problem?", he pressed, his voice laced with a genuine sense of urgency. His eyes scanned Kara's pale complexion, noticing the telltale signs of dizziness and the faint aroma of alcohol wafting around her. "Is she okay?", concern deepened the lines etched upon his face as he awaited Ophelia's response. Ophelia's shrug conveyed her own uncertainty, a glimmer of concern shadowing her eyes. "I'm not sure.", she admitted, her voice tinged with apprehension, "I think we should get her home, but the issue is... she doesn't remember her address." A collective groan emanated from the table, the realization of the predicament sinking in. Panic threaded through their thoughts, a palpable sense of helplessness washing over them. Connor muttered an expletive Fuck under his breath, his furrowed brow reflecting the weight of responsibility upon his shoulders. The clock displayed the unrelenting truth: 3 AM. Calling Kara's best friend, Jessie, for assistance seemed logical, yet it posed a moral dilemma. He didn't want to disrupt her rest and invade her privacy at such an hour. As the weight of the situation bore down upon him, Connor's mind raced with potential solutions. Finally, he mustered the courage to voice his plan, his words laced with a mix of determination and concern. "Can anyone call a cab?", he uttered softly, his voice carrying an undercurrent of resolve. Moving towards Kara and Ophelia, he approached with a gentle frown etched upon his face, ready to take up the mantle of support.

"C'mon, lean onto me.", Connor beckoned, his voice a soothing balm amidst the chaos. With a tender gesture, he encircled the nurse with one arm, providing a steady anchor to keep her upright. The touch of his embrace radiated warmth and reassurance, a lifeline in her moment of vulnerability. "Oh, you smell so good.", Kara whispered, her speech slightly slurred as she leaned into the firefighter's protective touch. Cap, ever the practical thinker, interjected, his fingers dancing across the screen of his phone as he coordinated their escape route. "Where are you taking her? Do you know where she lives?", he inquired, his voice brimming with concern. Connor's head shook gently, an admission of his limited knowledge in the face of uncertainty. "No, I don't.", he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. The truth hung heavy in the air, highlighting the absence of a straightforward solution. A flicker of determination ignited within Connor's eyes as he voiced his proposition, his tone a blend of tentative conviction. "I'm just taking her back to my place.", the man announced, a sense of responsibility coloring his words. The room fell silent, their collective thoughts wrestling with the implications of his decision. A wave of worry washed over Connor as he continued, his voice steady, "I'll sleep on the couch. It's the best option we have for now."

A mere few minutes later, the cab finally arrived, signaling a moment of relief amidst the swirling uncertainty. Austin, ever the dependable friend, swiftly took charge, ensuring the financial aspect was settled as he closed the tab. Meanwhile, Connor focused on Kara's well-being, his protective instincts guiding each step of their departure. With gentle care, the firefighter guided the inebriated nurse into the awaiting taxi, his touch both tender and purposeful. He ensured she was seated upright, mindful of her safety, before carefully securing her seatbelt. As he leaned in closer, their proximity tinged with a hint of intimacy, Kara's laughter danced through the air, her cheeks flushed and spirits lifted by the lingering effects of alcohol. "So tall." A playful and affectionate remark escaped her lips, eliciting a tender smile from Connor. "You're so nice. And pretty.", Kara giggled, her words laced with a sense of sincerity and inebriated innocence. Connor's gaze held hers, captivated by the warmth emanating from her, the connection between them palpable. For a fleeting moment, his eyes lingered on her lips, temptation and desire flickering in the depths of his being. Yet, a sense of responsibility and respect tempered his actions, prompting him to regain his composure and settle into the seat beside her. Addressing the taxi driver, Connor relayed his destination, his attention never straying far from the nurse's side. Despite the motion of the vehicle as it began its journey, his watchful eyes remained fixed upon her, a silent vow to ensure her safety and well-being.





Drunk & Sleepy


Blue Cocktail Dress > Black Bra & Shorts


Hank's Bar > Connor's Apt




ily Connor

Overlapping voices reduced to hushes fell on overwhelmed ears as the noises of the people surrounding them and the music overhead quickly took over her senses, as well as the smell of the very alcohol she had just vomited. The burning sensation of her gastric juices lingered in her throat and mouth despite sipping water, but not much could be done about it in her current state. Her sight of the bar spun, her head tilted as she struggled to see straight and make her way successfully back to Connor's table - thankfully Ophelia knew the way and could guide them safely. Connor briefly appeared in her vision before melding back into the blurry background, still managing to make her smile just by being there. Ophelia's voice barely escaped her understanding, but the collective groan that ensued from the table made her giggle softly in amusement. Maybe Ophelia told a really bad pun?

In what felt like seconds, Kara felt Ophelia's presence leave and a large warmth replace it, murmuring softly in Connor's voice: "C'mon, lean onto me." Obligated to do what she was told, she leaned into the comforting embrace, feeling it anchor her to the Earth from where her mind floated above, still holding onto the buzzed feeling of the alcohol in her system.
"Oh, you smell so good."
She whispered softly, giggling as the firefighter took her, holding her close and giving her the resolute support she needed to continue to stand in place. A pinching sensation began to emanate from her feet, and, glancing down, she noticed the redness on the backs of her feet and at her toes, frowning deeply as she tried to understand why her feet were changing color.
She mumbled, holding on tightly to Connor, gripping his shirt tightly as she made sure not to topple over.

The conversation had between Connor and his coworkers passed Kara by entirely, as she focused on the way he smelled, the bright colors of the bar, and how exhausted she was feeling. Connor's arms felt so comfortable that she considered dozing off, but the pain in her heels made it difficult to lull to any form of sleep. "No, I don't...I'm just taking her back to my place....I'll sleep on the couch. It's the best option we have for now." She heard the redhead's voice intermittently, her lips curling into a grin as he mentioned where they would be going.
Ooooh, Connor's rooooom.
She snorted softly in a fit of giggles as Connor guided her to the bar door, the chime sounding softly now that they crossed over from noisy bar to quieter streets, the only noises occupying them consisting of cars driving to and fro and people chattering outside of late night establishments.

As the boys wrangled up a taxi, Kara smiled, following Connor's lead as he helped her into her seat, which felt quite wobbly to her, and began to fasten her seatbelt for her, to which she giggled.
"So tall." So handsome.
She wore her affection for him clear as day on her pale face, giggling as her cheeks remained that steady shade of pink.
"You're so nice. And pretty."
She complimented him with no intention of holding back any thoughts that came to mind, her pale blue gaze somehow fixated on his, despite the swimming vision. She watched his attention shift down slightly, and her brow furrowed as she looked down at her chest, misinterpreting. She looked back up and narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms in front of her chest defensively.
was all she could manage to mutter as he settled into the seat beside her and said something about something to the taxi driver before handing him some cash.

"You know, you don't need to stare at my chest - they're just boobs. Staring is very rude, you know."
She sniffed indignantly at him, before leaning her head on his shoulder. "WHAT? I'm not staring at your boobs, Kara-" Despite the muscular firefighter's protests, his words fell on deaf ears as she slid one hand between his torso and his arm, wrapping around his arm as she hugged it to her for better pillow purposes.
"Mm... 'sides, I took you for an ass man, myself."
She mumbled as she leaned against him, giggling after she said it. The words he muttered after this comment, however, came through to her, making her blush deepen as she simply continued to giggle. "And well, I don't exactly have a preference myself. Both are good." She squeezed his arm in response, closing her eyes for what felt like a moment after her giggling subsided and she focused on his scent: a mixture of fire smoke from his uniform and what smelled like pine trees.

The quiet taxi ride to Connor's apartment wasn't too long, though it passed by rather quickly for the two of them as Kara began to doze on Connor's arm, snoring softly due to her congested nose from all of the crying several hours prior. The protective redhead watched her intently, occasionally glancing out of the taxi cab's window to keep track of where they were and ensure her safety. Several minutes passed as they drove from the center of L.A. to the nicer neighborhoods, to the suburbs that were only about half an hour from the station Connor worked at, conveniently nearby Long Beach. As the taxi reached its destination, Connor thanked the driver with a charming smile before attempting to retrieve Kara from the vehicle, unbuckling her and enveloping her petite figure with his arms, carefully lifting her from the cushions with as much tenderness as possible. With one arm beneath the crevice of her knees and the other clutching her back, he made sure she was securely against him before heading into the complex, climbing a flight of stairs to reach his single bedroom apartment, walking with stronger strides than the blonde would have been able to manage in her state. Stirring awake in his arms, Kara looked up at Connor with mild wonder in her hazy vision, smiling lazily upon seeing him.

"Well hello, handsome. If you weren't so far away, you would be veeeeery kissable right now."
She murmured, giggling softly in her sleepy stupor. The redhead physically paused, whether it was due to her words or because they were in front of his front door, she wasn't sure, and hesitated. "Let's get you to bed before you do anything stupid." He helped set her feet down on the ground, frowning as he noticed the blisters on the backs of her heels, but remaining silent as he helped her steady herself. She snickered softly in response, hugging him close as he helped her to her feet, enjoying the warmth and scent of him being so close. Her eyes closed as she leaned into his arm again, holding it tightly once more while she listened to the jingling of keys and eventually the opening of the door. Heavy eyelids opened up again with resistance as she moved in the direction Connor led her, appreciating the silence that followed - it was a much calmer environment than the bar, especially in the middle of the night.

The décor was quaint - it was simple, not very personalized - with sheets already on the couch, likely from when Connor had been injured, across from a TV on its stand, with a small dining table nearby and some chairs tucked beneath it. The table was very neat with only a couple pieces of mail on top of it, and a couple doors off to the side led to what she could only assume was the bedroom and a bathroom, or something of the sort. The tall, attractive man tossed his keys into a nearby bowl on the kitchen counter before continuing to guide Kara through the apartment, explaining its layout. She more or less understood - probably less - and simply wanted to collapse hear and there. She could feel the wooziness of the alcohol shift into exhaustion as he helped her plop onto the bed, giving her an opportunity to glance around the room.

The large bed was located in the center of the room, with a bedside table on one side and a bookshelf on the other. A couple guitars were nestled in their stands beside the bookshelf, while on her left there was a closet and another couple shelves containing what looked like photographs and trinkets. It was certainly more homey than the rest of the apartment. While she looked around, he spoke softly to her, kneeling down to remove the shoes that were causing her so much pain. "I can get you some clothing to sleep in and hopefully wear tomorrow. We'll see how things go from there." His care was nurturing and kind, making her smile instinctively. A nasty thought shoved its way into her skull, planting a seed of doubt in the marriage she was intending on going through with.
Why can't Dylan be like this?
Grumbling softly beneath her breath, she stood as soon as Connor helped her out of the high heels, beginning to unzip her dress and shimmy the fancy fabric off while he rummaged through his spacious closet for something she could sleep in.

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: concerned --> sleepy
Location: his apartment
Outfit: blue jeans + off-white shirt --> black briefs

As the taxi glided through the dimly lit streets, the city's nocturnal symphony played in the background, its melancholic notes echoing through the night. The ride seemed to pass swiftly, a mere blur of streetlights and fleeting glimpses of passing strangers. Connor, tenderly expressed his gratitude to the cab driver as they arrived at the apartment complex, before gracefully exiting the vehicle. With purposeful strides, the firefighter circled the car, his anticipation mounting. Kara's sleeping form, adorned in her beautiful blue dress, rested peacefully within. Connor approached her side, his eyes softening as he beheld her delicate features. A compassionate smile graced his lips as he skillfully unbuckled the nurse, his touch gentle and unhurried, his arms enfolding her in a protective embrace. Like a fragile bundle, the man cradled her, his strength evident yet tempered with tenderness. Balancing her weight effortlessly, he ensured her comfort, his arm cradling the curve of her knees while the other secured her against his broad chest. Finally, he made his way towards the towering complex.

As the metallic doors of the elevator refused to yield, their usual mechanical symphony silenced, Connor embarked on a physical ascent up the winding staircase. Each step echoed with a muffled thud, resonating in the stillness of the night. With each arduous flight conquered, his muscles strained, his breath steadied. The world outside faded into insignificance as he focused solely on the precious cargo in his arms. It was during this arduous climb that Kara began to stir from her slumber. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes bleary with the remnants of intoxication. As her gaze settled upon Connor's rugged countenance, a momentary haze lifted from her mind, replaced by a lucidity that was both startling and endearing. She regarded him through a drunken haze, her voice a gentle murmur laced with a hint of mischief. "Well hello, handsome-", she purred, her voice a soft melody that danced upon the air, "If you weren't so far away, you would be veeeeery kissable right now." A giggle escaped her lips, a tinkling symphony that tugged at the firefighter's heartstrings. In that fleeting moment, he felt time stand still, suspended between desire and duty, a profound longing coursing through his veins.

His breath hitched, caught in the cavern of his chest, as he absorbed her words. How he yearned to succumb to the temptation that beckoned, to lean in and taste the sweetness of her lips. Thoughts of Kara had consumed his every waking moment that evening, like a fire that blazed within him. Yet, he knew he could not yield to this desire. She was drunk, unable to give her consent, and bound by the ties of another's affection. Finally reaching the threshold of his sanctuary, a single bedroom apartment on the third floor, Connor exhaled a silent breath of relief. His voice, tinged with both concern and gentle admonishment, broke the spell that had enveloped them both. "Let's get you to bed before you do anything stupid.", he murmured, his words a delicate mixture of caution and compassion. Gently lowering Kara onto the floor, Connor's concerned gaze traced the telltale marks of hardship etched upon her heels. His brow furrowed, a silent acknowledgment of the pain she had endured, yet he chose to keep his observations to himself. With practiced ease, he retrieved his keys from the recesses of his back pocket, their metallic jingle momentarily punctuating the air. Unlocking the front door, he ushered her into his abode, the threshold between their worlds, and cast his keys casually into a waiting bowl on the kitchen counter.

Guiding the nurse through the intimate spaces of his apartment, Connor deftly navigated the geography of his flat, his voice a gentle compass guiding her way. He revealed the location of the bathroom, a retreat where she could tend to her needs, and imparted his intentions as he led her towards the heart of the dwelling—the bedroom. The room, of modest proportions, cradled his personal haven. Nestled in the center, a large bed beckoned, flanked by a bedside table adorned with sentimental relics and a bookshelf teeming with literary companions. A solitary acoustic guitar stood proudly in its stand, a testament to the secret harmony that echoed within Connor's soul. On the opposing side, a closet stood sentinel, guarding an array of garments and secrets. Shelves adorned with cherished photographs and trinkets whispered stories of a life well-lived. Together, they formed a tableau of memories and dreams, each item a brushstroke in the portrait of a man's existence.

Assisting Kara to sit upon the inviting expanse of the bed, Connor knelt with purpose, his hands deftly removing the accursed heels that had tormented her delicate feet. His eyes crinkled with empathy as he met her gaze, assuring her of his intentions. "I can get you some clothing to sleep in and hopefully wear tomorrow. We'll see how things go from there." His words, infused with a quiet resolve, held the promise of safeguarding her well-being. A barely audible grumble escaped the nurse's lips, a murmur lost in the folds of her intoxication. Eager to assist, the firefighter turned, his attention consumed by the search within his capacious closet. Oblivious to the unfolding transformation behind him, he remained blissfully unaware as the blonde initiated a clandestine act of liberation. Unzipping the constraints of her dress, the fabric cascaded down her lithe form, and pooled upon the floor.

A startled exclamation suddenly escaped Connor's lips as he retrieved an old shirt from within the depths of his closet. The garment, worn and weathered, bore the testament of countless memories woven into its fabric. Holding it gingerly, his movements betrayed a mix of surprise and discomfort as his gaze inadvertently fell upon Kara's partially exposed form. His eyes, tracing an unbidden path, lingered momentarily on the curve of her concealed bosom before stealing a fleeting glance at the shorts that had remained hidden beneath her dress. A nervous gulp traversed the confines of his throat, his cheeks acquiring a delicate blush that belied his self-restraint. In a valiant effort to regain composure, he redirected his gaze, forcing himself to meet Kara's eyes, his throat clearing with an audible rasp. "Ehm...", he began, his brow furrowing ever so slightly, "Here." Extending his hand, he presented the nurse with the article of clothing—a plain blue t-shirt, weathered but clean. Its length promised modesty and comfort, serving as an improvised nightgown. His voice, laced with a trace of uncertainty, murmured the invitation. "You can... you can sleep in this."

A mischievous smirk played upon Kara's lips, as she closed the distance between them with an alluring grace. The subtle brush of her hand against his sent a tremor coursing through Connor's veins, leaving him uncertain of its intentional nature. Her words, a teasing melody, dripped from her lips and seeped into the crevices of his already flustered state. "Thank you, blushy boy.", she jested, her playful tone adding fuel to the fire of his discomposure. The weight of her lingering gaze, too intense to be coincidental, bore into him, causing an uneasiness to take root within his core. Suddenly, without warning, the blonde's hand reached out, her fingers deftly entwining with the fabric of his t-shirt. In an instant, she pulled him down, her actions swift and unexpected. Connor's protests remained imprisoned within his throat as he felt the tender touch of her soft lips upon his cheek. Time seemed to stand still, his senses overwhelmed by the gentle warmth of her breath and the electrifying imprint of her kiss. A whispered "Thank you" escaped her lips, a gentle exhalation that lingered in the air, as she released her hold on him.

Dumbfounded, Connor stood frozen, his mouth slightly ajar, his mind racing to comprehend the whirlwind of emotions that coursed through him. Flustered and disoriented, he found himself at a loss for words or actions, caught in the throes of an unexpected encounter that had unfolded with lightning speed. His eyes, now averted and focused intently on the neutral expanse of the wall to his right, avoided the captivating sight before him. The hint of a rosy hue lingered upon his cheeks, evidence of the tumultuous thoughts that waged within him. "I'll... ehm..." He cleared his throat once more, his voice attempting to regain its composure. "Anything else you need before bed?" A momentary hush fell upon the room as Kara slipped into the shirt he had provided, her movements tinged with vulnerability. In a soft, barely audible murmur, she gathered the courage to make a request, her voice carrying a hint of fragility, "Um... can you... stay with me? Just... until I fall asleep?"

Connor turned, his gaze meeting hers once more, the flicker of compassion dancing in his eyes. A tender smile graced his lips as he nodded in understanding. He recognized the unspoken plea for solace, the need to find comfort in another's presence. With a silent gesture, the firefighter accepted her request. Kara nestled herself into the embrace of the bed, finding solace beneath the covers. The ginger took his place at the edge of the bed, a steady presence by her side. As she settled into the realm of dreams, her breathing growing softer, Connor remained vigilant, his watchful eyes ensuring her safety. "I'll be right down the hall if you need anything.", he softly reminded her, though uncertainty lingered as to whether his words reached her drowsy consciousness. The soothing rhythm of her breathing confirmed her descent into slumber, a brief respite from the turmoil of the night.

Gently, Connor rose from the bed, careful not to disturb her delicate repose. His footsteps carried him to the kitchen, where he retrieved a bucket, preparing for unforeseen circumstances that may arise. With a glass of water in hand, he returned to the bedroom, placing it on the bedside table, its presence a source of reassurance. The bucket found its place on the floor. Satisfied that he had done all he could to ensure her comfort, Connor lingered for a fleeting moment, watching over her tranquil form. As the weight of responsibility began to shift, he reluctantly tore himself away from her side, allowing her the space to find rest. Leaving the bedroom behind, Connor traversed the familiar terrain of his living room, his steps carrying him to the waiting embrace of the couch that stood opposite a silent television. The well-worn sheets, remnants of his previous injury, lay ready to cradle him into slumber. Methodically shedding his attire until he remained clad in only his boxers, he quenched his own thirst with a glass of water before succumbing to the comforts of the couch.

A furrow etched itself upon his brow as he exhaled deeply, the weight of his actions settling upon his shoulders. What was he doing? Why was he allowing himself to become entangled in the complexities of Kara's life? Their connection remained nascent, their encounters fleeting. Yet, a powerful desire simmered within him, a longing that defied reason. He berated himself silently, recognizing the foolishness of his yearning. Kara belonged to another, bound by the commitment of an engagement. He knew, deep within, that his desires could only be suppressed, relegated to the realm of friendship. "Just friends.", he muttered to himself, the words hanging heavily in the air. It was a mantra he repeated, an attempt to anchor his wavering emotions. The reality of their situation demanded restraint, a respectful distance that he must maintain. He closed his eyes, seeking solace within the folds of sleep, determined to navigate the treacherous path of their connection with clarity and resolve.

--- the next morning ---

As the first rays of dawn painted the room in a delicate wash of soft light, Connor finally stirred from his slumber, his body slowly rousing from the embrace of sleep. The tranquility of the morning permeated the air, infusing the room with a sense of quiet anticipation. With a languid stretch, the man's limbs emerged from beneath the shelter of the covers, his movements fluid and unhurried. The remnants of dreams clung to the corners of his mind, wisps of ephemeral imaginings that dissipated with each passing moment. Gradually, his senses awakened, the gentle rustling of the world outside mingling with the steady rhythm of his breath. With a conscious effort, he peeled himself away from the comfort of the couch, his bare feet finding purchase upon the cool floor beneath. The remnants of slumber clung to him like a hazy veil, slowly dissipating as he took a moment to collect his thoughts. A mixture of emotions swirled within him — a blend of contentment from a restful night's sleep and a tinge of trepidation, mindful of the complexities that awaited him beyond the confines of his humble abode.

Eager to face the day, Connor rose from the couch, his movements purposeful as he navigated the familiar paths of his living space. Rays of sunlight filtered through partially drawn curtains, casting dancing patterns of warmth upon the walls. He inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of a new day, a symphony of possibilities lingering in the air. The firefighter instantly headed towards the kitchen towards his cherished haven of his caffeine-fueled awakening. With practiced ease, he switched on the coffee machine, its comforting hum resonating in the stillness of the morning. The anticipation of that first sip, that vital elixir, fueled his steps, pulling him closer to the promise of renewed vitality. Running a hand through his tousled hair, he could feel the remnants of sleep clinging to him, his body yearning for a few more moments of respite. A soft yawn escaped his lips, a testament to his eternal struggle with the early hours of the day. Though his occupation had acclimatized him to early starts, the morning sun held little sway over his innate night owl tendencies. Sometimes, in the quiet moments before consciousness fully grasped him, he entertained fleeting fantasies of eternal slumber, a refuge from the demands of the waking world.

As the coffee finished brewing, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen, Connor reached for his favorite mug, its surface bearing the traces of countless mornings past. Settling down at the dining table in his cozy kitchen, he cradled the warm vessel between his hands, feeling the gentle heat seep into his skin. He took a measured sip, the rich liquid coaxing his senses to life, gradually dispelling the remnants of drowsiness that clung to him. Each sip brought a renewed energy, a spark of vitality coursing through his veins, grounding him in the present.





Panicky / Embarrassed


Connor's T-shirt & shorts


Connor's Apartment




ily Connor

Rushing water woke her, startling the slumbering woman to rouse from her sleepy state, blinking in confusion as she reached up to rub at her eyes, brushing away the dry, crusty remnants of dreams. A pounding headache pulsed beneath her skull, forcing the petite woman to emit a small groan of pain as she stirred, already regretting the amount of alcohol she had consumed the night previous. Moments from the evening out came back in waves, along with her hangover, reminding her of the series of events that led to her consuming that much alcohol: Dylan walked out on her, she wandered the streets of downtown L.A. in tears, and just so happened to come upon the exact same bar Connor and his coworkers were celebrating at, so she ended up confiding in the attractive redhead and joining them in their gaiety. Her brow furrowed as she raised her hands from her eyes, holding them up in the air - she was without her ring, and her sleeves were not her own.

The blonde swung up from her resting position with a panic, trembling hands immediately going to her bosom to grasp at the shirt she had fallen asleep in. Frantic, she pulled the collar away from her figure, glancing down at her bare chest and feeling her breath become caught in her throat.
Oh dear God. No.
Beginning to hyperventilate, the petite woman looked around the room with wide eyes, not recognizing any of her surroundings - but recalling some of the faces in the photographs on the shelves beside her. She scrambled out of Connor's bed, tangled in sheets as she almost plummeted to the floor, and rushed over to the shelf, grasping at one of the frames gingerly, her heart pounding in her head. It was of Connor and his firefighter team, most of whom she recognized: Ophelia and Chi-han were among the freshest in her mind, along with Captain Nathaniel and Austin. The other two were somewhat fuzzy, but she knew their names started with C and E. Or was it A?

Shaky hands returned the frame to its rightful place, her chilly gaze roaming the rest of the shelf beside her, noticing the knickknacks that took up most of the remaining space, such as shells, rocks, a purple medal that seemed somewhat familiar, and...guitar picks? Her eyes wandered around the room once more, this time much less panicked as she soaked in her surroundings. His room was quite comfortable, with a large window opposite the bed, a filled bookshelf beside it, an acoustic guitar resting on a stand, and a mirror mounted on the door of a closet that was slightly ajar. The small woman idly stepped forward, overwhelmed with shock and panic when her toes hit a small metal bucket placed delicately by the head of the bed. She exhaled sharply with her brows furrowed as she realized Connor's kindness knew no bounds, her lower lip beginning to quiver as she struggled to think of what to say to Connor upon leaving his room.

Hugging herself shyly, the dirty blonde opened his bedroom door gingerly, peeking out at the remaining space of his modest apartment, spotting Connor at his dining table, sipping what smelled like freshly brewed coffee in a mug that appeared lovingly worn, even from a distance. Her pale blue eyes focused on Connor for a few heartbeats, realizing that he was wearing nothing more than a pair of boxers and that he was stunningly attractive, making her pulse race as she pushed the door open with her foot, her heart filled with a mixture of guilt, fear, and a small twinge of excitement. A small clearing of her throat startled Connor out of his early morning reverie, reminding him of her presence while she offered a nervous smile, panic bubbling up inside her once more.
"Uh...um. G-good morning..."
She felt so unbelievably small as her anxiety consumed her, approaching the dining area with a hesitant stride.
"Um...C-Connor, did we...? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have joined you last night, I...I don't know what I'm going to do now... I can't stay with Dylan if I've slept with you, it wouldn't be right, and, and what will Jessie say?"
As soon as she began to outwardly express her dread, Connor sprung from his seat, immediately closing the distance between them - in her worried state, his actions were practically negligible.

"Are we an item now? Is that how this works? What should I-"
Her voice began to heighten in pitch as she wrung her hands together, interrupted only by Connor when he raised his voice at her, forcing her to flinch and cower slightly from his presence. "Kara, calm down!!" She immediately froze, her face twisted in a flicker of agony before she listened to him continue to speak. "Nothing happened. Nothing happened between us!" Her lips formed a disappointed frown for a fraction of a second before her face visibly relaxed, the tension relieved as he explained, gesturing at the couch covered in bedsheets. "I slept on the couch. I brought you here because you were too drunk to remember where you lived. Calm down, please." His clarification helped relieve the worry that weighed on her shoulders as she slowly nodded, her face turning crimson in embarrassment.
"Th...then why am I wearing your shirt...? Did you help me get changed?"
She fretted, realizing just how close he had become and turning an even deeper shade of red as she avoided looking at the rest of his toned figure, despite the desire she felt to do so.

"I technically only helped you take off your shoes. But ehm...you did change in front of me." The redhead quickly turned a shade that matched his hair, clearly feeling as bashful as she felt about the matter, quickly attempting to reassure her that he hadn't looked. Her hands immediately reached up to cover her embarrassed face as she muttered,
"Oh dear God, I am so sorry."
She briefly glanced at her injured feet, appreciating his kindness in helping her with her shoes. Upon his mention of seeing something he wasn't supposed to, she partially uncovered her face cleared her throat softly, too embarrassed to say anything, as she glanced down at his near-naked state, eventually meeting his cerulean eyes with a soft hint of laughter in her eyes. She watched as his brow furrowed in response and he glanced down at his scantily clad self, his head snapping back up to look at her. "Oh fuck, my bad!" Without giving her a chance to say much else, he sprinted to his room, shutting the door behind him with a moderate 'slam!' A soft giggle escaped her throat at the hilarity of their situation, the petite woman taking a seat opposite from where Connor had been drinking his coffee mere moments earlier.

Upon his return, Connor would see her curled up in the chair, her heels resting on the tip of the chair's seat as she hugged her legs to her chest and burrowed her face in her knees, feeling more and more like a child as she strove to come to terms with her emotions. Feeling just as awkward as she about their situation, he cleared his throat, bringing attention to his presence. "So ehm...do you want coffee? Breakfast?" He offered politely, his face still a light shade of pink as he walked towards the kitchen, one hand outstretched to the coffee pot while the other browsed his cabinets for a mug for her. Peeking out from just above her knees, she looked over his new choice of attire, noticing the way his T-shirt clung to his muscular build and how the sweatpants left very little to the imagination. She cleared her throat again as well, sitting up to address him properly.
"U-um...yes please. Connor, I'm...I'm so, so sorry you had to witness and deal with all of...that...last night. You even brought me here to your apartment and I..."
She sighed, her guilt overwhelming her.
"I feel terrible."
Expecting complaint, she reluctantly lifted her gaze to meet his, only to be met by confusion.

"Don't apologize, please. What should I have done? Just left you there?" He asked incredulously, laughing softly and shaking his head at her, the sound of his voice soothing her concerns. "It's all good. Don't worry about it." Pursing her lips together, she nodded, then added:
"Did I say anything stupid? I can hardly remember most of the night."
Rather than respond right away, he poured her a mug of coffee, serving it to her how she liked it after she gave him timid instructions, watching as he reached for his own coffee and wondering how he liked his own. "No...no, nothing really. Though you do need to drink some water, the alcohol didn't sit well with you last night." Groaning softly, she buried her face in her knees again, feeling embarrassed once more, this time for her drunken behavior. Still, she did as he requested, and sipped the glass of water he provided as well as the mug of fresh coffee, enjoying the energizing scent wafting from the blue and white polka-dotted mug. The two continued their leisurely chat as Connor began to make breakfast, refusing Kara's aid when she offered, determined to do the job as her host, which elicited a smile from her calmed visage.

While Connor made the usual breakfast foods - pancakes, bacon, and eggs - her curious gaze wandered the rest of his apartment, occasionally lingering on him as he made their meal, her heart pounding louder than usual the longer her stare remained on the skilled redhead. Aside from his bedroom, everything seemed rather...simplistic. Deciding to voice her inquiry, she finished another gulp of coffee and asked softly,
"Um...if you don't mind me asking, why is it so...bare out here? Your room feels much more lived in, but this,"
she gestured to the living room and dining area,
"feels very...minimalistic, for lack of a better term."
She lowered the mug to the table, smiling as he placed a "smiley breakfast" in front of her and sat back in his own seat with a plate of food not nearly as cute in presentation. A soft, "Oh," came from his lips as he glanced around, giving her a small shrug. She instantly regretting asking, her stomach knotting up as she realized the possible implications. "I guess I'm just...still getting used to the fact that all of this is mine, and I'm able to be myself all around my apartment, and not just my bedroom." The smile on his lips as he began to eat felt different than the other times he had grinned at her, feeling...empty.

He quickly added, "My parents are just very neat-freaky," before taking a bite of his food, as if to quell her further confusion. Not wanting to press him for personal information, she glanced back at her food, eating in silence, except to thank him for the food. After lowering her legs from the seat, however, she winced, realizing her ankles and toes were still quite sore from the heels she'd worn the night before.
"Could I trouble you for some Band-Aids and ointment?"
Her feet ached, but with some proper care, they would heal rather quickly, as long as she took it easy. Without a second thought, the redhead instantly rose from his seat, nodding in confirmation before taking his long strides towards his bathroom and quickly returning with the first aid kit that would soothe her pains. "I doubt you need some help with that, but I'll offer it anyway." His joking mannerisms returned, making her smile shyly in relief and appreciation.
"If you don't mind, I would be grateful for your help. I'm still a little woozy."
Again, his soft laughter rang through the barren apartment, like music to her ears. "I can imagine." Accompanied by a wink, his flirtatious atmosphere returned, making her scoff as he joked about her not drinking a lot and then forgetting where she lived.

"Is that why you brought me here?? I'm so sorry! And no...I don't really drink. Last night was just...rough, as you know. But thank you for letting me join you."
She covered her face again, mortified by her idiocy in her drunken stupor. The sensation of gentle fingertips on hers startled her as Connor's outstretched hand slowly pried her hands away from her face, meeting her frozen fears with the comforts of the ocean. "Please, Kara. Stop apologizing. It's really all good. I get it - feel free to join us whenever. And hey..." He'd smiled, pausing for a moment as his earnest gaze turned serious. "My offer still stands. If you wanna talk... you can talk to me." The blonde's lip quivered slightly as she could feel her walls start to crumble bit by bit, choosing to embrace him rather than speak further, knowing full well that she would break down if she tried to say anything about how she felt. Her arms wrapped around him, resting atop his shoulders while her hands splayed across his toned back, holding him close.
"Thank you. You too,"
was all she could muster, hugging him tightly regardless of the mixed feelings she felt, wanting nothing more than the warmth and comfort he provided her in her moment of weakness last night.

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: content
Location: his apartment -> corner shop
Outfit: olive drab t-shirt + grey sweatpants -> tank top + shorts

A sudden throat clearing pierced the air, shattering the fragile bubble of their intimate moment. The sound jolted Connor, causing him to nearly spill his coffee as he swiveled around, startled by the presence of the blonde nurse he had momentarily forgotten. Kara, her anxiety palpable, ventured tentatively into the kitchen, her steps hesitant and laden with trepidation. "Uh... um, good morning-", she stammered, her words fragile and wrought with uncertainty, "Um...C-Connor, did we...? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have joined you last night, I...I don't know what I'm going to do now... I can't stay with Dylan if I've slept with you, it wouldn't be right, and, and what will Jessie say?" Realization dawned upon Connor, a rush of conflicting emotions swirling within him. Kara's words spilled forth in a torrent of anxious apologies and worries, her voice trembling with a mix of guilt and panic, "Are we an item now? Is that how this works? What should I-" Connor's mind whirled, and without hesitation, the ginger propelled himself from his seat, closing the distance between them in a single stride. He grasped Kara's trembling hands, attempting to steady her frantic thoughts. "Kara, calm down!", he implored, his voice commanding yet laced with an undercurrent of concern. Her entire being seemed to freeze, her anguished expression etching lines of torment across her face, but she obediently listened, her eyes searching for solace in his words.

"Nothing happened. Nothing happened between us!", Connor asserted, his voice laden with conviction. The man swore he could see a flicker of disappointment flit across Kara's features for the briefest of moments, replaced swiftly by relief as he expanded on his explanation. He gestured towards the couch, draped in a haphazard arrangement of bedsheets, conveying a sense of restraint and distance, "I slept on the couch. I brought you here because you were too drunk to remember where you lived. Calm down, please." Kara nodded, her cheeks ablaze with a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. The weight of her misconceptions lifted, replaced by a newfound understanding. But then, a subtle trace of confusion crept into her voice as she mustered the courage to inquire further, her words barely a whisper. "Then... why am I wearing your shirt? Did you... help me get changed?" Connor's eyes widened momentarily, realization dawning upon him. He had overlooked the detail of her attire, a subtle and perplexing clue to the events of the previous night. A gentle sigh escaped his lips as he attempted to find the right words to explain the situation, "I technically only helped you take off your shoes. But ehm...you did change in front of me."

Connor's cheeks flushed crimson, mirroring the fiery hue of his unruly hair. In a desperate bid to reassure her, he fumbled over his words, his voice laced with sincerity, assuring her that he hadn't laid eyes on her exposed form. An instinctive reflex, her hands flew to her mortified face, seeking refuge from the overwhelming embarrassment that engulfed her. "Oh dear God, I am so sorry.", she mumbled an apologetic plea to the heavens, desperately seeking solace for her unintentional transgression. Shaking his head, the firefighter emitted a soft, sympathetic chuckle, gently attempting to ease the nurse's distress. "I promise, I saw nothing.", he affirmed, determined to assuage her discomfort. At the mere mention of having glimpsed something forbidden, she tentatively lowered her hands, her face still visibly aflame with shame. Her gaze tentatively descended upon his nearly unclothed state, before hesitantly meeting his gaze, a delicate trace of mirth concealed within their depths. Why was she looking at him like that? Connor's brow furrowed, perplexed by the intensity of her stare, and he involuntarily glanced down at his scantily clad figure. Abruptly, his head snapped back up, his gaze locking with hers.

"Oh fuck, my bad!", the man exclaimed, a mixture of remorse and urgency filling his voice. In an instant, he hurried toward his room, the door yielding to his hasty retreat with a moderate, resounding slam. Inside the confines of his chamber, Connor swiftly changed into a plain, olive drab shirt and a cozy pair of gray sweatpants. Emerging anew, he spied the woman huddled in the chair, her slender heels perched delicately on the seat's edge. Cradling her legs against her chest, she sought solace by burying her face within her knees, embodying the vulnerability of a frightened child. A delicate throat-clearing served as a discreet announcement of his return, drawing attention to his presence. "So ehm...do you want coffee? Breakfast?", he courteously inquired, his face still adorned with a rosy hue. Making his way toward the kitchen, one hand reached out to claim the coffee pot, whereas the other rummaged through the cabinets in search of a suitable mug for his guest. She too cleared her throat, mustering the strength to sit upright and address him properly. "U-um... yes, please.", she responded, her voice tinged with timidity, "Connor, I'm...I'm so, so sorry you had to witness and deal with all of... that... last night. You even brought me here to your apartment and I..." Her voice trailed off, heavy with remorse, as she exhaled a weary sigh, "I feel terrible."

Connor frowned softly, shaking his head as he laughed softly. "Don't apologize, please. What should I have done? Just left you there?", a gentle warmth graced the ginger's lips as he offered her a comforting smile, radiating reassurance. "It's all good. Don't worry about it.", he uttered with a soothing tone, imbuing his words with a sense of understanding. A brief pause hung in the air before the woman mustered the courage to speak again, her voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "Did I say anything stupid? I can hardly remember most of the night.", Kara queried, her eyes searching his for answers. Connor, torn between honesty and preserving her dignity, pursed his lips in contemplation. Perhaps it was best to shield her from the memory of her flirtations throughout the evening. In lieu of an immediate response, he gracefully poured a steaming cup of coffee, preparing it to her exact specifications after receiving meek instructions. Only then did he settle back into his seat, reclaiming his own mug, the delicate aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the air. "No...no, nothing really.", he finally responded, choosing his words carefully. "Though you do need to drink some water, the alcohol didn't sit well with you last night.", the man then suggested, a soft chuckle escaping him. Kara groaned in response, her face once again seeking refuge within the shelter of her knees. Unperturbed, Connor's amusement danced within his cerulean gaze. Fortunately, she acquiesced, complying with his request, obediently sipping the glass of water he provided alongside the fragrant mug of coffee.

As they conversed leisurely, their connection deepening, Connor busied himself with the task of preparing breakfast. Refusing Kara's eager assistance, he remained determined to fulfill his role as the host, eliciting a smile that graced her now-relaxed countenance. The symphony of clinking utensils and the enticing aroma of sizzling ingredients wove around them, creating an ambiance of comfort and warmth. With the deftness of a seasoned chef, Connor gracefully navigated his kitchen, orchestrating a symphony of sizzling bacon, fluffy pancakes, and perfectly scrambled eggs. Every movement, every flick of his wrist, exuded an innate culinary prowess. The fragrant aroma of breakfast permeated the air, enveloping the room in a tantalizing embrace. Yet, amidst the culinary dance, the nurse's soft and hesitant voice pierced the air once more, her curiosity brimming. "Um...if you don't mind me asking, why is it so...bare out here? Your room feels much more lived in, but this-", she gestured toward the minimalist surroundings, "-feels very...minimalistic, for lack of a better term."

A momentary hitch in his breath betrayed Connor's unease as he directed his gaze towards the pots and pans on the stove, his thoughts momentarily entangled. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he pivoted, his face adorned with a disingenuous smile as he approached the blonde. With deliberate care, he presented a plate adorned with a "smiley breakfast" before settling back into his own seat, a modest serving in front of him that paled in comparison to her cheerful presentation. An involuntary "Oh" escaped his lips as he glanced around, mustering a small shrug. How could he articulate the complexity of his transient existence? That his life was an ever-ready departure, constantly primed to pack up his belongings and move once more? "I guess I'm just...still getting used to the fact that all of this is mine, and I'm able to be myself all around my apartment, and not just my bedroom.", Connor fibbed, his words laced with a hint of wistfulness. He offered Kara another vacant smile, masking the truth that lay beneath. Without missing a beat, he hastened to add, "My parents are just very neat-freaky.", punctuating his statement with a bite of his meal, as if attempting to quell any further confusion she might harbor.

The nurse consumed her meal in subdued silence, offering a grateful nod to the firefighter for the nourishment provided. Shifting in her seat, a slight grimace crossed her features before she mustered the courage to speak once more, "Could I trouble you for some Band-Aids and ointment?" Without hesitation, Connor promptly rose from his seat, confirming his willingness with a nod, before striding purposefully toward his bathroom. Within moments, he returned, bearing the comforting solace of a first aid kit, ready to alleviate her discomfort. A playful remark slipped from his lips, accompanied by a lighthearted chuckle, "I doubt you need some help with that, but I'll offer it anyway." The nurse smiled thinly in response, nodding. "If you don't mind, I would be grateful for your help. I'm still a little woozy.", Kara admitted, her vulnerability adding a touch of sincerity to her voice. A soft laugh escaped Connor's lips, his eyes dancing with amusement, "I can imagine.", he murmured, mischief glinting in his gaze. He continued teasing her, playfully alluding to her lack of experience with alcohol and her subsequent memory lapse, remarking, "You don't drink much, do you? Drank a couple of cocktails and you instantly forgot your address."

Kara audibly gasped, aghast at the revelation, "Is that why you brought me here?? I'm so sorry! And no...I don't really drink. Last night was just...rough, as you know. But thank you for letting me join you.", she exclaimed, her face buried in her hands once more, visibly mortified by her intoxicated blunder. With a gentle determination, the firefighter extended his hand, delicately prying her fingers away from her flushed face. Their eyes met, his gaze tender and understanding. "Please, Kara. Stop apologizing. It's really all good. I get it - feel free to join us whenever. And hey...", he reassured her, his voice filled with sincerity. A warm smile graced his features, lingering for a moment before his earnest expression turned slightly more serious. "My offer still stands. If you wanna talk... you can talk to me." A hushed silence permeated the room, punctuated only by the steady rhythm of their breathing. Time seemed to stand still as the nurse, her slender frame quivering with vulnerability, took a tentative step forward. A surge of courage propelled her as her arms, delicate and yet surprisingly strong, enveloped the firefighter in a tender embrace. Her hands gracefully found their place upon his broad shoulders, fingers spreading across his back like petals unfurling in a gentle breeze. Kara's embrace tightened as the firefighter, towering above her, hesitated momentarily.

His robust arms, once hanging idly at his sides, moved with deliberation and tenderness to encircle the petite figure before him. With gentle strength, he drew her closer, enfolding her within the fortress of his embrace. The warmth of his touch resonated with a protective aura, conveying an unspoken promise to shield her from the hardships of the world. An unbreakable bond formed in that ethereal moment, as they stood together in the heart of his kitchen, bathed in the soft glow of the early morning light. The world outside ceased to exist as they clung to each other, a fusion of two souls finding solace in the raw vulnerability of their shared humanity. It defied all logic, for they were little more than strangers in the grand tapestry of life. Yet, in that moment, the inexplicable familiarity of their connection drowned out the whispers of reason. The significance of this embrace was not lost on Connor. It defied expectations, defied societal norms that dictated strangers should remain at arm's length. It was as if the universe conspired to bring them together, to intertwine their destinies in a way that neither of them could fathom. The intensity of their embrace held a paradoxical quality, terrifying in its power yet liberating in its authenticity.

The embrace between them lingered, the passage of time stretching beyond social conventions. Eventually, it was Kara who gently disengaged herself, stepping back with a bashful blush coloring her cheeks. Both individuals were aware of the lingering connection, their hearts beating in synchrony, a testament to the vulnerability they had shared. Seeking to shift the focus, Kara swiftly changed the subject, her smile forming a delicate curve on her lips. "You wouldn't happen to like morning runs, would you? I obviously don't have the shoes, but... I'm itching for a jog. Do you know where I could go?", she inquired, her eyes brimming with anticipation. Connor's eyebrows playfully arched, pleasantly taken aback by her question. "Oh, I always go for a morning jog, too. Wanna go together?", he proposed, a warm smile adorning his face. Kara's joyous expression beamed up at him, visibly buoyed by the nourishment and connection they had found. "I would love to! We might have to stop somewhere so I can buy a pair of sneakers, though.", she replied, laughter lacing her words. Connor joined in her laughter, nodding in agreement. "There's a small shop just around the corner; they have a variety of items. I'm sure they'll have shoes too.", he suggested, prompting a nod of approval from Kara.

Connor, now infused with a newfound energy and anticipation, swiftly excused himself from the kitchen, eager to change into his running attire. With purposeful strides, he made his way to his bedroom, where he shed his olive drab shirt and gray sweatpants. His room, which was adorned with personal mementos and touches of his personality, served as his sanctuary from the outside world. Retrieving a sleek, form-fitting running top from his dresser and a pair of athletic shorts, he deftly slipped into his chosen gear. The fabric hugged his toned physique, accentuating the lean lines of his body, and the vibrant colors contrasted strikingly against his copper-colored hair. Emerging from his room, Connor exuded a renewed sense of purpose. His athletic shoes were laced tightly, ready to pound the pavement in rhythmic harmony. As he approached the living area, his eyes fell upon Kara, still exuding a captivating charm in his oversized shirt, her ingenuity transforming it into a fashionable ensemble. His gaze lingered for a fleeting moment, appreciating how effortlessly she could make anything look appealing. "Alrighty, let's go.", the firefighter grabbed his keys from the bowl near his door, gesturing for the nurse to exit the apartment first. The hallway outside his door was bathed in a soft glow of early morning light, casting a gentle warmth upon their path. As they descended the stairs, the sound of their footfalls reverberated.

The door to the small shop, conveniently nestled around the corner, welcomed them with a jingle as they entered. The store was filled with an assortment of athletic gear, its walls adorned with shelves displaying an array of sneakers, each pair seemingly whispering stories of endurance and resilience. Kara, her eyes alight with anticipation, embarked on a quest to find the perfect running shoes, guided by the knowledgeable salesperson, while Connor stayed behind, watching her from a distance.





Embarrassed > Happy / Curious


Connor's T-shirt & shorts


Connor's Apartment > Shop > Park




ily Connor

Her heart hammered so forcefully against her chest that she swore he could feel it, too, as she hugged him close, swallowing back the flow of tears that threatened in the corners of her eyes. She sighed into the hug as he held her back, his warm embrace allowing her to relax as she felt his strength envelop not only her body but her heart as well. Despite their difference in height, she felt her body fit perfectly against his caress, her awareness of his fingertips on her back making her shiver despite the warmth of the sunrays that fell across their combined figures. In his arms, she felt at ease, as though nothing could harm her and nothing could go wrong. Thoughts of Dylan flooded her mind at that moment as she recalled the evening prior, instantly making her withdraw from Connor's embrace and avoid his gaze, clearing her throat softly, eager to fill the intimate air with something other than her conflicted emotions.

"You wouldn't happen to like morning runs, would you? I obviously don't have the shoes, but... I'm itching for a jog. Do you know where I could go?"
She hugged herself tightly, rubbing her arms with the opposite hands as she tried to shake off the delightfully chilling sensation she got from the feeling of Connor's skin on hers. She was eager to return to some semblance of normalcy by recalling her usual morning routine, even though it was late in the morning. "Oh, I always go for a morning jog, too. Wanna go together?" The way the word 'together' struck a chord in her heart made it skip a beat, a smile subconsciously fluttering to her lips as she beamed at him, her heart filling once more from the joy she felt at his side.
"I would love to! We might have to stop somewhere so I can buy a pair of sneakers, though."
She laughed softly as she gestured to her bandaged feet, relishing in the fact that she had made him laugh as well.

"There's a small shop just around the corner; they have a variety of items. I'm sure they'll have shoes too." A gentle nod of agreement from Kara indicated her understanding as Connor excused himself from the room, undoubtedly to change into clothing more suited for exercise. Kara raised a brow at him in intrigue, wondering what kind of clothing he wore on his runs before looking down at herself, her thin fingers grasping at the hems of the oversized T-shirt, a small frown on her lips.
This is only going to make running difficult, and I'm not wearing a sports bra... Hmm.
Contemplating her conundrum, Kara reached for the small clutch she had carried out with her, containing her phone, a couple of hair ties, and other assorted items helpful for going out - her I.D., some cash, and so on. Ignoring the '7 Notifications' that illuminated her phone screen, she reached for a hair tie and bunched all of the loose cloth of the T-shirt in the front, deftly tying it together with the spare hair tie with enough of it loosened so she could move freely. The black shorts she wore beneath hugged her figure very closely, the fabric clinging to her skin but stretchy enough to allow her legs to move quickly without generating too much friction while she ran.

Bzzt. A sigh escaped Kara's lips as she reached for the sequined clutch once more, this time retrieving her phone from its silken interior, using her thumbprint to unlock the device and grimacing as she saw the number of missed calls. 5 missed calls. 2 voicemails. 2 text messages from Jessie, Dylan. A groan escaped her lips as she listened to the voicemails, one of which was from Dylan, the other from Jessie. Determining that Jessie was the more important of the two, she listened to her short, cheerful message with a small smile. "Hey girl, you know who it is! I wanted to call and make sure you were okay, since I didn't hear from you last night or early this morning. I really hope you're just asleep and not dead in a ditch somewhere! Dylan called and asked where you were - of course I told him you weren't feeling well and came to sleep at my place, like any good bestie would, but please, let me know you're alive, girlie! Love you lots!" Kara closed her eyes, thanking the universe for gifting her with such a good friend before listening to the other voicemail, bracing herself for the worst.

"I am honestly really disappointed in you, Kara. You know how important my work is to me - the restaurant called and told me you didn't even eat the food I paid for. I didn't see you at the apartment when I came home last night, either, so where are you? I called Jessie, she said you weren't feeling well and that you spent the night at her place, but if you were feeling sick, you should have said something to me. Call me." Pale, shaky hands quickly hung up on the voicemail program, ignoring the automated voice that instructed her on how to save, delete, or replay the message, her trembling fingers tapping away in frustration as she replied to Jessie and Dylan's texts, ignoring whatever they may have said, giving them the same message:
'I'm safe, I'll be heading home in the afternoon to get some more rest.'

Huffing softly in irritation, she returned the slender, rectangular device to the smooth confines of her clutch, which she deposited on the counter beside her just as Connor emerged from his room. Her breath caught in her throat as he strode over to her, his figure accented by the form-fitting top and his shorts, both sporting bright green and blue accents on the black expanses across his chest and thighs. The curvature of each and every muscle ranging from his deltoids to his obliques, his rectus femora to his gastrocnemii, his biceps brachii to his triceps brachii, all of it was outlined and taut with perfection, forcing a bright red blush to creep up her face as she admired him, her mouth slightly agape.

"Alrighty, let's go." His voice startled her from her entranced reverie, eyelashes fluttering from the sudden shift of ogling to understanding that they were heading out the door. She quickly retrieved some cash from her clutch and tucked it into her waistband, nodding as she followed him along obediently, exiting his silent apartment before him so he could lock the door behind them, her bare feet warm on the sunlit concrete outside his door. While he locked up, she took a moment to note their surroundings, glancing around as she absorbed their environment. The neighborhood was relatively quiet, in a suburban area near other apartment complexes and homes with children playing in the yards in front of them, decorating the sidewalks along their homes and shrieking in laughter as they chased each other with water balloons and other toys of varying colors, too difficult to make out from their distance. The corner of the blonde's lips curled upwards as she admired the lifestyle, watching as parents and other adults conversed with one another, keeping a watchful eye on their children but also discussing things that only grown families could while the kids were out of earshot. A small part of her heart ached as she watched, longing for a childhood similar to those that squealed through the freshly cut grass, staining their feet with dirt and grime as the soil tainted their shoes and clothes.

Connor's footsteps returned her to her reality, her soft smile turning into a thin, focused line as she made sure she avoided any stray branches or seeds as she traversed the sidewalk with bare feet, following Connor's immense shadow as he led them to the corner shop, not more than a two-minute walk from the complex. While they walked, she commented idly on the weather, smiling as she glanced up towards the sky:
"It's really a beautiful day. I'm surprised it isn't hotter."
Glancing sideways at Connor, she raised a brow as he smirked, offering a teasing remark in return to her peaceful statement. "It'll get hotter after I've taken off my shirt." In response, Kara snorted in laughter, immediately covering her face as she tried to stop from embarrassing herself further, shaking her head at him in amusement.
"Always a flirt, you are."
The store he led her to was rather quaint - a small shop that claimed to have 'Everything you'd need in a store half the size!' With advertisements for various items littering the windows, blocking most of the merchandise from being seen outside of the shop. The familiar jingling of a bell from their entry chimed throughout the store, leading to a warm yet gruff voice to greet them from behind a few displays.

"Welcome, welcome! Come to the counter when you're ready to make your purchase, and let me know if you have any questions!" The welcoming voice, likely from the store owner, helped direct Kara towards where a man shorter than Connor stood behind the counter, his warm smile surrounded by a bushy mustache and beard of Italian origin. His hair was mostly silvers and greys with scattered bunches of his original brunet shade throughout his head of hair. He wore glasses, had warm, almond-shaped eyes, and a long, straight nose that turned downward as he noticed the petite woman's shoeless situation.

"I'm sorry sir, my shoes broke so we're just buying new ones. I'm a size 6 and a half, I just need some basic sneakers and socks. Do you take cash?"
"Ah, well we can't have that, can we? Good morning, Connor!" The jovial man waved to Connor with a familiar smile, recognizing the redhead from many early morning or late night trips for a quick beverage or snack. Connor piped up behind her, smiling at the shopkeep as he gestured with his own wallet, "I'll pay with card." The Italian man nodded at Connor before guiding Kara down the aisles, who furrowed her brows at him as she glared playfully, picking out a pair of sneakers where she was offered them, as well as a pair of light-colored socks with a fun, polka-dotted pattern.
"I can pay for it myself, Connor. You don't have to."
His fit physique shrugged at her, his ever-charming grin breaking past her hardened exterior. "I'm just being a good host. Don't worry about it." She fought not to roll her eyes at him, instead focusing on gingerly slipping the socks onto her feet as well as the shoes after Connor insisted on paying for them, claiming the store "didn't take cash," even though she could clearly see the signs that stated otherwise.

After donning the footwear, she began stretching outdoors, making sure her muscles were prepared for the jog ahead - if one didn't stretch properly, the muscles could become damaged over time without the right care - while she waited for Connor to finish his purchase. After a couple moments, she felt someone's gaze on her and stood, turning back towards the shop to see Connor standing there, watching her lithe figure for a couple moments longer than necessary. She turned a light pink, but took advantage of the situation, speaking bolder than normal.
"Enjoying the view, Mr. Firefighter?"
She smirked at him, enjoying the flicker of embarrassment on his chiseled features before it shifted into his own lopsided, cocky grin. "Very much so, yes." His flattery made her grin reflexively, making her shake her head as she finished her stretching and he did the same, the two of them preparing together for their jog through suburban L.A. The late morning air prickled her skin as they began their run, the heat settling in as the sun reached its peak in the bright blue expanse, dotted here and there with feathery wisps of clouds stretching across the endless sky.

Connor led Kara through the streets of the surrounding neighborhoods, their jog taking all sorts of twists and turns until they eventually came upon a few parks, more densely populated by trees and other vegetation, all of which shimmered in the sunlight around them. The golden rays beat down on the two joggers as they moved at a steady pace, one much slower than Connor was likely used to due to Kara's height and injuries. Appreciative of his consideration, she attempted to converse while they jogged, not only admiring the foliage that made up the scenery around them. She cleared her throat awkwardly before turning to glance at Connor, attempting a friendly tone rather than her previously flirty one.
"Urm...I know our interactions so far have been...far from normal, to say the least. Would you, uh, be interested in becoming friends? Maybe? We could start b-by getting to know each other better?"
Her timid voice was quickly met by Connor's confident one, a wide smile on his features. "I thought that was what we were doing already." He winked at her once more before continuing, making her heart flutter each time. "So, you wanna get to know each other? Ask away."

Slightly baffled, she laughed softly, an embarrassed blush creeping across her cheeks.
"I didn't mean to imply that we weren't, I just meant... Why don't you tell me about yourself and I'll tell you about myself? Maybe you can also tell me what you do for fun?"
Kara fumbled her words, trying desperately to not appear as an idiot as their feet continued to pound against the concrete, the petite blonde becoming slightly out of breath as she tried to talk and jog. She glanced over at Connor a few times as he tilted his head and pinched his eyes a little bit as he thought, his eyes wandering above them as he tried to think. "Oh. Well- I'm not sure where to start and what to say." Kara quickly interjected, reassuring him that anything he told her would be fine. A tender smile graced his lips as he contemplated his words, then continued, "I'm from Alaska, moved to LA about... well, the timeline is a little confusing. Let's just say I officially moved here a little more than a year ago." His smile widened more as he tried to summarize his life and struggled to do so, focusing more on his more recent experiences. Noting that he must not like discussing his past, Kara kept quiet, listening intently as he continued. "So it definitely took me a while to get used to the hot summers. But I love the ocean." Kara chuckled softly as he focused on the ocean, something most people who came to California seemed to enjoy.
"The beaches here are definitely nice, that's for sure!"
He laughed along with her before he paused again, this time thinking about the question she had added on.

"What I do for fun? Hmmm... I'm an avid surfer. And I like staying in shape, so I go for runs, and frequent the gym as well." His cerulean gaze flickered to her for a moment, catching her lingering stare on his figure as her pale blue eyes snapped up to meet hers, the redhead sharing yet another dazzling smile before listing his hobbies to her, laughing sheepishly as he mentioned some of the more unexpected obsessions. "Other than that? I like to read, especially poetry. I like museums, especially science ones. Oh, and I game. Probably a little too much, sometimes. I play the guitar, and lately I've been crazy about baking bread." His laugh rang out as he ran, his breathing heavier as his body had to compensate for the need for oxygen. "I'm not very interesting. Tell me about you." Even as he downplayed his own fascinating history and hobbies, he was all the more attractive to the smaller female, making her laugh softly in reply.
"I beg to differ! It's intriguing that you enjoy poetry and museums, as well as staying fit. It's nice to know you're not just a jock."
She stuck her tongue out at him and giggled before she started to slow down slightly, a soft "Hm," coming from her as she thought of how to explain her background, waving off Connor's teasing remark, "Hey, what's wrong with just being a jock, hm?" with a dismissive,
"Oh, nothing, nothing.""

"Hm... Well, I was born and raised here in L.A. with my mother and father, don't have any siblings. Lived here most of my life, so I'm used to the beaches and don't really go all that often."
She smiled tentatively, shrugging off any suspicion.
"I love to drink coffee and find new cafes near me, and I sometimes even go sing karaoke with Jessie."
Realizing her admittance of such a thing, Kara blushed, quickly trying to dissuade Connor from thinking anything in particular would happen.
"Th-that's rare, though."
"Well, you should join me for a coffee then. There's some really nice cafés here." The blonde couldn't tell if her heart was racing because of Connor or the jog, but she continued to run, her blush spreading as she smiled at him happily.
"I would love to go to some cafes with you!"

"And you mentioned karaoke? Next time you go, take me with you. I'd love to hear that." The redhead certainly knew what he was doing, making her even more flustered as she shook her head at him.
"Oh, not at all, nope. Jessie teases me enough, haha. Otherwise, I really only spend most of my time with Jessie, at the hospital, or with... Dylan."
Her lips curved into a small frown as her overall ambience became more reserved and she sped up her jog.
"I cook, I cuddle my cat, and I listen to music a lot. That's about it for me, I think. That, and running."
She attempted to bring back the humor in their conversation, offering a sideways smirk and appreciating Connor's soft laugh. "You have a cat? What's your cat's name? And how long have you known Jessie for? You guys seem really close. She cares about you a lot." His interest in her cherished ones made her smile as she gushed about her feline,
"I do! His name is Nimh. He's been a pain lately, though, wish I knew why. And Jessie? I've known her since I started medical school - she's been my friend ever since. She's like the sister I never had."
Kara smiled fondly, thinking back to when her and Jessie first met. It was quite awkward, definitely a story for another time when she could embarrass Jessie just as Jess did to her.

At this point, their jog began to slow, the two of them taking a moment to catch their breath as they wiped the sweat from their brows. By this time, the sun was at its highest, beating down on the pair as well as others spending their day outside, such as the children playing in the nearby field, kicking about a soccer ball and cheering happily when one of them kicked the white and black patterned ball into the white, metal-framed net. Smiling at the sight of kids enjoying themselves, she turned back to Connor, shielding the sun from her eyes as she smiled up at him. "Nimh is a really nice name. Does it mean anything? And aren't pets always a pain in the ass?" He laughed softly, his shoulders shaking as he recuperated during their small break, adding, "I'm happy for you. Friendships like that are rare." Chuckling along with him, she nodded.
"Nimh is from a movie I watched as a kid, The Secret of Nimh. It was one of the few movies I got to watch when I was little."
"I don't know that movie. Maybe I should watch it one day." A bitter smile crossed her face before she shook her head slightly, focusing on the pet comment and pointedly avoiding meeting Connor's gaze.

"He's my first pet, so I'm still kinda new to the whole thing. And hopefully... this is the start of another kind of rare friendship?"
She asked suggestively, her cheeks flushed. His soft smiles, subtle glances, and playful winks continued to make her heart leap, even as he teased her. "Ah your first pet? That's always super exciting. My first pet was a dog, but we couldn't keep him for more than a few years. And hasn't this friendship already started?" Without giving her room to respond, he poked fun at her breathlessness, making her roll her eyes as she leaned on her knees, feeling her ankles ache. "Tired from the run already? Gotta work on that endurance, hm?" His tone was laced with humor, quite clearly joking as he nudged her, also out of breath as he laughed.
"Ha. Ha. Ha."
The petite woman focused on her breathing as he sighed, offering to go someplace together. "Let's take this path. It'll take us through the park, where there's always many dogs - and we'll pass a café we can stop at to grab a drink." Finally having a moment to calm herself and shift her feat in her brand new sneakers, she nodded.

"Sounds good, I would love to take a break and get something to drink. I'll pay this time."
Connor began to explain the direction of the café before she claimed she'd pay, causing him to roll her eyes at her, their playful banter continuing back and forth made her giggle, especially as he began to protest, only to interrupt himself with a sharp gasp, startling Kara before she turned to follow his gaze. A small, incredibly cute German Shepherd pup was playing around in the grass, held back only by the light pink collar that kept her connected to her owner, a young man who was gushing just as much as Connor was beside her. "Look at that! Oh it's so small. So fluffy. Look at those stubby, little legs. Those floppy ears! God, I love German Shepherds. They're just so much fluff and cuteness, how can anyone handle this?" Kara was completely and utterly flabbergasted at Connor's immediate shift in attitude, as he dropped his flirtatious, confident air and replaced it with something akin to a child in a confectionary shop. Unable to hold it back any longer, the blonde woman burst out into laughter, doubling over as she held her stomach, unbelievably amused at his behavior.
"My God, Connor...you are not at all what I thought you would be. I'm starting to love that about you."
She spoke breathlessly, wiping at a tear before she regained her composure and realized the words she had uttered, shyly avoiding his gaze and starting to walk in the direction of the café.

♡coded by uxie♡

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