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Fantasy Haven...


I just glared at my brother as one of the mentors took my flames down. The ice on the walls gone. Aww man I thought upset with him. "apologize now big brother" I tell him serious angry. "fine fine sorry I made us late alright" said Andrew messing up my hair. "that's much better" I tell him smiling as I looked at the mentors. Hopefully I don't get separated from Andrew sure we fight a lot but we lose control of ourselves when we are spilt apart. I held his hand as he took his hand back. Well then rude I thought.
Crimson flinched when the man she bumped into touched her face, but saw that he was drawing the fire from her hair, helping her. She muttered a 'thank you' quietly and put a hand up to her cheek, seeing that it was now black with soot. It didn't really bother her, so she just continued looking around. She assumed the man who touched her cheek was her mentor, so she continued observing the students.

Another student flew down from the rooftop of a building and landed amongst them, looking like an eagle man or harpy. He looked so different among the group, but he was intriguing to Crimson. She approached him tentatively, worried about her fire suddenly bursting or whatnot. "Hey, you're a student, too, right?" She asked him, smiling slightly. The other students were talking amongst themselves, so Crimson went to talk to someone who wasn't speaking with anyone.
Anaxileah said:
Crimson flinched when the man she bumped into touched her face, but saw that he was drawing the fire from her hair, helping her. She muttered a 'thank you' quietly and put a hand up to her cheek, seeing that it was now black with soot. It didn't really bother her, so she just continued looking around. She assumed the man who touched her cheek was her mentor, so she continued observing the students.
Another student flew down from the rooftop of a building and landed amongst them, looking like an eagle man or harpy. He looked so different among the group, but he was intriguing to Crimson. She approached him tentatively, worried about her fire suddenly bursting or whatnot. "Hey, you're a student, too, right?" She asked him, smiling slightly. The other students were talking amongst themselves, so Crimson went to talk to someone who wasn't speaking with anyone.
Roy looked at this girl with soot on her face. She was talking to him despite his appearance, tbat was a first. "Yup." His answer was curt. He wasnt sure how long she'd stick around long at all. "Name's Roy." He offered her his hand. It had feathers emerging from his wrist and some talons, but it still generally looked human.
"Hmmm... that maybe true," he rubs his jaw in thought, forgetting he had soot on his palms. A dark smudge is spread on his stubble.

Wes looks over to now larger group of Gifted. If it was only Sneaux and himself, they couldn't handle this interesting bunch without working together. Those guys must be planning something under their noses. The two mentors will just have to comply and hope whatever the higher-ups were planning on doing to this group, won't be a feat. The groups of siblings will be hard to seperate so Wes somewhat understood if they had to have all of them under their wing. Speaking of wings, the bird-like student interests the fire-user. He's seen many physical transformations from other's receiving their gifts but this kid had a larger amount of physical change. That feature must of caught the attention of the higher-ups; unfortunately, that isn't a good thing because a person will be given odd missions and examinations.

The doors open again with a white robed higher-up appears. The guy examines their group before giving a nod in approval. He approaches the mentors, handing Sneaux a clipboard because she had a slight higher position than Wes. The male mentor narrows his eyes at the white robed guy, but the man brushes him off, leaving the shrine with no care. The clipboard had files on all the students in the room. Wes eyes the papers with slight interest; he'll let her call them out and tell them the situation. The two stand in the middle of the shrine, the students were spread out. "Seems like we have everyone. Okay, done with your chatting? Circle up," announces Wes, crossing his arms. He turns to Sneaux, "I guess we call them out for brief introductions? I haven't done a co-mentoring with this large of a group before."

Crimson smiled and shook the other student's hand, hoping her fire would not take effect. "My name is Crimson." She managed to say before they were told to circle up. She turned from Roy, waving to him slightly, as she approached the two mentors, waiting for further instruction. She stood beside him, starting up the circle the students were supposed to make.

The triplets turns to the mentors, they all walk up to align with an girl with fiery red hair. Jasmine is first, then James and finally Jamie. They wonder if they are gonna be co-mentoring. There are only two mentors here and an big group of gifted here.

Jasmine looks next to her and sees the red haired girl next to her. She could easily guess her gift, fire. Wild and uncontrollable. Jasmine gift was an bit harder to control like fire. It's mostly goes in the way of her emotions. Like if she's mad, there would be either an tornado or thunderstorm depending on how mad she was. Which is why she's calm all the time. She cant afford to get angry in risk of causing an weather problem that could hurt millions. She turns to James and smiles at him.

James sees his sister smiled at him and he smiles back. He knows that she's nervous, being an triplet has it's gifts. He kinda knows his siblings attitudes or moods from the back of his hand. James sighs. He knows there is an 50% chance that he could be pulled away from his sisters but he learned a long time ago to hope for the best always. It's like his gift, he needs to bring the light into the open. He guess that's why he was given this gift. He turns to his younger sibling and smiles at her trying to calm her down. As her gift was kinda coming out as he feels his gift push it back.

Jamie smiles back at him and says "I'm just so nervous. It's nothing, I'll calm myself down" He nods as he concentrates on pushing her gift back

Jamie closes her eyes and breaths in deeply and calmly opens her eyes and feels her gift disappearing. She has always been the one with the hardest time controlling her gift. Which is why her brother needed to be with her all the time. His gift is the opposite of hers and therefore able to push her gift back down. She was the youngest and always has been like that to her siblings. She was the most affected by her parents disappearing. Jamie was close to her parents because her siblings weren't like this back then. She used to be the good one then that day happened and it kinda switched up their roles. Jamie began to act more out in school and at home. She found new friends and things. She became dark like her power. Back then all she could feel was darkness.....it was the only thing that truly she understood.



She waited quietly and scanned over the files while chewing on the inside of her cheek. This was sure an interesting lot. This would be... fun. Interesting. Hard maybe. Fun.


I just sigh getting annoyed by Andrew. "your know your such a idoit" I tell him serious. "I'm the idoit here your the one that wants to be all lovely dovey" said Andrew as we glared at each other getting into a circle like one of the mentors said. "you know one of these day your going to get your butt whopped by me" I tell him serious. "Yea right that would be the day" said Andrew as I stomped my foot rolling my eyes. Jeez he's so annoying I thought.

Wes takes a deep breath, noticing he was going to have to speak. He eyes each of the students before beginning, "All of you here are called to this place today because you are just as bad as I am; that is, being late. Because there aren't many mentors that are free for you guys, our bosses have assigned this whole group to us. I am Wes Maverick. You may call me Wes. Not 'sir' because I will feel old. Not any rumored nicknames you hear from other students or mentors." He clears his throat once to prevent himself from ranting about the current mentor faculty in Haven.

He continues, "Sneaux Martin," he gestures to the female mentor beside him, "Will also be your mentor. You're lucky guys; you got two mentors. Look around you - those will be your peers you must respect and collaborate with. Our group has many students so don't be surprised if we are busy with helping everyone individually. We are here to help you succeed in controlling your Gifts. This will be a difficult task for many of you but don't get discouraged. Sneaux and I will provide a way for all of you to train and receive the same experience. Before we start having everyone showing off their powers, why don't we introduce ourselves?" He nods his head towards Sneaux, "You should start first," diverting himself from having to talk about his Gift.

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Roy huffed loudly before he spoke. "I'm Roy. You don't need to know my last name and honestly, I don't think I'll get to know any of you." He didn't care about the order. He was getting out of here. "I am not going to sit here and play nice with the lucky people that got to stay human." He glared at Wes before starting to leave the temple. "As for my "Gift" You can take a bloody look at my body and see what happened. Later."
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Jamie watches the bird dude walk out "Dude I don't care what you are. Human or Bird something. I'm here to actually learn to help somebody with my gift. Not to be envious over who got to stay human. Deal with the cards you are dealt with and stop whining!" Jamie rolls her eyes and saying that. "We are all gonna have to learn to get along one way or another seeing we're stuck with each other. I rather not speak with none of you but again I promise my siblings I would be fucking nice" Jamie sighs and adds "Oh and I'm Jamie Isia. The youngest of triplets. My gift is simply darkness." Jamie snaps her fingers as she turns off the lights in the temple

James sighs and says "My sister is right. If we have to train together, we have to at least learn to get along. I'm not gonna be the one fighting with everyone else and not learning anything by self or the one jealous because we stay human while you turned into an pigeon" James glares at Roy "If you get like that then you need to just leave and don't return. All of us don't need to suffer just because of your attitude" James looks ahead again and says "I'm James Isia. The second oldest of the triplets. My gift is simply light. James snaps his fingers as he turns all the lights back on in the temple.

Jasmine sighs "Can't we all just get along? I'm gonna keep my short and simply because both my younger siblings has said all that need to be said. " Jasmine looks at everyone. "My name is Jasmine Isia. The oldest of the triplets. My gift is weather. Jasmine snaps her fingers and an rain cloud appear above Roy and rain started to pour on him.


"Well hello everyone I'm Andrew this idoit here is Jade" i tell them smiling. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN IDOIT!!" Yelled Jade angry. "Like i said idoit" i tell them laughing as jade punched me in the arm. "Ow that hurt" i tell her rubbing my arm. "well good it should had. Anyways our powers are shape shifters. I can control fire and Andrew can control ice" said jade as I sigh annoyed.

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