Other Have You Read Any of Wildbow's Web Serials?



Has anyone read any of Wildbow's stories? I've been rereading Worm lately (listening to the audiobook) and it's gotten me thinking about parahumans (:3) If you read any of their works, what did you think? Did you like them? I've read Worm and Pact, loved both. Wildbow is great at coming up with realistic concepts for unrealistic things like superpowers and magic.

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Bonesaw and everything associated with her invariably becomes some major Nightmare Fuel. I have literally squirmed in my seat reading some of her scenes.
Fuzz introduced me to Wildbow's work. Staggering output and imagination, and it's really cool to see his skills develop across the three serials so far.

Pact is horribly underrated, in my opinion. It's flawed, sure, but there's tons of great stuff in there. It also amuses me no end how neatly it maps onto Chronicles of Darkness even though I'd be willing to believe he's never played them.
I think the world of Pact had beautiful potential. I personally like the story, but somehow I like the world it conjured way more than the narrative (the rules of magic and the creatures and etc).
Jaye said:
I think the world of Pact had beautiful potential. I personally like the story, but somehow I like the world it conjured way more than the narrative (the rules of magic and the creatures and etc).
You should check out Changeling: The Lost and Mage: The Awakening. Really excellent traditional RPGs of which Pact feels like a clever fusion.
I finished it the other day, and I have to admit, I really do lve the setting, both pre and post the end. I mean, the ending setting would be some crazy stuff to base a game in.

Granted, I got pretty into it, to the point where I'm seeing if there's any interest in getting a Tinker Quest off the ground.

As for Pact and Twig, I haven't touched those yet. I'm kinda waiting for Worm 2, which I've heard is going to start as soon as Twig ends. I'm also waiting on any info of when the published book(s) of Worm is coming out, 'cause I'm gonna buy that shit like a I have a problem.
Silvertongued said:
As for Pact and Twig, I haven't touched those yet. I'm kinda waiting for Worm 2, which I've heard is going to start as soon as Twig ends. I'm also waiting on any info of when the published book(s) of Worm is coming out, 'cause I'm gonna buy that shit like a I have a problem.
Oh heck yeah. The second Worm becomes a published book - even just an ebook - I am buying that up so hard. And, like, buying copies for all my friends. If Work gets a physical print, I'm so interested in how it'll be divided - it's such a massive story, but it does have a few natural dips where one could break up the story.

I actually have to check to see if I actually finished Pact or not. I got most of the way through, but I'm not sure if I read the last chapter or few...
Nightlark said:
in the middle of reading Worm right now, and loving it. actually I came to this site to start up a roleplay on it.
Heck. Yeah.

What Arc are you up to? I recently re-finished the audiobook of Worm. Was fun to refresh my knowledge (:3)
12.3 at the time of posting this, and I go to work in about 30 minutes. I generally get 12 chapters finished before my work day is up
Nightlark said:
12.3 at the time of posting this, and I go to work in about 30 minutes. I generally get 12 chapters finished before my work day is up
Oh yo you are up to such a great part. Well, I loved it, anyway. Enjoy~!
I fucking love worm. One of my favorite pieces of literature.

Warning, spoilers.

Strongest capes:

1. Glaistig Uaine (Post Scion Attack); She's got Eidolon, and he's strongest in his peak form. Plus, all her contenders are dead, so.

2. Eidolon (Pre Scion Attack; Peak); He can take any three powers, meaning he can go up into space and fucking fire laser beams of destruction at you.

3. Bonesaw; Made Skitter the way she was, can morph any DNA she pleases, and can make the most powerful even more powerful.
Killthestory said:
I fucking love worm. One of my favorite pieces of literature.
Warning, spoilers.

Strongest capes:

1. Glaistig Uaine (Post Scion Attack); She's got Eidolon, and he's strongest in his peak form. Plus, all her contenders are dead, so.

2. Eidolon (Pre Scion Attack; Peak); He can take any three powers, meaning he can go up into space and fucking fire laser beams of destruction at you.

3. Bonesaw; Made Skitter the way she was, can morph any DNA she pleases, and can make the most powerful even more powerful.
On a scale of raw power, yeah probably. But on the other hand...

1. But she is now going though puberty, in a mental sense, and is doing the whole 'find herself' as well as now being shackled by very human morality.

2. But, given enough time, any Thinker can completely wreck him. A thinker could probably make him, uh, neutralise himself but failing that a thinker could make him go Blue Screen of Death and then bring someone else in to finish him off. Like, that was the point of his character arc - Eidolon was always seeking physical and tangible power but never properly wrestled with his own thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.

I mean give Tattletale a constantly open line of communication to him and she could figure out the whole 'father of the endbringers' thing that Scion/Zion destroyed him with. He may be incredibly powerful at his peak but he has an achille's heel to match.

3. I'm sorry, you gave three to Bonesaw and not Panacea? I'm going to heavily contest any claim of 'made skitter how she was' but if we're playing that card then how about the girl that pretty much created Khepri? Panacea can 100% morph any DNA she pleases, including designing completely original creatures as long as she has the biomatter on hand (besides, I'm reasonably certain it was implied that Bonesaw had more limitations than Panacea). And of course Panacea could make even the most powerful person/cape even more powerful (and both she and Bonesaw could make the person completely loyal, of course).

Of course Panacea's limitation was her refusal to work wth brains, but that is a capability she technically has.
I had to refute those points, but I generally don't do the "Who's the strongest in Worm?" debate. I mean, it's a huge thing in Worm that everyone is more powerful/deadly than they seem at first. Case in point: Skitter herself, obviously.
Jaye said:
On a scale of raw power, yeah probably. But on the other hand...

1. But she is now going though puberty, in a mental sense, and is doing the whole 'find herself' as well as now being shackled by very human morality.

2. But, given enough time, any Thinker can completely wreck him. A thinker could probably make him, uh, neutralise himself but failing that a thinker could make him go Blue Screen of Death and then bring someone else in to finish him off. Like, that was the point of his character arc - Eidolon was always seeking physical and tangible power but never properly wrestled with his own thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.

I mean give Tattletale a constantly open line of communication to him and she could figure out the whole 'father of the endbringers' thing that Scion/Zion destroyed him with. He may be incredibly powerful at his peak but he has an achille's heel to match.

3. I'm sorry, you gave three to Bonesaw and not Panacea? I'm going to heavily contest any claim of 'made skitter how she was' but if we're playing that card then how about the girl that pretty much created Khepri? Panacea can 100% morph any DNA she pleases, including designing completely original creatures as long as she has the biomatter on hand (besides, I'm reasonably certain it was implied that Bonesaw had more limitations than Panacea). And of course Panacea could make even the most powerful person/cape even more powerful (and both she and Bonesaw could make the person completely loyal, of course).

Of course Panacea's limitation was her refusal to work wth brains, but that is a capability she technically has.
I had to refute those points, but I generally don't do the "Who's the strongest in Worm?" debate. I mean, it's a huge thing in Worm that everyone is more powerful/deadly than they seem at first. Case in point: Skitter herself, obviously.
Yeah, I mean, I guess, but you're not defeating her even with her morality. Glaistig remins me a little of Skitter in the sense that as a hero, she won't hurt anyone, but again, even with the morality, Glaistig is kicking your ass. Like, I don't see Glaistig becoming someone like Panacea. She has the power of extremely powerful capes under her command, and Glaistig is the only surviving defender against Scion in a head to head match. She went against him nearly the entire time, and she lived. I don't think anyone else did that.

Yeah, I'll admit that, but the dude's still extremely powerful. His power is extremely useful in literally every situation because that's how it's designed to be.

You brought up morality for number 1, and Bonesaw is more than willing to mess with people's DNA. Panacea is not. Panacea could literally kill the entire human population with a cancer if she wanted, but she lets her emotions get in her way. Bonesaw doesn't. That's why they're different.
Killthestory said:
Yeah, I mean, I guess, but you're not defeating her even with her morality. Glaistig remins me a little of Skitter in the sense that as a hero, she won't hurt anyone, but again, even with the morality, Glaistig is kicking your ass. Like, I don't see Glaistig becoming someone like Panacea. She has the power of extremely powerful capes under her command, and Glaistig is the only surviving defender against Scion in a head to head match. She went against him nearly the entire time, and she lived. I don't think anyone else did that.

Yeah, I'll admit that, but the dude's still extremely powerful. His power is extremely useful in literally every situation because that's how it's designed to be.

You brought up morality for number 1, and Bonesaw is more than willing to mess with people's DNA. Panacea is not. Panacea could literally kill the entire human population with a cancer if she wanted, but she lets her emotions get in her way. Bonesaw doesn't. That's why they're different.
Her morality does mean she's less scary/less lethal, though. There's that whole "I would've killed you for saying that" line, pointing out that when she was full Faerie Queen she was a lot more prone to violence and murder-as-a-solution. You might not outright defeat her with morality, but her morality is certainly her vulnerability now. (Ironically, her lack of morality was probably her vulnerability before, though a far less exploitable one).

Well yeah. That's the Eidolon powerset - ability to grab whatever power is needed. He's basically a tiny Entity. (Is that what we call Zion/Eden/Abaddon? I thought entities were another name for shards (':3) Oops.)

Hm, yes I suppose I am mixing up Bonesaw and Riley. Though this reminds me of a point I was always intrigued by...
What would Bonesaw look like without Jack Slash? I mean, there's a few ways to think of this:

1. Could Riley have triggered without the S9? Would she have the same power? (Presumably she'd have the same shard, at least, but the same biotinker power?)

2. What if, after having joined the S9, Bonesaw lost Jack Slash for a (non-Contessa) reason. After all, part of Bonesaw's transformation back into Riley was thanks to the mental-whammy Contessa did - making Bonesaw not just doubt Jack but doubt her own actual identity. Would a Bonesaw without Jack's constant manipulation naturally revert to Riley? Would she transform into something else?

I have no answers just constant curiosity.
I dunno, arguing about who's the strongest person in Worm is like arguing over which of Rock, Paper, Scissors is the strongest.

Everyone has their own element and situations they're strong in, and situations in which they're weak against.
Silvertongued said:
I dunno, arguing about who's the strongest person in Worm is like arguing over which of Rock, Paper, Scissors is the strongest.
Everyone has their own element and situations they're strong in, and situations in which they're weak against.
Which is why it's so great : )

The discussion so far is actually pretty cool.
Silvertongued said:
I dunno, arguing about who's the strongest person in Worm is like arguing over which of Rock, Paper, Scissors is the strongest.
Everyone has their own element and situations they're strong in, and situations in which they're weak against.
That was somewhat my point. Worm does a great job of making it so pretty much everyone could be the strongest. Even weak powers have shockingly strong exploits and strong powers always have accessible achille's heels.
It's cool because it makes most of the fights tough, but kinda even? Also I love it because it means most of the time it doesn't come down to "This person has the strongest power" it comes down to thought-processes and intellect and stuff (part of why thinkers are always so powerful).

Nightlark said:
Wouldn't the strongest person in worm technically be Kephri?
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