Other Have you ever...

Cartreck said:
Have you ever been surrounded by populars and hated it so much? Like you felt like you stuck out more than a sore thumb? That's me right now.
Well I used to hang out with the popular crowd for awhile, but always was the 'different' one, not in a particularly good nor bad way. My advice is just to fake it 'til you make it, if you act confident then the chances of others respecting you are higher.
Yes I have...and still do. But isn't being weird, being different and being different is good so being weird is good?
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Galaxy said:
Yes I have...and still do. But isn't being weird, being different and being different is good so being weird is good?
That depends entirely on what you consider to be weird, as it is only weird if you make it weird.
I don't count myself as a "popular" person so much as a loud-mouthed, overly-enthusiastic and touchy person that gets in the middle of crowds and tries to talk to everyone. I've gotten better at reading social signs and toning it down but sometimes I just need people to tell me to back off to get the hint. I'm sure there are many people who are "popular" or at least very affectionate that will understand if you say you need space.
I'm probably the definition of unpopular

I have to start pen fights to get noticed.

...yeah...probably not my best idea.
Ohhh yes.

I function much better in social situations that are either one-to-one or very small groups. Large social groups and gatherings are pretty draining for me and I really have to take some time to adjust and feel comfortable.

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