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Fantasy Harrison's Collection

And another worldbuilding-ish question for @Lovable Dark\-side. I remember reading somewhere that some of the dolls spend their normal days training but what do the rest do?
@Iomana They do lots of things as you pointed out some train to strengthen both their physical bodies and their arcane abilities. But Harrison also makes them do a lot of manual labor in order to keep them tired, so its harder to think about anything but rest. A lot of their work is done in the gardens or fields, harvesting/planting/etc. Though their are other things suck as house work that they have to do also Such as cleaning and if you are deemed trusted enough to not poison everyone in the house cooking. There are also days when instead of a showing there are just 1 or two guest who come to the house to speak business with Harrison and one of the dolls will personally attend to them. These dolls in general will beautiful have practical uses besides shows. Often enough Harrison will call for one of them and entertain him at times.
D: For some reason I stopped getting notifications from this RP. But a lot of things happened so I couldn't post on my trip like I wanted to and I ended up having to stay extra days...Eheheh (because I'm an idiot and got myself stranded). But I got back yesterday and have been playing RP catch-up ever since.

Is it okay if I still post in this RP? I'm sure I can pull something out of my ass to make up for missed action....(>u>)
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I've been busy trying to get a car to replace my clunker. And although I make posts in other things it's because I already know what I'm going to say or do. I still need to figure out what I want to do with Alex/Minerva
Yeah I got nothing to do with Daxton. I might skip out on posting this round because it's really just Amelia stumbling about.
Can I get a quick summary of what's happening? Seems everyone has a certain role they are currently performing, so I am at a loss as to how I should jump in >3<.
Okay what currently is happening is.

The night before everyone was dressed up and preparing for a showing (which Harrison uses to show off his dolls). During one of the first shows a drunken guest comes up and get pretty aggressive with one of the dolls, Aaqilah, and attempts to how her a whole new world. Nico then causes a ruckus and is forced down by guards and his binding bracelet. Then Wyre sensing the emotional distress comes charging in, sees what happens causes some trouble by sending most of the guest into a deep depression.

They are now reporting to Harrison's office to be punished.
@Lovable Dark\-side

Well since I started late, would it be alright for me to say that Harrison decided not to showcase Layla this evening? Atleast that would make sense as to why she's not shown today.

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