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Fantasy Harrison's Collection

In the middle of the stage Wyre sits her dark grey eyes scanning the crowd before her. The faces, the expressions, the way their eyes glimmer and follow her movements as she picks up her lyre, fingers resting ever so slightly on the instrument she had just tuned earlier. As she straightens her back, she plucks three chords each one loud and clear as they sound off into the room. Everyone goes silent... candles are blew out to make the lighting dimmer, and Sage appears his face like steel as he puts a skeleton like hand on her shoulder.

" Soleil or Drowning Dreams?," He queries, notching an eyebrow. She looks at him and thinks a moment," Drowning Dreams." She whispers, so that only he could hear her and he nods getting into position beside her. She stares at him for a moment before start taking notes of his appearance. He like her was adorn in light blue and both look almost nymph like in appearance. It would work excellently for what they were about to do.

As the silence grows thicker Wyre begins to play, the silver threads of her lyre quietly cry out to the audience. She no longer sees their faces just colors of every color in their places. The embodiment of emotions, swirling and burnings all in one rooms and she changes them as her song begins to play. Opening her audience to her will, but also opening herself up to those who weren't under her control. She would sense those stray emotions as she preformed and she could do nothing to block them. They would just stick, hovering at the edge of her mind until she has stopped using her abilities.

Her voice is dark, brooding almost as it is released from her throat conveying the sorrow of the song she sings. Sage beside her interlacing it with images.

The ship it swayed,

Heave- Ho, Heave- Ho

On the dark and stormy blue,

And I held tight to the captains might,

as he pulled up his trews.

The room fills with the image of water and old ship, wood rotten an surrounded by mist. Two figures standing side by side a small woman with long orange hair and a tall plump man holding her to his side. They don't say anything just look out into the audience -The sea- The whole rooms seems to rock to and fro, a dark blue light cast upon the walls make it seem as if their are no walls only ocean to be seen. As if they are the only two alive. Its sorrowful.

"You haven't slept Heave-Ho," He said,

"In many suns and moons."

Oh, I will sleep when I reach shore,

and pray we get their soon.

The rotten ship once far away, we are now on its deck. The plump man holds onto the girl now, but you see its not a comforting embrace. But more like a grapple to keep her by his side. The deck is covered in water and mist and the two figures you see now look worried. As the water seems to be rising and the ship lowering.

He said "Now hush love here's your gowns,

there's the bed, lantern's down

But I don't want to go to sleep in all my dreams I drown.

You see the couple go into a cabin below the deck the water at their feet, but they ignore it holding each others hands as they continue down the ships halls finding a room with a bed. The sheets are tossed, and the water is now to their lower calves. Still they ignore it and see only each other. You can see a loving look in the mans eyes as he moves a lock of orange hair out of the face of his love.

Suddenly Wyre stops playing, but the images continue on the echos of her song reverberating hollowly. Her voice no longer sings, nor does her fingers glide across her lyre. All she can feel is....fear...lust...and...anger. She stands up suddenly looking to Sage, but he shows notice of this disturbance. Most of the crowd seems still, the last emotions she implanted still strong in their minds. Everything is still, so Wyre runs, off the stage lyre firmly in her hands. Out into the hall, her small feet pushing her forward. The emotions growing stronger the closer she gets to the room Aaquilah and Nico are preforming in. They encompass her mind, all she can feel are those three set emotions. She doesn't hesitate as she opens the doors, and sees the scene before her. Her hands are already on her Lyre ready to play.
Nico was about to make a smart quip about calling her qilah again, but was interrupted by one of the drunken men he was worried about earlier. "Sir if you'd shut that fat ass mouth of yours we could continue the show." The crowd laughed at Nico's comment, even the drunken man. However, one of them completely ignored him to go after Aaqilah. "Hey!" The ground shook as Nico held out his hand. "Hands off of Qilah." Nico had reversed the man and Aaqilah's gravitational pull on one another causing them to separate. Aaqilah getting pushed back onto the stage and the man flying into the crowd. "Now sit down shut the fuck up and keep your hands to yourself." Nico was starting to revert to the way he was when he first arrived. He felt the urge to do more than just throw the man back into his seat welling up. Nico quickly turned back to Aaquilah and looked at her. "You okay?"

Just as she felt herself flying forward, a force sent the girl back, separating her from her assailant and sending her back towards Nicolai. Looking stunned and somewhat disheveled, thanks to a few hairs escaping her neatly arranged hairstyle, Aaqilah could only give a small nod. "Y-yes, I am alright."

"Thank goodness." Nico smiled as he started to move towards her, but sadly her assailant wasn't the type to quit it seemed. He was already back on stage, picking up Aaqilah and pulling at her towards the audience.

"Come on love. I'm gonna show you some things that'll change your world." The man was clearly beyond intoxicated. He was at the point that Nico could only describe him as a hairless beast. He clenched his fists tightly and could feel the blood trickling down his hands and dribbling onto the floor. Nico knew he couldn't actually hurt the man, but his control was starting to slip. As the man's hand moved towards Qilah's chest Nico couldn't take it anymore.

"Get the FUCK away form her!" The room shook as the man once again went flying, but this time he was SLAMMED into a wall. The wall cracked and broke against the pressure of the man being pressed into it. Nico cracked his knuckles as he felt the similar shocking pain of the bracelet being activated. However, it was still at a low setting and wouldn't stop him. He'd endured so much in his training sessions with Silas. Being beaten and bruised until he could stand, but still having to go and do his chores with a smile. In the end, it made Nico's pain tolerance high enough that he needed to be cut and had the bracelet triggered before he could come close to fainting. "It's a sad day that you pissed me off my friend." A steak knife on one of the tables flew across the room and sunk into the wall a few inches from the man's ear. Another soon followed suit, landing near his cheek. Nico lifted his hand and countless knives hovered above the tables. "Any last words you disgusting pig of a man? And they better not be asking for mercy, because I doubt you would've shown any to her." Nico wasn't angry, he was furious. Aaqilah, although she didn't trust him, was still a friend. She was still someone he wanted to protect.

"Now now Nicolai, you know you can't hurt guests." Silas's voice chimed in to his side and he felt the force of a punch to the stomach. It was followed quickly by a kick to the back. "You need to the let the man go."

"Fuck off Silas. I wasn't going to let him touch her."

"Oh come now. She's just a doll. It's not like she has feelings." Silas said while looking at Nico who seemed unfazed by the abuse. "Oh? Is my training a bit too effective? Well then. We'll just have to resort to drastic measures." Silas pulled out and tapped one of the numerous runes on the switch. Nico didn't need to see to know it was one of if not THE highest setting the remote had.

Nico cried out in pain as his bracelet immediately rose to one of the highest levels he'd ever experienced. He cried out as his body was overwhelmed with indescribable pain of another dimension. The closest thing he could compare it to was having his brain ripped apart by steel wool. It hurt that damn much. Nico gritted his teeth and glared at Silas, refusing to let the man off the wall. However, several more of the guards approached and began to pummel Nico into the ground. Losing the ability to maintain his power, Nico dropped the man and fell to his knees. "I will kill you Silas." Nico forced the words from his mouth through painful cries.

"But for now, you will have to deal with the first part of your punishment. Monsieur." Silas gestured for the drunken guest and Nico felt a steel toed boot to the stomach and nearly coughed up blood. The brutish assault of a foot to his gut proceeded, but Nico refused to faint. He continued to glare at the noble with a grin. He'd protected Qilah and she could slip away if she was smart enough. Just then the doors burst open and someone came crashing in.

@Lovable Dark\-side

Hands on here Wyre attempts to take note with everything that she has just seen and fails. Its like a blur of images happening at once. Play.

It was the only thought in her head, a voice that wasn't her own urging it on, but she didn't fear insanity at that moment only comfort as she feels her arms relax and her fingers quickly find pace on the chords of her lyre. An act of Helias is commanded now and she has not right to refuse.

The music she plays has no direction her mind and abilities reopening and the tune takes form. She knows she has limited time in this endeavor, but her mind feels as if time has stopped. The voice in her mind continues. Play....Play...Play. So, she does each note coming out crisp and clear, but she doesn't add power to it. No emotion is behind this song, and she doubts anyone listens, but she waits. Her mind slowly becoming more focused before she utters a single command and lets it ring out through the music.


She turns to word into a emotion, something heavy to choke down. The feeling of utter lost and defeat in life, your heart being ripped out and broken, losing your home, your family, your will. There is no hope in these dark notes that play now. No chime or happiness. She wants them to hang in the air. She wants everyone in this room to taste the life of the collection. There is no substance only sand in place of an apple. She send this to the guest, to the guards, to the filth who was now beating Nico on the floor.

Then everything stops, her bracelet activating as a guard born with magic immunity enters and takes her down. Her body stands only for a few seconds then pain twisting and consorting her. She falls, her amulet of Helias proudly falling beside her. .

Amelia Lavehart

Amelia lay back in wait, watching the performance with wide and curious eyes. Aaqilah was so beautiful, and Nico's powers so intriguing. Harrison was smart to pair them together. It was beautiful, exciting. But Amelia had to remind herself how wrong this was. How yes, what they could do was in some ways.. magnificent.. they were being used, and treated like toys.

A drunken man had reached out for Aaqilah, and Amelia found herself reeling back in disgust. All of a sudden, things were escalating so quickly. She heard Nico yelling.

"Fuck off Silas. I wasn't going to let him touch her." "Oh come now. She's just a doll. It's not like she has feelings." Amelia didn't really get angry. She only felt strong distaste. But something about what Silas had said -- it made her feel quite unpleasant. Quite.. upset. That was as good as it got with Amelia. She was going to do it - she was going to run out and maybe offer a feeble squeak of protest. But then she heard Nico's screams of pains. Her heart wrenched and her stomach twisted. Oh, Nico.. What good would it do if she ran out there? She'd be knocked out in a matter of seconds.

But then the music began. Wyre. How had she gotten her lyre out of the performance room? Amelia's heart raced. This wasn't going to be good.

Though the emotions weren't directed towards Amelia - she could feel just a tiny piece of it. The emptiness. It wasn't a foreign feeling. The sorrowful music only lasted a few moments before Wyre fell to the floor.

Amelia burst forth from the curtains, eyes livid with fear. "Silas.. please." She begged. "Please stop hurting them." She couldn't stand it. She couldn't bear it. Amelia wasn't so close to everyone here, but she knew what they all went through.

"Little Amelia,"
Silas cooed, approaching the small girl and grabbing her chin, wrenching her head to look him up in the eyes. Silas was much taller then Amelia. She had to crane her thin little neck to look at him, letting out a pained noise. Silas knew Amelia's pain tolerance as ridiculously low, the slightest shock from the bracelet could knock her out, and she was next in line to perform.

Silas instead opted to slap her. His hand was harsh against her cheek, and a single tear rolled down her face. "Do not tempt me, Amelia." Silas hissed. Amelia stared up at Silas, her watery eyes filled with sadness. She had no choice but to submit.

"You're disgusting."
Amelia whispered. A harsh cry of pain fled her mouth as her body fell to the floor and she writhed in suffering before her world went black.


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Jaila rolled her eyes when Nico told her she might want to move away. She hadn't been playing on staying there for long anyway, she was just looking for something to occupy her attention until she had to go and fight. And a stranger too - a mage maybe in the crowd. Somebody powerful enough to unwind what had happened to the bracelet - surely every spell could be undone. Statistically, there should be one that cared enough to help them. Harrison had operated the foul business for almost a decade - had nobody ever seen his "dolls" and tried to rescue them? She had to believe that at least one had tried, for the sake of her own conscience. She gave him a glare but left it at that. Nico was arrogant, and when she found a way to get them all out, he'd wish he'd treated her with more respect. The same went for all of them, really. Especially the ones that had forgotten how to fight back.

She watched the show between Aaqilah and Nico carefully, slipping into the darkest parts of the room. It wasn't like they bothered much with her anyway - the attention was purely on the two on stage - the most beautiful performers in the world. It was a pity they weren't free to start their own show somewhere a million miles away - where they could be respected and admired - rather than abused and threatened. Tonight would make Harrison very happy - the audience were loving it.

Harrison would definitely not approve of the interlude, however. Aaqilah, Nico, and then Amelia too - what were they thinking? Confronting them wasn't going to do much, it would only point the attention on them. If they hadn't made so much fuss it would be easy to teach the drunken idiot a lesson. Still, it made her blood boil seeing them being beaten up like that. She swallowed, knowing that she should help, she certainly wanted to, but she had a fight later. Aaqilah should have just handled herself - if she couldn't do that, then what hope did she have at ever escaping?

She watched it all, the final slap blow Silas dealt to Amelia echoing around the room. She walked slowly towards Silas and looked down at the girl with the roll of her eyes. It might be her later.

"You idiot," she said to Silas, sighing. "She has to perform later, and that will muck up her face. You think Harrison would want that?" She leaned down to make sure Amelia was okay, and rolled her over into a more comfortable position.

The moment her assailant was pulled away a second time, the girl wasted no time as she turned and began to push her way through the crowd. She needed to get away, far away before her presence caused anything worse to happen. With the audience's attention focused solely on the stage, it was easy to slip unnoticed through the crowd. In truth, even the commotion on the stage was only a distant buzz in her ears as the only thought in her mind at the moment was to run. A pained yell broke through her thoughts and Aaqilah froze in place, turning towards the stage as her blood ran cold. Silas himself had come to deal with the problem.

She could barely see Nicolai through the swarm of guards crowding around him and the girl took an involuntary step towards them but halted. What could she do to stop them? Silas was notorious for his hatred of the Arcane, was there anything Aaqilah could say that would halt Nicolai's punishment? Just then, a single sound broke through the chaos-- a lyre. Wyre? Had she somehow heard the commotion? Judging by the way the music was affecting some of the people, it had to be her. As Aaqilah started back towards the stage, her eyes caught sight of the girl just as she crumpled to the ground and yet another figure darted out from behind the curtains. Amelia too?

Making it to the stage just as Amelia, too, fell, Aaqilah moved to stand between Silas and the fallen Arcane, her eyes flicking to Jaila then returning to Silas. She held his gaze for a split-second before lowering it as she bowed her head demurely.
"Silas, please, this whole catastrophe was my fault, I should not have refused that man. Wyre and Amelia are only children, and ruled by their own emotions, the same as with Nicolai. This won't happen again." Trying to use whatever words she could to soften Silas towards them, she spoke calmly. Whatever punishment that might await them after this would undoubtedly be unpleasant, and Aaqilah didn't want to see any of them suffer.

@Lovable Dark-side @blackrosedrop @CloudyBlueDay
Minerva had followed closely behind when Wyre had left. She enjoyed the performance, but never got caught up in it. It was something about her and Alex that nobody could explain. They sometimes just were AWARE. She walked in to find Nicolai being held down, Wyre unconscious, Amelia out-cold and Aaquilah standing in front of Silas trying to convince him to calm down while Jaila comforted Amelia.

"So, you came to the real show?" Alex said calmly as he took his sister's hand. "Sorry, but I'll be using you for a bit Mini. I'm about to clear this room." Alex tightened his grip on his sister's wrist as her flesh suddenly became like tendrils. It latched on and coursed over Alex as if she was becoming a part of him. After a few seconds, Alex's hair was suddenly streaked with purple and he was wielding the Grim Reaper, as everyone called his sister when she was in blade form. "Alright you fuck nuggets!" Alex cried out, Mini's voice became an undertone to his own. "If any of you feel like getting out of here without missing an internal organ get your asses off the property!" Alex's blood hungry look and the completed demon mask he was wearing added into it and people began to move out of the room. Alex sighed as he walked over to Silas. "For now Silas, get the three trouble makers to their cells, it's what Harrison would want. Boone seems to have come down with an illness from what I've heard and so Nicolai doesn't have a fight. Wyre's performance is over and Aaquilah is willing to atone. So let's just move on." Alex looked at Silas who looked between Aaquilah and him.

"You raise a good point. However, your little outburst costs Harrison money."

"Really? I think it just raises my reputation as a monster for the next time he has me fight. It'll draw more of a crowd to see how a monster brawls." Alex smirked as Silas had readied the remote to be used on him. Please. Currently the magic isn't anywhere near as strong, Mini's bracelet can't work and I'm only 60% of the consciousness. So even at the highest setting it won't be as bad as Nico's pain. Alex grinned as Silas just shrugged.

"Fine. The incident will be reported to Harrison and the punishments will be dealt out to the three offenders." Silas smirked and looked down at Alex. It took all of Alex's strength not to lunge forward and cut the man's throat open with Minerva. "I'm surprised to see you defending them Alex, are you going soft?"

"Nah. Just glad to see some of the original Nico back. Figured I'd at least pay him back for the show." Alex smirked before he kicked Nico in the ribs. "And that's for being a dumbass." A flick of his wrist and the process of Minerva becoming a scythe reversed itself.

"You handled that wonderfully Nii-sama."

"Yeah yeah. Oh and Silas, I'm a bit tired, so cancel my fight for tonight." He called over his shoulder as he and Minerva started wandering off only to be assaulted with questions by the guests that were so terrified of him only moments earlier. "Ugh. Get out of my face you assholes!" Alex was back to himself, and was back to the war path, but he needed to change back into his rags and go train.

"You know I'm going to beat you twice as hard in your training tomorrow right?" Silas smirked as the boy walked away. The ruthlessness towards anyone and everyone that he displayed was the only reason that Silas even remotely liked the boy. The fact that he'd kicked Nico while he was down was further proof of how much Alex was like him. "So Nico, any last words before you get locked into your isolated cell?"

"You okay Quilah?" Nico's voice strained, raspy, and filled with pain, but with nobody around it was still loud enough to be heard clearly.

@Lovable Dark-side @blackrosedrop @CloudyBlueDay
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Casting one last look towards the quickly emptying room and the twin's retreating figures Aaqilah moved to kneel in front of Nicolai, lowering her voice to where only he could hear and all the others would hear was a faint mumble. "Listen to me, Nicolai. What you did was stupid, this world is far too cruel for you to fight all other's battles or worry about their well-being." There was iron in both her tone and her eyes as she held his gaze. "I have no doubt that a good portion of your 'family' here would throw you to the wolves if it meant even a slight chance at freedom, don't sacrifice yourself anymore. Even if someone had come and dragged me off kicking and screaming, you turn your eyes away and pretend as if you saw nothing. That kindness of yours will get you killed, mark my words."

She stood and, without a look back towards Nicolai, walked to where Amelia and Wyre lay as Jaila stood nearby. Directing her words at Silas, she said, "If we leave these two sleeping here much longer they'll likely catch a cold, and I doubt Lord Harrison would like that if it affected their ability to preform. We'll take them back to their sleeping quarters until he decides what he wants to do." Bending over, she picked up Wyre, carrying the unconscious girl like a small child-- which, by all means, she was. Looking towards Amelia, then Jaila, she asked, "Will you need help carrying her?"

@Lovable Dark-side @blackrosedrop @CloudyBlueDay
Nicolai smirked as he looked at Aaquilah walking away. "Yeah, it may get me killed, but then I'll have atoned for my sins." Nico smiled as he thought about how he had said those very words to another member of the collection years long since passed, but the smile soon faded as sorrow took its place. He felt the guilt tearing at his heart. He'd been the problem. He caused it all and he had to atone for what he'd done. "Quilah, I'm glad that you're okay though." He managed to speak clearly now that the bracelet was turned off. "It would have been a loss to let your beauty be given to that cretin." Nico pushed himself onto his feet and looked at Silas with a defiant gaze. "Take me away master. Teach me my lesson so that I'll never roam again." Nico smirked as Silas punched him in the stomach. It was nostalgic as Nico had used that line countless times when he first became a doll in Harrison's collection.

"And here we thought we'd made progress with you Nico. I guess we'll have to repeat that one punishment." Silas looked over to Aaquilah, Wyre and Amelia.

Nico whispered into Silas's ear. "Touch any of them and Harrison will have a crater instead of a palace." Nico started walking towards his cell. It was kept in a dungeon beneath Silas's office. It was designed to make sure that he'd be unable to escape no matter what. And if he did, it would lead to him having to fight Silas. The odds of escape were slim to none and slim was six feet under.

@Lovable Dark\-side
TIME SKIP IN.....5....4....3...2..1.

Most mornings started with the sun shining through the small window in the room that Wyre slept in. Along with the small sounds the others made as they woke. This morning was different. Instead of the small thumps of the others opening their shutters and the rustling of blankets Wyre awoke to wave after wave of anger entering her mind like a wooden spoon to the head. She opens her eyes slowly, looking for the source of the anger that plagued her. Which she quickly finds in the shape of Janis Wilingham. Flashes of dark red pulse off of her so furiously that Wyre can see them through her shutters and is almost convinced that the others might be able to see them too. The blue eyed woman opens the shutters of Wyre's sleeping compartment and grabs onto the girl's arm, quickly pulling her out of her small niche and onto to the stone floor. Luckily, she wasn't on any of the bunks placed higher up, but her knees still feel bruised as she gets up off the ground.

"You have a meeting to attend with Lord Xander Jane Harrison due to your actions of a late. I would suggest dressing quickly if you would like to catch him in a more favorable mood, dear." Janis says her voice taking on an almost monotone style, yet there was no mistaking the layer of honey soaked venom beneath her words. Janis though having no true love for the arcane doesn't show aggression towards them often. Only when they preceded to make her work difficult. Which they of course did with the events that happened the night before. It must have been hell for Janis to deal with all the guest last night after the disturbances. The ring was shut down, and over three arcane dolls were caught disobeying one of the most important rules of the house. Don't Disturb the Guest! Not to even mention those who were harmed by Wyre's music. Their are even a few guest who had to stay over night because of that mess. The showings were a disaster and those who caused it needed to be dealt with.

As Wyre tugs on her work clothes, a pair of black trousers and a blue top, Janis goes to the compartments of the other trouble makers. Repeating the same line she had just told Wyre. Wyre wraps her hand around her amulet and sighs. " Helias guide me." She says to herself, and awaits the others to be ready themselves for the meeting with Harrison. One she doubts will be filled with pleasant small talk.

@Kiroshiven @Iomana @CloudyBlueDay @blackrosedrop (Though she didn't do much Amelia's disturbance is noted. Along with Jaila's)
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Cold, cold and dark. Those were the only words that could describe what Nico awoke to that morning. He had been chained up against the wall as he had been countless times before. They metal dug into his wrists and his forearms. The cold steel stealing whatever heat his body had managed to maintain during the night. The darkness of the cell was heavy and it almost fell suffocating as Nico merely wished that Silas would come down to bring him to Harrison. However, Nico knew that wouldn't be coming. Harrison's punishment would have him hanging there, "helpless" as his friends were put through a great deal of torment. I can't just let them take a punishment that could possibly kill them. I've gotta get out of here. Nico struggled against the chains once more before looking to his arm where the bracelet clung to him.

I need to destroy this thing. So long as it is working and is around my arm, I will never be able to help them. Nico closed his eyes and listened closely. There was no movement within the cell block beneath Silas' home. He invoked his powers and sensed no human shaped gravitational anomalies above that. Silas must be excitedly waiting for the others to walk into Harrison's office. Nico growled as he then turned his focus to the gem on his arm. Just need to destroy the stone. Nico immediately began to increase the stone's pull on itself. At which point, the stone triggered and pain began to run through Nico's body. However, it seemed Silas hadn't set it to go to the maximum setting should he try to break it. Fool forgot what it took to stop me last night and didn't update it. Or he didn't think I'd try to break myself free. It took time though. Without a solid place to stand and his mind and body exhausted due to a poor night's rest, it took Nico several minutes to even begin to damage the stone. His rage grew stronger as he thought about what the others might be going through.

The setting of the stone grew stronger the longer he tried to destroy it. Have......to.........break.........it. Nico gritted his teeth as cracks and the sound of shattering glass began to echo in the tiny stone room. He was nearing that point where the stone wouldn't be able to support its own gravity and would implode. NEARLY.......THERE. Blood trickled into his mouth as he fought as hard as he could to break the stone, and when it finally crushed itself and the pain vanished, Nico nearly wept with joy. He quickly swallowed his blood and licked the wound in his mouth clean. One last trick before Silas shows up. Quickly reversing what he'd done, the stone was already broken and could no longer pose a threat. The runes were shattered and held no power. Then a quick turn with his power and he could hide the stone. From far away it would look fine and as long as nobody examined the stone directly, there wouldn't be any problem. I've finally managed to give myself the edge. Now I've gotta do it for the rest. Nico waited patiently until he heard the sliding of a desk and the slam of a door.

"How are you fairing Nico? I hope your rest went well." Silas's words were sarcastic and as cruel as ever. Nico nearly laughed. He wanted to just crush the man's skull with his power, but until the others' bracelets were destroyed he couldn't risk it. He merely nodded to Silas and the man seemed a bit perturbed. "No snappy comeback? I thought you'd gone back to your old ways. That's no fun." Silas pouted as he released Nico. "Oh well, Mr. Harrison is gathering you and the other troublemakers. You will all have to endure a punishment."

"Oooh. I wonder if it'll be 1000 or 2000 lashes." Nico said bitterly as he walked past Silas. Nico felt his fists clench but his thoughts remained on the others. If he were to fight now, there'd be no second chance. He managed to break the stone without getting caught. Now he just had to help the others. Then they could escape this hell hole together.
Amelia Lavehart

Amelia woke with a throbbing pain in her cheek. Memories quickly flooded her, the night before, Silas slapping her, the bracelet sending oh so much pain through her body. Slowly sitting up, she let out a moan. Everything ached. Janis was yelling at her, but Amelia didn't even need to hear what she was saying. Amelia slowly made her way out of bed, putting on nice clothes. If Amelia had looked sickly before, she now looked worse then ever. Dark circles under her eyes, her skin white as a ghost, except for the bruise on her cheek.

Amelia glanced around the room, making her way out of the sleeping quarters, nearly tripping over her own feet and stumbling. She felt dizzy, vision blurred, and she could feel what little she'd eaten attempting to make it's way up her throat.

"Hi, Wyre."
Amelia croaked, stumbling as she moved closer to her accidentally bumping into her. "Mmph.. sorry.." She whispered, righting herself. Amelia had never felt so physically terrible, nor had she looked it. "Hope.. hope Harrison isn't.. too hard on you.. us." Amelia said, weakly smiling at Wyre.

@Lovable Dark\-side
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The first thing she awoke to was Janis' angry barking. Her eyes slowly cracked open and, with sleep clouding her mind, she stared uncomprehendingly at the other woman for a few seconds. It wasn't until a hand grabbed her wrist and roughly yanked her out of her sleeping compartment that Aaqilah snapped into full consciousness. As Janis moved on to wake the others, the girl began to change into her everyday clothes as memories from last night came rushing back.

They had really dug themselves into a hole now. Having kept to herself for the five years she had been in The Collection, Aaqilah was never on the receiving end of one of Harrison's punishments and she shuddered to think of what he decided to do to them.

After pulling on some thin slippers, she made her way to Amelia and Wyre, absentmindedly running her fingers through her loose hair to clear it of any tangles. "Hello." Frowning as she caught sight of the condition Amelia was in, she spoke softly so as to not draw attention from Janis. "Amelia, are you well enough to move?" Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do for the younger girl. Harrison requested their presence and she doubted Janis would let Amelia return to her compartment and rest if she needed it.

@Lovable Dark\-side

Wyre looks to the small being that is Amelia. Her pale skin even more pallid than usual, her eyes dull. Wyre didn't even need to hear Amelia's voice to know just how terribly bent out of shape she was at the moment. But they were being called, and things would only get worse if they tried to ignore the summons. Wyre takes Amelia's arm and puts it around her shoulder," Don't worry about," Replying to her from when the girl had bumped into her earlier," You look like the light was taken from you. You may lean on me." Wyre says, not really giving Amelia the choice.

"Hope.. hope Harrison isn't.. too hard on you.. us." Amelia say's smiling weakly at Wyre, who in returns smiles back at her a small look of pity in her eyes," You have nothing to worry about in states of punishment. You only talked to Silas in a disapproving tone. Not like you almost sent knives flying across the room into someones gut, or sent half the guest to the floor weeping for their sins and saviors." She tells her," Plus your sick. Harrison is cruel, but no stupid. If he did anything more than send you to bed you would surely be of no use to anyone."

Wyre turns to Aaqilah and looks up at the tanned woman. She didn't look as bad as Amelia just tired like everyone was.
This is the woman I have risked for.... strange. "We better start of now. Harrison is most likely waiting and unlike Amelia we aren't on the staircase to deaths door, so mercy isn't one of our options." She states her voice monotone. Then she exits into the hall, making her way through the maze like passage ways. Her small feet stepping surely on the floors made of stone grey as a winter sky, tall stain glass windows depicting scenes of of battles, nature, and even gods filtering in rainbow shaded light. "For a dark day the sun shines awfully bright." She mutters, tightening he grip on Amelia, shuffling a bit in order to support the girl a bit better. They only had a few more feet to walk until they would be at his door and they didn't need to be stumbling about.

@CloudyBlueDay @Kiroshiven @Iomana

How amazing that a prison could be so ornately decorated. All of these riches made that one pendant seem like cheap costume jewelry in comparison. When she first arrived, Aaqilah often dreamed of smashing those beautiful glass windows to pieces, of leaving deep gouges in the stone floors, of burning this damned mansion to the ground. Now she merely walked through the hallways, eyes staring straight ahead as her lips pressed into a grim line. Hearing Wyre's comment, her eyes wandered to one of the windows, watching as sunlight streamed through, lighting up the beautiful work of art with brilliant colors.

That was no surprise. In her experience, the sun always seemed to shine the brightest on the darkest of days, as if it were laughing at the poor and minuscule tragedies that they faced. After a few more equally lavish hallways, they finally arrived at an ornate door. With the sheer amount of detail that must have gone into its creation there was no doubt who lay beyond it. Tamping down her nerves at the thought of facing Harrison, the girl steeled herself and murmured softly, "I'll try to lessen our punishment by any means that I can." Squaring her shoulders, Aaqilah raised a fist and knocked. "Lord Harrison, we are here."

@Lovable Dark-side @Kiroshiven

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