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Harley Q x P Ivy

"It's not an objection I'm just worried about Mr. J getting mad at me. Red you're my best no only friend. I don't want to lose you." I say as tears begin to fall from my eyes.
I quickly release the smaller girl's face as she mentions the clown's name. Still leaning over her, I lower myself and whisper into her "I'd understand if you're afraid, but trust me when I say that i'm not going anywhere." I lift myself to eye level again, and smile, as I plant a soft kiss on her cheekbone.
I lifted myself again, staring at her, smiling. "So what do you say, Harley? Wanna be brave?" I said in a seductive, but sweet tone. I placed one hand onto her cheek once more, this time rubbing in where I had kissed her.

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