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Fandom happily ever after.

colby morte
sixteen | daughter of hades
she has the powers of mediumship and necromancy. grew up as father's favourite bc she's his only daughter. she has several other demigod brothers, but she hasn't met most of them. her mother was a mortal. she can be cocky and arrogant, and is slightly guarded, but she's also a friendly and energetic person.
august weber
seventeen | son of belle
has the powers of metal manipulation, which helps him since he loves to invent new things. he's also super smart and has something of an eidetic memory. he's super down to earth, but it is not uncommon for him to stand up for himself or for others when needed.
tariq abbas
eighteen | son of jafar
pretty quiet and reserved, prefers to keep to himself. never truly aligned with his father's selfish interests, but inherited an ability of manipulating and controlling the earth and earthen elements -- including jewels and riches and basically minerals that come from the ground.
lana floros
seventeen | daughter of ariel
has a great singing voice and inherited powers of siren song from her mother, as well as mild control over water. she's a very lively, fun loving girl, very carefree and kind and adores exploring new places and trying out new things. she's an only child so she's also a little spoiled.
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