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Fandom Halo: Spartans Rising



New Member
In an isolated part of the world, a secret mission was underway, several human colonies have gone silent, a secret team was being put together, a team comprising of the new Spartan IIs and regular soldiers. This was a black operation, meaning those only in the top knew about it. If the people found out that several colonies went missing, there would be a panic. In orbit a single ship, a stalwart class light frigate, was being prepped for a journey. Within the base the rumors of Spartans being here were true, causing some of the regular marines to stop what they were doing and look at the Spartans whenever they got a chance.

Hicks walked through the corridor, a shotgun on his back, pistol at his side, and his knife strapped on his shoulder. His helmet was on, keeping his face hidden from the men that looked at him with awe, almost like they were witnessing a god incarnate. Inside his helmet he rolled his eyes in annoyance, not being one for crowds. Pushing his way through, he entered the mess hall, not eating since he left his last mission. Grabbing a tray, he walked over to a secluded table, sitting down and finally taking off his helmet. He was a Caucasian man with light blue eyes, fair skin, but what ruined that almost perfect look was the horrible burn scar on the side of his face. His hair was dark brown and cut short, giving the enemy very little to grab onto if his helmet is knocked off. Eating, he watched as some of the normal men looked at him, even when eating he couldn't get a moments peace.
Johnson was leaning against the wall, smoking a cigar and wearing his great-grandfathers cap. His face showed a mix of smug and humor. He was talking to a group of Marines, telling them about his great-grandfather and quoting some of his best jokes. The marines eventually wandered off, and Johnson wandered over to Hicks. He placed his helmet on the table beside himself. "Hey." He said to Hicks, introducing himself.
"I know you?" Hicks didn't look up, keeping his eyes on his plate as he ate. To him the food tasted like shit, not expecting anything great though. Finishing his meal, he tossed away the tray and then looked up at Johnson. He saw his armor, so there were other Spartans here. Standing up, he looked him over, the man looked familiar, like he met him somewhere before. Shaking his head, he grabbed his helmet and put it back on. "Smoking is bad for you, might kill you." He said with a dry tone to his voice.
"I say otherwise, really." He shrugged, blowing smoke. He chuckled and smiled. "And, yes, you know me. You saved me when we were in Training. Not sure if you remember it though."

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