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Fandom Halo: Spartans Rising Character Sheets


New Member
This is where the character sheets will go. A character sheet will be posted down below.






Armor design:


Other and personal items:

Name: Garrett Avery Johnson, otherwise known as Johnson-586

Codename/Callsign: Sarge or Phoenix, varies.

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Personality: Similar to Avery Johnson, typically energetic and funny, sarcastic.

Armor design: Pathfinder armour, with a Phoenix on one shoulder and the UNSC logo on the other.

Weapons: MA5K Carbine, M6C Personal Defense Weapon System, frag grenades, hatchet.

Other and personal items: Cigars (Always has 2 packs on him.)

Bio: As were all Spartan trainees, He was taken at the age of 6 by the new Spartan program. He trained alongside other children, once having been saved by another Cadet, who he never really knew. He graduated and received his custom armour, Pathfinder, and his weapons and was sent to the firing range. He also had vague memories of his family, seeing Johnson's name on the memorial for those lost in the destruction of one of the Halo rings, he was also there to hear the news of John-117's death. This didn't affect him much though, as he was used to death.

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