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Fandom Halo: Bravo Squad

argh I wish this were a spartan rp!¡!¡ Hmmm... Energy sword user?¿?¿ nah not my style...
I mean, dual wielding is possible... but good luck hitting the target with that recoil and one arm aiming. Also, an energy sword is a Covenant weapon.

If you want to get some ideas on something to do, maybe look up a few things on the Halo Wikia. Or just go with something. It's not the equipment and things characters use that's so unique and intriguing about a character, but rather the personality and the way the character is written and implemented into stories.
ok ill check out wiki.

And i dont have a problem with personality and stuff i got that figured out but I want to do a unique fighting style
@Facethelight It's physically impossible for her to have fought the Flood with Keyes and to have survived, there was a total of 7 survivors from Installation 04, Lieutenant Haverson who eventually died, Warrant Officer Polanski who eventually became very.... very dead, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (Master Chief) John-117, Sergeant Major Johnson who eventually died, Master Sergeant Stacker, Corporal Locklear who eventually died, and That Australian bastard Chips Dubbo who seems to survive everything, also ODST isn't a promotion it is an all volunteer force, if you don't volunteer you don't get in, skill of a newly trained spartan is quite far fetched.
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Lord Shaxx] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/1841-facethelight/ said:
@Facethelight[/URL] It's physically impossible for her to have fought the Flood with Keyes and to have survived, there was a total of 7 survivors from Installation 04, Lieutenant Haverson who eventually died, Warrant Officer Polanski who eventually became very.... very dead, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (Master Chief) John-117, Sergeant Major Johnson who eventually died, Master Sergeant Stacker, Corporal Locklear who eventually died, and That Australian bastard Chips Dubbo who seems to survive everything, also ODST isn't a promotion it is an all volunteer force, if you don't volunteer you don't get in, skill of a newly trained spartan is quite far fetched.
What happens when you don't brush up on your lore after its been so long 'Orz. My bad on those things.

Though I have to say I give some damn good props to you for knowing your shit. I didn't read the books, not yet atleast, nor paid attention to the smaller details, mostly cause i was young when i first played them and never bothered to revisit the story elements, and i had still minorly thought I knew my way around things, but apparently not. Looking back, I should've been paying more attention.

Anyways, regarding the surviving issue; I think that one isn't too harsh since it's original characters and some things can kind of be hushed up a bit, however if I'm told to by the owner of the rp I would certainly change it, but for now I would like to keep that static.

However, the forced promotion Idea I will certainly change, and the saying of a newly trained spartan wasn't meant to be taken entirely literal but more so in a comparison between her and the standard marine, but that I will also go back and rephrase.
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what rank should i make my dude?¿?¿ hes gonna be between 25-30 YO
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Talon said:
what rank should i make my dude?¿?¿ hes gonna be between 25-30 YO
Well he said he wouldn't take any more sergeants so that leaves; Private, Private First Class, Lance Corporal, and Corporal
Ranks most likely available.

If the character is from either ground force branch (Marines or Army)

E-1 - Private - Pvt/PVT.

E-2 - Private First Class - Pfc/PFC.

E-3 - Lance Corporal - LCpl/LCPL.

E-4 - Corporal - Cpl/CPL.

If the character was originally a Navy Corpsman. (A Corpsman making it into ODST would most likely be above E-1 and 2)

E-3 - Hospitalman - HN. Equivalent to a Lance Corporal

E-4 - Hospital Corpsman Third Class - HM3. Equivalent to a Corporal

If the character was originally an Army Specialist (SPC.) I'm not sure if this is one hundred percent true but they'd most likely be Lance Corporal.
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Facethelight said:
I have to ask, @Lord Shaxx, do you have any experience in the military in reality? or are you just incredibly involved with halo?
Nope, most i've done that comes close to the military was being an Army Cadet for five years as a Rifleman (not as in the MOS like the Regiment), though i did recently apply for the British Army (to join the Royal Gurkha Rifles) i was disqualified because i took ADHD medication once recently when i was clean for three years, so i have to wait another four years before i can be elligible for enlistment again, i already have the application for Special Gunfire Observer ready, right now i train for four hours a day to make sure i have the best chance in making the cut for that position.

and yes, i'm very involved with Halo.
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[QUOTE="Lord Shaxx]
:P , Would you believe me if i said i've never read a Halo book nor played any of the games?

No. I wouldn't. At most I would say if that was true was you watched all of the games by someone else playing them, but you probably paid more attention to it than they did.
I have watched someone else play each and every halo game even the Original Halo made for Macintosh, I've even watched all the cut-scene movies, all the videos made by Bungie and 343i as well as Nightfall and Forward Unto Dawn, never personally played the games and I've never even seen the inside of a Halo book.

Though i never have and most likely never will watch Halo Legends.
Facethelight said:
Anyways, not to really rush things, but I'm curious when we're planned to start.
@Rookie Any estimated time?
I have stuff to do IRL tomorrow, so possibly sunday, 12:00 P.M. EST if that is okay with everyone else
[QUOTE="Lord Shaxx]I have watched someone else play each and every halo game even the Original Halo made for Macintosh, I've even watched all the cut-scene movies, all the videos made by Bungie and 343i as well as Nightfall and Forward Unto Dawn, never personally played the games and I've never even seen the inside of a Halo book.
Though i never have and most likely never will watch Halo Legends.

Halo legends never gave anything canon as far as I know. Have you watched Fall of reach, the movie that came out last year? Also, tbh, I really wanted to play the old mac version of halo

Rookie said:
I have stuff to do IRL tomorrow, so possibly sunday, 12:00 P.M. EST if that is okay with everyone else
fine by me
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Talon said:
wow... I dont know if thats sad or not...
I mean i don't really see it that sad, i just don't have the money to waste it on unnecessary leisure items such as an entire collect of halo books and graphic novels/novellas, an Xbox One or 360 nor the boat load of games to go with it as well as the paying for online play.

I may want these things but i don't need them so i can and will do without them.

Facethelight said:
Halo legends never gave anything canon as far as I know. Have you watched Fall of reach, the movie that came out last year? Also, tbh, I really wanted to play the old mac version of halo
No i have not, is it good? didn't really hear much about it to be honest, Halo legends is actually considered Canon, but i don't think i want to accept it as canon, have you seen Forward Unto Dawn or Nightfall?
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thats actually pretty smart... and ive seen forward unto dawn, its on netflix. I would watch the others but I dont know where to find them.
Rookie said:
I have stuff to do IRL tomorrow, so possibly sunday, 12:00 P.M. EST if that is okay with everyone else
sorry for the double post, on a time crunch and adding it to the o

[QUOTE="Lord Shaxx]I mean i don't really see it that sad, i just don't have the money to waste it on unnecessary leisure items such as an entire collect of halo books and graphic novels/novellas, an Xbox One or 360 nor the boat load of games to go with it as well as the paying for online play.
I may want these things but i don't need them so i can and will do without them.

No i have not, is it good? didn't really hear much about it to be honest, Halo legends is actually considered Canon, but i don't think i want to accept it as canon, have you seen Forward Unto Dawn or Nightfall?

seriously? well anyways, canon or not, fall of reach is definitely something to check out. and no I havent had the time recently but ive wanted to pick them up
Talon said:
thats actually pretty smart... and ive seen forward unto dawn, its on netflix. I would watch the others but I dont know where to find them.
Legends is also on Netflix

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