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Fandom Hallowgrove - (Once upon a time RP) (Open)


im eatin burgur

  • intro

    used to be



    he fairytales that you grew up with, that lulled you to sleep, that you watched as a child aren’t just stories. In a world linked to ours lives the heroes and villains from those tales. Every now and then the line between the worlds would weaken, leading to these stories to bleed into our world. The dreamers and storytellers would be able to transcribe them bringing them fully into our realm.

    The fairytale world was always in a battle of good and evil keeping a balance between the two, but something slipped. A sickness started spreading throughout the lands corrupting everything it touched. Their world started to crumble, forced to come together to save the remaining citizens.

    An escape plan was made. Using the magics of the land they tore the fabric keeping the two worlds apart. The ones who survived were thrusted into our world forming towns and homes, but they had lost parts of themselves. They had lost their memories of their life, their powers, who they truly were. Given a false life that felt just as real, they were unaware of who they used to be.

    Three years later they’ve gone about their day to day life unknowing of what they were. However something is shifting, the veil is slipping.


    This is a Once Upon A Time inspired role, although you don't have to have a familiarity with the show. The start of this Roleplay will have your characters, either living in Hallowgrove or being drawn/going to the town. This will kickstart them unraveling the mystery of what truly happened.

    Be a hero, villain, something between you have free reign to edit and change up bits and pieces of their story to how you see fit.

    Thank you for reading this all and hope to see you in Hallowgrove.




once upon



modern, fairytale, mystery, slice of life, sandbox







main (not up)

♡coded by uxie♡
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Interested! Would we be looking at being an already established disney hero/villain? Could it be descendent of one?
What is the posting expectancy? Once per day? Once a week?

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