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Fantasy Halloween Terror (Full!)


They say that a hero can save us
~ I will make the begin post once everyone has their character ready in the sign-up. ~

@StoneWolf18 @AlphaDraco @MrLlama @Verdas

Posting rules:

- Do not spam this RP; please wait until at least two other people have posted between your posts.

- Don't post more than twice every day -> a lot of people have school/work so they can't always keep up with everything.

- Write at least two paragraphs. Be creative!

- Remember that this is a dark RP -> Once everyone is in the other dimension, the fear and darkness take over the lightness of the Halloween party. Dark humor is allowed, but just remember that this is ultimately a serious RP. :)

- Try not to ignore anyone.

- Do not hurt or kill anyone unless you have permission of the RPer. This can be discussed in the OOC thread. Make sure you tag this person when you ask.

- Ideas, plot twists can also be discussed in the OOC thread. Make sure you check this tab every day if you can.
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Flashing orange lights brightened up the cold, dark night. It was a perfect moonless night; the clouds had driven off somewhere at the beginning of the evening. The mixed scent of rain and pavement still hung heavily in the air. A group of giggling children came closer and the lights revealed themselves to come from carved pumpkins. They were clearly handmade as there was no faces visible; only a few crooked holes stamped into them without much care. Kane smirked behind his scarecrow mask as the children glanced up at him and then quickly away again. Maybe it was a bit cruel to gloat in the fear of little kids, but it was still funny to see a fairy, a ghost and a tiny Dracula be afraid of him. They were going door by door to trick or treat; Kane, on the other hand, was headed for the Halloween party of town. A party where everyone that mattered was invited to. It was also the party where he would meet up with his small, but tight knit group of friends. He didn't have too many because of his... issues, but that was perfectly fine by him.

He didn't need to know the address to know where he had to go. Eary music was blasting in the distance and he only needed to follow the sound. And the lights, he thought, as he rounded the corner and saw the large suburban house decorated with thousands of small lights. Skeletons and gravestones were littered in the yard and bodies hung from the tree. It was a stereotypical decoration, but it was still amazing to see. If only you have enough money.

Kane stepped over red pubbles that were meant to be blood and walked up the pathway to the house. The front door stood wide open and he entered without much trouble.

Inside, the house was packed with zombies, vampire, witches, clowns and much more. Kane immediately snatched a drink from a table and began looking around him, trying to spot one of his friends. He hoped that at least someone was already here, because he hated standing awkwardly by the wall like a wallflower. He almost couldn't breathe because of the heavy scent of burned popcorn, fake blood and fresh cotton candy. Kane lifted his strawfilled hat and mask and freed his head momentarily in the open air. It was hot inside, but it felt like heaven to his hot face. Even though his mask covered his whole head, he still had applied some grey and green streaks over his face to create a zombie like skin.

"How could I ever think that this was a good idea," he murmered scoffingly as he realized he had been standing rooted at the same spot for several minutes.
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Corvus walked to the Halloween Party, having been invite by an old friend. The place was not far from where he lived, only being a 10 minute walk from there. Whether he went to the party or not, he would still be able to see the lights from his windows and hear the loud music that was starting to get annoying. He arrived there shortly, his ominous costume's length getting in the way just a slight bit and making it difficult to walk. It was pretty convincing for the children and younger people who saw him since his face was hidden beneath the hood, especially with how dark the night was, he looks pretty terrifying despite his hand-made costume.

The music was even louder, with lots of different lights. He didn't particularly like parties like this, if any kind of party at all. The only reason he arrived was because of the request of his friend. He leaned against the wall soon after he arrived, waiting for his friend to arrive, since [blank] said that he'll arrive a bit later. As he waited, he saw another person in a scarecrow costume, which appeared to be made of real straw. He observed the costume carefully. It was sure to scare off some kids. He didn't, of course, realise how similar they were, both of them regretting the idea of ever coming, looking for their friends.

The place was packed, filled with all sorts of creatures, even the ones that weren't as scary such as fairies and whatnot. He adjusted his grip on his scythe since it was starting to get sweaty. Deciding to get a drink and wait by a seat or something, he grabbed a random drink and walked to a chair, sitting down and taking a sip. It was repulsive, green in colour, and far too sweet. He almost spat the drink out but held it in. 'This... Is why I didn't want to come here...' He thought, as he put drink down and waited, not giving another glance at the cup of whatever the hell this green liquid was.
Vivian walked out of her front door in her costume, her stumic upside down. She could already hear the music. "This better be a good party," she said to herself. She didn't really like parties that much but her friend invited her, plus it is the biggest party in town. After 20 minutes of walking she arrived at the party.

Her ears felt like they were going to explode. "I'm so going to have a headache," she whispered to herself. She scanned the crowd. She didn't see their faces so she stood there for a minute and then got a water. She sat down a the kitchen table and waited. Sence she wasn't wearing a mask the would be able to know it was her.

@Captain and @Verdas
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Damnit, I'm behind. Elizabeth checked her watch to see she only had 10 minutes until she was supposed to be there. She supposed it truly wouldn't matter since the party was going to last all night long. Afterall, her makeup designs wouldn't look so good if she rushed them. The fishy, familiar smell of latex filled her nostrils as she placed some on small inch long strips of cotton, which was then placed over her lips and colored a dark yellow mixed with orange.. A quick check made sure they weren't too tight and would still allow her to speak. It would be a little difficult to attempt to eat and drink anything unless she had a straw but that wasn't on her mind. She picked up a few pumpkin seeds and put them into the latex. Some final strokes of her stippling brush and the makeup was done. Oranges, browns, blacks, and some light reds all came together to create her evil pumpkin design. There wasn't a real name for it yet but that part could come later. It took a few tries but she managed to get her smokey grey contacts in. All that was left to do was put on her claw-like gloves and then head out.

Another check of the time revealed Elizabeth was now 5 minutes late. Luckily the walk to the place wasn't too far off and she could make it in less than 15 minutes walking at her slowest. It would have been a lot faster to simply drive over to the place but she figured there wasn't going to be any parking, at least not any that was easy to find. Her earphones were placed in their according ear and music blasted through them as she walked towards the party. She got lost in her thoughts and didn't even realize she had already made it to the place. Music was playing and lights were lit all over. It was a little cheesy but she didn't mind. There were already a large amount of people and she couldn't find any of her friends outside so she entered the place. That only led her into an even bigger group of people. Elizabeth looked around before deciding to just wait near the door and hope one of her friends found her since she didn't really want to go around asking.

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